Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649849 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13590 on: Oct 17, 2018, 02:48 PM »
Good day everyone blue skies I saw this morning now cloudy weather guessers calling for rain later today winds switching from south west to north west rain might change to snow flurries. My BIL came up yesterday and help me move furniture to local ASPCA thrift store/consignment shop I might have someone who works at the shop interested in the sofa at house. We need to have cleaned out by end of next week.
Eddie think many of us in NY. will see frost tomorrow morning. May things go smoother with steps at mansion should be switching to indoor work soon as days get colder. Beagles and other dogs in the hound group can be noisy especially when they start  what is called breying .(howling)
Ice Wanderer assume you have more bare trees up in the ADK. any heavy snow fall down my way will cause problems. Hope deer activity increases by your blind.
Hunts2long a safe trip home for your daughter will be a big temperature change coming from California. May the tissue samples yield answer to wife's current medical issues.
Deerfishyfishy thanks for the photos , definitely looks like a repurposed boat motor on the moped.
Rgfixit stop by when ever you feel like it you seem busier then ever enjoy the harvest from your garden. Have fun with the wood shop projects.
Wallyworld a problem free trip to MA. for you tomorrow keep a watch out for "Black Ice" on your journey. Hopefully  when you return the ground will have dried out and you can get all of your lawn mowed.
Tom Turkey may no new problems be found once your wife's cast is removed I'm wondering what is causing her pain. All the best to your friends with their hunting . I'm sure Charlie inspires many people with his can do attitude.
Icefisher-45 see you started a thread looking for pro's-cons of "Medical Marijuana" may replies help you decide if this will help you deal with issues from your medical problems.
Whopper Stopper have a good hunt with your brother. Thanks for the video may one of those bucks give you a visit during shooting hours. Did you leave a bucket at the bait station looks like the bear is carrying off something to eat at a later time. Also see he is doing heavy scent marking or has a major itch.

A safe afternoon and evening to all. Best to all fishing and hunting this week.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13591 on: Oct 17, 2018, 04:01 PM »
Good prit near evening everyone!

I tried a few times to post today but finally gave up.

I am struggling to see my first deer while on stand. I booted one this morning an hour before light on my way to the big pine tree. After that it's been quiet except for a few shivers and lots of Gusty winds. Tomorrow is supposed to be 30mph North wind all day.

Lots of good BS'ing going on. I've been accused of story telling a few times, but then he gives me a line and we are back to the starting gate.

mr.clean that was a bucket. A guy gave it to me and it was split with frosting oozing out so I just threw it in the crib. I looked all over for the bucket but I couldn't find it lol

Glad to see all is well in the land of the 9:45. Hope you all have a good evening! Stay safe.

WW safe travels to you and Mr tomorrow.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13592 on: Oct 17, 2018, 04:54 PM »
The gal put a new cast on this morning. The wife's hand was angled to the out side in the original cast. My hands angle out but hers go straight instead. With the hand straight instead of angled out the constant pain is gone. Thankfully. She has to have it on until the 28th now. She now has a green cast to go along with her Irish heritage. Like I said before the gal that put on her cast's knows what she is g dong and very compassionate. When we walked out of the room I had her laughing so we got a weird look at a doctor that was passing in the hall.

The wife spotted an ice shanty for sale on a yard sale sight. The guy mentioned the name on the shanty was not him but that of a friend. He said it was a lake members name so he cold get away with trespassing on our lake to fish. The member that allowed this is a retired GR city cop that I have had unpleasant dealings with before. The wife is trying to figure out how to send the listing to a board member that we trust. I konw that a lawyer on the lake is letting a non member go across her property to get on the a lake to ice fish as the guy has bragged about doing it.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13593 on: Oct 17, 2018, 07:03 PM »
Good Evening, Everybody - I'M BACK - I had so much work this summer that it even now, I am behind with the jobs by 2 - 3 weeks; hope all are doing well - plenty to converse
     about as time passes - My check-ins will be in the evenings - Talk to all tomorrow - 'SALUTE'
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13594 on: Oct 17, 2018, 07:52 PM »
Welcome back Capt. It was good to see your post when I got on IS.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13595 on: Oct 18, 2018, 02:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  It's 33* as I type, temp. is dropping...first frost should be here any minute!!   NW winds are pretty steady 15-20mph, supposed to bottom out at 27 with a high of 38 I can plant my garlic for next season!  :roflmao:

  Capt.Jim...welcome back Sir! Sounds like business is very good, excellent. Looking forward to your reports!  :thumbsup:
  Tom...that's good news concerning your wife, glad the new cast did the trick.  :thumbsup:
  Marv...maybe today's weather will get those deer up and moving about. Best of luck to the both of you, be careful up in those ladder stands with the winds Sir!  :thumbsup:
  Steve...we had a few snow flurries mixed in with the rain here last evening. Probably won't  be too much longer before we get inside, but as long a it stays above freezing for the most part, we'll be outside. Glad you had some help moving the furniture. Thank you for the new word, breying...I'll put that one on the board today, we've got a few hound dogs on the crew!   ;D
  Wally...hope you and Mr.WW have safe travels today and a great time with the grandchildren!  :thumbsup:  Thank you for the update at the hatchery and the fishing, heard they had some fresh salmon moving in! 
  H2...good news on your wife, have a safe ride today. Imagine Monday can't get here quick enough, best wishes sent!  :thumbsup:
  Jeff..looking forward to your report, hope to hear that smoke pole went off yesterday!  Good luck today if hearing to the stand.   :thumbsup:

  Chalk up another win for the Red Sox, now lead ALCS 3 games to 1 over Houston....congrats to the Boston fans.
  Starting at 5 again this am, concrete at 6....perfect timing for the coldest part of the day...there will be some less than happy campers this morning.   :roflmao:
   Couldnt start the step job yesterday as the Gov. was we go again!   ;D.   Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13596 on: Oct 18, 2018, 03:16 AM »

                     Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                              It's a breezy 30* and I'm sure it will drop a couple degrees before sunrise. We had a dusting over night! ::)
                              Capt.Jim.......Welcome back to the morning addiction. I'm glad you had a productive summer :flex:
                              Tom..........It's good to hear that your wife is getting better. :clap:
                              Marv.........Oh the elusive white tail, they will drive you nuts sometimes. Better luck today. :thumbsup: I bet you and your brother have some good
                     B.S. to spread. lol :roflmao:
                             Steve.........With the high winds we've been having the last couple of days the leaves have been coating my lawn. :%$#!: I could do leaf removal
                     every day. :o
                             Wally...........I hope you have a safe trip to Mass. today. :thumbsup:
                             H2L..........You had a late night picking up your daughter and friend in Albany, did you run in to any snow squalls. ???
                             Well did you hear it, my smoke pole hit it's mark, I harvested a 120 lbs. spike yesterday around 2:20. now the work begins processing the deer.

                             I hope every has a good Thursday either at work or at play.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13597 on: Oct 18, 2018, 04:55 AM »
Good morning everyone, cooler this morning.

Ice Wander nice deer.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13598 on: Oct 18, 2018, 05:04 AM »
Morning all,

IW.....congrats on getting the shot   :flex: :thumbsup:

CapJ....nice to see you again sir  :)

Eddie....hope you pulled the winter woolies out of storage  :woot:

WS....better wear your seat belt today  ;)2  good luck

TT.....glad to hear the new cast has stopped the pain  :clap:

H2L....hope the late nite drive was uneventful   :)  bet the heater was on high for the ride home  ;D

MrC.....kudos for helping out the ASPCA  :bow: :thumbsup:

Currently 28*, not sure if we got any snow or not, haven't looked outside yet  :-\  will be hitting the road shortly, back home Monday night  :)

Have a good day and great weekend whatever your plans. Stay safe.

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13599 on: Oct 18, 2018, 06:28 AM »
Nice work IW! Congrats  :flex:
Eddie- too bad you couldn't run a jack hammer outside the bedroom window at the mansion every day. Then our illustrious governor might have a taste of how he makes most of our (non-cityiot) heads feel all the time!  :%$#!:
Hope everyone has a great day  ;D
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13600 on: Oct 18, 2018, 06:38 AM »
Good Morning. 31 with a breeze.
Trip to the airport went well. Got home in time to watch end of baseball game.
Capt. nice to see you back.
WW, hope you have a safe trip. Have a great weekend with the kids.
The Dr. called me when she was done checking out the lungs. She said the lungs look good but will know a lot more after lab work is done on the samples she took. She does know that the wife has a fungal infection that is being treated. Wife called me "early" this morning. She sounded the best she has sounded in a week. She said she felt very good.

IW, congrats on the deer. I can't believe how little activity there is over on MHF.

Still have not been able to get my weather station working right. May have to look into a new one.

Have a great day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13601 on: Oct 18, 2018, 07:39 AM »
GOOD by skeeters. 27* and clear this morning. First frost of the year and a good killing one to boot. No more frost for a few days. I picked up a couple big hubbard squash to add to all of the other things I need to get processed and in the freezer

Eddie This is the first time in a long while that the governor was in the mansion screwing up the crews plans. Where has he been? On vacation in the Bahamas!

IW Nice buck. Good eating size. If Michigan had muzzleloader season in October the bow hunters would have a hemorrhage. They want all the deer to themselves. They do not like our 2 day youth and disabled veterans seasons in September.  Plus the QDM guys think you should only shoot thirty pointers. This state is sad. I think that in the CWD zone I am living in you can use a centerfire duing the December muzzel loader season. The DNR finally went to publishiing seperate booklets for different hunting and trapping regulatons as findng what you were looking for was almost impossible as there were advertizements mixed in the regulations.

Sorry but I must voice my opinion of the ASPCA. I class them right along side Peta and the HSUS as antis. At one time the ASPCA was banned from soliciting funds in Michigan. They refused to provide a non profit organization statement to the state that shows where their money goes. Having been a trapper for most of my life, on the board of a state assn and running the biggest fur sale in the state I have a lot of experiance dealing wiht the antis. Hopefully the local ASPCA does not have to send the money they take in to the national organization like so many have to so they can do some good locally.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13602 on: Oct 18, 2018, 11:08 AM »
Broadcasting live from the old shop...way to go Jeff!   :clap:

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13603 on: Oct 18, 2018, 03:21 PM »
Good evening everyone!
Crap reception today but.....

Congratulations IW :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13604 on: Oct 18, 2018, 07:32 PM »
Good Evening, good evening, everybody - Temps. starting to drop off now, supposed to get frost here by the time wake-up arrives, hit hi 50's today, was very breezy with
     passing clouds - Ice is coming, just have to wait for it

I.W. - Nice one to start filling the freezer for the year - Way to go

Mason - Work consisted of 85% tile, 14% paint, 1% laminate flooring, those knee pads I bought, the $250 dollar ones, working them like crazy, my legs still feel like legs

W.S. - Was thinking about you when the tree leaned onto the house back in August, $1,00.00 for removal, new electric service, no damage to the house, thank the lord, trunk
      was 20 inches diameter, all the rain loosened the soil real good, eye witness said that it went over slow and easy

Mrs. W.W. - Grandkids doing ok, I take it? - Grandson in California is 6 months now and growing like crazy, trying to plan a trip out after New Year

H2L - I know being away I missed some things, sounds like you & mama are on the mend, good to hear

T.T. - N.J. is looking to do a bear hunt again this year, animal rights groups fuming, never ends

Melisa, stepdaughter#1 with kidney problem, is still recovering from complications caused by bariatric surgery back in April, she needed to lose weight for the second kidney    transplant, so she had the 'stomach sleeve' done, where they literally sew the stomach in half, it took a different surgeon to find the problem, now the original surgeon has to fix his 'mistake', needless to say, surgeon #1 does not want me to talk to him and EXPLAIN the facts of life to him

If I missed someone, forgive me, I'm just getting back and have plenty of catching up to do - Catch all tomorrow

Be Safe-Get ready to start Staying Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines & Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon

Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13605 on: Oct 19, 2018, 02:19 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  35* this am with lighter SW winds, high of 58 here today. well spent on those knee pads, glad they're still holding up and doing there job for you! Sory to read that about your step daughter, best wishes sent for a full recovery.   :thumbsup:
  Marv...hoping the weather as well as the deer movement has improved for you and your brother. Best of luck out there today to you both!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...not quite sure where the Gov. has been, but it sure seems our work schedules always conflict with each other, lol. Thanks for your input on the ASPCA, never heard anything from that angle before.
  H2...very good news on your wife, hope she is released soon.  :clap:  Best of luck if you're hunting today!   :thumbsup: might be best I bite my tongue on this one, but I'm nodding my head in agreement....thinking about 90lb. air hammers for some reason.   :roflmao:
  Wally...hope you had safe travels on the road yesterday, have a great weekend with the grandchildren! Did break out the Carhartt bibs yesterday!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...nice job on the spike horn, should be very good on the plate!   :thumbsup:

  Another 5am start and early quit today, sidewalks at 6. We got a start on the small job yesterday at the Mansion, will be heading back there right after the concrete is in again this am. With a little luck, ( assuming we're allowed in ), we might even finish it up today..the demo is done and the first course of stone is in.
  Saw first ice yesterday was on my truck, doors were almost frozen shut from the's a start anyway!   :icefish:   Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, bet of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13606 on: Oct 19, 2018, 04:00 AM »

           Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                   It's 32* and clear here on my hill and a high of 53* today. ???
                   Eddie......Early starts are good, early quits, but doesn't it take a toll getting up early? ???
                   Marv.......I would think the cooler weather would get the deer moving, it did here. :thumbsup:
                   H2L........That;s good news from the Dr. even more important that your wife is feeling better, that's a good sign. :clap:
                   Tom........One thing about New York We have some decent hunting laws and a long season to boot. The present governor hasn't gotten to them......Yet! :whistle:
                   DFF.........I agree with you about jack hammering under his window. When I worked we had a job in Boston, one particular time we were doing work
            on the route the mayor took to get to his office . We couldn't start until 9am so his drive wasn't disrupted by construction. We started at 7 so I got paid to wait. :blink:
                   Wally......I hope your visit is a good, did you do some baking before the trip? ???
                   Thank you all for the congrats on the deer, I got it all processed yesterday, except for the jerky. :whistle:
                   I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13607 on: Oct 19, 2018, 05:06 AM »
Good Morning. Heading out for NYC, today is wife's birthday so the youngest daughter and I are going down to surprise her. Looks like wife may be home early next week....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13608 on: Oct 19, 2018, 05:18 AM »
Morning all,

H2L....happy b-day to MrsH2L safe travels

CapJ....they sure do grow fast, enjoy whatever time you can get with him.  Hope your stepdaughter is feeling better soon

Eddie....any plans for heading north this weekend??

Kids are off school today so it will be a busy one around here.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13609 on: Oct 19, 2018, 07:04 AM »
A warm 46* this morning. That is a lot warmer than yesterday morning.

Capt I have heard about NJ's trouble getting a bear season over the years. Sad that the antis let their twisted thoughts get in the way of sound biological reasoning. Same here with the wolf problem in the UP. I have always thought some of the wolves should be live trapped and moved next to the cities in the lower so they could experience what the wolves are really all about.

It is sad that the surgeon screwed up the surgery on your step daughter. The wife had a sleeve done a year and a half ago. The doctor and his staff are great supporting bunch. The only major problem was she had to have her gall bladder removed 6 months later. She has lost  around 90 lbs. and holding. She has trouble eating right as she says that most food taste like metal.

IW I picked up  all of the booklets pertaining to hunting and trapping regulations the other day. The deer hunting regulations are so mixed up that I am sure some guys are going to get tickets because of how confusing they are. What you can shoot with different tags vary depending on where you are hunting.

I am glad I never had to work around politicians bad enough dealing with the bosses at one company I worked for. Didn't the mayors chauffer know how to detour around the work area. Did the mayor pay the company you were working for the money lost by them because of him.

Got to get on the move. The wife has BP clinch today at the senior center. I need to figure out how to lock up a room in the basement where or medical supplies that are given out to those in need are stored. Things keep disappearing. We think we might know who is doing it so that will put a stop to it. There will only be two keys to it.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13610 on: Oct 19, 2018, 09:34 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, looks like frost this morning and supposed to be in the 60s today. I remember last year seeing a lot of deer in back of my parents barn and down where the paddocks were. My parents land abutted conservation land. I hope everyone has a good day and a safe one whether your on the water or in the woods.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13611 on: Oct 20, 2018, 05:55 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  44* to start the day off, high of 57 today with a chance of showers. Best of luck to all the NY deer hunters  this morning hunting the Northern Zone opener.   :thumbsup:

  I-45...are you a Boston Red Sox fan? Congrats if you are and good luck in the World Series!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...I did some work at a Senators house one time, marciting (plastering) a gunite swimming pool. He was great to work for, very pleasant and interesting. We mentioned it was going to be in the mid 90's the day of the work and how important an early start would be beneficial, unfortunately there was a work noise ordinance in his area, 9am start on weekends. He went door to door with his neighbors and got their approval to start at 6am. Thought that was pretty neat.. :thumbsup:
  H2...what a great surprise that must have been for your wife, great job! Happy be-lated Birthday to your wife!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Wally...won't be heading Pulaski way this weekend, catch up around the house today, pumpkin patch trip with the family tomorrow. Hope you're having a great time with the grandchildren, best of luck to them if they have games today!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff... the early starts aren't too bad, my dogs are/have been on a routine schedule of going out about 3am, so they're usually my alarm clock, lol. I look at it as keeping me on time for whats most and hunting.  ;D.     Best of luck today to you and the boys if hunting the opener.   :thumbsup:
  Marv...looking forward to your report, hope the deer gods have been kind to you and your brother!   :thumbsup:

  The Mega Millions lottery game here reached a Billion $ here yesterday. 20 of us from the crew put in $10 apiece and took a 100 chances to win. My phone didn't blow up over night with the text messages, so I'm figuring we'll still be starting at 6am on Monday....damn! ...cawfee's on!   ;D
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13612 on: Oct 20, 2018, 06:01 AM »
Morning all,

Another hectic day on tap here, hockey and soccer games. Don’t know how anyone keeps up with this schedule full time 😁
Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13613 on: Oct 20, 2018, 06:19 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 48* and mostly cloudy here on my hill, showers are in the forecast, Thursday and Yesterday were picture perfect can't we get a week
               like that. ::)
                         Eddie.........You and the crew still could be winners in a lesser amount! ??? I'm not heading out today for the opener of regular firearm
               season. My wife came home yesterday and has a "Honey Do List"  :whistle:
                         H2L...........2 great surprises for your wife's B-Day. :thumbsup:
                         Tom...........In Mass. when working in the roadway you have to have the police as flaggers, the company has to request a detail and the officer does it on an
              off day. They make the rules and stay by them, we had no control! :blink: I'm sure my company did not suffer. They always made money.$$$ :blink:
                         Marv..........How are things in the woods at "The Shack"? ???
                         Wally..........I see you posted while I was typing, I hope you can get through this hectic schedule.
                         I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or at play!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13614 on: Oct 20, 2018, 08:10 AM »
Good Morning. I did not go out hunting this morning. The trip to NYC went fine. The wife was VERY surprised. The staff got her a cake and sang Happy Birthday. Looks like I will be going back on Monday to bring her home. Her breathing is back to normal but they do say she has a mild case of rejection that may have been caused by her body fighting off the fungal infection she had. They put her on 1000 mg of steroids for 3 days and will be on a lower dose for about a month. That will get me out into the woods, just to stay away from her. Steroids do seem to keep her on "edge". But it will be good to have her home. Scout is having a hard time with her not here.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13615 on: Oct 20, 2018, 08:31 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

Back home yesterday and will be heading back up mid week or so. We finally started seeing a few deer. My brother took a doe Thursday so he was excited. I had a couple by me and also a smaller 8 PT came by. Too early to cash the tag in. My favorite time for seeing bigger bucks is the week of Halloween , which I will spend full days in my stands.

Reception was terrible this trip so I could hardly make phone calls. I sure hope things get better next time I can get back to daily reports.

Time to start washing my hunting clothes and getting repacked for the next trip to the shack.

Hope you all have an excellent Saturday :thumbsup: Stay safe!



Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13616 on: Oct 20, 2018, 09:36 AM »
Time to start over I hit some thing and lost what I had typed. GRRRR!!!!! Speel check ot working this time so a double GRRR!!!! My mind knows how to spell it is my fingers that have a hard time spelling

41* with dropping temps and possible snow showers later on is the guess for today.

Today is the opening of pheasent season. To bad we do have any pheasents any more. If our firearms season opened now there would be a riot by the bow hunters. They have three months starting the first of October through December minus the 15th of November through the 30th for our firearms season. They can bowhunt the firearms season if they want, they just have to have orange on. If they had their way firearms season would be pushed into Decemeber so they would have all of the rut to them selfish selves. Talk about greed.

Years ago a woman came out of her house with a shot gun when we started shingling a garge at sun rise to beat the heat because we woke her up. We told her to keep the shot gun handy as we would be starting at the same time the next day so we would not tear up the shingles with the heat. She was another great customer so we thought it was just a joke, hopefully.

In Michigan the contactor supplies the flaggers, no need for the state police to make some extra money flagging adding to the  cost of a project. There is a two weekend Electrice Forest music festival in the early summer in my home county. Known as the Drug Fest by the locals.  The sponcers of the festival pay off duty state cops to do traffic control and security. I see that they finally arraigned a bunch of hard drug dealers, not MJ, they caught at the fesitval. I doubt they will get much responce from them as they came from all over the country to sell drugs. From NY City to Colorado. Luckily no one died their from Oding this year like normal but one guy has not been heard from since the festival. I talked to an EMT form across the state one time that worked the festival. He said he would never work it again as he was constantly saving some one from ODing. He got sick of dealing with the druggies.

ww Enjoy the time with the grand kids while you can. They grow up fast. We spent a lot of time going to our grandkids activities when they were in HS. Two of them are now spread across the country so we seldom see them. We sure miss seeing them.

WS We are waiting for another update on how your hunting is going. The youngest of my hunting buddy's called last night to tell me had shot a 6 pointer. Now he has to shoot a buck with 4 points on one side which I think he will be able to do.

H2l and WS I saw you posted while I was typing but went a head and did my post for fear of losing it.

H2L That is great news. I am sure the wife was surprised by your visit and the staffs cake and singing. The best news is you being able to bring her home on Monday. :clap:

WS It is good to see that the deer are finally showing up. The buddy I mentioned above has had the same problem with not seeing deer for quite a while. He had a blur on one of his cameras a while back. He is wondering if the blur was that of the cougar that shows up every once in a while. If you mention of seeing a cougar or a track of one on a Michigan site you get ridculed nastily. I told they nastys they need to do what I told a CO one time that I could not tell the differece between a dog and coyote track. I told him that he needed to put his feet on the ground and learn the differece. I told the nastys on the site to get off line and into the real world to get an education on tracks and open their eyes to what is around them.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13617 on: Oct 20, 2018, 12:51 PM »
Good day everyone I did not make notes so my apologies if I miss replying to some thing the one of you posted. Busy week coming up for me have to make numerous phone calls and do some final things before house closing at the end of month.
Capt.Jim welcome back hope you found some time this Summer to take a break from your busy work schedule. Glad the high dollar knee pads are keeping you problem free. May things get corrected so you step daughter can have the kidney surgery.  Hope you can get in a visit to see your grandson this Fall/Winter.
Ice Wanderer congratulations on your deer.  :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: Enjoy the venison ,still little color change and many leaves left to fall down here in SENY.
Eddie may someone in your company talk to Gov.'s staff and get things better coordinated so work on mansion gets done in a timely matter. I realize there is always a chance the governor may have to make a quick return to Albany from wherever he might be because of some unexpected event. I think he has two regional offices one in NYC the other in Buffalo .
Wallyworld you and Mr.WW try not to get worn down keeping up with all your grand children's activities . Hope you brought warm clothing with you gets chilly sitting outside and in ice rinks.
Whopper Stopper congratulations to your brother on his deer.  :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: May your patience be rewarded with the harvest of one of the bucks in your last video. I wonder if the bear brought the bucket to it's den. Do you carry any type of locator beacon device while hunting given the hit and miss phone service.
Hunts2long happy to hear your wife is coming home. :clap: :clap: :clap:Very nice birthday surprise by you and daughter #2 to make the trip for a visit also good work by hospital staff with the cake.
Tom Turkey given your trapping background understand your feelings about ASPCA my sister and I are just happy there was some place that would except furniture donation save us money on final house clean out so many organization no longer take furniture because of limited storage space at their facilities. IT seems there is always someone willing to help others gain entrance  to restricted fishing spots . Glad the new cast has your wife feeling better. Congratulations to your hunting buddy on his deer. :clap: :clap:
Icefisher-45 hope you had a good week and your thread on "Medical Marijuana" has given your knowledge need to decide if you want to give it a try. Be sure to check MA.'s regulations on possessing Marijuana and products derived from it.

A safe and good Saturday to all.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13618 on: Oct 20, 2018, 05:11 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope everyone had a good day. Finally going for a head mri on Wednesday. I looked at using medical marijuana and decided against it. I hope everyone has a good Evening.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13619 on: Oct 20, 2018, 08:25 PM »
Evening, Gang - More clouds than sun today, no rain - hi 50's p.m. - breezy

Mr. Clean - Nice to hear from you, Between my sister not feeling well, & my work schedule, not too much getting done on emptying our parents house, I know the feeling

H2L - As hard as this sounds, just try to do everything right so the wife doesn't 'snap' while you are in close range - while daughter #1 was in hospital, her dog was a mess
     because her 'mommie' was not around

WS - You'll get yours - yes, patience is a 'virtue', at least that is what is said

I have been trying to keep the weekends free to spend more quality time with my missus, but today was not one of those days, a tile regrout at a condo project in Asbury
     Park, the owner has other issues to deal with here, did a 'bandaid' fix, all I could do till he figures out what he wants to do

Hope All have a good day Sunday - sleep late, sports, dinner

Be Safe-Get ready to Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats- Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing


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