Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649814 times)

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13650 on: Oct 24, 2018, 07:53 AM »

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13651 on: Oct 24, 2018, 08:18 AM »
Good Morning. 34 degrees and a breeze.
Eddie, if we HAD won the wife was going to get a wing at the hospital named for her donor. I was going to hire a "handy man".
Got a roast in the crock pot this morning.
Wife is feeling pretty good this morning. We have the new dosage on her meds down pat. Only have to do the infusions every 8 hours but they will be complete on Thursday.
WW, still a lot of leaves on the trees around here and not much color at all.
Hope all is well with everyone, have a great day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13652 on: Oct 24, 2018, 08:33 AM »
Eddie I have no idea what I would do if I won that amount of money. My kids would have to deal with scattering my ashes as I would die of a heart attack. Not much of a chance as only I bought one ticket, which was the first lottery ticket I have bought in years. I did not match a single number. Did your group get $22.00 back again. I think there were 3 million dollar winners in Michigan.

Only time will tell if things got straightened out with my c-pap supplies and my diabetic shoes. I am holding off on calling their corporate office to see if it is straightened out.

ww Did your lawn get dried out enough to get it all mowed. Blowing leaves out of high grass is a pain. The guy out back ran his lawn sweeper and has a huge pile of leaves in the middle of is side yard. I am waiting to see what he is going to with them. Maybe going to try and burn them there that will kill the grass. Only a few leaves on my trees in the front yard but the idiot neighbors maple tree out back has not started to drop any yet.

Iff I have been on call for jury duty a number of times. I had to call in the night before to see if the trial was still on. I never had to go as our prosecutors over the years have been noted for plea bargaining charges down to a mild slap on the pinky finger.

If45 Hopefully the MRI shows a solution to your problems. I spent over an hour getting a MRI done from my bald head to the tip of my toes one did not show a bone spur that could have been the cause of my nerve jumps. I ended up on an epilepsy drug that minimized them.

IW I am waiting to hear how your sleep study experience went.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13653 on: Oct 24, 2018, 08:44 PM »
Good Evening, Everybody

Very stiff breeze today, got to the low 50's, but, it felt colder, sun was  in & out, rain for late Friday into all day Saturday with lots of wind

Mason - Other than 'woman's prerogative to change her mind at any moment', not bad for painting - keep working if lottery won, helps to fight boredom & keep me sane

Mrs. W.W. - Trees still loaded with green leaves here too, nothing of substance on the ground yet - grandson now uses dill pickles as teething tool, just like his father did

H2L - Glad the wife is home, it sure beats phone calls & the hike for visits, plus the dog is happy

I.W. - How did the sleep study Go?

I.F.F. - 'What was that'?

T.T. - It would have been a whole lot nicer if the supplies could be just ordered and picked up without problems, almost never the case anymore

45 - How did the back dr. go?

The home owner's wife at the painting job is funny , to say the least, start time is 9:15-9:30 when he leaves for work as a tax lawyer, finish time is when he gets home from 3:30 on, he wants to relax, so time for me to hit the road, today was play with moving furniture so she could replace an area rug with one that she liked much better than the old one, then go over painting scheme while they are gone for an overnight into NYC on Mischief Night and Halloween, plus other last minute  ' could you do this now, it will only take a minute' things, and that was even before a paint brush & drop cloth was taken out, she's happy because he says 'thx' when we see each other on occasion

Daughter #1 went to see the bariatric man yesterday(Tuesday) in Phila., at present no surgery to correct problems till after New Year, she has to build up strength after the stress & strain she just got done with this past go-round, as long as she is keeping food down, that is a good thing, rumor has it that this Dr. has had to do corrective on 5 others with the same problem as daughter, will be on top of this & in the front row

Here is a funny one - the wife goes to the dr. 2 weeks ago for a toenail infection she got at the pedicurist, getting off the examining table she slipped on the slipery floor and fell, when she landed she used her right hand to try and help cushion her fall, only she BROKE her right wrist, now we go to see the orthopedic, 'YUP, it's broke', 3 weeks in a hard cast, she is complaining about how the hard cast is too tight because the swelling still has not gone down yet, watching her get dressed in the a.m. is another train wreck waiting to happen, at least she is laughing at this part - never a dull moment with her

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats- Get Well Soon   

Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline Noon

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13654 on: Oct 24, 2018, 10:01 PM »

Here is a funny one - the wife goes to the dr. 2 weeks ago for a toenail infection she got at the pedicurist, getting off the examining table she slipped on the slipery floor and fell, when she landed she used her right hand to try and help cushion her fall, only she BROKE her right wrist, now we go to see the orthopedic, 'YUP, it's broke', 3 weeks in a hard cast, she is complaining about how the hard cast is too tight because the swelling still has not gone down yet, watching her get dressed in the a.m. is another train wreck waiting to happen, at least she is laughing at this part - never a dull moment with her

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats- Get Well Soon

The irony in this story is amazing
It doesn't sound that appealing to most people I talk to, but going out onto a frozen lake and staring into a hole for the day is my favorite thing to do.

Online mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13655 on: Oct 24, 2018, 11:43 PM »
Good evening, I have to call lawyer tomorrow and see if he has heard back from buyer's attorney closing is scheduled for next Wednesday. Still have some things to take care of before closing.
Capt. Jim sorry your sister has a hard time parting with things makes it harder to clear out your parents home. May your Wife's wrist heal correctly. Hope somehow your Daughter#1 can get her surgery before 2019.
Old Goat glad you got to spend a nice weekend with your daughter. All the best with her schooling this year.
Whopper Stopper good to hear your bug had a short life. I thought you might carry a beacon when hunting alone in case your had any type of accident and needed help exiting the woods.
Hunts2long happy your wife is home and new meds. doing their job.
Tom Turkey  hope you get your C-Pap supplies soon  ,how is your wife's hand healing.
Eddie to answer your question about the radon I had to correct the problem or give buyer a credit at closing to correct the problem. My sister and I choose to give a credit based on estimate we received to correct the problem.  Sorry your early retirement plans did not come through for you.
IFF how long is your jury summons in affect for  may you not get called and selected for another case.
Wallyworld glad your got home safely. I have same concern about leaves still on the trees down here in SENY .
Ice Wanderer all the best with your sleep testing. Hope you had a good day with your grandson.
Noon welcome to the thread please feel free to post on a regular basis.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13656 on: Oct 25, 2018, 06:02 AM »
Good Morning ER's 39 and cloudy forecast today. I'll have a cup of coffee and sit back today. Ya know it's almost first ice time

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13657 on: Oct 25, 2018, 07:26 AM »
27* this morning. We have been below average for highs for the last few weeks.

The wife's hand is healing pretty good. Her pain is about gone. She keeps threating to take the cast off. I told her I could cut it off with my side grinder if she wanted me to. She has a lot of things to get done for the up coming Craft Bazar she does for the local VFW post the first Saturday in Nov. She only has one table left to fill even though they added 10 more tables from last year. You would laugh to see her writing with the cast on her right hand.

If my C-pap supplies do not show up today I will be making a call to their corporate offices. I am afraid that medicare got notified that that I had gotten them so I would not be able to get them again for 3 months. I have been with this company since I started using a C-pap years ago.

Capt I just read your post about your wifes broken wrist to the wife. She told me to send your wife her sympathy. Watching her get dressed is is entertaining. At least I do not have to hook and unhook her bra any more.

It sounds like that lawyer never worked in the real world. He sounds worse than the NY govenor that Eddie has had to work around.  most of the summer.

A big Michigan Hunting and Fishinig site has been experincing some serious issues lately. The originator of the site, 15 years ago, sold out to a company that runs a lot of sites. He is stil trying to administer the site with no real help from the new owners. This company does not respond to any ones complaints. They are only concerned about making money. One guy made the comment about commng back to IS. I just hope that a  lot of members over their do not come over here as there are a lot of nastys over their.

Like Ihave said many times before. Ice Shanty is the best site on the internet!!!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13658 on: Oct 25, 2018, 01:29 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

48 with drizzle moving in by days end.

TT I totally agree with your statement that  "Shanty is the best site on the internet!!!" I see some squabbling within the walls from time to time, but the 9:45 is always a very enjoyable place to visit throughout the day :clap:

OG hope you are enjoying a day of relaxation :thumbsup:

mr.clean I hope everything remains on schedule for the closing :thumbsup: Fingers crossed for you!

WW hope you were able to get all your errands taken care of. Is Mr. WW getting set to return to deer camp?

IW hope the study went well and the woke you up to go home ??? Maybe you were sawing good enough that they decided to keep you ;D

Eddie I hope things are going well for you and the crew this week. Prit near the weekend :clap:

I had a couple of tree jobs to knock off the last couple of days. I have an old 036 Stihl  chainsaw that has been beat to death over the years and the last couple of outings it has acted up. The final straw was yesterday when I was forced to use my big saw to buck up a small tree. My B-i-l actually enjoys cutting wood and taking in sawing contests across the Midwest. He has been after me to ditch the 036 and pick up a Husky 562xp which is a mid sized twig whacker at about 60cc.

This morning I went to a shop in Minneapolis and picked one up. The sales guy was very accommodating and
when I pulled out some cash said he would knock an extra $100 off. It kind of surprised me because this shop was already at the low end price wise.

This saw will just be kept stock, unlike the B-i-l who has his ported and wearing a motorcycle  muffler. He said it's real nice having it tweaked a might as the cutting speed is increased as is the power. I told him I am retired so speed isn't important, plus saving money not buying rocket fuel has it's own benefits. Always a good time going back and forth with him as long as it stays even, otherwise his sisters stick up for him Lol

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe!

I am heading to my stand on Sunday.



Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13659 on: Oct 25, 2018, 05:30 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, it was a nice day today.
Whopper Stopper sounds like you got a good deal on that chainsaw.
 Tom Turkey you are right Ice Shanty is the best site.
MRI showed no sign of cancer or any abnormalities. Going to try some more injections in my back. Next step would be surgery which i’m Not looking foreword too.

I hope everyone has a great evening with the families. My wife is making us meatloaf sandwiches for dinner.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Noon

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13660 on: Oct 25, 2018, 09:25 PM »
i would like to add another " Ice Shanty is the best community around"
It is amazing how giving a place to talk for a bunch of crazy people who hike out through the snow in freezing cold temperatures and cut through ice into a frozen lake to stare into a hole for hours on end can result in such an amazing forum :)

I hope you all find some relief to any stressors currently present in your life and that good health and happiness are abundant to you and your loved ones.

It doesn't sound that appealing to most people I talk to, but going out onto a frozen lake and staring into a hole for the day is my favorite thing to do.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13661 on: Oct 26, 2018, 02:23 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  A frosty 29* here on the Hill this am, clear skies with a bright full moon, high of 45 today. Computer was acting up again yesterday morning....

  Noon...welcome aboard the 9:45!  :thumbsup: 
  I-45...congrats on the MRI results, that's great news! Hope the injections work for you Sir.  :thumbsup:
  Marv...excellent buy on the saw, well done!  :clap:   We've had a good week down at the job site, looking forward to wrapping it up today....even if the guessers are calling for rain all weekend.  ;D
  Tom...hope this years Crafts Bazar is a big hit, glad to read your wife is healing up, continued success!    :thumbsup:
  OG..I can't wait to hear my spud bar thumping first ice again!    :icefish:
  Steve..hope the call to the lawyer was positive and everything is still on schedule for the wishes!   :thumbsup:
  Capt.J...glad the painting job is going good, extra work = extra $!! Sending best wishes to both your daughter and wife, may they both get well soon Sir.   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...hope the hunting has been good if you've been out!   :thumbsup:

  There sure was a large presence of heightened security around our workplace yesterday from the recent pipe bomb mailings. Hopefully they get to the bottom of this...crazy world. Lots of talk about the " caravan " heading this way as well, can only hope that fizzles out before the 1,000 miles left is accomplished.
  Early start/early quit again today.... :thumbsup:   Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13662 on: Oct 26, 2018, 05:42 AM »

                   Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 26* and clear here on my hill with a high of 42* is expected.  ::)
                             Noon........Welcome to the morning addiction here on Ic :clap:e Shanty, you can't beat it, it's the best thread on the internet! :thumbsup:  :bow: :woot: :flex:
                             Marv.........Good job finding that shop, money talks, Show them the money and they will bend over for you! :thumbsup:
                             Tom..........I'm glads your wife's pain is just about gone. :clap:
                             Wally.........I hope you and Mr. WW were able to get everything accomplished. :flex:
                             To answer every ones question, the sleep study was one of the grueling test I've done. Too many wires attached to my head and body. It took
                   me awhile to fall a sleep Then I woke up at I don't know what time to pee, then I couldn't get right back to sleep. I didn't have a watch or my phone
                   to know where I was in time. I'm pretty sure I fell back top sleep at some point and then at 5:30 am the technician called on the intercom to tell me
                   that my test was over and did I want to sleep more or get the wires pulled off and go home. DUH. I went home. Results will come to me in about a month. :blink:
                   When I got home my wife had a couple of things for me to do then she wanted me to go to the store with her. About an hour out it was like I hit a wall
                   I was so tired and I made her drive to the other places she wanted to go and home. ??? I feel better this morning. :flex:
                             I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out in the outdoors!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13663 on: Oct 26, 2018, 06:05 AM »
Good Morning. 27 and no wind this morning. Yesterday it was very windy. I sat in the woods about 3 hours in the morning and the last two hours of the day.  Didn't seen any deer in the woods but did see a doe with 2 fawns where I parked my car in the morning. On the way home last night saw a very nice buck in a field. Lots of leaves still on the underbrush.

Woke up with a sore throat this morning. Just have to be careful around the wife. Wearing a mask to be on the safe side.

IW, I recall that the wife had a sleep test some time back and she didn't get much sleep either.

Hopw everyone has a good day...h2l

Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13664 on: Oct 26, 2018, 06:35 AM »
Good Morning everyone :bow:

The rain is still coming ??? I wonder why no one  listens to them.

IW I hope the test points you to better sleeping. My Dr. wanted me to take one but our insurance company I guess thought I was sleeping good enough. Out of pocket it would been $1500 and that would have cut into my minnow money ???

Yesterday when I was coming home from the jungle I saw an old timer raking leaves. He had a small cart and a big yard of oaks. I stopped and talked to him and he said his leaf sucker was in the shop and he needed to get the leaves done before the rain. I had a bigger tarp in the Buick and he had an extra rake so I helped him for a couple of hours. He was a hunter and was filled with stories from seasons gone by. He was bound and determined to pay me something when I left, and we finally settled on $3.00 ??? Looks like I will have to add him to the BS list this winter.

Not a lot going on today. I am getting a few meals put together for next week. The reports I am getting it sounds like the deer are starting to move some.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13665 on: Oct 26, 2018, 06:38 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....hope you shake the sore throat quickly & MrsH2L doesn't get it too  :-\

IW....can't imagine trying to settle down to sleep hooked up like that  :o  don't see how the test shows them anything that's really going on with someone  :blink:

WS.....good deal on the saw  :thumbsup:  MrWW is heading out tomorrow despite the forecast of rain everyday for the next 2 weeks  :%$#!:  good luck to you sir at the shack  ;)

Eddie.....definitely some crazies running around  :cookoo:  hope all stays safe in your work zone  :) is never something to take lightly, but living in constant pain is no good either  :nono:  hope you find some relief soon  ;)

MrC.....hope the lawyer had good news for you  ;D

CapJ.....dill pickles for teething  ??? :roflmao:  that's awesome  :clap:  wishing your daughter & MrsCap speedy, problem free recoveries  :)'s ridiculous how some forums turn into snipe fests  :nono: :wacko:  altho they can make for some funny reading at times  :woot:

28* and calm, 0% chance of precip, we'll see  :whistle: had snow on & off all day yesterday even tho they were only calling for cloudy conditions  :wacko:  went to camp yesterday, mulched/blew leaves, still a LONG way to go with so many leaves still green & hanging on  ::)  going to TRY to mow here at home today, not too sure if the ground's going to cooperate or not, still pretty soft  :-\  but between the grass still growing and all the leaves on the ground, it REALLY looks like heck  >:(

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13666 on: Oct 26, 2018, 06:41 AM »
WS..... :bow: :thumbsup: :clap: :flex:  you are the man, good going helping rake leaves  :bow: :bow:

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13667 on: Oct 26, 2018, 08:05 AM »
Good morning everyone, Loks like it’s going to be a nice day. Weatherman are talking about a Nor’easter this weekend with rain.

Ice wanderer, When I worked on a ambulance we transported a lot of people for sleep studies and the majority of them said they didn’t sleep well. Hope you get the results soon so you can get some good sleep.

Whopper stopper that was very nice of you to stop and help the old man rake his leaves.

Wally World they told me I would still be in pain even with the surgery. Definitely a great sales pitch.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13668 on: Oct 26, 2018, 08:24 AM »
WS That is great thing you did for the old man, The stories were probably worth doing it. I enjoyed the stories I heard from the WW11 vets when I was delivering newspapers when I was 10 made the job a lot more pleasant. I haul all of my leaves on a tarp. A wheel barrow does not hold many leaves. The 6x10 tarp has HD wire ties in all of the grommets. After I get a big pile of leaves onto the tarp I start putting the wire ties onto a big carabiner from one end. If the pile is not too heavy I just carry them over my back or I squish them in my wheel barrow and push them to my pile.

IW I told ya it was not fun. That seems like a long time to get the results. When the wife had hers they put here on a cpap in just a little while as she was stopping breating constantly. The last one I had was to see if I needed to go on oxegen. The tecnitian told me when i got up that there was no need to as my O2 level only went to low for a few seconds. The sleep center upped the preasure on my c-pap from the cloud one tme. I could not figure out why the mask kept breaing it seal. I called them to see why. They told me they had upped the preasure. I told them if they did it again with out telling me first there would be H to pay.

The tables for the Bazzar are all filled. Up to 48 tables this year from 36 last year. That is $960 for the post plus what is raised from some raffels and the kitchen. We went up to meet a woman to get her table registration in a near by town yesterday. We were parked in a lot where a man was shot and killed last week end across from a bar and restaurant. There is a huge memorial for the man in the lot. There were a lot of people stoppng to take pictures of the memorial. It is filled with those tall glass candles burning.

This week end is National Chocolate day. One the news they showed one of my favorite deserts my mom used to make. Chocolate wafer cookies buttered with whip cream and made into a roll then covered with more whiped cream with chopped walnuts. After sitting in the fridge over night the whip cream softens the cookies. To dream for. The narrow platter she put it on is in the cupboard. I guess I should make my self one after seeeing it on TV.

If45 I have had a lot of back injections. Since they were not sucessful for any length of time I had a neveve stimulator put in along my lower spine. It helps alot but is not the total answer. Still better than having major surgery. My bones are to soft to actually have it fused.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13669 on: Oct 26, 2018, 08:28 AM »

              Morn'in again,
                       My problem is actually my wife's problem.....I snore and I guess it's getting worse also she thinks I have sleep apnea. That's what the test
              will show. My neighbor has it as well and has a cpap machine and he claims that he sleeps better than before. We'll see.
                       Marv.......If you or your wife thinks you have the same problem then your insurance can't refuse to pay for it. Sleep apnea can cause
              heart problems!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13670 on: Oct 27, 2018, 03:39 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                        It's 32* and cloudy here on my hill the NorEsater is on it's way. ::)
                        Not much going on here except my #2 sons son is celebrating his 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Carson. :clap:
                        Yesterday I did another round of baby sitting one of my grand daughters, everything went well. :o
                        I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out!


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13671 on: Oct 27, 2018, 03:52 AM »
Good Morning ER's cool and calm here. Last nights bb game was a doozy

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13672 on: Oct 27, 2018, 05:40 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, OG, Morning Everyone,
  Waiting on the NorEaster to start any minute...33* and light winds, high of 37 today with rain and snow expected. Guessers claiming we might see 2-4" of snow here in the higher elevations...that could be a problem with all the leaves still holding.

  Jeff...that sleep study doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, but hopefully they can correct your problem...good luck with that!   :thumbsup:  Hope you have a great time at your grandsons B'Day party...Happy Birthday Carson!!   :clap:
  OG..saw they went 18 innings last night, glad to see the Dodgers got a win out of it....maybe get on a roll now.  :clap:
  Tom...I think it's great both you and your wife are so involved with the VFW and Senior Center, awesome! Hope the crowds come out and raise a bunch of of luck!   :bow: :thumbsup:, best wishes to you on your decision with the surgery, never an easy thing to do. Is the pain a result from nerve damage?
  Wally...came close to beeping the horn on my way through Rome this am, decided last minute against the trip up to Salmon River due to weather. Maybe in another week or two when the river has more steelheads and browns in. Good luck to Mr.WW today with the deer hunting!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...wtg helping out the older gent, bet that made his day seeing there is still good people in this mixed up world. Hope that new friendship continues to grow... :clap: :bow:
  H2...hope you're feeling a little better this am, better luck next time out. It's amazing how thick the woods still are around here as well with all the green leaves holding. Crossing fingers we don't get much snow today.

  Congrats to the Dodger fans on last nights game and getting their first win in the World Series. 
  Not a whole lot on the planner today, crappy weather for the next few days it looks like. One good thing from it will be helping to lower the water temps anyway..guess that's a plus.
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13673 on: Oct 27, 2018, 06:36 AM »
Morning all,

IW.....happy birthday to Carson  :clap:  how many grandkids do you have  ???

Eddie.....much like you, MrWW decided to change plans and stay home today thanks to the noreaster roaring into town  >:( 

TT.....hope the sale raises a ton of money  :flex:

OG....we'll see how last nites "double header" takes it's toll on the players tonite  :-\

IF45....guess it comes down to level of pain and quality of life, best wishes on the decision making  :) are you spending your Saturdays now  ???  :woot:

Windy, rain/snow mix turning to all rain later, just another day in paradise   :wacko:  did manage to get about 95% of the lawn mowed yesterday, only got stuck 2x  :flex: :clap:  guess it might be time to put the mowers up for the winter  ::)  still holding out on the boat and bike on the off chance we'll get one more nice day to ride or fish  :whistle:

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13674 on: Oct 27, 2018, 11:03 AM »
Morning all,

IW.....happy birthday to Carson  :clap:  how many grandkids do you have  ???

                Wally........I have 6 grand kids, 4 Girls 2 Boys. the girls are 3,5,6 and 12, the boys are 4 and 8.


Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13675 on: Oct 27, 2018, 11:27 AM »
WW, I'm just getting used to sleeping in without waking up feeling like I'm late for work! :woot: I'm down to a 3 day work week and I'm loving it!!!  :thumbsup: :flex:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Online mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13676 on: Oct 27, 2018, 11:59 AM »
Good day everyone winds and rain has arrived hope those of you in the North East at higher elevations and northern latitudes due not see any damage from Wintry mix weather this storm may bring to your respective areas. I got remaining furniture and some other items out of the house yesterday with help from 1-800-Got Junk . My sister hopes to come tomorrow and we will do some cleaning have to see what today's weather does hopefully no problems for either one of us due to the storm. Still think closing will be pushed back a couple days ,I have to make some phone calls on Monday to power company and other schedule readings on electric,oil,etc. as this all figures into closing costs.
Ice Wanderer please pass my birthday good wishes on to your grandson Carson. Does your total of 6 grandchildren include step grand children I know your wife has one grand daughter.
Whopper Stopper enjoy the new saw thought your BIL might have a lead on a modified "Hot Saw" formerly used on the pro lumber Jack circuit.  ::) :laugh:  Very nice of you to stop and help with the leaf clean up may it lead to a new friendship.
Icefissher-45 glad MRI found you cancer free, still wonder what is the cause of your head aches. Get multiple opinions on any surgery I have heard of many pros-cons from others with back problems. I believe you have a well know/respected medical center in the Boston area whose doctors might be of help to you.
Hunts2long may you sore throat resolve quickly and not be anything that will cause a problem for your wife.
Tom Turkey you and your wife sure keep busy between Senior Center, VFW and home owners assoc.  May the VFW craft bazar raise a large sum of money this year.  Have the C-pap supplies arrived at your door.
Eddie good day to prepare ice fishing gear for the coming season or work on the "Honey Do" list so you have more time to hunt and fish.
Old Goat I fell asleep around 12Th or 13TH inning of last nights game. Agree with Wallyworld will be interesting  to see how much it effects each team in the remaining games.
Wallyworld glad you were able to mow most of your lawn . Think Mr.WW made the right choice about hunting may he see plenty of activity on his next hunt.
Capt.Jim did you finish the painting. Hope your wife's wrist is feeling better. May this Nor- Easter not cause any major problems to your part of NJ.
OldSailor sounds like you adjusting well to new work schedule.

A good and safe Saturday to all.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13677 on: Oct 27, 2018, 08:19 PM »
Good Evening, All

The storm blew in after midnight here, more wind than rain, lots of leaves off the trees now, some branches, most of the flooding was low lying areas close to the beach area, some water front restaurants were closed because of the flooding, could have been worse

Mr. Clean - The painting job will be an on going thing till Christmas with her, late starts and early quitting times by her orders - the wife goes back to the orthopedic for x-rays on Thursday for the wrist, I'm sure another cast, maybe a soft one, will be in order, along with P.T., can't wait for this to be over

I.W. - When the wife had her sleep test done, she never did anything that she was supposed to afterwards, sent  the cpap back, still snores like a amped up chainsaw, that's why I need 2 fingers of Jim Beam before bed - Happy Birthday to Carson

O.S. - Nice having extra time for yourself, isn't it?

T.T. - Good Luck with the bazzar

Mason - Did you get any snow from this one?

Mrs. W.W. - Still pretty mild here with the temps. - this week we could see mid 60's during the day, low to mid 40's at night

Good Evening, O.G.

45 - We are starting to clear up, but still have a chance of rain tomorrow(Sunday) - Good Luck with whatever you decide

H2L - How are things going now that the infusions are done?

Had a bad night last night, couldn't get comfortable, the touch of sciatica on the right side didn't help, either, me thinks its time for a pill for tonite

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13678 on: Oct 28, 2018, 04:30 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Light rain falling and 38* this am, high of 45 today. Suppose to get a break with the rain about noon time for a few hours, then some more showers moving in.  Congrats to the BoSox fans, one win away!

  Capt.J...glad to read no major problems from the Nor'easter down your way. We had some freezing rain/snow mix for a short time yesterday am, but no accumulation to speak of here...just a raw wet day.
  Steve...hope you can wrap up all the loose ends with the house today/tomorrow, almost there now, best wishes!   :thumbsup:
  Mike...good for you with that 3 day work week and well deserved time off, enjoy the heck out of it!!   :clap: of luck to Mr.WW this am if he's hunting, think my sons are going to brave the elements this am as well. Good idea on holding off with the bike and boat, should be a few nicer days to come yet before the winter sets in. :thumbsup:
  Jeff...hope the B'Day party went well yesterday, congrats on 6 grandchildren GrandPa, that's awesome!   :thumbsup:
 Best of luck if you're hunting this am, did you get some tracking snow yesterday?

  Messed around with some of the ice gear yesterday, put another charge on some of the batteries as well as my boat battery. Might try to get an afternoon trip in this week with the boat if the weather permits, anxious to see what the water temp is and where the perch are hanging out at a local lake.
  Only a few more days till we flip the calendar again....getting closer each passing day now!   :icefish:
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13679 on: Oct 28, 2018, 05:40 AM »

                     Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 35* and cloudy here on my hill. a high of 42* with showers are forecast. ::)
                             Eddie........Not enough tracking snow to speak of, it started out as snow then changed to sleet then to rain. :(
                             Steve.......No I didn't count my wife's 3 grand kids, they would make it 9 all together, with 2 more girls and a boy. :woot:
                             Wally........I hope like Eddie said, there should be some more nice days ahead to get out on the bike or boat. :thumbsup:
                             OS...........Even though I've been retired for 8 years, I still get up around 4 am. When I went to Navy boot camp our company
                     commander told us sleep was a bad habit and he proved it. But since I've always gotten up early. :blink:
                             Marv........How's it going are you heading up to :the Shack" soon? ???
                             Yesterdays B-Day party for Carson went well, there were too many toys but that's what little kids want, not my $$ that I put in
                     his investment account that I opened up for each of my grand kids! :flex:
                             I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or at play!



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