Author Topic: Ice conditions, this time of yr please post county or don't post ice conditions  (Read 10657 times)

Offline wax_worm

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Wax, anyone thats been on here for a while knows exactly why you don't post allot of ice conditions. U have more or less said many times, why tell them let them make the drive and find out for themselves. It has nothing at all to do with them trusting your judgement, you plain just don't want to tell them if you know. Its like ur saying I spent my time and gas finding out so why should I tell.
The point u could never grasp is if someone lives 2 hrs away. Why should they have to spend 4 hrs on the road just to find out a lake's ice is no good. If I know I would rather tell that person and save them the trip, waste of gas and time. That is what helping is, you have said many times you want them to find out for themselves, thats not helping.

As for spreading the word that the bite is on some lake. I have no problem at all with people being tightliped, we've all did it. I agree why ruin our fishing spots with hords of people. Thats not what this thread was about. All this thread was about was because of the time of the year, if anyone post any ice conditions, that they also post what area. It was just that simple but sometimes people make a mountain out of a manhill.

Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth, but you can search every one of my posts and you won't find me saying what I bolded in your post above about wanting people to spend their gas and time to look, just because I did or I want to hoard information. 

It has nothing to do with wanting people to drive 2-4 hours JUST to find out if the ice is safe or not.  It is all about not relying on what some stranger says and making the decision to proceed or not with your OWN judgement or judgement from someone you KNOW and TRUST.  For me it really IS all about trust and using your own judgement.  Do you trust what random strangers say and do when your life could be on the line?  Why would you trust what I say or do unless you personally know me?  Are people that naive and trusting of strangers?  99+% of people on here have never met me, yet if I post the ice is safe they are going to believe it and drive hours to ice fish?  That is crazy. 

If I post I was on lake x this morning and the ice seemed ok, and it gets sunny and in the 50's after I leave, what if someone from indy sees it and they drive up the next day, you think they are going to be p!ssed off when they fall in and get wet or worse, because I said it was safe?  I am sure they will be happy as a clam and probably send me a thank you PM for 'helping' them and nearly killing them.   ::) If you don't have someone you know and trust to give you an accurate ice report or are not willing make the drive to check first and last ice yourself for your own safety, then you should get the boat out or go wading in the nearest river to wet a line if your only ice options are 2 hours away.

I realize you are trying to help people by posting ice reports.  Post all the ice conditions you want for those that are looking and willing to take advice from complete strangers,  just don't expect everyone to do it because they realize how doing so could be putting people at risk.


Offline FelixD

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  • R.I.P. Janurary 16, 2015
Man you guys are more wormy than when we are waiting on ice.............  ::) ;D @)
Politicians and diapers need to be changed for the same reason

Offline wax_worm

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Man you guys are more wormy than when we are waiting on ice.............  ::) ;D @)

LOL Felix.....There are 2 sides to every coin and this topic has valid reasons on both sides of why to post and why not to post ice conditions to keep everyone safe.

Offline Jigmup

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I certainly wouldn't want someone's injury or worse weighing on my conscious!
Never tell a fish where its supposed to be

Offline FelixD

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  • R.I.P. Janurary 16, 2015
I certainly wouldn't want someone's injury or worse weighing on my conscious!
X 2!!!

I do not think posting Ice conditions during ice off is a good idea. Way to many variables.  I have and will post Ice conditions as the ice is building as its more predictable. And even then its  a body I know, and I will usually put in a safety factor. I also have and will share conditions via PM's. PM;s lets me conceder who I am giving the report to so I could be somewhat more accurate. Hey fellars what a season we have had. If your still on ENJOY................  @)
Politicians and diapers need to be changed for the same reason

Offline Bronzeback5

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This thread sure could use Rico's expertise

Offline brink

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This thread could sure use a Xanax  :P
That's some tasty iced tea.

Offline Fish_Tko

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im on my way!!!! gonna look like 'magee marsh road' comin down rte 6 this afternoon. ;)

I fished Saturday after noon and the Magee Marsh road didn't have the stack of vehicles that it did the 5 weekends before. There were probably only 80 of us out there, but they were still biting. ;D
There is only one theory about angling in which I have perfect confidence, and this is that the two words, least appropriate to any statement, about it, are the words "always" and "never."

Offline chevy hillbilly

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I certainly wouldn't want someone's injury or worse weighing on my conscious!

idiots are born every minute, trying to accept responsibility for said idiots is just asking for a visit to a shrink. Where i come from, im responsible for my own actions...
if i tell you the fish are on fire at lake "X", and you show up a day later, and the wind is blowing 70mph, and your jon boat sinks, should i feel responsibility?

you can thank the chick who sued McDonalds because her coffee was hot, for this mentality.

Offline RoeBoat

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idiots are born every minute, trying to accept responsibility for said idiots is just asking for a visit to a shrink. Where i come from, im responsible for my own actions...
if i tell you the fish are on fire at lake "X", and you show up a day later, and the wind is blowing 70mph, and your jon boat sinks, should i feel responsibility?

you can thank the chick who sued McDonalds because her coffee was hot, for this mentality.

Agree!  Time to use some common sense.  We all know its ice!  Just because someone says 14", I believe most if not all of use know it's not 14" everywhere on the same lake.  I was on a lake with flow back when it was cold and went from 14"-4" in 10'.  I've been watching a muskrat work a hole on Sylvan the last week that I'm sure is most likely 5' across by now, watch out if your one of the guys driving the atv's around!!!

Offline musky8it

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Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth, but you can search every one of my posts and you won't find me saying what I bolded in your post above about wanting people to spend their gas and time to look, just because I did or I want to hoard information. 

It has nothing to do with wanting people to drive 2-4 hours JUST to find out if the ice is safe or not.  It is all about not relying on what some stranger says and making the decision to proceed or not with your OWN judgement or judgement from someone you KNOW and TRUST.  For me it really IS all about trust and using your own judgement.  Do you trust what random strangers say and do when your life could be on the line?  Why would you trust what I say or do unless you personally know me?  Are people that naive and trusting of strangers?  99+% of people on here have never met me, yet if I post the ice is safe they are going to believe it and drive hours to ice fish?  That is crazy. 

If I post I was on lake x this morning and the ice seemed ok, and it gets sunny and in the 50's after I leave, what if someone from indy sees it and they drive up the next day, you think they are going to be p!ssed off when they fall in and get wet or worse, because I said it was safe?  I am sure they will be happy as a clam and probably send me a thank you PM for 'helping' them and nearly killing them.   ::) If you don't have someone you know and trust to give you an accurate ice report or are not willing make the drive to check first and last ice yourself for your own safety, then you should get the boat out or go wading in the nearest river to wet a line if your only ice options are 2 hours away.

I realize you are trying to help people by posting ice reports.  Post all the ice conditions you want for those that are looking and willing to take advice from complete strangers,  just don't expect everyone to do it because they realize how doing so could be putting people at risk.

Wax this is my observation. I have read enough of your stuff to know what you say may not be what you truely feel. U may say its about trust, but thats just a front. Its all about "you did you own homework" and your're not sharing. "Do ur own homework" is ur real reason. And thats ur right, to not share. But please don't blow smoke in our eyes and say its all about trust. It is ok to admit u don't want to share ice condtions because that would envolve telling the lake's name too. We all know you don't want to give out the names of lakes u fish, and thats ur decission, I'm ok with that.

I'm not talking about early/late ice either, I'm talking about dead of winter when ice is hard as a rock, even then u still don't give ice condition out. Why?, As stated above I feel the reason u don't is u don't want to share the lake u just fished, for fear a mob will be there the next day. So please lets just get off the excuss of not wanting to give out condition because of trust. I am sorry to say but that excuss is not believeable. Especially in the dead of winter when ice is as hard as it gets.

just don't expect everyone to do it because they realize how doing so could be putting people at risk.
Ur wrong, not reporting puts people at more risk than reporting. Whether its ice conditions, weather, road condition, etc. reporting conditions is always better than not reporting.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline rico

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This thread sure could use Rico's expertise


Here is my take on the conversation.  I see both sides of the "coin".  Honestly it is no different than early ice.  Guys want to know where they can fish.  It happens at the end of the season as well.  Personally, if I still got the bug come the end of the season(which I have year 'round), I just start heading north until I find something that I feel safe with.  As with early ice, late ice can be just as perilous.  There is no "cure-all" for not having experience when dealing with either.  Never take the word of someone that you don't trust concerning what is safe and what isn't.  My stance has always been to be honest when talking about said conditions.  I don't want anybody to get hurt, but it aint my job to hold a stranger's hand either concerning the danger level that might possibly exist via the internet.  Guys, it is a forum discussing fishing.  No more, no less. 

One thing I have learned in the years I have been here is....who to trust.  I value certain members posts over others.  That might sound condescending or arrogant, but it is not meant to be.  There are plenty of guys here that do it the same way I do, time has taught me to pay attention to what they are saying.  If Waxie says the ice aint safe in his area, it means the ice aint safe in his area....because rest assured he has done his homework(or legwork I suppose!).   If Bret says the ice aint good on Winona, then the ice aint good on Winona.  If npike5 reports there is 4" of ice on Wawasee.......then I will go check it myself!

Use your heads out there fellas.  Be safe and sure as heck stay topside! ;)


Offline sprkplug

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Owen county ice report......none.  All open water. 48 degrees on the surface as of last night. Probably 50-54 degrees right now.

How's that? Detailed enough? I can't help but think that there are some folks on here that cannot be satisfied one way or the other.

Offline musky8it

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This thread has gotten way out in left field. Does anyone realize why it was made?

It was not made to get people to share what they know.
It was not made to get people to devulge their hot spots.
It was not made to joke about or make light off.
It was not made to argue about sharing.
It was made to maybe save a newbee or kids life who is fresh to the IS site. If U don't care then DON"T FREAKEN POST TO THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did I make this thread. Its end of ice season and in several threads I read peoples post about how the ice is safe, edges are good, we got 14" of ice, etc, etc, etc...............But most people do not say what lake. So who knows what lake they are talking about. Veteran Icefishermen know the ropes and what its about but newbees don't. They may not realize that just because one lakes ice is ok, that anothers is not.

Here comes 18 yr old Johnny to this site, he knows absolutely NOTHING about icefishing but he loves to fish. He has seen people all winter icefishing but never had any equipement. He finally scrapes enough money together to buy some icefishing gear and comes this site for help/info.
He reads several post how the ice is ok, edges are still good, etc.,etc, etc, but names of the lakes are not shared. Since he read post that ice is good here, edges are ok, he figures the lake 5 miles down the road should be ok. He drives there, no ones else is fishing but he can see old holes out on the lake so he takes off. He get about 100feet out and falls thru, its deep over his head, no ones around, his story is over.

Maybe the state should put up signs at all our lakes saying.
This in not the time of year for a newbie or greenhorn to be on the ice.  Everyone is responsible for their own actions regardless of experience or what they hear.  If you don't know what you are doing, stay home.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline wax_worm

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Wax this is my observation. I have read enough of your stuff to know what you say may not be what you truely feel. U may say its about trust, but thats just a front. Its all about "you did you own homework" and your're not sharing. "Do ur own homework" like u did is the real reason. And thats ur right, to not share. But please don't blow smoke in our eyes and say its all about trust. It is ok to admit u don't want to share ice condtions because that would envolve telling the lake's name too. We all know you don't want to give out the names of lakes u fish, and thats ur decission, I'm ok with that.

I'm not talking about early/late ice either, I'm talking about dead of winter when ice is hard as a rock, even then u still don't give ice condition out. Why?, As stated above I feel the reason u don't is u don't want to share the lake u just fished, for fear a mob will be there the next day. So please lets just get off the excuss of not wanting to give out condition because of trust. I am sorry to say but that excuss is not believeable. Especially in the dead of winter when ice is as hard as it gets.

Is your observation through beer goggles?  ??? The smoke in your eyes is probably from your e-cig.  You could find no proof of what you accussed me of saying so now you have just made up your own theory and become clairvoyant and know exactly my reasons for doing what I do without ever meeting me in person.  You are really trying hard to make me look like a bad guy, but you need to try harder.

I explained why I don't give ice reports and several others have agreed with my reasoning, but you are smarter than all of us and we are all just information hoarding, selfless b@$t@rds, right?  Believe what you want it is quite entertaining to read like the trash thread from last year when you went nuts.  If you actually knew me and where I fish (its not a secret) you would know I am often fishing in a crowd of 10-40 people.  I don't hide in a shanty and I help people on the ice when I can, show them what is working if they ask, drill holes for older fishermen, show people that don't have vex how they work, and even put people from this site on fish and parking areas thru PMs.  But you know better than I, and I don't share anything.   ::)  I also fish 100% public water.

Why would I or anyone else give ice reports in the dead of winter when people are driving  full size trucks on lakes?  Do you really need people on here to tell you how much ice there is once we get past 8" in on most lakes in the middle of January when we have temps 10 degrees below zero?  Who is even asking for ice conditions in the dead of winter?  I don't give them first ice, mid ice or last ice, and I gave my valid reasons why.  I don't use this site for ice conditions, so why would I post ice conditions?  No one should take advice from strangers on ice conditions, period.  I was taught to always check for myself and that is what I do.  You don't have to like it or agree with it, but you don't have to be an a-hole about it either.

You simply don't like my reasoning because it does not agree with your original post so you have your panties in a ruffle and have gone off the deep end once again.

Offline wax_worm

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Here comes 18 yr old Johnny to this site, he knows absolutely NOTHING about icefishing but he loves to fish. He has seen people all winter icefishing but never had any equipement. He finally scrapes enough money together to buy some icefishing gear and comes this site for help/info.
He reads several post how the ice is ok, edges are still good, etc.,etc, etc, but names of the lakes are not shared. Since he read post that ice is good here, edges are ok, he figures the lake 5 miles down the road should be ok. He drives there, no ones else is fishing but he can see old holes out on the lake so he takes off. He get about 100feet out and falls thru, its deep over his head, no ones around, his story is over.

Maybe the state should put up signs at all our lakes saying.
This in not the time of year for a newbie or greenhorn to be on the ice.  Everyone is responsible for their own actions regardless of experience or what they hear.  If you don't know what you are doing, stay home.

I thnk Chevy hillbilly described Johnny on page 2 of this thread.

Offline Underdog67

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Musky, in all honesty I would say "Johnny" is an idiot.

Offline musky8it

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I said in here u don't post condition because that would involve telling the name of the lake u fished. Nothing wrong with that. The 10-40 people you fish around aready fish that lake so they are already there. Ur not worried about them knowing where ur fishing, its the lurkers on here ur worried about. If you posted ice condition on IS there may be 100 people there the next day instead of 10-40, that's why u don't post condition. And anyone can understand that, I do.
Get upset and go nuts if you want. But why do u expect everyone to believe ur "trust strangers" excuss, U are not a stranger in here. U post in here enough that everyone would trust ur word if you post any ice conditions and u know it. Why would people not trust ur judgement, I would.

Its ok to say, " ok guys I don't post allot of ice condtion because I just don't want to share my hot spots ". Most would understand and aggree.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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THE POINT TO THIS THREAD, IS THAT GUYS ARE SAYING OH YEA I HAVE THIS MUCH ICE, EDGES ARE TIGHT, FISH ON. WELL THATS NOT THE CASE, AS PROVEN ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD, A PATRON IS SIMPLY ASKING THAT IF UR GOING TO POST ON UR DAYS ADVENTURE, DONT POST ICE CONDITIONS IF NOT POSTING THE LAKE, JUST POST ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE FISH AND MAYBE SOME TECHNIQUE BEHIND IT. IF WORD GOES AROUND THAT THIS COUNTY LAKES HAS GOOD ICE, (ALL LAKES ARE DIFFERENT) THEN A NOVICE VENTURES OUT AND GETS HURT OR WORSE. HE IS SIMPLY TRYING TO PREVENT SUCH ACTIONS FROM HAPPENING. HE ASKS THAT U POST UR CONDITIONS WITH CLOSE PROXKMKTY OR DONT GIVE CONDITIONS CAUSE CONDITIONS CAN VARY DRASTICALLY, WAX AND MUSKY ARE AGREEING TO AN EXTENT THROUGH THE FINE LINES HERE. some ppl are taking this thread as a joke, and shame on them, this is dangerous stuff we are getting into, should a novice be alone? NO! can they end up alone, YES! this thread is an attempt to prevent a situation. lets use it to the best we can and help one another and the young or inexperience to come. we all starged out green, lend a helping hand and thing outside ur own jig box!! act like a bull gill in the dead of winter here, study HARD before you 'maybe' open up. good luck ppl. STAY SAFE!! use judgement, use proper gear and use a buddy system. there is a p.m. feature to use if you dont care to 'burn' ur honey hole. this time of year ppl are traveling roads checkin lakes for descent ice, they see u out there, they now know about ur 'honey hole' worse yet, they access a different way and they are in danger, and HOPEFULLY the fisherman on the ice comes to help out instead of leaving him hang by his elbows like this thread is doing.
Got one goin'!

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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Musky, in all honesty I would say "Johnny" is an idiot.

a young kid is an idiot just like all lakes north of rte 30 are 'safe' i suppose??!
Got one goin'!

Offline musky8it

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Musky, in all honesty I would say "Johnny" is an idiot.

Maybe not an idiot, but nieve. Believe it or not, kids now days do not have the commom sense kids of older days had. Allot of young kids are nieve to whats happening in the world around them and the dangers out there.  Thats why its important to guide them with knowledge. Thats where IS come into play, sharing  knowledge.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline Underdog67

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a young kid is an idiot just like all lakes north of rte 30 are 'safe' i suppose??!

As are all of the lakes north of US 6?  Back off.

Offline Underdog67

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Maybe not an idiot, but nieve. Believe it or not, kids now days do not have the commom sense kids of older days had. Allot of young kids are nieve to whats happening in the world around them and the dangers out there.  Thats why its important to guide them with knowledge. Thats where IS come into play, sharing  knowledge.

I can appreciate that paragraph.  However, if it is up to the internet world to guide our youth...this country is in trouble.

Offline musky8it

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THE POINT TO THIS THREAD, IS THAT GUYS ARE SAYING OH YEA I HAVE THIS MUCH ICE, EDGES ARE TIGHT, FISH ON. WELL THATS NOT THE CASE, AS PROVEN ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD, A PATRON IS SIMPLY ASKING THAT IF UR GOING TO POST ON UR DAYS ADVENTURE, DONT POST ICE CONDITIONS IF NOT POSTING THE LAKE, JUST POST ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE FISH AND MAYBE SOME TECHNIQUE BEHIND IT. IF WORD GOES AROUND THAT THIS COUNTY LAKES HAS GOOD ICE, (ALL LAKES ARE DIFFERENT) THEN A NOVICE VENTURES OUT AND GETS HURT OR WORSE. HE IS SIMPLY TRYING TO PREVENT SUCH ACTIONS FROM HAPPENING. HE ASKS THAT U POST UR CONDITIONS WITH CLOSE PROXKMKTY OR DONT GIVE CONDITIONS CAUSE CONDITIONS CAN VARY DRASTICALLY, WAX AND MUSKY ARE AGREEING TO AN EXTENT THROUGH THE FINE LINES HERE. some ppl are taking this thread as a joke, and shame on them, this is dangerous stuff we are getting into, should a novice be alone? NO! can they end up alone, YES! this thread is an attempt to prevent a situation. lets use it to the best we can and help one another and the young or inexperience to come. we all starged out green, lend a helping hand and thing outside ur own jig box!! act like a bull gill in the dead of winter here, study HARD before you 'maybe' open up. good luck ppl. STAY SAFE!! use judgement, use proper gear and use a buddy system. there is a p.m. feature to use if you dont care to 'burn' ur honey hole. this time of year ppl are traveling roads checkin lakes for descent ice, they see u out there, they now know about ur 'honey hole' worse yet, they access a different way and they are in danger, and HOPEFULLY the fisherman on the ice comes to help out instead of leaving him hang by his elbows like this thread is doing.

Tks u very much ND, I appreciate your words. Finally someone understands exactly why I made this post. It has absolutely nothing to do with sharing ur hot spot lake or trusting a stranger. This thread is all about keeping it simple, if you can't post ur lake then don't post any conditions.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline musky8it

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I can appreciate that paragraph.  However, if it is up to the internet world to guide our youth...this country is in trouble.

Unless you live in the wilderness or live totally of the land, then ur survival relies on the internet. Its sad that the world can not survive without the internet but its true. I like the old days before the internet, the world I think was happier and safer.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline sprkplug

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The way I see it, it's impossible to make ice fishing "safe." Ice conditions vary from one spot to another ON THE SAME LAKE..... The only way it would work is if you posted gps coordinates for the spot you were fishing, insisted that fellow anglers followed your exact trail out to the spot, made sure that variables such as current, air and water temps, gas disharge off the bottom, etc. all remained a constant, weighed each angler to make sure they weighed just what you did......the list could go on forever.

There are simply too many variables involved. Musky's idea is a good one, but I think it's impossible to implement safely, greenhorn or not. Somewhere, you would need to make allowances or d that's when trouble happens. What's safe right now, for you, might not be safe an hour from now. Posting the lake is not a guarantee of safety. Ice fishing has always been an "at your own risk" type of endeavor.

Offline Underdog67

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Wow. I guess the fishing reports will start drying up by that criteria.  Heck, I don't care.  The day I need a fishing report from this site is the day I will lay down my rods.  :o

Offline Underdog67

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Unless you live in the wilderness or live totally of the land, then ur survival relies on the internet. Its sad that the world can not survive without the internet but its true. I like the old days before the internet, the world I think was happier and safer.

Whoa, my survival doesn't depend on the internet.  Nobody's should.  If you feel that way then something is wrong.

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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As are all of the lakes north of US 6?  Back off.

i never once stated all lake north of rte 6 are safe! thank you rather much. i havent posted any lake is safe asa matter of fact, but i did post about a lake i seen wasnt 'safe'. no lakes are safe! i did post on conditions of the thaw and rotting ice ive been seeing. i threw that jab at you as to get a point across, one of the points to this thread. ur observation on lakes north of rte 30 was made while at an armchair. and i countered your theory with an eyes on observation. then, i made the comment in regards to the fact 'johny is an idiot' how do any of us no this. everyone without experience is an idiot??! u had no experience at one time in life, does that make you an idiot??! i think not. there are a ton of lurkers on here and a ton of beginer/novice members on here. musky, myself and a few others are just trying to reach out and help. isnt that apart of our conservation, to help, teach then endulge?! once armchair rulings stop, i will gladly back off, this isnt just you. does any of this mean i KNOW ALL to icefishing and the guidelines..LORD NO!! but i surely can steer ppl in the right direction with care and generosity behind it. ive helped ppl get on lake erie this year, one of the MOST dangerous waters around, and others have sent p.m.'s wanting the same info, but in my best regards i did what i could to keep them off the ice or have all gear needed and follow me or another out. some guys backed off when they realized the gear needed. other guys dropped a dime, came out, settled in and went on their own and i kept in contact with them throughout the day, watching over due to comfort of their knowledge of big waters. but i certainly NEVER made a guess at ice from a distance away behind a computer, AT THIS TIME OF YEAR.
Got one goin'!

Offline musky8it

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idiots are born every minute, trying to accept responsibility for said idiots is just asking for a visit to a shrink. Where i come from, im responsible for my own actions...
if i tell you the fish are on fire at lake "X", and you show up a day later, and the wind is blowing 70mph, and your jon boat sinks, should i feel responsibility?

We're talking about ice condition safety not how hot the bite is, big differance. Yes there is lots of idiots in this world. Just because someone is nieve or not knowledgible doesn't make them an idiot. Bullies tend to prey on people like that and make fun of them. It takes a certain type of person that cares to know the differance. Posting ice condition without posting date fished and the lake is irresponsible.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."


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