Author Topic: Ice conditions, this time of yr please post county or don't post ice conditions  (Read 10656 times)

Offline musky8it

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All winter people come in here and post ice thickness and all the fish they are catching but they do not post what lake it was, so most people have no idea what lake or area in Indiana they are posting conditions for. I have no problem with that.

But this time of yr if u r going to post ice condition u need to at least post the county the lake is in, just don't say Northern Indiana thats to vague. If you can't at least post the county, then its best not to post any condition at all.

Here's why? Some newbee or greenhorn may read where someone posted the ice is safe, still 14" of good ice. Since they're greenhorns they don't realize a lake on the Mich/Ind border is going to safer than a lake further south. So they go out, fall thru, and maybe drown. For that reason people who post ice condtions this time of yr need to at least post the county. The actual lake would be best but I understand some people just don't like to share that.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline Underdog67

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This time of year is just like "first ice".  You really cant put too much out there or what was safe ice wont be if the "hoards" gravitate to what was posted.  I notice you are from Logan, so you are counting on "northern" guys to tell you where there is safe ice.  It doesn't always work that way, greenhorn or not.  I will say that as of now, any ice N of US 30 is completely safe.  Edges are going, so be prepared for that.  Should be fishing for another couple of weeks.......the boys in the NE corner will be fishing into April.

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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This time of year is just like "first ice".  You really cant put too much out there or what was safe ice wont be if the "hoards" gravitate to what was posted.  I notice you are from Logan, so you are counting on "northern" guys to tell you where there is safe ice.  It doesn't always work that way, greenhorn or not.  I will say that as of now, any ice N of US 30 is completely safe.  Edges are going, so be prepared for that.  Should be fishing for another couple of weeks.......the boys in the NE corner will be fishing into April.

THERE IS NEVER 'SAFE' ICE, LETS TEACH THE GREENHORNS THIS FIRST! all ive north of 30 isnt in good condition. i was just by wolf lake, the launch is open and docks are open, around the island is open. im sure the maizzo is getting weak. again as musky stated. north of or norh part of... that is all to vague as the example i just gave shows in comparison to ur statement. this is exactly what musky is trying to keep away from. it is time for everyone to get on their toes as to why i posted a thread the other day of similiar thoughts and concerns and had given some ideas. this time of year fish will start biting all over so u dont have to hit the 'honey hole' what im getting at is if someone wants to team up with you and learn, if you feel you have the experience and ability to twach and have faith in each other. team up hit a lake and have fun, doesnt mean u have to hit ur honey hole. u can take someone to within 100 yards of ur honey hole and they may never even know it. ive done it. MAKE NO MISTAKES AND POST ACTUAL REPORTS THIS TIME OF YEAR. NO NEED FOR THE ARMCHAIR RULLING THIS TIME OF YEAR. was i on wolf lake?.. no, but i drove past it and sure had my eye on the lake, as to me saying well im sure all lakes north of 30 are in good shape. ALL lakes are different,ice on or off AND during the peak of season. folks, no messing around this time of year. as musky said, a county mentioned would be nice, a lake name even better, but maybe at least the quadrant of a county. lets help each other here and this site is just for that! stay safe ppl, if anyone is interested in meeting up and using buddy systems and maybe teaching each other stuff, feel free to send a p.m.
Got one goin'!

Offline musky8it

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UDog I'm a veteran at IceFin, been at it for 40+ yrs so this post is not for me asking how the ice is anywhere. Early and late season I spud as I walk, I wear a floatation, and have my icepicks. If I fall in its totally my fault, knock on wood in 40+ I haven't. But As I said, I started this for the knewbees safety. Point blank, some in here u would have to put their fingers in a vise and twist to get any info on where they fish.

So lets keep it simple. All this post is about is to ask everyone if you can't say the county U R in, then don't post ice conditions at all.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline wax_worm

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THERE IS NEVER 'SAFE' ICE, LETS TEACH THE GREENHORNS THIS FIRST! all ive north of 30 isnt in good condition. i was just by wolf lake, the launch is open and docks are open, around the island is open. im sure the maizzo is getting weak. again as musky stated. north of or norh part of... that is all to vague as the example i just gave shows in comparison to ur statement. this is exactly what musky is trying to keep away from. it is time for everyone to get on their toes as to why i posted a thread the other day of similiar thoughts and concerns and had given some ideas. this time of year fish will start biting all over so u dont have to hit the 'honey hole' what im getting at is if someone wants to team up with you and learn, if you feel you have the experience and ability to twach and have faith in each other. team up hit a lake and have fun, doesnt mean u have to hit ur honey hole. u can take someone to within 100 yards of ur honey hole and they may never even know it. ive done it. MAKE NO MISTAKES AND POST ACTUAL REPORTS THIS TIME OF YEAR. NO NEED FOR THE ARMCHAIR RULLING THIS TIME OF YEAR. was i on wolf lake?.. no, but i drove past it and sure had my eye on the lake, as to me saying well im sure all lakes north of 30 are in good shape. ALL lakes are different,ice on or off AND during the peak of season. folks, no messing around this time of year. as musky said, a county mentioned would be nice, a lake name even better, but maybe at least the quadrant of a county. lets help each other here and this site is just for that! stay safe ppl, if anyone is interested in meeting up and using buddy systems and maybe teaching each other stuff, feel free to send a p.m.

Lakes in NW indiana don't count because of the Lake Effect snow they get and proximity to the lake that keeps temps a few degrees higher during early part of winter when the good black clear ice is forming

This in not the time of year for a newbie or greenhorn to be on the ice.  Everyone is responsible for their own actions regardless of experience or what someone posted on here.  If you don't know what you are doing, stay home.  Simple solution is don't rely on strangers to tell you what is safe or even what the conditions are.  If you don't have a spud and all the safety equipment including a float suit or life vest stay home.  Look at the ice and conditions for yourself.  If you are too much of a greenhorn or newbie to read the ice or know what to look for, stay home.  Don't blame some internet forum for putting someone's life at risk.  I read alot of crap on the internet that people say or do that I wouldn't, because I know it is not safe or I have no idea what the poster's background or experience level is.  I don't think anyone should be posting locations or conditions on here this time of year, then everyone has to check for themselves.  Just because it was safe for me, doesn't mean it is safe for the next guy.  What if he fishes another part of said lake?  What if he walks a different path and steps on a spring or where weeds are near the surface and have weakened the ice, or where there is tile entering the lake he is not aware of?  What if I post the county and they end up on a different lake that froze late due to depth or current or snow cover?  If someone goes on the ice based on info posted on here instead of checking for themselves, they are probably a leading candidate for this year's Darwin award.

Offline want fish

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I agree people post but they keep info private like that lakes MINE I OWN IT
You can run but you will only come out that hole tired!!!!!!

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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Lakes in NW indiana don't count because of the Lake Effect snow they get and proximity to the lake that keeps temps a few degrees higher during early part of winter when the good black clear ice is forming

This in not the time of year for a newbie or greenhorn to be on the ice.  Everyone is responsible for their own actions regardless of experience or what someone posted on here.  If you don't know what you are doing, stay home.  Simple solution is don't rely on strangers to tell you what is safe or even what the conditions are.  If you don't have a spud and all the safety equipment including a float suit or life vest stay home.  Look at the ice and conditions for yourself.  If you are too much of a greenhorn or newbie to read the ice or know what to look for, stay home.  Don't blame some internet forum for putting someone's life at risk.  I read alot of crap on the internet that people say or do that I wouldn't, because I know it is not safe or I have no idea what the poster's background or experience level is.  I don't think anyone should be posting locations or conditions on here this time of year, then everyone has to check for themselves.  Just because it was safe for me, doesn't mean it is safe for the next guy.  What if he fishes another part of said lake?  What if he walks a different path and steps on a spring or where weeds are near the surface and have weakened the ice, or where there is tile entering the lake he is not aware of?  What if I post the county and they end up on a different lake that froze late due to depth or current or snow cover?  If someone goes on the ice based on info posted on here instead of checking for themselves, they are probably a leading candidate for this year's Darwin award.

lakes in NW indiana dont count???! hmm, i recall a few members on this site earlier in the year looking for intell on the lake i had mentioned that is starting to rot from the edges. i would think that lake counts by far. lake county does not experience the lake effect snow like porter and laporte counties, those lakes take much more stress from the lake effect as they are in the 'snow belt' offof the lake. it doesnt matter what lake it is, a report probably should be given, or yes, dont give any report at all. as u said a person may not know the lake, and that is why it was stated go with someone that knows the lake. as anything we do in this world, u take your best judgement and use your experience, but how is a person to gain experience if they dont endure? this is why you take a partner. everybody has a different comfort level as we all know. its time to help one another cause ppl will continue to fish. MANY ppl have been saying for a week it is stupid to be fishing erie, well ppl are still fishing it, musky is simply stressing the fact of how important exact info is, real time conditions, not an armchair ruling. i applaud much info that you have shared as many others do too, wax. musky just wants to 'raise the bar' as i posted before.
Got one goin'!

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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I agree people post but they keep info private like that lakes MINE I OWN IT

there will always be certain lake names kept quiet when it comes to a fish bite. there are TONS of ppl lurking this site, and if u post alake with a good bite, u will see an influx of pressure the following weekend. everyone knows about the slough, word was out that slough had fish going, i and others watched that crowd go from 2-300 ppl to 5-600 ppl in a few days time. would u like that on a spot where u are always catching fish??! mayne so, and others should be fortunate for a fellow fisherman that shares and doesnt mknd, but many guys have put in countless hours to find those fish and dont want them over sharing info as in depth, color, certain jig, cadance, bait, yes.. i feel that can be shared, others can try same technique on other lakes. but all in all this is a totally different aspect of sharing lake info this time of year. sharing info now can be life and death compared to fish bite being turned off or fished out.
Got one goin'!

Offline wax_worm

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lakes in NW indiana dont count???! hmm, i recall a few members on this site earlier in the year looking for intell on the lake i had mentioned that is starting to rot from the edges. i would think that lake counts by far. lake county does not experience the lake effect snow like porter and laporte counties, those lakes take much more stress from the lake effect as they are in the 'snow belt' offof the lake. it doesnt matter what lake it is, a report probably should be given, or yes, dont give any report at all. as u said a person may not know the lake, and that is why it was stated go with someone that knows the lake. as anything we do in this world, u take your best judgement and use your experience, but how is a person to gain experience if they dont endure? this is why you take a partner. everybody has a different comfort level as we all know. its time to help one another cause ppl will continue to fish. MANY ppl have been saying for a week it is stupid to be fishing erie, well ppl are still fishing it, musky is simply stressing the fact of how important exact info is, real time conditions, not an armchair ruling. i applaud much info that you have shared as many others do too, wax. musky just wants to 'raise the bar' as i posted before.

By don't 'count' I meant that most northern lakes have more ice than those further south, except those in the NW corner affected by lake effect snow and/or elevated temps because of the waters of lake michigan.  I was not saying they don't count as far as being good fishing lakes.

This is not the time of year to be trying to gain experience on your own or with a stranger.  Ice fishing is dangerous as you said.  First and last ice are even more dangerous.  If you are a newbie you should not go out unless you are comfortable with the conditions AND are with someone you trust your life with.  Pairing up with a stranger you know nothing about from an internet board to fish this time of year is not something I would do or recommend.  You better be with someone you know will do what is required to keep you safe (knows what to look for in bad ice, knows the lake you are on and has all the right equipment) and get you out if something bad happens.

Since we agree there is no safe ice,  I think posting locations or lake names does not protect or help anyone.  It actually gives them a false sense of security where they may let their guard down.  When temps are above freezing, real time info is changing constantly.  The only real time info that counts is if you are already on the ice.  Again, what is safe for me on lake x may not be for the next guy a day later or even that evening.  If he fishes a different part of lake, walks a different route, or even the same route a day later, he could go in.

We all want people to be safe.  The best way for that to happen is for each of us to check the conditions every time we step on the ice.  As you said in your other post, spud, picks, rope, float suit or life vest, don't go alone, etc., all need to be taken into account.

Use this board to learn about techniques, new jigs, rods, reels, meet new people, enjoy others pics, and successful outings, but don't use as a resource for ice conditions.  Always use your own judgement on ice conditions and if you don't have the knowledge to make a proper judgement, stay home or find someone you KNOW and TRUST that does have the ability to assess the conditions the moment you are ready to step on the ice.  You would not perform heart surgery on yourself because you don't know how to do it without killing yourself.  You would not look on the internet for instructions to do so.  Same applies here.  If one does not have the knowledge to read, check and evaluate the ice and conditions accurately, they shuold not be ice fishing this time of year.

Offline musky8it

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Everyone started a newbee so you just can't tell newbee to stay home because some don't want to pass location info along when they post ice conditions.

Some people in here need to think about others and not just themselves. That is what this thread is about. Older, wiser, verteran icefisherman takeing care of others who don't know any better but want to learn. In my opinion if we can't do that then maybe we shouldn't post. That is the reason for IceShanty isn't it? To communicate and help others.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline Stinkybaits

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I'd have to agree with Wax posting lake thicknesses is pointless and would cause more harm than good. My standards are completely different than the norm and push each to the extremes. I'd say go with your gut feeling and use a spud bar. Can't teach anyone  new to the sport by posting on a site. My advice would be just stay home the season is over.  From this point on out be prepared to get wet bring a change of clothes pack a rope with a throwable cushion to it. Ice picks around your neck for quick access and with every step think your going to go through that way when you do you'll be prepared and won't panic as bad.

Offline wax_worm

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Everyone started a newbee so you just can't tell newbee to stay home because some don't want to pass the county info along when they post ice conditions.

Some people in here need to think about others and not just themselves. That is what this thread is about. Older, wiser, verteran icefisherman takeing care of others who don't know any better. I my opinion if we can't do that then maybe we shouldn't post on this open forum. That is the reason for IceShanty isn't it? To communicate and help others.

You are right, everyone started somewhere.  Most were introduced to the sport by a parent or grandparent that hopefully passed along good information.  If you did not learn from someone in the know, then yes you should call it a season and stay home or find a veteren that is willing to help by going with this time of year.

I am thinking about others.  See the post above.  If you want to help a newbie and are a veteren, offer to take them on the ice with you.  That is helping them.  Posting a county or lake name that you were on does not help a newbie.  It puts them at risk due to the reasons stated above.  IF they don't know any better they have no business on the ice this time of year.  Telling someone who does not know how to read ice or have all the safety equipment a lake you fished earlier that day or yesterday is putting them at risk.  What if the newbie weighs 280-350 and I weigh 165?  That could easily be the difference in him falling in the same spot I just fished.

IS is here to help ice fishermen with lots of things ice fishing (see post above).  We will have to agree to disagree that posting ice conditions helps people.  I don't care what most people post on here about conditions, because I don't care what they say.  I don't post them or ask for them.  I check for myself.  There are a few I have fished with that I trust their judgement of the ice, but they too don't post ice conditions here for the same reasons I don't...people need to check themselves.

Offline sloughslabber

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THERE IS NEVER 'SAFE' ICE, LETS TEACH THE GREENHORNS THIS FIRST! all ive north of 30 isnt in good condition. i was just by wolf lake, the launch is open and docks are open, around the island is open. im sure the maizzo is getting weak.

What you doing by Wolf Lake Mike? Checking on something double top secret? ;)

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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What you doing by Wolf Lake Mike? Checking on something double top secret? ;)

HEYYYYYYYY! shhhhh, this is the internet. lol.  ;) i only looked at the same thing you where spying on (probably earlier in the day)
Got one goin'!

Offline want fish

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Oh yea I forgot u fish it u own it RIGHT bunch of a-holes share the wealth not everyone has the abilities to find fish like me I have no electronic s but I fish with my bro who does and I still do s#+>ty
You can run but you will only come out that hole tired!!!!!!

Offline want fish

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But I love to fish
You can run but you will only come out that hole tired!!!!!!

Offline sloughslabber

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Oh yea I forgot u fish it u own it RIGHT bunch of a-holes share the wealth not everyone has the abilities to find fish like me I have no electronic s but I fish with my bro who does and I still do s#+>ty

 ??? ??? ??? Ya lost me.

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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??? ??? ??? Ya lost me.

same here, but i figured the tea glass needed to be refilled, so i left it at bay, and refilled.
Got one goin'!

Offline sloughslabber

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Popcorn is ready. Just waiting now.

Offline musky8it

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.............I don't care what most people post on here about conditions, because I don't care what they say.  I don't post them or ask for them.  I check for myself.  There are a few I have fished with that I trust their judgement of the ice, but they too don't post ice conditions here for the same reasons I don't...people need to check themselves.

Wax, anyone thats been on here for a while knows exactly why you don't post allot of ice conditions. U have more or less said many times, why tell them let them make the drive and find out for themselves. It has nothing at all to do with them trusting your judgement, you plain just don't want to tell them if you know. Its like ur saying I spent my time and gas finding out so why should I tell.
The point u could never grasp is if someone lives 2 hrs away. Why should they have to spend 4 hrs on the road just to find out a lake's ice is no good. If I know I would rather tell that person and save them the trip, waste of gas and time. That is what helping is, you have said many times you want them to find out for themselves, thats not helping.

As for spreading the word that the bite is on some lake. I have no problem at all with people being tightliped, we've all did it. I agree why ruin our fishing spots with hords of people. Thats not what this thread was about. All this thread was about was because of the time of the year, if anyone post any ice conditions, that they also post what area. It was just that simple but sometimes people make a mountain out of a manhill.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline musky8it

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Oh yea I forgot u fish it u own it RIGHT bunch of a-holes share the wealth not everyone has the abilities to find fish like me I have no electronic s but I fish with my bro who does and I still do s#+>ty

No they don't think they own the lake. But they put the time in to find spots and I don't blame them for not broadcasting it. If they do the next time they go there might not be room to fish. Posting in here hot area's is a total different ballgame than telling ice condition. H...  I even have a spot like that. Me and one other guy know about it, I found it and told him. In late season the gills suspend all day in this one little area. I don't fish it allot, others might think I know something. So "Want Fish", thats how it is and thats how it will always be, honey holes are kept secret.

FRANK SINATRA, The Hangover Survival Guide

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

Offline Underdog67

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Why must tensions always be high around here???????  LMAO.  BTW musky, I came by "Jacob's Pit" just south of Manchester yesterday.  Saw 2 guys out on it.....that would be Wabash County.

Offline Hermdog

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Hey Fox Lake is on FIRE!!!!!

Offline Underdog67

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Hey Fox Lake is on FIRE!!!!!

Got some GPS coordinates? ;D

Offline Rabidgupy

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Wax, anyone thats been on here for a while knows exactly why you don't post allot of ice conditions. U have more or less said many times, why tell them let them make the drive and find out for themselves. It has nothing at all to do with them trusting your judgement, you plain just don't want to tell them if you know. Its like ur saying I spent my time and gas finding out so why should I tell.
The point u could never grasp is if someone lives 2 hrs away. Why should they have to spend 4 hrs on the road just to find out a lake's ice is no good. If I know I would rather tell that person and save them the trip, waste of gas and time. That is what helping is, you have said many times you want them to find out for themselves, thats not helping.

As for spreading the word that the bite is on some lake. I have no problem at all with people being tightliped, we've all did it. I agree why ruin our fishing spots with hords of people. Thats not what this thread was about. All this thread was about was because of the time of the year, if anyone post any ice conditions, that they also post what area. It was just that simple but sometimes people make a mountain out of a manhill.

Musky how would you possibly post a lake is safe to fish without posting the area you fished? I don't know anything about the puddles you fish but the puddles I fish are pretty big. Not lake Erie but enough acreage that I can't say hey guys still getting on Lake X without the fear of someone going to that lake looking out and seeing some old holes getting excited walking out and whoosh in they go. Wax is correct in posting nothing about any lake period. Like assassin said guys posted they still fishing Erie someone is going to get excited want to catch one more giant and not want to pay for a guide and think they can get out and back safely. ... There's too many factors period. Place I fish in the morning on honeycomb ice if it's below freezing no big deal I go home post my lake and the spot.  Someone goes out in the afternoon after sun hits it all day honeycomb loosens up guy falls through. Wax isn't trying to keep anyone from fishing but he's not going to risk anyone falling through by posting just the lake as a whole  because where he was fishing it's safe. I haven't read a Wax post that I didn't find to be informative and he gives a ton of great info out like many others just because your opinion varies from his doesn't mean he's trying to keep guys that live in the south away from the north.

Offline fishinator

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Another want to be mod
Dude.....Dude!! Greg! Wake up! You're on fire!

Offline Jigmup

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2 pages and we have 1 legitimate ice report.  ???
I'll add....Prairie Creek in Delaware county is not safe! I have no idea about Summit.
Never tell a fish where its supposed to be

Offline Fishslayer81

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All Im going to say is there is still plenty of fishable ice up in north east indiana. If you go north of route 6 the fields are still snow covered.

Offline CWlake

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All Im going to say is there is still plenty of fishable ice up in north east indiana. If you go north of route 6 the fields are still snow covered.
now you went and spilled the beans. I'm gonna cry cause my lake will get fished out!

Offline northrn-duck-assassin

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All Im going to say is there is still plenty of fishable ice up in north east indiana. If you go north of route 6 the fields are still snow covered.

im on my way!!!! gonna look like 'magee marsh road' comin down rte 6 this afternoon. ;)
Got one goin'!


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