Author Topic: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice  (Read 30241 times)

Offline holehopper

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Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« on: Sep 30, 2009, 08:45 PM »
Well.  A bit of a confession to make here boys.  I've been ice fishing a long time, but this past winter, I hit a low point.  Here's the story.....I'm up at a buddy's cabin one weekend with a group of guys catching jumbo perch.  We are in about 30 feet of water and the lake is really clear, so we are doing a lot of fishing with cameras.  I get up early one morning and decide that I'm going to get out on the ice early.  I load up on my snowmobile and head out.  I get to the hot-spot and start to set up.  Now, I tend to sometimes overdo it on my ice-fishing gadgets and this might be where things started to go wrong for me.  You see, I had bought one of those "quick-couplers" so I could detach my power head from the auger bit.  Well, what the package didn't say is if you aren't careful, your bit can detach from the powerhead and become permanent lake structure.  Well, guess what happened.  Yep, drilled my first hole and there went my $100 Lazer bit.  Right to the bottom of the lake.  I had no choice but to fish in shame out of that same hole until the rest of the boys got out there with another auger.  Unfortunately, the story doesn't end there.  It gets worse (or funnier depending on your point of view).  So, I decided that I was going to get that bit back.  I marked the spot I lost it on my GPS since I knew I'd be back the next weekend.  I spent the whole week planning how I would get that bit back.  I showed up the next weekend with an industrial magnet, some rope, my GPS and my camera.  That morning we headed out to fish the jumbos again.  We fished hard until about 11:00 and the fishing started to slow down.  I decided it was now or never to get that bit.  I borrowed a buddy's auger (brand new Jiffy STX Pro...$500 auger) and headed over to the spot.  I drilled my first hole to drop my camera down and look for my bit.  No problem.  Dropped the camera down and couldn't see my bit.  Decided I would move about 15 feet over and try again.  Drilled the 2nd hole.  It was late February so there was lots of ice.  I had to run the auger all the way down to the ice and when I hit water, I could see some steam coming off the powerhead.  Those of you who have done this yourselves probably can see already where this story is going.  Dropped the camera back down.  No bit.  Decided to move again.  I grabbed my camera and the monitor and dragged it over to the next spot I was going to drill.  Started up the auger but I couldn't get it to throttle up.  I quickly determined that the throttle linkage must have frozen.  Next mistake.  I took off my glove and stuck my finger into the linkage to free it up (with the auger running).  Well, the auger throttled-up alright.....wide open and stuck wide open!!  Now anybody that uses a jiffy auger knows they spin at about 3,000 rpm or so it seemed to me.  That auger took off like a mechanical bull.  Since I was only holding on with one hand, it flew out of my grip, went about 6 feet in the air and guess where it landed......yep.....ri ght on the 30 feet of camera cord that I had drug over with me but was too lazy to coil back on the carrier.  I can tell you from first hand experience that a wide open auger makes quick work of wrapping up your camera cord for you.  It peeled off all 60 feet of camera cord in about 2 seconds flat.  Then, it proceeded to cartwheel my camera itself about 20 times.  By the time I got the auger shut off, I had covered a 10 x 10 area in bits of small black plastic and the tracks in the snow made it look like someone got attacked by a group of angry garden hoses.  No kidding I had camera parts a good 20 feet apart.  The battery went one direction, the monitor went another.  Well, after sitting there for a minute, I figured I probably should pick up the pieces and head back to fishing.  I picked up most all of the scraps of plastic and camera parts I could and then grabbed the auger.  Next problem.  The handle was loose.  As I mentioned, this was a borrowed, brand new, $500 auger.  I looked a little closer and quickly figured out that the auger gear-case had cracked on impact.  So there I stood, still hadn't recovered my $100 bit (with the $20 quick coupler on it), destroyed my Aqua-vu camera and broke the new Jiffy...oh, and had the $40 magnet in hand which I still hadn't had a chance to use.  I then did the "ride of shame" on the snowmobile back over to where my buddy (who owned the auger) was fishing with the rest of the guys in our group.  He was in his shack and hadn't heard or seen a thing.  I had to break the news to him.  Needless to say, not much was said on the ice the rest of that day.  Well, things turned out ok.  I was able to "fix" my aqua-vu (yes, unbelievably, it still works).  It looks like frankenstein, but it is a good story when someone asks what happened to the camera.  Usually it starts with "What the he!! happened to your camera???"  "How much time do you have?" is my typical response.  I returned the unused magnet and Jiffy covered the broken auger under warranty.  All in all, I was just out the bit.  So, here is my advice to all of you....don't buy a quick coupler.  However, don't hesitate to buy an aqua-vu or a Jiffy.  You won't be disappointed in either one.  So, if you are ever having a tough day on the ice, you can think of this story and know that there is someone out there having a worse day than you.  What they say is just can't fix stupid. 
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Offline bigred1974

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #1 on: Sep 30, 2009, 08:57 PM »
one word, wow!!!!

if we go fishing together, you might wanna stay clear 50 feet of anyone so as not to invite a lawsuit, lol

I guess my dumbest thing was not checking my auger blade screws to see if they were tight, and broke a blade after 2 holes. we fished them and did ok, so not all was horrible


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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #2 on: Sep 30, 2009, 09:01 PM »

Offline sawblade

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #3 on: Sep 30, 2009, 09:07 PM »
I'm sorry. But thats the funniest thing I have read in a long time.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #4 on: Oct 01, 2009, 01:01 AM »
Holehopper thank you for the story and laughs . I here are a couple of my goof's ,I arranged to go fishing with a friend we get to the lake and go to drill the first hole and my hand auger just spins and will not bite into the ice. I had recently changed blades and put the replacement set on wrong luckily my friend had a socket set in his truck and we were able to correct the problem.
   Back during the winter of 1994 when I was still new to ice fishing and did not own a set of creepers and still used a spud (ice chisel ) to cut holes , I was cutting a hole when i slipped and fell losing my grip on the spud only to watch it sink down the just cut hole. Lesson learned I purchased a set of creepers and bought my first hand auger. This turned out to be a wise move the winter of 94 was usually cold for my area week of minus zero Fahrenheit temperatures for low -highs in single digits. A week or more later I'm fishing with a friend who introduced me to this great sport. He was still using a spud to cut holes the frigid weather allowed lakes to build up twenty plus inches of ice ,so it was a major chore for him to cut a hole. After watching me cut one hole-start a second while he is still struggling to cut his first hole, he exclaims holy crappie they sure have made improvements over the spoon auger i used to own, you're cutting the holes today.


Offline mobey3

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #5 on: Oct 01, 2009, 05:56 AM »
GREAT story Holehopper!!  It just kept getting better and better. 

Offline piker1

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #6 on: Oct 01, 2009, 07:06 AM »
lmao good one , only thing ever happened to me , fishing a hole with pole for pike had pole stuck in snow poured some water to freeze in in went to next hole pike hit taking pole and all well 20 min. later guy 200 yrds from me yelled i got your pole and fish you take fish i'll keep pole lol well he gave me my pole back and put fish back ..... ;D
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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #7 on: Oct 01, 2009, 08:50 AM »
 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:  That's such a bad day that all you can do is laugh about it.
I've done a couple of stupid things but I ain't tell'n!  ;D

Offline J_Edwards

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #8 on: Oct 01, 2009, 09:15 AM »
I have one good one my buddy will never let me live down.  So I have fished with 4 wheelers a lot, ran trailers of all sorts, been dragged behind sleds and quads on a rope and a inner tube in the winter months, I had some bad first hand experiences growing up, the law of inertia is an unforgiving one.  Most of the people I have fished with who ran quads all had tow bars, I was used to hooking up and running top speed out to the fishing hole.  Well this past season, my buddy and I decided to get out one last time before I went to training to go over seas.  We decided get a room at Hells Bay, Fort Peck and a quad for the weekend.  The first morning we drive my truck down to the lake and unload my sled loaded with all sorts of gear and goodies..Since I usually pull my sled it has a rope, I hooked up it and didn't think twice, I figure a gradual slowing down into the fishing will do just fine when the time comes.  It being early morning there was plenty of other fisherman a few steps ahead of us taking off.  Being new to the area I wanted to get a general idea of what bays most people were fishing and decided to head out to the main body after them and see what direction they are heading.  My buddy says take is slow, I say yeah, yeah.  I take off and am quickly losing site of everyone heading off in random directions, I hear buddy tell me to slow down,  I ignore him and speed up a little.  I had been checking behind me every other second until then, I was focused on the quads I could barely see, then  I hear a loud yell and a punch to the back simultaneously. I immediatly let off the throttle, making matters worse,  I turned my head just in time to see the sled spill over.  Dozens of minnows all over the ice, a bent auger, broken cooler, smashed heater and many broken beers spread out over a 50 foot area by the time I made it to a stop.  I got the auger to fire up, punched a hole and managed to save most of the minnows and many of the beers.  After words the handles needed some straightening but it worked okay.  The cooler was a loss.  After scrambling around cleaning up the rest of my mess and a few choice curse words, my buddy told me that he didn't think I could hear his early warnings to slow down and smacked and yelled at me to get my attention so I would know the sled was dog tailing at that speed.

Offline beeverfishing

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #9 on: Oct 01, 2009, 04:12 PM »
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Thank you for sharing that !! 

Offline dkfry

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #10 on: Oct 01, 2009, 05:19 PM »
Too lazy to put my cleats on and falling on my arse numerous times in a row. :laugh:

Offline esox13

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #11 on: Oct 01, 2009, 07:35 PM »
Hilarious guys!! This is why I like ice fisherman - not much can phase us -  we sit on a bucket on a frozen lake at temps that make bears stay inside and call it a great time. Wish I could add to the wonderful mishaps of you fellas, but apparently I am doing something wrong. I promise I will try harder this winter so I can come back with a zinger for you.

Tight lines and for goodness sakes be careful out there!

Offline tippin2back

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #12 on: Oct 01, 2009, 07:40 PM »
putting my leg into a hole up to the knee...and trying to act like nothing happend... :P

Offline pikeking

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #13 on: Oct 01, 2009, 11:23 PM »
Answer the phone when your wife calls! Don't do it guys, I have, and it made the rest of my time out there he!!.
If fishing was work I'd never be sick!

Offline GotEmHooked

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #14 on: Oct 02, 2009, 11:42 AM »
wow................... id feel dumb for months

Offline Sledgod

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #15 on: Oct 02, 2009, 03:29 PM »
That would have really gotten spendy if you had to replace the friends auger, your bit AND the aqua view...I thought that kind of freak thing only happened to me!  here is just a sample of my idiocy :P

I went on a trip to Lake Winnibigoshish last winter and it was just one set of errors after another!  The first morning we leave from the hotel to get bait and head to the lake, we'll we get up there and realize the minnow bucket had fallen over and all the minnows were frozen to the bed of the truck (brand new Ford too), thankfully some others in the group lent some minnows to my fishing partner and I so we at least had something.  So being the efficient fisherman I am I chiseled some frozen minnows out of the truck and put them in a coffee cup to thaw out in front of the Mr Heater (I could still use the heads for bait) that worked until the coffee cup melted in half being next the heater(I didn't realize coffee cups COULD melt).  The next day both of us had our lines melted in half by the heater (see a trend here?) along with putting a nice burn spot on my new $200 coat (ouch!).  Not to be fazed we decided to try a different spot but as we were packing up to leave the guy I was fishing with let the shanty flap fall onto the heater and it promptly melted the nylon zipper in the middle and started the shanty on fire...thankfully I was right there and was able to douse the flames with my bare stuff.  Somehow we were still able to make the shanty flap zip closed but there was about an 8" gap from the fire that was too melted to zip  :P.  Soooo the next day (the last mercifully) we headed out again and were setting up camp when I realized I had left the hose to the propane tank back at the lodge...DOH!  Luckily it was a balmy 10 degrees and windy :-[.  Someone in our group took pity on us and lent us a couple of 1lbers to make it through the day  :)

Moral of the story: buy a Buddy heater and NOT the sunflower type Mr Heater especially if you have the luck(or stupidity) that I do!

Offline holehopper

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #16 on: Oct 06, 2009, 10:45 AM »
I think John Wayne said it best when it comes to my story.....

''Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.''
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Offline prchslyr

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #17 on: Oct 09, 2009, 10:15 PM »
I'd shun them all together sledgod before your clothes end up on fire. I have a bad habit of checking mine to see if it lit the first time. With my bare hand.
The angle of the dangle is directly proportionate to the heat of the beat.

Offline CrappieBuster

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #18 on: Oct 09, 2009, 11:05 PM »
Catching my carharts with the blade of my strikemaster and d**n near spinning my leg around.  Coulda been way bad

Burning a hole in my shack with the heater.

Drinking all my beer and being to drunk to fish "effectivly"

Many many more......

Offline andercee

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #19 on: Oct 11, 2009, 01:23 AM »
These stories are hilarious.  The best part is anyone one who doesn't ice fish wouldn't understand it at all. Last winter I was going fishing and had my bucket of minnows on the floor on the passenger side.  I don't remember what happened exactly but I had to hit the brakes a little too hard and water and minnows went everywhere on the passenger side.  I pulled over and picked up all the minnows and there were few casualties and the bucket had enough water to support life until I got to the lake.  However, a couple months later I was cleaning out my truck and when I moved the floor mat there was a strange mold growing everywhere underneath the mat.

Another story, when I was much younger I was fishing in my uncle's new fish house and I had a pot of warm water on the stove to keep the holes open.  Some how I ended up putting the pot of hot water on the carpet, when I went to pick it up the pot had fused to the carpet, and when I finally pried it up it was a perfect black melted carpet circle.  Man I thought he was going to kill me.

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #20 on: Oct 13, 2009, 06:16 PM »
Fishing a new spot i ran my buddies brand new auger thru the ice and into a ledge, he werent overly happy about that
My dream is clear, it involves fishin' n beer

Offline hottrodd

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #21 on: Oct 14, 2009, 10:24 PM »
Your all tooo funny! Ive lost rods, blades, scoopers, rod holders, filleting knives and a cell phone down the hole. Burned down a shack and melted a zipper on another. Lost a portable BBQ on the way out. Stepped in a 10" hole past the knee several times. Killed the truck battery with a satelite radio and locked the keys in the truck. Had the wife come out to pick me up in the dark with a dead battery but never have I ever wound the camera up in the auger! Cant wait to get back on the ice!

Offline HAMMER33

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #22 on: Oct 14, 2009, 11:26 PM »
Ok I guess I'll get in the mix too. I was fishing last ice on the saginaw river with a guy from work. We had never fished together before. I get ready to grab my hand auger when he says AHH you don't need that I have my gas auger! I have on a Brand new pair of arctic carharts bibs that I specially ordered, and this is where it gets good. He drills his holes and I take the auger and walk over 10 yards and start drilling. Well I'm getting pi**ed off, this blade is so dull I'm making snow cones, so I lean on it! When it gets to the bottom you guessed it, the auger punches threw and hangs up! Now he never told me the throttle sticks! The auger KICKS ME BACK and breaks free, of my hands, the hole, and flips into the air. :woot: NOW OF ALL PLACES TO LAND AS I'M JUMPING BACK it hits my cuff of my bibs, still wide open!!!!!!! The auger runs up my leg winding up my pants leg around the cutter head as it slices threw. I grab the head just as it slices THREW BY MY ZIPPER BY YOU GUESSED IT MY LITTLE BUDDY AND FRIENDS. Now my friend sees this and runs to help, and as i hold it spinning still wide open trying to lean back because the handles are beating off the ice. I yell shut this ***** off!! We get it shut down and he says sorry, oops I forgot to mention the throttle and blade! :blink: I 'm not really listening because I'm still looking at my leg and other things in amazement.  :thumbsup:The BLADE NEVER CUT THREW MY SKIN OUNCE. I had a couple scratches and a few bruises!  WOW I'M IN ONE PIECE!!! We never fished together after that, maybe we will try it again this year I'LL TAKE MY GAS AUGER!!  Well hope you like the story guys, and thats my DUMBEST MOMENT!!!

Offline holehopper

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #23 on: Oct 15, 2009, 12:26 PM »
Given the choice of the camera cord or the bibs.....I'll take the camera cord.... :)
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Offline Pork Rind

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #24 on: Oct 15, 2009, 02:13 PM »
Here is my story picture tells it all.  First time on Saginaw Bay Mi.   :o :o

Replaced with this and I hope I can keep it on top of the Ice.  ;D Wife says I can't go to Saginaw Bay anymore.    Everyone was ok what happens when you don't know what you are doing :-[ :-[ :-[

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #25 on: Oct 20, 2009, 08:27 PM »
I've got nothing on you guys yet, I think the worst thing I've done is run someone's tip-up over with my quad at 5 am on the start of a derby..... I gave him one of mine as a replacement, he was not happy.....

Other dumbest thing I've done is me and a couple buddies planned a 4-day weekend trip to Little Bay De Noc, which is about a 4 hr drive for me.  I planned on bringing my quad along, not really knowing what ice conditions were like up there, so I dragged it to my buddies house, we were gonna take his Explorer up there, had more room to haul stuff, I just had a small GMC Sonoma at the time.  We hooked my trailer up and took off, north we go.  Well we get to Kipling, (small town on LBDN)  and we get the quad setup to go, only to find out I left the friggin key back home.  That's embarrasing, having your buddy tearing you a new one because "he pulled this piece of crap" up there just so it was a 600lb paperweight.  Good thing ice was good enough to drive on, or it would have really been a nightmare.

I've since learned my lesson and keep a spare key under the seat.

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #26 on: Oct 20, 2009, 08:31 PM »
Here is my story picture tells it all.  First time on Saginaw Bay Mi.   :o :o

(Image removed from quote.)

You're a lucky man, last year a guy and his daughter were killed on Lake Winnebago, WI during the sturgeon spearing season driving a full size truck into a crack a little wider than that......

Hopefully you do keep on top, we all hear too many stories about people losing their lives on the ice.....

Offline baiter99

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #27 on: Oct 22, 2009, 08:24 AM »
 i fished with my buddy tom for many years, mostly for the amusement, laughing at the things tom would do on the ice. one early morning after cutting 15 holes for 3 of us to set our tip ups in. we proceded to help each other out. i skimmed the slush out of a hole as tom proceded to get his tip up ready. tom pulls a lead clip on sounder out of his pocket to check the depth of the water. when he stood over the hole, and just dropped the sounder down the hole, without clipping it to the line. i stood there in awe. lol. 2 to 3 seconds goes by, and tom still looking down the hole. i burst into laughter, and proceded to ask questions like, are you going to buy a sounder for every hole tom? and after dropping one down every hole, how are you going to know how deep it is? lol. tom was razzed all day, and the funny part is he has continued to drop sounders down holes like that. not twice, or 3 times, but up to around 10 times that i know of. will tom ever learn?

Offline prchslyr

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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #28 on: Oct 22, 2009, 10:48 AM »
I lose a few sounders down holes a year. The first tipup of the day is the killer. Still rubbing morning crust out of my eyes while I'm setting up and... Plop. I always try to keep a few extra with me.
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Re: Dumbest thing you've done on the ice
« Reply #29 on: Oct 22, 2009, 10:59 AM »
forgot my ice cleats....1TIME....nev er again will I go without them...shuffling on the ice from tip up flag to tip up flag when multiples go off is a real pain without them...


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