Author Topic: Report on Sugar island for mon and tues  (Read 444 times)

Offline eskimoman

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Report on Sugar island for mon and tues
« on: Jan 13, 2009, 07:26 PM »
ok monday was a short day cause i worked late sun night. Got out there about 130 and started fishing right away. about 15 mins in i marked a fish on the vex (will talk more about the vex later) set the hook and lost it half way up. well nothing for a while until about 230-245 the vex light up like a christmas tree and WHAMM 6-7 mintues later after a good fight i iced a 29 inch 10 pound northern. nothing after that until about 415-430 lots of bits in that time frame but nothing iced. will have pics of that northern if someone can tell me how to post pics???

today-Tuesday got out to sugar for the whole day started at about 800 and caught about 6-7 sauger from 8-1130. 1230 a 3-4 pound northern (again another nothern) and then nothing till 500.

Now for the vex i dont know if you guys read about my whole ordeal with the showdown to vex switchover but here it is... traded my crap showdown for an fl-20 . I LOVE MY VEX!!! mon tues were my first times out with it and it works sooo good verrrry impressed!! marking lotsa fish even when they dont bit. I love it.


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