Author Topic: Killed 'em today, PART 2  (Read 17938 times)

Offline A- bomb

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #60 on: Dec 19, 2008, 06:33 AM »
mm and mm.
you had an outstanding day and well that was that. i personally am happy to see the fish go to use. well lets say a good use. remember guys..this is limit on gills and no restrictions on usage.
by that i mean i'm glad they are going to be eaten by a family as opposed to what i ran into a year or so ago. as i was comming onto the ice a couple guys were walking off with a few BUCKETS full of gills..mostly small 4-6 inch gills. i made a comment about not alot of size and they said it didn't matter as they were just useing them to feed the hogs.
i was about sick... as this was not an isolated occurance....
Lack of planning on your part in NO way constitutes an EMERGENCY on mine

Offline wax_worm

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #61 on: Dec 19, 2008, 07:31 AM »
mm and mm.
you had an outstanding day and well that was that. i personally am happy to see the fish go to use. well lets say a good use. remember guys..this is limit on gills and no restrictions on usage.
by that i mean i'm glad they are going to be eaten by a family as opposed to what i ran into a year or so ago. as i was comming onto the ice a couple guys were walking off with a few BUCKETS full of gills..mostly small 4-6 inch gills. i made a comment about not alot of size and they said it didn't matter as they were just useing them to feed the hogs.
i was about sick... as this was not an isolated occurance....

LMFAO!!!!  Odd that the bearded wonders are the same group that thows the little ones on the ice to die while keeping everything over 4 inches.  They must think the eggs hatch into keepers!!  You are correct in that FISH FEAR THE BEARD!!!!

Offline pletch

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #62 on: Dec 19, 2008, 07:39 AM »
ice is your friend

Offline Edge

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #63 on: Dec 19, 2008, 12:36 PM »
To think I almost got offended last year when people were calling this a bragging rights page (yellow perch fiasco), but now I'm not so sure.  I like talking about fishing, and I enjoy seeing pictures of fish, but not like this.  It's true there is no law against this, and depending on the circumstances it may or may not be hurting the fishery, but it's obvious you and I have very different morals.  People are different I guess, what is wrong to some isn't to others.             

I have no problem with giving to those who can't participate, but an ice rod and someone to take you out is a lot better present.  Unfortunately there are a few people on here that keep fish like this just to take a picture, and I would bet you're probably one of them.  Sure they eat them, and that is better than the alternative.  But I'm not impressed.     

I'm not posting to change your way of thinking or too bash you, just to give my opinion.  You should have thrown a few back, especially all those dinks.     

Offline Armyman2007

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #64 on: Dec 19, 2008, 01:37 PM »
It's all the ethics and morals you were raised by. Would I ever keep that many bluegill? No not even if they were all 8"+. I would keep enough for a few meals for my family (50 tops) and release the rest for another day. Does it bother me by what these guys did? No, not really. They are hurting their own fishery. You ever see pictures from the 1900's when there were no limits on duck hunting and guys would have pick up trucks full of dead ducks? Makes me sick to see that today, but back then it was accepted. Why? Because there were no limits.


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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #65 on: Dec 19, 2008, 01:50 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with catching and keeping that many fish if they are going to his family and friends, myself don't like cleaning gills that small . I was fishing on Tues on a lake i know real well and caught probably 50+ gills I kept 14 that were between 8 - 11 ins that was plenty for me and my wife plus a mess to give to my dad who can't get out anymore. I had been watching a young feller (20 -24 yrs old )about 30 yrds from me he wasn't having much luck so when I was done I walked over and ask how he was doing? he had 5 that were about 5 in, I told him I was leaving and I had a hot hole if he wanted to move,I gave him one of my flies I was catching them on and his first drop caught a 9 incher , he thanked me over and over !! I walked back to the car with a nice mess of fish and and a new ice buddy ! that's what I call a good day of fishing !!  

Offline Edge

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #66 on: Dec 19, 2008, 03:02 PM »
that's what I call a good day of fishing !! 

Offline Ded Dux

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #67 on: Dec 19, 2008, 04:05 PM »
I need an ice buddy like you Slabslammer!

Offline purduebass

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #68 on: Dec 19, 2008, 04:12 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with catching and keeping that many fish if they are going to his family and friends, myself don't like cleaning gills that small . I was fishing on Tues on a lake i know real well and caught probably 50+ gills I kept 14 that were between 8 - 11 ins that was plenty for me and my wife plus a mess to give to my dad who can't get out anymore. I had been watching a young feller (20 -24 yrs old )about 30 yrds from me he wasn't having much luck so when I was done I walked over and ask how he was doing? he had 5 that were about 5 in, I told him I was leaving and I had a hot hole if he wanted to move,I gave him one of my flies I was catching them on and his first drop caught a 9 incher , he thanked me over and over !! I walked back to the car with a nice mess of fish and and a new ice buddy ! that's what I call a good day of fishing !!  

That's great to hear that you helped someone out. :thumbsup: Hopefully it was someone new to the ice and you hooked him for life!
BOILER UP!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #69 on: Dec 19, 2008, 08:40 PM »



Offline r3foxx

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #70 on: Dec 19, 2008, 09:03 PM »
9 quart bags stuffed full.......MM
[/qThat many bluegills and only 9 quart bags "stuffed". Either 6" was youre absolute biggest, or youre about as good with that fillet knife as you are with youre ethics. Wasteful!!!                                                                                                                                   uote]

Offline teardrop

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #71 on: Dec 19, 2008, 09:37 PM »
Marcum Man nice catch glad to see your icefishing season starting so well, I, also had a good catch yesterday.  Kept 40 gills and 3 crappie didn't realize I had that many until the cleaning started.  However, I was lucky enough to con my brother-in-law into helping me clean the catch.  If your family uses the fish, then during these rough times you should by all means share the wealth.  People do overharvest sometimes, that is what our laws are for.  I can remember fishing a lake south of Warsaw and seeing a pile of 2-6 inch bluegills left lying to rot by locals that thought they were helping the stunted bluegills. these same guys would go hole to hole in deep water jigging for bass.  They kept all they caught and then wondered why the lakes bluegills weren't big.  Anyway that's my two-cents teardrop   

Offline Hardwater Problem

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #72 on: Dec 20, 2008, 12:10 AM »
It's all the ethics and morals you were raised by. Would I ever keep that many bluegill? No not even if they were all 8"+. I would keep enough for a few meals for my family (50 tops) and release the rest for another day. Does it bother me by what these guys did? No, not really. They are hurting their own fishery. You ever see pictures from the 1900's when there were no limits on duck hunting and guys would have pick up trucks full of dead ducks? Makes me sick to see that today, but back then it was accepted. Why? Because there were no limits.

(Image removed from quote.)

Too true armyman2007...  I'm a a huge duck hunter and while those photos are fascinating, there is an obvious disregard for conservancy.  You can't take that many fish without it effecting something.  I'm not a marine biologist, or an actuary, oddsmaker, or prophet, but you can't begin to make a rational argument that if your yanking that many gills from any given lake in one day and several other guys do it, and then you do it again, and then they do it again....(GET WHERE I'M GOIN???) potentially accounting for thousands of gills not around to participate with reproduction.  Don't tell me that it doesn't effect population.  My two cents.

Offline Marcum Man

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #73 on: Dec 20, 2008, 06:30 AM »
9 quart bags stuffed full.......MM
[/qThat many bluegills and only 9 quart bags "stuffed". Either 6" was youre absolute biggest, or youre about as good with that fillet knife as you are with youre ethics. Wasteful!!!                                                                                                                                   uote]

yep 9 quart bags is all I got, but, I don't knowhow many bags my father  in law got, he took 3/4 of a 5 gallon bucket full home with him to clean up for his 85 y/o mother and 80 y/o mother in law, and himself. He asked me for some so I let him have 'em.....MM

ps. have your mommy change your diper

Offline hardwater347

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #74 on: Dec 20, 2008, 06:31 AM »
Five or six days of limits of fifty fish?????  KOBIYASHI would throw up!!!!   You cant eat that much!!!!!
So now ur gonna tell me what i can and can not eat?
i kept about a hundred for my self,my g/f and her parents and the rest went to my cousin,father and grand father.
everything was spread out and those fillets never made it to the spring lol.

Offline Bass-Master

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #75 on: Dec 20, 2008, 12:46 PM »
#1. I doubt that you caught 375
#2. If you did catch that many' then your ethics are to be questioned.
#3. Why in the H--L would you keep 6" when you're on them like that? I have no problem keeping 6" panfish when that's all that I can catch, or to make a dozen .........but come on man.
#4. Alto of guys feel this way but wont say it.'
 Sorry if I offend you with this post.

Well,when you ad fuel to the fire it only gets hotter! I found that out when I posted my view on things. Some people just like to brag/some people don't.In there opinion,if we don't brag we aren't catching anything.Whatever! And I thought only women liked drama. If they live far away then let them be.Let them deplete their own area.I usually give out presents for Christmas "not fish". Remember guys,people aren't going to have the same opinion on things and to keep bash-in eachother is useless." Opinions are like ---holes,everyone has one. So let's wipe them and just catch'm

Offline ispoman

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #76 on: Dec 20, 2008, 07:16 PM »
BASS MASTER= what happened to your other posting?

Offline rcjim

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #77 on: Dec 20, 2008, 07:35 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with catching and keeping that many fish if they are going to his family and friends, myself don't like cleaning gills that small . I was fishing on Tues on a lake i know real well and caught probably 50+ gills I kept 14 that were between 8 - 11 ins that was plenty for me and my wife plus a mess to give to my dad who can't get out anymore. I had been watching a young feller (20 -24 yrs old )about 30 yrds from me he wasn't having much luck so when I was done I walked over and ask how he was doing? he had 5 that were about 5 in, I told him I was leaving and I had a hot hole if he wanted to move,I gave him one of my flies I was catching them on and his first drop caught a 9 incher , he thanked me over and over !! I walked back to the car with a nice mess of fish and and a new ice buddy ! that's what I call a good day of fishing !!  
This sport needs a lot more guys like you, great job

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #78 on: Dec 20, 2008, 07:41 PM »

 Nice job MM. I believe you, I've never done it through the ice but I do know of a spot up north where we go just after ice out and we can catch a bass on just about every cast.We have caught as many as 400 bass in one day. No lie.   Eat well,drink lots and be merry!!!!!!!!

                                  HAPPY HOLIDAYS
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Offline Buck762

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #79 on: Dec 20, 2008, 07:46 PM »
Holy Shnike. Great job guys!!! I thought I hot the pannies hard the other day when I caught around 40-some keepers...guess I'm wrong. Have a very merry Christmas

Offline rcjim

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #80 on: Dec 20, 2008, 07:56 PM »
Can't keep my mouth shut on this any longer. While everyone dreams of days like that, it is absolutely foolish to EVER keep that many fish. It's not about ruining the fishery, although if it was a small lake or pond you may have set it back many years by keeping that many. On a larger lake like Wawasee it would do no damage at all. That is unless all anglers decided they needed that many fish. While I'm sure it was a lot of fun, it is definitely not something to brag about. It's more fun to brag about the days you catch 30 and the ten guys all around you only get a few. A freakin two year old could have caught the fish you two were catching. Not at all impressed. Too easy

Offline wax_worm

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #81 on: Dec 20, 2008, 08:16 PM »
Can't keep my mouth shut on this any longer. While everyone dreams of days like that, it is absolutely foolish to EVER keep that many fish. It's not about ruining the fishery, although if it was a small lake or pond you may have set it back many years by keeping that many. On a larger lake like Wawasee it would do no damage at all. That is unless all anglers decided they needed that many fish. While I'm sure it was a lot of fun, it is definitely not something to brag about. It's more fun to brag about the days you catch 30 and the ten guys all around you only get a few. A freakin two year old could have caught the fish you two were catching. Not at all impressed. Too easy

Ask the amish how many and what size they catch and keep out of wawasee.  I have seen coolers full of 5 inch gills, 6 inch perch and sub legal bass taking off there in the summer, but no one harrasses them.  They keep everything they catch.  They don't even let them get to spawning size. 

375 fish out of a lake bigger than 30 acres should not have much of an impact at all.  There are many schools of fish in any given body od water.  I fish a lake (just over 100 acres) in the spring and summer and have taken 100s of gills out of there in the course of a year.  I see others doing the same.  Yet year after year, summer after summer there are 8-10 inch gills in this lake for the taking.  This has been going on for 20 years of my life and 30 more years of my dad's life and the fishery stays the same.  It does not matter if they take 375 in one sitting or catch that many over the course of the year.  The net result is the same on the fishery and any fishery that has schools that size obviously can sustain the harvest.  I would venture to guess that many people on this site catch more than the 375 pannies over the course of a winter fishing season.  I know slabgill and I have taken 142 pannies this year already in 5 trips out. 

I would never keep that many in one sitting becuase I would not want to clean that many at one time, but over the course of a winter, we will catch and keep that many or more.  Add the rest of the year in and you would be surprised how many fish can be caught and kept and not hurt the fishery.

As I said before, this was a day of a lifetime for these guys.  The critisizm they are getting by those that don't agree with it is a bit over the top, when they did nothing unlawful.

Offline Hardwater Problem

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #82 on: Dec 20, 2008, 08:20 PM »
So now ur gonna tell me what i can and can not eat?
i kept about a hundred for my self,my g/f and her parents and the rest went to my cousin,father and grand father.
everything was spread out and those fillets never made it to the spring lol.
Whoaaaaa!!!!!  Set your tazer to stun!!!!   just a joke!!!!   hot dog eating champion/ lots of fish...........  Tons of laughs on my end!!!!!!!

Offline rcjim

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #83 on: Dec 20, 2008, 08:23 PM »
Ask the amish how many and what size they catch and keep out of wawasee.  I have seen coolers full of 5 inch gills, 6 inch perch and sub legal bass taking off there in the summer, but no one harrasses them.  They keep everything they catch.  They don't even let them get to spawning size. 

375 fish out of a lake bigger than 30 acres should not have much of an impact at all.  There are many schools of fish in any given body od water.  I fish a lake (just over 100 acres) in the spring and summer and have taken 100s of gills out of there in the course of a year.  I see others doing the same.  Yet year after year, summer after summer there are 8-10 inch gills in this lake for the taking.  This has been going on for 20 years of my life and 30 more years of my dad's life and the fishery stays the same.  It does not matter if they take 375 in one sitting or catch that many over the course of the year.  The net result is the same on the fishery and any fishery that has schools that size obviously can sustain the harvest.  I would venture to guess that many people on this site catch more than the 375 pannies over the course of a winter fishing season.  I know slabgill and I have taken 142 pannies this year already in 5 trips out. 

I would never keep that many in one sitting becuase I would not want to clean that many at one time, but over the course of a winter, we will catch and keep that many or more.  Add the rest of the year in and you would be surprised how many fish can be caught and kept and not hurt the fishery.

As I said before, this was a day of a lifetime for these guys.  The critisizm they are getting by those that don't agree with it is a bit over the top, when they did nothing unlawful.

You missed my point, that being  if everyone kept fish at that rate we would all be screwed. Catching that many in the course of a season and catching and keeping that many in one sitting are two totally different things

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #84 on: Dec 20, 2008, 08:27 PM »
Plain and simple moral of the story. Don't give these two guys permission to fish your pond

Offline Armyman2007

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #85 on: Dec 20, 2008, 08:49 PM »
"Catching that many in the course of a season and catching and keeping that many in one sitting are two totally different things"

I agree 100%

Offline wax_worm

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #86 on: Dec 20, 2008, 09:27 PM »
"Catching that many in the course of a season and catching and keeping that many in one sitting are two totally different things"

I agree 100%

First of all, no one can catch fish like that every time out.  That is why I said it was the day of a LIFETIME.  They may never do that again.  Part 1 of the story they caught around 60 betweent the two of them.. Are you going to yell at them for that too??

If you catch 1 fish in 375 trips or 375 fish in 1 trip the result is the same.  In either case there are 375 less fish in the lake to spawn next year.  This is the first time I have EVER heard of anyone catching that many KEEPER bluegills in one trip and I have been fishing more than 30 years in N. Indinana and S. Michigan......That tells you how rare it is.  Your statement that if everyone did this we would all be screwed does not make sense because it rarely if ever happens.  I have had days on the ice where 3 people have caught 500 fish, but for every keeper 10 were dinks that we threw back.

Anyone ever seen this many KEEPER (7.5" and bigger) gills in one trip by 2 people??

Offline ispoman

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #87 on: Dec 20, 2008, 09:57 PM »
WAX- what he is saying is that IF we all fished like that, then how would that be? Besides that, they claim that they do this all the time. And again why would you keep 6" fish when youre on em like that? Ive seen your alot of your posts and never seen a 6" fish.

Offline wax_worm

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #88 on: Dec 20, 2008, 10:21 PM »
WAX- what he is saying is that IF we all fished like that, then how would that be? Besides that, they claim that they do this all the time. And again why would you keep 6" fish when youre on em like that? Ive seen your alot of your posts and never seen a 6" fish.

I am agruing the IF part of his statement.  There is NO WAY we all can catch fish like that.  It is an extreme rarity.  That is my point, because there is no such IF.  I do agree that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE for everyone to catch fish like that, then we would be in trouble, but the fact is we can't all catch fish like that.

Nothing against MM and MM, but I don't care what they claim they can do.  That is a fish story.  We have all heard them and all told them.  As I said one can stay on fish like that every time out.  You can't do it, I can't do it and Dave Genz can't do it.  It is not many factors that affect the mood of the fish at any given time.  When everything aligns correctly and you happen to be fishing at that time over the right school, on the right lake, then you have a day where nothing can go wrong.  But it does not happen very often.  In the past 15 yrs, I probably fish 50-60 times a year (not all day long) for panfish in the winter, and bass and pannies in the spring, summer and fall and only one time have I been on fish where it seemed like you could have caught 100's of keepers, but they were perch on Wawasee.  It has been 15+ yrs ago but my grandpa and I caught 120 perch between 9-14 inches in just over 2 hours.  We left them biting becuase we could not carry anymore.  We went back the next day and never caught a fish in the same holes.  So 1 time in 750 trips has it happened to me where I thought I probably could have caught 100's of keepers.....That is why it is called fishing and not catching. 

I don't keep 6" fish....I don't like to clean them that small.  However I see alot of guys keep gills that size...I think that is the VERY bottom the scale where they are able to be cleaned and where you can get a fillet of any size off them.  There is no size limit on gills so I have no right to tell them what a keeper is. 

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Re: Killed 'em today, PART 2
« Reply #89 on: Dec 20, 2008, 10:58 PM »
wow what a stack. I would go nuts cleaning that many fish. After 10, I've had enough ;) gotta love the hot bite days like that. I'm still waiting for my 1st triple digit day on the ice for # caught.

See you on the frozen pond.......Mike


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