Author Topic: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica  (Read 7158 times)

Offline zooplankton

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Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« on: Mar 25, 2008, 07:19 PM »
 Allright guy's I know alot of you are going to say "Bull-@#$@" to "Global Warming" but could this
be the real proof?.........I know this winter in N.E. Pa. has been dramatically effected but most in
the northern mid west have had a banner year for ice & snow...........
                             What are your thought's?.............Zoo.

Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
Posted: 2008-03-25 17:05:33
Filed Under: Science News
WASHINGTON (March 25) - A chunk of Antarctic ice about seven times the size of Manhattan suddenly collapsed, putting an even greater portion of glacial ice at risk, scientists said Tuesday.

Offline jayswimmer09

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #1 on: Mar 25, 2008, 07:25 PM »
honestly i believe in it, and i believe we can reverse it, but i also believe that we wont do it because to many people are uneducated

Offline zooplankton

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #2 on: Mar 25, 2008, 07:35 PM »
I'm with  ya "Jays" I do believe we are creating a big problem, dont' get me wrong , I do also think we have
years when it's milder than others, but if you look back at the last 10 yrs you do see it because
of the breaking down of the o-zone?, greenhouse effect?.....because it is not happing from one week to the next
dramatically does not mean it is not happing at all

Offline captain54

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #3 on: Mar 25, 2008, 07:36 PM »

There might be something to global warming,but if you research weather from the time they started to keep records,there are years of cold weather and years of warm weather,drought,and floods.One thing is are winters seem to start later and last more into March,years back winter seemed to start in November being colder and not lasting into late March. Time will tell about G.W. but I think you will see different cycles and weather patterns through the years.

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Offline MrMarty51

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #5 on: Mar 26, 2008, 12:02 AM »
There are times when we do have a cold spell,I do`nt think it`s anything like it was when I was growing up and it would get to over -45F and the high for the days would be -20 and sometimes colder.It seems like it`s a real happening now if it gets down to -20 at night.
I believe GW is here as there are pics of the polar regions where 20 years ago there were glaciers and now it has turned to moss.
If You live in a glacial region You had better take pics of the glaciers so You can show them to Your Grandchildren and tell them this is what it used to be like.And if it does`nt happen then I guess You will have some pics of some glaciers. :roflmao: :roflmao:

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Offline Grumpyoldman

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #6 on: Mar 26, 2008, 04:11 AM »
We should certainly try to stop global warming. But, I believe the warming caused both by regular trends and ozone depletion cannot be slowed down at this point. It will now proceed exponetially after this.

Offline youngster

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #7 on: Mar 26, 2008, 07:06 AM »
the way i see it is the globe has been warming sice day one. the glaciers were where the great lakes were at one point in time and have been receeding ever since. should we continue to pollute obviously not. some times make you wonder why its always the little guy that seems to be considered the biggest polluter . with billions of people in china, who doesnt seem to care and india also we have a tough task ahead of us if we think we can stop it. cudo,s for tryin  but itll cost us billions and ya kinda of wonder who will end up with the majority of the billions.. dont get me wrong im am and always have been for keeping our enviroment safe for us and our kids. but its not looking good.  hopefully the human race will evolve like it has since it began to live in and adapt to the surronding enviroment.     just ranting  hope i didnt offend anyone.    ;D

Offline RLWagner

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #8 on: Mar 26, 2008, 08:18 AM »
This years winter has eroded all signs of global warming temerature wise for the past 100 year cycle Gore refers to. Furthermore, the ice caps on Mars are also disappearing. So is man to blame for that as well................? or could it maybe, just maybe be that the sun and it's spot activity are effecting warming and cooling, and not man?

As some glaciers receed, others in New Zealand expand. As some receed, we find dinasaur bones, trees etc. under them indicating that the area was once ice free. What is to say that the earth is not just returning to it's normal state??? The north American Glaciers use to extend at least to Kentucky 12-15,000 years ago. They have been receeding ever since. This is prior to modern mans influence, and the trend continues, so how are we to  blame for the melts from 1000's of years ago? A trend maybe??

The desert outside of Vegas use to be a sea bed, hence the Red Rock Canyon and Valley of fire. Now it is dry indicating maybe warming???

These cycles have been happening for the 4.5 billion year life of the earth, with or without man, and will continue to do so. The big issue is the ability for nations and individuals to capitalize from te fear mongoring about man made global warming. Other nations hope to influence America to sign the Kyoto Accord in turn allowing and delivering on a silver platter, an unfair trade and production advatage to the door steps of the worlds two biggest polluters, China and India. Those two nations are exempt from the Kyoto, and like in Germany, if we sign it and are bound by clauses, then businesses would have to purchase Green House credits from a little known business man name AL GORE!!!!!! Aha!!! Now you know the rest of the story. Al has fleeced America into believing this is real so we will sign the treaty, forcing companies to patronize his Green House Credit company!!!

Then the cost of business will increase here, sending more companies over seas to India and China, where the factories will be resurected in their original polluting form, and will resume production manned by foreign workers on foreign soil without the constraints of the Kyoto because India and China are exempt!!!


Offline jjmoser

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #9 on: Mar 26, 2008, 08:40 AM »
well put RL I don't know exactly what side of the fence I am on but that definitely made me think about it in another way.  I am a firm believer in cyclical weather behavior and that correlates with what you stated.  There is some wicked money makers out there and those people will not stop at any expense of human life or dignity to achieve the almighty dollar. 


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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #10 on: Mar 26, 2008, 08:49 AM »
i had an oportunity , last fall, to fly from coast to coast, philly to medford oregon.
it was a day time flight, the weather was clear, and i spent the entire flight glued to the window.
on thing is for sure- we are dumping an ungodly amount of polution into the air. i saw it from coast to coast.
it most certainly must have some sort of effect on the atmosphere.
i shudder to think what china and india are doing.
don't buy cheap crap just for the sake of buying something.
how much stuff do we have in our homes that we don't really need, that doesn't work very well, that we regret buying,that was made of plastic (oil) in china.

grandpa told me-"never wrestle with a pig. you both get muddy and the pig likes it".

Offline buffaloice

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #11 on: Mar 26, 2008, 09:13 AM »
i know the winter in western ny have been getting warmer and shorter since the 70s.i think its a combination of both man made and natural it probably would happen without us but we are defiantly speeding it up.don't think we can stop it now but it doesn't hurt to try

Offline JS

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #12 on: Mar 26, 2008, 09:56 AM »
i agree buffalo, just think of all of the internal combustion engines running around the globe around the clock. cars, bikes, bigrigs, boats, mopeds, lawnmowers and more. they never stop running and for how long now 100 years. that has got to make an impact...i love my petropwer like most but somthing has to change....
Tight lines!

Offline RLWagner

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #13 on: Mar 26, 2008, 10:04 AM »
i know the winter in western ny have been getting warmer and shorter since the 70s.i think its a combination of both man made and natural it probably would happen without us but we are defiantly speeding it up.don't think we can stop it now but it doesn't hurt to try
The speeding up just took a big dump when you factor in this year. All warming trends for the past short 100 years have been washed away that quick. This is one of the many reasons why it was a fleecing of America for Al to only use a few short years as his basis. Had he used a longer period of time the warming trend would not have been there, but it would have instead been a cyclical action.

Imagine run-away savanah fires, forest fires and swamp fires that use to burn for years on end...imagine tens of millions of bon fires burning raw coal, wood etc around the clock to fuel the war machines of the Romans and all the other civilizations on the globe like the Hunns, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecs and on and on and on. These civilizations nearly wiped out the wood and resources available to fuel the fires required for survival. Cookining, warmth and tool making. The amount of CO2 put into the air was astronomical. Now fires are doused in days or weeks, not years. Fire breaks contain many fires, and brush and forests are removed from much of the land scape and swamps have dried up by being pumped or drained out.

These civilizations burned raw fuels with no controls what so ever. All sewage ended up untreated. There were very little to no controls back then for pollution. And yet seas dried up in some places, glaciers formed in others, and receeded elsewhere. The land bridge between Russia and Alaska did not melt down in the last 100 years.....more like tens of thousands ago. But we were not civilized man yet, so are we to blame for what has been happening all along? or is it a convenient lie??????????

Do we know if we indeed are polluting more now than the old civilizations use to??????????????????????

Imagine the amount of livestock and horses required just to maintain the Roman empire or Dynasties???
CO2 deposits in glacier ice and sediments have indicated levels at times in the past higher than what we have today. One active volcano can change the atmosphere for decades to come, as can one asteroid impact.

Offline ejensen

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #14 on: Mar 26, 2008, 10:24 AM »
Wouldn't you think if Al Gore really believed this he would make changes to his life style to set an example!
If click this link you'll see nothing has changed.


Offline pooley

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #15 on: Mar 26, 2008, 11:18 AM »
look at history and you will see that this pattern has happened before. sometimes faster, sometimes slower. i agree to the extent that we are excelerating it, but we are not the cause. there have been many iceage episodes. we can only stop pollution, we can't stop another cycle change. did you notice that in the last 10 years, you hear about global warming, but almost NEVER hear about the real problem. pollution. that is where we need to look. we are still ruining our environment. and not only with our carbon footprints.  ;D
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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #16 on: Mar 26, 2008, 11:53 AM »
 I believe we are accelerating the process. If it wasnt for Global warming of some kind we wouldnt even be here
 the world would still be covered in ice. I do think we can do things to help slow it but we will never stop it.
 The Earth is dying.
Panfish Patrol!!

Offline Eddie Spaghetti

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #17 on: Mar 26, 2008, 06:35 PM »
Is the earth dying, or just changing? It seems to me that we are just experiencing the natural order of things. I'm sure many of our bad habits aren't helping the situation, but change is the only constant in this world. I guess that puts me in the "global warming is a hoax" camp. Just my opinion.

Offline icedreams

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #18 on: Mar 26, 2008, 09:13 PM »
      Al Gore getting rich off of greenhouse gas credits?  Is this as reported by Rush Limbaugh?  I've not heard this one.  But lets suppose this is correct.  We know world leaders will not act on ANYTHING without someone pocketing billions.  For example, Cheney making his Halli-bur-ton cronies and himself billions, while our brothers and sisters die in Iraq.  Bu$h making his cronies richer and richer with $4.00 a gallon gas.  Record profits for Exxon.  Now there is Al making billions off of -gasp- trying to clean up the environment?  How dare he?  Maybe its bad just because he's a democrat.  If he was a republican, would getting richer be okay?  Is it just a bipartisan thing?
      Whether you believe in GW or not the simple fact is these are finite resources we are using up at an astounding rate.  The planet cannot sustain this.  As for the romans and native peoples using up as many resources as modern man, I mean are you serious?  In 100AD there were 200 million people on the planet using rocks and sticks.  There are six BILLION people on earth now.  Consuming staggering amounts of anything and everything we can get our hands on.  Six billion.  In the last 100 years we've added 4.4 billion consumers.  Burning energy in ways unimaginable just 100 years ago.  Nonstop. Burn baby burn.
       This has to affect something.  Maybe this warming trend is cyclical.  But somewhere, sometime we have to at least start to think about consequences.  Somebody has to start this dialogue sometime.  Do you really think we can consume like this forever?

Offline copperjohn

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #19 on: Mar 26, 2008, 11:39 PM »
Okay, let's follow the money.  Let's say working to clean this mess up costs  billions.  Who gets the money?  Enterprising greenies who create and use science and technology to counter the effects of GW.  Everyone from the recycling sorters picking through our garbage all the way up to the venture capitalists investing in new technologies like solar and wind, and alternative fuels.

Looking at the automotive industry as an example, we will see the price of cars increasing due to fuel efficiency mandates.  That extra money we will pay(and have paid in the past) goes for the research and development of the necessary technologies as well as the extra material and labor for production.  Money spent in the system.  We also require safety mandates which effect prices similarly. Seatbelts, Airbags, crash absorbing crumple zones are all the norm today. And there are also market forces involved which increase costs which we gladly pay.  Who really needs a 300 hp sedan?  Why won't we ever see crank windows again?  So yea, the cost is gonna climb, but the money goes into the economy.  I'd rather see it working within the economy than being deposited in Big Oil's savings accounts.  And really, do they put it back in?  I pity the fool who believes that that segment of the free market is money deservedly earned or reinvested.

Huge changes will rock our economy as they have in the past.  Maybe we have to re regulate or even nationalize parts of the energy industry in order to compete in the world.  Maybe we'll have to sacrifice our lifestyle choices such as recreation and commuting to work.  For sure, the planet's finite resources are being used by a growing population in ways that are not good for the ecosystem.  If we can find some economic impetus to counteract this negative, then all the better.
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Offline Grumpyoldman

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #20 on: Mar 27, 2008, 04:06 AM »
Okay, let's follow the money.  Let's say working to clean this mess up costs  billions.  Who gets the money?  Enterprising greenies who create and use science and technology to counter the effects of GW.  Everyone from the recycling sorters picking through our garbage all the way up to the venture capitalists investing in new technologies like solar and wind, and alternative fuels.

Looking at the automotive industry as an example, we will see the price of cars increasing due to fuel efficiency mandates.  That extra money we will pay(and have paid in the past) goes for the research and development of the necessary technologies as well as the extra material and labor for production.  Money spent in the system.  We also require safety mandates which effect prices similarly. Seatbelts, Airbags, crash absorbing crumple zones are all the norm today. And there are also market forces involved which increase costs which we gladly pay.  Who really needs a 300 hp sedan?  Why won't we ever see crank windows again?  So yea, the cost is gonna climb, but the money goes into the economy.  I'd rather see it working within the economy than being deposited in Big Oil's savings accounts.  And really, do they put it back in?  I pity the fool who believes that that segment of the free market is money deservedly earned or reinvested.

Huge changes will rock our economy as they have in the past.  Maybe we have to re regulate or even nationalize parts of the energy industry in order to compete in the world.  Maybe we'll have to sacrifice our lifestyle choices such as recreation and commuting to work.  For sure, the planet's finite resources are being used by a growing population in ways that are not good for the ecosystem.  If we can find some economic impetus to counteract this negative, then all the better.
Follow the money is the answer too many mysteries.

Offline RLWagner

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #21 on: Mar 27, 2008, 08:07 AM »
      Al Gore getting rich off of greenhouse gas credits?  Is this as reported by Rush Limbaugh?  I've not heard this one.   But lets suppose this is correct.  We know world leaders will not act on ANYTHING without someone pocketing billions.  For example, Cheney making his Halli-bur-ton cronies and himself billions, while our brothers and sisters die in Iraq.  Bu$h making his cronies richer and richer with $4.00 a gallon gas.  Record profits for Exxon.  Now there is Al making billions off of -gasp- trying to clean up the environment?  How dare he?  Maybe its bad just because he's a democrat.  If he was a republican, would getting richer be okay?  Is it just a bipartisan thing?
      Whether you believe in GW or not the simple fact is these are finite resources we are using up at an astounding rate.  The planet cannot sustain this.  As for the romans and native peoples using up as many resources as modern man, I mean are you serious?  In 100AD there were 200 million people on the planet using rocks and sticks.  There are six BILLION people on earth now.  Consuming staggering amounts of anything and everything we can get our hands on.  Six billion.  In the last 100 years we've added 4.4 billion consumers.  Burning energy in ways unimaginable just 100 years ago.  Nonstop. Burn baby burn.
       This has to affect something.  Maybe this warming trend is cyclical.  But somewhere, sometime we have to at least start to think about consequences.  Somebody has to start this dialogue sometime.  Do you really think we can consume like this forever?

Are you serious??? You use this as an arguement??? So just because you have not heard of it means no credibility exists???? You aboviously know very little about Truth in Broadcasting with Rush or how to verify what is said on the show so do a tad of homework on these subjects and you shall see.

Bill Clinton also used Haliburton for no bid contracts as they are one of the only companies in the world with credentials capable of performing many of the jobs they are contracted for. Does that make Bill Clinton guilty as well???????

George Bush is causing us to pay 4.00 a gallon????? He is not OPEC, he is not controlling China and India wherto 2000 cars a day are being added to the road. It has to do with simple economics ice. Supplyt and demand. 8% profits reports from oil copanies is about the same as most industries. But when you sell a ton more on the global market, then profits will increase, but not necessarily the profit margins.

We are dependent upon foreign oil; and the global market not because George is President, but because the Democratic party has cowtowed to special interest groups for 30 years, and that does not help our jobs, economy or anything else. What it does is place a moratorium on desperately needed new refineries, pipelines and drilling projects. It stamps out our ability to use nuclear energy like many other countries safely, and instead rely on other polluting fossil fuels. Since we built our last reactor, France has added in the neighborhood of 70+ reactors, nearly without incident. But the democrats have stifled our ability to drill, in the area between Cuba and USA for years, and now the Chineese and Venezuelans are tapping the oil we could have been for decades. The worlds second largest deposit of oil is in anwar, yet the democrats refuse to allow it to be tapped, they refuse new pipelines. The democrats have created our dependency upon foreign oil, and therefore are rsponsible for us paying almost 4.00 a barrell.

Then the feel good politics of the democrats want us and are tryig to force us into alternative fuels like ethynol from corn, which pollutes more in the production process than does gas from oil in the entire process. Now those democratic efforts have resulted in shortages of corn on the market causing us to over pay for milk, pork, beef and any other product from the farm as the farmers are paying up to 4 fold for a bushell!! And that cost is passed onto the consumers.

The statements by Hillary that she will "Go after the oil companies" should scare the bejebus out of you, not make you feel good. That will have even further reachiing reprocussions that we all will pay for. Again, the democrats created our dependency through their refusal to allow us to drill, explore, tap and build...and they still refuse, but blame Bush??? Time to wake up and smell the coffee eh???

Offline pooley

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #22 on: Mar 27, 2008, 10:04 AM »
Are you serious??? You use this as an arguement??? So just because you have not heard of it means no credibility exists???? You aboviously know very little about Truth in Broadcasting with Rush or how to verify what is said on the show so do a tad of homework on these subjects and you shall see.

Bill Clinton also used Haliburton for no bid contracts as they are one of the only companies in the world with credentials capable of performing many of the jobs they are contracted for. Does that make Bill Clinton guilty as well???????

George Bush is causing us to pay 4.00 a gallon????? He is not OPEC, he is not controlling China and India wherto 2000 cars a day are being added to the road. It has to do with simple economics ice. Supplyt and demand. 8% profits reports from oil copanies is about the same as most industries. But when you sell a ton more on the global market, then profits will increase, but not necessarily the profit margins.

We are dependent upon foreign oil; and the global market not because George is President, but because the Democratic party has cowtowed to special interest groups for 30 years, and that does not help our jobs, economy or anything else. What it does is place a moratorium on desperately needed new refineries, pipelines and drilling projects. It stamps out our ability to use nuclear energy like many other countries safely, and instead rely on other polluting fossil fuels. Since we built our last reactor, France has added in the neighborhood of 70+ reactors, nearly without incident. But the democrats have stifled our ability to drill, in the area between Cuba and USA for years, and now the Chineese and Venezuelans are tapping the oil we could have been for decades. The worlds second largest deposit of oil is in anwar, yet the democrats refuse to allow it to be tapped, they refuse new pipelines. The democrats have created our dependency upon foreign oil, and therefore are rsponsible for us paying almost 4.00 a barrell.

Then the feel good politics of the democrats want us and are tryig to force us into alternative fuels like ethynol from corn, which pollutes more in the production process than does gas from oil in the entire process. Now those democratic efforts have resulted in shortages of corn on the market causing us to over pay for milk, pork, beef and any other product from the farm as the farmers are paying up to 4 fold for a bushell!! And that cost is passed onto the consumers.

The statements by Hillary that she will "Go after the oil companies" should scare the bejebus out of you, not make you feel good. That will have even further reachiing reprocussions that we all will pay for. Again, the democrats created our dependency through their refusal to allow us to drill, explore, tap and build...and they still refuse, but blame Bush??? Time to wake up and smell the coffee eh???

 :clap: :clap: :clap: you nailed it on the head!
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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #23 on: Mar 27, 2008, 10:17 AM »
with all due respect, are you saying we should say screwit, grab all we can, use up everything within our grasp whether we need it or not, to heck with the next 1000 generations, cause if we don't use the chinese or some one else will?
it seems to me you have the mentality of someone who would keep all of the fish they catch, every day, eat until you're sick, and let the rest rot- just so your neighbors' kids can't get them.
i'm not saying your facts are incorrect, i 'm saying i strongly disagree with your point of view.

thats my opinion.
grandpa told me-"never wrestle with a pig. you both get muddy and the pig likes it".

Offline RLWagner

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #24 on: Mar 27, 2008, 10:32 AM »
with all due respect, are you saying we should say screwit, grab all we can, use up everything within our grasp whether we need it or not, to heck with the next 1000 generations, cause if we don't use the chinese or some one else will?
it seems to me you have the mentality of someone who would keep all of the fish they catch, every day, eat until you're sick, and let the rest rot- just so your neighbors' kids can't get them.
i'm not saying your facts are incorrect, i 'm saying i strongly disagree with your point of view.

thats my opinion.

Sparky, not sure how you could have derived that from my post, but you did. I never said hoard everything, but the post was about the cost of oil being what it is because of something George Bush did according to the previous poster. My response simply pointed out that the Democrats, not Bush are to blame for the cost, dependence etc...How did you miss that Sparky?? Are you proposing paying an eventual 10.00 a gallon instead of tapping our own deposits???????? Are you saying we should not care that foreign nations are drilling oil 45 iles from our coast, but one of our parties refuses to allow us to do the same, and are you calling that gready??? Do you have displaced anger as a result of realizing the Dems have contributed significantly to the problem???? Do you like the high and ever increasing cost of gasoline?? if not, why do you call it gready to propose using what is ours instead of depending upon foreign markets????

Your attack on me and what you suspect are my tendencies to keep what I catch and it has nothiing to do with the oil crises and cost or cause. Are you deflecting the topic to displace the blame instead of addressing the issue? Is attacking me instead of accepting or denying the cause and effect making you feel better? It is not making you look any better bud!!

Sorry you were unable to understand my post. I will try in the future to keep it much more simple and easier to undestand.

Offline buffaloice

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #25 on: Mar 27, 2008, 12:51 PM »
up here it did not get cold this year till mid used to get cold in oct.did not need my furnace till almost if i factor in this year the trend continues
The speeding up just took a big dump when you factor in this year. All warming trends for the past short 100 years have been washed away that quick. This is one of the many reasons why it was a fleecing of America for Al to only use a few short years as his basis. Had he used a longer period of time the warming trend would not have been there, but it would have instead been a cyclical action.

Imagine run-away savanah fires, forest fires and swamp fires that use to burn for years on end...imagine tens of millions of bon fires burning raw coal, wood etc around the clock to fuel the war machines of the Romans and all the other civilizations on the globe like the Hunns, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecs and on and on and on. These civilizations nearly wiped out the wood and resources available to fuel the fires required for survival. Cookining, warmth and tool making. The amount of CO2 put into the air was astronomical. Now fires are doused in days or weeks, not years. Fire breaks contain many fires, and brush and forests are removed from much of the land scape and swamps have dried up by being pumped or drained out.

These civilizations burned raw fuels with no controls what so ever. All sewage ended up untreated. There were very little to no controls back then for pollution. And yet seas dried up in some places, glaciers formed in others, and receeded elsewhere. The land bridge between Russia and Alaska did not melt down in the last 100 years.....more like tens of thousands ago. But we were not civilized man yet, so are we to blame for what has been happening all along? or is it a convenient lie??????????

Do we know if we indeed are polluting more now than the old civilizations use to??????????????????????

Imagine the amount of livestock and horses required just to maintain the Roman empire or Dynasties???
CO2 deposits in glacier ice and sediments have indicated levels at times in the past higher than what we have today. One active volcano can change the atmosphere for decades to come, as can one asteroid impact.

Offline buffaloice

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #26 on: Mar 27, 2008, 01:47 PM »
sorry i was trying to reply to the post above but cant figure out how as im new to the whole computer thing but i will learn :-[

Offline youngster

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #27 on: Mar 27, 2008, 03:21 PM »
this is thread has definitely shown the sad state of affairs we are in  in this country... we have gone from  global warming and worrying about our enviroment  to trashing each other bout democrat and republican.  it kinda makes me sick.  the dems were there for 8 years and we paid !!!!  so then the republicans get in for 8 saying theyll save us all AND WE PAY!!!! doesnt anyone get it or maybe im the only 1 that dont. ALL OF THEM SEEM TO BE GETTIN RICH OFF OF US. and its seems its always about them  NOT US.and IF WE DONT HAVE THEM to show us the way, we will all just freakin shrivel up and die.   DAMN  . i think we,de better get  together as americans and freak the limelighters and get this country back for us.  and our kids.   and i think if anyone could it would be us sportmans...     sorry for the rant

Offline icedreams

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #28 on: Mar 27, 2008, 03:46 PM »
     Yes the environment.  RLW just focused on the Dem vs Rep paragraph of my post.  I wasn't trying to say one was better than the other.  My point was that at some point in time we have to start thinking about turning our slash and burn tendencies around.  Common sense dictates this. So anyone who suggests we look at this issue is a feel good liberal?  Shall we all just bury our head in the sand and ignore it?  Keep using and it will get better?

Offline RLWagner

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Re: Massive Ice Chunk Collapses in Antarctica
« Reply #29 on: Mar 27, 2008, 04:22 PM »
     Yes the environment.  RLW just focused on the Dem vs Rep paragraph of my post.  I wasn't trying to say one was better than the other.  My point was that at some point in time we have to start thinking about turning our slash and burn tendencies around.  Common sense dictates this. So anyone who suggests we look at this issue is a feel good liberal?  Shall we all just bury our head in the sand and ignore it?  Keep using and it will get better?
Not sure anyone is proposing to ignore it altogether. But to fabricate the facts of global warming in order to encourage the USA to sign on-to the Kyoto is just outright wrong. To instill fear into people about burning regular gas and to suggest that using ethynol will pollute less is just a pure outright phalacy. The USA is one of the leaders in the world in pollution control. CXonsidering the volume of goods produced versus the amount of pollution created, there is hardly an equal per capita. But the libs would have you believe that the USA is the anti-christ.

Cost is an issue when looking into these issues, but to raise the cost of living at this time would be devastating to our nations people. And that is what would happen if the tree huggers, peta and other extremists within the environmental far left get their way. Too few facts provided in a vacume have created the fear that the libs need to gain votes for a ironically horrid agenda.

If people want to push a save our planet agenda, then focus on the Indias and Chinas of the world that have yet to even take baby steps, not on one of the worlds leaders in efforts. You will strangle our manufacturing even further, and push the remaining production over seas if you further the constraints upon big business as the eft proposses. It is this feel good politics that the liberals can run your life, make your cjhoices, raise your children and educate you better than you can that is leading to doom and gloom economically. A socialistic version of Marxism is what the left is proposing in the bigger agenda.


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