Author Topic: Sunday March 16 report  (Read 681 times)

Offline Snakehunter

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Sunday March 16 report
« on: Mar 18, 2008, 11:06 AM »
Hi Folks,
Just managed to upload some pics from Sunday.
Me and 4 friends trucked our sleds to a spot north of Kenora and made our way in to a couple of lakes for our once a year dual species safari. We travel about 20 miles across a series of lakes and hit a big, beauty of a trout lake. We fish there until we get 2 fish each and then we head back and stop on the way at a walleye lake and finish our fishing there.
This year saw me having a crappy start as my sled seriously overheated and seized before we got to our first destination. Actually died on our walleye lake about half a mile from where we ended up fishing later.
So after rejigging all the load I ended up having to ride on the back of one friends sled.
We got to our spot about 09:00 and began drilling holes. We all started putting lines down when one guy immediately got into a fish. He no sooner hollered out when I got a hook into one too. Mine was only about a 1-1/2lbs so I actually landed it first ;D
Fishing was pretty sporadic after that. We would hit 2 or 3 in a hurry and then it would die for an hour. To fill the time we had a bonfire and cooked up a bunch of deer and moose sausages and pigged out on moose jerky. Soon we had iced a bunch of trout. I needed one more fish and we were just about to pack it up when I got it. After that we gutted and stowed all the fish and made our way to destination two for some walleyes.
We arrived about 2:30pm and the fishing there was ended up being hard work. 3 guys had electronics and were only marking fish occasionally.
The limit there is 4 each and we were really hoping to get 20 fish and head home. We ended up taking 10 between us, including 3 of mine, and heading home in the dark. We all reeld up and released several really small walleyes and a bunch of pike ranging in size from little dinks to one in excess of 30". We were kept company by 3 bald eagles until it started to get dark but my photos didn't turn out.
We managed to to my sled back without too much problem and now it sits until I can fix it up in the off season :(
After a really long day I was beat, but apart from the sled issue I would do it again in a heartbeat. Weather was gorgeous and we all got sunburned faces ;D
Anyhoo, here's a few pics of the day.
My first trout, the second one was bigger and I should have snapped that pic, duh -

The infamous bloodbath pose -

Our walleye lake -

My first two walleyes -

So there you have it.
Sad part is that I am sitting here typing this report while the trout derby is going on that I was planning to attend. Snowmobile access only ::)
More walk-on fishing ahead I hope. Ice is still very good and over 24" thick on the trout lakes.

Offline viciouscircle

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  • sure its thick enough to hold our weight, after u
Re: Sunday March 16 report
« Reply #1 on: Mar 18, 2008, 07:45 PM »
Awesome Glen!!!! wish i could have come...but i gotta work sometimes. I'll take ya up on the offer of walk ons anytime. Can ya still drive out on Shoal? Also, i'm planning to go to Big Sandy on saturday, walleye, trout and whitefish. Its about half an hour from my place....lemme know if yor interested, would be good to fish with you ahgain soon. Anyway, congrats on what looked like an awesome day.



Offline ravinerat

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Re: Sunday March 16 report
« Reply #2 on: Mar 21, 2008, 06:35 AM »
Sunds like a great adventure. Sorry to hear about the sled but been there. Did you tow it back with you? Looks like lots of snow for heat exchangers is it a fan cooled?

Be safe, Float!

Offline Snakehunter

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Re: Sunday March 16 report
« Reply #3 on: Mar 21, 2008, 02:12 PM »
Yeah, I towed it back to the truck that night. Lots of fun being pulled at 50mph with all the ice and chunks of hard-pack bouncing off my visor >:(

It is a fan cooled sled and it simply over-heated for whatever reason.  I was running SeaFoam through it and it was nearly zero degress. Bad combo I think. A few guys I talked to think I may be all right though. It is still turning over, just tight to do. We'll see over the summer I guess when I tear it down.

Still lots of ice around here so I might get lucky and get a ride out now and again. Otherwise it is walk on fishing only for the next few weeks :(



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