Author Topic: A Reminder To Be Careful  (Read 916 times)

Offline BaitWrangler

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A Reminder To Be Careful
« on: Jan 24, 2008, 09:52 AM »
A guy in the Michigan forum was punching some extra holes the other day and a big block of ice split around him leaving him stranded and with the potential of taking a plunge.  He quickly laid himself flat until help could come and he ended up safe.. but lost his auger.  Just a reminder to be careful out there no matter how the ice appears! This guy was fishing on 7-8"! This can also be a lesson to us all, if you are in trouble... forget the equipment.  An auger, or set of tilts, etc. is worth much less than our lives.

On another note, a similar thing happened to a New York man this week on one of the great lakes, except a bit scarier.  A nice chunk broke off and set him riding on it down river.... He was finally rescued when he came to a stop in the New Hampshire side of the lake.   Nows not the time we want to be trolling, so be careful!



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