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Author Topic: Info in montana??  (Read 4306 times)

Offline pioneer MT

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Info in montana??
« on: Jan 21, 2008, 09:27 PM »
After getting a call on my personal cell. Telling me I was revealing to much info on my methods and locations. I will post on the montana section no more. I Look forward to fishing Boysen this weekend with some of my buddies from sheridan WY, a place where we HOPE our buddies do well.

I have lived in montana for several years and have struggled to fill my hunting tags and find good places to fish. Obviously you guys are used to a state with so little game and fish you fear every little bit hunting or fishing pressure, and look for ways to keep your spots a secret. Well I will bother you no more with my info/ questions. I have removed my posts regarding any good fishing spots I have found. Sorry if I took your fish.  :( :(

Offline Coldfinger007

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #1 on: Jan 21, 2008, 11:59 PM »
I don't know how to take this one....sort of spooky, sounds like intimidation to me.  I probably would have told whoever had called me on my phone, to complain about sharing some fishing info, to stuff it.  Hey, but that's just me.

Offline FishN4Eyes

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #2 on: Jan 22, 2008, 09:16 AM »

Just because one person gave you a hard time, I'd be very careful about grouping a whole group of people into that category.

If the person knows you well enough to call you on your cell, you know them well enough to tell them to screw off.

From what I've seen, people are pretty honest with their info.   Now I'm not going to provide GPS coordinates or anything like that, but some general information can be mighty helpful.   At least that's the way I see it.

Hope your "phone call" doesn't prevent you from contributing to the boards, the more info the better is my opinion.

Jeez, the site is supposed to be fun and reduce your jones until you can get back on the ice, right?


Offline Whatpole

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #3 on: Jan 22, 2008, 09:34 AM »
I was the first post on this last night, and then I removed it. FishN4Eyes pretty well sums up what I said, but in a lot nicer of a way. The last sentence of my original post pretty much read: "If you are going to quit posting on the MT site because of one knucklehead, than by all means, do not let the rest of us Montanan's stand in your way."  I have read some of your previous posts, and they were good posts with excellent pics. I hate to see someone that has good contributions go, but I will not beg for your posts either. Just my $0.02.
"Isn't he precious." My daughter looking at a 12" walleye
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Offline Walltrout

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #4 on: Jan 22, 2008, 10:12 AM »
That's too bad that people have to be that way. I am sorry to see you go.  I have relative who is like that.  I went to Ft. Peck last year with guys from this site and they taught so much about fishing that lake. My uncle was convinced I would give these guys all my "secrets".  I had never fished there in my life before that, so what secrets did I have.

Its funny, you can go out to Canyon Ferry on a nice Saturday afternoon and see hundreds of people fishing.  It looks like a lot at first but when you compare the water covered by these fishermen to the water in the lake, they are only hitting a fraction of a percent.

We are lucky to live in Montana where you have a little room to yourself.  Everyone has their little tricks and secrets that help them catch fish and I don't expect people to share them unless they want to.  But I don't understand what harm could come from posting ice reports, pictures and general information.  Conditions will change day to day anyway so the secret bait or lure that works today might not work tomorrow.

Like I said.  I am sorry to see that this person dissuaded you from posting here.  I hope you reconsider your decision.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." - Henry David Thoreau

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're doing something wrong."  John Giera

Offline zimmer2

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #5 on: Jan 22, 2008, 10:44 AM »
Some peoples KIDS! That is 100% BS. Won't beg you to stay but your are more than welcome to stay and the hell with those KIDS.

Offline cutbow_07

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #6 on: Jan 22, 2008, 11:28 AM »
I completely agree about people complaining that someone gave away their "secret" fishing or hunting spot.  I've always fished hyalite and you cant really go wrong where you fish.  I've caught two grayling out of there and the first was 21.5 inches and the other was right at 19 and both were caught within 5 minutes of each other.  But it's no secret that some people are over zealous about their lil honey holes are will fight to the death over it.  Funny story, I went and visited my brother in Sheridan WY and went fishing at the Tongue.  All the guys he works with usually fish all weekend nights for crappie and eyes told my brother where we should go.  Popped some holes and my brother nailed to crappies right off.  I went skunked for the next 5 hours but went wandern and drilled in the middle of a lattice work of old holes and limited out in about 15 minutes.  After I got back home I learned that the local guys only caught a few fish and were pissed we found some remote honey hole!!

Offline pioneer MT

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #7 on: Jan 22, 2008, 03:44 PM »
Glad to hear your guy's input. Just how I felt! I am a very polite man and had to try pretty hard not to be so offended that I resorted to broken english and profanities. I live for the outdoors. There is not a single day of the year that I dont spend the majority of my time outside. I have been hunting and fishing longer than I have been talking. I think it is awsome that people like me have a site like this to share expeiriences and info. I guess I will keep posting but keep my so called secrets to pm's. I wish I knew exactly who it was that called me, but o well. Look forward to seeing you guys on the ice.

Any of you guys headin down to boysen this weekend. Should be a lot of fun, abount twenty or so wyoming members going to be fishin there. Have to represent montana.

Offline Walltrout

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #8 on: Jan 22, 2008, 04:07 PM »
How did they get your # pioneer?
I was wondering the same thing? Ice shanty doesn't give out that info.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." - Henry David Thoreau

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're doing something wrong."  John Giera

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #9 on: Jan 22, 2008, 05:24 PM »
I would like to throw in my .02, but it's of a differing opinion. I have lived, fished and hunted in the great state of Montana for well over 30 years now and I know from personal experience (many times) what it is like to have a great spot ruined by overzealous fishing and hunting partners or friends or someone "that heard about it". I used to have a fantastic place to hunt elk in southwest mt that you could always count on to kill your elk the first morning. Then one opening day a distant relative decides to bring a friend with him on a day we got into about 200 head. Everybody tagged out and it was a great day. This friend of his told everyone he knew about it, even the guys at the sporting goods store, about where, when and how we got into these elk. Now granted I want you to know that we rarely would see anyone else in this spot and normally if we did it would be family. Then when a reporter from Outdoor Life called this sporting goods store about doing a story on elk hunting in the area, This nipplehead at the store gave him the information that had been passed on to him by my family members friend. Well next season after this story had come out about the fantastic, easy elk hunting in this area, we arrived there opening morning to see 23 fifth wheels and motorhomes(most from out of state) parked everywhere alongside the road. 23! Well we decided to hunt anyway(hardheaded) and when we got into the elk we had to hide behind our dead elk to avoid the bullets that were clipping the willow branches off all around us. The elk had decided to circle in these willows where we were and all the guns around us didn't care that we were there. SCARY! Fish and Game wrote 27 tickets that morning for all sorts of violations and the Rancher that owned the property for access Closed it completely after that for safety reasons and it has never been opened since. I have seen perch populations decimated by the "Catch 3, 4, or 5 buckets full mentality all over in different fisheries, now you are lucky to catch the implemented limits on fish. Pioneermt, maybe you will understand someday what I'm trying to say, the internet can be a great tool to share things with, but it is so powerful that you might find way more than one person sitting in your favorite fishing spot at this lake if you give out just a little bit too much info. With todays access issues in fishing and hunting, the opportunities to prime spots are way more limited than it used to be and you should be happy that you have found a killer spot. Enjoy what you have but what you say could ruin it for yourself. People don't care and they will swarm it, and you and a few others know of this small sweet spot, Maybe you should be greedy and keep some of it to yourself. Don't chastise this guy for calling you, I know him and I know that you guys have swapped info on the ice, He was just trying to protect this small lake from some of the "Gamehogs" that are out there that would be willing to drive to take buckets of fish out if possible.

Offline zimmer2

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #10 on: Jan 22, 2008, 07:16 PM »
 You are entitled to your opinion..........I  have one also. I also have hunted and fished Montana all my life [40 years of it] and whatever he chooses to talk about is his choice ...NOT OURS. Wanna keep a secret, go ahead.

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #11 on: Jan 22, 2008, 07:25 PM »
Trust me jigmaster, I'm far from a gamehog. I will always tell fellow fisherman what I'm fishin with or where or how deep. I am usually willing to help fellow hunters get a deer or an elk whenever possible. I'm just very selective on who I tell because some people will spout it to the world. What, you've never had a "friend" that you've taken to your favorite fishin hole tell everyone about it? You've never been burned by a friend that has told or brought other people to your favorite spot? If you haven't you haven't been around long enough. Actually I think pioneermt should keep sweet spots for himself, I'm sure the locals that sit out there 8 hrs a day on a bucket in a 40 mph wind with no iceshack would love it if everyone in internet land knew of their local fishin hole. Gamehog, Yeah right. I'm sure you have a few spots of your own that you don't share, everyone who fishes normally does. In my last post I never asked pioneermt to not post info, and I don't think I ever said I wanted all the elk or fish to myself. All it was is an example of how good spots can be screwed up by Greedy hunters and fishermen. I don't believe anyone should keep multiple buckets of perch just because they can, or 40 walleyes out of canyon ferry because they can or fish in a slot limit because they can get away with it. That is exactly why we have the gamelaws we have now because of Greedy Gamehogs. Maybe you should reevaluate your position before you accuse anyone else of being a gamehog. Everyone is entitled to post what they want, That is why we live in America. I just hope he doesn't cry in post toasties when multiple others are sitting in the spot he likes to fish.

Offline i c

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #12 on: Jan 22, 2008, 07:27 PM »
ill admit im pretty quite about my hunting spots,but icefishing to me is totally different,now im not going to go and tell everyone exact coordinates but,general area.ive fished right next to people that were catching fish and i didnt,ive recomended places or taken people to places that worked great for me one time and then we dont catch much.or maybe go to a totaly new spot and do good,you just never know.its not like the spot is going to stay a secret exactly anyway anyone driving around or walking on the lake can see you.generally if im new to an area thats where ill head first is on the edge of where evryone else is fishing,plus its nice to have other folks around so when it gets slow you have someone to visit with,plus when youre not catching anything its still fun to watch other people catch stuff,so to me icefishing is lots more social,laid back event,thats better enjoyed,with friends and family.

Offline pioneer MT

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #13 on: Jan 22, 2008, 07:55 PM »
 Thanks for the posts, I have a regained respect for the montana sportsman. Something that comes natural to someone who was raised where I am from. I was just trying to help out the fellow fisherman.

I have always had a hard time being greedy, That is exactly what I meant in my post. I wasnt trying to chastize him, I am just offened at the sense of personal ownership in this states fish and game. I guess when I am old and bitter maybe I will feel the same way but I doubt it. As for your so called secret spots, I cover hundreds of miles on foot every hunting season and probably just as many during ice fishing season.(I dont own a four wheeler). I rarely hunt and fish with anybody. So If if have found one of your secret spots its because of my own hard work. The last month has been the first time in my life to utilize the computer for info on any sort of sporting activity. I guess if you are better at hunting and fishing than everybody else on the site I am not sure why you would be here. It seems kind of hypocritical.

As for your guy's lake you wont see me there again. I removed my posts. There are plenty other of bodies of water in the state. I will leave your "Gem" to you guys. Good luck on the buckets of perch, I was bored of it anyways. Any thing that easy isn't all that fun after a while! Sorry for any mis understanding and thanks for setting me straight.  :'(

P.S. The day you will see me cry, it wont be over a lost elk or people having fun at my fishing spot. There are far better things in my life. ;D

Offline perchhogslayer

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #14 on: Jan 22, 2008, 08:14 PM »
I am a fresh convert from a lurker to a report poster.  Why?  I felt like a scum bag reading everyone's ice/fishing reports and not contributing some of my own.  I'm generally not going to tell every detail of whats working/not working because like everyone else said, thats probably not going to get em the next time out.  Just last weekend I went out with 4 people.  He had 24 poles, and only 3 or 4 were getting bites, but those were getting steady bites, every other pole just sat there. I tried everything I could think of on the other poles, but couldn't ever coax another pole to start getting bites.  Just shows you placement is pretty random usually.  There's no harm in posting ice and fishing reports of info that will get posted up at sporting good stores anyways.

An Ice Fisherman is a man who spends cold days sitting on the ice doing nothing because his wife won't let him do it at home.

Offline MrMarty51

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #15 on: Jan 22, 2008, 08:48 PM »
Hang in there Pioneer wont take long for em to find somebody else to pick on.If You would like to go fishing or hunting in eastern mt give Me a pm.Its been quite a few years since I`ve done any fishing or hunting but bet that I could still recognize a good fishin hole on the river. :)

"Every hour spent fishing is NOT taken from ones life"Quote from Grant Boyson

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #16 on: Jan 22, 2008, 09:51 PM »
pioneermt, too bad you took this whole thing out of context. I never said you should not post about your fishing success. Your first post on this thread kinda got out of hand, probably more than you thought yourself. I'm not braggin about being a super hunter or fisherman. You didn't find one of my secret spots, I was actually kinda on your side about keeping it toned down a little instead of advertising it as "killing" the fish. Again you made a dig on montanans, I'm sure noone in wyoming ever has secret spots or personal ownership issues like us montanans. And I'm not opposed to giving info on this website, but you still have to be able to fish on your own instead of relying on everyone elses info to poach off of. I'm sure everyone on here, if they are a fisherman, has one spot that they kinda keep to themselves. Is there anyone out there willing to take pioneermt to that one spot, and are they ok with him posting everything about it, gps coordinates, depth, bait, time, fish caught(including pics) on the internet for Everyone to see? Honestly now, how many are willing to do this? You ask about chubby darters, I've used them extensively. Maybe when someone is older or more experienced at things is willing to give you advice you should listen because you might learn something. Oh jigmaster5000, personal attacks are not even necessary but seem to be where your headed. I will try to avoid this with you. Too bad you know nothing of dailey lake, your posts are misinformed, and hopefully I never have to see you on the ice. Oh, and As of now I'm done, post what you like. Good luck and happy fishing to all.

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #17 on: Jan 23, 2008, 12:46 PM »
Whoa jigmaster, sounds like your more ruffled than anyone. You need to know some real facts. Pioneer knows EXACTLY who called him, actually had a long conversation with the man. My bud NEVER Threatened him, all he said was that he wondered if could maybe not make dailey look so inviting. Pioneer responded with Wow I didn't even realize what posts like that could do for fishing pressure, and HE asked my bud if he should remove it. My bud said not necessarily have to remove it just maybe tone down the "killin the fish" quote that was in there. The conversation went on With pioneer inquiring about tiber cause he's been asking my bud if I had new info on tiber and that we should all get together and pull the campers up there since he has been dying to get up there all season, relying on some of my knowledge of the lake to help with his first time being there. Which before all this crap I would have been happy to go and share some info with him, but he chose this route. I'm not sure why pioneer chose to remove the post and turn around and make it sound like he had to because of a threatening phone call?Pioneer is riding both sides of fence here, He agreed with my bud on the post, removed the entire thing and then bashed him making it sound like he was threatened? Doesn't make sense. Both pioneer and my bud have shared info on the lake, borrowed bait between them and have had generally a great time. HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHO IT IS! As far as fishing dailey, I go about twice a year and fish there so it's not necessarily my first pick, but is a good fishery. No I'm not a biologist but with the lake being so low, INTENSE fishing pressure could hurt it. Just ask the people who fish canyon ferry on a regular basis, they'll tell you f&g's limit of 40 walleyes in poss. has hurt the walleye fishing the past few years. Commonsense fishing will ultimately sustain the fishery, especially when you have to adjust for low water conditions. So spout all you want, but maybe you don't have ALL the true facts about what really happened with pioneer. You all asked "Well how did he get your phone # they don't give that out on iceshanty?" DUH! They know each other! I have used a chubby darter alot, Great lure recommend it's usage in walleye fishing, size 4 or 5  perch color works great in perch forage lake, red in a crawdad forage. just something that has worked for me. Have a great day!

Offline pioneer MT

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #18 on: Jan 23, 2008, 01:28 PM »

Read back through my posts and tell me where I bashed "Bud". I did have a conversation with him but also felt threatened , I did ask him about other lakes, but have no plans on fishing the with him. As for my number I dont know where he got it, But as the owner of a large company its pretty much common knowledge. You just have know were to look.  I know "Bud" about as well as I know the other 10,000 people in my line of work and was not going to argue with him. I saw him on the lake once and didn't "borrow" any of his corn. I know everybody here said to tell him to f off but thats not my way. I deal with enough people every day to drive anybody crazy, and I always take a very passive approach. I know fishing pressure can be a bad thing, I also like to catch fish. And I plan on doing so for the rest of the season. As for stereotyping people that is exactly what he did. Assuming that all people on the post are out for buckets full of perch and spoiling this guys lake. Which maybe is true you can ask them yourself. The truth is the lake is very hot and I though some other people should have a right to some of the action!!! I am too giving of a person to keep that to myself, Im sorry.

As for grouping all montanan's together. I have had a sour taste in my mouth since I moved here six years ago. I come from a place where you can pretty much access anywhere to hunt and fish. Around bozeman It is not that way, If there are any places to be accessed good luck on finding out where.

I am sorry if I offended you or "Bud". That wasn't my intention. I am not riding both sides of the fence and stand strong believing that you should share with you fellow sportsman. Especially if you have found a good thing.

As for jiggy, he is a good friend of mine and simply was watching my back.

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #19 on: Jan 23, 2008, 02:10 PM »
Pioneer, well will leave it at that. Your word against mine. I'm ok with that. But you did admit knowing who it was so the anonymous part was bull, and you guys did talk about going to "other lakes." Is this what you do when you feel like you're being "threatened?" I usually don't continue a conversation with someone who I feel is threatening me. There are alot of great folks in montana and I would not live anywhere else, and there are alot of great people in the bozeman area(lived there for 6 yrs myself) so please don't throw stones in your own backyard. And as for "Jiggy" My buddy and I are not the only ones who he is getting at by posting tons of info about dailey, we're not the only ones who fish it. Nobody was EVER trying to tell you what to do, you chose to pull it. If you didn't like the phone call you should have just said Stick it, I'll post what I want. That's why this whole thing is confusing. Have a great day and good luck in all your fishing endeavors.

Offline FishN4Eyes

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #20 on: Jan 23, 2008, 03:23 PM »

Let it go, gentlemen....

Each of you is entitled to your opinion but let's not beat eachother to death over it.

Sounds like an honest misunderstanding on BOTH sides of the fence to me.

Hope EVERYONE gets into the fish this weekend.

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #21 on: Jan 23, 2008, 04:07 PM »
i dont know how to quote so ill just say, whatpole i like the way you think and fishn4eyes,{hope i didnt spell it wrong}sounds like a great idea.too bad this got out of hand, or posted at all ,and good luck to everyone on the ice.

Offline hempbake1

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #22 on: Jan 23, 2008, 04:24 PM »
I totally agree. This whole thing is out of hand. Some of us are of differing opinions and we are entitled to that. Honesty and integrity are the only things we truly make for ourselves and we should never compromise those on a forum. Happy fishing.

Offline rezeye

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #23 on: Jan 23, 2008, 05:30 PM »
[/img]hell creek Feb 2006 7:00 am  about halfway out to the main lake 9inches of Ice 30feet of water fishing about 15 feet using a tipup(flourescent orange ht polar tip up)with braided line and steel leader with a trebel hook with a 7 inch minnow the walleye 31 inches 10lbs quick everybody go and get you some  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o 

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #24 on: Jan 23, 2008, 05:32 PM »

Offline Dinga LING

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #25 on: Jan 23, 2008, 05:40 PM »
Pioneer MT.

"P.S. The day you will see me cry, it wont be over a lost elk or people having fun at my fishing spot. There are far better things in my life."

Well ya,  ----  but not everyone has a babe like that,  so the huntun and fishun is pretty close to the top.  If she goes fishing with you, looks like you got the best of both worlds.  Good luck and tight line.

Give a man a fish,  he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish,  he sits all day on the ice drinking beer.

Offline MrMarty51

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #26 on: Jan 23, 2008, 06:16 PM »
hell creek Feb 2006 7:00 am  about halfway out to the main lake 9inches of Ice 30feet of water fishing about 15 feet using a tipup(flourescent orange ht polar tip up)with braided line and steel leader with a trebel hook with a 7 inch minnow the walleye 31 inches 10lbs quick everybody go and get you some  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o 
Nice fish Rezeye.Would like to be involved in another get together at that place with the same crew as the last one and a few others. :)

"Every hour spent fishing is NOT taken from ones life"Quote from Grant Boyson

Offline pioneer MT

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Re: Info in montana??
« Reply #27 on: Jan 23, 2008, 06:30 PM »
Dinga Ling,
She loves to fish and loves to hunt almost as much as me. Pretty much crazy for it. She is the coolest kindergarten teacher you will ever meet. A excellent cook as well.

your buddy called me today and we got things hashed out. He is just very territorial about his favorite spot, and I am very willing to help others out. Just a testosterone driven miss communication.

Hope to see you on the ice, will be in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks.

Leaving for central wyoming. Fishing derby on boysen with some of my very good friends.

Tight lines to everyone.


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