Author Topic: Super-braids for leaders  (Read 2773 times)

Offline Van_Cleaver

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Super-braids for leaders
« on: Dec 13, 2003, 02:50 PM »
For many years I've fished black braided dacron on my tip-ups with 3-4' of mono off a swivel to a hook. I've done well, except a couple of times a year my leader gets cut, usually a pickeral, sometimes a Muskie. Want to try some Fireline, and was wondering if some knots are better than others. Have heard of slippage, and of using a quick setting glue (zap-a-gap or similar). Mostly use a trilene knot presently. Any advice appreciated.


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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #1 on: Dec 17, 2003, 10:26 PM »
If you like the trilene knot you can use that with a superline but just double the line and tie it like you normally would.  Some people like the palomar knot but I prefer the uni knot.  I've never had a problem with any of these knots slipping.

Offline Bob_D

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #2 on: Dec 18, 2003, 04:15 AM »
I tried fireline for leaders one year...well part of a year....bad move on my part. With a little pressure on the line a pikes (pickeral and muskie too) teeth will zip right through it. Heavy floro is a little better then mono as far as toughness. I'm using one of the super thin wires for leaders now.

Offline Van_Cleaver

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #3 on: Dec 18, 2003, 07:21 AM »
Thanks for the tips. Kind of a catch-22, the lakes I fish mostly don't have huge populations of Pike or Muskies. When I put out a big fish rig(usually 25-30 flouro.) and a big minnow, the result is mostly good sized bass, which are fun, but get released. As stated earlier, though the over all pop. of large toothy critters may not be huge. some of the fish get quite large. Those are the ones that can't resisist a small minnow on 4-6# test. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

Offline gerryskid

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #4 on: Jan 08, 2004, 10:42 PM »
i was having this happen almost every time out last year,(biting off or ripping my mono leader).i got tired of it one day and just tied a hook right to the ice line and had no more bite offs and no less i have no more leaders.maybe this is hurting my bite, but if so i can't tell a differance.
pickeral were the culprits but i also catch just as many bass,perch and crappies on them.

Offline iceintheveins

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Pike Cannot Bite Through Superlines
« Reply #5 on: Jan 08, 2004, 10:54 PM »
I can flat out tell you that I have never had pike bite through 14 pound test fireline used as leader. Think about it, can you bite through it? I think not. The only way to cut the line is the use extremely sharp scissors or slip a knife under it and cut for a long time. No pike has teeth like these kind of instruments. Much of a pike's mouth is toothless anyhow. In order to cut this, it would have to be precisely placed. I have caught dozens of pike on these leaders with ZERO bite offs. They will bite through mono about 14 of the time.
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Ice Troll

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #6 on: Jan 13, 2004, 01:32 AM »
Greetings all........just found this sight and I like what I see. Its a great thing to be able to share tips and tactics. I have found a leader material that is awesome and thought I would share it. It is produced by a company called Malin and is called Boa No-kink. It is a single strand wire leader that actually stretches and serves as a shock absorber. More important is the fact that you can tie a standard clinch knot with this stuff. Yes, you heard can tie it. Best of all is that 35 lb break strength is only .012 in diameter. Thats like the equivilient of 6 lb mono if memory serves. the stuff virtually disapears under the ice and I like it because I like to tie my rigs up with beads and occasionally a spinner blade. I have never had a fish break me off and I have virtually lifted 15 lb northerns and lake trout out of the hole. The stuff almost never kinks or twists because it is so flexable. It is also great if you are not standing next to your tip up when a big northern hits. the fish will run out all the line and when it hits the end of the spool, it stretches like a shock absorber which 1.) sets the hook and 2.) doesnt break your line. Give it a try......I think it is better than any wire, mono or super line I have ever tried bar none.

The Ice Troll

Offline Bob_D

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #7 on: Jan 13, 2004, 04:31 AM »
I have had them bit through fireline. And as visable as Fireline is in the water, I could just as well use a small dia steel wire. If you want to test fireline, tie one end to a stationary object and pull the other end tight....Then run a knife across it and see how easy it is to cut.

I'll stick with my heavy floro.

Offline richstick

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Re:Super-braids for leaders
« Reply #8 on: Jan 13, 2004, 07:22 AM »
I've had 18" snakes cut fireline.  Have you ever looked inside a pike's mouth? Their teeth are like razors - and once fireline starts to go, it's GONE!  It's more visible than 15lb sevenstrand.  Either use heavy flouro or wire, I'm still using sevenstrand myself, may make the switch to heavy fluoro someday.  


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