Author Topic: falling through??  (Read 3961 times)

Offline izzyfender

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falling through??
« on: Nov 26, 2003, 10:17 PM »
has anyone here ever fell through the ice??

Offline Trevor

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #1 on: Nov 26, 2003, 10:54 PM »
When my wife was about ten her dad decided to take a short cut and drive over a pressure crack near shore.  He figured it would be easier than going back the couple miles to get around it.  Put the truck through into about six feet of water.  Her two brothers were also in the truck.  The front end was through and water was rushing in on the floor.  Everyone was Ok, I think he had a local farmer pull the truck out.  Needless to say I have a very hard time getting my wife to ice fish these days.  She is uncomfortable even on three feet of ice...

Offline FishDaddy09

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #2 on: Nov 27, 2003, 10:30 AM »
I've gone through twice!  Once late ice once early ice!  The time I went through on late ice i was trying to pull out the guy I was fishing with. I heard him yelling then saw him flailing around.  I got close to him checking the ice as i went I thought it would hold me but when I started to try to pull him out the ice under me gave way. I then told him he was on his own! I had to try several times before i found ice solid enough to hold my weight. Then I floated even with the ice and rolled onto the ice rolling away from the hole. The other guy did the same thing, we grabbed our gear and ran to the truck. I had only gotten wet from under my arms down, but man was that water cold!  The second time was early ice on my lake I was going out to jig for walleye. I had my locator, minnow bucket, auger, scoop, and jigging pole. As i walked out I checked the ice 3 times 6" of good ice each time.  I got out to where i wanted to fish  about 20' of water. I noticed 3 guy's about 300 yrds off to my left they were out in deeper water.  I took one more step and the ice under me gave way! I threw me gear out in front of me hopeing to save some of it. As I went down I caught my self with my arms. The ice around was solid!  I pushed myself up out of the hole, gathered my gear. I looked at the hole where i fell in it was just big enough for me to fit in. The ice all around it was solid.  I could not blame it on a spring it was to deep for that. I don't think it was a spearing hole it was to small for that!  What I did learn from this was that ice is tricky it never freezes the same way all over. you can only be as safe as you can be and be ready to get yourself out if you do go in!
There is nothing in the world I'd rather do than ice fish!

Offline Mr.Seaguar

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #3 on: Nov 27, 2003, 11:45 AM »
Walking across a small river once I went splish splash. Learned to be very careful about ever falling in again.
Every plastics manufacturer claims plastics outfish livebait. So now I use livebait just for the increased challenge.

Offline cold_feet

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #4 on: Nov 27, 2003, 12:54 PM »
I joined the polar bear club 3 time all late ice. twicein shallow water chaseing Perch in the shallows got out with no problems the other time i was in about 20fow this was a weird feeling as the ice under my feet started to sink slowley then it just broke. I had enough time to get my sled out of the way and put my arms straight out to catch myself on anything close. I will say that all the times I made sure that my snowmobile suit was zipped up tight this I believe helps with staying aflot for a short time.All 3 times I got myself out. Picks and keeping a cool head helps. I never go out with my suits open or early or late ice without picks on my neck
Cold Feet

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #5 on: Nov 27, 2003, 01:25 PM »
Went through once in 5 fow....bought a Mustang Survival Suit the following day!

"Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?"

Offline nunzio

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #6 on: Nov 27, 2003, 01:28 PM »
It all depends on how far in, is falling in.... Under the ice, never. I went in over my boot last week checking ice. Didn't feel bottom but wet and muddy. Went through in the semi-frozen bog before the lake ice.
I have went through on a wheeler on LOW in April, which was a total surprise as I was following a snowmobile at about 7 pm (after a great afternoon/evening in the shallows), as well in Oct. on early ice edges retrieving ducks (over my head but held on to the edge) and many times, too numerous to even remember/mention. Trapping, hunting, ice fishiing the times that I have been around thin ice, Ive been prepared, for the most part. From carrying poles, wearing snowshoes/skis,having the pack slung on one arm, wearing your ice picks (like the kids mitten strings, out the sleeves), leaving dry clothes on shore/in your rig. While trapping, I used to get these military issue Survival Suits. Thin rubber suits with only 3 openings, around the wrists and a cowl/draw string/hood. Broke alot of ice getting back on to the thicker stuff!
As cold_feet said keep your head!!

Offline olds-Pa

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #7 on: Nov 27, 2003, 06:04 PM »
I broke through a foot of crystalized ice in mid April of 1978. That is really stretching the Pa. ice fishing season. I had my two young kids with me, and seeing the fear in their eyes really unsettled me. (God only knows what they saw in my eyes) As luck would have it, i could touch bottom, and sprung myself out . Lesson learned was a few pan fish are not worth the risk. I do not go alone any more, and have a rope with me. Picks sound like a good idea. Believe i will get some of them too.

Offline Gusher

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #8 on: Nov 28, 2003, 02:27 AM »
I went through the ice one night when it was about 10 below.  We had been working a line off tipups all day long and had a good track out the the farthest one and back to the shore.  When I was coming back in I got about 5 feet off the beaten path because I was screwing about trying to get my flashlight to work and I felt the ice under me get spongy.  Before I could even get a word out of my mouth I went in up to my armpits.  I practicly jumped back out of the hole and ran like a whipped pup back to the pickup.  The next day I checked out the hole I went through, and it looked to me as if I had stepped right in the middle of a spot that gas from the bottom of the lake had been coming up.  With a little bit of snow on top of it, it was nearly invisable.  By the way the good ice all around the area was over 2 feet thick.

Offline Polar

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #9 on: Nov 30, 2003, 07:58 AM »
A few years back me and my fish'in bud where out on the late ice.Going out we saw a bad spot(that refroze) and walked around it.Coming back off at night we lined up with a distant street light to get back too the truck.Iwas leading the way.Guess what the street light and where we where fishing lined up perfect with the bad spot.It was so quick one minute up on top next thing underwater.Thats why I ALWAYS carry a spare set of clothes and a blanket behind the seat of the truck.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an  well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, A fishing pole in one hand, beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming \"WOO HOO, what a ride!

Offline red_eyes

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #10 on: Nov 30, 2003, 10:26 AM »
there were 2 times I have gone through, both at the same lake but different places. One was in late feb. me and a buddy went out on this one part of the lake, it was seperated by two islands, there were alot of bass in that part, it was kinda swampy, bout 9-10ft. we figured it was safe enough to walk out on , which it was, the only bad part was that you had to run and jump about 5ft over thin ice and water to reach land. well anyways, when I ran and was about to jump, snow was on some thin ice which we figured was thick, and I fell through it wasn't deep prolly 4ft, but it was f!#*ing cold. the second time was w/ another friend was early april it was icy every where,there wasn't one spot that you could walk on without falling on your ars. well we followed this path down to where a rope swing was for fun summer use, and when we were coming back my friend yelled , and he slipped and went down this steep hill that was covered in thick ice. so I tried to go down slowly by grabbing on to trees when suddenly I lost my grip and slid down backwards , when I stopped I looked back and saw that I was on lake ice , I had gone off a small cliff and slid onto lake ice, bout 10 ft from shore, little did I know I was sinking into the water, before I was waist through, I got up and ran to shore, then we both ran home, scarry though cuz if ya don't have someone with ya you could die.
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Offline Mark Barlow

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #11 on: Nov 30, 2003, 10:41 AM »
I went through last year, we had about 19 inches of ice. I was looking at this horseshoe shape cove that was right near where we were fishing. It had snowed the night before about a foot of new snow on the ice that was hiding a pressure ridge. As I stepped onto it my left leg went thru and all my weight was on my right leg then i felt that going in, and when it was down to about my knee I flopped backwards onto my back and rolled away in the direction I had came from. The other four guys I was with didn't even see me go in. I was lucky that I was near home and I called Goatgirl Bev to bring me dry cloths so I didn't have to miss any fishing.
Love those slab crappie, jumbo perch, and always love those bull sunfish. A.F.& A.M.

Offline fishincrazy

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #12 on: Nov 30, 2003, 10:11 PM »
I have been through 5 times on lakes, but I had a pond in my back yard growing up(26 acre pond)  I fell through that all the time but it was only 6 feet where I went through.  There was only one time going through that it actually scared me because I went all the way under the ice and popped up right back through the hole I fell in but it was in front of a creek and the current wouldn't allow me to keep my grip and pull myself out.  My father finally caught up to me and pulled me out, that sucked but it was on our way off the ice.

All I need is ice and the fish will come.

Offline FullTmeDad

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #13 on: Dec 01, 2003, 08:23 AM »
The lake I fish has several springs that we are aware of, but last winter I found a new one! One minute I was on 12 inches of smooth solid ice, next thing I knew I was up to my armpits in 30 feet of water about 75 feet from shore. I had my ice picks so I was out in seconds but without them it could have been trouble.

Offline Cooley

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #14 on: Dec 01, 2003, 09:02 AM »
In 18 years of ice fishing I have never gone though,
knock on wood.I guess I'am lucky.Went out to a lake
here in oakland county mi. We were fishing in 8 inches
of ice,so I walked out to the middle of the lake & one
half turn of my auger,it went though,bent down grabed the ice, it was 3/4 of an inch thick,needless
to say it was a long walk backwards to the shanty.
How many men does it take to open a beer,'s open when she brings it! ! !


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Re:falling through??
« Reply #15 on: Dec 08, 2003, 12:32 PM »
Went through once and that was enough!  I went out on Lake George with some friends and we had permission to cross a camp owners property.  There was plenty of ice - about 20 inches and we crossed shoreline on to ice without problems.   It snowed about an inch while we were fishing and temperature dropped to near 0.  We went back late in afternoon and I decided to climb up on a dock near we we got on ice.  Unknown to me was that dock bubbler system shut off due to power failure and snow covered thin ice which looked same as everything else due to snow.  I went through into 10 feet of water and came out like a polaris missle and dragged myself up on ice.  I am a diver and have been under ice before, so I did not panic.  However, after everyone was satisfied that I was OK, I had to endure endless jokes for next two years.


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Re:falling through??
« Reply #16 on: Dec 08, 2003, 01:37 PM »
went walking down a river one cold day and even though i knew better, i walked up to the remnants of an old railway dam (just parts of the old planks sticking up) and when i got a few feet away i could feel the ice bending under my feet. i made one quick leap forward and fortunately all that got wet was my knees and part of a bootfull. thats as close as i want to get. the lesson learned was dont go near areas where the current or flow is slowed or diverted.theres a good chance the ice will be thin or rotten. :o

Offline fishermanjake

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #17 on: Dec 08, 2003, 07:26 PM »
I was fishing on the river, and there was about 3 feet of ice. I walked to the shore, about 60 feet away, to get a stick to make sure i got through the frazzle ice. half way there, something tripped me onto my belly.  I got up and thurned around. I had fell through, but not in.  so i got down low and spread out and moved back across to safe ice. I went up to my knees and it froze instantly so i didn't get wet inside my carharts.  tested the ice back to the hole, then put down my jig in the hole, It was 5 feet deep and lots of current.  Anyway, we went to our regular spot and i caught a 7 pound burbot afterwards ;D

Offline fishermanjake

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #18 on: Dec 09, 2003, 07:53 PM »
here is what i have been fishing on

just feet from the river (thats my buddy) I took the picture

Offline fishermanjake

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #19 on: Dec 09, 2003, 08:00 PM »
i like to fish on thin ice, fell through only once in the middle of winter surprizingly enough.  Its intence, keeps you on your toes, and you get the lake to yourself. ;D  don't try this at home inless your willing to fall through :P

2 inches of ice


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Re:falling through??
« Reply #20 on: Dec 18, 2003, 12:29 PM »
I dont think this counts but I have seen several people put there boot in my 101/2 in.auger holes.Some all the way to there crotch,They curse at me all the way to there house for dry clothes .

Offline Fishinut

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #21 on: Dec 18, 2003, 02:59 PM »
LOL shortrod. I have a 10" hole myself and have stepped in it a few times up to the thigh. Be careful with little kids around. I almost had my little cousin go through last year. Be very careful at night!!!
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Offline eyedoktr

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Re:falling through??
« Reply #22 on: Dec 18, 2003, 03:37 PM »
Just out of curiosity, why does anyone need a 10" hole?  I've pulled walleye up to 16# through an 8" hole and it wasn't that difficult. I too have stepped into a 10" hole and don't want to do it again. It makes it even worse at late ice when the runoff makes it even larger than 10"
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Re:falling through??
« Reply #23 on: Dec 18, 2003, 04:54 PM »
I've caught fish through the ice that were a tight squeeze through an 8 inch hole.  pike, burbot, and lake trout get big enough to not fit through an 8 inch hole.


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Re:falling through??
« Reply #24 on: Dec 21, 2003, 12:34 PM »
My fishing buddies want the 10 in holes so I drill for them,These are usually the same guys who get wet too.Ice fisherman are very complicated.
I also have had a catfish on I couldnt get through a 8 in hole.


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