Author Topic: Dogs on the Ice  (Read 3950 times)

Offline SnipeHntr

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Dogs on the Ice
« on: Jan 25, 2007, 05:35 PM »
I mainly fish on small lakes (pretty much ponds) around NW Nebraska and there aren't too many people around.  I was thinking of taking my Lab with me to fish this weekend just too keep me company.  Does anyone else take their dog with them and if they do, do you take any special percautions?  I never really take any when we are duck and goose hunting, so I don't know why I would now, but I didn't know if a prolonged amount of time on the ice would be detrimental to the paws.  I know, kind of a stupid question, but I would hate for something bad to happen to her.

Offline Medson25

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #1 on: Jan 25, 2007, 05:50 PM »
I have a yellow lab that I always take with me out on the ice. His paws do get beat up a little. What I do is bring a tarp and then a small fleace blanket and lay the tarp on the ice and wrap him in the blanket if his paws look like they are hurting him. After a few minutes of that his paws seem to be warmed up and just fine again. I know they have booties you can buy but I never have but I am thinking about it. One thing to watch out for is when you drill your hole and bring the auger out of the hole you get water on the ice. If his paws get wet they can build up ice on the nails. I wouldn't imagine that to be a good thing. So just keep your dogs paws as dry as possible and have a place for him to get up off the ice a little bit and it should be fine. It's hard to think of a better fishing partner they your dog. What color lab do you have? Hope this helps.

Offline hardh2ofish

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #2 on: Jan 25, 2007, 05:57 PM »
when I took my dog I had a pc of carpet that she liked to curl up on.  She didnt always stay there but I think its just like us.  I have a pc of carpet that I take along just for me to put under my feet helps insulate things and my feet stay warmer. YOur dog will like anything you take along. A long day on the ice is hard on their paws.  If you dont have a pc of carpet or a blnket to take along  I would try your nearest carpet installer business.  they are always removing old carpet and throwing it away.  Im sure they would point you in the direction of a chunk of old carpet. I usually cut off several pcs to my liking when I get the chance.  then I can usually hang one to dry if i need to. 

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #3 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:13 PM »
I mainly fish on small lakes (pretty much ponds) around NW Nebraska and there aren't too many people around.  I was thinking of taking my Lab with me to fish this weekend just too keep me company.  Does anyone else take their dog with them and if they do, do you take any special percautions?  I never really take any when we are duck and goose hunting, so I don't know why I would now, but I didn't know if a prolonged amount of time on the ice would be detrimental to the paws.  I know, kind of a stupid question, but I would hate for something bad to happen to her.
I took my Golden out today to see how she would be.  She loves people and wants to go see them and their rods and line.  The next time I take her it will be with a leash.  I have never been bothered by dogs on the ice and never saw a bad mannered one.  Mine was the worst and I left.

Offline beeverfishing

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #4 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:25 PM »
The next time I take her it will be with a leash. 

Great idea.  I always take a leash when ever I take my dog ANYWHERE.   I do not always use it, but I know if I need one, I have it.  I have a rotty, she is a great dog, very friendly.  But I also know that not everyone will love her company as well as I do.  And there is always the chance we will meet someone who doesn't like dogs, or even worse, someone who has a fear of dogs.  I do not need a lawsuit !!!

Offline mcully

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #5 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:31 PM »
Caught a big male lab last year on sodus. The big goon came over and the two pound line got wrapped and managed to get him in the lip. Talk about bellow when we held him to cut the barb off. Watch them with guys fishing tip ups too that line just finds them and they don't know what's going on. I had a lab mix that was old and sneaky and guys would lose a few fish to her now and then. She used to get in the sled to get off the ice and I'd always have something to lay on for them.

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #6 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:40 PM »
Caught a big male lab last year on sodus. The big goon came over and the two pound line got wrapped and managed to get him in the lip. Talk about bellow when we held him to cut the barb off. Watch them with guys fishing tip ups too that line just finds them and they don't know what's going on. I had a lab mix that was old and sneaky and guys would lose a few fish to her now and then. She used to get in the sled to get off the ice and I'd always have something to lay on for them.
  I read a story in I think Field and Stream about a man that had his lab in his spearing shanty and the lab went under the ice after the pike.  The lab came up in another man's spearing shanty.

Offline KingFisher1

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #7 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:41 PM »
I don't have a problem with people taking their dogs with them, but don't bring it if you cannot control it. I have had a couple of bad experiences with other people's dogs on the ice. One involved a dog that constantly barked the whole day. It was so annoying I ended up leaving early. The dog had to bark at every person that came onto the iceup to 500 yards away. It also barked every time anyone got up to check their tipups. The other time there was a dog that ran around the ice knocking over tipups and grabbing anything you didn't have nailed down, including the fish I had lying on the ice. To top it all off I saw the dog stop and pee on two ice huts(thank God mine was not one of them)
   I like dogs, but I cannot stand the people who bring them and think that everyone out there finds their antics amusing.

Offline mempfree

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #8 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:55 PM »
I don't have a problem with people taking their dogs with them, but don't bring it if you cannot control it. I have had a couple of bad experiences with other people's dogs on the ice. One involved a dog that constantly barked the whole day. It was so annoying I ended up leaving early. The dog had to bark at every person that came onto the iceup to 500 yards away. It also barked every time anyone got up to check their tipups. The other time there was a dog that ran around the ice knocking over tipups and grabbing anything you didn't have nailed down, including the fish I had lying on the ice. To top it all off I saw the dog stop and pee on two ice huts(thank God mine was not one of them)
   I like dogs, but I cannot stand the people who bring them and think that everyone out there finds their antics amusing.
well i brought my beagle emma, and it was cold, but, i kept her inside my pickup, most of the time, so people, get your blanks out of your blanks, and if you go ice fishing, yes you can bring your dog, if you can control them, other wise, leave them at home.   ???

Offline rgfixit

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #9 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:56 PM »
I love dogs.....leave them home.

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Offline akdg

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #10 on: Jan 25, 2007, 06:57 PM »
As long as your dog listens to you and is not a pita to others bring him.  I used to have one that went every where with me, loved to ice fish but was very obedient.  If they can't listen and obey then don't bring them if there are going to be other people around, it's not fair to them and it will suck to be you.  As far as what to bring for them, a blanket to lay on is what I bring for my pup right now.  Some days you won't need anything and on days like today (-20) I left him at home.

Offline Mainedog

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #11 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:05 PM »
Always fun to have your best buddy along on fishing trips, even when it's hard water.

1) Control your pet.

2) Be aware of his/her paws.  Ice build up usually results in lots of paw licking, whining, and unwillingness to walk, etc.

3) Give your buddy an opportunity to warm up, in the shanty, on a piece of carpet, etc.

4) I've also heard that letting your 4-legged friend walk/run on ice, can have disastrous effects...rear legs sliding out from underneath them...

My number one problem with my 1.5 yr old GSP was that he kept running over to the nearby shanty to play with their dog!  After they closed up their shack and left for the day, my little guy couldn't figure it out.  He kept running over to their locked up shanty, making larger and larger circles, looking for his newfound, now no where to be found friend....really sad...he strayed about a 1/2 mile out onto the lake before I called him back....

Doggy booties might help, but long toenails I think would be better.  If the dog's legs split and he/she puts his/her belly to the ice, it might be more harm than good. 

My little guy figured out very quickly to run on the snow covered patches and stay off the glare ice.

It's fun to have your best buddy on the ice, just be aware of what's going on. 


Offline mcully

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #12 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:10 PM »
Took a neighbors dog for a walk on the beach one day and he lifted his leg on a ladies picnic basket my neighbor yells at me to get MY dog. That SOB got me good.
I don't have a problem with people taking their dogs with them, but don't bring it if you cannot control it. I have had a couple of bad experiences with other people's dogs on the ice. One involved a dog that constantly barked the whole day. It was so annoying I ended up leaving early. The dog had to bark at every person that came onto the iceup to 500 yards away. It also barked every time anyone got up to check their tipups. The other time there was a dog that ran around the ice knocking over tipups and grabbing anything you didn't have nailed down, including the fish I had lying on the ice. To top it all off I saw the dog stop and pee on two ice huts(thank God mine was not one of them)
   I like dogs, but I cannot stand the people who bring them and think that everyone out there finds their antics amusing.

Offline Thriller

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #13 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:29 PM »
Out here, most locations I fish aren't that crowded.  I have had our dog along, a few times because it was a day long family trip and we thought it would be better to have her along than leave her in the house.

You should ask Grump about her jigging action in the shanty.

She's incredibly friendly and not barky once she gets away from the home territory.  She doesn't socialize that well with other dogs, so that is a caution.

However, in the last 6 months or so, she has really started going deaf, so I don't want to take her out off-leash as she could quickly be out of earshot.

Like others have said, if you keep them under control and pay attention to their comfort, it should be fine.

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Offline littleoldlady

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #14 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:31 PM »
I would suggest always bringing a thick pad (old comforter, etc) for them to lie on..I never take our dog where people are fishing with
tip ups...and rarely let him out of the RAV4 when the ice is crowded.  He enjoys a romp on the ice...and hates to be left alone at home.
We watch his paws and pads, as he tends to build ice balls up in the fur...and yes...booties have been ordered.  I think that  the dogs on ice
question comes to a matter of common sense.  Our springer spaniel is quite a buddy, on and off the ice.
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Offline pennreels

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #15 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:36 PM »
I bring my lab out once in awhile.  My only problem is getting and coming back to the truck.  The dog must stop and say hi to everyone on the way to our spot and back to the truck.  I sure some of those people did not like it.  But once we are fishing my dog will not wonder.  Its the other dogs that will get to her and cause the pair to take off.

Yes use a leash.



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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #16 on: Jan 25, 2007, 07:37 PM »
You should ask Grump about her jigging action in the shanty
....say what? that dawg can jig!!!....just have to find a way to keep your hook in the water......great tail action lol.....Grump  ;D

Offline willbilly

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #17 on: Jan 25, 2007, 10:21 PM »
I take my Lab everywhere! I did by him a life jacket this year with the questionaable ice! Seems to keep him warmer to!!Maybe!!

Offline Prairiegoat

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #18 on: Jan 25, 2007, 10:33 PM »
Just keep 'um on a leash in Colorado. State law. My fishing buddy brings his lab and we usually fish away from others. Lab pulls the kids across the ice in a saucer sled... they have a ball!!

Offline cSpike

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #19 on: Jan 26, 2007, 05:26 AM »
I have American Eskimo's and they love the cold. They do like to get up off the ice once in a while, so i bring my sled which they get up on. For the paws us Mushers secreat. Keeps the snow from building up and moistens there dry pads.

Traps? Who needs traps? I have a jig rod and a Vexilar!

Offline pikemaster789

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #20 on: Jan 26, 2007, 05:31 AM »
I have a yellow lab who is a a year and a half old, I take him out on the ice at the more private lakes, he loves it out there, sliding around, chasing snowballs, digging in the icefishing holes. I dont really trust him if other people were to be around, hed come back but I dont want him going off and bothering other people
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Offline vexguy

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #21 on: Jan 26, 2007, 05:51 AM »
The minute I start getting my things together to head out my Golden will not leave me out of his sight, no way am I going without him. He loves to sit out on the ice and just watch everything. I take an old quilted shirt for him to lay on, if it appears that he is getting cold (shivering) I take him back to the truck and he is just fine with that. Dogs are mans best friend and my Golden goes with me just about everywhere.

Offline Pail Rider

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #22 on: Jan 26, 2007, 07:01 AM »
I bring my chocolate lab everytime I can.  All I have to say is "you wanna go fishing" and her tail gets to wagging big time.  She doesn't bark at people or other dogs, she doesn't roam around (no leash law in my town) and the best part is when it gets boring, it is great fun to whip her tennis ball across the ice and watch her chase it (she will do this all day if you want to keep picking up the ball).

The only downside to bringing her is she will usually take a crap on the ice (usually beside one of my tip-ups) and I have to pick it up. 

Offline Pasquatch

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #23 on: Jan 26, 2007, 07:18 AM »
A good friend of my family who has a black Labrador that my father bred brings him with him when he goes icefishing. He was telling us about one time while jigging, he reeled up his Rapala Jigging Rap, and of course, the dog pounced on it. Three hooks, they all went in his mouth. All under his tongue. :o Took three guys to hold the dog down while they popped the hooks out, but they got it out. Just something to remember while you're icefishing with your dog. They may want to eat your bait more than the fish. :-[

Offline littleoldlady

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #24 on: Jan 26, 2007, 07:55 AM »
I have American Eskimo's and they love the cold. They do like to get up off the ice once in a while, so i bring my sled which they get up on. For the paws us Mushers secreat. Keeps the snow from building up and moistens there dry pads.

Plain old Vaseline really works, too, and stops their pads from cracking.  And in general, I enjoy other people's dogs on ice as much as I enjoy my own.
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Offline Little Brown Dog

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #25 on: Jan 26, 2007, 08:07 AM »
My dog loved to fish with me.

Even when it was cold.

I always had an old ridge rest pad that she would lay on.

"My biggest worry is that when I die, my wife will sell all of my ice fishing gear for what I told her I paid for it"

Offline winchester 88

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #26 on: Jan 26, 2007, 08:17 AM »

 I love the post that was on here last year by the guys that were perturbed by somebody who brought their Lab out on the ice all of the time and allowed it to run loose.
 Their solution:
 Feed it a couple hard boiled eggs every time they had a chance...pretty soon doggy stays at home.... :sick: :thumbsup:
Winchester 88
Has the rain a father?
Or who has begotten the drops of dew?
From whose womb comes the ice?
And the frost from heaven,who gives it birth?
By the breath of God ice is given and the broad waters are frozen.
The waters harden like stone and the surface of the deep is frozen.

The book of Job.

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #27 on: Jan 26, 2007, 09:28 AM »
When I take my yellow lab in the winter, I put his blaze orange skidplate vest on him.  I get a lot of remarks about how it isn't hunting season.  But most people shut up when I remind them of the people behind the reticle of varmint guns.  Just want to make sure that my light-colored lab isn't mistaken for a coyote. 

And if a Minnesota hunter could mistake a boy ??? or a horse (with a rider on it  :o) for a deer, I'm sure this mistake would be even easier to make!

This weekend is our county fur-bearer derby, the dog will have to stay home.  :(
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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #28 on: Jan 26, 2007, 09:45 AM »
Just keep 'um on a leash in Colorado. State law. My fishing buddy brings his lab and we usually fish away from others. Lab pulls the kids across the ice in a saucer sled... they have a ball!!
   A 6' leash is Michigan's law also.  I don't have a problem with dogs out on the ice without a leash, if the owner controls them.  My Golden is to friendly and thinks everyone wants to pet her.  If I ever take her out again she will have a leash on.  The lake I took her on only had one fisherman and he didn't mind that she came up to him ,but the next guy might.

Offline bshirtd

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Re: Dogs on the Ice
« Reply #29 on: Jan 26, 2007, 10:45 AM »
U guys may of seen us in ny but when we bring my lab out we put a harness on him and make him pull our sled. He doesnt come out alot but maybe 2-3 times a year and he loves it(although not the pulling part)
its a footrace to the hole


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