Author Topic: Without 4X4  (Read 4327 times)

Offline whitetip

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Without 4X4
« on: Jan 08, 2007, 10:01 AM »
Yesterday i was out at Blackstrp fishing and ias i was checking my tip ups a guy on a snowmobile come by and asked if i would come with ym 4x4 to pull this guy out by the pump house.  The guy on the snowmobile said they have been there for two hours already trying to get this guy out.  One 4x4 tried to pull him out but broke the rope so they where done.  So i said ok i will come and look.  Here the guy come off the bank on the south side of shields town over the edge and into the snow bank on the ice.  IT was about 10 ft deep it lookied like.  Then i looked here he had only a two wheel drive with slicks for tires.  I just shook my head.  He was heading to the creek.  I do not kow why he did not go around and come down that way.  So they shoveled for awhile then i hooked up to him and pulled him out with one jerk.  He would off been there all day and night.  I just could not belive what i say.  There would be no way i go fishing without a 4x4 even if there is a road graded out there. 

Offline saskcat

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #1 on: Jan 08, 2007, 06:01 PM »
My old truck was just a 2wd halfton, with good tires and common sense you can get around good enough......not to say I never did any shovling  ::)   but there is no substitute like that stick on the floor!!

Offline Len Thompson

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #2 on: Jan 08, 2007, 08:20 PM »
This story reminds me of the time I went fishing on Deep Lake near Debden.  I went on the ice with my 4 door Grand Am.  The trail was well packed and the snow was not high.  I figured I could make it to the weed bed with my car.  I had done it many times before with my car. Carelessly, I slipped off the trail when I was only 100 meters on the lake.  I had no choice but to fish in a spot that I had never fished before.  I had never seen anybody fish there either.  So, I punched a few holes and before I knew it I had my limit.  I had to keep on fishing because I was waiting for the 4 x 4 that was at the end of the lake.  When he finally packed it in and came my way, he pulled me out.  So, to all the 4 x 4 owners, pull out a car or a 2 wheel drive truck when we you have the chance because I will never forget the good deed that that one man did to me that night.

Offline goodoutdoors

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #3 on: Jan 08, 2007, 09:41 PM »
All you need is a good tow line.. try a 30` 2 ply 40,000 LB tow strap  you can find it on ebay..but get the Canadian ones..not the junk from china..
Keep your line tight & get out to the goodoutdoors :tipup:

Offline Big Burk

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #4 on: Jan 08, 2007, 10:40 PM »
4x4 is nice but isnt nessesary unless there is ALOT of snow. i have been out with my friends dad in his 2x4 chevy 3500 and we got to the lake and he told us to fill the box with snow befor we headed out onto the lake. he also has really good tires. we got on the lake and didnt spin much more than the 4x4s were and we were fallowing one out and we were keeping right behind him. i have a truck that i will be driving on the ice next year and it is also a 2x4 but with some studded tires, and some weights in the box i will be fine. you just gotta know when to give it gas. my dad did this with his old trucks for years and rarely got stuck but he would buy good rear tires for the winter. so dont think if you got a 2x4 you cant get on the ice you just gotta add some stuff for more traction.

Offline indeeptreble

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #5 on: Jan 09, 2007, 12:05 AM »
Sorry guy's but I own a 4x4 and I put gas in that thing and I live with the poor mileage that I get, I also pay for the big expensive tires and the rough ride but, I do all of this so that when I want to go out on the ice to fish I can get were I want to go. So all you 2wd vehicle owners think that I own my 4x4 just to pull other people out when they are stuck. Think again!!  I will however pull out other 4x4's because some day I know I will need there help

Offline ickirby

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #6 on: Jan 09, 2007, 12:15 AM »
all you 2wd vehicle owners think that I own my 4x4 just to pull other people out when they are stuck. Think again!!  I will however pull out other 4x4's because some day I know I will need there help

Come on man, everyone has been there a time or two.  I'm sure if everyone could afford it most people would drive a big 4x4 out on to every lake or swamp they fish and hunt in but the fact is not everyone can.  I own a 4x4 truck and I pull people out of spots 3-4 times per year.  I just think of it this way even if I never need a pull from someone in my life (knock on wood) I might have a son that in 15-20 years will be driving around in his little 2x4 with his buddies going out ice fishing like his old man taught him and get stuck.  I would want the guy I pulled out 15 years ago in his grand am to remember it and when driving by in his new truck stop and help out my son and his buddies.

You gotta think a little beyond this weeks fuel bill, if more people thought like you we'd all be "indeeptreble".
Ian Kirby

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #7 on: Jan 09, 2007, 04:25 AM »
You gotta think a little beyond this weeks fuel bill, if more people thought like you we'd all be "indeeptreble".
Clever, I like that. :D

Offline WalleyeSpoon

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #8 on: Jan 09, 2007, 09:08 AM »
"Indeeptreble"...come on sound ridiculous!
Spoon<br />Saskatchewan Lake Lover

Offline Tombo

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #9 on: Jan 09, 2007, 09:29 AM »
So all you 2wd vehicle owners think that I own my 4x4 just to pull other people out when they are stuck. Think again!!  I will however pull out other 4x4's because some day I know I will need there help
Do all your family members own 4wd's too? because I would hate to think that anyone would leave them stranded ,just because they didn't have a 4wd. ::)
I own a 2wd and realize there are lots of places I can't go on the ice because of it so I either walk or just don't go there, but I've always tried to help anyone in trouble, 2wd or 4wd.
  One of the best investments us poor 2wd owners can make is a pair of those fold-up gripper things that Canadian tire sells to put under your tire when you inadvertently stop in that frozen over ice-hole.

Offline rumblefish_1

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #10 on: Jan 09, 2007, 10:35 AM »
I am a bit of both worlds. If I see a guy that is legitimately stuck I wont think twice about giving him a hand.If stuck out of stupidity I will let him sit and dig for a while.If he is still there later I will give him a hand. You dont need a 4x4 to ice fish and get around ,sometimes you just break through a crust or drift and its all over.I call that legit!!!   I see a guy that tries to create a trail onto the lake through 100 yards of 3 ft snow and buries himself in  ford ranger because he was too lazy to walk to his spot or drive the extra 1/2 mile to drive on where everybody else drives just earned the right to dig for a while and think about the mistake.

2wd or 4wd if you drive like a putz you SHOVEL.

Offline fishingmom

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #11 on: Jan 09, 2007, 11:50 AM »
I can't believe anyone would not help someone in need of help, regardless of the circumstances.  I bought my 4 x 4 specifically so I could go ice fishing.  I traded in a smaller car with good fuel mileage for my 4 x 4 which, compared to my car, is a gas hog.  However, I would never hesitate to help anyone stuck if I could.  You may never need a pull-out, but you may need help in another way and "what goes around, comes around".  I don't own a gas auger; I use a manual.  Two days ago, a friend and I went ice fishing.  The ice was at least 2 feet thick.  There was no way we could drill the hole with the manual.  We would get so far and it would stick.  A gentlemen in a shack near us must have seen our predicament and came out and started his auger and came over and drilled 4 holes for us.  I was very grateful.  Ever hear the phrase "Pass it on"?  Well, I intend to, whenever I can.

Offline saskcat

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #12 on: Jan 09, 2007, 12:01 PM »
Come on man, everyone has been there a time or two.  I'm sure if everyone could afford it most people would drive a big 4x4 out on to every lake or swamp they fish and hunt in but the fact is not everyone can.  I own a 4x4 truck and I pull people out of spots 3-4 times per year.  I just think of it this way even if I never need a pull from someone in my life (knock on wood) I might have a son that in 15-20 years will be driving around in his little 2x4 with his buddies going out ice fishing like his old man taught him and get stuck.  I would want the guy I pulled out 15 years ago in his grand am to remember it and when driving by in his new truck stop and help out my son and his buddies.

You gotta think a little beyond this weeks fuel bill, if more people thought like you we'd all be "indeeptreble".

 Well put!!    And I am with you rumblefish_1  If your going to be a jack ass and leave your common sense at home.......your gonna do a little spoon work before I hook my truck to you......but I will not drive past and leave you there

Offline Uncle Grump

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #13 on: Jan 09, 2007, 12:39 PM »
I'd helped people out over the years w/ roadside trouble - jump started cars,
changed a tire or two - gave rides to folks out of gas. Never took any money -
just told the people I helped to help some one else....

Some years ago - my son and I were the recipients of the generosity of
two good samaritans while on the ice .....

It was late Feb, there was about 10-12" of snow on about 18" of ice. The landing
was on the N side of the lake, the spot we wanted to fish was on the S end. I knew
people drove down there, but I didn't know which way they used to get there. It was
over a mile. Pulling the shack and gear that distance over bare ice was one thing - doing
it w/ the snow was another.

There were two trails heading S from the landing - you guessed it - I chose the
wrong one. I was driving a 2WD Chevy Astro - had snow tires, was pulling my
trailer w/ the gear. After a 1/2 mile, the trail ended - down to a single trail which
headed east and then ended. I kept my foot on the gas to keep moving as I
tryed to make a big loop back to the trail we had been on. My loop wasn't
gradual enough and we got stuck.

Unhooking the trailer, digging, and rocking we made about a 100' - but still had
a long way to go. Two gentlemen - in a 4WD PU, saw our plight, and came over
to help - some more digging and pushing - and we were out. I never got their
names, nor would they accept any $ for their efforts. Their only words were
"help some one out else when you get the chance".

You never know when its going to be you or your family on the receiving end.


Offline ickirby

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #14 on: Jan 09, 2007, 01:08 PM »
I think this damn thread jinxed me...

Today on my way to work I braked hard to miss a dog straying from its yard and hit some hard packed snow with some powder on top and put two wheels in the ditch (about 4feet in and 3 feet down).  I was 4 miles from work and was able to call a co-worker.  After a little ribbing from him about the performance of my FORD and how it was about to be rescued by his mighty CHEV, I was on my way.

It can happen to anyone anytime just be courteous and help others and hopefully they will do the same. 
Ian Kirby

Offline perch649

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #15 on: Jan 09, 2007, 01:37 PM »
Indeep You must own a ford!

Offline Perch Master

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #16 on: Jan 09, 2007, 01:47 PM »
I am a bit of both worlds. If I see a guy that is legitimately stuck I wont think twice about giving him a hand.If stuck out of stupidity I will let him sit and dig for a while.If he is still there later I will give him a hand. You dont need a 4x4 to ice fish and get around ,sometimes you just break through a crust or drift and its all over.I call that legit!!!   I see a guy that tries to create a trail onto the lake through 100 yards of 3 ft snow and buries himself in  ford ranger because he was too lazy to walk to his spot or drive the extra 1/2 mile to drive on where everybody else drives just earned the right to dig for a while and think about the mistake.

2wd or 4wd if you drive like a putz you SHOVEL.

I agree Rumblefish.

Pulling people out sucks though, I have torn an air dam off a chev S10 Blazer and completely ripped the tow hooks off a Honda Civic.  I guess the HEMI powered RAM is unstopable with snow tires.  Maybe people should at least bring a shovel if they plan to drive a Civic or the like onto the ice with 2 feet of snow!!!

Offline whitetip

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #17 on: Jan 09, 2007, 03:40 PM »
Sounds like i opened a can of worms a little but anyway like everyone said if you are going to leave your head at home then you deserve to be stuck for awhile and they where.  But lots of the stories i read people where going out fishing in vans, cars etc are you crazy.  I realize not everyone can afford a 4x4.  But liek i said before take the easy way on to the lake.  To me if all of you are like me and liek the outdoors why not have that 4x4.  I know money money money.  But really even if you bought a crappy older 4x4 that works good perfect.  I do nto have  aproblem pulling people out either its just if you are going somewhere where you should not be going and you go yes correct start digging becasue i am not helping.

Offline bigdog853

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #18 on: Jan 09, 2007, 09:33 PM »
I used to own a two wheel drive and couldn't afford the best tires i learned to dig,pushand read trails and yes than god for all the fine 4x4 owner's that helped me out now i own an 85 FULL SIZE Chev blazer with 31 inch tires soon to be 35's ;D and if your stuck I'll be happy to pass on the favor but if your driving a firefly in 3 feet of snow I'm going to watch you dig for a bit first   ;)  it's all about having fun out there

Offline IceRover

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #19 on: Jan 10, 2007, 04:34 AM »
We were once stuck with a 4x4 mind you, during a fisheree when a good fellow ice-fisherman pulled up on a deep slush covered, deep snow trail and handed us a tow strap. He yanked us out and saved our bacon for that day seeing how the shoveling and such just was not working. When I insisted he accept some $, he simply said, Maybe next time you can help me. We simply thanked him and he was off. I will never forget this kindness and have often thought of it when I see stragglers mired down out there. Always try to help even if I have to get someone else to solve the problem. We have to stick together out there. I don't think it should be the time to teach anyone a lesson. Some folks are not healthy and the experience could be overwhelming. Some do make foolish mistakes but I think that is part of learning. Knowing you will not be ridiculed helps that learning process and teaches others to pitch in and help also, and to be prepared. 

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #20 on: Jan 11, 2007, 07:27 PM »
I own a 4x4 and call me strange but I enjoy pulling people out of snow drifts,mud holes  ect ect,For the most part its just poor judgement on peoples part that got them stuck.Its happen to me befor I got 4x4 and a few times since,but always some one has given me a helping hand and I try to do the same when I can .It actually gives me a good feeling .

Offline Mainedog

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #21 on: Jan 11, 2007, 09:17 PM »
Reading through this thread, I can't help but see that many folks who enjoy the outdoors, know the common law.  Help someone else out of a bad spot, don't accept payment, but insist that they do the same for someone else in the future.  I think this is a great idea.  You never know when you will find yourself out in the woods, on the lake, down a back road, needing help....I've helped a few folks over the years, and thankfully never needed to be rescued. 

Whether you drive 4 wheel or 2 wheel, common sense and preparation can mean a lot.  Carry a decent tow strap, a shovel, some chains.  Uses studded tires when driving on ice.  Carry a bag/bucket of sand.  Have some warm clothes/blankets in the truck...carry a cell phone, two way radio, tell others where you'll be, when you'll be back. 

I hunt and fish alone a lot, and thankfully haven't gotten too turned around on my outtings, nor have gotten too stuck, or broke down.  But if I ever do, hopefully someone will return the favor.



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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #22 on: Jan 11, 2007, 09:20 PM »
I also don't mind pulling people who are idiots with there vehicles out its comical. especially when you pull up beside them ask them what the problem is then pull them out. One time at some snowmobile races there was a couple guys with a mid 80's 2 wheel drive truck stuck. They we pushing and pushing but not moving. So me and a buddy being a good citizens pulled up beside them in my 1980 Monte Carlo and pushed them out and then we drove away. And also a pull is usually good for some beer or at least beer money.

Offline azz7772

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #23 on: Mar 07, 2007, 11:35 PM »
if all you can afford is a 2 wheel drive make sure it has posi and invest in a set of chains and you will go almost everywhere a four by does on the ice anyway

Offline Natwild

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #24 on: Mar 08, 2007, 08:31 AM »
if all you can afford is a 2 wheel drive make sure it has posi and invest in a set of chains and you will go almost everywhere a four by does on the ice anyway

So True azz,

some weight over the rear axle helps too,

I line the deck of my 1/2 ton 2 x 4 with 6 patio blocks, put a 4x8 sheet of plywood under them so they don't scratch the box, they fit in there perfectly and give you the weight to get traction , posi and chains make all the difference


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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #25 on: Mar 08, 2007, 09:51 PM »
I am kind of split with helping people also. I have been there when I had a 2 wheel drive and had to get pulled out. If I see someone stuck and it isn't a huge hassle to help them, I will.  But when it comes to straight stupidity, I really don't have much for patience. I was just out on tobin a month ago and got stuck for 2 hours with my F350 4X4 with really good tires. We ended up turning around and driving off the lake-as we are going off (at about 10 am), there is another truck driving off with us. We go to the boat launch, and some guy drives around us with a 1500 series 4 wheel drive chevy with crappy tires. I just turned my truck around at the launch, watched him get stuck, and drove home. When people are driving off the lake at 10:00 am in big 4 by 4's, it is probably a good idea to either ask or turn around also.


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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #26 on: Mar 08, 2007, 09:55 PM »
I am kind of split with helping people also. I have been there when I had a 2 wheel drive and had to get pulled out. If I see someone stuck and it isn't a huge hassle to help them, I will.  But when it comes to straight stupidity, I really don't have much for patience. I was just out on tobin a month ago and got stuck for 2 hours with my F350 4X4 with really good tires. We ended up turning around and driving off the lake-as we are going off (at about 10 am), there is another truck driving off with us. We go to the boat launch, and some guy drives around us with a 1500 series 4 wheel drive chevy with crappy tires. I just turned my truck around at the launch, watched him get stuck, and drove home. When people are driving off the lake at 10:00 am in big 4 by 4's, it is probably a good idea to either ask or turn around also.
Yeah I agree but you had a Ford ;D


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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #27 on: Mar 09, 2007, 06:08 PM »
I may have a ford but I think my story is self explanatory about chevy drivers!!!
later-good luck fishing!!!

Offline azz7772

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Re: Without 4X4
« Reply #28 on: Mar 09, 2007, 06:17 PM »
I may have a ford but I think my story is self explanatory about chevy drivers!!!
later-good luck fishing!!!
chevy drivers are more confident therefore they take more chances  ;D  ;D  ;D


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