Author Topic: The New 9:45 Thread..  (Read 240705 times)

Offline tomturkey

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1320 on: Feb 05, 2023, 08:13 AM »
29* to start the day. Headed to the low 40s this week. Yesterday I saw a quad with a plow on it setting at the launch gate when I came home from town. When I got home the wife said that there was a post on FB showing them getting it out from under the ice. Luckily that part of the lake is shallow. Can not fix stupidity. If the DNR had caught him he would have paid a fine.

H2L Hopefully the leak stops on its own. They were talking to a plumber on TV the other day. He said they were backed up getting frozen pipes thawed out and brakes repaired. The pipes in the old double-wide will not freeze unless we have a power outage or the furnace quits. The is so much leakage in the heat runs it melts the snow I blow against the house. I was working on a double wide requiring me to go in the crawl space. He had a mechanic's creeper that I used to get around on my belly.

ww. Those eats look good. When I was a type 1 diabetic my wife figured out how to make me a coconut cream pie that only had 100 carbs for the whole pie. It is made in a blender. It makes its own crust. We took two pies to my diabetic specialist one time. When we told him it was only 100 carbs. He said that is a lot of carbs as he thought it was for one piece. I am sure he got a piece as soon as we left as he is also a diabetic.

You should go to ww.Michiganoutofdoortv .com to see what you missed by not fishing from your boat when ice would not form on the lakes. In the second segment this week's show they are fishing out a boat on a lake I fished a lot at one time catching perch. From where it looked they were fishing where I used to catch them through the ice. Those whiter-looking perch have come in to spawn from the big lake.

Eddie You need to remember to do like I do so I don't lose a post if I do not forget to do it. Type a little bit then post it. Then go back and modify it.

Never-ending doctor visits for both of us. We have to be in GR tomorrow at 6:15 am tomorrow so the wife can have surgery on he left elbow and hand to fix a problem with a nerve.

My cat scan went ok other than they had trouble getting an IV in. It showed some other problems so I have to have an MRI. When I went to schedule it they want me to go into the GR. No way as we will only go to a hospital a short drive north of us as they are great. They treat you like a human being not just bump in their day.

Time to get some breakfast.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1321 on: Feb 05, 2023, 01:46 PM »

  TT glad your cat scan was ok. Bud all madison ice is good except Monona has open water not even the smart ones have figured out why yet;a first ever occurance.

Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1322 on: Feb 05, 2023, 03:36 PM »
Dennis thanks on that, I should be In Beloit this Tuesday, Check in with you for any updates.


Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1323 on: Feb 05, 2023, 05:13 PM »
Okay anyone have a recommendation for ice guide on Lake Erie.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1324 on: Feb 05, 2023, 09:18 PM »
Good evening, what a difference a few days make in the weather reached the middle forties for a high today currently in the upper thirties outside. I purchased my fishing license today so see what happens going forward with the weather.
Eddie both contests were held on saturday I will leave links to contest photos at end of this post. Congratulations to your friend on going out on saturday and finding active perch. may it have been a good outing today for you and your sons .
Ice Wanderer my family moved from the greater Albany area to New Windsor in february of 1967 I was only six so do not remember much about that Winter other then snow on the ground here when we moved in to our home.  I hope there were no calls for rescue on lake Geaorge this weekend as people tried to get out fishing the colder weather and winds should have kept most folks home on saturday.
Wally the soup and apple squares both sound good . may Mr.WW recover from his cold quickly . back in the late 1980's it was common for most lakes in this area to develop 12 inches of ice per season some Winter a higher number . then most ice i've drilled through locally was during the 1992-93 season close to 24' on some lake after a week of sub zero temperatures in my area. i drilled the holes by hand with a recently purchased Strike master Mora style auger. before that always used a spud to make holes. My two fishing partners were impressed with how quickly and easy the auger cut through the ice .they bot were older then me and at one time had spoon augers which they both said were a pain to keep sharp so the went back to using a spud .
Hunts2long idea for future winters once there is snow on the ground shovel a path to the Bilko doors in case you need to get into the crawl space . Have you given thought to wrapping the pipes with heat tapes and some how running wiring to a wall switch inside your home so you could turn on the heat tapes without having to get into the crawl space. glad you got the pipes thawed out may the leak have stopped. Hope you felt good enough to bowl tonight. bless your Nephew and his wife for making the trip to Old Forge and going out in this past Friday's -Saturday's weather .
IFF to bad you found open water as you headed north to Iowa .Maybe you can do a open water fish from shore trip with your SIL. Enjoy the isit with great grand child. Safe travel wished for you as you continue onto Wisconsin .
Fish/hunt4ever good you have an auger extension to use if needed this season .Thank for the story of your father driving across lake glad it hd a good outcome for all of you .
Tomturkey Good they got the quad out of local lake and no injuries that you know of to person who broke through the ice . Best wished for your wife with her surgery may it correct the nerve problem. When you have the MRI may it show doctors more about the health issues the scan alerted them about best wished for you .
Old Goat best to you if you plan to go fishing while the local ice is in good shap. may all be good with you and your family.

Links to reports on the two ice fishing contests held this past Saturday in my region of NY.

  Loch Sheldrake fire Department - scroll down page to find report and photos.
  Outdoor Water ways contest held at lake Superior scroll down the page to see video clips taken by contest host. Outdoor Water Ways is a guide service based in Sullivan county where both contest were held.

Stay safe and healthy. best wished to all fishing this week .

Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1325 on: Feb 06, 2023, 04:09 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Cloudy and 33*, high of 38 today.

  Just a quick hello before getting my gear together, can’t pass on these temps this morning!  :tipup:
  Will catch up with you all a little later on today…Cawfee’s on!

  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1326 on: Feb 06, 2023, 04:31 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                          It's 27* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                          Eddie........Good luck this morning out on the ice. :thumbsup:
                          H2l...........I hope your leak stopped nut if it's a copper "T" with sweat joint, most likely it won't stop. I have done a lot plumbing in my life
               and I would be glad to come a help you out if need be. :flex: I hope you weren't too sore to bowl last night? ???
                          Tom..........I used a creeper to get around in crawl spaces, they work great for it.  :thumbsup: What I could never under stand is why people
               used crawl spaces 3 or 4 feet high, it wouldn't cost that much more to go to a workable height unless they hit bed rock and couldn't go any deeper. :unsure:
                          Wally.........Those apple squares made my mouth water just thinking how good they must taste. :flex:
                          Bud ..........Good luck, I hope yu find fishable ice. :whistle:
                          Fish...........You don't get enough wood ready in the warm weather to heat your home? ??? That's a good story of your father driving on the ice. :clap:
                          OG............Good luck to you if you're hitting the ice. :thumbsup:
                          Steve.........No reports of anyone going through the ice just the Polar Plunge at the winter carnival in Lake George. :roflmao: :cookoo:
                          My wife and I took a ride down the lake yesterday, I only found one lone fisherman on Harris Bay. There had to be at least 3 to 4 inches. It was frozen
              last Wednesday.

                           I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1327 on: Feb 06, 2023, 05:44 AM »
31* and a few clouds.

Mr. C, it wasn't how much snow, only about 6 inches, it was the crust that would at times break, just never knew when. Heat tape will be going on this year.

Eddie, good luck on the ice.

Connie, one of the women on our team told me to crawl under the camp every week-end. I bowled very well. 197-166-182 That being said, we took 1 of 4 points.

The wife's Covid test came back NEG so we are good to go to NYC on Tuesday. Don't have to be there until 11am so don't have to leave too early.

Hope everyone has a good day  and be well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1328 on: Feb 06, 2023, 06:45 AM »
Morning all, have a great morning to be out, hope the bite is on  :thumbsup: :icefish:

H2L.....glad to hear you bowled well after crawling around  :flex:  safe travels tommorow, hope MrsH2 gets an A+ report  ;)2

IW....this week of warm temps/rain is going to change ice conditions quickly for the lakes that just started freezing  :(

MrC.....thanks for the well wishes for MrWW, this is his second go round this winter with a cold  ::)  think a lot has to do with responding to medical calls  :-\ it t-shirt & shorts time yet  ??? :woot:

IFF.....hope you can wet a line somewhere in your travels whether on hard water or soft  :whistle:

A couple errands today otherwise not much planned. Not sure how the patient is feeling this morning as he's still sleeping.

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1329 on: Feb 06, 2023, 06:56 AM » it t-shirt & shorts time yet  ??? :woot:

Almost, 32 today. Wednesday +40 can't wait :thumbsup:


Offline Drifter_016

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1330 on: Feb 06, 2023, 11:46 AM »
My neighbour at the cabin let me know that they have started building the ice road to the power plant.   ;D

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1331 on: Feb 06, 2023, 07:21 PM »
I try to get as much wood done as I can and we usually split when we need some more, we had done the rest of the wood pile from the semi load of logs we got a couple years ago. We thought that would get us by, but this year had been a but colder like a couple years ago so we have gone through a bit more wood. Need to find another guy to deliver a semi load of logs since the guy we used the last several had a couple strokes and not doing well, not sure if his son will take over the business so we can get from him or not. Just really liked the loads we got from him. Usually got around 12 to 15 cords of wood per load. Well a slow day at work today not much going on, but coworker is back so was able to come home on time and make some peanut butter cookies for the wife. Have a great rest of the Monday and good start to Tuesday everyone.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1332 on: Feb 06, 2023, 08:29 PM »
Good evening, prayers for all affect by major earthquake in Turkey& Syria. I see the also was a small earthquake in the Buffalo, NY. area have not seen any reports of deaths or structural damage. Cloudy sky for most of the day with the high reaching middle forties dropping back to the middle twenties for overnight low. so in a freeze and thaw cycle with making ice on local lakes guessing I will have to head to some part of NY.'s Catskill mountain region to fish as elevations are higher and temperatures usually five or more degrees lower then my area .
Eddie may you have found active feeding fish today.
Ice Wanderer good to hear there were no ice rescues on Lake George when we have the periods of extreme cold weather some people think several inches of ice must be formed on lakes not always the case folks head out and problems happen .
Hunts2long snow with a crust on top can be a pain regardless of depth as you repeatedly break through making walking a challenge.  Talk with Ice Wanderer and get his opinion on the heat tape for your plumbing . Congrats on a good night of bowling may the rest of your team do better next Sunday. Glad your wife tested negative for Covid and you can make the trip to NYC nice you do not have to be on the road at an early hour may things be wrapped up in time to beat the rush hour traffic . safe journey wished for the two of you .
Wallyworld good chance you are correct on where Mr.WW picked up the cold germs hope he is doing better.
Whopper Stopper sounds like you plan on enjoying the break from low temperatures winds and snow.
Drifter may the ice road be open when you have time to visit your cabin. I hope you have not suffered through any more migraines .
Fish/hunt4ever at least you had wood on hand to process and are not scrambling to find a source of seasoned firewood.

may everyone have a good night. best to all with fishing plans.


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1333 on: Feb 07, 2023, 04:04 AM »

                  Good morning ER's,
                           It's 7* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                           H2l.........I said to myself before I read your post, "I bet Doug had a good night on the lanes, being sore from crawling under his house" Because
                   you were sore you concentrated more. :whistle: I'm glad your wife is good to go for her appointment and you don't have to leave too early. :thumbsup:
                   What became of the leak in the crawlspace? ???
                           Eddie......I hope the fish were biting yesterday, waiting for your report. :whistle:
                           Wally......I hope Mr. WW is feeling better today. :unsure: I bet you're a good nurse. :flex:
                           Marv.......I hope the warmer temperatures isn't just a teaser of some colder weather heading your way. :unsure:
                           Fish........One year I ran out of wood and there was a logger logging the property behind mine and he cut and skidded some logs off my property
                   down near my home for me to cut and split. Of course the wood was green and didn't put out much heat, bu what a PITA it was. :cookoo:
                           Dave.......I hope you can make it out to your cabin soon? ???
                           Steve......I hope you can find a pond or lake or two to get out on in the higher terrain. :unsure:
                           Not much going on today, Jon has an appointment but we are planning a trip for tomorrow. Not on Lake George but Schroon Lake. OH and
                   yesterday the state rescue took their airboats out at the MDB boat ramp a to rescue a Loon. And they broke the ice up in doing so. :%$#!:
                           I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.



Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1334 on: Feb 07, 2023, 04:54 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  Clear and 13* on the Hill this am, high of 35 today.

  Jeff…thanks for sharing the picture and info on LG, hope you can get a trip or two in at Harris soon.  :thumbsup:  That sucks about the airboat’s busting up that new ice..dang loon! Hope the Lakers are ready and hungry tomorrow for you fellas!   :icefish:
  Tom…hope your appointments went well yesterday, best wishes to your wife with a speedy recovery.   :thumbsup: travels today to the City and a positive review for your wife.  :thumbsup:  Congratulations on the bowling, excellent job…better luck to the team next weekend taking some points!  :clap:
  Marv…enjoy that warm weather while it lasts, hope you have been able to catch up on some of your outside projects.  :thumbsup:  Seeing several days of mid 40’s and some rain coming on my 10 day extended forecast, Doh!
  Bud..Congratulations on being a Great Grandpa again, hope Mom and baby are both doing well.  :bow: :clap: 
  Dave…great news on the ice road, will be looking forward to your adventures again soon!!  :clap:
  Steve.. thank you for the links to the tourney’s, see lots of smiling faces on those youngsters who participated and hit the boards, awesome!  :clap: 
  Wally…hope Mr.WW is feeling some relief today, best wishes sent his way.  :thumbsup:  I kept thinking about those apple treats you made..found an apple fritter yesterday at Stewart’s for my coffee, it was stale but it dunked good!  ;D

  Tough day on the ice yesterday, lol, only one hit and miss for me on a JawJacker. I must have jigged in at least 40 different holes and only marked a few fish and couldn’t buy a bite. Had fun trying, but that was about it, lol. Four other guys came out shortly after I was setup, but didn’t see a flag go off for them either…one of those off days again.
  With so many people there on Sunday, it looked like there was a tournament, tons of holes all over the place.
It simply took the heel of my boot to open them up and fish right away…could have left the auger home, lol.
  Going back this afternoon and see if I can redeem myself..Cawfee’s on!
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1335 on: Feb 07, 2023, 05:48 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

34 degrees, only going up a few more by days end. Yesterday the sun helped knock down some of the snow but we could use a week of warm to get rid of the snow pack. They said we would be in the 40's if not for all the snow banks.

IW...Best of luck tomorrow :icefish: Sorry to read the airboats messed some ice up.

Eddie...Sounds like a tough day on the ice. Hope you are able to get out again soon before you lose your ice :thumbsup:

WW...Hope Team WW is feeling better. Dang colds suck any time of the year :%$#!:

h2l...Best wishes for your wife today :thumbsup: Safe travels :thumbsup:

Not a lot going on around here. I have been preparing some brass getting ready to load some bullets. I am anticipating a trip to the range one of these days. I have been waiting on a shipment of bullets that seem to be coming by pony express. Not sure why USPS and UPS offer tracking. In my case I got the same message for 3 weeks that "a shipping label was created, waiting on pick up". Today I get 4 notices my package is in the Jungle out for delivery ???

Hope you all have a good Tuesday :thumbsup: Best of luck to everyone hitting the ice :icefish:

Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1336 on: Feb 07, 2023, 06:15 AM »
Good morning ER’s  have to agree with WS colds no fun at any time of year.

Heard it to be 51 here in Iowa today, not sure but think the south 25 wind laid down

The 20th great grandchild arrived 4:14 yesterday a girl. Mother and baby doing just fine.

Now to see if I can catch up with the receding ice belt. Or head south and hook up one of the boats

Take care of your on ice

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1337 on: Feb 07, 2023, 06:38 AM »
The 20th great grandchild arrived 4:14 yesterday a girl. Mother and baby doing just fine.

Congratulations Bud!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1338 on: Feb 07, 2023, 06:57 AM »
Morning all,

IFF......congrats on the new great grand daughter  :thumbsup: :clap:  sorry, can't help you on the Erie ice guide, never fished hard water out there  :-\

Eddie......hope your luck improves today  :icefish: sent me that coconut cream pie recipe, I make it quite often  :bow:  thoughts and prayers to you and MrsTT as you deal with your health issues  :)

WS.....agree with you 100% on the tracking numbers, waste of time and VERY  frustrating  :%$#!: 

IW.....glad they saved the loon, but sucks they had to break up the ice in the process  ::)  good luck tomorrow  :tipup: 

FH4.....never fun when an extra cold winter chews thru the wood pile faster than normal  >:(

Took a ride north yesterday to check out our fishing area on Ontario, some parts are good to go, others not so much  :blink:  checked out the local lakes on the trip home, pretty much the same thing, some spots ok others I wouldn't put one foot on  :pinch:   :nono:
Did see an amazing amount of geese on the shore of Ontario

caught a beautiful sunset on Oneida Lake as we wrapped up the trip

We'll see in a few days when hopefully we're both over these colds, might get out on one of the local lakes  ;D

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1339 on: Feb 07, 2023, 08:06 AM »
41* to start the day. I do not think we got any of the light rain that was guessed for overnight. More rain is guessed for Thursday.

The wife's surgery went well yesterday. It was not as invasive as we thought it would be. I about got into it with the first anesthesiologist that saw her. He tried to make her into an addict because she takes Norco. If he saw the pain she has been in from her hip replacement maybe he would have understood. I do not know where they got him as he does not fit in with the rest of the people that are great. She will tell the nurse that will call today about what happened with him. The guy that actually put her under was nice and caring.

I have to get some things straightened out so I do not have to go to Grand Rapids to have my MRI. I am going to Big Rapids or I am not getting it. Whole different attitude up there. Our new doctor just keeps wanting me to do more tests all of the time.

ww  That is a lot of geese. I have not had a cold since I started drinking a cup of OJ twice a day when I got diagnosed with diabetes in 2010. My new DR does not want me eating oranges (I guess that includes OJ) or eating bananas now. That is not going to happen!

Bud That is a lot of great-grandkids. My great grandsons first birthday party is Saturday. The great-granddaughter's party is in a couple of weeks.

Time to get breakfast. Then I need to was dishes before I get too far behind!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1340 on: Feb 07, 2023, 08:46 AM »
TT.....happy birthday wishes to the great grandkids   :thumbsup: :clap:

Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1341 on: Feb 07, 2023, 05:32 PM »
IFF, Congrats to you and the family.

TT, Happy Birthday!

WW, hope you are both feeling better. This weather doesn't help much, -22 one day and 40 the next.

Got home about 5:30 some freezing rain the last 8 or 10 miles, even saw some lighting.

The wife's check-up went very well. Her lung function test was a little lower than last one but they think that is because of flu she had. I sat in the car but they told her next visit I can come in. I haven't seen them since before the 19.

Have a good evening and will see you in the morning...h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1342 on: Feb 07, 2023, 08:00 PM »
Good evening,  thank you, thank you on the congratulations. Well it’s looking like daughter and I will be heading out on some ice about 3/4 hour drive for us, got report there should be 7” + or - to hammer some bluegills on tomorrow

Hopefully will get some pictures if I don’t drop the phone down a hole  ::) ::)

Happy birthday TT you old goat  ;D

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1343 on: Feb 07, 2023, 09:04 PM »
Good evening in the middle thirties and raining as I type.Think more rain is forecast for later in the week.
IFF congratulations on the birth of you latest great grandchild.  :clap: good to hear mother and baby are fine. You have a large extended family. Best wished for you and your daughter with the ice fishing.
Ice Wanderer Best to you and jon at Schroon Lake tomorrow may you post some post trip photos of your catches. Question for you or anyone who might know the answer are loons on the endangered species list so an effort is made to help any loon spotted in trouble . I know some states now prohibit the use of lead spilt shot and jigs under a certain weight because of waterfowl ingesting them and getting lead poisoning To bad the newly form ice is now all broken up because of the rescue.
Eddie you are welcome guess we got lucky this time some things posted on Facebook are not visible unless you have an account which I do not at this time . may you trip this afternoon have yielded more action and fish.
Whopper Stopper may you receive your package soon if i have made a purchase or someone is sending me a package it usually goes through the regional USPS sorting centers in northern NJ, or Albany,NY . I've seen tracking show package travel from the NJ. center to Albany and the finally to my location a few times .
Wallyworld thank you for the photos .
Tomturkey good to hear your wife's surgery went well and was not that invasive . may you get the location for your MRI transferred to hospital you prefer.
Hunts2long gld your wife's check up was a good one. Nice that you will be able to enter the hospital when next check up date arrives and not have to sit in your car. You must have gotten in and out quickly looking at the time you arrived home nice that you beat most of the rush hour traffic and only had to deal with it in the Albany area  also good that the weather only became an issue once close to home .

Keep safe, try to stay healthy . Best to all fishing this week.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1344 on: Feb 08, 2023, 05:03 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!  ;D     34* with light winds at the moment, high of 40 today.

  Jeff…fingers crossed for a double digit day on the Lakers, best of luck to and Jon today!  :icefish:
  Steve…had a little more action yesterday afternoon, missed one caught one, lol. Got the smell of skunk off..well, some of it anyway!  :roflmao:
  Bud…wow, CONGRATULATIONS on the 20th great grandchild, that’s amazing!!  :bow:   Good luck with todays father/daughter trip, hope you find a pile of bluegills eager to bite!  :icefish:
  H2…very good news on your wife’s appointment, that’s awesome, way to go Mrs. H2!!  :clap: :thumbsup:  Glad you had safe travels back, the roads here got snotty pretty quick with the freezing rain for a little while before changing back to rain.
  Tom…very good news on your wife’s surgery, best wishes to her with a speedy recovery!  :clap: 
  Wally…hope the bug has run its course and you both are about over it. Thanks for sharing the pictures, some excellent shots…hopefully we see some more soon with you both holding fish…get well soon!  :thumbsup:
  Marv…similar weather as here it sounds like, snow keeping the temps a tad lower. Hope you got a surprise and received your order yesterday!  :thumbsup:  Have seen some pretty strange things happen tracking things in the past, made no sense at all with the routes taken.  :cookoo:
  Saw 4 guys out when I got to the lake yesterday. Spoke to 2 on my way out, very slow day for them, a few flags and a couple small pickerel caught…not too encouraging, lol.  Was all setup by 1:30 and had 4 jigging rods with me to switch presentations…very slow start again.
  Finally had a JawJacker snap up about 3:30, another hit and miss. Moved in closer to that hole and dropped down a jigging Rap. Had a fish come in moments later and hit, landed a 14” Brown trout. Marked a few more and had some chasers but that was about it, lol.  Going back shortly for probably more of the same, can’t pass on these temps again this morning.   Cawfee’s on…
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1345 on: Feb 08, 2023, 05:56 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

27 to kick off the day, the guessers are saying there should be a few 40's on bank thermometers later this afternoon, we will take it.

TT...Glad to read your wife's surgery went well :thumbsup: After taking Norco for over 10 years i know exactly what your wife was dealing with. With all the stipulations, tests and hoops to jump through, I told my new Dr. he could shove his holier-than-thou attitude up his rear end. It's only been 3 months but so far things are better than I expected dealing with my osteo. At least now on bad days I can just dial my activities back some.

Eddie/ of luck on the ice today :thumbsup: Eddie, my package did show up yesterday. I had 2 notices it would be delivered my 11am. It got dropped off at 5 pm, but at least it made it :thumbsup:

WW...Hope you are feeling better today and your cold is in the rearview mirror :thumbsup:

A couple errands then loading some bullets are on my agenda for the day.

Hope you all have a good "Hump Day" :thumbsup: Best of luck if hitting the ice :icefish:

Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1346 on: Feb 08, 2023, 06:39 AM »
32* and cloudy.

Mr.C, it wasn't too bad of a wait. I think she was in there a little over 3 1/2 hours. There was quite a back-up of traffic going into the GWB. Lots of trucks going to the upper level. Things are req really getting back to normal after Covid!

Eddie, I see they are catching a lot of very nice pike. Good luck today.

Not doing much today. Have a good "hump" day and be safe.....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1347 on: Feb 08, 2023, 07:59 AM »
40* to start the day with the sun shining. Rain is guessed for tomorrow.

Steve, The wife is not supposed to take her bandages off until her follow-up on the 20th. Yesterday morning the lightweight ace wrap had come loose from her wrist down slid off. I had to cut it to get it back in place and secured. The heavier ace wrap from her elbow down to her wrist had slid down. She was able to get it back up and secured without taking it off.

Loons are an endagered species. We have a pair on our lake. When you see them go down it is rare that they do not come up with a small fish in their beak.

Marv. It was all I could do to not go off on that guy yesterday about the way he treated the wife. Both of us have been on Norco for a long time but do not abuse it.  My prescription lasts almost two months even though it is prescribed for every 4 hours as needed.

I know what you say about delivery. I had something that was supposed to be delivered to my post office. I ended up in another post office in the county. The next thing it was somewhere out in NY state before coming back to my post office.
A while back two things were put on the front porch instead of the back porch in the rain. Who expects to have things delivered to the front porch???

Raqedacker What are you getting for your birthday as we share the same birthdate? I already know what I am getting. I finally got my MRI moved to the Hospital I want. It is on March First. I guess that the third time trying was the charm.

Bud I will not be an old goat until March 1st when I turn 80!

Time to ge breakast so we can go get some groceries. While we are up their I will get a blood draw done at the hospital.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1348 on: Feb 08, 2023, 09:58 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....enjoy the midwinter break  :thumbsup:  how's things on the bunny farm  ???

Eddie/IW.....hope you're both busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest  :woot: :icefish:

H2L....glad to hear MrsH2's report was good  :clap:  bet it will be nice to wait inside next trip  ;)

TT.....always a treasure hunt trying to find where the deliveries are placed ::)

Found this when I checked cameras yesterday

think we all know how this ends  :pinch: :roflmao:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1349 on: Feb 08, 2023, 01:06 PM »
WS.....enjoy the midwinter break  :thumbsup:  how's things on the bunny farm  ???

Found this when I checked cameras yesterday

think we all know how this ends  :pinch: :roflmao:

WW...Nice picture :clap: The bunny farm is thriving. A little trouble getting all the setting straight on the new camera but I do believe there will be a new video very soon.


I ran across this picture on the web. I thought it was too good not to share......


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