Author Topic: The New 9:45 Thread..  (Read 240231 times)

Offline zcm_82

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1290 on: Feb 02, 2023, 05:40 AM »
Morning all, 18° calm and clear here.

I've just been out taking advantage of the second round of ice the past couple days. The cold snap is supposed to come to and end on Saturday, so the ice won't be sticking around long.  The bite was pretty good Tuesday, but it was a dinkfest. I brought little man with me yesterday since the ice had thickened up a bit more. The bite was slower, but he ended up pulling the biggest crappie I've actually ever seen come out of that pond shortly before we packed it in at dark. Not a great pic since it was getting dark, but it was a very nice fish considering the average crappie I pull out of there is about 8".

Watched a metorite hit the ground on my drive into work this morning... first time I can recall seeing one making it all the way down.

Not much on the agenda today, other than hitting the ice again after work. I'm trying to get out every day before it melts off, because this is likely to be our last ice until next winter. It's definitely shaping up to be a very short season in this neck of the woods.

masoneddie - hope the cold gives you some ice time  ;D

mr.clean - people are nuts these days, seems like it just keeps getting worse  :cookoo:

ww - good luck  :thumbsup: Been a bad one here, too. All said and done, it's probably going to amount to about 10 days of fishable ice total for the entire season, unless we get some freak cold blast later this month or early March.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1291 on: Feb 02, 2023, 06:13 AM »
13* and a few clouds.

So much for tires yesterday. They gave her a fair price but failed to mention that they only had ONE. They had given her a price for 4. She started calling around and found tires she wanted just 15 miles down the road and the price was within $20, total. She is going today. Better than a "big box store" anyway.

Eddie, I heard yesterday morning that the WC had been cancelled, I guess for the best. Hope one of your numbers get called a few times.

ZCM, that's pretty cool to see a meteorite hit the ground.

Hope everyone has a good day and stay warm....h2l

My nephew and his wife were going to Old Forge riding this weekend but with -50 wind chills in the forecast is staying home, what a wimp!
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1292 on: Feb 02, 2023, 07:21 AM »
Morning all,

Eddie......sorry to hear the derby was cancelled but not surprised  :( 

H2L.....seems BJ's salesperson would have mentioned the 1 tire thing  :wacko:

IW.....looking forward to your report from yesterday  :icefish:

Z.....congrats to your son, glad you're making the most of the here today gone tomorrow ice  :thumbsup:

IFF......any fish stories  ???

WS....hope you're out of the deep freeze for awhile  ;)

MrC.....went to a couple local hs girls volleyball games lately, part of the opening greeting is a reminder to parents/spectators to respect the ref's decisions and to maintain a civilized manner at all times  ::)

Cold front moving in later this evening, hanging around for the weekend then back to above freezing temps and rain next week  :%$#!:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1293 on: Feb 02, 2023, 09:19 AM »
Coworker is in Ohio but it would be kind of cool to have a plant in Egypt that we could visit, just do not think the travel there and home in one day each time in the airport would work.  Would get some miles in for the airlines, but think I would hate the days traveling there and back home.  Well only seen about 10 below for the low this morning so we are warming up a bit, but we are not supposed to get above freezing until sometime in March.  Going to be a good ice year, just the fishing has been slow, maybe the little lake is not so much of a slush monster and can get out there and catch some eater eyes one of these days.  Speaking of that found out my boat is built and they are now waiting for the big motor for final installation and send out, but the dealership has a 175 in a crate that is for another boat but would put on mine and get me out the door, so looking at end of March to first of April to go and pick it up, now to clean the boat up and take some pictures and when the ice starts to melt get advertising that one for sale.  Just hoping the SXS is paid off by the time I pick up the boat and only have that payment.  Well better get back to work and get some more things done.  Have a great Thursday and stay safe in the coming cold weather, hope it locks things up so you all can get out and do some ice fishing.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1294 on: Feb 02, 2023, 10:12 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

+9 with a pesky breeze making it feel like -11, colder yet in the shade ??? Tonight it drops to around -20 with stiff winds through tomorrow, my wood box is plumb full. The guessers are still claiming it's just a bump in the road as the temps will be in the mid 30's by Sunday.

mr.clean...All is fine with my hair pruning. I never allow my ears to stick out until tomato planting season.

Eddie...Best of luck this afternoon :icefish: I will be on duty if you need some pictures posted ;D Best of luck in the drawing :thumbsup:

h2l...Hope the tire buying goes without any hitches this time :thumbsup:

Z.... Looks like a dandy :thumbsup:

WW...Team WW has to be chomping at the bit waiting for fishable ice :%$#!:

Bud...I saw a picture of a guy that reminded me of you. He makes do without a lift.

Garage puttering today. I am also supposed to look around and check for dust ??? I told my wife January is over ;D

Hope you all have a good day :thumbsup: Best of luck if on the ice :icefish:

Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline Raquettedacker

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1295 on: Feb 02, 2023, 10:45 AM »
 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Strangers stopping strangers just to shake there hand.
         The successful life were living has us feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys...
Pro Staff Member "Team Loser"

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1296 on: Feb 02, 2023, 09:51 PM »
 Good evening in the upper twenties currently and calm tomorrow afternoon the weather guessers say the cold and winds out by Whopper Stopper will arrive in my location over night wind chills will feel like the air temps currently up north by Drifter. Two ice fishing contests this Saturday in Sullivan county hopefully everyone dresses for the weather. I did not see any updates on the basketball game fight.
Eddie I saw in the Great Sacandaga lake BS thread about the Walleye Challenge being cancelled and raffle drawing for prize money must be present at drawing to claim prize. best to you may your numbers be pulled . Yes it is sad when you have to be concerned for your safety at a high school sporting event.
Zcm-82 good to see you are able to get out and take advantage of the cold weather by you. Congratulations to your son on catching the crappie . :clap: It had to be strange to see the meteorite may it not have caused any damage to structures upon landing.
hunts2long sorry someone messed up at Bj's good your wife found tires for only a slight increase elsewhere best to you on Tuesday with the trip to NYC . personally I think your nephew and his spouse are smart waiting for higher temperatures and lower wind chills before heeding to old Forge to ride snow mobiles.
Wallyworld similar statement is made at the lacrosse games I've attended not being at the basketball game do not know what type of verbal exchange was going on between fans of both schools and players, I have to hold my breath at times when at games or get creative in insulting the ref's . thing like put your glasses on or contacts lenses in , etc.  best to you if fishing tomorrow or over the weekend.
Fish/hunt4ever I've know a few people who have to do overseas travel for their jobs told by them nice to see different countries and try regional food dishes but after a while gets to be a chore being away from home. good to see it is warming up some out in Wyoming know you deal with winds on an almost daily basis be nice to not have the brutal wind chills along with the temperatures. may you and the family have a good remainder of your ice fishing season. may all go well and you have he new boat in time for Spring fishing.
Whopper Stopper good you have a couple years fire wood supply on hand to help keep house warm dealing these cold spells.  I saw a news story that maybe of concern for your wife eye drope from Ezicare sold under name Artificial Tears have been recalled because of contamination with bacteria which is highly resistant to most antibiotics. the story was on NBC news's health page .
Raquettedacker if there are any plant starts in the green houses at work may they survive this weekends cold weather. i also hope you have a way to keep misty comfortable unless see camps out near a heat source in colder weather.

Have a good night. be safe when out in the low temperatures coming to parts of the U.S. this weekend. best to all fishing.


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1297 on: Feb 03, 2023, 05:01 AM »

                    Good morning ER's,
                               It's  0.1* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                               Eddie.........Sort of good news...Wednesday on the way home from South Bay I swung by Harris Bay and it was almost frozen all
                    the way out to the end of Assembly point. I'm sure that nigh the rest of it skimmed over. Now it probably has an inch of ice. By Sunday
                    morning I'm sure there will be 3", but with the warm up next week who knows. :unsure:
                               H2l.............I'm glad you found tires at a reasonable price. :flex:
                               Wally..........Thank you for the pictures of the  repair in progress, the welder must have been very good to be able to weld it with out
                    any leaks. The way he did it by cutting through the outer jacket to weld the inner jacket then repair the outer one again, then fill the boiler with
                    water to test everything. :whistle: :thumbsup: :clap: :flex:
                               Zcm............I'm glad you were able to get back on the ice again and congratulations to your son for the Crappie. :clap: :clap:
                               Bud.............I'm glad you made through the icy ride, I saw videos of some horrific car crashes from the ice storm. :cookoo:
                               Marv............Hope the puttering in the garage keeps you busy. :unsure: At this point we don't need any snow when the lakes are starting
                    to freeze.  :%$#!: But I would like some to go and snow blow for my son and make some extra $$$. :blink:
                               Steve...........I've been to games back in public school where fights broke out between schools, it never turned out well. :cookoo: :%$#!:
                               Fish.............I had the opportunity to go to England to work for our company but turned it down because I would have to be there for six
                    months without coming home. :cookoo:
                               Wednesday fishing went good for me, I caught about 20 Crappie but most were small, I only kept 9 of them and gave them to Jon. Because
                    the first trip we made he gave me his catch. It was his turn to take fish home. Unfortunately he didn't catch any keepers. I found the right spot and
                    stayed on it.
                                I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1298 on: Feb 03, 2023, 05:24 AM »
Good morning IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

-18 to kick the day off with a little breeze to make it refreshing. When I opened the door it had a nasty squeak ???

mr.clean...Thanks for the alert on the Ezicare. fortunately/unfortunately, my wife doesn't use any over the counter eye drops.

IW...Congratulations on a good day of fishing, hope your ice holds up :thumbsup:

Eddie...Looking forward to seeing how you and Stephen made out fishing yesterday :thumbsup:

WW...Keep warm over there :thumbsup:

Stove stuffing on tap today. Hope you all have a good Friday :thumbsup:

Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1299 on: Feb 03, 2023, 05:54 AM »
5* and a breeze!

IW, sounds like a pretty good day on the ice.

The wife reports that the tire buying went very well. The guy that owns it is former law officer. She said he was very nice and his workers also. Four Corner Tire, Perth.

The wife has to get her Covid test today, before her visit in NYC.

Not much planned for today. Be safe....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1300 on: Feb 03, 2023, 05:59 AM »
Morning all,

IW......glad you found the right spot and had a decent day  :thumbsup:

WS.....stove stuffing sounds like the perfect pass time  ;)2

Eddie.....hope you made it out yesterday  :icefish:

H2L.....snowmobiling in negative temps really doesn't sound like much fun  :nono:

MrC.....hope those fishing the tournaments have good heaters   :whistle:

FH4......glad to hear the new boat will be ready for spring fishing  :clap:

Nothing planned for today other than staying inside out of the cold  @)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1301 on: Feb 03, 2023, 06:46 AM »
Good morning Everyone, 11* and very windy. Turned out I had a big stone that wouldn’t pass thru the stent. They got that out so no more bleeding so far. Me and Mr Dickens are staying put today as the Jeep has no heat. My wife is at work today.

WallyWorld, Today is a good day to stay inside.

Hunts2long, Prayers your wife’s Covid test is negative.

Whopper Stopper, Stove top stuffing is very good.

Ice Wanderer, Congratulations on a great day on the ice.

I hope everyone has a great day and stay warm.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1302 on: Feb 03, 2023, 06:49 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Feeling a little more like winter here this morning…8* with stiff NW winds and slowly dropping throughout the day.  :clap: 

  Marv…stuffing the stove sounds like the best choice today with those temperatures! Thinking Bud will appreciate the picture, great stuff!   :thumbsup: :roflmao:  We had a pretty slow afternoon trip yesterday, had some flags but all hit and misses on the traps. Weather was nice though and it was an easy drag out and back..enjoyed every moment of it.   :thumbsup:
  Jeff…congrats on finding the hotspot and gifting the bounty with each other, that’s how it works with partners, awesome job!!  :bow:  That’s good news on Harris making some ice, hopefully it can build enough ice for you to get a trip out there before the warmer temps move back in!   :thumbsup:
  Steve..we’ll be present for the drawing, talking about a possible early morning trip if the weather permits.  :tipup:  Did you throw your hat in the ring and get your fishing license?
  FH4…good news on the boat, thats gotta be building up some excitement now for you! Hope everything works out for you!   :clap:  Best of luck with the fishing this weekend, stay warm!   :tipup:
  Wally…you shouldn’t have any problem finding fishable ice up north after this weekend… bakery warming the oven for ice fishing treats today??  ;D
  H2…glad you were able to get ALL the tires on instead of just a spare!  ;D :clap: 
  Z…congrats to your son catching the big one, his smile tells the story and that’s what it’s all about!!  Way to go Dad and son!!  :clap: :bow:
  I-45…excellent news on the removal of the stone, best wishes moving forward now!   :clap:

  Had high hopes of getting into a few decent fish yesterday but the bite was off for us. We fished from about 12:30-5:30 and ended up with 8 or 9 flags, but no solid hookups. Ice was good, about 8-9” where we settled in and the temps were comfortable even with the lighter winds from the front moving complaints other than not being able share a good harvest here this morning!   ;D
  Not much planned here today, charging batteries and going through the gear again…Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!!

Offline zcm_82

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1303 on: Feb 03, 2023, 12:16 PM »
Afternoon all, 11° clear and windy here.

Hit it again a couple hours yesterday after work. It was 44° and the ice was mushy, but the fish were biting for a while. It was a dinkathon again, but I'd much rather catch dinks than nothing.

Taking little man back out tomorrow morning since the ice should be a lot tighter after today. There's a big warmup coming in tomorrow afternoon and sticking around with rain in the forecast Sunday/Monday, so tomorrow will likely be the end of my 22/23 ice season.

masoneddie - he was all mopey and pouting that he didn't like ice fishing anymore right before that because he had only caught 1 bluegill. That crappie turned him right around  :roflmao:

45 - hope your health improves soon.

IW - glad to hear you got on the fish  :thumbsup:

mr.clean - it hit out in a field, so definitely no damage. It was about 445 in the morning, so odds are it'll probably get plowed under this spring because the landowner doesn't even know it landed there. I have a general idea of where it went down, but I was 2-3 miles from it and it was still dark, so not exactly sure where it impacted.

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1304 on: Feb 03, 2023, 09:04 PM »
 Good evening very windy here today (20-30 mph) with higher gusts checked conditions around 8PM on Weather Underground tey had temperature at 8 degrees dropping to a low of minus 1 overnight not terrible but a big change from nights with lows in the low thirties and upper twenties.
Ice Wanderer congratulations on the crappies nice that you and Jon share your catches with each other . So far only seen some heated verbal exchanges among fans,parents towards refs. and pushing shoving among players
Whopper Stopper my the woodstove be keeping your home comfortable. Glad your wife does not use the eyedrops that have been recalled.
Hunts2long good to hear your wife's tire  buying/install was a pleasant experience and you have found a shop when you nedd tires in the future . may your wife pass the covid test so she can see her NYC doctors for the health check-up .
Wallworld it will be interesting to see if the low temperature and sub-zero windchills for part of Saturday result in low turnouts for the two contests in my area on Saturday. Hopefully folks at least have some type of shelter assume both contests will have some type of warming area and hot beverages available for purchase .
icefisher-45 good to read doctor's for the source of bleeding and were able to remove the stone blocking the stent.  may you see an end to the kidney issues. When you have the heater in Jepp repaired may it not be to expensive.
Eddie hope to purchase the license tomorrow and try to get out next week before lakes loose ice or conditions get bad. Hearing 4 to six inches for most lakes in my area . Glad the weather made travel on the lake easier yesterday and you had some action, next rip may you land the fish that take your tip-up offerings . may you have a safe trip on the day of prize drawing raffle and have one of your groups numbers pulled for a prize .
Zcm-82 thank you for answering my question on meteorite's landing place. It is hard to keep young children interested in fishing if the action is slow or you are only catching small fish. keep your trips short. Bring snacks/drinks your son enjoys and hopefully he will grow to like ice fishing and want to be with you when you head for the local pond/lake .
IFF if Missouri was not the final destination on your trip may you have arrived safely to the final location. best to you if you are doing any ice fishing.
OldSailor may all be well with you and the family. Hope you are now pain free and recovered from the leg surgery and will be ready for Spring gardening.

May all dealing with high winds and lows temperatures get through them with no problems . Best to all fishing this weekend.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1305 on: Feb 04, 2023, 03:06 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

+5 with a high today of close to 32. The next few days should see highs in the mid 30's with lows staying in the mid 20's. Looking forward to something other than the cold and snow.

IW...Any plans for your next outing :icefish: Your snow blowing gig sounds pretty good as long as you don't get dumped on and overwhelmed :whistle: A lot of people around our area are upset with the mail delivery because they aren't getting their mail. The mail trucks can't get close enough to the boxes with all the snow so they just leave the mail at the post office. Rather than taking a few minutes to clear their boxes it's easier to P&M I guess  :cookoo:

h2l...Glad the tire buying went well. Best of luck to your wife with her covid test :thumbsup:

Z...Best of luck to your son hooking into another "Boss Crappie" today :thumbsup:

Eddie...Better luck next trip :thumbsup: There are at least 4 fishing tourneys in our area that have cancelled. What a disappointing season this turned out to be :%$#!:

WW...Hope all works out you have ice for least one trip north :icefish:

Sounds like a road trip on tap today. I have learnt over the years that I am better off not asking questions, so I will be interested in seeing what the day brings ???

Hope everyone has a good Saturday :thumbsup: Best of luck to anyone finding some ice :icefish:

Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline IFF

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1306 on: Feb 04, 2023, 03:35 AM »
Good morning Marv, ER’s   Yeah just getting caught up on the past few days, that picture made my back hurt   Thursday rented a 22 ton splitter for 24 hrs and got all but two rounds split for the friend here in Missouri, her husband has been battling cancer, not being able to get around much even with a walker to and from doctor appointments.  And now his doctor tells him there’s nothing more they can do for him as it’s now in his liver, last resort is radiation, and given his state unknown how long he has, So sad at least now they have some good firewood.  Doug is 86

I will be stopping In Davenport later today and hope to get at least one day fishing with son in law before going on to my “north camp” 

Good to read the stone is not blocking and continue to be on the mend.

Yikes are you kidding. -106 wind chill at Mt Washington ???

Hope everyone has a better day



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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1307 on: Feb 04, 2023, 04:43 AM »

                Good morning Marv, Bud, ER's,
                           It's a balmy -27* here on my hill, and the wind has stopped blowing. Last night we had a wind chill of -52* ::)
                           Marv.........Good idea about staying by the wood stove. :flex:
                           Bud..........I hope you have a good fishing outing with your son in lw. :thumbsup:
                           I-45.........That must have been a big stone, I'm glad they got it removed and no more bleeding. :clap:
                           H2l..........Hoping your wife's covid test is negative for another trip to the city. :thumbsup:
                           Eddie.......When you get a lot of flags like that generally the fish are just mouthing your bait enough to set the flag off. :%$#!: I had a lot
                           of those the other day they're a PIA. :blink:
                           Wally.........It's good that the boiler was repaired before this cold snap. :flex: I'm going to go through a little more wood for the next 2 days. :%$#!:
                           Steve........The wind really changes things when the temperature drops like this, stay warm. :whistle: Hopefully enough ice is being made
                 for you to get your license and get out a few times. :unsure:
                            Yesterday the temperature here dropped through out the day. My wife and I went to dinner at #2's in laws in Saratoga and when we left there
                 it was 0* and by the time we got home our temperature was -22*.  Big difference in altitude makes a big difference.
                            Not much going today might have make store run.
                            I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out if your crazy enough. Stay Safe and Healthy, also warm.

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1308 on: Feb 04, 2023, 05:29 AM »
-21 and clear.

Water is froze, got heater on it in the craw space under what use to be the camp. Wife told me last night I should have turned the heater on, but what does she know about What a pain getting under there at 4am this morning.

Stay warm and be safe....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1309 on: Feb 04, 2023, 05:53 AM »
-21 and clear.
Water is froze, got heater on it in the craw space under what use to be the camp. Wife told me last night I should have turned the heater on, but what does she know about What a pain getting under there at 4am this morning.
Stay warm and be safe....h2l

 :roflmao: :roflmao: Good luck with the thaw.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1310 on: Feb 04, 2023, 06:11 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....hope you can get the water flowing again soon  ;)   (no I told you so's here  :woot: )

IFF.....sorry to hear about your friend, very sad, thoughts and prayers sent  :'(  nice of you to split their wood for them  :bow: :bow:  safe travels and good luck fishing  :) travels and enjoy the journey (not to mention the balmy weather) wherever it may take you  ;)2

IW.....I am SO happy we aren't burning oil right now, the furnace is running constantly trying to keep up with these temps  :%$#!: bakery treats yesterday but I did roast a small turkey for dinner, house sure smells good  :thumbsup:

-18 here this morning at least the winds have settled down  @) probably another indoor day before temps climb above freezing tomorrow  :)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1311 on: Feb 04, 2023, 06:34 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Well lost another one, lol, try again! Sitting at -18* and clear, winds have settled down, high of 16 today…making ice!!  :clap:  Hard to believe but the guessers claim it will be back up in the 40’s tomorrow…I’m blaming the groundhog, “ Choot ‘em Elizabeth!! “   :flex:

  H2…ouch on the 4am alarm!! Hope the heater does the trick, best wishes!  :thumbsup:
  Wally…turkey was a fine choice, nothing like the aroma of a bird in the oven!  :clap:  Loading up the ice gear today for a trip north?  :tipup:
  Jeff…was watching local news last evening, saw your area and North getting the most attention with the extreme windchills. Elevation makes a huge difference for sure. Believe we touched -40* with the winds yesterday gusting in the 40’s ..short lived, but it should help getting a few more trips locally before that warm front/rain comes.  :thumbsup:
  Bud…sorry to read that about your friend, God Bless him. You did a fine thing helping them out with the firewood, well done!   :bow:  Safe travels to Iowa and best of luck with your fishing trip!   :thumbsup:
  Marv…we finally got a little taste of what you and FH4 have been dealing with here…for 2 days anyway!  :clap:  A week of this weather would have sure made things nice here. That will probably happen after I plant my seedlings!  ;D  Have a safe road trip, smart move not asking questions!  :thumbsup:
  Steve…thanks, we’ve got our fingers crossed one of us hits the drawing!  At least the odds are better than the MegaMillions with only 2,000 players, lol. Glad you’re getting your license and best of luck with the fishing, will be looking forward to your report!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Z…gotta love it when the chips are down and then the bite comes…congrats again to you both for sticking it out!  :clap:
Good luck today, hope it’s a full day of action for you both!  :icefish:
  Dom…saw your Snowdog build on that thread, awesome job, it looks great!!  :clap: :thumbsup:  Shoot me an address and I’ll send a few stickers for the one you’re building!  ;D
  Dave…thanks for the Arctic Blast!! Wish it would have stayed longer, but we’ll take it!  :thumbsup:  Hope you’re cabin bound this weekend!

  Days like this I wish I was back in my younger years..”never let an extreme temperature day go to waste!”  :nono: 
  Tomorrow or Monday will suit me better temperature wise.. ;D.  Good weather for a crockpot dinner to simmer today, found a good buy on ribs last week, usually a good crowd pleaser. Barbecued or with sauerkraut, tough choice at the moment…maybe a Baileys and coffee will help!  ;D
  Hope everyone stays warm today and the Arctic Blast gives you enough ice to enjoy for a few extra days …Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1312 on: Feb 04, 2023, 01:02 PM »
Well still hanging around zero for thenlows and not getting as warm as they said it should be getting. But will take it, maybe some more snow on the way end of the week so got that going. Need to get out and get yhe chainsaw fired up and cut some logs up. Been lazy after I went to work for a couple hours. Fixed French toast for breakfast and got some black rifle coffee for the wife to try one coworker has it and it tasted good. The wife liked it as well buy too expensive for her to have everyday in my mind, but a special treat for the cup of coffee on the weekend. Well have a great Saturday everyone. Stay safe in those colder Temps that were shipped your way. Seen this on the wife's Facebook page thought it was fitting.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1313 on: Feb 04, 2023, 08:33 PM »
 Good evening thermometer was reading -2 at seven AM currently in the high teens thankfully not as windy today. I check the temperatures in the towns where two contests were held today one was at  minus-8 the other minus -5 at seven this morning. Cold for my section of NY. uncommon for this area to see temps. fall to 10 below or lower before the windchill does happen ocassionally. The lowest temperature reading i've seen was 20 below back in the Winter of 1992-93 .
Whopper Stopper good to see it is starting to warm up by you nice your getting a break from snow and winds . Back when i lived in the house the mail carrier once left a note asking me to shovel out by mailbox so he could deliver the mail after that always made sure the area by mail box was cleared of snow. may you have enjoy the road trip your wife planed for today .
IFF sorry to hear about your friend's husband very nice of you to make the trip  cut and process some firewood for them . Safe travels to Davenport may you and SIL get into the fish. Mount Washington in New Hampshire is one of the higher if not the highest peak in North East U.S. and sees some very high wind speeds and extreme weather at times . there is a weather observatory at top of mountain. Also road to summit plus seasonal cog railway very popular tourist area in Summer big with hikers and backpackers.
Ice Wanderer I assume you loaded up the wood boiler before turning in for the evening hope it provided heat throughout the overnight hours. Good temperature difference between son#2's in-laws home and yours guessing a five hundred foot or more change in elevation between the two .
Hunts2long may the heater have thawed out the pipes and you now have running water and no leaks. Not fun to wake up in the very early morning hours to a cold house and no water. i hope you can access the crawl space from inside your home and did not have to go outside .
Wallyworld may the temperature have warmed up as today went by another day to stay inside and find things to keep busy .
Eddie Like you when i was younger fished in below zero temperatures before adding in the windchill a couple of times don't think I could do so now without some type of shelter with a heater .
 your canine buddies will enjoy the warm up when they need to answer the call of nature.
Fish/hunt4ever good that things have warmed up some out by you in Wyoming make it more comfortable to be outside with the winds your state sees at times  can still feel like twenty below or colder when the thermometer is reading in the single digits.

may everyone stay healthy and safe. best to all fishing.

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1314 on: Feb 05, 2023, 04:35 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Fairly calm 15* this am, high of 41 forecasted for today.

  Steve…I had a fishing buddy message me at 6am asking where I was headed out to and wanting to meet up, lol. Had to take a pass but he went out and found a decent perch bite.  :thumbsup:  My dogs were very quick yesterday on their outside trips, I wouldn’t let them stay out for more than a couple minutes. Did they hold the tournament’s yesterday down your way?
  FH4…guess 0* is better than -30’s but that’s cold! Hope you start seeing some warmer daytime highs and haven’t had any problems with your water lines freezing up!  :thumbsup: How much ice on your local lakes now?
  Jeff…see the Ice Castles in Lake George were having some problems getting ready with the warmer weather this year, but were having some of it opened up yesterday? Hopefully this warmer weather moving in doesn’t put the whammy on that. Fishing today?  :tipup:
  H2…got the fingers crossed your water lines thawed out and no busted pipes! Good luck on the lanes this evening!  :thumbsup:
  Marv..hope the road trip went well yesterday.  :thumbsup:
  Wally…some comfortable fishing weather moving in today…hope you and Mr.WW can take advantage of it and scratch the itch!   :icefish:

  My son wanted me to meet up with him this morning and get out on the ice for a couple hours but I’m going to wait until this afternoon, upper 30’s and low 40’s are more to my liking, lol. Believe he’s going meet there and get two trips in today.
  Kind of anxious to see how much ice formed over the last couple days …hopefully enough to stretch out a couple trips before it takes a beating again, lol.   Cawfee’s on gang….
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!



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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1315 on: Feb 05, 2023, 04:59 AM »

            Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                       It's 3* and clear here on my hill. Yesterday it never got above 0*. ::)
                       Eddie..........I don't blame you to wait it out a little, I've noticed that I can't be out ice fishing when it's this cold. :whistle: Back when I worked
            I'd go out in any weather because the weekends was the only time I had. :blink: Lake George froze at Million Dollar Beach  :thumbsup: :clap:
                       H2l.............Hopefu lly you were able to thaw the pipes with no leaks. :unsure: Good luck on the lanes tonight. :thumbsup:
                       Wally..........Yeah... Yesterday my boiler also ran almost non stop to keep up.  :wacko: Not so bad last night.  :whistle:
                       Marv...........I hope you and Jo enjoyed the ride. :flex:
                       Steve..........When I went to NYMA '64-'67 our winter's were pretty cold, it did get below 0* but really can't remember how low it got to. :whistle:
                       Bud.............It was good of you to stop off and help out with the firewood for your friend. :clap: :flex: :bow:
                       Fish.............0* must feel a lot warmer than the temperatures you have been having. :unsure: Hopefully you can get out to do some chores. :blink:
                       Yesterday was I did go to town and did a little shopping but the rest of the day I stayed inside and tuned up my fishing gear.
                        Not sure what's on the planner today.
                        I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1316 on: Feb 05, 2023, 05:49 AM »
Morning all,

Eddie......don't blame you at all for waiting until afternoon  :whistle:

IW......we got up to about 10* here yesterday, 24* this morning  :wacko:

H2L....hope you have running water today  :-\  good luck tonight  ;)

WS.....fingers crossed your road trip yesterday ended somewhere fun  ;D

MrC.....the temps were definitely cold the last couple days but that used to be pretty normal not headline news  :blink:

Puttered in the kitchen yesterday a little
apple squares

turkey soup, good for MrWW's cold  ;)2

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1317 on: Feb 05, 2023, 06:32 AM »
10* and cloudy.

WW, turkey soup sounds great. The wife made Mac & Cheese yesterday and apple sauce.

Mr. C, I wish I was that lucky. Had to go around to North end to get to the Bilko doors.

Got the water running about 3 yesterday afternoon after many trips to move the heater around. Left heat on last night just in case temps dropped overnight. Only got to 6* yesterday. I did have one leak right at the T where the pressure gauge is for the Water Worker tank. I will check that out this morning and if still dripping will call the plumper on Monday. I talked to him yesterday and at 8:30 he had had over 60 calls, I would like to get him Monday before he "retires".

Eddie, good luck if you get out this PM. Saw a few guys on the ice yesterday PM, but NO one in the morning.

Should be fun bowling tonight, my legs and back are pretty sore from all that "bucket" settting under the old camp. The walk back and forth didn't help much, it took a few trip to get a path. Only about 6 inches of snow but you would think the crust was going to hold you and then you would break thru. I had a pretty good path by the end of the day.

Have a good day and be safe....h2l

Saw a picture of my nephew and his wife, they went to Old Forge yesterday, told them they are NUTS!

Northville, NY

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1318 on: Feb 05, 2023, 06:55 AM »
Good morning, WW your kitchen “puttering” look good to me  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

When I started the drive north I noticed all the farm ponds were ice caped, that was until I got into Iowa. The further north I got the warmer it was, and then see open waters. S-I-l says the wind did in his fishable ice so between the warmer temps and winds not a good option for getting on the local ice.  If I stick around till Monday I will get to meet another great grand baby.

H2L Good you got the water flowing and not have it burst sounds like.  Now on to good night of bowling.

Think I hear the other puppies stirring ,  time to see about a cup

Stay safe if you’re out and about

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Re: The New 9:45 Thread..
« Reply #1319 on: Feb 05, 2023, 07:17 AM »
A couple weeks ago the ice was about 18 inches thick I bet we are going to have one of those years of almost needing an extension for the auger by the time we see enough warm weather tonstart melting some of the snow. I remember growing up that we used to have enough ice that motor homes and such would be parked across the lake. The most ice I ever seen was the year we drove across the lake to meet my uncle and the ice was pushed up so you could sled down the edges. My dad tried to stop as we got close to the edge and slid right over the drop and busted down through the ice, last time we ever did that. The little lake had 16 inches of ice and 18 inches of snow making some slush conditions for the derby out there the weekend before the boysen derby, but we have had some wind and things so that lake might be better now. Maybe get out again in the next couple weeks to check things out. Yesterday I think we got up around 20, man it felt like summer, got some wood blocked up and the wife split some so the firewood bins are full for a little while.  Have a great day everyone, I see over the next couple weeks we are only supposed to have highs around 20, some snow later in the week it seems. Be safe out there everyone.


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