Author Topic: Was I in the wrong?  (Read 4554 times)

Offline Alternative Reefer

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Was I in the wrong?
« on: Jan 15, 2022, 04:51 AM »
Couple days ago I got into it with another fisherman on the ice.  Here is the story.

I pull up to a spot I fish when I am pressed for time.  Last year I pretty much had this area to myself.  I hammered the fish all winter long.  Kept it to myself as much as possible.  Unfortunately word got out this small little area had perch, crappies and gills just stacked up in their.  It is super easy access.

I drop my grandson off at school and I head to the spot.  When I get there the main spot I fish two guys had tip ups strewn all over the area so I look at plan B.  Another shack set up., Third spot occupied.  So plan D.  As I am loading my sled some dipcrap gets out of his minivan with another guy and a small child.  He shouts out loud "HONEY HOLE".  I just laugh, gigs up my spot is ruined the idiots found it.  So I drag my sled to spot D.  It is a nice overcast day, light wind 31 degrees.  So I am going to sit outside and not in the shack.  I drill three holes because I can have three lines and I spread them out 15 feet about between them Soaking two minnows and jigging with the third.  I am not taking up that much area, this is a large flat that the fish roam so it is ok fishing all over. 

As I get my first dead stick placed the honey hole guy comes over and drills a hole right next to me.  Less than four feet from my second dead stick hole.   I kindly let him know that he drilled a hole pretty close and I was fishing that hole.  He laughs and says, I;m gonna be like those internet guys and tell you you don't own the water.  I said your can fish there if you want but so am I and I am not moving.  ( I have been bullied out of my spots too many times over the last few years by guys that decide if they make it hard for you to fish you will leave, so now I refuse to move).  I give people plenty of space and I avoid fishing most weekends to avoid assholes.....this was a Wednesday.  So the guy says to me you have a hole there, there and there but I can't fish here?  I said, I do not care where you fish.  I am just telling you I am not leaving.  He starts getting even dumber.  He starts puffing his chest and talking stupid so I just say your a real tough guy huh!  I said it's pretty crapty for you to crawl up my ass like this.   He then shouts, relax dude, it's just perch and crappies!  I said exactly, its just perch and crappies so why are you crawling up my ass.  I can tell his buddy wants no part of this as he never once lifts his head or says anything. As I am setting up my line I just said out loud, I can not believe you are gonna fish right on top of me.  His buddy finally just pulled his ducer and started walking away and the dipcrap followed.

I watched as he avoided all the other fishermen and gave them a wide berth.  If the guy would have just said, hey you mind if we fish next to you?  I would have said sure, I have a hole right there, maybe give me about ten feet so we don't tangle lines that would be great.  Just be courteous. 

Another fisherman walked over after and said I agree with everything you said.  He walked over to see where he drilled his hole and shook his head and asked if he wanted to jump in the shack with you too?

Was I wrong?  What is proper etiquette in this situation? 

For the record I didn't even catch a fish out of that hole.  The spot has been over fished and I didn't catch a fish over 7" that entire day.  I drive past on the weekend and there is 30 guys there fishing it now.   I get off the ice and an old guy pulls up, hows the fishing?  I say it sucks.  Oh really he says, I sat down here on my lawn chair all summer, I was catching perch and crappies.  I ate so many my wife and I got sick from eating them.  He leaves and another guy from out of town pulls up.  I heard they are nailing perch and crappies in here.  Guys were nailing them all fall.  My FIL told me about it and says he fishes here all the time.

Less than one season the parasites fished the area dry.

Offline filetandrelease

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 15, 2022, 05:08 AM »
 IMO you weren’t wrong , the guy was just  another (Richard Cranium) , plus he’s teaching a child bad habits ,  crappy role model

Offline river_scum

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 15, 2022, 05:10 AM »
you were ok IMO.  it used to be you could avoid most of the _icks and spot snipers by going during the week.  now the dead beats _icks are rich off gov. money and are out all week.  just remember to let them start it and then you can finish it. ;D 

remember when 30 guys could set up in an area and have a bunch of laughs?  seems those days are gone.
real fishermen don't ask "where you catch those"

OANN the real story

- member here since -2003- IN.

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 15, 2022, 05:22 AM »

remember when 30 guys could set up in an area and have a bunch of laughs?  seems those days are gone.

I pretty much have to deal with combat fishing all spring and fall.   I have no issue fishing in a group or next to someone.  But come ice fishing for some reason I just want to be left alone.  I couldn't imagine walking up to a guy in his shack and just striking up a conversation or trying to peer into a guys bucket to see if he is catching anything.   I even resort to outright lying to people on the ice.  I don't keep fish often but if I am that bucket is as sacred as my wallet, stay the heck out of it.  If anyone asks I tell them it sucks or was slow or the fish are small.   I fish with my uncle and he is just the opposite, before he is off the ice he has told 20 people.  Then he wonders why all the good spots are crowded.

The only thing I ever ask is how thick is the ice.  If there are fish there I am pretty confident I can get them to bite.  It wasn't like that a few years ago.  I couldn't catch a fish with dynamite.

Offline Iceattic

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 15, 2022, 07:03 AM »
Your 100% right! I had the same thing a few years back. But it was a old guy about 70 yrs old and I said to myself it's not worth say anything to him so I let him go. But in the past it happened to me so what I did is fire up the jiffy and put a hole inches from him, ice chips flying all over him! He is yelling and screaming! He left right after I drilled the hole!!

Offline uncleshorty

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 15, 2022, 08:31 AM »
I'm amazed that guys risk their lives over a fish.

The smart way to handle that situation would have been to defuse, not esculate.  You could have swallowed your injured pride and drilled one more hole away from the idiot's hole.  Problem solved.

Instead you're still worked up about it.  Your poor decision to esculate is letting that jamoke live rent free in your head.  And he's stealing from you your must precious resource, Grandpa, TIME.  You could be with your grandson sharing and teaching.  But instead, here you are, all worked up, angry and righteous.

My old Grandma used to say, between drags on her Chesterfield and shots of Old Overholt, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

People are nuts these days.  You are arguing with a stranger... over fish.

What would you have done if the crazy ***** pulled a gun on you ? 

I'll bet you love your grandson.  Next time do the right things to make sure you're around for him as lonng as possible.  It'd be a shame if he lost you over a fish...
Ice fishin' & turtlin's all I crave...

Offline namkeng

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 15, 2022, 08:39 AM »
"Somebody just back of you while you are fishing is as bad as someone looking over your shoulder while you write a letter to your girl. " - Ernest Hemingway

Offline Kinkyline

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 15, 2022, 08:47 AM »
Couple days ago I got into it with another fisherman on the ice.  Here is the story.

I pull up to a spot I fish when I am pressed for time.  Last year I pretty much had this area to myself.  I hammered the fish all winter long.  Kept it to myself as much as possible.  Unfortunately word got out this small little area had perch, crappies and gills just stacked up in their.  It is super easy access.

I drop my grandson off at school and I head to the spot.  When I get there the main spot I fish two guys had tip ups strewn all over the area so I look at plan B.  Another shack set up., Third spot occupied.  So plan D.  As I am loading my sled some dipcrap gets out of his minivan with another guy and a small child.  He shouts out loud "HONEY HOLE".  I just laugh, gigs up my spot is ruined the idiots found it.  So I drag my sled to spot D.  It is a nice overcast day, light wind 31 degrees.  So I am going to sit outside and not in the shack.  I drill three holes because I can have three lines and I spread them out 15 feet about between them Soaking two minnows and jigging with the third.  I am not taking up that much area, this is a large flat that the fish roam so it is ok fishing all over.  This is quite a story that such morons are allowed to participate in such a tranquil sport and try and make it hard on people. Where has common courtesy gone. This kind of thing just ruins it for those that just want to have a little fun. You know guys can work together and figure out what's working and it's a better experience that way. Why do people want to sit right on top you and make all kinds of racket. You did the right thing.

As I get my first dead stick placed the honey hole guy comes over and drills a hole right next to me.  Less than four feet from my second dead stick hole.   I kindly let him know that he drilled a hole pretty close and I was fishing that hole.  He laughs and says, I;m gonna be like those internet guys and tell you you don't own the water.  I said your can fish there if you want but so am I and I am not moving.  ( I have been bullied out of my spots too many times over the last few years by guys that decide if they make it hard for you to fish you will leave, so now I refuse to move).  I give people plenty of space and I avoid fishing most weekends to avoid assholes.....this was a Wednesday.  So the guy says to me you have a hole there, there and there but I can't fish here?  I said, I do not care where you fish.  I am just telling you I am not leaving.  He starts getting even dumber.  He starts puffing his chest and talking stupid so I just say your a real tough guy huh!  I said it's pretty crapty for you to crawl up my ass like this.   He then shouts, relax dude, it's just perch and crappies!  I said exactly, its just perch and crappies so why are you crawling up my ass.  I can tell his buddy wants no part of this as he never once lifts his head or says anything. As I am setting up my line I just said out loud, I can not believe you are gonna fish right on top of me.  His buddy finally just pulled his ducer and started walking away and the dipcrap followed.

I watched as he avoided all the other fishermen and gave them a wide berth.  If the guy would have just said, hey you mind if we fish next to you?  I would have said sure, I have a hole right there, maybe give me about ten feet so we don't tangle lines that would be great.  Just be courteous. 

Another fisherman walked over after and said I agree with everything you said.  He walked over to see where he drilled his hole and shook his head and asked if he wanted to jump in the shack with you too?

Was I wrong?  What is proper etiquette in this situation? 

For the record I didn't even catch a fish out of that hole.  The spot has been over fished and I didn't catch a fish over 7" that entire day.  I drive past on the weekend and there is 30 guys there fishing it now.   I get off the ice and an old guy pulls up, hows the fishing?  I say it sucks.  Oh really he says, I sat down here on my lawn chair all summer, I was catching perch and crappies.  I ate so many my wife and I got sick from eating them.  He leaves and another guy from out of town pulls up.  I heard they are nailing perch and crappies in here.  Guys were nailing them all fall.  My FIL told me about it and says he fishes here all the time.

Less than one season the parasites fished the area dry.

Offline iceman10

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 15, 2022, 09:09 AM »
Don’t matter where you go , hawkers lurking & watching for the easy ! I have a ton of spots & never fish the same spot 2 days in a row unless ice conditions dictate it . I use the silent treatment & it works good . Always carry , as coming off in darkness you never know who’s around. Don’t sweat it & move on & find more fish , they’ll be fishing for dinks for 10 years before they move !! Tighlines

Offline bobberbill

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #9 on: Jan 15, 2022, 10:40 AM »
Start drilling holes a foot apart all the way around him.

Offline slipperybob

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #10 on: Jan 15, 2022, 01:39 PM »
People follow me all the time.  Little did they know, that I have no clue where the fish are.  ;D

Cuz I like to pick a spot and fish that spot all over several times in the same year to try to figure out the area.  I bring a comfy seat and the shelter so I can camp/sleep all day if I wanted to.
For more information read my MN nice journal

Offline don519

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #11 on: Jan 15, 2022, 04:41 PM »
I had the same problem told 1 friend I was catching crappie big average 12" thick body out of my kayak over the summer he invited 6 of his family members to go ice fishing after 2 weekend fishing trips you can catch a fish over 6"

Offline KingPerch

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #12 on: Jan 15, 2022, 04:51 PM »
IMO you weren’t wrong , the guy was just  another (Richard Cranium) , plus he’s teaching a child bad habits ,  crappy role model
x2 RC’s are everywhere. Dipcrap wouldn’t of stood a chance here with us if he pulled that crap!! End of story!!
“Saving the perch population, one walleye at a time”-reeleyz 2021

Don’t worry Freddie, Hot bite is at 11:00!!😜


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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #13 on: Jan 15, 2022, 05:54 PM »
x2 RC’s are everywhere. Dipcrap wouldn’t of stood a chance here with us if he pulled that crap!! End of story!!

Heck Yeah. Run an Auger up his assss! ;D
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Offline Ronnie D

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #14 on: Jan 15, 2022, 06:21 PM »
After drilling his first hole , you were trying to have a battle of wits w/ an unarmed person.
Paint the ice yellow & go back to da shanty.
Your spot got burned.
I lose about 1 per year and it just makes me scout more during the off season for a new one. Till the inevitable happens again.
Swift Tines

Offline FreshwaterPhil

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #15 on: Jan 15, 2022, 06:23 PM »
You muricans seem to go apecrap over "your" spots. What he did was just being an idiotic googan, sure glad I've never had to deal with that kind of crap on ice up here. As stupid as some newbies here may be, they seem to stick to open water, have never run into an ice googan in over 20 years of ice fishing.

Offline bullpine

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #16 on: Jan 15, 2022, 06:53 PM »
Your 100% right! I had the same thing a few years back. But it was a old guy about 70 yrs old and I said to myself it's not worth say anything to him so I let him go. But in the past it happened to me so what I did is fire up the jiffy and put a hole inches from him, ice chips flying all over him! He is yelling and screaming! He left right after I drilled the hole!!

Yeah, the 70-year-old will be dead soon, so no problem going forward.  Trouble is I'm 70.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #17 on: Jan 15, 2022, 07:11 PM »
You muricans seem to go apecrap over "your" spots. What he did was just being an idiotic googan, sure glad I've never had to deal with that kind of crap on ice up here. As stupid as some newbies here may be, they seem to stick to open water, have never run into an ice googan in over 20 years of ice fishing.

It's fairly common down here. A few years back I was the ONLY one out on a pond. Been fishing maybe an hour and heard someone else rustling around... rustling stopped really close. Reeeeally close.

I got out of the fish house, and some dbag was popping his hub up right against mine... like literally touching it. We had some words, and his sawed off runt azz moved.

Offline FreshwaterPhil

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #18 on: Jan 15, 2022, 07:28 PM »
It's fairly common down here. A few years back I was the ONLY one out on a pond. Been fishing maybe an hour and heard someone else rustling around... rustling stopped really close. Reeeeally close.

I got out of the fish house, and some dbag was popping his hub up right against mine... like literally touching it. We had some words, and his sawed off runt azz moved.

That sucks. In over 40 years of fishing, I can only remember 2 runs ins I've had with others trying to fish on top of me for no reason. Both were in open water. Thankfully, both resolved themselves in my favor, first idiot got hit by a giant cloud of midges he couldn't handle, second were a group of Asians trying to use giant sinkers on a rocky bottom in strong current. Needless to say I prevailed.

As I fish over 100 days per year over the past decade, were talking about well over 2000 outings. I really like my solitude when fishing, and with a good 500.000 lakes and rivers in Quebec, I'm blessed to be able to find spots away from crowds on most of my outings. That being said, it I live in a city of close to 3,000,000 people, so it takes a bit of homework at times.

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #19 on: Jan 16, 2022, 11:02 AM »
It's too bad that rude clowns can ruin a perfectly good day.  Some people just don't know any better.  As I've gotten older I try harder to live and let live.

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #20 on: Jan 16, 2022, 11:27 AM »
Facebook and the group admins perpetuate this behaviour.

Offline KingPerch

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #21 on: Jan 16, 2022, 02:34 PM »
I have to say it…. Take social media, computers and phones away…. Our fishing spots would be safe again!!!! We’ll, at least the spots no one has spot burned!!!😁
“Saving the perch population, one walleye at a time”-reeleyz 2021

Don’t worry Freddie, Hot bite is at 11:00!!😜

Offline Charman03

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #22 on: Jan 16, 2022, 06:07 PM »
Ice fishing has turned into a crowded chit show. Kinda why I’ve gotten out of it.

Offline Hardwater2

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #23 on: Jan 16, 2022, 06:14 PM »
Unreal but not really anymore….
“People don’t ya know”

Offline taxi1

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #24 on: Jan 16, 2022, 07:43 PM »
Speaking of entitled people: I allowed a guy to ice fish my private ponds two years in a row. The third year I wanted to give the pond a break and he came unglued! It was like I owed him to fish the pond!
I live in the midwest now but have fond memories of fishing in New England as a kid.

Offline river_scum

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #25 on: Jan 17, 2022, 06:23 AM »
Speaking of entitled people: I allowed a guy to ice fish my private ponds two years in a row. The third year I wanted to give the pond a break and he came unglued! It was like I owed him to fish the pond!

maybe he was winning money somewhere with your trophy raised fish? lol
real fishermen don't ask "where you catch those"

OANN the real story

- member here since -2003- IN.

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #26 on: Jan 17, 2022, 08:12 AM »
Speaking of entitled people: I allowed a guy to ice fish my private ponds two years in a row. The third year I wanted to give the pond a break and he came unglued! It was like I owed him to fish the pond!
Like taking candy away from a baby.

Offline IFF

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #27 on: Jan 17, 2022, 08:57 AM »
One of my favorite quotes comes to mind its "I think people like you are what gives A**holes a bad name"

Offline taxi1

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #28 on: Jan 17, 2022, 12:38 PM »
maybe he was winning money somewhere with your trophy raised fish? lol

Perhaps. He also asked me to fish it in the summer which I said was O.K. as long as he used a fly rod. He said fly fishing was for sissies and never showed up.

This was before he got totally honked off. He won't be coming again.
I live in the midwest now but have fond memories of fishing in New England as a kid.

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Re: Was I in the wrong?
« Reply #29 on: Jan 17, 2022, 12:47 PM »
I just pulled off a two night camp out on the ice with my 11 year old son.  It was super fun, but I thought it was strange when I got old of my pop up in the morning that another group had set up close enough I could have thrown a baseball into the middle of their setup. They ended up being quiet and we’re not a problem but I found it strange there was not another fisherman within a half mile and they chose to set up right by me. I had a couple ideas to try next time.
1. Before the start drilling turn up some rap music LOUD! If they start dancing try country.
2. Move the luggable loo right in the middle of their business to conduct your businesses to test how strongly they adhere to the principle of anybody having a right to any spot on public water. If it comes to number two I would be prepared to fight.


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