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Author Topic: This used to be my favorite website. Things really Died down. What happened?  (Read 15963 times)

Offline missoulafish

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Also, a few of the surfcasting forums I use to visit had strict anti spot burning policies. 

Been saying this for years. There's a lot of actual legit FB groups that understand this. But up here in Montana, if you want to see the potlickers loose their minds, bring this concept up. I mean how can we help people if we don't give them exact coordinates???

Offline Ryan51993

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I help people all the time but I use my brain while doing so. Telling someone you had a good day on Quaboag pond in February hurts no one. Pointing a guy in the right direction for ice via PM hurts no one. Posting openly about small early ice ponds that can't take the pressure is just dumb and not cool to the people that used a tank of gas and put themselves at risk to check them. I was fishing on ice in late December a stones throw from CT in south central MA. If I posted the location not only would the pond get hammered but someone probably would have died (only one small cove was anywhere near safe and I kept myself in less than 5 FOW.)

Offline SalmonAndStriper Stalker

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I don't see why spot is so important here. having a great spot will not make you a better fisherman. I come here to learn and teach tips that will in turn make you a better fisherman. everyone thinks it's the spot but it's really not.

Offline rmoody79

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These aren’t exactly the Great Lakes around here, access is limited

Offline Atta Boy!

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And this is exactly why people are leaving. Thanks for the explanation and lecture of your rules and how things should work. You guys act like you’re giving GPS coordinates. Get over yourself and try and be nice. PS I can’t stand AOC either. Just because I’m not a Democrat I can still be nice to people.

Offline Johnnysox

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Everyone thinks they have The Spot and are so worried it will be burnt. Additionally try asking for help about ice conditions you’ll get lectured about how you need to drive to check spots on your own and burn your own gas. somethings been lost. Kind of thought that was the point of the site to share information and help each other out

I also enjoyed this forum for the sharing of fishing tips and results (not spot burning!). What is the point of a fishing forum if not to share, I have fished over 50 years and enjoyed reading about the methods others use even though I may not incorporate them. As far as spot burning I totally agree if there is a smaller or remote pond that is special it should be kept private as I have done, on the other side, here in thee Berkshires everyone already knows about Onota, Pontoosuc,and Cheshire, they are usually busy and known pike lakes. Somebody sharing that they caught a 15 lb pike on Onota on a dead shiner does not change the fishing pressure, everyone already knows, Also, all of the results of local fishing derbies results are reported in the newspapers so fisherman know already where the action is.

Offline Ronnie D

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I have no issues giving an invite or general lake locations but scouting terrain & holes is something that took many tries& fails over a lot of years mostly w/ out electronics. If a noob gets their new Clam suit/ Marcum setup and wants it pointed out to them , then they have earned/ learned nothing and feel lucky from then on if you can find a parking space.
As far as out of the norm. honey holes, they do exist and youll be able to find a great list of em' written w/ invisible ink on the back of my tombstone.

Offline mikez

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I think the discussion in this thread has drifted from the OP's question "where did everyone go?".
Now it's kinda becoming an example of why they may have gone.
Lots of harsh talk about entitlement and the way people are raised and when they were born and what their politics are.

I wouldn't say this about the entire IS community but some of the regional forums have become unwelcoming to downright hostile to anyone who isn't part of the "old boy's network".
I get the spot burning aspect and the "where's the safe ice" problem but that doesn't explain why there's an atmosphere of "who can be the biggest dick".

Obviously it's all personal preference. Not everyone has the patience to see thread after thread derailed into 8 pages of hotdog jokes.
If that's what the forums are going to be, that's fine. Whatever helps you kill all that time ya'all got on your hands.
But like it was said above, the door ain't locked from the inside. Guys that come here hoping for some mature discussion on ice fishing or newbies hoping to learn from experienced fishermen probably aren't gonna stick around if all they get is sophomoric dick jokes and rude ballbusting.

Offline Ronnie D

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I've gotta say that as a new member and darkhouse die hard it's kinda depressing. I found the spearing forum and it hasn't been posted in for over a decade.
There are over a dozen about strike master blades because of the instant answer want, instead of looking at the answer in the same thread posted above it, ( too much thinking involved maybe?)
So why not fish the same way?

Offline Ice_Fly_Guy

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I think the discussion in this thread has drifted from the OP's question "where did everyone go?".
Now it's kinda becoming an example of why they may have gone.
Lots of harsh talk about entitlement and the way people are raised and when they were born and what their politics are.

I wouldn't say this about the entire IS community but some of the regional forums have become unwelcoming to downright hostile to anyone who isn't part of the "old boy's network".
I get the spot burning aspect and the "where's the safe ice" problem but that doesn't explain why there's an atmosphere of "who can be the biggest dick".

Obviously it's all personal preference. Not everyone has the patience to see thread after thread derailed into 8 pages of hotdog jokes.
If that's what the forums are going to be, that's fine. Whatever helps you kill all that time ya'all got on your hands.
But like it was said above, the door ain't locked from the inside. Guys that come here hoping for some mature discussion on ice fishing or newbies hoping to learn from experienced fishermen probably aren't gonna stick around if all they get is sophomoric dick jokes and rude ballbusting.


Offline Adironzach

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I have no issues sharing ice conditions and do readily after the first big freeze but when it comes to early ice, im always going to be hesitant. Early ice is dangerous and im not going to be openly spreading that information online where i could put others at risk. I share plenty of early info, just not openly in the forum/facebook. Its with guys i have build up relationships with and can trust, knowing they wont burn my spot or put that information online to get blown up and have proven to be good stewards of the sport. With an increased popularity of FB and the internet, word gets out on early ice when there are limited locations and youre SOL.

It might be a bit selfish of a take, however I do believe its alright to be selfish sometimes. I'm the one spending my gas, taking time out of my day, putting miles on my vehicle to drive hours and check ice conditions. I do that because i love fishing, i want to have success, and get out early/safely. To freely give that information up to thousands and thousands of individuals online doesnt seem right to me. Whats the point of my time and money and effort if i dont even get to enjoy it? I can understand the frustration from others when they live far away and its not possible to go check the ice. I do, trust me. However, i'm not holding it against those than can in early situations.

This also isnt a new problem. People always ask about early ice and for years the frustration always plays out similarly. This happened to me when i first started ice fishing. Instead of complaining, I kept building my network. Using this site and the relationships ive built on the water to befriend people in areas i like to fish early season. Not only have i made a bunch of friends, mentors and fishing partners who are irreplaceable to me, ive been able to find trustworthy people to help inquire about early ice. If more people were proactive about building up relationships with people in areas where they like to fish, there would be less complaining about "early ice and the ethics of sharing/not sharing"


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How did we fish before the internet?to many people look to the web to find fishing spots.i did not have internet or cell phone when i started didnt a old school guy and get in my truck and go check ice conditions and look for fish myself.maybe new gen guys should try far as guys leaving Iceshanty idc.go cry somewhere else then.

Offline TheJigginJerk

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It seems like this is an ice fishing site where you aren’t allowed to talk about ice fishing.
A few major turn offs of this site are how archaic this forum interface is. Posting and viewing pictures here is ridiculous. Also there’s a core crew here of self proclaimed experts that think they are above everyone else and take their ice fishing way too seriously. It’s supposed to be fun guys. Also there’s nothing wrong with helping people out with ice thickness reports as long as it’s not some tiny pond with limited parking. If more people helped out no one would have to waste their own time and gas driving to check ice.

Offline Atta Boy!

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Amen brother


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first i would say no posts.  i bet within 10 years, Mass will not have winter ice except for a few spots.
site has become more of a chat room with fewer fishing pics.
too many people looking for spots that do not want to put in the effort. took the 'older' crew years of driving around to find good ponds...newbies nope.  did you know you phone pics provide GPS location in the embedded code?
i have been on the ice for 50+ years as have the other G.O.D.S.  old school rules do not apply anymore, spot burning especially. we shared our spots amongst ourselves, we would never bring anyone else there. we still go fishing after all these years..some of the best group of guys i know.
my fav bass pond was ruined decades ago meeting up with a newbie on this site. next weekend he was there with friends, posting pictures and pond name.  next week there were 10 guys out there.
caught  few big fish last year..did not post here..not worth it anymore. >:(


I've been a member for 10+ years myself. I was going to add my 2 cents but it's written out well right here above.
Many good experiences and some bad through this site. But the good outweigh the bad . Here's to another 10 years 🍻

Offline Rebelss

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It seems like this is an ice fishing site where you aren’t allowed to talk about ice fishing.
A few major turn offs of this site are how archaic this forum interface is. Posting and viewing pictures here is ridiculous. Also there’s a core crew here of self proclaimed experts that think they are above everyone else and take their ice fishing way too seriously. It’s supposed to be fun guys. Also there’s nothing wrong with helping people out with ice thickness reports as long as it’s not some tiny pond with limited parking. If more people helped out no one would have to waste their own time and gas driving to check ice.

I don't understand why you are even ON this site then. It works well for myself and a lot of us, and I plan on stickin' around. Your last 2 lines say a lot..."tiny pond with limited parking?" Some fisherman LIKE small ponds without a Walmart sized lot full of buffoons that are gonna storm the ice like the Big Red One. Not for me.
"Waste their time and gas having to check ice.." Wow, I thought that was part of the sport...note, keyword "Sport". Seriously, does everything have to be instant/easy gratification?  Sounds like you just want it all handed to you, on your terms. Whatever works for ya, though . Some of us do feel differently and approach it differently though. Again; whatever works for ya.

Bassquatch and lenz....totally agree with your posts. Make me X 3.   :thumbsup:
“The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation”  Thoreau

Offline ronbgood55

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 I agree with all of you guys.....I have 4 grandsons that I have taken out ice fishing  with me  and not a single one is a ice fisherman...the are in there 20's, every  time I see them they are playing games on there cell phones or on computer. We are from another generation, green eye radios saying ,What Evil Lurks In The Hearts of Man.....The Shadow Knows...LOL. It is sad to hear our generation experience, knowledge of ice fishing will be left on this web site for the future people to look at and say.....WOW..."So that is were all those fish went."I guess we all have to throw in COVID-19 also, its mess up all parts of the world and we can hide from that, Happy New Years guys....God Bless you all...RHLP

Offline TheJigginJerk

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I don't understand why you are even ON this site then. It works well for myself and a lot of us, and I plan on stickin' around. Your last 2 lines say a lot..."tiny pond with limited parking?" Some fisherman LIKE small ponds without a Walmart sized lot full of buffoons that are gonna storm the ice like the Big Red One. Not for me.
"Waste their time and gas having to check ice.." Wow, I thought that was part of the sport...note, keyword "Sport". Seriously, does everything have to be instant/easy gratification?  Sounds like you just want it all handed to you, on your terms. Whatever works for ya, though . Some of us do feel differently and approach it differently though. Again; whatever works for ya.

Bassquatch and lenz....totally agree with your posts. Make me X 3.   :thumbsup:

Did you skip the “NOT” part of my comment about small places with limited parking. Try reading my post again. Also I’ve been ice fishing for around to 40 years. I don’t need anything handed to me and I’m not looking to steal anyone’s secret spots. Why do you automatically assume you know more than others?

Offline missoulafish

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All the noobs from FB poking around here sure stick out...

Offline rmoody79

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aint that the truth

Offline Rebelss

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Did you skip the “NOT” part of my comment about small places with limited parking. Try reading my post again. Also I’ve been ice fishing for around to 40 years. I don’t need anything handed to me and I’m not looking to steal anyone’s secret spots. Why do you automatically assume you know more than others?

I don't assume anything. It  just wasn't hard to read yer gripin' about the site being archaic, pic posting, spot fishing, wasting time and gas looking for ice....  Simply pointed that out. Steal secret spots? Where did that come from? Try reading your post again in a different light. Kudos on your 40 years. I've been at it for over 50.
“The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation”  Thoreau

Offline Ryan51993

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I think 95% of us essentially agree that some info should be shared and are willing to share it, and some should not be. The 5% of guys that want everything to be shared are the guys we don't need here. They don't care if 40 guys show up and fish out a 5 acre berkshires pond because they don't live there and next week they'll be on bigger and better waters. The guy that said no one would have to waste gas if we all shared info? WTH!?!? Someone still has to waste the gas regardless, just not you apparently!!


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All the noobs from FB poking around here sure stick out...
haha yep. I noticed that too!

Offline TheJigginJerk

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I don't assume anything. It  just wasn't hard to read yer gripin' about the site being archaic, pic posting, spot fishing, wasting time and gas looking for ice....  Simply pointed that out. Steal secret spots? Where did that come from? Try reading your post again in a different light. Kudos on your 40 years. I've been at it for over 50.

This site is archaic and should be upgraded. It’s pretty painful to use compared to others and why I don’t spend much time here.
There is nothing wrong with someone saying they went to Webster, Quabog or any other decent size public waters and giving an ice report. That used to be what people did here. Now it’s just a bunch of old grumps b***hing about everything.


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  • find your own fish..
At least we know where the fish are internet warrior.nobody has got you chained here,move on.

Offline Ice_Fly_Guy

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I think everyone should put in the work to find good ice and a good bite.  What ruins this forum is the same half dozen d*cks that make a sarcastic comment that is maybe negligibly pertaining to the topic.  It's like they are on here just to read their own posts.  And some are on here so much I wonder if they even have time to fish.

Offline pmaloney86

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I think everyone needs to go find some ice and go fishing.  This post has gone of the rails.  I drove 7 hours round trip on Saturday to fish for a species I wanted to target and found about 8" of ice.  I got skunked and although I'm not happy about it I still had a great time with friends, cooked up some breakfast sandys and made the best of an extremely slow day.
westernmas on the finder

Offline Atta Boy!

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The GODs and their disciples have spoken...

Offline esox_xtm

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It's ready...

Carry on, my 2 cents is clearly not necessary.
To fish or not to fish? That's a stupid question!

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”― Lewis Carroll

Offline TheJigginJerk

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At least we know where the fish are internet warrior.nobody has got you chained here,move on.

Nothing I have said is related to where the fish are. Sharing ice thickness has nothing to do with sharing fishing spots.


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