Author Topic: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?  (Read 6028 times)

Offline chilly-willy

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Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« on: Dec 27, 2017, 05:58 AM »
Seeing what others have ideas for pickled fish recipes.. want to do eggs and onions and fish and onions..  have tried pickled salmon..  but am thinking walleye this time.. so does amy one think this wIll work?? or should I just stick with pike and salmon ??

A couple that sounded good??


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Re: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 28, 2017, 01:07 PM »
try worlds best pickled fish on youtube its from cooking with shotgun recipe ive ever tried on northerns and suckers ive never added the wine but its so good.

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Re: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 18, 2018, 06:15 AM »
You can accomplish the same results in 2-3 days as long as you have water in refrigerator.  I buy reverse osmosis water for drinking and always have a 2 gallon container in the fridge.  Also, prior to pickling I freeze the fish first.  When I fillet northerns I typically keep the tail sections for frying and the rest of the fillet gets cubed for pickling, which go in the freezer until I'm ready to pickle.  When I want to pickle them, I defrost them in the fridge.  My recipe does 2-3 northern in the low to mid 20" range. 

1)  OK, so once they're defrosted, I soak them in salt water for 24 hours.  1/2 cup of non-iodized salt w/2 quarts of cold distilled or R/O water.  I make sure the salt is dissolved before placing the fish in.  Also, put your jug of distilled white vinegar in the fridge as well. 

2)  After 24 hours I drain the salt water, no need to rinse the fish.  I then pour in cold distilled white vinegar, enough to cover the fish liberally, and let sit in the fridge for 24 hours.  My recipe says 12-24 hours, but I generally go for 24.

3)  Several hours before the vinegar bath is up, I'll make my pickling solution.  4 cups of vinegar and 3 cups of sugar.  I stir this until the sugar is dissolved.  Next, is 1/4 cup of pickling spice and 1 cup of port wine.  Now, set your range to medium and bring the solution to a boil.  After it comes to a boil, turn off the heat.  I generally leave the solution on the range for a few hours, then I'll put it in the fridge for another few hours. 

4)  After the solution is cold, I take the fish out of the fridge and drain them, I put the meat in jars with sliced onion, then I poor the solution over the fish and store them in fridge.  The pickling solution will be enough for 6 pint jars or 3 quart jars.  The fish should be ready to eat in another 24 hours so they have time to absorb the sweetened pickling solution. 

I don't think pre-freezing the fish helps to keep the fish firm, it's more of a safety measure for certain parasites.  When I was younger, even with frozen fish I would still end up with soft batches at times.  I think what made a difference was keeping the water and vinegar in the fridge, as opposed to room temperature.  As well as making sure the pickling solution was also cold for the final step.   

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Re: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 03, 2018, 04:59 AM »
I've been pickling fish for many years. I love it! Perch, bluegill, walleye, bass, pickerel all taste great. Can't imagine why pike wouldn't be just as good. Crappie are too soft it seems. They don't hold up well to the process.

First and foremost, use only thoroughly frozen fish. Parasites are a real consideration.

I don't use any ratio of salt to water for my brine. I simply dissolve enough non- iodized salt in the amount of water I'm using to float an egg. Don't use tap water. It'll give the fish a mineral taste. Distilled water is fine. I collect mine from my dehumidifier, boil it and cool it in the fridge.

Remove the lateral line from the fillets and chunk up the fish.
Soak in the brine mixture over night in the fridge.

Pickling solution:
3 cups white vinegar.....5% acidity
1 cup semi sweet white wine"
1 1/2 - 2 cups sugar ( depending on how sweet you want it to be)
2 tbs pickling spices

Bring the solution to a boil in a non-reactive pot stirring to desolve the sugar.
Allow the solution to cool completely.
Strain the pickling spices from the solution.

Drain and rinse the fish in cold water.
Layer the fish and chopped onion LOOSELY  in glass jars. (Can't believe that guy in the video used plastic.......schmuck!)

Cover completely with the pickling solution.
With a chopstick, poke around in the jar to release any trapped air bubbles.


Wait a few days if you can stand it. I usually do a "taste test" after a day or so.

There's two jars .....well......a jar and a half ;)2 of pickled perch in my fridge right now and a bowl of perch in brine since last night. I always make extra pickling solution and just keep it in the fridge.

This delicacy should be consumed within a it will last that long.

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Offline chilly-willy

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Re: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 03, 2018, 09:12 AM »
Thank for the recipes!!  once ice out happens I going to get some walleye to try it on..  if that works pike is next..  we kinda have crappy ice right now.. this  is why I have not been out much..   if we ever get good enough ice?  I will be on erie for sure.. to get eyes but has not been a good year for ice so playing safe.. and thanks again. For the recipe rg and others!!

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Re: Looking for a good picked fish recipe for walleye?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 07, 2020, 05:09 PM »
I tried doing pickled fish for the first time.  Wasn't sure quite what to expect.  I really like it.  I used the recipe from Shotgun Red that is on you tube.  Didn't realize I have been missing out all this time wondering if I should try it or not.


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