Author Topic: What happens when you fall through?  (Read 3688 times)

Offline Rangerclay

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What happens when you fall through?
« on: Jan 19, 2006, 08:42 AM »
Howdy All,

I am curious about what happen when you first fall through the ice.  I have never fallen through the ice nor have I ever seen someone fall through.  For years I have always made a mental picture of what I would if I fell in but after joining Iceshanty I have learned that I was very wrong.  I have recently seen the video link made by the Canadians and it was very informative.

So what can I expect when I first fall through?  I am not driving any vehicles or ATV's, I like to walk with my sled behind me.  For years I always assumed that I what would happen is that I would immediately sink to the bottom because of the weight of my clothes.  Do you remain afloat for sometime?  Oh, and yes I do keep a set of spikes in my pocket.

I hope that I never have to use your advise but I would like to be better prepared than I thought I was.

Thank you for your help.
Ranger :tipup:

Offline archbishop

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 19, 2006, 08:49 AM »
thats a good question, i think it would vary from person to person, based on you reflexes and if you get your spikes in the ice before you went all the way in. also i doubt you would fall straight down, you would most likely fall at an angle causing you to go under the ice, wich in my opinion cause most drownings because you cannot find you way back to the hole? but if you did fall straight in it would be like jumping in a lake, most likely you would go under and pop rit=ght back up, as long as you have spikes or someone to throw you a rope you will most likely end up wet, cold and a lesson learned :tipup:

i have never fallen through either, these are just my ideas of what would happen, i have seen people fall through a few times.

Offline bigredonice

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 19, 2006, 09:07 AM »
Hmm. I was on 5"-6" of ice last year All of the sudden i felt the ice sag, and then plunge...all the way under, but popped right back up. I hit a spring hole...the ice was still thick, but was slushy.  It was in 10' of water. It was more shocking then anything...not really scary though.  The ice kept breaking around me, so I just couldn't get out at all.  Luckily Fishingking was there, and pulled me out.  Thank God for that.  That is why I try not to ice fish alone.

Offline adkRoy

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 19, 2006, 09:17 AM »
The first time I fell through I was fishing with a broken collar bone on a rainy day. The ice started to get swice cheese like from all the rain pooring down the old icefishing holes and cracks. As I was walking back towards shore I accidently stepped into a big hole and fell in. Luckily it was only chest deep but I had a hell of a time pulling my self out with only 1 arm. It taught me to watch out for swiss cheese ice.
New York State Ranger School Alumni 1994[

Offline archbishop

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 19, 2006, 09:29 AM »
 :o i have broken both collar bones, my right one twice, man adrenaline must have been on your side, colar bones are the worst and most painful to break, glad it wassnt deep and your still with us :tipup:

i like reds idea, NEVER FISH ALONE, make sure at least there are others out there. :tipup:

Offline fallsonice

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 19, 2006, 09:53 AM »
I have never gone through the ice, but trust me, you will not sink to the bottom.  Your head might go under depending on how big you are and how bad the ice broke, but you will pop right back up unless there's a strong current.  (I don't even want to think about that!)  I am a SCUBA diver and I can tell you that I have to work hard to get my body to sink to the bottom.  Even without a wetsuit I still half to wear lead to get down.  There is no magical force pulling you down.  Water in your boots makes them neutral not negative.  Remember that every person has a Personal Flotation Devise with them at all times,'s called your lungs. Also remember that the bigger that you are (the more mass that you have), the more boyant you are.  I would think that the FIRST thing that you need to do upon "going in" is  STAY CALM and BREATH DEEPLY (not underwater), Don't take off all your clothes or kick off your boots, they are providing insulation.  They will, however, be heavier comming out of the water, so keep that in mind, but you want them on until your out.  
I'm sure that others will have better instructions as to the best way to get your butt back on top of the ice, my point is simply, staying calm and using your head is key to survivability.

Still worried about your clothes pulling you down?  Try an experiment in the summer with buddies close by.  Put on all your winter fishing gear and jump in. Fear of the unknown is sometimes worse than the unknown itself!

Stay safe and dry guys!
        Steve    ><,))'>
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Offline adkRoy

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19, 2006, 09:56 AM »
Also your bucket turned upsidedown traps air and makes a good flotation device.
New York State Ranger School Alumni 1994[

Offline madporider

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 19, 2006, 10:02 AM »
i have fallen through the ice two years ago i too always thought i new what i would do if i fell through but it is shocking and then once under the ice its disorientating i did come back up only to hit the bottom of the ice i paniced at first just feeling the ice with my hands then swam down and looked up i then could see open water i then came up and my fishing buddy was there to help me out but it was definitely scary.  my buddy was watching me as i fell through and he said that i didnt even put my arms out he said that my body just stiffend like a board and boom i was gone.  Good thing it was warm that day because i didnt have my bulky jacket or bibs just had a sweatshirt and jeans so i could swim a little bit.  Im just glad i was fishing with a friend because i dont know if i would have been able to get out by myself
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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 19, 2006, 10:50 AM »
When I went thru, so quick I could not react, by the time I came up the picks were not even an option, arms up on the ice, rolled out and stood up with my heart in my throat. Boy would hate to come up under the ice, WOW!
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Offline MXFISHER656

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #9 on: Jan 19, 2006, 11:07 AM »
Howdy All,

I am curious about what happen when you first fall through the ice. 

Ranger :tipup:

First thing that will happen is you'll get wet!! ;)   

Sorry I couldn't resist



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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #10 on: Jan 19, 2006, 11:26 AM »
I always wear a life vest for such an occassion.  At least with the life vest on, the person in the water can concentrate on getting the picks out of the cargo pocket and put them to use.  I don't know why more people don't wear them.  Not only do they keep you afloat but they also insulate the body out of the water when you are up top fishing...  Cheap life insurance policy is how I see it.  Besides, I do quite a bit of fishing alone so I feel safer with it on.


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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #11 on: Jan 19, 2006, 12:50 PM »
I'm running a sale this week on life insurance policies for fellow ice fisherman.  ;D  Just in case, you go down your wife and kids will be living large or on a more serious note they can at least get by without major financial hardship and pay the bills and keep the house.  ;)

Sorry John your a bit late....Like a good neighbor my agent set up life insurance for me a long time ago.  If you can afford it, someone is crazy not to have it.


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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #12 on: Jan 19, 2006, 01:00 PM »
you get wet and then say just like steve urkel quote" did i do that"?

Offline fishingonly2002

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #13 on: Jan 19, 2006, 01:10 PM »
never gone through, but I have put my leg through a hole in the ice where someone took out there trap, it was cold as all hell that day too!

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #14 on: Jan 19, 2006, 01:45 PM »
You'll be very cold. ::)
All I need is ice and the fish will come.

Offline icemonster

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #15 on: Jan 19, 2006, 04:10 PM »
I related this story in an earlier post but I fell through in a river once at night while trying to save may dogs. I was by myself and there was a fairly strong current. When it happened the feeling was kind of surreal, I wasn't scared, I just remember thinking to myself that now I'm really screwed. As it happened it was easy to get out. The current pulled my legs sideways and I just rolled up on to the ice. I think what usually gets people is when the ice keeps breaking under you. Eventually the cold and exhaustion gets to you.
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Offline TogueHunter

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #16 on: Jan 19, 2006, 06:14 PM »
This video link has been posted before, but it's a great presentation on the Discovery channel about falling through the ice.
Are you SURE it's safe to walk on? Looks questionable to me!

Offline Colorado_Ice

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #17 on: Jan 19, 2006, 10:43 PM »

Thanks for the URL. I think we all need to watch the video a couple of times.

I had read quite a bit about cold water shock as far as kayaking but this video really rounded it out for travel on ice.


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Offline reelbigfish

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #18 on: Jan 20, 2006, 06:25 AM »
Over the years you develop a 6th sense about black ice, honeycombed ice, slush
ice etc. and learn to avoid trouble spots.  My only break throughs were close to shore in chest deep water and it is an increadable shock to the heart.  When on less
than 6" of hard ice I keep the spikes around my neck.  If you feel the ice give way
try spreading your body weight out.  The hardest part about getting back on good
ice is the slabs of ice are tilted, wet and slippery.  An ice drill or sled can help you
get back on top as well as a rope tied to a bucket.  Never fish alone on questionable
ice.  Keep a change of clothes in your vehicle.  Stay on top of the ice cause it
scares the fish away when you go swimming.

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Offline cold_feet

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #19 on: Jan 20, 2006, 07:59 AM »
I've been through the ice 3 times in my life so far. From the experiences I had the real weird thing is you feel the ice sinking before it breaks and there is nothing you can do about it. All 3 times I was comming off the lakes at the end of the day. The first time is the worst as you really don't know what is going on, you feel the ice starting to go then whump your through. I went down and as fast as I went down it seemed I was back on top, I really don't remember pulling myself back out but I was just lying on top. Now the third time it happend was a Little diffrent. We were on solid 1 ft of ice and was heading off got near shore still over 12 ft of water and again could feel the ice giving way the only thing I remember doing was putting my arms straight out to my sides when I broke though I went totally under but my hands just managed to grab the sides of the hole where I went through. I pulled myself back up to my chest and rolled out of the hole. One thing I do when walking on and off the ice is make sure all my cloths are buttoned, zipped and tie my boots tight to try to make airpockets or keep the water out for a few seconds. I know of a lot of guys who leave there boots untied to slip out of them fast. To each there own I say. All times I fell through I was with someone but always managed to get out by myself. Things go so fast that you really don't think you just react. With all the safety devices out there now, getting a survivor suit would be a wise investment for everyone who ventures out on the ice.
Cold Feet

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #20 on: Jan 20, 2006, 11:18 AM »
Thanks guys but these stories made me go out and purchase a PFD.  I know better but never use one. And still may never use it on the ice. I usually fish alone and my wife says she worries, I don't.  I know the dangers of cold water and have had survival classes for dealing with fast moving water and cold water too, I was a State Park Ranger for awhile.  So I don't worry about falling in the water but how fast can I get back out of that liquid death.  TIME is always so very critical when it comes to water. DO NOT PANIC. If I have a PFD on it may help me delay the inevitable. But If I can not get out of the water it won't matter. A PFD also can hinder you.

 It  is more critical not to panic.  If you make it out alive you will have plenty of time to lose composure and freak-out when you are safely on shore.  Also when you are ice fishing or before you go think what you might have to do or how you would react if you fall through the ice.  In my training we had to jump in 40 deg water!  I know that ain't as cold as water in the thirties but it helps you realize, If 40 deg is awfully cold then water in the 30s will be way worse. 

Offline TogueHunter

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Re: What happens when you fall through?
« Reply #21 on: Jan 20, 2006, 12:09 PM »
I carry a set of ice picks in my pocket.  Haven't needed them yet and hope I never do, but they are very inexpensive.  $6 at WallyWorld.
Are you SURE it's safe to walk on? Looks questionable to me!


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