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Author Topic: Sporting memories from our grandfathers  (Read 784 times)

Offline saltyshores

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Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« on: Dec 19, 2014, 08:04 AM »
Great post you will always have that memory of making it with your grandfather  and will remember it each time to take it out... It will last more than a lifetime and maybe you can pass it down to your kids someday

As I read Mainehazmt's comment to JPort on another thread about learning how to build a pack basket from Grandfather's instruction, I thought of all the special memories my grandfather made with me while fishing and hunting. I'd like to hear from others about special memories from their grandfathers.

I'll never forget the first time I went brook fishing for trout with my grandfather when I was 10. We got to the beaver flowage at first light after walking for nearly an hour through the dew-soaked meadow grass that soaked my clothes all the way to my chest. I caught no fish, but clearly remember seeing a 6" trout slash and bump at the little copper spinner that was just ahead of my worm. I wanted to catch that fish so bad, but didn't, but I was hooked for life on a great sport of fishing, and spent many more hours fishing with Grampie.

Another memory was on my 15th birthday when he presented me with his 16 gauge Remington model 870 pump shotgun. Grampie said, "I don't need this anymore. I can use the single-shot gun, so I wanted you to have it." I couldn't believe I now had my first gun.

Finally, his favorite deer rifle, a .33 Winchester in model 86, became mine after he died. I remember him every time I carry it. It's an uncommon and special gun that has shot lots of deer and even one (legal) moose.

Offline lion

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #1 on: Dec 19, 2014, 08:37 AM »
As I read this I am wanting to pick one special story to share but it's almost impossible.  My pepere was the caretaker of a lumber camp (Boulette's Lumber Camp which is now Boulette's Sporting Camps off the 490 Rd.) and I spent a good chunk of my childhood from age 3 until my late teens when he could no longer stay up there alone, at that camp.  We hunted and fished every day and I am now trying to pass his knowledge down to my son.  I learned how to be a man and a sportsman in those years spent in camp, just pepere and radio, no TV, no video games....just conversation and life lessons that I could never repay. 

He was the best man I ever met and I miss him everyday.  It's been 15 years since his passing, but every time my fly lands on the water exactly where I wanted it too, I imagine his hand guiding it there.  Thank you are still missed.

Offline JPort

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #2 on: Dec 19, 2014, 09:11 AM »
All of my earliest memories of fishing and hunting include my grandfather. He is the epitome of a Maine sportsman. Some of my favorite memories are from when I was very young and going for rides in his float plane. I also vividly remember watching in awe as he skinned the animals brought home from his various trap lines. I can remember so clearly the gamey smell of the animals as they lay in the shop.

Offline Jim_C.

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #3 on: Dec 19, 2014, 09:18 AM »
Great post.

My grandfather ('Pa) got me started in my fishing life in the early 1960's.  Living in NY at the time, he captivated me with his stories of Rangeley at ice out and billfish, wahoo, and dolphin in Florida. The fire was kindled.  I can still recall how I felt when he introduced me to his friends by saying, "This little guy could catch fish in a bath tub."  An exaggeration for sure, but the immense pride he had in me and those kind words help me through the rough patches to this day.

My grandfather gave me many flies over the years.  One streamer he was proud of was a pattern named after his Dad (the Frank R. Smith Special he called it).  What Lion has posted about the "guiding hand" is very true.  I recall like it was yesterday a particularly tough day on a WNY  Lake Ontario trib in the late 80's.  Things went from bad to worse when blinding lake effect snow rolled in.  The temptation to leave was strong, but a voice told me "Don't go yet; put on the Frank R. Smith."  The voice was so strong that I looked around thinking it was my buddy.  He was no where to be seen.  I did as guided.  20 LBS plus of silvery salmon later, I did the logical thing...looked up and said, "Thanks, 'Pa."

And thanks, Rick, for this thread.

Offline Sawyerjosh

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #4 on: Dec 19, 2014, 10:58 AM »
My grandfather gave me his knight .50 cal muzzle loader before he passed away.  I took it moose hunting this year, and while I didn't get a moose, thought of how happy he would have been seeing that gun going after a moose!  I also remember him taking some friends of mine from Australia and I trolling on Sebago about 12 years ago.  We didn't catch anything, but they had a blast and up until he passed away, anytime I talked to either of them, they always asked after 'Mad Dog Will' (their nickname for him)

Offline Jimnev

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #5 on: Dec 19, 2014, 01:36 PM »
I spent many days in the field with my grandfather. I probably spent even more days in his ice shack learning how to play cribbage at a penny a hole and eating red hot dogs. He taught me a love for the woods and waters of Maine that I will have until I die. When I went off to the Marines after high school he gave me his pride and joy, a Winchester Model 94 in 30-30. He told me it would be waiting when I came home and it was, he wasn't. My funniest story with him is as follows. I was 12 and we were in the shack when some of his chums in a shack close by caught a big togue and they were showing some excitement as gramps watched out the window. He told me he was going to see what they got. So alone in the ice shack I look up and tucked in the insulation is a magazine. I stand on the chair and get it and there is Penthouse Magazine in all it's glory. I have no idea how long gramps was gone he could have been gone for hours, I was like Columbus discovering a whole new world. When he did come back he looked at me, took the magazine, put it back and said, "don't tell your grandmother." Then he said it was my deal and we never spoke of it again.
There isn't a time when I go fish or hunt where a portion of my time isn't spent thinking about him. I have a camp now up off the Golden Road. His name was Earnest and the name of my camp is called "Earnest Living."

Offline bee

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #6 on: Dec 19, 2014, 02:27 PM »
I don't have those memory's as they were both passed by my birth. Often wondered want they would have been like.
Thats Why They Call It Fishing.

Offline saltyshores

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #7 on: Dec 19, 2014, 03:37 PM »
I don't have those memory's as they were both passed by my birth. Often wondered want they would have been like.

You and MG39 have provided many wonderful memories to folks on IceShanty and MyFishfinder like a grandfather would do. So have many others on here that I haven't met yet.


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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #8 on: Dec 19, 2014, 04:13 PM »
Never met my grandfather. He passed away before I was born, but I heard he was a heck of a fisherman..

Offline Gills-only

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #9 on: Dec 19, 2014, 04:23 PM »
You guys are lucky to have grown up with your grandfathers, mine passed away when I was about 3yrs old, remember sitting on his lap pulling the few hairs he had on his head!  Pappy was liked by all that told me stories about him, said he could catch fish in a mud puddle!  My dad said he would go out at daylite and take his lunch and not come back sometimes till around dark, most often with fish.  Wish I would have had the chance to fish with him, but the good lord had other plans, still miss him to this day!!

Offline Jim_C.

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Re: Sporting memories from our grandfathers
« Reply #10 on: Dec 19, 2014, 05:18 PM »
Great old pic. :tipup:

Never met my grandfather. He passed away before I was born, but I heard he was a heck of a fisherman..


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