Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649917 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28050 on: Jun 19, 2022, 08:01 PM »
Good evening,May all of you father's be having a good day. Similar weather here as yesterday maybe a little less wind enjoying the cooler temperatures and low humidity before Summer starts as i'm sure to have periods of temperatures in the nineties and high humidity levels. I forgot to mention this in yesterday's post last Wednesday evening there was a house fire in Newburgh which left a women dead and a male severely injured. The fire started in the kitchen pot of cooking oil the man or women tried to put out fire by using water which caused it to spread. One of the assistant fire chiefs was first to arrive on the scene he found smoke on all three floors of the building. Shortly after his arrival  the male occupant of home jumped from a third floor window and landed on the front entrance steps causing his injuries  by the time fire crew/trucks arrived flames on all three floors of the structure power lines in front of the home prevent the use of  ladder truck. When smoke had cleared some fire fighters saw the women hanging out of window man had jumped from they tried to reach her using a ground ladder but had to retreat because of flames and heat of fire. When they entered build and got onto the second floor they found staircase to third floor in flames. By the time they were able to reach women she had already expired I assume from smoke inhalation or possible heart attack. The street house is located on is a series of row houses thankfully the fire department was able to keep fire from spreading to other buildings.
Wallyworld may Mr.WW and your son be having a good day with some nice presents and family activities.
Eddie I hope you and your sons all had a good day.
Ice Wanderer similar sentiments extended to you and the father's among your four sons.
hunts2long may or wife or daughters have done something special for you today. thank you for the report of results from the GSLFF contest.
 Whopper Stopper may you see cooler temperatures during the over night hours. safe travel and good fishing wished for the "Girls" this week.
IFF happy Father's day to you may you have received phone calls from your children and grandchildren.  I agree the different systems maybe interfering with each other. i will keep a lookout for future comments by you on the equipment. have fun with the game/trail camera.
Fish/hunt4ever happy father's day congratulations on catching a limit of walleyes. thank you for posting the photo.
Icefisher-45 may things be going better for the two of you lately.

Have a good night everyone.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28051 on: Jun 20, 2022, 04:54 AM »
Morning all,

Heading west today, fun visit. Granddaughter had a hockey game yesterday, they won 5-2, she scored 2 of their goals!!

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28052 on: Jun 20, 2022, 05:18 AM »
46* and a few clouds.
Had a great Fathers Day.
WW, safe travels. Congrats to the granddaughter.
Have to take a run up to Camp of the Woods to pick up my sisters son this morning. I guess he doesn't like his Summer job.
My nephew's wife was bringing the bird feeders in on Friday evening, walked around the Sugar House and came face to face with the bear. They still don't know who was more surprised!
Hope everyone has a good Monday and be well....h2l
Northville, NY


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28053 on: Jun 20, 2022, 05:21 AM »

                  Good morning Wally, ER's,
                             It's 54* and clear with no wind. ::)
                             Wally.........Have a safe trip home. :flex: Congratulations to your granddaughter for the scoring 2 goals. :clap:
                             Fish..........Good job catching. :flex:
                             H2l...........Thank you for the GSLFF report. :clap: Coming face to face with that had to be frightening. :woot:
                             Eddie........I hope you ad a good day with your family yesterday. :thumbsup:
                             Marv.........Give the girls my best for their fishing trip. :thumbsup:
                             IceFisher...I'm glad to see you post yesterday. :flex:
                             Steve.......That was a terrible accident, fire has to be one of the worst was ways to go. :(
                             Bud..........That trail camera will come in handy come hunting season. :flex:
                             Yesterday, I went down to #2 son's in-laws for a Father's Day BBQ, had lots of good food.
                             I got a call from the boat repair place yesterday morning and the toon is ready for pick up. Doing later this morning.
                             I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28054 on: Jun 20, 2022, 05:27 AM »
Morning all, 53° and clear skies, supposed to top out at 94 this afternoon. The weather was extremely nice all weekend, but it's back to the sauna now, forecast for tomorrow is an even 100° They had 100 forecast one day last week and we only got up to 97° though, so we'll see what happens. Any way you hack it, it's looking to be pretty nasty up through Saturday, muggy and 90s with sun every single day. There's  not a speck of rain in the 10 day forecast.

The car parts are still sitting in St. Louis as of this morning, maybe they'll arrive next month  ::) Kiddo wanted to do some fishing, so we just hit the ponds over the weekend. As usual, lots of dinks, but a few really nice fish.

mr.clean - hope the nasty weather stays away a bit longer.

fish/hunt4ever - looks like a great outing  :thumbsup:

IFF - a couple of the trail cams where I hunt are that same model. Night shots are a bit blurry sometimes if stuff is moving very fast, but it takes crystal clear pictures in daylight, though, even of running deer or moving vehicles.

IW - good deal, hope the bite on your wallet isn't too bad, and you can get it out soon  ;D

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28055 on: Jun 20, 2022, 06:35 PM »
Good afternoon

Last I looked it was 92* out and wanting to stay awhile, got all the treasure boxes unloaded , somewhat sorted, and for most part went to the garage, once I get electric run to it will be able to go out and arrange and tinker up a storm  :clap:

From the sound of it the Mini Cooper just up chucked its $4,500 turbo, so I am lending her my Sonic to try and make some money doing deliveries while she figures out what to do.

Was going to make a run to town, but the day got away from me so tomorrow it is.  Early before it heats up.

Not sure my heart would start up again  getting surprised that close to a bear,   :woot: :woot: :woot:

Time to feed my face take care all

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28056 on: Jun 20, 2022, 08:32 PM »
Git back from the last check up for the wife and all looks good. Thought about taking the boat out but needed to do some repairs and upkeep so did that and then fixed the canopy for the farmers market fixed as well. Looks like everyone had a good weekend and a food start to the week. Have a good end of Monday everyone.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28057 on: Jun 20, 2022, 09:03 PM »
Good evening slight warm up today with day's high temperature near eighty and little wind after a weekend with high in the seventies and breezy both days. I saw a story in my local newspaper today the george Washington Bridge which connects New jersey to the NYC burough of Manhatten will no longer have toll booth service starting on July 10TH an overhead gantry system will hold scanners for Ez-pass and high speed cameras to record license plates so the registered owner of vehicle can receive the bill for toll. This system has been show to cut down on toll plaza crashes as people realized they needed to change lanes to pay the toll. Also should speed things up during periods of low traffic volume.
Wallyworld i hope the drive back to central NY. was problem free. Congratulations to your granddaughter on scoring two goals and her team winning the hockey game.
Hunts2long startling experience for your nephew's wife they will have to stay alert now when bringing in the bird feeders for the night . May your other nephew find a job more to his liking for this Summer
Ice Wanderer the fire has to be a hard blow for the family of building occupants and their neighbors on the street and fire fighters must be upset they could not reach the women in time to save her from the fire. Good to read your pontoon boat is repaired and ready for pick-up .  Sounds like a nice father's day celebration at son#2's in-Laws home.
Zcm-82 congratulations to your son on his catch. :clap: take things slow and keep hydrated when outside this coming week. Next time you check the tracking on auto parts may you find they are now closer to your location.
IFF your garage must be getting crowded with all the items placed there for storage until have time to look through the boxes.Sorry to hear about Linda's Mini-Cooper believe she had one expensive repair bill for the car already this year.
Whopper Stopper may the "Girls" have arrived safely at their lodging in northern Wisconsin.
Fish/hunt4ever good evening,happy to hear your wife had a good check-up. i'm sure she will appreciate the repaired canopy when it shields her from the sun at next farmers market. nice that you could do the repairs and maintenance on the boat yourself and save a bill for service.

Stay safe and healthy. try and keep cool if dealing with high temperatures and humidity levels. best to all with fishing plans this week.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28058 on: Jun 20, 2022, 09:15 PM »
Steve, I just boxed the Verizon Internet Gateway, to take back to a store.  According to the girls, once I got everyone signed in.  They said it was a lot slower, and had trouble running their programs.  Not sure what the speeds are supposed to be, might not like more than one or two at a time.  So back to the drawing board.
See Steve slipped in while I was typing.  Correction, the Mini Cooper is Linda's sister Sandra, and yes $$$$ in maintenance on those things.

Z  Nice to know about the trail cam, Think I will be putting up the "ring" door bell to keep track of the way in, and set the trail cam out the rear or toward the garage. 

Marv thanks for the reply on the editing software, hope its so easy "even a caveman (like me) can do it"  :roflmao: :unsure:

Guess this is the longest day of the year,  Sure feels like it.

No rain in any forecasts the next few days, so will be turning the hose on come first light.

Take Care all, see you when its coffee time.

Online masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28059 on: Jun 21, 2022, 04:41 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Welcome to the first day of summer!  55* and clear here on the Hill, high of 69 with some rain moving in this afternoon.

  Bud…sorry to read the Mini Cooper is down again, ouch! Did that new turbo have a warranty…defective? Best wishes sent  it’s covered.  :thumbsup:  Stay hydrated with that hot weather!
  Steve…the new camera system and EZ Pass should help things move along on the GW Bridge, surprised they haven’t installed that long ago.  :thumbsup:
  FH4…very good news on your wife.  :clap:  Glad you were able to get the boat repairs/maintenance, canopy done yourself..saving $ any where you can is top priority right now, nice job!   :thumbsup:
  Z…some serious hot weather conditions there again, probably won’t be long until it moves this way. Hope you get some better news on the parts today, nice job on the fishing with your son!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff…glad you enjoyed your Fathers Day, hope the boys all did as well.  Good news on the pontoon, hope it performs well for you!  :clap:
  H2…wow, that had to be a frightening experience for your nephews wife!!  :woot:  Glad you had an enjoyable Father’s Day as well, best of luck to your nephew finding a another job that he feels more comfortable doing.   :thumbsup:
  Wally…congratulations to your granddaughter scoring 2 goals and helping out the team with a win, awesome!   :bow:  :clap:  Hope you had a wonderful visit and safe travels back home!   :thumbsup:
  Marv…imagine the ladies are getting ready for another day of competition on the water this morning, wishing them both a banner day of catching!   :clap:  Will be looking forward to the reports! I saw on the 6 o’clock news last evening it was 101* in Minneapolis…yikes!  :o
  I-45…hope you had an enjoyable Father’s Day also, hope things are going well for both you and your wife!   :thumbsup:
  Dave…is the Honda ready for your trip?  Hope everything is going well… :thumbsup:

  Had an enjoyable day with the family on Father’s Day, barbecued and just took it easy.
  Helped a buddy out with a small repair job yesterday, was running late so didn’t get a chance to post. Taking the rest of the week off…scheduling a Dr.’s appointment today with a new Dr. as our primary has retired.
  Cawfee’s on…
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28060 on: Jun 21, 2022, 05:28 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

70 degrees with a high today of 90. The dew point is still high at 70 but it will be dropping as the day goes on.

Bud...No problem, hope it helps. They aren't that hard to use but at times they can have a mind of their own.

Eddie...Good luck finding a new Dr., hopefully you have a couple new ones in mind :thumbsup: I will again be on the hunt for a different rheumatologist in a few weeks. This will be the 4th one since I started going to them. I am contemplating just going without. Times are changing with their prescriptions and being able to get something for pain. The new rheumatologists try to treat you by training your mind to accept pain along with exercise to take your mind off the pain ??? I certainly don't need to pay anyone to just collect my money while telling me to get more active :cookoo:

IW...Will be looking for your on the water tooning reports :thumbsup:

WW... Hope you had safe travels hone  :thumbsup:

We had a batch of storms roll through around 2am. It sounded worse than it was, but I see the same line of storms just went through where the girls are staying. Today they will be fighting some wind but they plan on hitting the water by 6am.

I am off for a walk then I have a big fat list to start whacking away on.

Hope you all have a good Monday at work or play :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28061 on: Jun 21, 2022, 05:56 AM »

  Good Morning ER's hope all are well. Music all around the country today check your state. Another hot one here today.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28062 on: Jun 21, 2022, 06:04 AM »
Good morning ER's

Eddie no on the turbo, last bout was the 1,300 fuel pump.

Marv hope girls find some sheltered waters to fish in.

I better put on some sunscreen, sounds like its going to be a scorcher.

will water the garden first, then make the drive north to do some shopping.

Great day to all,

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28063 on: Jun 21, 2022, 06:05 AM »
51* and some clouds!
Picked up my nephew at the Camp of the Woods, it is a nice place but from what he was saying very expensive. I have a feeling that because it was his first Summer there that he was getting the "dirty" jobs and not the "trail" guide jobs. He will learn that to get to the top you sometimes have to start at the bottom.
Got back in time to drive the wife to Albany for a Drs. appt. She has to have some minor Lazer Surg. next month. All is good.

I guess the bear encounter was as close as I was led to believe. They were about 10 feet apart and she said she wasn't sure who moved faster but she did say the bear moved first.

Hope everyone has a good day and be well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28064 on: Jun 21, 2022, 06:37 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....hope the weather doesn't put too much of a damper on the fishing  :-\ there a lot of home break ins in your area  ???

Eddie.....hope you and the doc "click"  ;) wishes to MrsH2 on the procedure  :)

IW.....glad to hear the toon is ready for the water  :clap: is nice not having to go thru toll booths anymore  @)

The drive home was pretty uneventful, lots of traffic but not as bad as the drive out  ;)  After 5 hours in the car got home around 3 and hopped on the mower for another 2 hour ride  ::)  Good decision as it's raining out as I type   :whistle: 

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28065 on: Jun 21, 2022, 11:25 AM »
Well another day at work and get things put together and then coworkers decide to change things again, after the 4th time I think they can take it apart and put it all back together have another job that I will be doing for the Lab here in a bit so they can have it all.  What a day.  Well looks like the boat repairs and canopy should be good for a bit.  Been trying to get ahold of the Alumacraft dealer here to look at all the options on the new boat and it seems they do not want to contact me very much so might look at another one, just hate going further away.  But when I contacted the dealer for a side by side the wife was looking at they came right back even though they were having computer issues and got me some information and are looking at other questions I had.  Funny how some want the business and others seem like they do not need it.  Have a good one everyone, the week is getting closer to being done and my mom and the kiddos fly in tomorrow if all goes good.  Have a safe a good Tuesday everyone.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28066 on: Jun 21, 2022, 09:25 PM »
Good evening, cloudy here all day did have a brief drizzle of rain earlier weather forecast has rain arriving overnight and lasting until Thursday. Some parts of south eastern NY. may receive 2 inches or more of rain so concerns about flash flooding .I see health insurance companies are trying to raise rates charged in new York by 19 percent blaming increase on costs associated with Covid pandemic.
IFF thank you for the report on Verizon gateway internet sorry to hear it did not work out for you. i don't know how old Sara's Mini-Cooper is or the miles on the vehicle but almost 6 thousand dollars in repairs in under a year is major money to put into a vehicle. just my humble opinion might be time for her to purchase a vehicle that is cheaper to repair and maintain.
Eddie I'm guessing cost kept the port Authority of New York from upgrading the toll system also had to be resistance from any union representing the toll collectors as jobs will be eliminated. Best to you in finding a new primary care doctor.
Whopper stopper may the weather guessers have been correct and you saw a drop in the dew point as the day progressed. Best to you in the search for a new rheumatologist. I believe the opioid medication crisis has doctors looking at other methods to help their patients manage pain. may the "Girls have a few nice weather days to fish this week.
Old Goat hope you a way to deal with the high temperatures and humidity.
Hunts2long as others have posted new employees usually have to climb the ladder to more desirable positions unless they have previous experience. Best to your nephew in finding employment in a job he enjoys this Summer. thankfully your other nephew's wife only has a story to tell about her meeting a bear at close to your wife with the post surgery recovery good that you did not have to travel to NYC to get this surgery.
WallyworldI do not travel on toll roadways that often but agree with you nice when you can maintain speed and not loose time at toll booths when traveling. I do feel bad for person's loosing their jobs as upgrades are made in NY. and across the United States. Good to read you had an uneventful trip home from MA.
Fish/hunt4ever may your mother and children have a safe and problem free day of traveling tomorrow. Sorry to hear there are still issues with one pice of equipment in the lab.

Have a good night.

Online masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28067 on: Jun 22, 2022, 05:02 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!   Breezy and 57* this am,  chance of a shower or popup T-storm, high of 64.

  Steve…imagine you’re right on the costs and resistance from the union representing the toll collectors. Sadly, the technology that has been developed to make things more efficient has also eliminated countless amounts of jobs over the years…but that’s the way it is nowadays in the computer world we live in.
  FH4…hopefully today and the rest of the week goes smoothly with the machinery and the crew…good luck in your search for a new boat, safe travels to the family today!    :thumbsup:
  Wally…glad you were able to get the mowing done ahead of the rains, see some hotter weather moving in for the weekend. Strike 1 with yesterday’s Dr., didn’t care for him at all…young and pushy, no thanks.
  H2…best wishes for your wife with the next surgery, glad it’s not back in the big city!   :thumbsup:  Any good news on your Jeep parts yet?
  Bud…my bad, forgot it was the fuel pump last fix not the turbo. Guess it would be time to weigh the options on the expense of the turbo…is the car worth putting that kind of money in?
  OG…you mentioned music…I had free lawn tickets offered to me to go see Steelie Dan last evening…if it wasn’t for the rain in the forecast I would have gone, lol.   :thumbsup:
  Marv…yesterday’s Dr. was suggested by a friend, but he hasn’t been with him very long either. Have another in mind I’m going to call today and see if I can get an appointment…hoping for the best!   :whistle:  Hope the ladies didn’t get caught in the storms yesterday, best of luck to them with today’s adventures!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff…did you finish up the cabin work yesterday?

  We got a call from my daughter yesterday afternoon that my granddaughter got hurt on the playground at school…only 2 days of school left, Doh! A trip to the Dr.’s for her revealed a pretty bad sprained ankle, but thankfully not broken. She now has a removable cast and believe some therapy to follow.
  Cawfee’s on…
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28068 on: Jun 22, 2022, 05:09 AM »

                 Good morning ER's,
                           It's 578 and mostly cloudy, another day of blah type weather. ::)
                           Marv.........Isn't it amazing there is always a list of things that need to be done, does it ever end. :woot:
                           Wally........Glad you had an uneventful trip home.  :thumbsup:
                           Eddie........Finding a new Dr. is a PIA, the new one will look like a kid they're so young looking. :whistle: I'm sorry to hear about your
                 granddaughters ankle.
                           Steve........They're always blaming everything on Covid. Social Security has announced that there will be an 8% raise in benefits
                  in January, I'm sure they will take a big junk of it for Medicare and say medical expenses have gone up. :%$#!:
                           Fish..........I haven't priced anything new but I have a friend that is looking for a tractor and it seems no one wants to talk to him. :cookoo:
                           H2l...........I'm glad that your wife can get her surgery locally.  :clap:
                           Bud..........It seems that's a lot of money to repair a turbo. But then everything is going through the roof price wise. :%$#!:
                           I did some puttering in the basement yesterday, it seems my work bench gets cluttered. :blink:
                           I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or out. Stay safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28069 on: Jun 22, 2022, 05:38 AM »
55* and cloudy.
Yesterday it seemed cold and damp all day. We did get some on and off showers.
Haven't seen many people out on the lake this week.
Eddie, haven't heard anything about the Jeep. They seemed pretty sure it would be 2 weeks. Not much I can do.
My daughter Amber saw a bear on her way to work a couple days ago.
Have a good day and stay well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28070 on: Jun 22, 2022, 06:25 AM »
Morning all,

WS....hope that to do list is getting shorter  ;D  any fishing reports yet  ??? sorry to hear about your granddaughter's ankle, hope it heals quickly  :'(

H2L....the dang wind just won't quit  :%$#!: must have basement gremlins  :woot:

MrC.....fingers crossed the rain doesn't cause any flooding in your area  :-\ travels to your Mom and kids  :)

IFF.....hope you can find an internet service that meets your needs  ;)

The rain didn't amount to much yesterday. It was a chilly breezy day for the beginning of summer  ::)  Cloudy and breezy again this morning, rain expected overnight and tomorrow. A couple errands today, nothing else planned.

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28071 on: Jun 22, 2022, 07:40 AM »
Good Morning, ER's

Pretty calm this morning 66* on the front porch, see lots of spider webs have been anchored on everything in the morning sunlight. Lots of due on the grass, will wait till mid morning to hop on the rider and mow the "back yard"

Yesterdays shopping has us pretty well stocked, went better second trip out, had forgotten my wallet first venture. ::)  hear the wakeup alarm going off at the other end of the house.  Sure glad the home is on one level.

WW Home breakins ??? Not that I know of, that could be a risky business, as all the "Locals" seem to be well armed.  Hardly a day goes by without hearing what I would call, target practice.  One thing I have noticed is hearing dogs barking all hours of the day. Most being very faint and have to be some distance away.  My hearing is good enough to hear vehicles that have to be at least over a mile away.  Sound sure travels up here.

well I might as well pick out one of my "Projects" and get at it, that is between coffee/Iced tea breaks  ;) ;)

First day of summer is it ?

Take care only good reports allowed.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28072 on: Jun 22, 2022, 08:05 AM »
IFF.....I asked about break ins because you said you were putting a "ring" on the front door and the trail cam on the back door, thought maybe you were concerned about thieves  :whistle:

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28073 on: Jun 22, 2022, 10:37 AM »
She's good to go.
All the work has been done and she's all clean and shiny.
That should last until I get to my first gas stop tomorrow.
Then it will be covered in bug guts!!!!  ::)

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28074 on: Jun 22, 2022, 11:03 AM »
Well looks like everyone is boarding the plane in Orlando and now about 10 hours or so will be picking them up here if all goes to plan.  Drifter looking good to get the trip started, safe travels.  Heard from a buddy that invited me fishing if I got off early enough and he only caught one fish, need to make him some smaller bouncers so he can fish where I am at without getting snagged all the time and losing gear at times.  But I worked till 5 last night so did not make it out with him, maybe one of these days when he is out.  Well better get back to work.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28075 on: Jun 22, 2022, 02:16 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

A beautiful day on this part of the map. 80 degrees with dew points in the 50's and just a hint of a breeze.

Eddie...Sorry to read about your granddaughter, best wishes to her for a fast recovery :thumbsup:

WW...Hope the weather straightens out so you can get back on the water :thumbsup:

Bud...It's amazing how many people have Ring cameras these days. The locals probably never heard a .375 bark before ;D

Dave...Looks good :thumbsup:

I had a good sized tree job to work on today, I should wrap it up tomorrow. I wanted the wood but so did the guy that I am working for so, so everything stays on site.

I talked to the girls last night, they were beat. The temps weren't bad but they had enough of battling the wind for day #1. In the end they both eluded the skunk, but not much to show for 10 hours on the water.

I talked to my wife around 10am today and she said is was another slow day but with the beautiful weather they were having a blast.

Hope everyone is having a good "hump Day" :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28076 on: Jun 22, 2022, 09:33 PM »
Good evening cooler day here with a high temperature only in the upper sixties. So far no rain last forecast i looked at had greatest chance for rain on Thursday. By Sunday the high temperature will be ninety degrees. Update in the trail of caregiver of 7 year old Newburgh boy who died from starvation in February of 2021 she was recently sentenced to 15 years in prison she had plead guilty to a charge of first degree manslaughter back in march of this year. The boy's father took a plea deal due back in court on June 27Th looking at 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison on criminally negligent homicide.
Eddie may your granddaughter have a good recovery from the badly sprained ankle. Better luck to you with future doctor visits in finding a new primary care doctor.
Ice Wanderer I figured there would eventually be an increase in health insurance rates when I read stories of people's lengthy hospital stays fighting Covid infections and the amount of days some of them spent on ventilators . sometimes a work bench becomes more of a storage self and then needs to be cleaned off so it can be used to work on a project.
Hunts2long I'm sure like other popular vacation areas GSL will see an increase in boat traffic after July $TH. May the jeep parts come in this week.
Wallyworld Summer at least here in NY. is getting off to a cooler temperature start guess we should enjoy it the hot and humid weather will surely visit us before the summer ends.
IFF  I hope you had not driven to far when you realized you forgot your wallet at home.
Fish/hunt4ever may flight/flights for your mother and children all have been on time so far and they arrive at your local airport safely.
Drifter your vehicle looks great. A safe journey wished  as you travel to toronto.
Whopper Stopper I think people like having the ability to view the scene outside their front doors on -line or by when away from home. also nice to see who is at the door before opening it. Best to you with the tree job  to bad you will not get the wood  from job. Thank you for the update on "Girls" trip may the fish start actively feeding during their trip.

A safe and pleasant night wished for everyone. best to all with fishing plans this week.


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28077 on: Jun 23, 2022, 05:19 AM »

  Good Morning ER'shigh of 85 today but much better than a couple days ago. Surfing this early am and found a old Flip-N-Fish in NY for 25 bucks not bad a few bandaids on the skin. A Trophy shelter new 45 down by you Z. A 8 inch nils 60 also near you Z. Hey after I filed a complaint I got a check from BB work. I hope it don't bounce like a ball. Mason hope the little tykes ankle is getting better. WS hope the ladies get a few more today if they get out.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28078 on: Jun 23, 2022, 05:21 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

67 looking at a high of 91 today. Our old buddy Les Humid has packed his bags and will be leaving for a few days :%$#!:

I heard from my wife last night. She said yesterday was excellent (weather wise) but the fish are still tight lipped. They each caught 15 fish, not sure on the breakdown although the majority were largemouth with each catching a 1 smallie. They were pretty tired after 9 hours on the water. Today they are heading to a much larger lake.

I am off for a walk then I have my last video chat with my rheumatologist. I am hoping for a referral but don't expect one.

I will check back later to see what everyone is up to.

Good morning OG!

Hope you all have a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #28079 on: Jun 23, 2022, 06:10 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Waiting on the rain to arrive soon, 56* with a high of 64 here today.

  Marv…best wishes with today’s appointment, hopefully a referral will be part of the conversation.  :thumbsup:  Congrats to the ladies on their catching yesterday, keeping the fingers crossed that today’s big lake adventure will yield some quality fish for both of them…best of luck!  :clap:
  OG…looking like some of that weather will be arriving here for the weekend. Some nice finds with the surfing this am!  :clap:
  Steve…thanks for sharing the update, hopefully they both get the maximum sentences which seem awful light IMO.  :%$#!: 
  FH4…hope the family all arrived on time last evening!   :thumbsup:
  Dave…the Honda looks awesome, have a safe trip today Sir!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Bud…saw on the news the heat is on high down your way, stay hydrated!   :thumbsup:  How’s your garden holding up?
  Wally…the rain didn’t add up to much here again yesterday, just enough off and on showers to make for a gloomy day, lol. Is the bakery opening up today?   ;D
  H2…would imagine this weekend will see some increases with the boat traffic, supposed to be pretty nice/hot. Glad Amber got to see the bear from the comfort of her vehicle!   ;D  :thumbsup:
  Jeff…what’s on the planner today? 

  Thanks everyone for the kind words on my granddaughter, very much appreciated!   :thumbsup:  The removable cast they put on her resembles a high tech shin guard like a catcher would wear, or something in a Star Wars movie, lol, pretty neat. Now for her to just get through today’s last half day without an incident!   ;D
  Going to re-register my old Jonboat this morning, youngest son has been after me to do that for a few night trips soon at the local lake.  Cawfee’s on…
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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