Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649931 times)

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27690 on: May 12, 2022, 12:27 PM »
It looks like it was a good one. :)

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27691 on: May 12, 2022, 02:29 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, Early Day for me and Mr Dickens. Had to drop off stuff at the social security office. They apparently think I was double dipping getting disability and workers comp. Now you go to the office and drop it off in a mailbox. No people contact. We then went to the Cathedral. Very quiet there and lots of places for him to smell and roll.

WallyWorld, Hope you have a good ride today. Hopefully you get ice cream as well.

Whopper Stopper, Hope you don’t find to much damage at the cabin.

MasonEddie, Congratulations on getting the wall finished. That’s to bad about your granddaughter losing last night. Good luck to your Grandson tonight. New Hampshire is about 20 minutes away to the border. Takes about 40 minutes to get to the Cathedral.

Ice Wanderer, Thats good news your feeling good. Safe travels to your wife. Do you have a place for the wood delivery?

Mr Clean, Definitely keep us posted. It’s amazing how many places have harassment issues. You would think people would behave better.

Z, looks like a nice day on the water. Seems like we’ve skipped over spring into summer temps.

Hunts2long, Hopefully you get the boat out and it doesn’t rain.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the day.

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27692 on: May 12, 2022, 03:47 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

They are still calling for a high today of 90, not sure if it will make it. I know the wind is picking up as the afternoon goes on.

Dave...Good video :thumbsup: Things got pretty wild for awhile, but other than sticks and branches all over the yard no trees went down. We ended up with a couple inches of rain in about an hour so all over we had standing water.

Things at the shack were better than I thought they would be. Lots of trees down all around us but only one birch top landed next to the shack. Out in the woods a few trees went down but most missed any of the trails so cleanup won't be too bad when I get to it.

A couple highlights of the trip....

Off one of the trails by my brothers stand we spotted a tree with a pile of something beneath it. upon closer inspection there was a huge pile of porcupine dung directly under a big hollow in an oak. It must have been a long winter Lol

As luck would have it we saw at least one of the culprits

Then an odd thing on the ride home. About 6 miles from the shack as we were driving by an open 40 acre field, I told the s-i-l that I thought I spotted a turtle out in the middle ??? She turned around and parked, we got out and walked a couple hundred yards and sure enough about a 30 pound snapper. No lakes anywhere close, I guess it just had enough of the economy and rest of the BS and decided to relocate :whistle:

Oh, not exactly a highlight but I had 18 wood ticks and the s-i-l had 14  :-\

Hope everyone had/ having a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27693 on: May 12, 2022, 08:20 PM »
Whopper Stopper, Hope it didn’t hit 90 today. That is good news that there wasn’t more damage at the camp. Thank you for the pictures of the snapper and porcupine. That’s a lot of ticks.
Take a kid ice fishing


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27694 on: May 13, 2022, 05:16 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                          It's 61* and mostly clear here on my hill, another hot one today. ::)
                          Bud..........Yeah, I'm suppose to be retired but all of a sudden I have people wanting me to work. I have the weekend job with my neighbor
                 that I do, then my #1 son wants me to work for him, he can't find any help. I had to turn him down, I cant work that much anymore. Then my #2
                 sons wife wants me to paint her office. She talked about it 2 months ago, but if it was back then I would have done it. But I'm going to have to turn
                 he down. :blink:
                          Eddie........The more the word gets out, you'll be busy. Maybe too busy. :woot:
                          Marv.........Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip to the shack. :thumbsup: I'm glad no damage was found. :clap:
                          H2l...........The water temperature rose 3* in just a couple pf days, it getting there. :thumbsup:
                          Wally.........Did you and Mr. WW get on the lake yesterday? ??? That's a different direction. :roflmao:
                          Steve........After working Wednesday I developed leg cramps and I can still feel the muscles are tight. I took yesterday off but will get back to it
                 today. I'll have the space cleared out before the wood delivery. :unsure:
                          Zcm..........I think this warm spell will be short lived at least up here, yesterday it got up to 87* and next week the guessers say highs in the 60*'s. :woot:
                          Fish..........So let me get this straight , you're in Oklahoma to train someone and he hasn't shown up for 2 days. :cookoo:
                          Today I will attempt getting some more of the wood that #1 dropped off out of the way. I'll start right after breakfast while it still cool.
                          I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27695 on: May 13, 2022, 05:54 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....glad things weren't too bad at the shack, thanks for the pics  :thumbsup:

IW.....sorry to hear about the leg cramps  :pinch:  next week's temps should make the outdoor chores easier  ;)

MrC....a few years ago we traded both our 2 wheelers in on the trike, I just use "bike" out of habit  :)

Eddie.....hope the grandson's team won their game last night  ;)2

H2L.....saw lots of farmers plowing fields in our travels, the ground is REALLY dry  :blink: travels on the way home  @)

Put another 150 miles on yesterday, like WS we saw 2 big snappers both crossing the road.
Saw the first female hummer yesterday and 2 grosbeaks at the feeder  :thumbsup:
Mowing on the agenda today  :flex:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27696 on: May 13, 2022, 05:59 AM »
55* and sunny.
WS, thanks for the "shack" report and the pictures. There are some pretty good sized snappers' around this lake.
Drifter, thanks for sharing the storm with us.
A friend called last night and said he was going to hit the South end of the lake today, he will report back. It will be his 1st trip of the year.
Hope everyone has a good day and stay well...h2l

The wife got her second booster on Wed, very tired yesterday and she said her arm bothered her in the night.
Northville, NY

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27697 on: May 13, 2022, 06:13 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  58* and foggy here on the Hill this am, high of 80 forecasted again.

  Marv…glad you found minimal damage up at the shack after that nasty storm! Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories, great stuff…especially Mr. Snapper!! He may encounter some “ peaceful protestors “ for his beliefs however.  ;D  :clap: :thumbsup:
  I-45..glad you had nice outing with Mr.Dickens, best of luck with the Social Security issue..hopefully it will be resolved soon.   :thumbsup:
  Dave…thanks for sharing the video, intense…looked like a Florida storm!   :thumbsup:
  Steve…thanks for the news briefs!  Like the idea of the shirts for the retirees…will look into that!   :thumbsup:
  FH4…seems good help is hard to find these days despite the pay… :whistle:  Hope today goes well and the planes are on schedule…best wishes!   :thumbsup:
  Bud…lol, yes retired and rehired seems to go hand in hand!   ;D   Have a safe trip back to the farm if you’re on the road today Sir!   :thumbsup:
  Z…too hot to quick! Had all I could do to sit through the baseball game last evening and it was only 80*…got lucky and found a shaded spot for the last 3 innings.  ;D 
  H2…looking like some rain moving in a few days, glad the lawn is ready to go!   :thumbsup:
  Wally…hope you had another good ride yesterday…looks like a repeat with the weather again today!  Have a safe ride if that’s on the agenda!   :clap:
  Jeff…it doesn’t happen very often, but see the temperatures were higher up in your area than here again yesterday…the news said it hit 88* in North Creek yesterday.  :cookoo: 

  The grandsons team did well last evening…was more like a football score, they won by 2 touchdowns and a safety, lol.
  Stopped at a McDonalds yesterday to get a quick burger, pulled up to make my order and noticed the mulch near the speaker was smoking, lol. A voice comes over the speaker…” welcome to McDonalds, can I help you? “. Yes, I replied..have you got any water…there is a fire about to start out here on your landscaping.  :roflmao:  Then there was silence again…
  After a second or two I said hello again….” Welcome to McDonalds can I take your please? “… :roflmao:  Yes, I replied…have you got any water…there is a fire about to start out here on your landscaping! I then got out of my truck and waved at her pointing at the smoldering mulch, lol. They sent someone out with a bucket of water and the manager came out..I just couldn’t help but laugh watching this all unfold…then I ordered 2 McDoubles, large fry and an orange soda.   :flex:
  Cawfee’s on…
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27698 on: May 13, 2022, 10:27 AM »
Good morning everyone, 73* here and humid. Not much on the planner today. To hot for Mr Dickens to go for a long ride.

MasonEddie, Sounds like it was a good game last night. That must have been amusing watching them put out the fire.

Hunts2long, Hope your wife is feeling better after her second booster.

WallyWorld, Hope you get the mowing done before it gets to humid.

Ice Wanderer, I hope your legs are feeling better and you get the area cleared for the wood delivery.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27699 on: May 13, 2022, 12:46 PM »
Good day, 77 and humid here with a few clouds in the sky. I attended the boy's lacrosse game between Cornwall and Washingonville high schools yesterday afternoon. I was Senior day for Cornwall 8 members of the team will be graduating and going onto colleges around NYS and other parts of the U.S. some plan to play lacrosse in college others will pursue their interest in other sports plus their fields of study. I thought game time was 4PM so arrived at the field by 3:45 found out game time was 4:30 PM. So helped decorate 2 bleacher sections with green and white balloons (Cornwall's school colors) .The game was similar to Eddie's grandson's L.L. game with Cornwall dominating and winning with a final score of 15 goals to 3 for Washingtonville. Senior day recognition was during half time each player's parents were called to stand next to them on the field ,mothers receiving flowers in school colors and team coach giving a short speech on each player. After the game small celebration with pizza and assorted beverages. Taking a look at my local newspaper's website I saw in the weekly outdoors column 2 things of interest to NY. sports men/women there are bills in the state senate and assembly to outlaw Wildlife derbies,tournaments and contests currently the way bills are worded fishinf is excluded from the ban as fish are not considered wildlife. The column's author and some groups are concerned that because of the bill's wording it will be challenged in court if passed and fishing included as the author states fishing contests benefit the local economy in certain parts of the state not to mention ice fishing contests benefiting local fire departments in some cases. (The bill numbers are Senate bill S6643 and Assembly bill A5746)
 Also is a bill to ban use of lead ammo. on majority of state owned lands. I believe anyone canview this article so will put link at end of my post.
Drifter thank you for the video link to storm in Minnesota ,checking on my weather i saw a story about residents in town of Hay River,NWT. being told to evacuate do to river flooding.( Hay River is on the South shore of Great Slave Lake-Yellow Knife where Drifter resides is on North shore of the lake) Emergency shelters wer being opened in Yellow Knife.)
Icefisher-45 may you get things corrected with Social Security. Good to hear you and Mr.Dickens had a nice time at Cathedral of the Pines.
Whopper Stopper happy for you there was no damage to the "Shack" . I also saw while checking on my weather that Derenchos caused 2 deaths and left others injured in the Northern Plains states. Thank's for the photos may the porcupine and it's relatives not take a liking to any of your buildings. Back when I did some hiking I saw a building wrapped in wire to prevent porcupine damage near one trail head parking area .
Ice Wanderer may your legs be feeling better guess with this current weather we all need to remember to stay hydrated especially when working outside. To bad Son#1 can not find employees for his business.
Wallyworld thank you for answering my question about which type of motorcycle you currently own. May you have gotten your lawn mowed before heat of day arrived.
Eddie congratulations to your grandson and his team mates on winning the game. your story about McDonalds drive-thru reminds me of an incident from a few years back,i was driving on a local roadway and noticed the bushes outside of a bank burning pulled over to call 911 while dialing bank employees  came out and putout the fire .So I quickly hit the ned call button on my cell phone before I could pull back onto the highway phone rings I answer and hear Oranage County 911 what is your emergency so had to tell person on the line what i had observed and give banks location for their records. Guess 911 centers have equipment to indentify calls quickly and give a call back if call ends quickly or dispatch help if they can track your location.
Icefisher-45 dealing with weather similar to your s today not fun.hopefully you and Mr.Dickens can find a place to keep cool.

Have a pleasant remainder of this Friday. Remember to stay alert as our bodies adjust to the sudden change to Summer Like weather in Many parts of the United States.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27700 on: May 13, 2022, 02:13 PM »
Well I guess I should clarify on the employee that I was supposed to be training it is the one that had been in my department the longest and figured since I was here she could slack off a bit and let me do my thing. But the other instrument was also supposed to be running but a power stabilizer got damaged and quit working, I guess everything is saying screw working. So figured while I did my thing she could come and learn, she showed up late again today and I showed her a few things but not enough I feel. But we will see how it goes since I found another issue and did not have parts to fix it so will see if I come back down here in another week as I train another employee next week at my site. Been a month so far.  But at the airport all things are saying the flights are on schedule which is good, the wife just had Carple tunnel surgery today and is feeling the missing me on this hard day, but she just found out yesterday that she was going in they got it approved right during her appointment which is normally unheard of. Now just the next one to remove a gourder on her neck here in a couple more weeks. Well better get back at it and figure out what next here at the airport. Have a good Friday everyone stay safe in all the heat and weather going on.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27701 on: May 13, 2022, 04:00 PM »
Mr Clean, That was very nice of you to help decorate the bleachers. Glad you had a good time. 911 systems are getting better with call backs during emergencies.

Fish Hunt/4ever. Prayers for your wife for a speedy recovery.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27702 on: May 14, 2022, 05:27 AM »

  Good morning ER's see mason and ww in the hallway. I finally got my new fishing license and state park sticker. Then to casino 2 out of three aint bad

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27703 on: May 14, 2022, 06:06 AM »
Morning all,

OG.....sorry #3 didn't pay off  :(

WS....hope the wild weather has settled down  ???

Eddie.....nice catch on the fire stop  :thumbsup:

IW.....hope the legs are feeling better  ;)

MrC....the senior games are always bittersweet  :unsure:

Lawn is done, garden is planted, boiler is cleaned and chimney swept  :flex: Nothing much planned for today  ;D

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27704 on: May 14, 2022, 06:37 AM »
56* and sunny.
WW, sounds like you had a busy day.
The wife is feeling a little better, that 2nd booster really "kicked" her.
Have to go out and finish watering the yard before the sun gets too high.
Have a good day!...h2l

Got to watch some guy trying to launch his pontoon yesterday. He had to drive back around the launch site 3 times to get it lined up.
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27705 on: May 14, 2022, 07:33 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

60 degrees may make it to 75 later today.

OG...Good going on the license and sticker. Our opener is today, I bet the accesses are are getting  :cookoo: by now.

WW... :flex: :flex: is right! Hope you have a nice relaxing day with a big fat cone :thumbsup:

h2l....Glad you wife it on the comeback trail :thumbsup:

I am out the door to look at a tree.

Hope you all have  good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27706 on: May 14, 2022, 08:01 AM »
Good morning everyone, 70* here and hot already. My wife got home late so she’ll sleep in. Not much planned today.

Whopper Stopper, You do stay busy. Hope the tree job is a easy one.

Hunts2long, Thats good news that your wife is feeling better. Hopefully you get out on the water this weekend. Must be entertaining watching people try to launch their boats.

WallyWorld, Have a nice relaxing day today.

I hope everyone has a great and safe day. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27707 on: May 14, 2022, 10:16 AM »
Good morning ,70 with cloudy sky and threat of rain/thunder storm forecast high temp. for the day is 78 . Already have a small boxx fan going to get some air movement and keep the living room area of my apartment cooler.
Fish/hunt4ever thank you for the background information on the coworker you were training. Best to your with wife her up coming neck surgery,may her post surgery rehab for the carpal tunnel go well. I hope you had problem free travel back to Wyoming.
Icefisher-45 I've attended some of Cornwall's games each season since 2018 and have gotten to know some of the player's parents. They have been kind enough to invite /include me in past year Senior Day and other post game events over that time period. So the least i can do is return the favor and help out when possible. may you and your wife have a nice weekend.
Old Goat good to read you have your new fishing license and state park pass. may things go better on your next casino visit.
Wallyworld I agree with your comment fun to watch a player develop over the course of their high school career but sad to see them graduate and leave the program. Thanks to the internet I'm able to follow some of the players during their time in college. The two of you have been working hard take it easy today .
Hunts2long good to read your wife is feeling better now that more time has passed since she received her second Covid booster shot. There will likely be some angry boaters at the launch this weekend as some of the boaters struggle to launch their boats and cause a wait at the launch site.
Whopper Stopper best to you in picking up the tree job. Looking at the weather for your area appears you may end up with a back-log of jobs more severe weather coming your way.

everyone Have a safe and good Saturday will check back later today to see who else may have posted today.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27708 on: May 14, 2022, 10:26 AM »
Well made it home last night and the airlines held a plane for some people running late. Was nice to see some compassion again and everyone was accepting of it since it was all our final destination and the last flight for the plane as well until this morning. Bummer that the local airport o ly has the 2 flights a day so missing the plane home means you are stuck until 7 the next night, can make it home faster by driving at that point, just no rental car drop off here have to drop it in casper 2 hours away. Have a great Saturday might mow for the wife today as her healing is going good. But she cannot work the arm for awhile might go fishing tomorrow.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27709 on: May 14, 2022, 11:09 AM »
Good morning ER’s. Got some catching up to do, trip back to the farm went smoothly only thing left to unload is the large dresser and figure out where it will fit in it measure’s 68” wide will have to rearrange some to have it in bedroom. 

Left the camp right at midnight and pulled in at farm 11:15 gas prices still bouncing up and down and hovering close to $4 except in Illinois $4.79

Was hoping would get a little rain from evening thunderstorm but all we got was the thunder, it stayed north, on it’s way west. Got a request for more book shelving for the other bedroom so once the dresser finds it’s resisting spot will see what what I can get assembled.

Marv you must be a tick magnet, and would guess the turtle to be about an 50 year old looking for a girl friend. That time of year ??? Ok one more coffee and off to make some saw dust before it gets any warmer

FH4 doesn’t fishing come before mowing ???  ;-)

Best to all

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27710 on: May 14, 2022, 02:05 PM »
Got the mowing done, they were calling for wind today so figured I would get as much done as I could so fishing would be first tomorrow.

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27711 on: May 14, 2022, 03:05 PM »
Yeah the flooding is bad this year.
Big azz ice jam caused it all.
Here's a video that Mikey McBryan from Buffalo Air took while flying over the scene.

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27712 on: May 14, 2022, 06:09 PM »
Beauty day here today. 60 degrees, sunny and light winds.
Worked on the SxS today. Tracks are off and wheels on.
Cruised on down to Mickey D's in the ride, windows down and tunes up!!!
Summer is here. :)

Back home with a rum in me hand and my Leaf's on the tube.

GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27713 on: May 15, 2022, 04:34 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                             It's 65* with light rain.  ::)
                             Dave........Thanks for sharing the video, my prayers go out to all the families that are being flooded out. :(
                             H2l...........I'm glad to read that your wife is feeling better. :thumbsup:
                             Marv.........I hope your weather settles down so you can get to some of your tree jobs. :unsure:
                             Bud..........Don't  you ever sleep, :roflmao: I hope you can find a spot for the dresser. :whistle:
                             Wally........Hopefully with all the spring chores are done that you got out for a trike ride yesterday, and of course ice cream.  :clap:
                             Yesterday I worked for my neighbor and we prepped a cabin for some staining. He started it las year but ran out of good weather. :blink:
                             Today we might go and put a dock in for a customer of his, depending if there is any lightening.
                             I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27714 on: May 15, 2022, 04:36 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  64* with some needed rain falling this am, high in the mid 70’s today.

  I was about halfway through a post here yesterday morning when I received a call from one of my brothers. With a heavy heart, he informed me that our Mom had just passed away in her sleep.
  As much as each one of us in the family has been preparing for this in our own way over a long period of time, seems  we were all caught off guard, the staff included.
  It’s been a pretty rough road for awhile watching this dreaded disease ( Alzheimer’s ) take hold, but we all feel comfort now knowing she is in a better place..and going the way she wanted to go, peacefully in her sleep.
  It has been a privilege for me to share many of the good times as well as the bad here with you all, such a wonderful group of people. You have been a blessing in many ways with your support, and I wish to Sincerely Thank You All for that.  :bow:

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27715 on: May 15, 2022, 04:49 AM »
Good morning all, hope everyone is doing well!

Eddie, I am very sorry about the loss of your Mom. I know it had been a long journey full of ups and downs for the past few years but I hope you and your family can find comfort in the great memories you all have and the knowledge that she is in a better place without suffering. Thank you for sharing her with all of us along the way!
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27716 on: May 15, 2022, 05:37 AM »
Eddie, sorry for the loss of your Mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your Family...h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27717 on: May 15, 2022, 05:43 AM »
Eddie I am so sorry for your loss. One of the hardest things to go through in life is the loss of a parent.

Please take some comfort in knowing your Mom is now in a better place. The girls and I will be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Take care friend.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27718 on: May 15, 2022, 06:24 AM »

 Eddie sorry to here of your moms passing. Your family was there for her visiting ,calling, etc. There was a book I always read to my daughter about all a mother does for a child and at the end the child does for the mother. Your family did a great job.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #27719 on: May 15, 2022, 06:28 AM »
Eddie, the loss of a parent is so very difficult!! We've been with you on this long journey that could have but one ending! Thankfully she got her wish and passed in her sleep! You're in my thoughts and prayers!!
Mike (OS)
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