Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649430 times)


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25020 on: Oct 13, 2021, 04:02 AM »

               Good morning Marv, ER's,
                            It's 50* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                            Marv.........I'm glad that Jo's procedure went well, hopefully the pressure stays down. :clap:
                            Eddie........I hope the nursing home can keep the virus cases down so it can return to regular visiting. :unsure:
                            H2l...........I'm glasd you got your boat home and winterized.  :thumbsup: I wish the best for  Lindsay at her new job. :clap:
                            Zcm.........It looks like the weather pattern will help the river get the much needed water for fishing. :whistle:
                            Badger......I'm glad you got the starter in with little problems. :flex: That's nice of your friend to let you keep you snow machines
                at his place. :thumbsup:
                            Wally........What beautiful weather we're having, enjoy it while it lasts. :clap: Is Mr. WW at camp, our muzzle loader opens this weekend. :woot:
                            Fish..........Good luck to your wife with the crane hunt, and I hope you'll fill your tag. :thumbsup: With all the tags, you sure will have
                enough meat to last. :o
                            The Dr. appointment just turned in to blood work, my appointment with the Dr. is on the 26th. And the tree work got put on hold again.
                The neighbor works from home, he's semi retired and a coworker got behind so he had to take over a couple of jobs for him. They are environmental
                engineers. I did leaves again yesterday, I will be doing them every two or three days until they are gone.
                            I hope everyone has a good Wednesday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25021 on: Oct 13, 2021, 04:20 AM »
Good Morning Marv, Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!   ;D   
  50* this am, high of 68 today. Weather guessers were mentioning our temps here have been running about 10* warmer than average.

  Marv…thank you..glad the surgery went well for Jo, best of luck to her with this morning’s follow up! Safe travels to the jungle.  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Steve…I’ll have to ask my family members what vaccine the nursing home received. One thing I can say about the vaccinations, especially for the elderly in this facility, is there hasn’t been a loss of life there yet with anyone testing positive after being vaccinated.
  Badger…send some of that weather East!  ;D   Hope your project went well yesterday.   :thumbsup:
  FH4…thanks for sharing the info on the hunting privileges, your state is very generous to the hunters!   :thumbsup:
  H2…glad the boat is all taken care of, hope Lindsay had a great first day at the new job!   :thumbsup:
  Z…glad you’re getting the much needed rain, hopefully get a few more trips in with your son on the river now before the cold moves in.   :clap:
  Wally…best of luck to Mr.WW at the hunting camp, will be looking forward to hearing more on that!    :thumbsup:

  Seeing a bunch of deer on my drive into work most every morning, one handsome buck yesterday morning. Will be looking to see if he’s out again this morning.
  Clock says it’s that time again…Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25022 on: Oct 13, 2021, 04:28 AM »
Good morning ER’s. What a difference a day makes went to bed thinking today is the 14th   ::)

Went to get my driver’s license switch from Colorado to Wisconsin and that’s a long story Itself. Thought I would surely develop an Ulcer from the hoops I was having to jump threw.  You’re birth certificate in addition to a valid out of state driver’s license.  :cookoo: :cookoo: :cookoo: and of course two other forms out proof you live in the state  got told a print out of bank statements was not valid because it was not sent to the Wisconsin address that is on it.   :cookoo: :cookoo:  : :%$#!: :%$#!: 

So I went to a different DMV office, different clerk, problem solved
and in the process left wallet on counter of first office and got lucky that it didn’t disappear

Yeah good going on the eye surgery.  Think I need some 90 weight coffee

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25023 on: Oct 13, 2021, 06:09 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....great news on the surgery, hope today's report is an A+   :thumbsup:

IFF....seems all dmvs would follow the same guidelines, but have also seen that's not true  :cookoo:  glad your wallet was still there  :clap:

IW....the leaves are going fast here  ;)

Eddie.....glad to hear the vaccines are preventing serious illness/death at the nursing home  :clap:

H2L....always sad to see the boat go into hibernation  :'(  how was Lindsay's first day  ???

MrWW is back home, we're heading to MA tomorrow to visit the kids/grandkids  :thumbsup: 

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25024 on: Oct 13, 2021, 06:17 AM »
50* this morning.
WS, thoughts are with the wife. My wife had it done a couple years ago. Other than the "drops" for a while, all was OK. You have to be pumped getting ready to head to the shack. Good Luck.
Lindsay's first day went well. She said her office is small.
I have a Dr. appt. this morning. Wife made me promise I would ask why my right hip/knee is bothering me. Hell, I just turned 80, cleaned the garage, put the boat away, bowled the other night and getting ready for hunting season, what is he going to say, "you are OLD".
Have a good day a stay well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25025 on: Oct 13, 2021, 07:02 AM »
Morning all, 52° and cloudy at the moment here, supposed to be about 65 with rain later in the day. Not much on the agenda other than work,  and maybe some reloading later. I finally got a bunch of 303 Savage resized last night that I had been putting off a while, so maybe I'll do some of those tonight.

IFF - glad to hear the transition is coming along, even if it is painful... moving always sucks, especially between states. Glad to hear your wallet didn't pull a Jimmy Hoffa, though.

h2l - I can only hope I'm still that well off at 80. I'm in pain now after a day of activity like that, got bad joints  :roflmao:

masoneddie - thanks. I was going nuts seeing the river half dry like that. I'll definitely be taking the boat out again this weekend if the weather cooperates.

mr.clean - it pulled a complete 180. We couldn't get rain to save our life for a while, and now it won't stop. It was definitely needed, though. Even if it rains all the way through Friday like it's supposed to, the river won't be that high, but more at "normal" level for this time of year. It was still pretty low when we were fishing over the weekend.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25026 on: Oct 13, 2021, 07:56 AM »
Good Morning ER's  Eddie I have some 6 inch blades. I'll send them out to you if that's the size you are looking for.

Offline badger132

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25027 on: Oct 13, 2021, 08:33 AM »
36 This morning- at least the wind has stopped for a while.

Did not get the snow roof started yesterday, My friend's 99 year old mother passed, so he is helping his father make arrangements.

H2L: You reminded me of a time I complained to my doctor of sore knees years ago. He told me I was old then. Better than my buddy- he told him he was old AND fat! Never had much of a bedside manner. Hope there is something that can be done- lots more options than in the old days.

IFF: The DMV is always such a pain! Glad to hear it worked out in the end.

Steve: We got no snow here, but the eastern part of the state got up to 6 inches, and north they got the same up high. I bought a brand new set of snow tires for the truck, so it will probably be a no snow year.

OG: I am setting up the swish rod you gave me. Learned one thing about the smaller reel- it is a little more fussy to get the thing to free spool down than the larger reel- the line tension has less torque than on a smaller reel. I am sure it will respond to a little maintenance and be an addition to the arsenal this winter.

Stay safe all- no sense to get the bug before the season starts.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25028 on: Oct 13, 2021, 04:47 PM »
Well snow on the ground but warming up to not needing a coat around 40 today but another storm moving in.  Getting things ready to cut meat but still getting things settled around the house for the winter, pool cover blew off so need to get that fixed when the snow is gone.  Then to get out and chase some cranes with the wife and daughter.  Have a great mid week and hope that everyone's end of the week is good.  Be safe and have a good day/night.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25029 on: Oct 13, 2021, 09:41 PM »
Good evening  pleasant day here with high in the low seventies. The National Hockey League (NHL) kicked off the 2021-22 season tonight another sign Winter and ice fishing is coming before to long.
Eddie good idea having one of your family members inquire which vaccine shot nursing home residents received happy to read there have been no deaths at the home since residents received their shots.
IFF glad you were able to get Wisconsin drivers license after some hassle at the DMV. More important your wallet was still at the first office you visted and not lost.
Whopper Stopper happy for you and your wife her surgery went well may it have the desired results. I did have to research what the Goniotomy precedure involved. May psot surgery recovery be problem free.
ice wanderer may your doctor be happy with the blood work when he gets the results.
wallyworld may you have a safe and problem free trip to MA. to see the grand children Guessing you were busy in the kitchen today baking treats.
Hunts2long glad lindsay's first day at new job was a good one. may the doctor not find anything serious with your hip and knee. Best to the two of you tomorrow on the NYC trip.
Zcm-28 hope you do not go from one extreme to another and receive to mush rain causing problems.
Old Goat may all be good with the family and you.
Badger132 my condolences to your friend and his family on the passing of his mother. Good you are not dealing with any snow i have to contact my relatives in Casper,WY. and see how they came through the storm.
Fish/hunt4ever good to read you are not burried under several inches of snow. Once again safe and good crane hunting to you and the family.
Icefisher-45 hope things have been going well for your wife and you.

Keep healthy and safe. best to all fishing and hunting.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25030 on: Oct 14, 2021, 02:25 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

51 with winds gusting to over 22mph, not sure when the wind machine is going to dial it back. We had a ton of leaves hit the ground in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday's follow up trip to the eye surgeon was encouraging. After the surgery up until her appointment yesterday, my wife had a couple concerns. First a twitching in her eye that was driving her crazy, and light sensitivity forcing her wear her dark ski goggles around the house.

The Dr.said she had more blood behind the pupil than he would like to see, but is confident given a couple of days, things will get better, clear up and the sandy feeling will disappear.

Today I will hang out with her and finish loading my truck. I plan on heading to the shack Friday morning. My brother is having a roof put on his house due to hail this past summer. It was supposed to be on yesterday but they never showed. He has to hang at his house until the roof is completed so not sure when I will see him.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday :thumbsup: stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25031 on: Oct 14, 2021, 04:29 AM »
Good Morning Marv, Morning Everyone,
  Coyotes are talking up a storm here this am driving my dogs crazy.  58* calm and partly cloudy, high near 70 again here today.

  Marv…good news, glad the follow up went well yesterday for Jo, hope over the next few days the side effects clear up for her.   :clap: :thumbsup:   You must be getting anxious for your stand time, hopefully your brother will be able to join you by the weekend. Best of luck!   :thumbsup:
  Steve…the nursing home used the Pfizer vaccination and booster shots have been available to residents.
  FH4…good luck to all with the crane hunting, hope to see some pictures!   :thumbsup:
  Badger…condolences on the loss of your friends Mom, 99, God Bless!   Best of luck with the Swish rods this season!
  OG…awesome, send me a PM and I’ll get the $$ out lick it you split…Thank You!   :thumbsup:
  Z…hope that river is rising and the weather cooperates for the weekend, good luck!   :clap:
  H2…will be looking forward to your hunting trips soon here,  hope the Dr. visit went well yesterday!  :thumbsup:
  Wally…safe travels to Mass, wishing you all a great get together…enjoy!  :thumbsup: :bow:
   Bud…seems most DMV’s have that one clerk who holds everyone to the fine line…glad you got that out of the way and got your wallet back!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Jeff…saw you posted just before me yesterday, was in rush mode again, lol. Hope you had a good day yesterday!   :thumbsup:

  First layoff came yesterday at the job, a laborer who started on Monday. Not to criticize his work ethic, but he said from the first day at coffee break he needed to slow down some so he didn’t burn out later in the day. I think the foreman was as confused as the rest of us, lol. Oh well, guess he slowed down  a little too much.
  Cawfee’s on…
Have a great day all,  be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25032 on: Oct 14, 2021, 05:27 AM »
Morning all, travels to the city and good luck to MrsH2 on the report  :)

WS....great news on the post op visit  :clap: best of luck at the shack  :flex: ( I'm sure I don't need to remind you to not overdo  :nono: )

Eddie.....sounds like the coworker sealed his own fate from day one  :wacko:

MrC....made a batch of oreo whoopie pie cookies

IW.....with the winds being forecast over the weekend, most all the leaves should be down next week  ;)  good luck if you're heading out for the muzzle loader opener  :flex:

FH4.....good luck to you and yours also  ;)

Badger.....hope the fish are biting, enjoy  ;D

The plan was to mow again yesterday, but since Mother Nature decided to rain on us that plan got trashed. So instead we snuck out to the lake for a couple hours in the afternoon

Have a good day and great weekend. Stay safe, stay healthy.


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25033 on: Oct 14, 2021, 05:45 AM »
                Good morning Marv, Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 58* and foggy out this am. ::)
                             Marv.........I hope your brother can join up with you soon, remember the one reason why he's going so you won't be alone. :whistle:
                How are you feeling? ???
                             Eddie........It's a good thing that no one at the nursing home has passed from covid since getting the vaccine. :thumbsup:
                             H2l...........I hope everything went well at your Dr.'s appointment.  :thumbsup: Did he answer your question about your pain in you hip
                and knee, they could be related. If one hurt first and you were favoring it, it could cause the other to start hurting. :unsure:
                             Wally........I hope you have a safe trip to Mass. I bet the grandkids love seeing you come with all the treats you bake. :flex:
                             Zcm.........I saw on the weather that your area is in for more rain, It should help the river, I hope not to much. :unsure:
                             Badger.....My condolence to your friend for the loss of his mother. :(
                             Fish.........I hope you can get everything buttoned up so you can get back to hunting. :whistle:
                             Steve.......I will find out the results of my blood work on the 26th. :blink:
                             Yesterday I did some repair to my walkway to the boiler, the edge boards had heaved and one was completely out. I took them
                 out and re-dug the trench and I bought some straps to connect them together. I'm going to make some long straps that hook over the top
                 and drive them into the ground.
                             Today looks like a leaf day again.
                             I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25034 on: Oct 14, 2021, 07:36 AM »
64* to start the day with rain moving in shortly. It is guessed to be wet thru Saturday.

We got the rubber roof put on the tower yesterday thanks to my nephew. I still need to get the landing built on the back so I can put the door on it so it is rodent proof. Hopefully! I told my nephew he is done helping as he came here to deer hunt. He has not hunted yet mainly due to the heat and being able to find someone to process a deer if he shoots one. He did find a processor finally.

Modify so I do not screw up and lose what I have typed ::)

FH4E I once lived where there were a lot of sandhill cranes. I was at meeting about them run by the Feds. A guy from the Audobon Society said it was up to the farmers to feed the cranes their newly planted corn. I knew that the Feds had obtained a big piece of land in the area. I asked the Fed guy if it would be alright if the Audobon Society worked it up and planted corn for the cranes. He said "YES". I turned to the Audubon guy and told him " It is time for you to put your money where your mouth has been all night and plant YOUR canes some feed. That way you will can get the cranes off of the farmers backs." I ended up with a round of applause as I was not afraid to say what others were thinking.
One time in the UP a former friend complained about the damage the cranes were doing to his emerging corn. A Fed guy came out and shot exploding shell over the cranes. He said "They will not be back." The farmer said " big deal. You just drove them to another field."
We will never get a season on them. Just like a season on doves got shut down after one year.

IW That sounds like a long wait for blood work results. I know what my results are with in a day with the hospital system that does my blood work. I do not have o wai for the doctor or to tell me. I might not totaly understand it but I know.

I guess we better get going to get some groceries. I forgot my son is going to pick me up so we can go harass a classmate of his that is coaching against local team tonight.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25035 on: Oct 14, 2021, 04:00 PM »

MrC....made a batch of oreo whoopie pie cookies

I have no idea what these are but I'll IM you my address and you can ship me a case or two to try!!!!   :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25036 on: Oct 14, 2021, 09:53 PM »
Guessing you like chocolate Drifter  ;D

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25037 on: Oct 14, 2021, 10:34 PM »

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25038 on: Oct 15, 2021, 04:14 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  54* and partly cloudy skies this am, scattered thunderstorms expected to roll in this afternoon, high of 70.

  Marv…today is the big day! Safe travels to the shack and best of luck from me and the boys! Will be looking forward to your reports!   :thumbsup: :bow: :clap:
  Tom…glad your nephew was able to get that roof on your stand and find a processor, hope he’s rewarded with a nice deer or two for his efforts…best of luck to him!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Jeff…believe tomorrow is opening day for the early muzzle loading season for the northern zone, any plans for you or the boys going out?  Best of luck to all this season!  :thumbsup:
  Wally…I’m sure those Whoopie pie cookies were a big hit, they look amazing!   :clap:   Best of luck to the grandchildren with their games this weekend, have a great visit with the family!   :thumbsup:
  H2…hope you had safe travels to the City yesterday and your wife had a good report from the Dr.’s…best of luck if you’re heading to the woods tomorrow.  :thumbsup:

  Pulled into my parking spot at the job yesterday morning and the foreman came directly over to my truck which was odd. He said that the laborer he had laid off had called and wanted his check for the 3 days he had worked. The foreman said that was fine and a check would be available, the only thing missing was his Social Security # from the paper work he completed and the office needed that. The guys response was his Social Security card had been stolen and he didn’t know the number.
  One would think by age 45 your SS# would be something you would know, but apparently that’s not the case. Guess the guy became upset and began swearing etc…the foreman told him all he needed to do is get the # and his check would be waiting at the office or it could be mailed. Believe the call ended with a threat and a dial tone.   :cookoo:   Guess you could say it was a tense day yesterday, lol, police on speed dial wondering if and when this loose wire was going to show up….he never did.   “ Momma’s  don’t let your babies grow up to be “ bricklayers “.    Cawfee’s on!   ;D
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25039 on: Oct 15, 2021, 04:48 AM »
Morning all,

Marv…..good luck, be safe

Eddie….that guy sounds pretty fishy, be careful

TT….good luck to your nephew

Made it to MA problem free!! My son and D-I-L are taking a couple days to themselves, so we are here to hold the fort down for them.

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25040 on: Oct 15, 2021, 05:35 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, Wally, ER's,
                              It's 58* and partly cloudy here on my hill. ::)
                              Eddie..........The guy sounds like he has something to hide.  :cookoo: He should know that the employer needs a SS# to get paid. :whistle:
                              Wally...........Glad you had a safe trip. :thumbsup: Sometimes parents need a little space from the kids, kudos for filling in. :clap:
                              Marv...........I bet you're getting anxious to get to "The Shack" :woot:
                              H2l.............Are you going out tomorrow for the opener? The weather doesn't look favorable for hunting. :%$#!:
                              Tom............Glad your nephew could help get the roof on your stand for you. :thumbsup: Good luck to the both of you hunting. :flex:
                              Yesterday I ran to town and 2 lights on my dash caught my eye, one was traction control and the check engine light, then the transmission
                started doing weird things, I took it to the Toyota dealer and they did a quick diagnostics test and said the tranny needed to be replaced. We then went
                in to talk to one of the transmission mechanics and said the it needed a full diagnostic test but the other mechanic said it could also be corroded
                connections. I made an appointment for Monday. then on the way home my truck got stuck in a low gear, 1st or 2nd. Always something.
                              I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25041 on: Oct 15, 2021, 06:46 AM »
Good Morning. 55* and sun just peaked over the hill.
ZCM, I was sore in some new places.  You see, when you are "old" the soreness just moves around.
Eddie, the guy sounds like he was a real "winner". Makes you wonder what the work force will be like in a few years. Oh, wait, no one will HAVE to work in a few years. The check will be sent to TENT # 37, Front of burned out Police Station. Sorry, I am letting my feelings show.

My Dr. appt went well, not sure what the pain is other than a PAIN. Couldn't pin point any tender spot in hip or knee. I do know it took a few minutes to get going after setting in the car for 8 hours yesterday. The trip went well, took longer than planned only because they wanted her to see another Dr. while she was there (too save a trip) but after waiting over an hour for insurance to approve it she came home and will fight the battle from her. We go thought this every time she sees a new Dr down there because it is "out of market". They always approve it because she is a lung transplant patient, just more hoop jumping. It was a nice day to travel, not much color in the Catskills yet.

WW, those un-planned trip seem to work out well.

IW, I don't think I will be out this weekend. Lots of leaves, warm and rain.

Have a  good day and be well....h2l

I have been TOLD that we may be getting a new addition to the family tonight. Wife and Lindsay are going to go look at a pup that needs a home.
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25042 on: Oct 15, 2021, 07:23 AM »
Crisp 44* this morning. With light fog. Looks like Marv will keep sending us more of those temps. At least all of the rain is SE of me to start the day. Maybe I can get some yard work done.

Marv I might not get much done if they show up to take down the huge oak tree in the neighbor's yard. They unloaded a huge lift with a big platform Wednesday in the yard. Too wet to work yesterday. The tree sits in the middle of the drive to the garage.

IW Hopefully it is just a corroded connection in the wiring on your transmission. I had trouble with my 75 Ford van that had the Better Idea From Ford connections that ended up corroding off.

Eddie That is scary. It only took me a day to memorize my SS number back in the early 60's. I applied for a number of jobs that day all of them requiring my SS number on the applications. None of the applications resulted in a job.

ww It must be nice going and taking care of the grandkids for a few days. You can spoil them. Then you go home and leave them for their parents to deal with. I know I always did!

Drifter I sound like maybe you will be able to go to your camp in AK. That is if you can get there with the freeze-up starting.

H2L I know what you mean about getting going. I have that trouble all of the time. It was all I could do to get up and walk last night when we went to leave the football game last night.

Seeing my son's classmate last night did not work out. The guy also coaches Varsity. By the time he got done with that practice, it was a long drive to the JV game. It made it impossible to make it before late in the game. We only stayed until half time as we were not prepared for the drop in temperature.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25043 on: Oct 15, 2021, 07:52 AM »
H2L and TT, I'm with you on getting old!! always a new spot for "Art" to visit!! He caused me to get a new hip that I'm just getting to know! Growing old ain't for sissies!! :thumbsup: :flex: ;)2 :whistle: Everyone stay safe and well!!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25044 on: Oct 15, 2021, 08:39 AM »
Well another day at work, temps down in the 20's at night and getting in the 40's during the day.  One of these days will have to get the meat taken care of, and the door to the shop opened last night while we were at a fellowship dinner and the whitetail bags of meat went to the dogs, so hopefully got the door fixed, hate to see it go that way.  Dad was a little peeved last night finding that door open and then the door to the camper was wide open as well, just to say he lost it a little bit.  But still have the elk and all so not all lost.  Well still have not even got things ready to chase cranes and we have this weekend and part of next week to get it done before heading to the mountain Friday and then the season closes Sunday of that weekend as well.  But need to get some firewood cut into blocks and then split and ready for some cooler weather again, daylight savings time is coming, I really wish we would just stay on this time and forget changing the clocks, so before we know it snow and cold will be here and ice fishing will be upon us again for the year.  But pheasant hunting starts the first Saturday of November so looking forward to that as well.

Have a good one everyone and safe travels/fishing/hunting what ever the adventure takes you.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25045 on: Oct 15, 2021, 09:01 AM »
Well the closing went smoothly,  got a few things moved in.  Most of which was in the RV and underfoot have to prepare to get ready for the trip the Milwaukee and the flight to Denver.  Tie up some last minute loose ends.  Good thing that what needs moved in now from “storage” is only half a block away. The real unscramble will begin  when I get back.

Pat Dave’s not the only one that A chocolate Addiction ::)

Time to get a move on, it will be time to head to airport before I know it

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25046 on: Oct 15, 2021, 09:41 AM »
Good morning ,sixty degrees with sunshine and blue sky with a few wispy clouds. Heading to a high temperature in the upper seventies weather guessers saying rain/thunder storms will arrive in the evening and Saturday will see morning rain. Two news updates and one new event to share with all of you. The newspaper interviewed two City of Newburgh police detectives involved with the investigation of the death of 7 year old boy by starvation this past February . It turns out the caregiver is not the boy's biological mother his mother does not live locally(no info. given on mother's name and residence) . The care had worked previously at a day care facility which was not named she and the boy,s father have court dates on Oct. 26TH. caregiver is facing a second degree murder charge and his father a charge of criminally negligent homicide. back in August of this year the  Newburgh enlarged city school district Suspended superintendent Dr.Roberto Padilla for possible violations of state/federal hiring pratices/laws at the Oct.12TH school board meeting on board member called for a vote to reinstate Dr. Padilla after returning from executive session vote was taken result was 5to 3 in favor of not returning him to active superintendent status at this time. one board member was absent.  The new story city of Newburgh police are investigating a Wednesday night shooting where they found a man with 4 gun shot wounds. He was taken to local hospital and was in stable condition as of Thursday afternoon. Police were alerted to the shooting by tan alert from the city's shot spotter system.
Whopper Stopper happy to hear the post surgery visit/report was a good one for your wife. May your brother get the new roof installed on his house soon so he can join you at the shack. Safe and good hunting to both of you.
Eddie glad residents at your mother's nursing home received the Pfizer vaccine shots and that booster shots are available to them. I agree with other 9:45 members something fishy about the laid-off laborer hopefully he does not return to the job site and cause problems.
wallyworld good to read the trip to ma. was problem free may you not have to run in to many different directions taking the grandchildren to their sports activities. best to them and their teammates with up coming games this weekend. How long did the Whoopie=pie cookies last.
Ice wanderer the blood work results shown no new medical concerns when you receive them on Oct. 26TH. Sorry to hear about your truck transmission problems hopefully just the corroded conection in electrical system or a clogged screen. I assume one of the mechanics checked the transmission fluid level.
Tomturkey glad the rubber roofing is on the blind thanks to help from your nephew. Best to both of you with your deer hunting.
Drifter besides the cookies Wallyworld baked some company's sell circular ice cream sandwiches also called Whoopie- Pies. (chocolate cookie/cake and vanilla ice cream)
Hunts2long good to read both of the doctor visits went well with the exception of insurance issue for wife in seeing a new "Out of market" doctor. May the new doctor get approved and your knee/hip pain end with some rest. sadly many people believe /buy into the entitlement culture where do they think the government will get the money to pay for everything they feel their entitled to receive in life.
OldSailor thankfully medical knowledge has advanced and their are surgeries and devices that help improve quality of life as we age. this is provide doctors feel you are a good canidate for the procedures and devices. and insurance will cover all or most of the cost for you.
IFF happy for you the closing went through and you have some items moved into your new home. may you have a safe trip to and back from Colorado.
Fish/hunt4ever may you find time to get the elk meat processed and other things done around your home so all of you can do more of the various types of hunting you enjoy. Sorry to hear about the open garage door and your dogs getting into the white tail deer meat.

Have a good and safe Friday. best to all hunting and fishing.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25047 on: Oct 15, 2021, 03:09 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

I made it to the shack around 11am. I got all my junk stashed away and took care of a couple projects.

On my way out to the stand I booted up a doe and a 4pt. I just got settled into my stand and it started to mist.

Time to put the phone down and start watching for some venison.

Hope everyone had/ having a good Friday.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25048 on: Oct 15, 2021, 03:45 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

I made it to the shack around 11am. I got all my junk stashed away and took care of a couple projects.

On my way out to the stand I booted up a doe and a 4pt. I just got settled into my

stand and it started to mist.

Time to put the phone down and start watching for some venison.

Hope everyone had/ having a good Friday.

        Good afternoon Marv, Good luck in the stand.. I hope it all comes together.


Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #25049 on: Oct 15, 2021, 03:59 PM »
Too late to go this year.
Back to AK next fall for a much needed real vacation.  ;D


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