Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649940 times)

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23700 on: Jun 08, 2021, 06:04 AM »
Foggy start to the day on the big lake. Decent 67* start to the day with upper   70's guessed. We did get a little rain yesterday. Not enough to do much good but we will take it.

Steve I think that artic fox turn a blue grey during the summer. I have a prime Artic Fox hide that my nieces husband got me in Barrow AK when he was there coaching wrestling. He and the  team had flown from Fairbanks to Barrow.

ww Have you noticed a drop in the water level in Lake Ontario. Lake Michigan is down a foot and a half from last year. Not getting much snow or rain has helped  lower the level as the high water was doing a lot of damage. They said that some of the cities are having water shortages because the aquifer they get their water from is down big time. Grand Rapids gets their water from Lake Michigan. The way it tastes after being purified, I can not drink it.

Hopefully the bike ride made a record amount of money. They used to have Blessing OF The  Bikes in Baldwin Michigan. There would be over a thousand bikes show up.

Dave If all of that stuff on the trailer is for the snow plow there will be a lot of Some Assembly to be done.

H2L  Hoping the wife's check up goes well.

Eddie Working in the heat  is brutal. Many times my clothes would be soaked in sweat in short time.

I finally found some one to help me fix the slider onto the deck. He was a pleasure to work with. One of the best man I have worked with. It took us less that 4 hours to get finished. As far as I am concerned he is not charging enough. He wanted $70 for the job. The wife handed him a $100 bill.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23701 on: Jun 08, 2021, 06:39 AM »
Morning all,

IW.....sorry to hear your M-I-L has had a set back  :(   thoughts and prayers sent her way  ;) can only imagine what the weather will be like come July/August   ::)

MrC......glad your reaction to the shot has been minor  :thumbsup:

Eddie.....sounds like you're in need of some water therapy  ;)2

TT.....Lake Ontario is somewhere between 1 & 2 feet lower than normal for this time of year  :blink:  launching a boat is nearly impossible at some launches  :-\

I forgot to mention the "highlight" of the ride Saturday.....we're going down the highway when I notice a hawk flying overhead. Nothing unusual there until I realize it has a dang snake in it's talons squirming away  :o  thing had to be at least 3' long and obviously still alive  :pinch:  thank God the hawk didn't lose it's grip on it and have the thing drop in our laps  :o :pinch: :nono: :wacko: :woot:

A nice steady rain falling at the moment, much needed especially after the past few days of 90+* and glaring sun  @)  @) fingers crossed this gets the garden growing  ;)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23702 on: Jun 08, 2021, 09:59 AM »
Well if it is not one thing it is another. Trying to train on the new ICP and having issues with things to keep it running. And need to get a lot of data out and if I cannot keep it running then that won't get done either. When it rains it pours sometimes but the wife is seeing some new country and might go to the first man on the moon museum tomorrow and not sure if she is going to Sandusky to check out a resort that has some cool things that one of our friends recommend but at least she is having a good time while I work away at trying to fix these issues going to be a long week for me.  Have a good mid week everyone.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23703 on: Jun 08, 2021, 11:40 AM »
Now for a bit of an update,  Good thing I pulled the boat bearings for a re-grease, one was getting pretty ruff.  So off to West Marine just down the street and picked up a couple kits.  Install one and will keep the other on hand.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I will become a road warrior yet again, RV to Olympia with my boat in tow.  One way or another I am going to get in some Salt water fishing even if I have to launch by myself.

Right you are Pat, wouldn't want a peed off snake dropped in my lap either  :nono: :laugh:

So now the question is if I will be able to get the laptop(s) to connect in any Wifi.

Can't remember if I mentioned the cell-phone issue of not charging, but to be safe I will be getting one of those charging pad  :thumbsup:

looks like everyone is on track as usual, so for now best to all, whether working, or what ever trips your trigger.  ;D

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23704 on: Jun 08, 2021, 09:32 PM »
Made it back from my border run.
Almost exactly 12 hours round trip. I'm beat.
Pics tomorrow.

The bottom skid with the white cover is the frame and hydraulic unit.
The next skid up has the left and right wings of the V-Plow.
Bunch O boxes on top with accessories, hardware and electrical stuff.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23705 on: Jun 08, 2021, 10:02 PM »
Good evening another hot humid day here thunderstorm came through this afternoon feels like it only added to the humidity level. Slight headache this morning not sure it was related to the Covid shot took a dose of pain reliever and felt better.
Whopper Stopper may you have recovered from working on the cedar trees during this period of high temperatures and humidity. How are things going for your wife in regards to having to work at her office three days per week.
Ice Wanderer I agree with your neighbor about applying the stain or painting. Given the high humidity levels it will take longer for your house siding to dry after pressure washing and also increase drying time for the stain. Hope your shoulders are feeling better after a day of rest. Sorry to hear your MIL is back in the hospital after her blood pressure spiked prayer said for her return to good health.
Tomturkey thank you for the information on Arctic foxes. May you not see any water shortage problems in your area of Michigan.
Wallyworld thanks for the story from charity bike ride glad the hawk had a good grip on the snake. may the rain this morning help kick start your garden.
Fish/hunt4ever sorry to hear the new ICP machine is giving you problems. glad your wife at least is getting to see some of Ohio's tourist sights while you work. If my meory is correct you are working in Columbus no idea how far it is to Cleveland if your wife would care to visit Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. may you get the problems with the ICP resloved.
IFF  good that you decided to check wheel bearings on your boat trailer after hearing about Whopper Stopper's aborted fishing trip and caught the one before it became a problem. Best to you on the trip to Olympia.
Drifter glad you had a problem free trip to pick up the new equipment hauling trailer. may all go well when you start the assembly of the plow for the SxS. .

I believe NY. has changed it use of face mask regulations saying if you are vaccinated you no longer have to wear a mask. I know for my travels fewer people are wearing face masks just hope we a not headed for trouble down the road. Have a good night.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23706 on: Jun 09, 2021, 04:43 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

73 heading to 96 as the heat continues.

mr.clean....My wife is getting settled into the routine. One of the big reasons she had to physically go back was to have more face time with her bosses. She said so far any communication from anyone has come from e-mails ???

IW...Hope your M-I-L is doing better. Thoughts and prayers continue.

h2l....Hope your wife had a good checkup :thumbsup:

WW....We are in terrible need of a good rain, our lawn took on a brown crispy texture yesterday. Hope your garden gets growing :thumbsup:

The girls had planned taking next week off for their annual weeks fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. With next weeks weather looking like another batch of 90's, they may be postponing it.

My wife is joining me for a walk this morning, not sure what's on my list after that.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy




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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23707 on: Jun 09, 2021, 05:26 AM »

               Good morning Marv, ER's,
                         It's 67* and mostly clear. with a chance of some thunderstorms. ::)
                         Marv........I hope you and Jo enjoyed your walk together this morning. :thumbsup: Do you water your lawn? ???
                         Steve.......I checked the information on my can of stain, it only has temperature ranges, nothing about humidity. And of course 48 hours
               of no rain after applying. :o It also says not to be used where foot traffic is. I was going to stain my porch floor and deck, What a dilemma, I want
               protect them and color to match. :whistle:
                         Bud.........It's a good thing you checked the wheel bearings on your boat trailer. I better check mine. :flex:
                         H2l..........I hope the check up in NYC went well for your wife. :flex:
                         Fish.........It's always something when installing new equipment and training. I hope you can figure it out. :unsure:
                         Dave.......I'm glad you were able to get the new trailer without leaving the territory so you didn't need to quarantine. :clap:
                         Not sure what's on the menu for today, just going to wing it.
                         I hope everyone has a good Wednesday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23708 on: Jun 09, 2021, 05:29 AM »
Morning all,

WS....don't the bosses know "face time" is available on your phones/computers nowadays  ??? :whistle:

MrC.....the humidity has been in the 90+% range all week, not very pleasant at all  :nono: :blink:

IW.....fingers crossed your M-I-L is doing better  ;)

Eddie.....guessing by now you've given up on a return to the capitol jobsite  :-\ travels westward, hope you find a fishing partner to join you on the salt water  ;)2

H2L......hope yesterday's trip was uneventful and MrsH2 got a big  :thumbsup:

FH4......sorry things aren't going so great at work  :( glad MrsFH is having fun  @)

TT......congrats on finding a worker that does A+ work, those are few and far between  :bow: :flex: :clap:

Rain ended early yesterday morning, sun came out and dried the grass so hopped on the mower right after lunch and tackled the lawn again  :flex:  not sure how it grew so high with the weather of late  :unsure:  finished mowing, trimming, sweeping, cleaning everything up and putting things away by mid afternoon  @)  sat down on the deck with a glass of iced tea and the rain moved in again  :blink:  appreciate Mother Nature holding out until we were finished for the day  ;D

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23709 on: Jun 09, 2021, 05:42 AM »
69* and some fog.
WW, glad you got the lawn done before the rain. Enjoyed the hawk story.
IW, hope the MIL is feeling better.
Trip to the city went well. The wife has to get a neg. covid test 5 days before the visit, which she did. She gets there and they don't have a record of it for the one test she has to have done, so they sent her to get her x-ray and they don't have an appt. for her. After getting her blood work done she sees her doctor and they get everything worked out. Now she has to back track to get everything done. All is fine and after 3 and a half hours we are on our way back north. Things in the city are returning to a more normal state, if you can call anything down there NORMAL.
Saw a tractor cab fully in-gulfed in flames just below Albany. We got some heavy rain last evening.
Hope everyone has a good day and stay well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23710 on: Jun 09, 2021, 05:59 AM »
Well actually I work around Cairo and stay in Lima. The wife might go and see the first man on the moon museum today, not sure on her part she says this time change is killing her.  Well have a technician showing up today to hopefully fix the issues so the machine runs and does not shut down every couple hours, really sucks when you have 12 hours or more run time and you do not get everything ran when it trips out so you have to start over.  Glad everyone is enjoying some of this warmer weather, just wish it would not get so darn hot this early not looking forward to seeing what august is going to bring if we are in the 90's at home already, I am melting away as it is, really do not like those days of triple digits, that is why I do not live in Texas like my mom.  Be safe everyone and have a good hump day.  The week has got to get better here at some point and maybe that will be Friday when we get on a plane and head home for a week.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23711 on: Jun 09, 2021, 07:00 AM »
Been hot and humid here (EC IL)for days. 89° yesterday with a 96° heat index.  We finally got some rain on Monday, but it was about 2.5" in 24 hours so the river shot up like a rocket. I needed some wet ground to pick nightcrawlers, though, so it was some good mixed with bad.

We have more rain forecast today and tomorrow, but hopefully it isn't enough to totally blow the river out. It's on the high end of productively boatable and fishable right now. Went out after work yesterday and caught a few redhorse, but I was a bit surprised I caught anything as much as the water was stirred up and full of debris after that storm.

The carp bite had really just turned on hot last week, too, so I'm hoping for some dry days to get the water back down so they push back into the usual summer honey holes again.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23712 on: Jun 09, 2021, 07:59 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!  ;D
  70* under partly cloudy skies this am, humidity is high but there’s a nice breeze, high of 82 today. Had some pretty strong thunderstorms here yesterday, the new rain gauge showed 1.5” of rain. wishes getting the bugs worked out of that machine and everything running smoothly today! Bet Friday can’t get here soon enough for you...hang in there!   :thumbsup:
  H2...other than the mixup with the Covid test, glad everything went well for your wife. Best wishes for her continued!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Wally...glad I wasn’t a part of that ride, just my luck that Hawk would have dropped a perfect shot on me!!  ;D  Yes, sadly it certainly looks like our work is a thing of the past down at the Empire Plaza now. Have been weighing my options now on retiring or heading back to another contractor for awhile. Planning on some water therapy tomorrow to help in the decision making!  ;D
  Jeff...sorry to read your MIL had to return to the hospital again, thoughts and prayers continued for her. Tomorrow looks like good weather for your project, but not sure about 48hrs. of dry weather after of luck with your decision!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...hope you had a nice walk with your wife this am while it was somewhat cool. Man, it’s been crazy hot out there.. :cookoo:  Best of luck to the ladies with their decision on the annual fishing trip, hopefully the weather forecast changes....considerabl y!   :thumbsup:
  Steve...hope you’re headache free and no other symptoms today!   :thumbsup:  The humidity and dew points have been awful least it isn’t in the mid 90’s everyday...yet! had a busy day on the road! Like others have posted, glad you won’t have to quarantine again!!   Will be looking forward to seeing that trailer and plow assembled...hope it’s not too much of PITA putting it together....good luck!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Bud...good job on looking into those bearings and making the repair, awesome! Have a safe trip back to Olympia, best of luck getting on some good salt water fishing....we’ll be waiting!!   :clap: :thumbsup: of luck with the fishing!  :thumbsup:  Haven’t carp fished in years, what is your go to bait? We used to use corn, cornmeal balls, or Wheaties cereal sometimes made into a dough with strawberry jello added in for scent.  ;D

  Was going to post late morning yesterday, got tied up getting my sons property mowed before the rains hit and with my luck...smoked a belt on the garden tractor in doing it. One of those days... :whistle:
  Getting pretty close to finishing up the To Do List, but does it ever end?  ;D  Cawfee’s still on if anyone needs a refill...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23713 on: Jun 09, 2021, 08:18 AM »
masoneddie... I use about 1/3 of a nightcrawler on a #6 octopus hook as my carp and sucker rig.  Works pretty well, and you also pick up some bonus catfish, walleye, or white bass sometimes on the river I fish.

Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23714 on: Jun 09, 2021, 11:01 AM »
That trip was exhausting. Before COVID I could do 16 hours behind the wheel before calling it a day. I was running out of energy before I got 1/2 way to the border.  :'(
I did see a bunch of critters on the journey though.
Lots of ducks and sandhill cranes, momma bear with her cublet, another lone bear and a couple hundred tasty buffalo.

The head waters of the Mackenzie River with some ice flowing out of Great Slave.

North Arm Territorial Park on Great Slave Lake. Still some ice around.   ;)

A couple of shots of the new trailer and ole Honda in beautiful locales.   @)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23715 on: Jun 09, 2021, 11:49 AM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

Excellent pictures Dave! Nice looking trailer :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Glad the trip went well.

IW.... No watering the lawn here. It's too big to do that without a irrigation system. Usually I coast into a heat wave with the grass being longer so it stays green. I'm not alone though as everyone is in the same boat.

Eddie.... Lots to think about. By the way.....the list doesn't end ;D

z....I only fished carp with a bow in the summer but in the winter, we always used canned corn soaked in grape pop.

WW....I best not reply on your "face time" comment. Some of the hoops they make my wife jump through don't sit very well :whistle:

Hope you all have a good afternoon and evening!


Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23716 on: Jun 09, 2021, 11:54 AM »
WS - I've used corn, but it can make for pretty slow fishing sometimes. With crawler you usually see some other action even if the carp aren't around. I did catch a couple small northerns on corn one time... never had that happen before or since.  ???

I also have an unlimited supply of free nightcrawlers in my yard, so that's part of it.  :roflmao:

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23717 on: Jun 09, 2021, 04:25 PM »
Marv too hot for trail cam's  ??? Going to feed the bears this year  ??? Looks like I will be pulling the plug sometime before sunrise.

Take care all.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23718 on: Jun 09, 2021, 06:52 PM »
Marv too hot for trail cam's  ??? Going to feed the bears this year  ??? Looks like I will be pulling the plug sometime before sunrise.

Take care all.

Good evening Bud!

No, the cameras work I just haven't taken the time to put it out. The same cast of characters are hanging around including 2 Mallard ducks that visit most mornings.

Wisconsin doesn't allow us to use cameras for bears  if we aren't holding a bear permit. So, maybe next year.

Safe travels!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23719 on: Jun 10, 2021, 04:22 AM »
Morning all,

Just a quick hello before heading to the lake  ;D   safe travels IFF  ;)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23720 on: Jun 10, 2021, 04:41 AM »

                   Good morning ER's,
                           It's a comfortable 59* with lower humidity with a high in the low 70*'s today. ::)
                           Dave........Thanks for the pictures from your trip to pick up your trailer, that looks like a good one. :flex:
                           Eddie........Equipment failure always puts a damper on any project, did you have a spare? ???
                           Marv.........I water my lawn when it get dry, I have just over an acre to water and it takes some doing using hoses and sprinkler. :blink:
                           Wally........Seeing that snake dangling from the talons would have made my wife turn white, she can't stand to see one on TV. :whistle:
                   Have a good day on the lake today. :thumbsup:
                           Steve.......I'm glad some over the counter pain meds worked on your headache. :clap:
                           z..............Nice looking carp. :thumbsup:
                           Bud          I hope yoiu are able to get some salt water fishing in. :flex:
                           Yesterday we got a downpour around 11 am while I was out shopping. When I got home I noticed that the pole for my cover wasn't there
                   and there was a big puddle of water on my pontoon cover. I took a short garden hose a siphoned the water off and crawled inside and found the pole
                   had buckled. I came up with a plan, I took a piece of 3" pvc pipe and a end cap for the top and a toilet flange for the base. I made 2 poles this time.
                   Now I have no chance of any puddling. I tested it with my garden hose, all the water runs off the cover.
                            Today I'm going to try staining my front porch.
                            I hope everyone has aq good Thursday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23721 on: Jun 10, 2021, 04:58 AM »
Good morning WW, IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

98 looks to be the high today. Only a couple more days and the siege should be over for a few days ???

WW....Best of luck on the water :thumbsup:

IW.... How is Kolie the "Weather Cat" doing? Good luck with the porch project :thumbsup:

Hope everyone has a good day :thumbsup: I will check in later to see what the rest of the 9:45 is up to.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23722 on: Jun 10, 2021, 06:16 AM »
55* and they are saying it is going to be cooler..
WW, have a good day on the water.
Drifter, thanks for the pictures. Glad you had a good trip, I thought I drove a lot.
Eddie, good luck to you out on the water. Pay some attention to the pole, remember, another door will open when it's time.
WS, as a kid my cousin and I shot a lot of carp. My grandfather had the best garden around.
IW, glad you found a better fix for your cover.
NYC called with the results of the blood work, cut back on one med, cancelled another and wanted to start her on some kind of shot. Drug store called last night and told up the shot in $637 per dose after insurance, we will talk to the doctor.
Have a good day and be well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23723 on: Jun 10, 2021, 04:24 PM »


Offline Drifter_016

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23724 on: Jun 10, 2021, 07:03 PM »

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23725 on: Jun 10, 2021, 09:09 PM »
Good evening more comfortable day here in terms of heat and humidity. Tomorrow and Saturday are the public high school sectional lacrosse championships (no sate tournament this year) I have to check game locations and times to see if it is possible for me to attend one of the games. Cornwall where one of Ice Wanderer's part time neighbors lives year round was eliminated from their class yesterday. They finished the season with an overall record of 14 wins and 3 losses. It will be interesting to watch Cornwall's boys varsity team next year as three offensive position players are graduating. These three gentlemen have scored around half of the teams overall goals scored this season so a big loss to the team.
Whopper Stopper I hope today's temperature did not reach the forecast high. Good to read your wife is adjusting to being back at the office sadly it sounds typical about her needing to be there a few days a week for in person communication and the all she gets is Emails. Best to the girls if they take vacation next week.
Ice wanderer glad you had materials on hand to rig up a system that keeps any rain water from collecting on the new pontoon cover. I see you went ahead and stained the porch floor do you think a few coats of polyurethane would help protect the stain from foot traffic. May your MIL's health be improving prayers said for her to make a return to good health.
Wallyworld may the two of you have avoided the striped kitty and brought home some walleyes for future meals. May you also see a break from the high temperatures and humidity.
Hunts2long good to read your wife's doctor was able to get things straightened out and that she only needs some medication changes also may the shot be optional at this time.
Fish/hunt4ever may you be safely back in Wyoming if you left Ohio today. I hope the company tech. got the ICP machine running properly. It can take a while to adjust to the time change may you with have enjoyed seeing some of Ohio's tourist sites and any regional food dishes she may have tried on her visit.
Zcm-28 may you not be dealing with flooding and the river have cleared by the next time you get out carp fishing.
Eddie hopefully you will find something soon in terms of employment. Did you have a spare belt for the lawn tractor  if not may the local dealership have the proper one in stock.
Drifter i hope you have gotten some rest and are feeling better. Thank you for all the photos may the new trailer serve you well for several years. Good to see the ice is finally melting on the lakes up int the Yellow Knife area. We are all looking forward to seeing some "Cabin Porn" once you start on this years construction projects.

Everyone stay safe and healthy.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23726 on: Jun 11, 2021, 04:28 AM »

                   Good morning ER's,
                            It's 55* and clear here on my hill. Less is here for a while. ::)
                            Wally........I'll be checking in later to see how you and Mr. WW made out yesterday. :whistle:
                            Marv.........That's a temperature that I wouldn't want to see. :cookoo: I hope Less moves in soon. :unsure:
                            Eddie .......Have you heard any news of going back to the capital for work? ???
                            H2l...........That's an outrageous amount for a shot, I hope the Dr. can come up with an alternative medication. :cookoo:
                            Fish..........I hope the tech got the ICP running smoothly so you can continue with your training.  :flex:
                            Dave.........I think we're all waiting for more Cabin Porn.  :whistle: I hope you are feeling better? ???
                            Steve........I don't remember if I had mentioned that our part time neighbors had soild the house up here 2 years ago, and now
                    they have sold their house in Cornwall and bought a big camper trailer and a new 1 ton truck and are traveling the country. ;D
                            I want to thank you all for the concerns about my MIL. She got out of the hospital yesterday, we'll have to see how she does in
                    the next couple of days. Yesterday I got the porch ceiling stained, today I will do the siding on the front of the  house. I'm doing this with a brush but
                    when I get to the rest of the house I'm thing of using an airless sprayer.
                            I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23727 on: Jun 11, 2021, 06:13 AM »
54* and a few clouds around.
WS, too HOT for me. The wife's brother lives in AZ, I just could take those temps everyday.
IW, good to hear that she is out of the hospital.
The wife's cousins are coming for a day visit in the morning. Her cousin Randy is bringing his chainsaw to trim some small trees on the bank of the lake. Wife says I am too old to be doing that. I knew I shouldn't have told her that my doctor said "when you hit 80 you are considered old". I still have a couple months to go.
Have a good day and be well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23728 on: Jun 11, 2021, 06:24 AM »
Morning all,

IW.......fingers crossed your M-I-L continues to recuperate w/o any more set backs  ;)

WS.....those temps are crazy  :o  hope the fishing vacation doesn't have to get postponed  :-\

H2L.....sure hope there's a cheaper alternative to that shot  :o  it's amazing what companies can charge for some meds  :nono:

IFF.....hope you've arrived to your latest destination safe and sound  ;)2

Eddie.....maybe like WS you can retire and work part time for yourself with "side" jobs  :flex:

Well the weather was beautiful on the lake yesterday, low 80s, bluebird skies with just enough breeze to keep the bugs away  @)  Landed 2 16" eyes same as last outing, just couldn't find any active fish  :blink: water temp was 74*

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline zcm_82

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23729 on: Jun 11, 2021, 06:35 AM »
mr.clean - The rain eneded up swinging south of us, so the river is slowly backing down. I went out for a few hours yesterday after work. No carp, but I caught a mixed bag of redhorse, walleye, catfish, white bass, rock bass, and bluegill.

WS - holy cow! We were at 92° here yesterday, and that was enough for me... you got that beat by a mile.

10 day forecast is looking pretty good, aside from the miserable heat, but that's what bridges and shade trees are for  ;D

Thinking about going up north a bit tomorrow morning and see if I can hook into a few bowfin or a northern or two. My luck up there has been pretty poor so far this year though, so I may just hit local water.


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