Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649780 times)

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23310 on: Apr 28, 2021, 08:32 PM »
WS......happy trails  :whistle: :thumbsup: :woot: :clap:

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23311 on: Apr 28, 2021, 10:12 PM »
Good evening warm day here reached the middle eighties in the early afternoon currently raining. weather guessers say the rain will go into tomorrow. happy to be able to provide some links on the Indian Point power plant closure. Hopefully a film crew will be allowed to document different parts of the dismantling of the reactor towers and reactors I think it would make an interesting documentary . In other news from my area of NY. Legoland New York is slated to open this Summer after three years of construction. this amusement park will be located in Goshen,NY. off of route 17 .
Eddie sorry the fishing trip was a bust sounds like you still had a nice day out enjoying nature.
SpitzoMT may tomorrow not be to bad for you at work. have a good 3-day weekend.
Wallyworld believe you are correct about the wind farms my county has some small solar panel farms and i believe their is a wind farm some where on the Atlantic ocean side of Long Island. A big  high voltage transmission line passes through part of my county bringing hydro-electric generated power for Quebec province of Canada down to the NYC area. I'm sure your friend will enjoy the macaroons.
Hunts2long good thinking avoiding the opening  of walleye season crowds this weekend. May the lake water level rise so more docks can be put in for the season and you get out in your boat in a couple of weeks or less time.
IFF glad you have a house sitter and are missing out on the snow.
Tomturkey may your scouting show numerous signs of turkeys. Best to you have a good and safe turkey hunting season.
Old goat may the rim look like new after you have finished working on it.
Whopper Stopper enjoy the hike remember liquids for hydration and rain gear in case of a sudden storm. have a fun time
Icefisher-45 happy for your wife's friend they can have a funeral service and not wait until a future date to hold a memorial service. May you receive a date for your surgery by this week's end. I hope your mechanic can locate and fix the problem with your Jeep and the repair is not to expensive.

A good night to everyone. stay safe and healthy.


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23312 on: Apr 29, 2021, 05:08 AM »

              Good morning ER's,
                       It's 52* and very foggy here on my hill. ::)
                       Marv..........That's quite a hike the first time out, but then your walks every morning probably has you in good condition. :flex:
                       Steve.........There are big wind farms up along the St Lawrence area, not sure where the power goes? ??? Nuclear power plants have
              always been a controversial subject.  :blink: No one ever thinks of all the nuclear ships the Navy has as well as other countries. :whistle:
                       Eddie.........I'm sorry to read that your boating/fishing trip was a bust. but remember a bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work. :woot:
                       Wally.........Looks like you and Mr. WW have a good jump on the wood.  :thumbsup: I'm waiting for my wood delivery. :blink:
                       Tom..........Good luck on your scouting for the gobblers. :thumbsup:
                       H2l...........I hope the rains coming in the next week is enough to raise the lake to a reasonable level. :unsure:
                       I-45..........Sometime those codes don't tell the whole story, hopefully the mechanic can figure it out.  :flex:
                       Yesterday I had to go to #3's house and wait for the techs to come and install his new fiber optic phone and internet system. They gave
              the usual window between 8 and 5, the showed up at 11:30. they had to run the wire from 4 poles away to tie into the the nearest connecting block. :cookoo:
              Fortunately that's on the company and not him. I wasa glad to do it for him, it gave me a chance to see what's instore for next week when they come to do mine.
                       I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23313 on: Apr 29, 2021, 06:31 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  54* and cloudy on the Hill, thunderstorms expected to roll in mid morning, high of 58 here today.

  Jeff... glad you were able to help out your son and see the operation first hand, awesome!  :thumbsup:  How long did it take them to complete the service?, that’s one heck of a hike!! Have a safe day and will be looking forward to hearing about this one...stay hydrated!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Steve...saw on the local news how hot it was down your way yesterday... not ready for those temps yet!   :woot:
  I-45...good luck with the truck, hope they can get the misfire figured out.   :thumbsup:
  OG...hope the rim is coming along , what’s it going on?   :thumbsup:
  Wally...very nice looking batch of cookies, I’m certain they were well received!   :clap:  Still no word on the job yet or the budget $$ being dispersed...fingers still crossed. Actually kind of disappointed we haven’t heard from a few more of the politicians but not surprised.
  H2...must say, it sure was a peaceful time getting out and having the whole lake to myself was icing on the cake. Will keep the moon excuse ready for next month, need to use it again.. got skunked again yesterday!    ;D  :roflmao:
  Spitz...hope your day goes by quickly, enjoy the 3 day weekend!   :thumbsup:
  Bud...see that Mile High weather is still as crazy as ever!!  :o of luck getting one of those gobblers, will be looking forward to your report!   :clap: :thumbsup:

  Took another trip to the local lake again yesterday for a few hours, surface temp of the water warmed up 2* to 49. There was 2 other boats out when I got there and a handful of kayakers by the time I left. Spoke to one of the guys out trolling before he called it quits, said he never had a hit.
  Not sure what the heck is up with the bite or if I’m just losing my touch, lol. This lake has given me plenty of skunks over the last 35 years, just a matter of time before it pays off...I’m blaming the moon again!    Cawfee’s still on... ;D
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23314 on: Apr 29, 2021, 08:27 AM »
Morning all,'ll get those finicky fish figured out sooner or later  ;)2

IW.....what's the company installing the new fiber optics  ???  there's been a lot "First Light" trucks on my street burying cable, just not as far as my house, started 2 houses down  ::)

MrC....MANY solar and wind farms around here with more being built all the time, hope downstate appreciates all the land being given up for them  :whistle:  we fish very close to Nine Mile nuclear plant in Oswego when fishing for browns and salmon

WS......enjoy your day spent with Mother Nature, hope you get to take some pics along the way  :thumbsup:

IFF.....hope your knotted tummy wasn't the start of a stomach bug and you're enjoying some new sights on your journey to where ever the road leads   @) about 1/2" of rain yesterday, should help the lakes a little  :)

IF45....always something with vehicles  >:(

Another cloudy/rainy day  :wacko:  no complaints tho since it's not snow  :clap:  once the sun does come out again there will be no stopping the grass  :woot:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23315 on: Apr 29, 2021, 03:39 PM »
Good afternoon everyone!

I am back from my 20 mile walk and will say I fared well, however I was glad I didn't have any further to go. When I started it was 45 degrees with mist and sprinkles, eventually that gave way to clearing skies with sunshine and 62 degrees.

My wife dropped me off at the trail head at 6:15am and I got back to my truck just before noon. Much of the trail was paved as it meandered through a large wet wildlife area. The songbirds kept me company as I went along and I soon lost track of all the different varieties. Many of the ponds that graced the landscape came alive with the sounds of frogs, thousands of frogs.

I saw many ducks that were paired with partners, I am sure nesting is in full swing. Mallards, teal and a few wood ducks excitedly slapped the water with their wings as they took off out of the reeds and cattails.

Speaking of cattails, the Red winged Blackbirds were swaying back and forth in the wind as they clutched ahold of the cattail stalks. Their classic “conk-la-ree” call echoed from the dense woods surrounding the ponds. I could have spent hours listening to them, a sound I don’t normally hear at our present home, but a sound I grew up with as a kid.

At one point I came across a downed aspen that had fallen across the trail. If I would have known that I would have packed my handsaw

The park board had gone along a 3 mile section trimming and removing trees. Everyone that they had trimmed was left with stubbed off cuts. There wasn’t a proper collar cut on any of them which has always been a pet peeve

Eventually I started getting out of the lowland and came to a couple fields, one with a pasture with grazing cattle. I really thought I would spot a few deer along the way but that never happened.

I did meet a couple of people. One guy had a beautiful Irish setter named Barney that I had to pet and a young woman had an ankle biter that seemed to hate me. Other than that it couldn’t have been more peaceful.

I apologize for the poor pictures but all I had was my phone. I most likely won’t make a habit of long walks but for today, it couldn’t have been much better.

Well maybe a little


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23316 on: Apr 29, 2021, 03:54 PM »
WS....sounds like quite the adventure, thanks for letting us tag along with you from the comfort of our couches  ;D

Offline sebago2jigtima

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23317 on: Apr 29, 2021, 05:57 PM »
 :thumbsup: :clap: :clap:

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23318 on: Apr 29, 2021, 10:42 PM »
Good evening I saw light rain at times today and slightly cooler temperature then yesterday.
Ice Wanderer I forgot about all of the nuclear powered vessels in the U.S. Naval fleet. Like many other things in life all types of electric power generation have their pros and cons. Nice that you were able to help son #3 and observe the fiber optic cable laying process.
Eddie I'm not ready fo late Spring/Summer time temperatures yet either at least at this time of year the humidity level is usually lower. Sorry you came home with the striped kitty again possibly the moon phase and changing barometric pressure from the rain storm affected the fish.
Wallyworld my thanks to you and all the other upstate Ny.residents who sacrifice in different ways so those of us down state can maintain  our quality of life. Sad the NYC and Long Island receive such a large portionof the State's budget and that there is a dislike between upstate and down state residents.whopper Stopper thank you for the photos and hike report. Congratulations on completing the twenty miles.
Sebago2jigtima welcome to the 9:45 thread please feel free to join the regular posters to the thread.

Stay safe and healthy. Good fishing to everyone.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23319 on: Apr 30, 2021, 05:36 AM »
47* and cloudy. Breezy today.
WS, thanks for sharing your walk. That is a very nice path. I know you walked 20 miles, is that the total trail or is there more of it?
WW, we got some rain here but a lot of it was South of us. I see the lake came up about 2 inches. It will fill up. As of yesterday afternoon they still haven't pushed the dock in at the launch. Cool and windy for opening day.
Have a great Friday and be well...h2l
Northville, NY


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23320 on: Apr 30, 2021, 05:43 AM »

                   Good morning ER's,
                               It's 48* and it was raining when when I first got up, but now the sky is starting to clear. ::)
                               Marv........What an interesting day you had on your hike. Thanks for sharing the adventure with us. :thumbsup: It was like we were
                   there with you. :clap: That Miller was well deserved. :flex:
                               Wally........The name of the provider is Slic, I never heard of them until the lines were being installed all over town. :whistle: A few years
                   ago Spectrum was buying out Time Warner and to get approval they were suppose to deliver internet to the Adirondacks that didn't have it. They
                   failed to do it. So they paid a hefty fine. Then a grant was given to a company to do what Spectrum didn't, so that's how this all evolved. :blink:
                               Eddie........Maybe today you can get another fishing trip with the boat. :unsure:
                               H2l...........We got about .6 inches of rain yesterday and .3 inches over night, I hope the reservoir got about the same. :unsure:
                               Steve........Every power source has it's draw backs, example: Wind power, the blade are made of Fiber Glass, not recyclable and the oil
                   in the generator has leaked and contaminated the ground. Nuclear has the disposal of the rods as a problem, Coal and other fossil fuels has air
                   pollution. Solar also has the panel and battery disposal problem so there are problems all around. :cookoo:
                                I-45.........I hope all is well over in your area? ???
                                sebago.....Welcome to the 9:45 thread, the most popular thread on IS.
                                Yesterday was a rainy puttering day here. Maybe today it will dry up enough to go out and do something.
                                I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23321 on: Apr 30, 2021, 06:12 AM »
Good Morning Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  49* with strong winds today, guessers saying gusts of 50mph plus throughout the day, high of 52.

  Marv... :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:  wow, awesome story and pictures...CONGRATULAT IONS on completing your 20 mile hike!!  Hope the body parts are all holding up well this morning....and a tip of the hat for setting a new personal best time record on the trail.  :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:
  Jeff...thought about a boat trip but the winds will make it a tough go today with just an electric trolling motor...holding off. That was a good soaking rain we got, not sure how much we had here...maybe I should get a rain gauge today, been putting that off!!   :thumbsup:
  Steve...messed around yesterday setting up a few new rigs to try next trip, just need the weather to cooperate now!   ;D  :thumbsup:
  Sebago...welcome to the 9:45!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...figuring them out is half the fun and aggravation! ;D...going to try a Lake Ontario set up on this little lake next trip out, dodger and fly combo ready to deploy. are things growing at the greenhouse lately?  :thumbsup:
  Not certain what’s on the planner yet, the weather seems to be pointing at something inside today....but I have an itch to wet a line, might hit the stream for a few casts.  Cawfee’s on...
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23322 on: Apr 30, 2021, 07:33 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....hope your "little walk in the park" yesterday had you sleeping like a baby last night  ;)2

Eddie....always good to think outside the box when you can't get a rod to move with the usual gear  :clap:

IW......never heard of that company, hope they're more reliable/honest than Spectrum  ::)

MrC.....upstate and downstate are like two different worlds  :blink:

Another rainy/windy/cool day, maybe some snow tonight  :%$#!: :nono: 

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23323 on: Apr 30, 2021, 09:21 AM »
Morning, Everybody

Sun with not a cloud in the sky, no wind at all right now, supposed to get to 80*, 52* right now

I'm back

Other than some rain coming back Wed. night, which I missed after checking into a motel, and Thurs. morning, which I had to drive thru for about 4 hrs., the trip out and
     back was again uneventful, I am hoping for 2 more trips, 1 trip for the balance of the tools, last (hopefully) trip to get the boat

With the daylight hours, I travel 10 to 12 hours per day, Interstate 70 to I-76 ( Penn Turnpike) to NJ Turnpike to I-195 to Jersey Shore - 22 hrs. - 1250 miles one way
     then the trip is just reversed for the trip back

I'll do catchup with past postings in a bit, need to get unloaded, be back after dinner

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Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23324 on: Apr 30, 2021, 10:09 AM »
Good morning Everyone  :bow:

45 heading into the 60's by this afternoon, looks like a dandy day on tap.

Sebago....Please pull up a chair and join the 9:45. Thanks for the Thumbs up :thumbsup:

h2l.... There are many links connecting different trails that a person could find themselves on. There is one that I could connect to that takes you through WI and up to Lake Superior. That one encompasses some 1500 miles, mostly dirt. The one I was on goes over 100 miles but doesn’t have a connecting link as of yet. I never realized how many miles of hiking trails there were, or how popular they are.

IW…. Any plans on launching the Toon?

Eddie…. I hope the day finds you with a pole in your hand :thumbsup:  You reminded me, I need to get a rain gauge too :thumbsup:

WW…. I slept like a baby. This morning the s-i-l asked if I wanted to walk with her so we went for a short one. It took a bit to limber up.

Capt. J… Good to read your last trip went without a hitch :thumbsup:

Thanks for all the comments on yesterday’s walk. I sure wish someone made a decent device to allow better pictures with the phone. I really hate carrying a camera, especially as handy as the phone is for posting pictures.

No plans for today. Tomorrow is going to be a shack run and rearranging  in the woodshed.

Hope you all have a good day. Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23325 on: Apr 30, 2021, 11:34 AM »
WS/ the rain gauge, nice to not be guessing how much rain has fallen  ;)  see we had another 1" since yesterday morning when I dumped out the 1/2" from Wednesday's rain  ::)

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23326 on: Apr 30, 2021, 04:54 PM »
I'm done!! Wind is 30, gusting to 40 all day and I've been out working my raised beds! Enough for one day! We'll see what tomorrow brings!! I think I'll take a page out of WS' book!! Ernie Time!!! I hope everyone has a good evening and a great weekend!!!  :thumbsup: :clap: :flex:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23327 on: Apr 30, 2021, 09:29 PM »
Good evening windy cloudy day here thought it might rain but nothing so far winds kept it one the cool side believe the day's high temperature was in the fifties. The Indian Point power plant will end power generation at midnight today ending I believe sixty years of service to Westchester county and NYC. Short story in my local newspaper I will leave a link near end of this post for those who might be interested.
Hunts2long if the docks are not in by this weekend you may hear some good story as some people will try to launch there boats dock or no dock in place.  ;D :whistle: have a good weekend and best to you whenever you get out in pursuit of the walleyes.
Ice Wanderer looks like you may also in time be able to get TV and internet service from this new company if they are similar to Spectrum/Time Warner. I hope you were able to get a few things done outside today. May your MIL and step granddaughter have a safe trip enjoy your visit with them tomorrow.
Eddie may the new rigs get you into the fish next time out. I was thinking it might be a fun project to make a DYI rain gauge with your grand children next time they visit fun project and way for them to learn about measurement and fractions while marking the rain catchment container. best to you on any fishing trips this weekend.
wallyworld i agree with your two different worlds comment but one must remember geographic location determines what is up and down state to some people as an example people residing in the Binghamton area are technically down state from you and yet upstate from me and converse to folks residing in NYC I live in upstate NY. may you not see any of the white stuff over night. Best to the two of you also when yo get out for the walleyes.
Capt.JIM good to hear you had a problem free trip to and back from NJ. You must be developing a list of places to stay and eat at along your travel route.
Whopper Stopper if you find yourself getting into hiking do a search for hiking clubs in your area. Have a good trip to the "Shack" may you find everything there in good shape.
OldSailor enjoy the "Ernie" with the winds you had not an easy day to be working on your raised bed gardens.

Here is the link to my local newspapers's website .

I've exchange a couple of Emails with a friend of mine who is a public school music teacher so as I said to her be safe,stay healthy and in the words of Neil Young "Keep on rockin in the free world" .


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23328 on: May 01, 2021, 05:02 AM »

              Good morning ER's,
                         It's 34* and mostly cloudy here on my hill, the guessers say it will be mostly sunny with a high of 56* ::)
                         Steve.........I hadn't realized that Indian Point plant was that old. :o I do remember that there was a project that was proposed
               to pump water up Storm King Mtn. to a reservoir then let it gravity feed down to generate hydro power, it never took off. :whistle:
                         Marv..........Yeah, we've been thinking about getting the toon out but with the heavy wind and the chilly temps we're thinking of
               holding off till a little more favorable conditions. :blink:
                         Eddie.........My rain gauge is in the weather station that my wife gave me a couple of years back. :flex:
                         Wally..........Upstate is a confusing term as Steve pointed out, I consider myself  upstate but if you think about it there is a hundred
               miles of New York above me. :blink:
                         H2l............I hope you can get your boat launched soon to chase those eyes. :thumbsup:
                         My wife has given me a To-Do list, looks like Ill be busy today.
                         I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23329 on: May 01, 2021, 05:25 AM »
35* and still a breeze around.
I see that the state pushed the dock into the water sometime late Friday afternoon. With the cool temps/wind not sure if many are out. Will take a ride later to see. No boats out front. Lake came up a little over a foot in the last day.
I see that gas has gotten to 2.999/gal. in the village. I am sure it is only the beginning with summer around the corner.
Spectrum called the wife yesterday and have set up next Wed. to move our telephone number onto their network. What a mess this has been. Over 2 weeks without our number that we have had for almost 50 years. Frontier told us that it was never a working phone number and that it couldn't be moved to Spectrum. Except for all of the Drs/Hospitals we deal with it wouldn't bother us to change numbers but that would be a pain.
Hope everyone has a good day and be well...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23330 on: May 01, 2021, 05:57 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

Off to the shack, catch up later.

Hope you all have a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23331 on: May 01, 2021, 06:43 AM »
Morning all, travels ;)

IW.....hope the list is a short one  :whistle:

H2L....not a very nice kickoff to walleye season weatherwise, but sure there's plenty of people that got out regardless  :wacko:

MrC.....everything is still green here this morning  :thumbsup:

Eddie.....good luck if you're heading out this weekend   :clap:

Still breezy this morning but nothing like yesterday's howling winds  :nono:  if the rain holds off think it's back to the logs for a few hours to finish blocking  :flex:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23332 on: May 01, 2021, 08:15 AM »
Good Morning, Gang

Sun & clouds, got to the high 70's yesterday, talk of 80's today, just enough breeze to make the leaves move on the trees

Got the van & trailer unloaded yesterday, grass partially cut, bbq griddle set up, some furniture moved that Ellie wanted - that was for yesterday - today, rest of the grass,
     store for some parts for the trailer tail gate-latches showing some wear, led tail lights are starting to go out, then to the storage unit for some sorting & straightening up

Don't over do any heavy lifting or such - bad backs are no fun

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Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23333 on: May 01, 2021, 10:37 PM »
Good evening welcome to May, sunny dry day here much lower wind speed then yesterday believe temperature reached the middle sixties. The lacrosse season is over for most of the colleges in my area with the exception of West Point/Army who are this season Patriot league Northern division champs and will play in a semi final game on Friday May 7TH. Army is currently ranked 11th in the nation among men's (Div. 1) lacrosse teams. Marist also a (Div.1 ) schools men's-women's teams season end ed with losses in their conferences quarter final round. SUNY New Paltz (Div.3)men's team went (0-7) for the season only second year for the program team will only loose two senior year players so hopefully things will be better next year. The high school season started this past Tuesday so far Newburgh's varsity Boy's team is off to a rough start losing the season opener 25 to 1.
Ice Wander I remember the Storm King Mtn.Project believe the projects rejection after a court battle is considered a landmark victory in the U.S. environmental movement. Believe the plan was to pump Hudson river water up the mountain to a reservoir  then let it flow back down allowing gravity flow to hydro generate electric power. If my memory is correct the big environmental concern was harm to fish and other aquatic life plus the destruction of forest land to build the reservoir and pipelines to transport the water up and down the mountain. May the To-DO list not be to long.
Hunts2long good to read the state dock is in place and the water level of lake has come up one foot. Gas is averaging S2.79/gallon in my area. May you be able to keep your current number and not have to receive a new one. I assume your current number is a "Land line" if your area has good cell phone coverage and transmission you might consider dropping the land line like many other people already have done,personally I still have a home phone land line. Also for your Knowledge unlike the ATT system of days past Spectrum's system does not have built in redundancy so if you loose electric power your land line is out of service not sure about Spectrum's cell phone network believe it is similar. I have Spectrum bundled services package so when electric power is out no land line ,TV or internet. I don't know why the FCC does not require them to have system back ups in place.
Whopper Stopper may everything be good at the shack. You and the "girls" have a nice weekend.
Wallyworld  glad you received no snow overnight. If you were able to work on fire wood processing today may the two of not be to sore and achy.
Capt.Jim may you be able to get the parts and all go well with the trailer maintenance.
Eddie guess you were out the door early today headed to the local lake or the grandchildren are over and took command of your tablet/computer.
OldSailor may today's weather have been better to complete work on the raised beds.

Have a good and safe night.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23334 on: May 02, 2021, 04:17 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

55 heading into the mid 60's later today. We were supposed to have rain today but the guessers are re-guessing their guesses ???

mr.clean....Interestin g update on the lacrosse season, Thanks :thumbsup:

Capt.J.... Sounds like everything is coming together. Hope you were able to find the needed parts :thumbsup:

WW....Hope you were able to finish blocking up the wood. Only a couple more steps to complete  :whistle::flex: :thumbsup:

IW... Were you were able to chip away at the "List". I put mine back on the refrigerator for a couple days. I have grass in my future either today or tomorrow.

Eddie... Have you been doing your water therapy ???

Yesterdays shack run was fun. The s-i-l brought her kayak with and she fished while My wife and I rotated some wood in the woodshed. We always take from the front so we moved the stuff in the back forward. It looks Like I will have about a cord of wood to make to get it filled back up.

We found a strong wind had tipped over a couple poplar trees in the yard at the shack. Luckily they hung up so nothing got damaged. I was told "no saws!" when we went up there so it stood to reason I should have had it with. Now I can run back up there and get them down before they land on the gate.

Not sure what's all on the agenda today. I know a walk at first light and a crappie dinner at noon for sure.

Hope you all have a good Sunday :thumbsup: Stay safe and keep healthy.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23335 on: May 02, 2021, 05:00 AM »

                  Good morning Marv, ER's,
                              It's 47* and clear at the moment.  ::)
                              Marv........I'm glad to read that you and the girls had a fun time at "The Shack". :thumbsup: Now you have an excuse to slip away back
                  to clean up the trees. :flex:
                              H2l..........The state seems to be slow on everything this year. :blink:
                              Wally.......I wish my wood was here, I like doing it when it's cool like it has been. I hope you got all the blocking done. :flex:
                              Eddie.......Were you able to get out yesterday after some trout.? ???
                              Steve.......Thanks for the lacrosse update. :clap:
                              Yesterday I made a big dent to the to-do list, I even got my first lawn mowing in, It was good to smell freshly cut grass.
                              I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23336 on: May 02, 2021, 05:21 AM »
Good Morning Marv, Jeff, Morning Everyone,
  48*  under cloudy skies this am, rain moving in early afternoon today, high of 65.  Woke to a dusting of snow on the ground here yesterday morning, welcome to May! 
  Marv...glad to see the trees hung up and didn’t wipe out your gate, good deal. Sounds like your SIL did well on the water, congrats to her and enjoy that Crappie dinner!!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Steve...thanks for the lacrosse updates, Go Army!!   :thumbsup:   Yes on the computer being MIA again yesterday morning!   ;D’ve had a busy week, hope today is an R&R day for you!  :thumbsup:  When is your next trip back to NJ?
. Wally...if the logs were on the agenda yesterday hope you finished up on the blocking.  :thumbsup:  Any walleye trips scheduled for this week?
  H2...that sucks about the phone number issue, you would think with all this technology keeping a phone number you’ve had for 50 years wouldn’t be that difficult a task...crazy!   :cookoo:  Glad the reservoir is filling up and the dock is in...more rain on the way.  :thumbsup:
  Jeff...did you have any snow on the ground yesterday up your way? The little we had was gone by about 9am, hopefully that’s the last of it this Spring.    :thumbsup: 
  OS...hope you’re seeing some better weather now, good luck with the raised beds!   :thumbsup:

  The winds finally settled down around noon yesterday and had a chance to get a few things done in the afternoon. Going to cut the lawn the for the first time today before the rain moves in. Maybe a short trip to the stream if time allows. My granddaughter has been asking over and over for a kitten for quite some time now. Yesterday my daughter brought her home a surprise...we now have an 8 week old kitten named Matilda at the homestead and a very joyful granddaughter!  ;D  Cawfee’s on...
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23337 on: May 02, 2021, 05:59 AM »
Morning all,

Eddie.....congrats on the new family member  :thumbsup:'re right it is so much easier to get the firewood done before it gets too hot   ;)2

WS.....glad you had a fun day at the shack and some fish for dinner   :clap: you'll be relieved when everything is in one place finally  :whistle:

MrC......that was a tough loss for the high school team  :(   hope they can shake it off   :-\

Managed to finish blocking logs yesterday morning

after lunch got the lawn mowed least most of it  ::)  after 1 1/2" of rain the previous 2 days there was a few spots I didn't dare drive on  :pinch:  but a rainy week ahead so the soggy ground is only going to get worse before it gets better   :%$#!:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23338 on: May 02, 2021, 06:37 AM »
39* this morning. Yesterday turned out pretty nice, except for the wind.
Mr. C, no cell service where we live. Two miles down the road it is OK. Two companies don't seem to communicate very well with each other.
WW, only 1 boat at the launch yesterday morning and they were off the lake at 10am. It wasn't very nice out there yesterday.
Lindsay and Rocky came up yesterday. She and the wife went out to garage sales and I watched the dogs. They didn't buy anything, mostly junk and they wanted a lot for that.
Have a good day and be well...h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #23339 on: May 02, 2021, 09:04 AM »
Well got out with a buddy fishing yesterday and we ended with 8 in the box. No picture this time as he took the fish home, his first time out. Should have been able to catch more but the wind came up and the 3 to 4 foot rollers were hard to control the boat and stay on the fish. Was a good time out though.  The wife surgery went well and she is still healing eye is still dilated bit going down each day and just irritated but the floater is gone and she is happy.  Another breezy day here so get the minnow holder in the ditch and minnows moved over before it gets too hot. Have a good Sunday everyone.


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