Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649918 times)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21600 on: Nov 27, 2020, 06:25 AM »
Good morning everyone! :bow:

29 getting into the 30's a little later.

Eddie, best of luck in the woods today. I hope you get a whack at a good one :thumbsup: No new champion as my wife retained the title.

IW glad to read to had a nice time yesterday :thumbsup: Yes I did win 2 games, I won by a bunch of holes too. We played 8 Games. ??? :roflmao:

WW hope you and Mr. WW had a good Thanksgiving. Do you and Mr. Skype or Zoom to visit the grand kids?

TT glad to read no 3 hots and a cot for you  ;D

OS how was your day?

I haven't been told yet what I am doing today ??? Being I served my time yesterday there shouldn't be anymore cribbage :unsure:

Hope everyone has a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and healthy. Best of luck to those in the woods!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21601 on: Nov 27, 2020, 08:44 AM »
Morning all,

TT.....glad you stayed on this side of the bars  :woot:  good luck in the woods

H2L....hope the ankle is doing better   ;)  good luck if hunting today

IW....fingers crossed a "good one" ended up in the crosshairs this morning  :whistle:  MrWW went back to camp after dinner yesterday

WS.....congrats on the wins sir  :bow:  we do occasionally FaceTime the grandkids, sometimes I think that makes being apart harder for them especially my grandson  :(

MrC.....had the pies and cookies set up for "contactless pickup" so not sure what time H2L stopped by, only know the table was empty  :roflmao:

IFF.....sending a virtual hug your way  ;)

Eddie.....glad you were able to spend the day with your grandkids, thanks for the extra hugs  :thumbsup:  can't wait to get a few in person ones again in MA :'(

IF45.....nice that Mrs45 was able to be home with you yesterday  :clap:  hope the coming days have you feeling better

OS/OG/CapJ.....hope you all had a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your families  :)

Nothing much going on today, no Black Friday shopping for me  :nono:  :wacko: 

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21602 on: Nov 27, 2020, 09:38 AM »
Good morning cloudy sky and light wind out side currently I have not checked the temperature  yet but it is probably above the normal range for this time of year.I was checking the obituaries in my local newspaper and saw that a coworker of my father passed on Nov.22 ND will try and leave a Guest Book message again as my attempt this morning did not work.
Tomturkey good to read there is no need to raise bail money. I believe most police departments were not enforcing the limits on private gatherings. Things maybe different in MI. here in NY. many of our sporting good stores also are licensed by the state to sell fishing and hunting licenses and would have been able to search the computer records to see if a person had a valid license and could purchase a riffle. Glad your Grandson was able to borrow a riffle best to both of you with this weekend's deer hunting.
Eddie good to hear you had a nice day with the family and helped the grandchildren make a few ornaments. Best to you and your sons also with the deer hunting.
Ice Wanderer the warmer temperatures had some folks out in shorts and T-shirt here yesterday. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving with your two youngest sons. may you see a nice buck in shooting range today.
Whopper Stopper sorry you could not dethrone the reining cribbage champion. May you do better in any games played today.
Wallyworld guess Hunts2long changed his plans about leaving vehicles at your home to distract law enforcement from his big Thanksgiving shin-dig.  :roflmao: I hope you receive a thank you letter from him and his family with a gift card to Dunkin Doughnuts.(where his daughter Amber works) Best to Mr.WW with his deer hunting. Does he take you to the year round ice cream stand as a thank you gift fo all the time you allow him to spend in deer camp.
Rebelss saw your post in the Covid thread happy to read that through your connections you were able to move your mom to a hospital that has visitation. Sory to hear she is battling the double wammy of pneumonia and covid. Keeping both of you in my prayers.

Have a good Friday due your holiday shopping on-line this weekend and wait until Monday to visit stores. Remember the small businesses where your purchases put money back into the local community.  Stay safe and healthy.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21603 on: Nov 27, 2020, 10:03 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Warm and Cloudy here. My wife is home today. No Black Friday shopping for us.

Mr clean, I’m sorry to hear about you fathers coworkers passing. Me and my wife try shopping locally as much as possible.

Rebelss, Keeping your mom in our prayers for a quick recovery.

WallyWorld, I hope you have a nice relaxing day.

Whopper Stopper, At least you won a couple of games. Cribbage is a fun game.

Ice Wanderer, Good luck in the woods today.

MasonEddie, Thats good news that you didn’t need bail. Good luck in the woods today.

Tom Turkey, Nice to see a police station that will stand up for people. Good luck in the woods today with your grandson.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water and be safe in the woods. God Bless.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21604 on: Nov 27, 2020, 10:36 AM »
Well anyone doing the black friday sales? I am just trying to get the wife around so we can maybe chase a pheasant or two maybe take the elk heads in for the contest the radio station is doing. Or might just lay around and wait. Sounds like the wife got all the Christmas shopping done so that is off the to do list. I guess there will be a lot of online shopping and cyber Monday is coming up. We had enough points built up on Amazon to get all the shopping done so far so that is a blessing so we can still save and hopefully have everything paid for in a few more years and not owe anyone and just have to worry about the day to day things. I cannot believe that next week is December the weather is better this year than last year here. Was stuck traveling back from universal in a big snow storm this time last year. Well here is to all that safe ice is just around the corner and we can get out and distance ourselves and catch some dinner if you want or just a nice tug on the line. Glad everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

Online hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21605 on: Nov 27, 2020, 03:52 PM »
We had a nice Thanksgiving. Just the wife, Lindsay and Rocky, Amber and her boy friend and myself. Of course Scout.
The ankle is fine today, just needed a rest as did I.
Hunted today, saw 4 this morning and 2 this afternoon. Couldn't put horns on any of them. The 4 this morning were out quite a ways in front of me. (80yds+) Jumped 2 this afternoon going in, about 40 yards from where I was going to set. Came out a little early as the wife has an appt. at 6pm for a MRI. We have been waiting almost 3 weeks for insurance to OK it.
Have a good night...h2l

Northville, NY

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21606 on: Nov 27, 2020, 04:39 PM »
Good afternoon all-  yesterdays turkey turned out ok no seasoning salt so I used reg salt  ( Do not do this  )  but all was well after that. Zoomed with 40% of family. Full aft and just getting up for 2nd time today. Any hunters get one today?

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21607 on: Nov 27, 2020, 08:38 PM »
Got the go ahead to go to work in the morning.  Kind of mixed feelings on that, the extra $$$ will be welcomed for Xmas, expenses.  No ice to my liking yet.  Polished off some turkey and will finish the last of the left overs for lunch.

Dennis What kind of season salt you like to use ?

Fish/hunt4ever.  Wish I could say the shopping was all done.  This year it falls in my lap to make the choices

Thanks Pat  :-[ LOL

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21608 on: Nov 27, 2020, 09:19 PM »
Bud this was first time cooking Turkey for me. I looked up on computer for tips. I asked the boss if we had seasoning salt she said no. I went with pepper,poulltry seasoning(old) and regular salt. The skin on one piece tasted like salt so bad it was nasty. I also did not rub the bird with butter I read canola oil I did that not sure if that helped or hurt. The meat itself was good, moist and maybe a hair over cooked.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21609 on: Nov 28, 2020, 03:26 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Cloudy skies and 40  this am, high of 43 today. Only a few days left before we flip the calendar again! deer to report on my end, another slow day in the woods yesterday morning.  Congrats on breaking your maiden with the turkey, they can be tricky to get perfect!  I  basically do the same thing you did, light coat of oil and seasonings.... maybe you just hit it with a touch too much salt is all? In any event, glad it turned it ok for you!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Bud...understand the mixed feelings about returning back to work. Hope it all works out for you!   :thumbsup:
  H2...glad you had a nice Thanksgiving together and your ankle is better, awesome! Fingers crossed the bucks show up today for you, good luck!    :thumbsup:   How did the MRI go for your wife?
  FH4...did you get out pheasant hunting? Man, I used to love that, but they pretty much disappeared around here sadly. Congrats on the Christmas shopping... will be doing mine on line here this year for the first time I believe.
  Steve... it's been pretty mild for November, banking on some cold weather moving in soon! Sorry to read about the loss of a family friend... my condolences. of luck to Mr.WW this round!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...sounds like you met your match on the cribbage board again....give my congrats to your wife!  ;D
  Jeff...will be looking forward to your report, hope it was better than mine, lol. Good luck today!   :thumbsup:

  My hunting partner will be here soon, so kind of short on time again. Thank You All for the good luck wishes....hope I can type a good ending soon!   :roflmao:
  Cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing & hunting!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21610 on: Nov 28, 2020, 03:34 AM »
Dennis yes takes practice like most things in life.  What gets me is when it comes out just right, I gain 20 pounds out of a 12 pound turkey  ??? ??? ??? suppose it could either be the mashed potatoes, gravy, and have to sample 3 different pies you think  :roflmao:

Eddie, Oh didn't see you sneak in Think I better take another nap, or its going to be for me a very long day. Good luck on filling that tag today.  Don't worry I'll turn the coffee pot off, after I empty it.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21611 on: Nov 28, 2020, 06:20 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....hope the mri went well  ;)  good to hear you're starting to see deer  :clap: worries, we've all had the "less than perfect" kitchen experience at one time or another  :blink:  :sick:

Eddie.....fingers crossed you get your shot today  :flex:

MrC.....I've always looked at hunting season as my vacation time  :whistle:  :roflmao:'s the weather looking out there, any cold air moving in yet  ???  :icefish: cards are always welcome under the tree, except for the littlest ones that still appreciate a new toy all wrapped up  ;)2 

IW.....when does the season end up there  ???  almost time to start looking thru the ice fishing gear  ;D

FH4....always a good feeling when the last package is wrapped  :thumbsup:

Think it might be a good day to start going thru my baking supplies and see what's needed at the store before starting to think about Christmas cookies  ;)  Not sure yet what, if anything, the FD is planning this year  :unsure:  can't imagine there will be the "usual" party happening this year with 100 or more kids and their families  :nono:  :(

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21612 on: Nov 28, 2020, 06:45 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

33 getting to 50 later today ???

Eddie hope today is the day, best of luck in the timber Sir :thumbsup:

WW, hope you will be able to find everything you need for baking season. We will be having 3-4 cooler days, but the long rang forecast shows warm weather. It may be awhile before there is any ice. Red lake has 5-6" but the bite is very slow with the blame going to very dirty water.

Bud best of luck getting into the swing of things when returning to work :thumbsup:

IW are you in the woods today ???

h2l best of luck to you Sir if heading into the woods. What kind of a blind/trees stand do you use ?

It's kind of depressing waiting for the sun to get up these days, when it does I am going to get back to my daily walks. Other than that no plans.

Hope everyone has a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and healthy.


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21613 on: Nov 28, 2020, 06:52 AM »
lost my post shucks.

Online hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21614 on: Nov 28, 2020, 09:10 AM »
WS, only been in a tree stand once. I sit on the ground, in a blow down, next to big tree, etc. I do brush them in. Seems to work for me. Last year I had deer as close as 10' in front of me. If they do spook it is usually because I can't keep from smiling. Most deer that I shoot are well inside 50 yards. Didn't see any this morning....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21615 on: Nov 28, 2020, 09:30 AM »
Good morning ER's!! I'm just about recovered from turkey day!! It sure was nice to have my girls together for the day!! Bud, there's more coffee on here for after you empty Eddie's pot! I'll make extra for all who want to stop by!! Someone stop and pick up some donuts!!!  ;) I hope everyone has a good weekend at whatever you choose to do!! Stay safe, stay well, and STFAH!!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline fish/hunt4ever

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21616 on: Nov 28, 2020, 10:06 AM »
Well made it out and seen a lot of pheasants just the one that jumped close forgot to load the bottom barrel after the last shot at one a little to far but thought it was closer and tried it. Oh well the wife had fun so might head out again and try our luck and see if we can find the birds again. The pheasant population is getting better out here 15 years ago there was not that many but it is coming back which is a good thing. Good luck to all on the shopping have a great time with family or out and about. Need to swing by the lake looked like it was ice covered and only 5 degrees on the hill this morning so I know it should be around zero at the lake. Have a great weekend one more then back to work.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21617 on: Nov 28, 2020, 09:56 PM »
 Good evening ,think I will start my Christmas shopping on Tuesday did some looking on-line not much catching my eye to give as gifts this year.
Fish/hunt4ever congratulations to your wife for having the Christmas shopping done. Sounds like the two of you had a good time pheasant hunting may you bring home some birds next time you hunt.
Hunts2long glad your daughter's were able to spend Thanksgiving with the two of you. May the MRI show no new health issues for your wife.
Old Goat now that you have cooked your first turkey you are better prepared for next Thanksgiving.
IFF good to read you can go back to work. I understand your reservation as hopefully for Camper's world it will be busy the next few weeks.
Eddie may you and your hunting partner have seen more deer today.
Wallyworld may you find any needed baking supplies when you go shopping.
Whopper Stopper how many miles due you usually walk each day.
OldSailor glad you could spend Thanksgiving with your daughters.
Icefisher-45 hope you and your wife had a nice day.

May everyone have a good night.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21618 on: Nov 29, 2020, 03:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  29* under fair skies, high of 48 today.

  Steve...good luck with the Christmas shopping, always seems to be somewhat of a challenge without a list for me, lol.  :thumbsup:
  FH4...glad you had a chance to get out on some birds, better luck next trip out!  :thumbsup:  Patiently waiting for some of that weather out your way to arrive here soon.
  OS...sounds like it was a very enjoyable Thanksgiving with your girls, so glad everything worked out for you all.   :clap: ground blind on the State land is just about identical to what you use...right in the middle of 2 blow downs. Have used a portable climber there before, but that became a PITA taking it in and out every trip. Good luck with today’s hunt if heading out!  :thumbsup:
  OG...know that feeling!!  :%$#!: 
  Marv...I reached my stand yesterday at 5:20, sunrise was 7:03 legal hunting time...seemed to take forever! How far of a walk are you starting out at again?
  Wally... hope you found everything you needed for the baking in stock.  :thumbsup:  This year has sure been really abnormal with the COVID crisis...think we’ve all had enough of it...praying for better days ahead and getting back to some normalcy soon. did things go at the store?
  Jeff... hope you had some luck in the woods...good luck this morning if heading out!

  If red squirrels were on the list, would have had another banner day afield yesterday! Almost wondering if they drove the deer out of my area?  ;D 
  No deer sighted again for my partner and I yesterday am, frustrating. I sat until 9:15 as I had some errands to take care of, then put a one man drive through a fairly large swampy area towards my partner that has produced in the past. Lots of sign, but not even a tail to be seen. Oh well, that’s how it goes sometimes.
  My partner hunted the afternoon on some private property and got a glimpse of a nice buck that wouldn’t give him a good shot. He’s going to try to catch up with that one this morning, me, well I’m heading back to the red squirrel grounds, lol...something has got to show up sooner or later.  ;D
  Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing & hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21619 on: Nov 29, 2020, 04:17 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                          It's 30* and clear here on my hill.  ::)
                          Eddie..........I think we're hunting the same wood but miles apart. My son think it has something to do with the new or full moon. :unsure:
                          Wally...........You are smart to stock up before people start hoarding again. :thumbsup:
                          Bud.............So you are back to work, are things at the store OK. ???
                          Marv............I walk about a mile to my spot, I think it's shorter via straight line but the i take an old logging road most of the way. :blink:
                          Time is running short So I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out. Stay Safe and Healthy.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21620 on: Nov 29, 2020, 05:44 AM »
Good Morning ER's Eddie, Jeff.  Well there were a few in to take advantage of the Black Friday sales on items they thought they should have.  See a few RV'ers returning home to Colorado from visiting warmer climates and getting winterizing supplies.  First off Manager had another attack my register area with disinfectant cleaning agents, instead of me doing it. Otherwise pretty slow for a Saturday.

I picked up a few things for my motor home. A patio matt, leveling bubbles, and a new step rug rug for the outside step that is missing.  And a rear viewing wireless camera, to be able to keep an eye on anything I may be towing.

Returning home to put some finishing touches to a bedroom, that I will rent out to a friend to move in the first of the year.  Hope that works out.  Only time will tell.  Got more things boxed up to move to the garage, for sale when having spring like weather.  If not sold will box it all back up and have Good Will pick it all up.

Sure discouraging to hear of all the continued deaths due to the Rona. :nono: :nono: :cookoo: :cookoo:

Got an email invite to go fish the new ice at Antero Reservoir in what is known as South Park area.  Which I declined. I have plenty on my list I want to get done before Christmas. Most of the bruiser trout had been netted and moved, as the water had been drawn down to make some repairs to the Dam areas.

I got a few smiles when I told some customers "I wanted to be the very first to wish them a Happy Easter" Same goes for all of you.  I am ready for a new year and chapter to my life.

Take care all.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21621 on: Nov 29, 2020, 06:40 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

35 with temps dropping as the day goes on. I think it will stay around 32 but after yesterdays 50, it will be a change. I almost forgot about the wind, which will be 20mph-25mph.

mr.clean I start out pretty easy. I just go to the end of my road and back which is 3 miles. With the wind this morning I may just skip today. By week 3, I should be back to 6 miles.

Eddie/IW best of luck this morning :thumbsup: Eddie I know what you mean about waiting for daylight, some days you wonder if the sun forgot to rise ;D

WW hope all systems are go for operation "Baking Frenzy" Best of luck to MR WW in the woods today :thumbsup:

h2l your hunting spot sound nice. I hope you get a shot at one soon :clap:

Bud good luck with all your projects :thumbsup:

Dave I hope all is well with you Sir :thumbsup:

The last day my wife has off before getting back to "The Office". It's almost funny because since working from home she is almost excited about getting back to work. I sure wish they would allow her to remain at home indefinitely, unfortunately that will never happen.

Best of luck to anyone traipsing the brush :thumbsup: Stay safe and healthy.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21622 on: Nov 29, 2020, 07:46 AM »
Morning all,

WS....good idea passing on the morning stroll today, the windchill sounds nasty  ;)   how are MrsWS's eyes fairing with the cold  ???

IFF....fingers crossed the room mate works out well  :thumbsup:  hope you can get a few more items checked off that list today  ;)2 

Eddie/IW/ of luck to all of you in the woods today  :flex:  from the look out my window should be a good day sunny, frosty and calm, the deer should be moving  @)

MrC.....hope you find all the gifts you're shopping for on-line  :)  noticed shopping centers/mall parking lots aren't very full for it being Black Friday weekend  :-\    maybe people are finally paying attention   :unsure:

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21623 on: Nov 29, 2020, 07:59 AM »
WS....good idea passing on the morning stroll today, the windchill sounds nasty  ;)   how are MrsWS's eyes fairing with the cold  ???

This is the time of year she starts having problems. When she walks with me she wears her ski goggles to keep the wind and cold air off her bad eye. 

Thanks for asking.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21624 on: Nov 29, 2020, 08:11 AM »
Well curiosity killed the cat and made a drive over to the lake and completely ice covered broke through a spot with about 3 inches of ice. 8 degrees out right now up on the hill so cooler by the lake so building more ice. Had one rooster jump and missed yesterday but was nice being out with the family. Good luck to all out chasing something. Last day then back to the grind.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21625 on: Nov 29, 2020, 08:24 PM »
Good evening I see activity picking up here on Ice Shanty as some folk's seasons have started. I'm still waiting for a cool down in temperature back to the mid-fifties for today's high.
Eddie that is part of my problem due not have a suggestion list yet when I told my sister about a couple items for My BIL and nephew she said both already had a few of this particular clothing item so back to square one. May you start seeing some deer on your hunts. We have a good population of grey squirrels here at my apartment complex.
Ice Wanderer may you also start to see more activity during your hunts.
IFF I think there will be new records set for on-line Christmas shopping this year. May things work out with having a house mate.
Whopper Stopper good idea to ease back into your walking routine 3 miles is a good starting distance.
Wallyworld I drove past a few shopping areas on Saturday and notice similar with the number of cars in parking lots. Did you find the baking items on your list. Best to Mr.WW with the deer hunting.
Fish/hunt4ever sounds like it is getting close to ice fishing season in your area.

Have a safe and good night.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21626 on: Nov 30, 2020, 02:10 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  30 and calm at the moment, rain and strong winds on the way, high of 52. of these days the extended forecast will show some ice making weather...that doesn’t melt the same day, lol. Does your nephew or BIL icefish by chance?
  FH4...that lake should be ready very soon with those temps!  :clap:  What will you be targeting? Hope you have a good week back at the job and get to drill some holes this coming weekend.   :thumbsup:
  Wally...definitely better conditions yesterday morning weather wise...didn’t seem to change things much in my area, lol. Hope Mr.WW had some luck in his woods!   :thumbsup: wishes to your wife starting back at the office today, hope everything works out well with her return.  :thumbsup:  Anything on the planner today?
  Bud...Happy Easter right back at ya!  :roflmao:  Good luck to you with the new roommate, hope everything works out with that for you!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...I’m not sure if it’s the moon or not, but I’m running out of excuses...and that sounds good to me! I will lay that one the coworkers today when they ask if I got one!  :flex:  Good luck if heading out before the rain starts.   :thumbsup:
  H2...hope you had some activity around your stand yesterday, good luck to you also if you’re heading out today.   :thumbsup: 

  Not much to report on the hunting other than super slow for reasons I can’t explain. Going to try another spot next trip and see if I can’t change my luck.
  Back to work again today, sure was nice having a few days off. Not sure what will be on the agenda with the rain coming, hopefully they have something inside for us.  Cawfee’s on!
   Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing & hunting!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21627 on: Nov 30, 2020, 05:18 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

20 degrees getting into the 30's later on. They claim the sun is going to show today  @) They say today will be the coldest for the next 8 days.

Eddie best of luck on your next outing Sir! Hope you and the crew have a good day inside :thumbsup:

I need to hit the shower then I am off to get my winter hair pruning. The lady asked if I could make it by 6am and I said "no problem" ???

I will check back later today to see what everyone is doing.

Hope you all have a good day :thumbsup: Stay safe and healthy.


Online hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21628 on: Nov 30, 2020, 05:57 AM »
35* and rain on the way.
Eddie, I am hearing a lot of hunters say it has been very slow down South. Not bee that great up here. Nothing yesterday morning but on my way in at 1:30 I walked right up onto a doe. I mean within 20yds. almost in front of me. She was feeding in a old blow down just off the trail. I froze and she just kept on eating. For 20 minutes I scanned all around looking for another deer. All the time she is feeding a getting closer. By now I am also taking small steps to get new views of the woods. No other deer. I ended up slowing walking by her, she never spooked and at one time we were no more than 20 feet apart. I think she was thinking "here is this guy again, he never sees me." I think that in the 30 minutes she only moved 15 or 20 yards. They aren't moving much and are eating ferns. I love encounters like that. Taking the day off to rest up for our trip to NYC on Tuesday for a check-up.

My nephew when to add a new gun to his permit and before he went in they had to test him. He tested positive but feels great. My brother and his wife tested neg.

Must have been bath day for the eagles. There were 2 in the tree across the river yesterday.

Have a good day and be well....h2l

Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #21629 on: Nov 30, 2020, 06:50 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....great pics  :thumbsup:  fingers crossed your nephew, brother & s-i-l all come thru the infection w/o any problems  :-\  safe travels to & from NYC, hope the report is an A+ has definitely been a SLOW go in the woods this season  :(   guessing it will be a short day for you if there's no inside work planned  :whistle:

MrC.....a gift card to their favorite store is always a welcome gift, after Christmas sales usually makes the $$ go further too  ;)2  attach the card to a special treat (box of chocolates, seasonal candies, etc)

WS.....looking at another 50* day here, along with wind and rain  :wacko:  no  :icefish:  in sight  for us  :nono:

IFF.....hope you're whittling that list down  ;D

IW.....good luck today sir  ;)

FH4.....guessing the ice needs a couple more cold nights, careful out there exploring  @)

Have a good day. Stay safe, stay healthy.


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