Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649879 times)

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17940 on: Dec 16, 2019, 04:26 AM »
Good Morning ER's cold enough here to get on again. Eddie I grabbed 4 of the smallest slender spoons, 1 fiska, and a thill night brite battery 15.66 and the battery was the most expensive. Nice store with a huge selection most all 20% off.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17941 on: Dec 16, 2019, 05:29 AM »

                Good morning Eddie, OG, ER's,
                           It's 15* and clear here on my hill ::)
                           Marv...…...That spear house looks great, and a good deal to boot. :thumbsup: :clap: :flex:
                           Bud ………..My condolences to your family, 25 year old, to young. :(
                           OS...……….I hope your wife is feeling better. :flex:
                           Steve...…..Electric stoves don't have a place in rural areas where the power could go out for days. ???
                           Eddie.......Yes, it wasn't a good weather day to be out Saturday, rain at this time of year makes it hard to stay out for very long. :%$#!:
                           Wally.......Your baking surpasses everyone, good job! :thumbsup: :bow:
                           Well yesterday the power went out around 4 pm, I was in the middle of watching the Giants, fired up my new system and finished watching
               the game. The power didn't come back on until around 10:50 pm. I generator did what I intended it to do. :flex:
                           Not much going on today, I do have a small project to do.
                           I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17942 on: Dec 16, 2019, 05:34 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, yesterday was a bad day. Massive headache with numbness and tingling in my arms and legs. Hopefully after the first of the year will have the spinal tap. My wife is doing good. Keeping her sugars good. She’s been feeling good.

Old Goat, Do you have ice?

Mason Eddie, Did you have dinner with your mother yesterday?

IFF, I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and the family.

Raquettedacker, prayers for your wife that they get all the tumor and she doesn’t need radiation. Prayers you get 3 to 4” of snow for Christmas.

I’m sorry I missed a lot of people. Reading is still a issue. I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17943 on: Dec 16, 2019, 06:18 AM »
Morning all, sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers to all family and friends of the young man  :'( wishes to MrsOS, thoughts and prayers sent her way also  ;) that generator up and running just in time  :thumbsup: :bow: :clap:

Eddie......happy birthday to your granddaughter  :clap:  good luck this afternoon  ;)

IF45.....hoping today's a better day sir  :-\

Not much happening today other than a quick grocery store run.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17944 on: Dec 16, 2019, 06:57 AM »
I guess I had better post so no one worries about me.

Bud It is sad that your grandnephew died so young. It seems to happen so often these days. Condolences to all of your family.

OS Prayers that your wife does not have to go through radiation.

Eddie Hopefully you can get out and hunt the last couple of nights. May a thirty pointer come your way.

When we went to get some groceries last Wednesday there was no need to go so early as there were not many people out  do to the high winds and below zero wind chill. Luckily no snow came with it.

Saturday I went down to Grand Rapids to put down the living room carpet in the house my grand daughter is in the process of fixing up. I wish she had not got involved with this house as it was a real mess. It was bought on auction by a friend of hers. She will never get back the sweat equity she has put in to it when they decide to sell it. It took me too long to get the small piece of carpet down. it saved her a lot of money by me doing it. This will be my last time putting down carpet as I am still paying for it today. I am taking my tools over to the other house I am not tempted.

It looks like a brown Christmas here. We only have about an inch of snow on the ground. If the sun comes out that will melt. The storm going through today is in in Indiana and Ohio. OS Enjoy it if it gets to you. LOL

ww Every time you post pictures of your baking it reminds me off all of the baking my mother used to do.

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17945 on: Dec 16, 2019, 06:59 AM »
TT......glad to be able to bring you some fond memories of days gone by  ;)

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17946 on: Dec 16, 2019, 07:02 AM »
20* and it looks like snow on Tuesday and then some COLD weather for the rest of the week.
OS, good luck to the wife on Tuesday.
IFF, sorry for your families loss.
WS, spear house looks good. Do you set that up and leave it, or trailer it? Good luck with it, hope the first pike is a big one.
IW, that generator paid off, you got to see the Giants WIN. Plus, Eli's last home game. Doesn't get any better than that.
Eddie, you are right, not a very good weekend to be out in the woods. It was one of those seasons, a lot of good hunters got nothing and I know of a few who never get deer, that got one. It is just being in the right spot at the right time. In talking to some of the locals, certain areas there were quite a few deer seen and shot. You just never know.

Bowling team took 2 of 4 points last night. We missed total pins by less than 20 and I can think of more than a couple spares I myself missed. I guess that is why I am not on the TOUR. I did bowl 60 pins over my avg.

Haven't heard how the nephew made out yesterday down South.

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17947 on: Dec 16, 2019, 07:32 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

+20 it looks like as the week goes on, the temps will get warmer, by the weekend we may hit 30.

Thanks for the comments on the house, I sure am excited about it.

h2l, the plan is to leave it out on the lake. One advantage of the old tar paper shack was that the value was $0.00. I am going to give my insurance guy a call and see what he says it will cost to add it on. I am hoping if I spend enough time in the house that no one will bother it. It's a lot easier to re-open the hole as it is to cut a new one every time. I for sure will need to put a lock on the house and the hitch. One guy last year left his wheelhouse out and someone took a shotgun to it.

IW best of luck on your project :thumbsup:

Eddie best of luck if you make it out before the deadline :thumbsup:

OS prayers sent to the entire family. I hope everything goes well tomorrow :thumbsup:

WW good luck heading to the store :thumbsup: I actually have the same task ;D

Lots on the list today so I best get going.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17948 on: Dec 16, 2019, 11:26 AM »
Good day have not checked the weather report sky is over cast think I might see some rain possibly changing to a Wintry mix later in the day.
IFF my condolences to you and your family on the death of grand nephew . Always hard to deal with especially when a person is young.
Eddie belated birth day greetings to your granddaughter. Best to you in getting a deer before the season ends.
OldSailor prayers said for your wife may she not need the radiation therapy.
Raquettedacker hope your work place is busy with tree and wreath sales.
Old Goat may the newly purchased lures bring good results on your next trip out.
Ice Wanderer given how power companies tend to do repairs that restore power to large groups of people first I agree electric cook stoves are not good for rural/country homes. glad the new generator preformed without a hitch for you yesterday.
Icefisher-45 hope the headache has abated some so your day is not to bad. May the spinal tap bring the desired results when you have it preformed.
Hunts2long glad you bowling team is still in place to win the league this season. Congratulations on bowling above your average.
Wallyworld after the grocery shopping is done enjoy a relaxing day away from the baking and other holiday preparations.
Whopper Stopper hope you can add new shack to your insurance and cost is minimal. Sad some people have no respect for others property. happy you got the shack for a good price to bad about the brothers relationship changing after parents death.
Tom Turkey glad are well and only a little sore after helping grand daughter at her house. Sounds like she has under taken a major project.

Have a safe and good Monday. Best to all fishing and hunting.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17949 on: Dec 17, 2019, 02:42 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  22* with steady snow falling, 3-6” expected today, high of 27. wishes to your wife today, keeping her close in thoughts and prayers this morning.   :thumbsup:
  Steve..Thank you, granddaughters 5th B’Day is actually Thursday but it was celebrated early do to people leaving for the Holiday.  :thumbsup:
  Marv...good idea about adding the new house on your insurance.  :thumbsup:   I saw 7 yesterday afternoon, they started moving in just before sunset...a little too far out of my range, about 200yds. 
  H2...should be some ice locking up the reservoir this week! Way to go taking half the points on the lanes!   :clap:
  Tom... thanks, a 30 point buck would be nice, but I’d settle for a 2 1/2 year old doe, lol. Hope you’re feeling better today, way to go helping out your granddaughter!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...Thank You, will pass on the B’Day wishes and if those same deer appear this afternoon, I may send a Hail Mary shot their way, lol.   :thumbsup:
  I-45...sure hope those headaches and pains have passed have for wishes continued!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...guess that generator hook up couldn’t have come at a better time! Glad everything worked out well for you with that....excellent job Sir!   :clap: :thumbsup:

  Well, the foreman doesn’t know yet, but believe I’m going to skip out at noon today and get the last few hours of the season in..get lucky or go down swinging!   ;D
  Short on time this morning, but the Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17950 on: Dec 17, 2019, 03:18 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                        It's 20* and clear at the moment here on my hill, snow is expected. ::)
                        Eddie...…...I would have thought you'd take the whole day off this last day. Good luck in the woods. :thumbsup: A Happy Birthday wish from
               the Adirondacks to your granddaughter. :clap:
                        Marv...……..It shouldn't be much for insurance, the insurance on my new pontoon boat is $174. :clap:
                        Wally......…With all the baking you've been doing, you are probably out of baking supplies. :whistle:
                        H2L...………Good job bowling Sunday evening. :clap: :flex: Who knows what Eli will do, no announcements as of yet. ???
                        OS...........Prayers out to your wife this morning. :thumbsup:
                        I-45.........I hope the headaches will subside at some point! :unsure:
                        Yesterday I got a majority of my projects done, today I should finish before my wife comes home tomorrow.
                        I hope everyone has a good Tuesday ether at work or out on the ice or still in the woods.


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17951 on: Dec 17, 2019, 05:45 AM »
Morning all,

OS.....thoughts and prayers for MrsOS and you today  ;)

Eddie.....good luck, will be looking for your report and pics  ;)2 :flex: :thumbsup:

IW.....hope your projects go trouble free today, safe travels to MrsIW tomorrow  :)

WS.....people stealing/destroying/tampering others belongings really gets my blood boiling  >:( :%$#!:  fingers crossed you don't have any of those problems with the new house  ;)

Weatherman says 3-5" today then some really cold weather for a couple days  :icefish: 

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17952 on: Dec 17, 2019, 06:21 AM »
25* with light snow.
Eddie, hope today is the day. Good Luck.

WS, thanks for the info on the shack. Somewhere around here I have an old wooden decoy with weight in the bottom that I think was used for spearing. Not even sure where the wife got it, my guess a garage sale. I will have to find it. The wife has been wanting me to clean up "my" room.

My nephew didn't shoot anything on Sunday. He did see 6/8 does. His friends son shot a doe.

Not much planned for today. Wife has an appt. with the dentist so I may go with her if the driving is getting bad.

Most of the lake is still open and what ice there was on this end is almost gone after the rain and wind. Lake came up just over a foot in the last week. It may make some ice later this week.

Have a good day....h2l

Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17953 on: Dec 17, 2019, 06:34 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

23 dipping to -6 tonight. As the weekend approaches so does the +30's.

My truck is warming up, I need to get a pre-winter hair pruning.

OS best wishes for Mrs Sailor later today :thumbsup:

Eddie my fingers are crossed for your afternoon hunt :thumbsup:

IW best of luck getting everything done :thumbsup: Wishing  Mrs Wanderer a safe ride home tomorrow :thumbsup:

WW I know what you mean about thieves and vandalizers. In most cases it's just mean jealousy that seems to make people do things. I often think about what I would do if catching someone in the act. I'm not sure if neutering would just be a fine or if it would be a fine and a cot ??? I wouldn't think they could revoke your fishing license, but you never know these days.

h2l some of the old decoys are worth some good money, you might be sitting on a Gold Nugget :unsure:

My insurance guy is checking to see what it would cost for the new house. I think like IW it shouldn't be too much. A dirty shame you have to prepare for idiots. I also want something in case some drunk runs into it and gets hurt so I have some coverage if I get sued.

Yesterday I was in town picking up some numbers for the house. As I was leaving I rolled through a light and the bells and blinking lights came on the dash as I was pushing the brake pedal, brake failure. Talk about thankful that didn't happen over the weekend with the house behind. I limped it to the garage where we have work done, and the s-i-l picked me up. Always something.

My truck should be warm.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup:  Stay safe.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17954 on: Dec 17, 2019, 08:12 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, It’s a winter wonderland out there. Fortunately my wife took today off as it’s her birthday so I don’t have to worry about her driving in to work or coming home. I took Mr Dickens out to the lake yesterday. He strolled out into the ice something he’s never done before. The look on his face was priceless.

Whopper Stopper, It is a shame we live in a society where people find it fun to destroy other people’s property. Makes me so mad. Hope you get your truck back soon.

Hunts2long, Hope you have a good day. Are you supposed to get a lot of snow? I think we’re supposed to get about 6”.

WallyWorld, You must be out of baking supplies. Hopefully you don’t get to much snow.

Ice Wanderer, Thats good you got most of your projects done. Prayers your wife has a safe trip home.

Old Sailor, Prayers for your wife that her surgery goes well.

Mason Eddie, Happy belated Birthday to your granddaughter. Hope she had a good day. Maybe because of the snow you’ll get to leave early. Hope you get out today.

Raquettedacker, Hope you sell many trees and wreaths this season.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one. Prayers for our Police, Fire and first responders and tow truck drivers and plow drivers that they are safe today.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17955 on: Dec 17, 2019, 09:19 AM »
fisher-45  Happy B-day to your Mrs.  Ditto on the snow, know you don't want what our Mountain areas got.  Up to 3 1/2 feet of fresh powder in some areas.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17956 on: Dec 17, 2019, 09:48 AM »
Good morning coating of snow on vehicles and ground  looks like rain or a very fine snow is falling last weather report i checked did not give any projected snow fall totals so will see what happens through out the day.
OldSailor thinking of your wife and family today may all go well with her surgery.
Eddie pulling for you to get a deer before the season ends later today.
Ice Wanderer safe travel for your wife tomorrow. May you get all your jobs/chores done before she returns home.
Wallyworld hope you do not see any "Lake Effect" snow from this storm I know it can cause higher snow totals.
Hunts2long safe travel to the dentist today call to be sure office is still open before leaving your home. Ditto Whopper Stopper's comment on the spearing decoy.
Whopper Stopper glad the brakes did not go out while transporting the spearing shack. I assume the problem is fixed unless you used the Buick to transport the new shack. I would put some light reflective strips on the walls of spearing shack give the drunks and others a little notice something is in there path.
Icefisher-45 happy birthday to your wife may the two of you have a good day whatever is in your celebration plans. Hope the headache is better today.
IFF that snow fall amount will put a damper on many folks ice fishing plans for trips to high country lakes. May you and the family be coping well with the recent loss of your grand nephew. has you employer found a replacement yet for the cashier .

Have a good Tuesday to all in the path of this winter storm be careful with any traveling. Best to all fishing and hunting.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17957 on: Dec 17, 2019, 01:02 PM »
Mr. Clean, the dentist called us to see if we wanted to come in early. We were back home by 11am... Snow looks like it is about over, maybe 3 inches....h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17958 on: Dec 17, 2019, 06:33 PM »
Hunts2long glad you got to and from the dentist safely. I realize highway crews in your area of NY. probably have better equipment then my area. also the two of you and others drivers have more experience generally driving in Winter weather then us folks down in the south east corner of NY.

Hope everyone in this storm's path is getting through it in good shape. Get ready for the temperature drop coming to the North east starting tomorrow.

OldSailor may wife's surgery have gone well and she be resting comfortably.

A safe and good night to everyone.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17959 on: Dec 17, 2019, 06:54 PM »
Evening ER's!! Steve and everyone else, my wife is back home and is in bed resting. The surgery went well and her lymph nodes were clear! That's great news!! We will have to wait for scheduling for radiation! We would like to thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes!! :thumbsup:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17960 on: Dec 17, 2019, 07:41 PM »
OldSailor thank you for the update great to hear wife's lymph nodes are clear of any cancer sign. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17961 on: Dec 17, 2019, 10:57 PM »
Great news OS hope you both have a wonderful Christmas.
I 45 we do have first ice here again as it only lasted a week first time and maybe possible to lose this second batch as we only have 1 more super cold day before a long warm up again. Crossing fingers it makes it through.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17962 on: Dec 18, 2019, 02:37 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!   ;D
  22* and fairly calm this am, high of 30. We ended up with about 5”of snow here yesterday.

  OS....that’s wonderful news on your wife!!   :bow: :thumbsup:   Best wishes sent to her for a speedy recovery and a clear journey forward.   :clap:
  Jeff...was going to take the whole day off yesterday, but figured it was best to get a partial day in both directions. Left at 11, so I got 6hrs. in at work, almost 4 1/2 hrs. on stand...didn’t see anything but snow falling unfortunately.
Safe travels to your wife today, will pass on the B’Day wishes to my granddaughter.   :thumbsup:
  Wally...sure wish I had a picture to share this am, the only one I took yesterday was the snow falling overlooking the pasture I was set up on, lol.  Thank You for the good luck wishes....I’ll use them on the ice now!   ;D  :thumbsup:
  H2... hope you had safe travels to and from the dentist yesterday, the roads got pretty slick in spots down this way yesterday. Some good cold weather coming for a couple of days!  :thumbsup:, glad you didn’t get into an accident with the brake failure and it didn’t happen when towing the new spear house...somebody was looking out for you.  :thumbsup:   Hope it’s an easy fix for your mechanic and not a long wait to your truck back...good luck! just wasn’t in the cards yesterday, but thanks for support!   :thumbsup:
  I-45...Happy Be-lated Birthday wishes to your wife!  :clap:   Hope you both had a pleasant day celebrating it together.   :thumbsup:
  Bud...please keep that snow out West, we finally got some ice making weather moving in!!   ;D. Hope all is well.   :thumbsup:

   Big Thank You to everyone for the best wishes this hunting season. I didn’t put the time in as much as I would have liked, but every trip out was enjoyable in its own way, and I’m thankful for that.  Not having venison for the ice...well, that’s another thing!     ;D
  One week until Christmas gang....Cawfee’s on! 
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17963 on: Dec 18, 2019, 04:08 AM »

                    Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 20* and clear here on my hill, we have a wind/wind chill advisory until tomorrow at 11 am. ::)
                             Eddie...…..I'm sorry to read that you weren't successful yesterday. :( But I know what you mean about just being out in
                     the woods. :thumbsup: Ice on.  :icefish:
                             Wally...…..It sure is a crazy world when people can't respect others property. :cookoo:
                             Marv........What a close call, I'm glad that there wasn't a collision when the breaks failed, how bad were you shaking. :o I too think
                     reflective tape on the sides of your spear house. :flex:
                             Steve...….Hope your snow melts down if it turned to rain. ???
                             !-45...…….I guess your wife's B-Day was a good omen, snowing on her day off. Happy Belated Birthday to your wife. :thumbsup:
                             H2l..........Good thing the dentist got you to come in early. :clap:
                             OS...........As you know my wife went through the same procedure as your wife, my wife's lymph nodes were also clear.
                     Tomorrow she has her first appointment with the radiologist, she's hoping it's not just a consultation but problbly is. The therapy
                     will be once a day five days a week for 6 to 8 weeks. :blink: Prayers go out to your wife from the Adirondacks.
                             I got all my projects done yesterday the only thing I have to do this morning is figure something for dinner and go shopping.
                             I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or out on the ice.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17964 on: Dec 18, 2019, 05:37 AM »
20* this morning. Ended up with about 3" of snow yesterday.

Eddie, there are a lot of tags left over this year. Just being able to get out and hunt makes it all worth while. Watching snow flakes is much better than slinging blocks for an afternoon.

OS, glad everything went fine with the wife and that she is home.

They do a pretty good job with the roads around here. It is the ones that won't adjust for the conditions that get me. If the sign says 55mph, they are going to drive 55 no matter what.

I have to clean off my jeep this morning and get the rest of the driveway cleaned out. I think the wife is going grocery shopping this morning. All the stores will be zoos until Christmas.

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17965 on: Dec 18, 2019, 05:41 AM »
Good morning Eddie, IW! Good morning everyone :thumbsup:

Well the guessers blew it with the cold. It's -3 here this morning, as OG wrote we are also heading into a long stretch of +30 weather. The ice just gets close and we get into a warm rut :%$#!:

OS excellent news :clap: :clap: I hope your wife had a good nights rest.

Eddie sorry to read you didn't get a chance yesterday. I know exactly just what you mean about spending time in the woods. :thumbsup:

IW good luck picking a Welcome home meal :thumbsup: Reflector tape was the first thing I did on our return Sunday. Besides being a good idea, it's a requirement in MN. to have to have 2 square inches on all sides of the shelter.

Yesterday I tried to get the insurance straightened out on the house. You would think I was trying to get a license to store dynamite. My agent finally found a company that would insure it, but come to find that they would only do it if the house wasn't left unoccupied. I said of course it will be unoccupied at night, to which I was told you had to take it home at night. Here's another stupid thing....The house is covered through my auto coverage as long as it's hooked to a vehicle. As we know the house isn't attached when tipped up when in use, which means it's also not covered through my auto policy ??? I kept hearing how it's a high risk theft item so companies are leery. With the warm weather coming and the ins. in the air I may still put the old shack out just to get fishing.

The Tahoe had bad news also. My mechanic had me run to the shop so he could show me the brake lines and see how crusty they are. It could either be patched, meaning replacing the 1 line or throwing a kit at  it for all new lines. He said his experience is that if one goes the others are usually close to failure also, and after seeing them I don't doubt it in our case. Bad news is to throw a kit at it takes about 6 hours and will cost $700. I am just thankful it blew when it did.

I hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.

I need to fish therapy, I am taking off at midnight tonight heading to a spot.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17966 on: Dec 18, 2019, 06:38 AM »
Up early again this morning for a trip to get groceries. We got another couple of inches of snow last night. At least it should be light as it is 12* this morning. it is guessed to get to 40* this week end.

marv It always scares me to see people charge a stop sign or light. I never jump when light turns green as I see so many people run them.  I watched a box truck blow a stop light the other day. I caught up to him a mile down the road at another stop light. I had the lines get so bad on one of my vehicles that I ended up junking it.

That is one of the nicest shanty's I have ever seen! I can see why the builder quit making them as he has a lot of hours in them with not enough $$  to cover his time. Hopefully you can get the right insurance to cover it. Back when I had a permanent we did not have to worry about vandalism. A couple of years ago a guy had his spears stole from his shanty. My friend that owns a sporting good store checked his security cameras and was able to identify the thief's even though they we a long ways away. He was surprised how good his cameras were. In Michigan you have to have your name and address on all side of your shanty in 3 inch letters.

Eddie The gal that gave me the deer walked the 80 acre property where she shot the deer the other day. Not a single deer track was found. With no feed the deer have gone some where else to find some thing to eat. There is a standing corn field just to the south of it but I could not see a track going into the corn yesterday.

modify as the post locked up an would not let me type. Grrrr

OS and IW Prayers out to your wife's that things go well for them.

IF45 Belated birthday wishes to you wife. I have been real busy so I have not been able to round things up for you yet. I spent yesterday taking my carpet tools over to the other place so I am not tempted to try installing any more carpet. I say that I need to fix a patch on my roof as I was leaving. looks like another trip over there on Saturday. I have to put a steel roof on it next summer.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17967 on: Dec 18, 2019, 06:55 AM »
Morning all,

OS.....great news on MrsOS  :thumbsup: :clap:  best wishes sent as she recovers  ;)

Eddie.....sorry the season ended w/o a shot  :(  tough year for many  :-\

IW....thoughts and prayers to MrsIW as she begins radiation therapy  :)  remind her to take it one day at a time  ;)

IF45.....belated birthday wishes to Mrs45  :clap:  hope you both enjoyed the day  ;D

TT....the days of being able to leave your doors unlocked or possessions unattended are sadly long gone  :'( >:(

WS.....a one time $700 repair bill is still better than a 72 month car payment of $400+  :whistle:  good luck on the ice, we all need some fish pictures till we can get out  ;)2 :icefish: lake effect yet, maybe this afternoon  :-\

H2L.....nice of the dentist to give you a call like that  :thumbsup:  altho here the roads were worse in the morning, much easier traveling by mid afternoon  :)

Ended up only getting about 3" of snow so far, some "WS" cold air coming in tonight for a few days then another warm up next week  :wacko:  looks like a green/brown Christmas might be happening around here  :-\

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17968 on: Dec 18, 2019, 08:03 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Looks like it’s going to be a cold one today. My wife has the day off as well. But she is is working Saturday and Sunday. She had a good day yesterday. Taking her out to dinner today. She didn’t want to go anywhere yesterday because of the weather. Her sugars have been good. My wife thank everyone for the birthday wishes.

WallyWorld, We got about 3” of snow here as well and supposed to be warm here next week. Santa is going to need wheels on his sleigh.

Tom Turkey, Hope you got to the Grocery store early. Thank you for your offer. You certainly are busy. Are you going to put a metal roof on your daughters house?

Whopper Stopper, 700 is definitely better then a car payment. My Ram payment was almost 700 a month. I don’t miss a payment of course I miss driving the Jeep but once it’s fixed. Good luck at your spot to fish.

Hunts2long, Hope your shopping goes well. Your right stores are going to be crazy until Christmas.

Ice Wanderer, Good luck with your shopping and your dinner decision.

Old Sailor, Thats great news about your wife. Hopefully she gets plenty of rest today.

Mason Eddie, The fun part is getting out. Getting the deer is a bonus.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe day. Tight lines to those on the ice. Be safe at work or in the woods.
Take a kid ice fishing

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #17969 on: Dec 18, 2019, 08:37 AM »
Good morning again :bow:

Wow that didn't take long. I just got a call and tomorrow I have to go to a wake. The family is trying to get everything done before Christmas so the funeral is on Friday.

Priorities first.



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