Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1650058 times)

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16470 on: Jul 25, 2019, 09:23 PM »
Just a short post before bed.

I was talking to my son on cell phone  around supper time. He was at the State Park where the young man drown the other day. He said the Coast Guard had a helo flying and a boat where the you man drown the other day. I told him they found his body so it did not sound good. Another guy drown at the mouth of the river again today. That was two life's lost there in 48 hours. In my searching I saw that a young girl drown on Monday a few miles south after going off of a pier.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16471 on: Jul 26, 2019, 02:34 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Another beautiful day coming to end the work week, clear and 60* this am high of 82., that’s so sad so many people have drowned there this season!  Hopefully that will be the end of that.  Good luck with the bathroom work and not finding anymore problems!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...X2 on Wally’s reply, hope the new meds work out for your wife...glad to read the pressure in her eye has dropped now!  :clap:  That had to be a rough go with the windy conditions, wishing you better luck today with both the fishing and better weather. Hope one of those big  bruisers latch’s on.  Excellent videos again!   :thumbsup: :clap:
  H2...congrats on the good Dr.’s report! Heard on the radio of the rains hitting your area, mentioned  they also closed the track again because of so much water on it. Better luck today if you’re heading out!   :thumbsup: far so good with the newest hire, believe there might be 2 more coming soon.
  Jeff... hope you had enough time to get everything ready on the to do list yesterday before the guests arrived.  :thumbsup:  The terrazzo job isn’t too big, only about 450 sq.’, it’s been dubbed an emergency job, lol. must have been exhausted after yesterday’s workout, hope you have a great relaxing day today! Excellent job getting all those goodies baked for the kids!   :thumbsup: :bow:
   I-45...will be looking forward to your post today, hope the 2nd round of acupuncture helped stop some of those pains!   :thumbsup:

  We finished up laying the marble just before lunch yesterday, today the grouting and caulk will be completed. It will be nice taking a break from that for a little while, believe there’s 43 stones left to repair some real bad spots here and there after the terrazzo is completed. Understand there is quite a bit of work coming up at the Mansion again, Doh!
  Time to get ready for the last shift of the week....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16472 on: Jul 26, 2019, 03:59 AM »

              Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                       It's 59* here on my hill a nice day is ahead and warmer weather coming. ::)
                       Eddie.........Sounds like an easy Friday, caulking and grouting. :flex: How's your garden and the slug problem. ???
                       Wally..........You sure had a busy day, getting wood stacked and mowing, cookie baking, I hope you can take a break today. :thumbsup:
                       Marv...........It sounds like you had some pretty rough conditions out there, good luck today. :thumbsup:
                       Tom............That's way too many drownings for one area, is it just careless swimmers or is there some other factor to them. ???
                       H2L............That's good that the Dr. gave you a good report. :clap: Did you get some thunderstorm yesterday, I heard some off in the distance. ???
                       My niece and nephew arrived as the first round of rain ended, sun was so we were outside then another round came through, so plans changed
               I moved the grill from the back deck to front porch and I cooked some special ribs out there, #2 and #3 sons and family showed up around 6 pm, we had
               a houseful. All in all it was a good time for us all to get together. MW tried to get here but work kept him out late.
                       Not much going on except some clean up still to do, after all there were 8 kids and 7 adults.
                       I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out on the water.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16473 on: Jul 26, 2019, 05:24 AM »
55* this morning. No fishing today, going to help wife set up garage sale.
IW, yes we did get 2/3 t-storms yesterday. I got soaked.
WS, hope the wife is feeling better. I have not seen a turkey with young ones yet this year. My brother has seen only one hen with young. He seems to think it is because we had wet/cool spring. I know that the geese must have lost there nest, I have only seen one family with young ones, usually 4 or 5 with young.
WW, you had a busy day. Getting the wood moved before the heat returns was good planning. My grass isn't growing very fast.
Everyone have a good Friday...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16474 on: Jul 26, 2019, 07:20 AM »
A decent 59* right now but headed to the 80's.

Fox News was at the sight where the two drownings were this morning. The river going to the big lake looks calm but hides the strong current until it hits the big lake. There are a lot of signs warning about the current but they are being ignored. I think they are going to close the area to swimming. There has been a lot of rain east of the river making for more water coming down stream.

ww I wish I had the energy to get things done like you do. I seem to just spin the wheels and get little done. I still need to get the fire wood at the property hauled to the house and put in the basement.

Removing the vanity and sink is the project for today. I bought a low threshold shower base a long time ago planning on removing the garden tub to put it in. We have never used that tub any way.

Tomorrow I am taking my carpet installation tools down to the grand daughters so her dad can install carpet in the living room. I may have to go down and supervise him. LOL It has been a long time since he helped me install.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16475 on: Jul 26, 2019, 11:11 AM »
Morning all,

TT.....sounds like another busy day with the bathroom, think how nice it will be when it's finished and ready for MrsTT post surgery  :thumbsup:  sure hope closing the area to swimmers helps stop the drownings  :-\

WS....hope the weather held out this morning and you're reeling in "the big one" right now  :woot:

Eddie.....sounds like a great finish to the work week  :thumbsup:  hope you have plans for relaxing this weekend  ;)

IW.....sorry to hear the weather forced everyone inside yesterday   :(  it never even clouded up here, just bright sunny skies all day  :blink:  hope the clean up went well  ;)

H2L.....sorry to hear you got rained on too , funny how different the weather can be in two places not that far apart  :wacko:  my lawn needs mowing every 4 or 5 days, I just try to push it back to a full week  ;D  good luck with the garage sale  ;) might be seeing different does at different times, think by now most of the fawns are big enough to be out and about pretty much all the time  ;)

IF45.....hope you're feeling better today  :)

Pretty quiet day today,  :) :)oing later this afternoon to pick up MrWW's new truck  :thumbsup:  It will be nice to have a warranty again for a few years  ;)2  fingers crossed my car holds out another 100,000 miles  :whistle:

Have a good rest of your Friday whatever you're up to. Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16476 on: Jul 26, 2019, 12:41 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, Bad night and morning. Headache has been very bad. Had acupuncture yesterday. Acupuncturist said it could take up to 6 visits before relief. My wife got called into work this afternoon. She ran out before she left to get me a treat 2 jelly donuts. Boy they have gotten expensive 2.65 for 2 donuts.

WallyWorld, Always fun getting a new truck. What did he end up getting?

Tom Turkey, Hopefully the closing of that areas stops the drownings. Hope the renovations go smoothly.

Hunts2long, Good luck with the yard sale. They can be profitable.

Ice Wanderer, I wish I had your energy, you manage to stay busy. Hope the clean up wasn’t to bad.

Mason Eddie, Hope the last shift of the week went well.

Whopper Stopper, Prayers that the new medication works for your wife.

I hope everyone has a good day. Writing and reading today has been difficult for my headache. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16477 on: Jul 26, 2019, 01:25 PM »
Ice-45, in this day and age I cannot believe that someone can't do something to relieve your pain.
Things are moving at the garage sale. I try to stay away as much as possible. Wife will not let me set out there, I have a habit of "if they pick it up I will make the price right"
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16478 on: Jul 26, 2019, 04:06 PM »
Good afternoon-evening everyone :bow:

81 and sunshine with the dew points getting back to the sticky stage :%$#!:

45 sorry to read that the Acupuncture isn't helping yet, we are keeping you in our prayers that soon this will all be over with :thumbsup:

WW enjoy the new truck :clap: Maybe for date night Mr WW will take you to an outdoor theater  :unsure:

IW hope you got the house back in shape after entertaining :thumbsup:

Eddie you are probably blowing the froth off a couple by now, enjoy your weekend Sir!

We had quite the day fishing putting up with changing weather.  When we got to the landing we got the boat ready to dump off the trailer. We no sooner backed up to the ramp and the skies broke loose with rain and thunder. We sat in the truck for 1/2 hour until it started to lighten up a bit. We were looking at the radar on the phone and it looked like other than some left over drizzle the rest of the storm should miss. Of course half way to our starting point the lightening show started up and the wind and rain moved in. At that point it didn't much matter so I kept oaring until we reached a point of weeds that have been holding fish. About my third cast right at boat side another mid 40's musky grabbed the skirt of my bucktail and exploded throwing water over both of us. Of course it missed the hook and in a split second it was gone.

The wind kicked up into the mid 20's and it was hard to stay on course. We threw and threw but couldn't shake anything loose. Around 11am the winds died down but by then I was getting tired so we started working our way back to the landing. I stopped at one of the first weed edges we started with and about the 2ond cast the s-i-l starts hollering she had a musky following. I looked and there was about a 46" with it's mouth chomping on her bucktail, when she set the hook the dang bait pulled right out of it's mouth. I have no idea how that fish missed getting hooked but talk about a kick in the pants. That ended our day on the lake. I took one nice picture just as the wind and rain let up the second time

I came home and collected the cards out of the cameras. I picked out a couple to share.

I hope you all have an excellent evening :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16479 on: Jul 26, 2019, 06:49 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, I hope everyone had a good day today. My wife said it wasn’t to bad out today. I think the sticky stuff is going to hit us this weekend if the weather people are correct. Heard on the news about a 13 yr old girl who pulled in a tuna weighing in over 700lbs.

Hunts2long, You would think they would be able to fix me. The neurologist made a appointment for me to see a pain specialist to be put on pain medication.

Whopper Stopper, Sounds like quite the day on the water. That was a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing. Those videos were great thank you.

I hope everyone has a great night with their families. God Bless

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16480 on: Jul 26, 2019, 07:04 PM »
Evening all,

WS......absolutely gorgeous picture  :thumbsup:  sorry to hear the "big one" got away, but I'll bet it had both your hearts pounding for a minute  ;D  I like the outdoor theater idea except there aren't any left around here  :(

IF45.....hoping you find relief soon  :-\  he got a 2019 Silverado

not too much different from his last one, just 12 years newer  ;)2

Have a good night folks. Stay safe.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16481 on: Jul 26, 2019, 07:15 PM »
Steve, thanks for asking.  This spell of cooler weather along with a visit by Les has been welcome relief!! Sadly it looks as if Les is packing his bags and will be outta here pretty soon. >:( It's been great to have the A/C off and the windows open, especially at night!!! I hope everyone has a great evening!!!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16482 on: Jul 26, 2019, 09:30 PM »
Good evening ER's nice shot of the sky WS I saw ma turkey and the 4 kids today. All was well till the neighbors dog started barking. I-45 hope your results come soon.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16483 on: Jul 26, 2019, 10:17 PM »
Good evening pleasant day weather guessers say Les Humid packing up his bags and humidity returning by Sunday. Another doe visited this morning no fawns with her foliage in wood line must be tasty.
Eddie nice you had an easier day to end the work week. Good to read the new hire is holding his own on the job site.
Ice wanderer good you have a sheltered spot to use your grill. Sounds like you had a nice visit with nephew and niece.
Hunts2long congrats on the weight loss. :clap: How did today's garage sale go hope you made enough to cover the paint cost.
Tom Turkey sad to hear of more drownings think it is smart move if they close a section of river to swimming until water volume in the river drops. How did the vanity and sink removal go today.
Wallyworld thank you for the info. on deer. May Mr.WW get many years of good service from the new truck.
Icefisher-45 when you see the pain specialist may he have a solution that provides relief from the headache.
Whopper Stopper any thought of adding a trailer/stinger hook to the buck tails I know Musky's have hard mouths might improve hookups for your SIL and you. Happy you are finding the fish. Nice photo of the rainbow. I see yet another animal has visited your yard. you have a good diversity of wild life in the neighborhood.
OldSailor glad you got to enjoy some cooler weather and lower humidity.
Old Goat may all be good with the family and you.

A good nigh to all.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16484 on: Jul 27, 2019, 05:32 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Welcome to the last weekend of July!   60* and clear this am, high of 83 here today.

  Steve...glad you’re getting a few glimpses of the deer, always nice to see them. Forgot to mention it, but we saw a doe and fawn together on the train to Yankee Stadium in the Yonkers area...that was quite a surprise.   :thumbsup:
  OG...hope all is well, how have the garage sales been treating you?    :thumbsup:
  OS...looking like our comfortable weather is coming to an end here as well. It sure has been pleasant sleeping weather airing the house out every night. Won’t be too much longer before the “ Good “ weather gets here!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...Congratulation s to you and Mr.WW on the new Silverado, awesome!!   :bow: :clap:  Got a feeling a road trip will be coming soon!!, I feel for you having to deal with those headaches and pains daily. Hope pain specialist can prescribe something to relieve them wishes sent.   :thumbsup:
  Marv...those Muskys slashing at your jigs must get the heart pounding! Hope the next trip pans out, can’t wait to hear about the unlucky one not missing the hook! Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture and the videos, haven’t seen a pheasant in years around here, that was a treat!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  H2...hope the sale was a success!    :thumbsup:  What was the water temp at on the reservoir?
  Tom...hope all went well with the bathroom project yesterday, good things take time they say!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...sorry to read the weather pulled a fast one you with your barbecue, glad you made the switch and got it in. Hope you all had a great were those ribs?   :thumbsup:

  It’s just beautiful out this morning! Sure wish this was the norm for Summertime.... :thumbsup:
  Yard work to catch up on, a trip to the transfer station, and then I’m going to get my gear and Jon-boat ready for a night trip to the local lake this evening.
   After reading about Marvs trips this week, the fishing itch has to be scratched, lol. Won’t be any 40” Muskys boiling the water, but I’d settle for a few Rainbows in the 15-20” range willing to play!   ;D
  Had a great wrap to the week yesterday, nice easy day and our marble work was completed....hurray!   ;D
  Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16485 on: Jul 27, 2019, 05:38 AM »

                    Good morning ER's,
                             It's 63* and clear but the air has that hazy look to it that means it's going to be a warm one. ::)
                             Wally........It's always nice to have a new truck with a warranty. :thumbsup: Good luck with it..
                             Marv.........Nice picture of the rainbow, maybe that's where the big muskie hangs out, at the end. :woot: Those were some great videos, you
                    sure have a variety of creatures coming in. :flex:
                             I-45..........I'm sorry that the acupuncture isn't helping yet. :(
                             Eddie........I hope yesterday went well at work and you and crew were able to finish up the caulking. :thumbsup:
                             Steve........I'm amazed that the Does come to where you live, there is a lot of traffic and building around, there has to be something to draw
                    them there. I hope the don't have to cross the road to get to where you see them. ???
                             H2L...........I'm glad the garage sale was going great, it was a good day for it, and I'm sure being on a Friday there were a lot of people traveling
                     to there vacation homes that stopped. ???
                             Tom...........Sounds like the bathroom will be a good change. Good job. :thumbsup:
                             Not much going on today, it's my youngest grandchild, Penelope's birthday so I'll go over and give her her present. Oh I forgot #2 son is coming
                     over this morning to help me make a repair on my wood boiler.
                             I hope everyone has a good Saturday either at work or out fishing.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16486 on: Jul 27, 2019, 05:56 AM »
58* this morning.
WW, Good luck with the new truck. Can't go wrong with Chevy. That is what I would have gotten if I wanted another pick-up. Like the color.

Eddie, good luck with the fishing. Water temp here on Thursday was 79/80 degrees. Not much water running into the lake now, so it has gone down to about where it should be this time of year.

WW, nice picture of the rainbow. I always seemed to miss the fish when it hit right next to the boat. Maybe now that I am older, my re-action time has slowed and I would do better.

The sale went pretty good yesterday and there weren't a lot of people around. She is hoping today is better. I did get to talk to some very interesting Adirondackers. One has art work at the Blue Mt. Museum, guides for brook trout and has gotten some very old fish and deer mounts (early 1900's) that he is taking apart to show how it was done back in the old days.

Have to go open up the garage and get ready for a big day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16487 on: Jul 27, 2019, 05:58 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, looks like it’s going to be a nice day. Hopefully not to humid. Hoping they will be able to get the pain under control.

Ice Wanderer, That’s good that son #2 is coming over. Hope it’s not a bad fix. Hopefully you get a piece of cake at the party.

Mason Eddie, Sounds like you have a busy morning. Going to the transfer station use to be a social event on Saturday. World was a better time then. Good luck on the water today.

WallyWorld, Congratulations on the new truck. Is a road trip planned?

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one. Tight lines to those on the water. God Bless

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16488 on: Jul 27, 2019, 06:58 AM »
70* headed to the mid 80's. A little bit of rain around but most is north of us where they do not need it.

Steve They did shut off access to the river yesterday. The tow that drown were not locals so they do not know the dangers until it was to late.  The river shows no evidence of the strong current. My son was in the park below a dam and thought it was peaceful when I was talking to him when the last guy lost his life.

The deer you have feeding are probably yearlings is the reason for no fawns. It is surprising how many deer their are in cites. They spend the days in pockets of cover and feed on peoples landscaping at night. My nephew used to have a contract to bow shoot deer in a subdivision in Yorktown VA. The had binds on top of their trucks to shoot from at night.

Marv In most of Michigan there are no pheasants any more. The state wasted millions trying to introduce Sichuan pheasants from China. It took a long time for them to admit that predation was the reason for the failure. Part of the problem may have been from raising them in pens with no cover. A classmate was the manager of an area when they had put and take pheasants. He said the adult birds would head for the roads when they released them as they had never seen any sort of cover.

IW The redo of the bathroom is a challenge the way things were done when this double wide was built. I used to do the seam to join the two units together. I had to quit as I could not get a the seam done that I was proud of as the carpet was under the walls so it could not be stretched properly. The true modulars I worked on had the carpet come in rolls so I could do a proper job.

Head off in a few to take my carpet tools to the grand daughters so her dad can install carpet in the living room. I am glad the grand son will be there so he can carry the stretcher into the house it was all I could do to transfer it from one car to the other is so heavy. I probably should go down and supervise my son when he installs the carpet as he has not done that much installing. It took me a few days to recuperate after I installed carpet in our bedroom so no way can I do that living room now.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16489 on: Jul 27, 2019, 07:53 AM »
Good morning everyone

Heading to 85 today with sunshine, tomorrow night storms roll in :cookoo:

Eddie good luck chasing the rainbows, hope you can find some :thumbsup: After this past week just the therapy alone was rewarding enough getting on the lake.

TT we used to have a lot of pheasants around here in the 50's, but now they are very scarce. Last winter we had one that hung around for 3 months, then I found a bunch of feathers. This was the first one that I noticed in awhile.

WW where are to going on your trip with the new truck ;D Congratulations, that is a sweet looking ride :clap:

I am hanging around home today. The lakes will be crazy and my hands need a couple days to rest.

Hope you all have an excellent Saturday :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16490 on: Jul 27, 2019, 10:13 AM »
Quiet on the cameras, guess the critters didn't like yesterdays storms.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16491 on: Jul 27, 2019, 06:46 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, It looked like it was a nice day out. My wife did a good job of blacking out the windows. So the living room is dark. See the pain clinic Dr at the end of September. It’s my wife’s weekend to work. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. This site helps keep me going.

Whopper Stopper, Hope you got some rest today and your hand feels better.

Hunts2long, How did the yard sale go?

I hope everyone had a great day and tight lines to those on the water. God Bless
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16492 on: Jul 27, 2019, 09:04 PM »
Good evening another sunny day believe humidity is coming back. I see this thread has reached 550 pages sure raquettedacker never thought it would last so long when he started it back on May 20TH of 2014.
Eddie how was the fishing trip did you catch any keeper rainbows.
Ice Wanderer hope Penelope liked your present. Did you and son#2 get the wood boiler repaired today. IT is surprising to see the amount of deer my highly developed suburban area has guess there is still enough undeveloped land to support a deer herd. The house I sold this past Fall is only a quarter mile from my current location I had turkeys in my yard from time to time plus deer .
Icefisher-45 good to hear you found a way to block sunlight and give you a little relief from light sensitivity caused by headaches. I wish you could get in to see the pain specialist sooner then September.
Tom Turkey thank you for the deer information did not think about the age of the does. May the closure of river section prevent anymore drownings . How did the carpet installation go today sure you did a good job supervising. Does your granddaughter have a lot of work yet to do on her house.
Whopper Stopper may a day of rest have your hands,arms and shoulders feeling better. Do not see many pheasants around my area sure those I have seen over the years were stocked birds.
Wallyworld did you take the new truck to your hunting camp so the grass could be cut today or just a road trip with stop for a meal or at least your favorite ice cream.

Everyone have a good night. Best to all fishing tomorrow.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16493 on: Jul 28, 2019, 03:28 AM »

              Good morning ER's,
                       It's 64* and very dark out, it must be nice out the weather cat is out already. 4:04 am ::)
                       Eddie.......I hope your were able to hook up to some rainbows. :thumbsup:
                       Marv........I hope you got the much needed rest for your hands, I'm sure the humidity raises havoc withe the arthritis. :%$#!:
                       Steve.......It's amazing that deer hang around your apartment  complex but not unusual. ??? I give all my grand kids the same gift for their
              birthdays and Christmas. On their 1st birthday or I opened an investment with $499 and from then on they get $50 for birthdays and Christmas. Hopefully
              by the time they are 21 there will be enough in it to get started in life. ???
                       I-45........Kudos to your wife to darken the place for you, I'm sure it helps you a lot. :bow:
                       H2L........How did the garage sale go yesterday, did your wife advertise the sale? Is that normal for the lake to be so warm? ???
                       My son and I got the boiler repaired with out any problems. Now all I have to do is drain and flush it it with a descaling chemical and then put new
              water in with a noncorrosive additive. I have to wait till my wife goes to her sons next week cause the I won't have any hot water for a couple of days.
                       Today will be a relax day.
                       I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or out fishing


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16494 on: Jul 28, 2019, 04:52 AM »
Good Morning IW ER's nice to here you and your son got it done. Have a nice Sunday

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16495 on: Jul 28, 2019, 05:21 AM »
Morning all,

WS....hope you're rested up and about ready for another therapy session or two  :woot: ;)2

IW.....great idea for the grandkids  :thumbsup:  I do savings bonds on bdays and Christmas  :)

Eddie....hope the honey-do list is complete and you got the chance to wet a line  :clap:

MrC.....deer seem to be very adaptive to suburban living, beautiful animals to watch  :)

H2L....hope the cash register is overflowing  ;D  always been partial to Chevy  @)

TT......hope the carpet installation was trouble free  :flex:

IF45.....sorry to see you can't get into the pain specialist till September  :(  fingers crossed today is a little better day than yesterday sir  :-\

Hit the wood lot for a few hours yesterday morning, had some more blocking to do  ::)  quit around 11:00, quick shower then on the bike for the rest of the day/evening  :clap: :thumbsup: think we'll be splitting and hauling wood today till the rain starts  :flex:

Have a good day whatever's on tap  :)  Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16496 on: Jul 28, 2019, 05:55 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Supposed to be in the 90s today. I’m very lucky to be married to a woman who loves me very much.

WallyWorld, Hope you have a good day and get the wood split and hauled before it gets to hot and starts to rain. How is the new truck?

Ice Wanderer, That is a good idea for the grandkids. Definitely will help them out later in life. That’s good the boiler was a easy fix. Hope you have a nice relaxing day.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one with their loved ones. Tight lines to those on the water. God Bless
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16497 on: Jul 28, 2019, 06:16 AM »
64* and foggy.
The garage sale wasn't too bad. She was pleased but I did hear her say something about next weekend. She found out that there was a village wide sale this weekend over in Caroga Lake that may have hurt her sale. I know there wasn't any young people around but I told her they buy NEW, they have money. She did put word out on that FB thing.

She is going to take it easy today. Hope everyone has a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16498 on: Jul 28, 2019, 07:18 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Sunny and 70* , high of 84 on the Hill today. Humidity and dew points are on the rise again, might see a thunderstorm this afternoon.
  H2...glad the garage sale went well, better luck next weekend with a bigger crowd!   :thumbsup:
  I-45...X2 on Wally’s reply. It might be worth your while to place another phone call to the pain specialist and see if they can get you in sooner than September... :thumbsup: the bulk of my chores completed, forgot all about the fair we were going to take my granddaughter to last evening. Hope you had a nice ride yesterday and topped it off with an ice cream stop!   :thumbsup:
  OG...have you gotten any fishing in lately? Hope all is well out in Wisconsin!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...glad you and your son got the boiler repaired with no issues yesterday, awesome! What a great GrandPa you are starting the grandchildren off with a bank account like that and adding every year!!   :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:’s to another 550 pages, it’s been a great voyage so far!!   ;D  :clap: 
  Marv...hope your hands are feeling better today Sir! Thanks for sharing the video again, they’re all enjoyable!  :clap: :thumbsup:
  Tom...hope all went well with the carpet tools and installation yesterday...did you stick around and supervise? 

  Had the boat all cleaned out, battery charged, and was getting some of my gear ready around 4pm. About that time, my wife returned from some errands and asked me if I was going fishing in the morning, lol. I said no, I was planning on going this evening. Then the fair was mentioned....I had completely forgotten about it and it was the last night.
  It was all good, and we had a real nice time. This was the 77th year of The Punkintown Fair, think I mentioned it here before. A nice small fair for the kids and all the proceeds helping out a local volunteer fire department.
  We ended up bringing home a few new family members, (4)....Sunshine, Todd, Friday, and Punky....goldfish!   ;D
  Looking like next weekend will be a fishing trip, ready to go anyway! 
  Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16499 on: Jul 28, 2019, 10:32 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

We are waiting on some storms to work there way through, looks like they will wrap up tonight some time.

Thanks for the well wishes on my hands, reeling and oaring is still better than running a chain saw ;D A pretty laid back day today, tomorrow I have a busy day knocking off a bunch of things around the house to free me up for some more fishing. Not sure but the wife may join me on Tuesday for a day throwing for muskies, and Wednesday night the s-i-l wants to meet up with me at the lake for some night fishing.

I grabbed the cards this morning, it seems we have a Raccoon epidemic ???

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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