Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649483 times)


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16020 on: Jun 12, 2019, 04:31 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 48* and clear here on my hill, I better take advantage of the nice weather. ::)
                         Eddie......... A lumber yard around here has a trailer type lift to rent, I'll have to use it one two walls of my house, one wall needs a 40'
               ladder to get to the peak barely. :blink:
                         Marv..........Talking of first cars mine was a '61 Chevy Impala that I got for $75 in '67, it had a 348 motor. I had to replace motor mounts
               on occasion. :woot: Those were the days! :flex: You a nd the girls are leaving tomorrow to the rented cabin, I hope you all catch lots of fish. :flex:
                        Wally...........I see the surgeon on the 28th of June, I've been finding it hard to put my turn signal on, sometimes when I reach for it, my
               sort of stops halfway there like it has a ridge inside then if I pull back then try again it will go but with pain. ??? Have a good day on the water today. :thumbsup:
                         H2l............Have a good day on the water if you're going. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
                         I-45...........Take it easy going up and down those stairs. :thumbsup:
                         PT today at 1pm then we are going to dinner with #2 son's in laws, they have a restaurant down near Albany they want us to go to. :whistle:
                         I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or out fishing.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16021 on: Jun 12, 2019, 05:08 AM »
I will try to post again today. Lost two tries yesterday.

Monday nights assn. meeting was interesting. A former president of the assn. lashed out at the board about how they are doing things and would not quit. There were others that did the same. One older lady that does not have internet asked why she could not get the announcements mailed to her. one stupid board member said it cost $500 to mail out election ballots.  duh It would only be a few stamps to mail out the announcements to those that do not get on the internet.

I bought my dream car on April Fools day my senior year. A 1951 MG TD. I ended up taking low gear out of the transmission on a muddy road. Then the wiring loom got a short in it so when you turned on the lights  the motor shut down. I traded it for a  55 Chevy. Had I known that I could have gotten what I needed to fix it flown to the states on a SAC bomber that a friend was getting his brother to bring the parts he needed to restore the 55 jag he was restoring I would have kept it.

Sad day today as we are having our 15 year old lab put down this morning We will be taking her to the property to be buried next to three of our other dogs.

marv I see you posted when I was trying to save what I had posted and was posting small parts at a time so I would not lose another post. When I had that Mg I took a side street corner at 30 mph to a street that was 25 mph. When the cop came into the dairy bar I was going to, he chewed me out for taking the corner too fast, I told him that I would take him with me and we could take it even faster with no problem. Chicken would not take me up on the offer.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16022 on: Jun 12, 2019, 05:14 AM »
 Good morning everyone :bow:

55 heading into the 60's today. The rain is moving out but the wind will crank up and last throughout the day.

Eddie hope Hump day treats you well Sir :thumbsup: Yellow Roadrunner brings back some memories, a buddy of mine had one and he was always getting pulled over :whistle: Beautiful cars fore sure.

WW Best of luck out there. Hope the weather and fish treat you well :thumbsup:

IW Good luck at PT, enjoy your time at the restaurant  :thumbsup: The walking doesn't hurt my knee as long as I keep it under 3 miles. The other day I went further and I knew it the day after.

45 hope everything is coming together for you. Hope you are holding up :thumbsup:

Today is getting everything fueled up, loaded and ready so we can hit the road early tomorrow. We can't check into the cabin until 3pm so the plan is to hit a lake on the way up, fish until early afternoon, then head to the cabin and unload. One of the girls favorite lakes is about 3 miles from the cabin so we will finish off the day on it. I know from other years when the girls spent time up there the phone coverage is poor at best.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16023 on: Jun 12, 2019, 05:51 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, chilly this morning at 48*. Supposed to be in the mid 70s today. Hoping to hear from the MRI people soon. We thought it might have been faster getting it done where my wife works.

WallyWorld, Good luck today on the water.

Whopper Stopper, Sounds like you have a full day today setting up for your trip.

Ice Wanderer, Good luck at pt today. Have fun at dinner tonight.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water.

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16024 on: Jun 12, 2019, 10:45 PM »
I-45 hope you get good news on the MRI results. TT sorry about your dog tough I know. WS have a great time at the cabin. IW hope the wing comes around for you.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16025 on: Jun 13, 2019, 02:16 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Cloudy and 56* on the Hill this am, that will be the high as well...more rain is back in the forecast for today arriving by late morning.

  OG...a friend of mine at work was out your way over this past weekend picking up a boat at Lake Winnebago. How’s the fishing been for you?
  Marv...wishing you and the ladies safe travels, good weather and lots of action on the water! Best of luck and enjoy the trip...will be looking forward to your reports!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...sorry to read about your dog having to be put down, very difficult time for sure. My condolences sent to you and your wife Sir.  Sounds like some of the Association Board members were getting spanked pretty good at the meeting.... :thumbsup:
  Jeff... hope yesterday’s PT went well for you.  :thumbsup:   How was the restaurant? picked a nice day to get out on the water, hope the fishing was hot!    :thumbsup:

  We had a pretty pleasant day on the marble yesterday, beautiful weather and the Farmers Market was set up very close to our area. Checked out a few of the vendors, gasped at some of the prices they were asking for their produce, but they all seemed to have plenty of customers willing to pay the price.
  The garden is coming along but still a little slow yet. All the pepper plants I topped are doing well and most are showing new growth already, so kind of psyched about that.  :thumbsup:
  Will check in at break to see how everyone is doing today....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16026 on: Jun 13, 2019, 05:21 AM »
Morning all, sorry to hear about your dog  :'(  I hope you and MrsTT can find comfort in 15 years worth of memories of time spent with your best buddy  :(

Eddie....can't imagine what prices on produce everywhere will be this year with all the horrible weather all over  ::)  glad to hear the pruning seems to be working  :thumbsup:  my plants are too small yet to try it  ::)

WS......have a great get away  :thumbsup:  hope the fish are hungry  ;)

IW.....fingers crossed the arm issues will resolve themselves as time passes  :)

Fishing was fun, had action pretty much all day  :clap:  landed 4 legal eyes and 20 perch (all released)   ;D   even had a couple doubles

 back to rain today  ::)

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16027 on: Jun 13, 2019, 05:27 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Looks like it’s going to be another rainy day. On Monday getting my next set of Botox injections.

Tom Turkey, i’m Very sorry about your dog being put to sleep. It’s very hard to lose a loved one.

Mason Eddie, It was a beautiful day. Farmers Markets are great. Nothing better then fresh veggies.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those lucky enough to be on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16028 on: Jun 13, 2019, 06:58 AM »
55* and rain as usual. What was that old saying. RAIN RAIN GO AWAY COME AGAIN ANOTHER DAY! It just will not go away. We were in and out of rain in our travels yesterday.

Thanks for all of the well wishes for thee loss of our long time member of the family. Things went as well yesterday as they can when you lose a member of the family. I have a pine stump that stands on it roots that was cut back in the late 1800's. The wind blew the sand from under the stump so it stands with a couple of feet of the roots exposed. I have three of our dogs buried there already. Luckily I had my son open up a path to the stump as the area is over grown. I have some pictures some where of the stump taken before it got over grown around it. I will see of I can find them. It would be interesting to see what the 18 inch in diameter tall white pine looked like back then that is only a couple of feet away from the stump.

When I stopped to pick up some asparagus at an old friends farm, his son that runs it since his dad has passed away was there. I asked him if he knew if there was any one that has the old school asparagus instead of the hybrid. He said he did not know of any. He agreed that it was better tasting than the hybrid. The production from the hybrid is at least double of the old stuff.

Headed off to my pain doctor this morning. We will have to leave early due to having to get through the road construction. We hope to meet up with my DIL when I pick up some meds at the hospital pharmacy where she works.

ww We only have the yellow belly perch here. I could go for a good meal of yellow bellies. The perch coming out of Lake Michigan are a lot lighter than the inland lake ones. They are few and far between any more.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16029 on: Jun 13, 2019, 07:08 AM »
58* and cloudy.
TT, very sorry about the dog. Anyone that has had a dog knows of the loss you and your wife feel.
WW, looks like things are starting to really pick-up on the water. The weather yesterday was great. Looks like you had a good day. I also found some walleyes. Still having to work for them as they are still hitting light. Boated 13, 18" the biggest, eight keepers, didn't keep any. Had one worm left when I came in, missed quite a few hits. Clipped a piece of driftwood yesterday, only left a mark on my prop and most of that rubbed off last night.
Eddie, when we go to NYC, there are farm markets near the hospital. You see their prices, you may never eat a "veggie" again.
Stayed up to see the Stanley Cup given to the "Blues" last night.
WS, stay on top of that PT.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16030 on: Jun 13, 2019, 10:29 AM »
Good Day in the low sixties with rain coming down for most of the day.
Icefisher-45 may the filming for the TV series not cause to much distruption to daily traffic in your area. Hope you have gotten your MRI results. May the next round of Botox injections give you some relief.
Eddie must be fun having to work around all the different activities going on at the capital and Empire Plaza. I agree with Wallyworld think all this wet weather will cause higher produce prices. Also think some farmers are taking advantage of the Farm to Table movement and try to get top dollar for their items you see the same with some restaurants to use locally sourced items on their menus in theory cost for thes items should be cheaper less travel distance and limited middle men before item gets to the consumer. glad your pepper plants are showing new growth after their pruning.
Ice Wanderer hope yesterday's PT was not to painful and you had a nice dinner with son #2's in-laws waiting for your report on the restaurant. I'm wondering if you have some scar tissue in your shoulder that is causing the muscle grabbing while preforming certain movements.
Old Goat hope all is well with you and the family. May the weather allow you to go fishing in coming days.
Tom Turkey sorry to hear about your lab never an easy choice to make when our pets get older and their health declines. Looks like more Assn. members are finally questioning the current board's actions be interesting to see what happens at your next election. Hope you got to spend time with your DIL.
Whopper Stopper may you and the "Girls" have a good trip with safe travels to the cabin and back home. May you find whatever fish your are targeting hungry and biting. Looking forward to photos and a report upon your return home.
Wallyworld nice photos happy for you and Mr.WW that the fish were biting and weather was pleasant.
Hunts2long congratulations on your catch from your and Wally's reports appears the walleye are starting to feed .Glad the driftwood caused no damage to your boat. Going by my trips to NYC  food prices in general are higher.

Everyone have a good Thursday. best to all fishing.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16031 on: Jun 13, 2019, 07:37 PM »
Good evening everyone :bow:

A tough day on the water today. It started out in the 30's and ended about 70. My wife caught 3 Pike and 2 bass. I had a 40"? Follow in on a suick but the buzzard wouldn't bite. The s-i-l saw mine but caught nothing.

To night is supposed to be cold again and tomorrow is rain and wind :%$#!: Hard to say what we will end up doing depends on if there is lots of lightening.

Here is where we are staying

$100 a day, 1 person or 10 fully furnished.

Here is a part of the lake

Hope you all have a nice evening :thumbsup: stay safe.

Into the second beer the lights went out and a lady was screaming fire. I ran up to her house but the smoke  choked me out. Not sure the wiring setup around here but her house started burning and it blew a transformer taking our lights out. I had to move my truck so a couple fire trucks could squeeze in. It took awhile but all is well, fun in the sticks ???


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16032 on: Jun 13, 2019, 09:40 PM »
Good evening, Whopper Stopper was not expecting a post from you until your return home given comment on cell phone service. Nice looking place good rate per night. Congratulations to your wife on her fish may you get another chance at that possible 40 inch northern pike.
Ice Wanderer see you posted in a couple other threads today hope the problem you have with turn signal did not cause you to stop posting due to discomfort and pain.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16033 on: Jun 13, 2019, 10:52 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, Was a damp rainy day today. Still waiting to hear when I can have my mri. I kiddingly told my wife we should tell Steven King the story of our move. Definitely a horror story that would scare a lot of people. One of the people in the church is going to put my application for the Knights of Columbus at the next meeting. My wife doesn’t want me to become a recluse like my parents.

Whopper Stopper, That looks like a beautiful and peaceful place. Congratulations on your wife catching fish. Sounds like it was a exciting start to your trip. What are you using for bait to catch pike?

Tom Turkey, Old fashion Asparagus does taste better then the hybrid. I hope you were able to get the pain under control.

Hunts2long, Sounds like it was a good day on the water. I can’t wait to get out. Hopefully will be able to do it this season.

I hope everyone had a great day and a safe one.

Take a kid ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16034 on: Jun 14, 2019, 02:23 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
   Cloudy and 53* to start the day off, high of 66 today with a slight chance of showers this am. wishes sent for the Knights Of Columbus accepting you into their organization, hopefully some good news soon on that MRI as well.... :thumbsup:
  Marv...thanks for the update, wasn’t expecting to see anything either until your return....quite the start to your vacation, wow! That’s a nice looking cabin and lake, great price to boot! Hope the weather conditions improve and you all get on some of those monster pike lurking around the lake! Best of luck to you all the rest of the trip!   :thumbsup: complaints here with the work conditions, it sure make for an interesting day with some of the things that go on.  :thumbsup:
  H2...nice job on the walleyes, glad they started getting back on the bite! Good news on the prop as well, imagine there’s still a lot of things floating around out there, glad it wasn’t someone’s dock!    :clap: :thumbsup:
  Tom...that stump sounds like a real special place, glad your son helped out getting the resting place ready.
  Wally...thanks for the pictures nd congrats to you and Mr.WW on a good day on the water, glad the action has picked up!  Best of luck today with the fishing if you’re heading back!   :clap: :thumbsup:

  Looking forward to the days end already, it’s been a long week. We managed to get about 25 pieces of marble set yesterday before the rain moved in, most of the crew left a little early after getting soaked picking up.
  Better weather today, Farmers Market again, should be a nice finish to the week.... :thumbsup:   Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16035 on: Jun 14, 2019, 03:38 AM »

              Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 53* here as well and cloudy too. ::)
                         Eddie..........You and the crew are on fire with the marble. :flex: I hope you get to enjoy the Farmers Market. ???
                         Marv...........That's a nice looking cabin the girls picked out. :clap: Hats off to Jo for catching all the fish. :bow: That fire must have made
              things a little exciting? ???
                         H2L.............I'm glad you didn't do any damage to your prop other than a scuff mark. :flex:
                         Steve...........I don't know if it's scar tissue or it's the fact that the surgeon couldn't attach everything that needed to be attached. :unsure:
              All I know it's getting worse, pain at night and the snapping when I move it; Shoulders aren't suppose to snap. :%$#!:
                         Wally............Looks like you and Mr. WW had a decent day on the water, way to go. :flex:
                         Last night while we were eating dinner a bear grabbed on of my wife's bird feeders carried it to her garden and ate the seeds, it was headed
              back for the other feeders when she went out to bring them in for the night. Smart bear knowing when she brings them in, so he comes earlier to rob
              the seeds. :o
                         Not much going on today, the weather sure doesn't feel like it's almost summer. :blink:
                         I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out doing some fishing.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16036 on: Jun 14, 2019, 05:15 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

Rain, rain, rain. 80 percent chance throughout the day. Lots of lightening at the moment. I was surprised I could connect to IS as I have a half a bar that comes and goes.

Hope you all have an excellent day! Stay safe.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16037 on: Jun 14, 2019, 05:21 AM »
Morning all,

WS......quite the exciting evening  :o  glad it turned out ok for everyone  :)  sorry about the weather today, hope it clears so you can get back out  :-\  cribbage anyone  ??? :whistle: :woot: mean snapping & cracking joints aren't normal  :blink: :unsure:

Heading out to MA in a few for the weekend  :clap: Eddie I'll give a wave on the way by  :thumbsup:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16038 on: Jun 14, 2019, 06:18 AM »
54* and a few clouds.
WW, safe travels.
IW, it doesn't take those bears long to find free food. Hope the snap, crackle and pops go away soon. I seem to find new ones every day.

WS, Looks like a nice lake and you can't beat the price for the camp. Good luck. We will want pictures of the that 40 incher.

Eddie, the docks and barrels I see before I hit them. Its the "dead heads" that are hard to see.  That is what I hit the other day. It was a pine branch only about 2/3 inches around and hanging down in the water. It did slow me down the rest of the day.

Have a good day and be safe...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16039 on: Jun 14, 2019, 06:58 AM »
Morning all,

WS......quite the exciting evening  :o  glad it turned out ok for everyone  :)  sorry about the weather today, hope it clears so you can get back out  :-\  cribbage anyone  ??? :whistle: :woot:

These are the choices. I don't like to blow my own horn but I used to be pretty dang good at Chutes and Ladders.

Heavy rain continues.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16040 on: Jun 14, 2019, 07:04 AM »
No rain to start the day. 47* with rain guessed for later today.

Long day yesterday. The traffic was backed going down to my doctor with the x-way being closed and using the way I take to the doctor. I would not want to be going down that road during rush hour. I opted out of having any thing done by my pain doc. My DIL was busy when I went to get my meds so we did not get to meet up.

When I went to pick up my metformin they had put it back as I had not picked it up in time. They had screwed up a while ago and did not fill the RX. It is free but I am going to see what the pharmacy I use will charge me for the rest of my meds. I have had enough of that pharmacy.

WS I hope the fish decide to take the bait for the rest of you just not just your wife. it is good to here that the fire was not that bad. Hopefully it was just the fuse on the transformer that blew so they got you lights back on. I had a couple of cats get into a fight. One went up the transformer pole and blew the fuse. When it blew it was like a shotgun going off.

ww Have a safe and good trip to MA.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16041 on: Jun 14, 2019, 10:24 AM »
Good morning dry outside currently have not checked today's forecast but think I will see some rain sky is cloudy and wind has picked up speed even larger tree branches swaying at times. Some grocery shopping and other things to do this afternoon will bring rain coat with me in case it decides to pour.
Icefisher-45 I have to start reading posts more carefully thought you already had the MRI and were waiting for the results. May the church member help you join the Knights of Columbus.
Eddie If you don't mind the early hours and other changes to work schedule I agree does make for interesting work place. Is it to early to find any of the eggplant you like at the farmer's market.
Wallyworld safe journey to MA. have a great time with the grandchildren.
Ice Wanderer hope you are not headed for more surgery on the shoulder. If pain gets to bad try and get in to see the surgeon earlier then your scheduled appointment. Your fellow ADK. resident Raquettedacker posted photos of a bear raiding bird feeders at his friends house over in the "Post anything" thread started by Deal Ninja may want to look into getting bear spray for your safety.
Whopper Stopper missed the part about fire when looking at photos of cabin and lake glad everyone is alright and you have power back. WE had some of those board games when I was younger remember another classic "Candyland". May all of you get in more fishing before returning home.
Hunts2long always the items you don't see in water or just below it's surface that will cause boat damage.
Tom Turkey sorry you had a long day with pain doctor appointment and were not able to visit with your DIL.

A safe and good day to everyone. Best to all fishing.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16042 on: Jun 14, 2019, 06:15 PM »
Got to see my therapist this morning, got the boat to the lake and caught 6 walleyes, last one a keeper, so home I went.  Find one battery in the 24 system needs to be replaced. tag on it is from 2011  ::)

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16043 on: Jun 14, 2019, 09:28 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, It was a nice day out today. Birds were sitting outside our window on a tree branch. My wife while at work today made some calls. Having the mri a week from Wednesday. Monday going to have more Botox injections. Hoping that works on the headaches.

IFF, Sounds like it was a good day on the water. Did you get your tire carrier fixed?

Tom Turkey, i’m Sorry your having such a hard time with the pain Doctors. I’m sorry you didn’t get much time with your DIL.

Wally World, Safe travels to Mass.

Ice Wanderer, I hope they figure out what’s wrong with your shoulder.

I hope everyone had a good day and hope people got to get out on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16044 on: Jun 15, 2019, 04:29 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Welcome to the weekend!     Partly cloudy and 56* this am, high of 78 today...nice weather for the garden’s!

  I-45...that’s good news on the MRI,  :thumbsup: to your wife on getting the scheduling straightened out, excellent! Best wishes on the injections, hope they take care of those headaches Sir. 
  Bud...way to go on the walleyes!  :clap: 
  Steve...haven’t seen any eggplant yet, but have been looking, probably a little too early as you mentioned.
  Tom...hope you can get things straightened out with your meds. Did you get the pontoon in the water.
  H2...does the reservoir have their own security people out on the water pulling out the debris like the trees and docks etc. still floating around? Man, that sounds scarey with all the boats up there.
  Wally....hope you and Mr.WW had a safe trip to Mass, enjoy the weekend with the family and grandchildren!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff... sure hope they can figure out what’s causing those problems with your shoulder soon, don’t they realize ice fishing is only about 6 months away?   ;D.  We’re cruising right along now with the marble, 42 pieces in yesterday, about at the halfway point now. That’s one smart bear you’ve got prowling around the house, hope he didn’t damage the garden on your wife. Might be time to set off some early fireworks next time he comes in for a visit? 
  Marv...we still have Chutes and Ladders, lol.  Hope today’s weather is better for you all, best of luck out there today!
Would sure be nice to see some slammer Pike pictures, we’ll be pulling for you all.    :thumbsup:
   A big  :thumbsup: to Deal Ninja for his on going deals he’s shared and continues to share here with us all. Notifed me of a deal on a fish finder my son was interested in quite some time ago he came across recently. Thank You Mark, can’t believe you remembered and kept me on your list....really appreciate that Sir!!   :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:

  Seen it all yesterday! Our work area is literally surrounded by marble and masonry with small sections of planters holding grass and trees dividing the areas. We were having our lunch sitting on the marble benches near the planters and one of my coworkers had a tick crawling next to him on the bench. Thought he was kidding until I saw it....then started looking more closely....we found several. Never would have guessed that in a million years, but there they were, crazy!   :cookoo:
  Yard work and maybe a few burgers on the grill this afternoon....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!



Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16045 on: Jun 15, 2019, 05:33 AM »
Morning all,

Made it to MA ok. Did get held up in traffic for about a half hour due to a car fire ahead of us, nothing but bare metal left  :(   Yesterday was the last day of school for the grandkids, lots of mixed emotions over that.
Have a good day at whatever’s on the agenda. Stay safe.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16046 on: Jun 15, 2019, 07:47 AM »
Warm 61* this morning. First time in a while the furnace has not run.

Eddie Maybe you guys need to spray that planter with some permanone to kill the ticks. or maybe you need to wear some flea and tick collars to keep them off of you. We never had any ticks around but they are starting to show up now. I have only had one stuck in me. That was in VA one spring hunting turkeys. it had some how got through my clothes that had been sprayed with permanone.
I did get my metformin finally. I would go else where but they are free where I am getting them. I might get the RX switched to another of their places.
I have not even uncovered the pontoon yet. I need to get in the water as it has to be on the dock for 3 months so we do not lose the dock. It will be easier to sell it if it is in the water if we decide to sell it.

The friend who's son had a stroke and then he had a heart attack in the hospital visiting his son posted this morning that his son had been moved to Mary Free Bed hospital that is a great rehab place. He said that his employer and his fellow employees at a huge electrical contracting business he worked for had been very supporting. That was no surprise to me as I was good friends with the founder of the company. Great man.

If-45 I have a great pain doc. The problem is what he tried does not want to work for only a short time. He gave me three things that he could try the other day. I told him I needed to think about it for a while before we tried anything else. A doctor that was doing a nerve test on my legs years ago told me when he got done that my body was plain worn out.

ww Don't spoil the grandkids too bad before you head home

Have to get moving as the son and dil are commng up today. Sundays are busy for them as the DIL sines for the music at their church. She is the head of coding at the hospital she works for. She had an unplaned meeting when were there the other day.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16047 on: Jun 15, 2019, 06:27 PM »
Good Evening Everyone, Beautiful day outside. Me and the pup stayed inside. Head was very light sensitive today.

Tom Turkey, That’s good you have a good pain Doctor. I lucked out with what my pcp has me on. I’m always in pain but it’s a controlled pain.

Wally World, Glad you got to Mass ok. Always mixed feelings about kids out of school.

Mason Eddie, The ticks are unbelievable this year. Nothing kills them.

I hope everyone had a great day and a relaxing one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16048 on: Jun 15, 2019, 06:59 PM »
fisher-45 Spare is still hung up, Maned the grill again today, 144 ballpark franks, 180 Sirloin Burgers.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #16049 on: Jun 16, 2019, 03:35 AM »

                 Good morning ER's,
                           Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there.
                           It's 59* and cloudy here on my hill, showers are in the forecast. ::)
                           Marv.........That's too bad that you had all that rain on your weekend away. I hope it clears up so you 3 can catch some fish! :flex:
                           Wally.........I haven't had many snap, crackle,and pops until now. Since the surgeon couldn't connect everything the second time
                  I'm wondering if something has come apart.  :unsure: Have a good weekend in Ma, and a safe trip home. :thumbsup:
                           I-45..........I hope the Botox helps and they find the problem in the MRI. ???
                           Eddie........Ticks, pesty little creatures. It's surprising to find them there, I'd be checking myself over real well at the end of each day. :blink:
                           Bud...........No steaks this time around! ???
                           The last two nights I have been awakened by shoulder pain around 2 am. I think tomorrow when I go for therapy I will check up in orthopedics
                 and see if I can get in to see the surgeon before my next visit.
                           I hope everybody has a good Sunday either at work or out fishing!



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