Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649665 times)

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15960 on: Jun 04, 2019, 02:35 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear and 43* this am, high of 61 today with some rain moving in this afternoon.

  Marv...understand you loud and clear on the medical language!! I think sometimes they forget we’re not all well versed in the medical field. Best wishes sent for Friday’s appointment and a more positive outcome with the diagnosis Sir.   :thumbsup:
  Tom...yes, there was an open hole left where the cyst was removed requiring it to be packed stitches.
  Wally...hope all went well at the camp yesterday and it wasn’t too wet from all the rain.   :thumbsup:
  H2...clearing out the garage is on my to do list soon as well, lol. Good luck with the fishing this week.   :thumbsup:
  I-45...hope all went well with your trip back to the house and your settling in now at the new homestead.   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...I’m not sure if I mentioned it about the packing, but yes the wound was left open and packed to drain. I had a RN who lives close by do the removal and repacking everyday for me...something I hope never has to happen again.  ;D
  Thank You all for the kind words on the passing of my friend, very much appreciated. 
  Everything went well at the Dr.’ more packing required, follow up visit in 2 weeks.  :clap:
  Behind again this am, catch up at break with you all....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15961 on: Jun 04, 2019, 04:38 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie, Er's,
                          It's 42* and clear here on my hill. ::)
                          Eddie........I'm glad you don't have to pack the wound any more. Years ago I had an appendectomy, the day I was to get my stitches out
                  the area was infected the surgeon reopened the the incision and it needed to be packed. I was in the hospital for a few days but when I got home
                  my ex wife couldn't pack the wound. :sick: I would lay on the bed and she would hold a mirror with her head turned away so I could do it myself. :flex:
                          Marv........When I see Dr.'s and and they start talking there mumbo jumbo I say "Let's pretend that I didn't go to medical school, cause I must of
                 missed that part. So please explain it in laymen terms" Sometimes I get a laugh out of it, other times I get a blank stare. And they are suppose to be
                 smart. :o
                          Wally.......I hope you were able to get things at camp done. ???
                          H2L.........I hope you will be able to get out for more fishing this week. :thumbsup:
                          Tom.........Grass won't want to germinate with 35* temps? ???
                          Yesterday I went and got the material I needed to wire the 240 outlet for my son and I stopped at his house and had it done in an hour. He was
                 welding a little yesterday. :flex:
                          Not sure what we're doing today, my wife is frustrated with the weather and her garden. Of course it's Little Carson day!
                          I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or at play.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15962 on: Jun 04, 2019, 05:38 AM »
Good morning Eddie, IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

60 heading to the mid 80's later today with storms moving in toward evening.

Eddie great news on your Dr. visit :thumbsup: Hope you and the crew have an excellent day!

IW Hope you have a good time with Little Carson. A few of the gardens around our area are still not planted. My neighbor lady that always gives me tomatoes said she is trying to decide if she wants one. They have been traveling a lot and her garden the last couple of years has shown the neglect.

WW How did hunting camp look?

TT hope the trap selling goes well for you :thumbsup:

Not a lot on tap here today. Yesterday I over did it a little and I am already on the ice pack, I am planning on my morning walk. My wife has the eye Dr for a pressure check so she has a late start. She is coming with me Friday to the Dr. I have a feeling she will jump right on it if he starts Dr. talk on us.

I was telling my neighbor about what I have going and he had the same thing a couple of years ago. He immediately told me the name of the Dr. he saw and was very happy with the whole thing. So when I made the appointment I asked for his Dr. and got him. Once again the world got a little smaller.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15963 on: Jun 04, 2019, 05:39 AM »
41* with light breeze.
Don't have to be in the city until 1:30 this afternoon, hoping to be home by dark.
Looking at the weather for the rest of the week, not sure when I will get out again. Right now Friday may be the day.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15964 on: Jun 04, 2019, 05:52 AM »
Morning all, travels and best wishes for a good report  :thumbsup:

WS......glad you have a doctor that comes with a good referral  :clap:  good luck to MrsWS at her appointment  ;)

IW......with the cold temps & lack of sun everyone's gardens are struggling to get going  >:( 

Eddie.....glad the packing is over  :thumbsup:  had the same thing many years ago, still cringe thinking about it   :pinch:   :blink:

TT......these temps are more November than June  ::)

Got the lawn mowed at (fishing) camp ok yesterday......MrWW only had to get rid of 2 snakes  :o :%$#!:  More rain on the way for a few days  :-\

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15965 on: Jun 04, 2019, 06:10 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Supposed to be in the 70s today. Have to go back to the old house today. My wife still has to finish packing dishes. House and yard is clean. Have to make many trips today with stuff the movers didn’t take. Going to be interesting putting a deacons bench in her trax. Really missing the truck and not being able to do anything. Then unpacking starts.

Hunts2long, I hope you get out before Friday.

Whopper Stopper, Prayers that your wife’s pressure test goes good. My wife won’t let the doctors get into the Dr Jargon.

Ice Wanderer, Have a good day with Little Carlson.

Mason Eddie, That’s great news about the packing.

I hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15966 on: Jun 04, 2019, 07:45 AM »
A balmy 45* this morning. I HAVE to get the lawn mowed today but it will have to wait until later as the neighbor that is moving works midnights so I will let him get some sleep first. I also need to get the toon uncovered, cleaned up and in the water. I have not decided if we are going to sell it or not yet.

When the owner of the auction site saw the number of lots of traps I had, he was happy when I told him each lot was in a separate box with the lot number on it. It amazes me that they can keep over 2000 items straight every week. some listers waste their time with what they list as it cost $2.00 a lot to list. some of the stuff costs them more than what it sells for as they are trying to sell junk.

After I got done over their I came home hoping I could get my bank account straightend out on the phone. Nope I had to drive to my credit union at my other place. I was half way there when I left the auction house. I did get things straightend out, mostly.

IF-45 Hopefully the moving of the deacon bench and the dish packing goes well. Why didn't the movers take the deacon bench?

ww. It is not the first time we have had frost this late. I had 23* on the 10th of June one year. I talked to my hunting buddy last night. He said he saw some frost damage yesterday. Hopefully the wild apple trees behind his house that are in a low area did not get froze.

Marv If you feel that a brace might help with your knee look for one that has straps around the top and the bottom. Those neoprene ones just roll up. I used to get mine at Kmart. I also was able to find tall shirts of good quality there. I am long waisted but short legged. Regular shirts will not stay tucked in. Dang I miss Kmart.

Being raised by an RN and being around the medical profession most of my life DR's can not pull the wool over my eyes. I know when to strighten their jargon out so I can under stand it. When I had the cancer taken off of my head they gave me some antibiodic ointment to put on the incision so no infection.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15967 on: Jun 05, 2019, 02:17 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!
  Calm and 51* this am, high of 76 today with some morning /afternoon showers possible.

  Jeff...I was kind of in the same boat, my wife couldn’t look at the wound let alone attempt to pack it. That’s amazing you could do yours by yourself!   :flex:   :thumbsup:  Hope you had a great day with Little Carson yesterday, shouldn’t be too much longer before this crazy weather stabilizes and your wife can spend time out in her garden.
  Marv... Good to read Jo will be going along with you to Friday’s appointment, sure makes it a little more easier to understand with two sets of ears sometimes. Hope all went well with her eye appointment yesterday.  :thumbsup:
  H2... hope you had safe travels to and from the City yesterday and a good report on your wife.   :thumbsup:
  Wally... glad you were able to get the mowing in at camp, and not too many snakes to deal with.  :thumbsup:  We’ve got a few garder snakes here that occasionally like to sun themselves out on top of a stone wall beside my steps...they have brought a few screams from people in the past!   ;D
  I-45... hope everything went well for you and your wife yesterday!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...very considerate of you holding off on the lawn for your neighbor.  :clap:  How many traps in total are you auctioning off? You must have had quite a collection.... :thumbsup:

  We had a pretty good day yesterday, weather was nice and a smaller crew on the marble as the first pour of concrete sidewalks took place splitting us all up.
  A group of 3rd graders stopped by our work area to watch us work as they were on their way to take a field trip to the Capitol. One of the teachers asked if it would be ok for them watch and maybe to ask some questions regarding our work as they had recently discussed something about tile in the classroom. We graciously agreed and went through all the steps explaining each guys job and the team work so they could see the whole procedure.
  One little girl then asked how much the tiles weighed?  When I told her about 150lbs each, they all gasped, lol. A little boy asked how much money do the tiles cost? When I told him about $300 each, they all were like “ Holy Cow!! “   
  I asked them if they were doing any multiplication in class yet, and the teacher said they’ve done a tiny bit. So I mentioned to them maybe the teacher could show you how much money it would take to re-tile the whole area they were walking on when they get back to school on the blackboard.....then told them there are 18,000 pieces of tile here, lol. Think the teacher said “Holy Cow “ after that one!    ;D.  It was fun, and they all said Thank You for letting them hangout and watch us, that was pretty cool.   :thumbsup:
  Time to see what today brings.... ;D....Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15968 on: Jun 05, 2019, 05:08 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

64 and drying out today. Last night, just south of the metro got dumped on with rain. Some crazy video showing drowned cars and trucks on the news this morning. We ended up with an inch.

Eddie hope you have an excellent Hump day Sir! That was awesome that you and the guys took time to tell the kids not only what you were doing, but giving them some details besides :clap: :clap: :clap:

IW hope Little Carson day went well, any naps for you two?

WW hope the snakes are cleaned out :thumbsup:

Yesterday's eye Dr visit wasn't the best as her eye pressure was up a little. With all the pollen in the air right now it is hard to tell for sure what the real cause was. He ordered another drop so she had to wait around to get her prescription filled. She still has some frustration but the Dr assured her they are getting close to the right combination.

I have to lace up my shoes and get dropped off. I am picking the s-i-l up this morning and taking her to work after she drops her truck off at the garage. She has a few things that need work.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15969 on: Jun 05, 2019, 05:19 AM »

                    Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                           It's 48* and cloudy at this time on my hill. ::)
                           Eddie........That was a great thing to happen at the work place, I think you made a big impression on the youngsters, good Job. :clap: :thumbsup: :bow:
                    Yesterday while Little Carson was here the town highway crew was out in front of my house cleaning out the ditches and culverts, so I took Carson
                    out to watch the operation for a while, construction equipment can keep any little boy occupied for a while. :whistle:
                           Marv.........How did Jo's eye appointment go yesterday, if she has Glaucoma, does that mean she get a prescription for POT! lol :roflmao:
                           H2L..........As many trips to the city you've done, you probably know the best route to take at the different times to avoid the traffic? ???
                           Wally........Yesterday was a good day to mow at the camp, the cool weather would keep the snakes in hiding. :blink:
                           Not much going on today, I do have PT at 1:30 but that's about it.
                           I hope everyone has a good Hump day, Wednesday either at work or out.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15970 on: Jun 05, 2019, 06:20 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....hope the doc can get the right combination of drops figured out soon  ;)

IW.....good luck with today's pt  :flex:

Eddie.....good job giving the kids a "real life" math lesson  :thumbsup:

IF45.....hope you're in one place now   ;)

H2L.....hope yesterday's trip went well  :) was exactly 20* warmer here this morning  :clap:

Not much going on today.....more rain in the forecast  :-\

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15971 on: Jun 05, 2019, 07:13 AM »
54* and cloudy.
Trip went well. Wife got a good report. I do know I would rather get up at 3am and leave than have Dr. appt late in the day. Her appt was for 3:30pm, we were done with all test, x-ray, blood work, etc by 3pm. We never got in to see Dr. until 5:30. Last appt of the day is not good. We got home a little after 10 last night.

Eddie, nice of the crew to take time for the kids. I know they saw more work being done with you than they saw at the Capital.

IW, in the last 4+ years maybe close to 30 trips. Only once did I get off the route we were suppose to travel. That was the first trip down there and I took the wrong exit off Rt 17. Took 20 minutes with GPS to get back on Rt 17. Haven't used GPS in a long time and I have learned two things; ONE, stay in the correct lane, NO one lets you in down there. and #2, this is very important, make a "pit stop" before heading into the city, just in case there is a back up at the George Wastington Bridge. It really isn't that bad of a drive..

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15972 on: Jun 05, 2019, 08:32 AM »
Good Morning ER's should be 3 days of sunshine after today. WS hope they get Jo on the go sounds like she is almost dialed in. IW hope your PT goes well. Nice job taking Carson to see what's going on with the big equipment. Eddie nice hear your packing is complete. H2L great comment on eddies crew getting more done than at the Capital. Well yesterday I finally made it out fishing. Nothing big but no skunk and it sure felt good sitting on the dock of the bay. Next time maybe listen to Otis Redding to complete the relaxation therapy. Have a great day today.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15973 on: Jun 06, 2019, 02:09 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Steady rain falling and 62*at the moment , high of 73 here today on the Hill.

  OG...congratulations getting back out again on the water, best therapy there is in my opinion, awesome!   :clap:   
  H2...very good report on your wife, terrific!  :thumbsup:  You guys had a long day, hopefully they can schedule her in for earlier appointment’s down the road.    Gotta 2nd OG’s reply to you about the Capitol, lol, that was great!   :roflmao:
  Wally...thought for sure we were going to get rained on a few times yesterday, but it passed on by. Looking like a few good days of weather coming, best of luck to you and Mr.WW if fishing is in the plans.    :thumbsup:
  Jeff...great job with Little Carson watching the Highway crew and machinery at work, big boy Tonka toys at work!   :clap: :thumbsup:   Hope yesterday’s PT went well and no soreness today. 
  Marv...we really had fun hanging out with those kids for a little while, highlight of our day!   ;D.   Best wishes continued for Jo, hope the added drop will get that pressure under control.   :thumbsup:

  Thanks for all the great responses from the third grade visitors, that was a real treat for all of us, especially the newbies on my crew. Just one of those special little moments that normally wouldn’t happens out in the work field.   ;D
  Today is the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion..... :bow:
  The Farmers Market was outside near us yesterday, very good crowd with the nice weather, and there was a real decent Country band playing for entertainment...made for a nice afternoon.
  Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15974 on: Jun 06, 2019, 04:36 AM »
Morning all,

Just a quick hwllo as we're heading to the lake in a couple minutes  ;)2

Let's all take a moment today to remember those that were on a beach in Normandy all those years ago  :angel :flex: :bow:

OS.....happy birthday, enjoy your day  :thumbsup: :clap: :bow:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15975 on: Jun 06, 2019, 04:40 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

Eddie Thanks for the Good wishes for my wife and he eye problem, it has bee a battle for sure.

OS Happy Birthday sir! Hope you have an Awesome :clap: :clap: :bow: :bow:

I will try and check in later. The s-i-l said yesterday that we are taking the boat out and throwing a few for a musky. Guess I can't argue ;D

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15976 on: Jun 06, 2019, 06:38 AM »
Good morning,70 and cloudy skies currently weather guesser say i might see a few periods of rain today.
OldSailor have a great birthday.
Eddie nice to read there was a good turnout for the high school fund raiser. Glad you no longer have to go for daily repacking of infection site may the doctor be happy when you see him in 2 weeks. Good job by you and the crew talking about your marble work with the school children and show them there is a use for the math they are learning . :clap: :thumbsup: I did the math and want to say Holy  :%$#!: :%$#!: that is a lot of money. Enjoy the farmers market and entertainment they have this season.
Ice Wanderer good you knew where to find wiring needed for son#2's welder and now how outlet in place for him. Nice that the highway was in the area and help provide entertainment for Carson. You should be getting near the end of your PT sessions.
Whopper Stopper I find the need to ask folks in medical field and other professions in layman's/common terms on a frequent basis may the surgeon give you answers on Friday. Hopefully he has a scale model of knee joint to help explain what he will do in the surgery. May your wife's eye doctor get the combination of drops figured out to keep her eye pressure within normal levels. Have fun chasing the musky with your SIL may each of you bring one to the boat.
Icefisher-45 may you be done with moving items from old home and starting to settle in to new home. Hope your dog is adjusting to new surroundings.
Hunts2long donating unwanted items form your garage to charities might be better then a garage sale. Since your area is seeing an increase in seasonal residents and vacationers who knows what your wife might be exposed to at a garage sale. Happy to read your wife received a good medical report sorry it is always such a long day for the two of you.
Wallyworld all the best with today's fishing trip. good to hear you saw fewer snakes on your last trip to fishing camp.
Tom Turkey nice of you to remember neighbors work schedule before mowing lawn. Hope you got the banking issues corrected.
Old Goat good to read you got out fishing may the fish be bigger next trip.

Have a safe and good Thursday. Best to all fishing.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15977 on: Jun 06, 2019, 06:51 AM »
59* and sunny.
Happy Birthday OS..

Not much planned for today. Have to get some worms, going fishing in the morning.

WW, hope you find some fish today.

Eddie, now that some better weather is here, the mall and downtown, will be a nice break from the workday.

Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15978 on: Jun 06, 2019, 07:54 AM »
58* to start the day. It is guessed we will hit 80* this weekend. No rain until late Sunday.

I spent a long time pressure washing the deck yesterday. The boards are so swollen from all of the rain I could not get some of the stuff out between them. There was a lot of green boards that will still need bleached to clean them up.

Eddie It was good that the crew was willing to educate those kids on how things are with your work. I remember that we never got serious about multiplication until the 5th grade.

Steve I finally got my bank account straightend out. It took an hour drive each way to get it done.

There are so many construction projects going on around here it is hard to remember where they are. They are shutting down the east bound lane of an interstate next Monday until this fall. This is going to make my trip to a doctor not pleaesnt as the detour is on the road I take to get to that doctor. This project is going to take 2 years to get finished. The project manager for a bunch of the projects was just on TV. What a mess.

Need to get gong as we have a board meeting at the  snenior center this moring.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15979 on: Jun 06, 2019, 08:26 AM »

               Good morning ER's,
                      I was trying to post earlier but when I went to post reply Wally had beat me to it so it didn't post or i forgot to repost? ???
                      Eddie........My PT is going so so, my shoulder is popping more at therapy or even when I do it at home. The other night I was in so
               much pain I didn't get much sleep, it throbbed from 2:30 am on. :%$#!: The therapist doesn't know what to make of it, it's in her report. :blink:
                      Wally........Good luck out on the water today. :thumbsup:
                      Steve........I have at least 2 more months of therapy. ???
                      Tom..........There is so much construction going on everywhere. On the highway to Albany there is a new exit going in to the Albany airport. :flex:
               I think it's going to a direct route into the airport? ???
                      Marv.........Good luck fishing today with Jen. :thumbsup: :flex:
                      I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out fishing. I do want to say to give a couple of minutes of prayer to those who were involved
               on "the D-Day invasion to those that died and to the ones that survived to rid France of the awful occupation of their home land!


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15980 on: Jun 06, 2019, 02:59 PM »
Good after noon everyone :bow:

Hope everybody is having a good Thursday. We just got back a bit ago, fun time on the lake but it got hot. When I loaded the boat I noticed the truck said 85, I bet on the lake the sun reflecting off the water it was 100. It was dead calm on the water so it felt good when I oared fast to get some breeze. 

We had the lake to ourselves for about 3 hours then a few people showed up and eventually a jet skier. I guess he figured he would help us by riding in circles around us and keep tightening them up until he was about 20 yards from us. Luckily for him I have had both sensitivity classes and 2 rounds of court ordered anger management classes. Try as he did I ignored him which really seemed to irritate him ;D

In the end The s-i-l caught a big Rock Bass, and 2 Northern and had a musky follow. I caught one little rocket and had 1 follow. I could see it coming about 5 feet behind my bait but it wouldn't commit, but fun to see none the less.

We made it to the landing and I had just backed the trailer in when 3 trucks with boats pulled in. By the time I got the boat loaded a couple more trucks with jet skies showed up. Such is the way when fishing metro lakes.

Hope you all have an excellent evening. OS when is the cake getting cut ???



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15981 on: Jun 06, 2019, 05:40 PM »
WS, the cake has been cut and I saved some for you!! C'mon down!!!! Even a couple of Ernies!!!  ;)2 :whistle:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15982 on: Jun 07, 2019, 02:29 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear skies and 59* this am, high of 77 today with lots of sunshine. Looking like a real nice weekend ahead weather wise here in Upstate NY.

  OS...Happy Birthday, hope you had a wonderful day yesterday Sir!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...thanks for the report, glad you both got into a few fish anyway. Can’t figure out some of those people that do the stupid stuff like that jet skier... :cookoo:  Sounds like you made it off the water right on time. Better luck next trip out Sir!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...sorry to read about the shoulder problems/pain, hope they can get that under control soon.  :thumbsup:  Think you’re right about that airport exit on the Northway.
  Tom...I’ve been putting off the pressure washing on my house siding for awhile now, way over do, thanks for the reminder.   :thumbsup: of luck out there on the walleyes today.... :thumbsup:
  Steve... thanks, yes it sure adds up to a lot of money, and that’s not including labor and setting materials. We’re only replacing 1500 pieces per season, so guess there’s also another math problem.....18,000 divided by 1500....I’ll be long gone by then, lol.    ;D
  Wally...hope you and Mr.WW had a great day on the water yesterday!  Best of luck today if heading back out... :thumbsup:

  Looking forward to a few days of nice weather in a row, seems like it’s been forever with the rain we’ve all been getting.
  The garden is coming along slow, should perk up a little more this weekend....pole beans just sprouted yesterday, and I pruined the tops of almost all my peppers yesterday....something new to me, supposed to increase the fruit production.....we’ll see.
   Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15983 on: Jun 07, 2019, 04:20 AM »
What a better way to spend a Thursday day off than having to reload Windows Operating system ? ??? :%$#!: :%$#!:

Marv, Like the picture of your metro fishing lake.  Think I would have ask the jet skier if he knew what the hell he was doing, but I am sure there would have been some :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: words involved.

Stopped in to one of the tire shops and ask if they could get the spare tire down.  Seems the mechanical part releases are rusted and not allowing it to be lowered.  Shot a bunch of PB Blaster at it and will see if driving it a couple day might loosen it.  If not might have to go the lift the box to get it freed up.  ::) :o

Question if purchasing a new computer, with no doubt Windows 10 installed, do you then have to pay Microsoft to keep using it year after year ?

after today I am tempted to resign from computer use, and go snail mail only.  Even request the co-workers not call my cell phone to deliver a text msg, but rater have them write me a note.  ;D

have to drive the Mrs to the hospital down town to get some test done.  So back to my pillow for now.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15984 on: Jun 07, 2019, 04:54 AM »

                 Good morning Eddie, Bud, ER's,
                        It's 53* and clear here on my hill, 3 nice days are in the forecast. ::)
                        OS...........Happy Birthday. :thumbsup:
                        Eddie .......I thought that when you posted on how many pieces of marble going in to the youngsters, I thought you wouldn't be working
                 long enough to see it finished. :o
                         Bud.........To answer your question, no once you purchase the computer you own what's in it, the only thing you have to buy every year
                 is virus protection. :blink:
                         Marv........Nice picture, I would not have been so nice to that jet skiers, what did he think, that by running circles around you and Jen he'd
                 round up the fish for you! :cookoo: :%$#!:
                         Wally .......Waiting for a report and pictures of yesterdays trip! :whistle:
                         H2L .........I hope you take advantage of the nice weather and get after those Eyes. ::)
                         Last evening we went to Little Carson's last T Ball game they are fun to watch.

                         I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out fishing.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15985 on: Jun 07, 2019, 05:49 AM »
54* and its going to be a nice day.
IW, another "Judge" in the making. Never played T-ball, but I played everything else. American Legion, HS, slow and fast pitch in the Navy and slow pitch on 2 teams when I worked at Rochester Tel. Today I would need help to get up from behind the plate.

Eddie, the garden should really take off now that we are getting some sun and warmer temps.

The boat is hooked up and ready to go. Only taking 3 dozen worms with me today. I read and see so many programs where the guys are using jigs with plastic bait. When I find some very active walleyes I am going to give it a try again. I have tried but give up and go back to worms if I don't get some hits right away.  I am sure it works, just have to catch a few doing it.

'Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15986 on: Jun 07, 2019, 06:46 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, looks like it’s supposed to be a nice day. I posted yesterday but apparently it didn’t go thru. Finally finished the move on Wednesday. People from the church came over and helped us. I don’t know what we would do without them. The movers apparently ran out of room and had left a lot of stuff. My poor wife has worked so hard during this move. Wednesday I had a appointment with the surgeon. Neck looks good. Dr says it sounds like i’ve Herniated my other side where i’m Now having pain in my left leg as well as my right leg and pain all the way up in my spine. Wish you could buy new spines. Another set of Botox injections on the 17th. Hope that works.

Hunts2long, Good luck on the water today.

Old Sailor, Hope you had a good Birthday.

Ice Wanderer, Always good to watch the little ones play T ball.

IFF, I hope your wife’s tests go well. They say computers are supposed to make our lives easier. I don’t see that.

Mason Eddie, Nice that you were able to show kids that math does have a practical use outside of school.

Whopper Stopper, Looks like it was a beautiful morning on the lake. Kudos to showing restraint while the jet skier was being a jerk. I don’t know what’s wrong with people.

God Bless Everyone, I hope everyone remembered to say a prayer and took a moment yesterday to remember the brave soldiers who gave their lives so we would have our freedom in Normandy 75 years ago.
Take a kid ice fishing

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15987 on: Jun 07, 2019, 06:55 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

It's going to be a warm one with the thermometer getting to 90 or even a smooch more :unsure:

IW excellent picture, Carson looks like a natural :thumbsup:

Eddie thanks for the garden report. I have never heard of trimming peppers, Good Stuff :thumbsup:

h2l hard to beat an oldie but a goody. So many talk about plastics but I sure haven't had much luck with them. Something about a plump, juicy crawler seems to get a fishes attention.

Bud hope all goes well with the wife's tests. The spare tire storage like you talked about was one of the poorest ideas ever, at least here where they dump the salt and chemicals on the roads. Most people I know with that system have the tire in the back end instead.

WW looking for a good report from you, hope you hammered them :thumbsup:

20 years ago that jet skier would have feared for his life, one did. Guess I will leave it there.

Time to start getting ready for my Dr appointment with the surgeon. I am getting anxious to hear what he has to say.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15988 on: Jun 07, 2019, 07:14 AM »
Morning all, wishes at the doctor's today  ;)   good thing you paid attention at those classes  :roflmao:  kudos to your s-i-l for dragging you away from "work" for the day  :thumbsup:

IW.....quite the handsome young man there  :bow:  hope the pain is "normal" not the beginning of more problems  ??? big are your pepper plants  ???  mine seem to have stalled out since planting, guess the ground hasn't warmed up enough yet  :-\

IF45.....good to hear the move is complete now  :clap:  glad the neck surgery was a success, now on to the next  ;)

H2L.....good luck on the water  :)  it is hard to give up on the tried and true methods  :whistle:

IFF.....I'm with you that sometimes the "old fashioned" way of doing things is easier and quicker  :blink:  best wishes for a good report on MrsIFF's tests  ;)

Fishing was slow again yesterday, 2 crappie, 1 northern, 1 pickerel and 1 short eye   :blink:  talked to a couple DEC officers that were coming off the water the same time as us, they had been netting fish for a couple days and said they found a LOT of short walleye in the lake  :-\  guess rumor has it that some people are keeping whatever they catch regardless of size  :nono: 

No fishing today, MrWW is working the "Ride for Missing Children" bicycle fund raiser,  I have lunch plans with a friend  :)

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Morning that's an interesting story  :o

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #15989 on: Jun 07, 2019, 11:55 AM »
Good afternoon everyone  :bow:

The Dr visit went well. Funny how one guy spits out Greek and the next knows English in layman's terms.

In the end the cyst meant nothing, and other than lots of arthritis I had a few tears in the meniscus. I had 3 choices, 1. just leave it and limp, 2. cortisone shot which will just wear off eventually, or 3. let him get in there and root around.

The surgery like TT said isn't too big of a deal. Show up an hour before and it takes about an hour after to get your bearings and head for home. He said the first week will be taking it easy and anywhere from 3-6 weeks to return to normal activities. Things are scheduled for the 21. That may change as I could get a preop until the 17th which he wanted done a week before so I am a little tight on that.

That's my report!




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