Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649698 times)

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14970 on: Feb 20, 2019, 07:04 AM »
1* this morning.
The trip down and back went well. Daughter (Lindsay) went down with us. Wife and her wanted to stop a Trader Joe's. Did have a VM when we got home that her potassium (sp) level is high. The nearest drug store that has the med she needs is in Hudson Falls. Waiting to see if she needs it today before I go for a ride. Other than that she was fine.

I did read all the post from yesterday. Glad you got out Eddie, good luck WW, my nephew's friend got blown off the Big Bay last week, but not before getting a 30+ inch walleye.

Med time for the wife, have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14971 on: Feb 20, 2019, 07:07 AM »
Good morning gang,

Not a ton new to report here. My wife and I took the girls skiing at the local ski resort near Cortland on Sunday and we all had a great time. The kids are both coming along very well with their skiing and they are a ton of fun to watch. My wife and I determined that it is even more tiring trying to ski slowly at their pace than it is to ski at our normal pace... tires out the legs! Been a busy week at work and I've been fighting off a lingering sinus infection that has blown up on me but I'll survive it.

WW, good luck finding some eyes! They have been hammering some good numbers of large perch up there also.

IW, good luck at the VA today- hope its good news!

Eddie, glad you guys had a nice trip!

Hope everyone has a great day. Feel better, good luck, stay safe, etc...  :)
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14972 on: Feb 20, 2019, 07:35 AM »
27* this morning. Looks like the guessers were way off today as I do not see any freezing rain that was guessed on the radar. My podiatrist mentioned yesterday that they were with out power for a long time from the last ice storm. He said he saw a crew standing in a small river cutting the trees off of a down power line so they could get the line back up.

Marv The traffic guy on TV just showed 94 in Minnyapolis. It did not look to bad yet!!! I happened to see yesteday on the Weather Channel that you were guessed to get dumped on today. Hopefully their guess is as far off as what they guessed for us. Smart move by your wife to stay in town through this storm. How much longer till your wife can retire and not have to deal with the traveling to work. Spring is coming but not soon enough. Spring does not mean snow is over. The worst storm I ever drove in was on April 3rd. 6 hours for a normal 3 hour drive. I was still 40 miles from home when we holed up with one of my cousins.

Bud We have some cactus in Michigan. The spines on it are very fine and almost impossible to get out of your skin if your get some in you. I do not think they would puncture a tire. It grows close to the ground but does have a few flowers on it in the summer.

I had to do a drug test yesterday to see if I was an addict from taking a norco a day. I had to have it done before I get another RX. The last one I had filled was in December.

IW I hope all goes well at the VA today.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14973 on: Feb 20, 2019, 07:58 AM »
Good morning TT

My wife still has 10 years before she can hang it up.

I just talked to her and she said the bus ride is right on schedule. The thing is a big batch of schools closed again today. Usually that frees up the highways as many have to take the day off to watch their kids. My wife has basically begged to be allowed to work from home but the owner of the firm wants people at their desks. She has also commented about holding her tongue when the same guy seemingly disappears for a couple of days when bad weather goes through.

The turkeys are putting on the feedbag this morning.


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14974 on: Feb 20, 2019, 08:52 AM »
Good morning again, weather guesser calling for 2 inches of snow along with sleet and freezing rain starting this afternoon. Go retrieve my snow brush from SUV in a little while.
Ice Wanderer safe trip to the VA hospital may all go well with removal of stitches and doctor be happy with your condition.
Whopper Stopper glad your wife could find a hotel room appears the business owner has a do as I say not do attitude. May you hear results from MRI soon and your doctor be able to start treatment that resolves your back problem.
Hunts2long nice that Lindsay was free to make trip with your wife and you to NYC. Happy to read doctors like wife's condition .
Deerfishyfishy best to you getting rid of sinus infection. Good to read you had a fun time at local ski resort.
Tom Turkey interesting to hear cactus grow in Michigan. Best to you with the drug test guess it is part of regulations to control narcotic abuse. Seems the march and April snow storms can be among the worse.
FishinJohn hope all is well and your young son has reached his weight loss goal for state tournament.
Capt.Jim may all be good with the family and you down at the Jersey Shore.

A safe and good day to all and good fishing.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14975 on: Feb 20, 2019, 11:45 AM »
 Good afternoon everyone :bow:

The snow is really coming down, we are at 4" already. Round 1 of scraping my slab is in the books. The snow is supposed to taper off around 5pm so I will have to get out one more time before that. I also have to run up to the s-i-l's for cat detail and blow her driveway, she is out of town until Friday.

I heard back from my MRI. The good news is there aren't any tumors causing problems, my Chiropractor had been concerned there could be. Basically there is multilevel degenerative changes throughout the lumbar spine with neural foraminal narrowing in 3 spots. The Dr thinks PT with traction is the best treatment so I made arrangements to start them on Monday. I am not sure what they do for traction but I have an inversion table so hopefully I will be able to do some therapy at home.

The Dr. that read the MRI called me and asked if I was in a severe auto accident at some point in my life. I told him no and he said often when the lumbar is like mine that's the cause. He also mentioned that there is plenty of evidence of the osteoarthritis throughout the lower lumbar which is what my Chiropractor said.

It will be interesting to see what the physical therapy will entail. I have never had any faith in it so time will tell. 

Hope you all have an excellent afternoon :thumbsup: Stay safe!

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14976 on: Feb 20, 2019, 06:26 PM »
marv I see you still have some snow around at 7 pm eastern. There is still a little around here on radar. All we have gotten all day was about a minute of hail. When we were in Big rapids this after noon ice melter or all sorts were going out the door like crazy. They were about sold out of rock salt. People will have enough to last a long time unless the guessers get the guess of ice right for a change.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14977 on: Feb 20, 2019, 06:49 PM »
Didn't have anyone answer up to join me, and found the battery for the underwater was not charged up as it should have been.  The camera was the main reason I was going to lug the popup.  So at that I went to work instead.  Should have good ice for next week or two, that is if we don't have the 50,60's roller coast come back to visit.

Marv, think PT, is far a better option than surgery, especially if you can wind up with a new Old self  ;D

Yup looks like we are on page 500.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14978 on: Feb 21, 2019, 01:23 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Windy and 27*, little warmer today with a high of 41. The plows are still out running, hopefully the roads aren’t glazed over too bad from the sleet/snow/ice we had last evening.

  Marv...glad the report came back negative on the tumor, thank goodness! Best wishes sent that the PT will be enough to get your back problems in check... :clap: :thumbsup:    Take it easy with the snow removal today.

  Another early start with the hammering this am, will catch up to you all this afternoon. Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14979 on: Feb 21, 2019, 02:26 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

15 heading into the upper 20's today. No snow in the forecast until tomorrow :thumbsup: All the weather geeks are excited because we set a record for the most snow in February ever and the month isn't over :whistle: Sometimes it is amazing what trips the proverbial trigger :cookoo: Fairly obvious none of them have to work out in it.

Eddie hope the hammering goes well today :thumbsup: Are you planning another fish outing on Saturday? I thought about you yesterday in kind of a strange way. I was scraping my slab when I heard a loud crack that sounded like a post breaking. I looked up and saw my one neighbor plowing my other neighbors driveway with his truck. He had pulled in the driveway and then backed straight up to make a nice straight push, when he backed over the mailbox and post shearing it off. I thought to myself "That's one way to do it" :roflmao: When he got done he stopped in, and of course knew I was watching. The first thing he said was "Don't you say a damn thing" :roflmao: :roflmao: Dang we laughed. He had been bragging about his backup camera a month ago. When I asked him about it he said it's useless if you aren't looking at it ;D
IW glad the stitch removal went well :thumbsup: Another step in the right direction :clap:

WW hope the fishing is going well :thumbsup: If you and Mr WW are like the girls it's " The first, the most, the biggest, the smallest, the last" :roflmao:

TT most of the stores here have been out of salt for awhile. Many went to water softener salt and some took salt out of their water softeners ??? It's just been a crazy ice year.

Bud I hope you are right on the physical therapy. The thing is it sounds like there are a few treatments that can be made to try and head off surgery. I just have this feeling in my stomach that I am about to embark on a long journey before ending up at the OR.

Today I have the last of the clean up to do. I need to pull a couple of trailers out and get the snow moved, I also have to redo my path from the woodpile to the house and open my path out to feed the turkeys.

Hope everyone has an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14980 on: Feb 21, 2019, 05:05 AM »

                Good morning Eddie, WS, ER's,
                        It's 27 * and we had only about an inch of snow over night. ::)
                        Marv..........That's good news on the MRI results, most of us here in the ER gang were on working hard jobs all our lives, it's no wonder
                that we have ailments now that we are retired. So to our younger members learn from us, take care of yourself, it's too heavy don't try and be
                a hero, get help lifting those objects. ???
                       Eddie..........That jack hammering :o take it easy Sir. :thumbsup:
                       Tom............It sure has been a crazy winter here too, I don't think stores are out of salt, I only buy 2 jugs of it, the pet safe kind for our
                dog and the weather cat! :woot: My town is gracious enough that we can get salt from them if needed. We also can get salt/sand mix to do our
                driveways. :flex:
                      Bud.............I hope your temps stay low enough to hold the ice. :whistle:
                      Steve...........My trip to the VA was good, my wife drove and did a good job, she hates driving in heavy traffic, it wasn't bad at the time we
                had to be there, plus it's vacation week for schools so traffic was low. :thumbsup:
                      So they took my stitches out and told me that the arm has to be immobile for another month. The Dr. also explained that I should bend at the
                waist when taking a shower and dangle my arm to clean   the underarm.  Apparently it has created a problem that people get a fungus there. :o
                      I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out on the ice.



Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14981 on: Feb 21, 2019, 06:03 AM »
24 this morning and light snow just started. 
IW, sounds like things are going in the right direction, it just takes time.
WS, glad the MRI went well.
The wife's sister and niece are coming for a visit this afternoon and will be staying overnight.
Wife is doing well. She does have a cold and she may have gotten it from me, as I was just getting over one when she came home. The culture they did on Tuesday came back as "rhino virus" which they said was regular ole cold. Told us just to watch her temp and if it stays normal, she will be fine.

My nephew is getting ready to tap trees for this springs run. He got some new lines run before we got all this snow. He also bought a new evaporator, changed an old shed into a "sap house".

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14982 on: Feb 21, 2019, 07:08 AM »
Good morning everyone, we got snow last night supposed to be almost 50 degrees. Have had a bad headache for the past few days and unable to read. Hopefully later it will be better and I can catch up on the posts. I hope everyone has a good day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14983 on: Feb 21, 2019, 08:21 AM »
So much for the guess of freezing rain yesterday. All we got was the short burst of hail I mentioned in another post. They are calling for some bad rain over the weekend coming from that heavy rain Califunkia got. Hopefully they are wrong again as the wife has an early appointment for her wrist on Monday meaning traveling with all of those late for work idiots.

I went to pick up some diabetic test strips yesterday and they wanted to charge me for them. I told them to keep them as I knew that they were covered by my Medicare. I called Medicare and they confirmed I was right. I will have another new RX sent to another pharmacy. I tried to get the cost of my Norco from two Pharmacies. They would not give me a cost unless they had an RX in hand. So much for shopping for prices. If my DIL was not in Fla I would have her get me the cost at the pharmacy at the hospital she works at where I am getting most of my meds.

WS Are they promoting Roof Melt out there. It is nothing more than some expensive hockey puck size salt to melt ice dams on the roof. You could throw up a bunch of softener salt on the roof and do the same thing for a lot less $$.

H2l It is good to here that there was nothng srious wrong with you wife so she did not have to stay in NYC again.

IW I used to get a rash from sweating under my arm. My mother tought me to put some corn starch on it. It works great to get rid of it.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14984 on: Feb 21, 2019, 11:18 AM »
Good afternoon everyone  :bow:

I went out at day break and did the final clean up and blowing, I just got in. The banks were getting higher than the blower would throw, so I did some shovel work to knock them down and blow it into a different spot. As I had said I needed to open up my wood pile path and blow a path to get out to the turkeys.

TT yes they do sell that roof melt here. The hardware stores went through it like peanut butter through a fat kid. I actually have a bucket of it. That drinking lady that I did work for gave me some, I had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder :thumbsup:

Hope you all have a good rest of the day :thumbsup:

Here are a couple pictures

My wife said she would like to go out for supper ??? I am thinking this would work  ;D

Some day I would like to have a nice wood shed like IW

This is a big spruce next to the house

This is a part of the path on the way to where I feed the turkeys

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14985 on: Feb 21, 2019, 05:25 PM »
Evening all,

Fishing has been kind of slow 8 perch yesterday, 27 today, no walleye yet 😞 Still have tomorrow so maybe 🥴 crazy windy today but relatively warm. Sun forecast for tomorrow.
Time to grab a shower then some dinner.
Have a good night. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14986 on: Feb 21, 2019, 05:54 PM »
WW well getting some ice time in has to be a good thing.  I haven't really targeted the eyes much, mostly the perch, maybe time to shift gear.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14987 on: Feb 21, 2019, 09:13 PM »
Good evening, after delayed school openings earlier today a lot of snow/sleet my area received Wednesday afternoon into early Thursday has melted mid-day high in the fifties.
Whopper Stopper glad your MRI showed no tumors, if i understand your post correct you have narrowing of the spinal column that spinal cord passes through in places plus degeneration of the spine with arthritis. May the PT and traction treatments help your problem. Talk with Mr. Turkey if and when someone suggests surgery  I know some people have multiple operations with out getting any real relief of their problem. Nice photos of your property. Got a laugh from your story about neighbor taking down mailbox while plowing.
Tom Turkey think some folks out your way will be looking into the electric ice melting strips you can install on edges of roofs to prevent ice dams. May you get the test strip problem corrected and find a decent price for your Norco medication.
IFF may the temperature stay steady and you get in some more fishing trips.
Eddie hope the early morning commute was not to bad this morning. I know things were bad down this way Deejays on early morning radio show I listen to talked about their rough trip to the radio station their show starts at 6 AM.
ICE Wanderer I'm like your wife with traffic  sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Good work on her part.  :clap: :clap: Glad things went well at the VA.
Hunts2long may the cold pass quickly for your wife. Have a good visit with her Sister and niece. Best to your nephew with this year's maple tree tapping and syrup making.
Icefisher-45 sorry to read you continue to suffer the head aches.
Wallyworld thanks for the trip update may you find the walleyes tomorrow .


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14988 on: Feb 22, 2019, 02:15 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  33* and windy again this am on the Hill, high of 38 today.

  Steve...the roads were very slick here yesterday am as well, a bit of a white knuckle ride especially down the mountain. Seems like the road crews concentrated more on the main roads, some of the secondary roads I travel got very little attention. Slow and easy worked fine...4wd was very helpful again!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...thanks for the update, best of luck with today’s outing...hope those big eyes are found!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...great pictures, will be a little while before that snow disappears, wow! Funny story about the mailbox, was glad to see mine still standing when I got home yesterday!   :roflmao: :thumbsup: 
  Jeff...glad to read the stitches were removed and your wife didn’t have any troubles with the driving...excellent!  :clap:  Less than a month to go now protecting that shoulder!   :thumbsup:
  H2...hope your wife kicks that cold quickly, I’m sure the visit from family helped pick up her spirits!!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...have you seen anybody out on the lake fishing lately?
  I-45... hope those headaches have passed.    :thumbsup:

  Our day went fairly well yesterday, sure was nice clocking out early and the warmer temps. were nice to get a few things done around the house. Pothole season is open again...saw a few yesterday that would blow tires and put a hurting on the front end.
  A friend of mine has been wanting to get out and tangle with some perch, so may get out with him tomorrow and see if we can put some on the ice. Thinking about heading back up towards Lake George if we go, might be able to get some time playing with a few Lakers as well.
  Time to get ready for the last shift and start the weekend....Cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14989 on: Feb 22, 2019, 05:35 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                           It's 27* and no wind here but last night at 7:43 we got a 33 mph gust. ::)
                           Eddie...........I read that they ate getting some nice perch on LG but you have to weed out a lot of small ones. :thumbsup:
                           Marv............Nice pictures, you have to keep that path open to keep the feed going now that you started. ???
                           Steve...........It seem the roads are the same all over like Eddie said. The county and state roads are fine but town roads
                  are horrific, it's a budget thing. :whistle:
                           Wally............I alwats figure that if you fish 3 straight days, one is got to be a banner day. :flex:
                           H2L..............I hope your wife can shake her cold. :sick:
                           Tom.............May you get the ice jam problem fixed. ???
                           Today I get to pick up my truck, the repairs are done from the deer running in to me. Also my # 2 sons children are coming to spend the
                  night. My wife has plans to keep them entertained.
                           I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out on the ice.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14990 on: Feb 22, 2019, 06:03 AM »
Good morning Eddie,IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

11 heading to mid 20's with another few snow events through the weekend. It sounds like Sunday will be another possible 8" with 40mph winds.

Eddie hope you have a good wrap to the week Sir :clap: Good luck if you make it to the lake Saturday :thumbsup:

IW I usually scatter a couple pounds of cracked corn every other day. It would be far too expensive to fully feed them. They say the turkeys eat about 5 pounds a week and there are about 56 that hang out here. I certainly will continue until spring gets here in July ??? ;D

WW hope today you and Mr WW land on a few schools today :thumbsup:

h2l we used to tap maple's. We didn't do a lot but around 350 trees a season. Good stuff :thumbsup:

Not a lot going on here today. I have to make a Walmart run a little later.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup:  Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14991 on: Feb 22, 2019, 06:31 AM »
Good morning. 28 degrees. The visit is going well. Not sure being in the house with 5 women is the best (sorry WW) but I did have Rocky.
WW, hope you get into some walleyes today.
Eddie, I read that the Lake Federation contest produced some nice perch two weeks ago. All 5 winning places were perch over 14 inches. I know the lake has some nice perch but they are hard to find.
WS, I don't think my nephew has that many trees tapped but he is working on it. Girl I went to school with has a big sugar bush. Last year they produced over 1800 gals of syrup. Most of their trees are still done with pails but have put in some lines.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14992 on: Feb 22, 2019, 07:40 AM »
Not looking forward to this weekends nasty windy weather. The guessers can not agree on what is coming. One guessed at gust to 50 mph and a few minutes later the guy guessed the guts to be around 70. One minute it is supposed to be a dry storm and the next we will get freezing rain. The trip to the city to the wife's wrist doc will probably be canceled again.

eddie There have been a few fishing but not that many. The Assn decided that THEY to have an ice fishing tournament. That is just what we need when they can not afford to plant fish to replace what is caught by the additional pressure.

ww and ws Their was a good segment on walleye fishing Saginaw Bay last night. It is on www.michiganoutofdoors They are right about it being a dangerous place to fish with all of the cracks. A guy on another site put his snowmobile through an open spot last night on the bay. he got out but is looking for some one to get the sled out. The fishing is so far out it is not walkable to get to the fish in most places.

marv That is a lot of fire wood. It would take a pretty big shed to get it all inside. The one place I lived had enough room in the basement and the out side stair way to store quite a few cords of wood so I did not have to deal with storing it out side. I am glad we do not have that much snow here but the continuing rains have s cut it down a lot.

I need to get moving as I need to go to the senior center this morning.

To those fishing today, hopefully there is some catching involved.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14993 on: Feb 22, 2019, 08:00 AM »
WS, I don't think my nephew has that many trees tapped but he is working on it. Girl I went to school with has a big sugar bush. Last year they produced over 1800 gals of syrup. Most of their trees are still done with pails but have put in some lines.

When we did it we didn't have the funds for lines, and we were borderline too big for the numbers tapped. We started with pails, then moved to buckets with lids, then to the sap sacks The main problem with those were squirrels chewing them, and wind causing the sacks to rub against the tree. Lines would take so much labor out of it. We had to collect 2-3X a day carrying 5 gallon bucket through the snow, some trees giving 10 gallons of sap alone. A couple years after we finally stopped making syrup the owner of the woods hired a logging company and they totally cleared the entire woods, or better out destroyed it.

Hope all goes well for him, it's hard to beat the pure maple syrup.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14994 on: Feb 22, 2019, 03:30 PM »
Well tomorrow will be a bitter-sweet day. It will likely be our last trip out for the season, if we can even get on the ice. Will be getting up at 5 AM with intentions of being on the lake at daybreak. Supposed to rain this weekend, which given the current state of the ice, will likely ruin it. Now, if it were to survive the rain, we may very well get one more week out of it but it doe not look promising. Hopefully we can find our way out safely and catch some keeper trout.

To all those going out tomorrow, tight lines and stay safe - especially if you're in the same region as I.

:icefish:  :icefish:   :icefish:  :icefish:   :icefish: :icefish:

Ice fishing line of fire ENGAGE!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14995 on: Feb 22, 2019, 04:38 PM »
Good luck Sir! :thumbsup:


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14996 on: Feb 22, 2019, 05:25 PM »
Good Evening everyone, warmer today in the mid 40s. Went to see the surgeon today. Have to play with insurances. Since it’s a workers comp claim going to submit it to workers comp. after they refuse it then our insurance will cover it. Going to do my neck first. Need 2 fusions in my neck. Hopefully will relieve the neck and shoulder and headaches. Then do a surgery to take the pain away from my right leg. The big surgery on my back the doctor doesn’t want to do. Says I would still have pain. It would be fusing 5 to 6 discs.

TT your insurance should cover your test strips. Stinks that the pharmacies are giving you so much trouble.

Hope everyone had a good day and has a good night.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14997 on: Feb 22, 2019, 06:10 PM »
owie....owie....ooooou ch Fisher-45, hope it all goes better than expected.

Might see up to 6" of new snow tonight, for my day off tomorrow.  Still haven't decided to give going out on the perch cove, might load the wagon and see how it would go with a heavy load like having the popup and heater loaded as well as, the usual to much fishing gear ::) :whistle: ;D

Marv ? you don't burn that much a year do you ?

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14998 on: Feb 22, 2019, 07:45 PM »
Evening, Folks

Supposed to get up to 2 in. of rain Sat. nite into Sun., winds predicted to get to 45 - 50 mph, so they say

Been dealing with the wife & her crying bouts missing Melisa, finally got her to admit that she needs to go to grief counseling, Kimberly, too; me, I have accepted the fact that it
     was something I had no control over, yes, I miss Melisa dearly, but, someone has to keep the 'homefire' burning, & I got 'nominated', counseling starts just into March

I see that all with illnesses seem to be doing well, good to hear, those who just got diagnosed, at least you know what is wrong now, those waiting for ins. to play their games,
     hopefully things get settled soon

To those fishing, good luck & watch out for bad ice

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Happy Birthday- Good Eats & Drink-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14999 on: Feb 22, 2019, 08:58 PM »
Good evening ,was out earlier today smaller ponds have suffered from warmer weather shorelines opened up might be hard to get onto larger lakes this weekend. Rain also in my fore cast for the weekend.
Eddie I think many towns cut back or take a break from plowing their roads during overnight hours to save on overtime and give workers some rest. Then around 4-5 AM start plowing again for morning traffic. Have a safe trip to Lake George may the perch and lakers be biting.
Ice Wanderer how does your truck look after repairs. Have fun with son #2's children.
Whopper Stopper seems like you can not catch a break from the snow. that is a good sized flock of turkey's visiting your property. Interesting photo of the sap collection bag never seen one before only the lines and buckets.
Hunts2long not easy at times being the only male in a group or vice-versa. Sure your wife is enjoying the visit may see not receive any unwanted gifts from her visitors. Your friend must have a good sized sap collection and syrup making operation to produce that much syrup. I believe it takes 35 to 40 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of syrup.
Tom Turkey may you get through the forecast weather without a problem. I will have to check out the link you provided to TV program.
Lil Maggot may you find ice to fish tomorrow.
Icefisher-45 hard road a head of you may all work out with insurance and the operation help you back to a more "normal" life.
IFF have a good fishing trip.
Capt. Jim sorry to hear your wife and Kimberly are having difficult time dealing with Melisa's death. May the grief counseling help them you may want to attend a few sessions to help you better understand your wife's condition. May you come through the rain and winds in good shape.
wallyworld how was the fishing today.

A good Saturday to everyone. safe and good trips to all fishing.


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