Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649480 times)

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14550 on: Jan 15, 2019, 07:44 PM »
879 - I will be 66 in less than a week, I'm not into taking chances anymore, pneumonia scares me more than the 'flu', whatever works for you is fine, just my choice
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14551 on: Jan 15, 2019, 08:10 PM »
Good evening ,Fishin John happy to be of some help to you I would thank with your family doctor before spending to much money on the nutrition drinks. Also maybe you son's coach/program could hook up with the local high school team and arrange to have a program where doctors nutritionists speak on conditioning and diet. I worked part time at a catering hall back in the 1980's one of the owners son's had a friend who worked there from time to time he was a wrestler. I know from talking with him it is best to work out year round and try to keep your body weight close to weight class you plan to compete in during the season. Not a good plan hoping to drop twenty pounds or more just before the season or having to drop over 5 pounds before a meet. You run the risk of dehydration since some of the weight loss is water after that assuming your in good condition your loosing muscle along with what fat your body has stored.
Capt.Jim I've heard similar forecast for the second storm (Sat-Sun.) . Sorry your wife is sick agree with your feelings about the shots my father had pneumonia once misdiagnosed by time of proper diagnosis he had one collapsed lung. May your wife make a quick recovery.
Loudmouth879 welcome to the thread feel free to drop in any time. Glad you have a strong immune system May you stay Healthy this Flu season.

Have a good evening folks.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14552 on: Jan 15, 2019, 08:49 PM »
Guessed to be another night of ice again tonight. Only time will tell. I need to buy some more rock salt as I am about out.

Capt Jim I have never had a flu shot. I have not had the flu since the day I ushered at a friends wedding way back on July 15th of 1961, 57 years ago. That was a miserable day but I made it through it. Luckily it was a dry wedding so I was not temped to have any thing to drink. Got the pm.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14553 on: Jan 16, 2019, 01:33 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!    ;D.     Calm and 24* this am, high of 34 today. Today’s weather would be about perfect for a nice long day on the ice...will have to settle for a few hours this afternoon.

  Tom...thanks for the reminder on the rock salt. Might be worth checking in with your county building if it’s close by where the plows draw there rock salt from. I usually take some 5gl. pails with me and they normally have no problem letting me fill up.   :thumbsup: wishes sent to your wife, hope the bug passes by quickly. I keep putting off the flu shot, maybe it’s time now. There’s so many sick people constantly at my work place it’s only a matter of time until it strikes. Happy 66th Birthday wishes to you Sir!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  OG...glad you are on the road to recovery from the recent surgery! Hope everything is going well, best wishes sent to you this am!    :thumbsup:
  John...a big congrats sent to all your children on their accomplishments, awesome!   :clap: :bow:  It sucks your son got a bad ref in his match, feel your pain on that one, been there. Keep up the great work Dad!!    :thumbsup:
  Steve...Poplar Point was our 2nd choice if parking was an issue....still wondering if that was a mistake on my part, lol.
  I-45...still pulling for you, hope everything works out.... :thumbsup:
  Wally....can’t wait to hear how your first trip went! Best of luck today if taking advantage of the weather!   :thumbsup: wishes with the surgery getting scheduled now. Thanks for the info on LG....was watching the camera again yesterday.... :thumbsup:
  Marv....hoping something can be done to help you out with your back problems, best wishes sent your way this am also.   :thumbsup:
  The Governors State Of The State ceremony put a damper on our work it goes. We’ll be firing up the jackhammers in about an hour an half from now and getting back in the swing of things again.
  Looking forward to an early quit and getting a few hours on the ice....might be an issue after this weekends storm for a bit.
  Cawfee’s on....
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14554 on: Jan 16, 2019, 04:23 AM »

                 Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                            It's 25* and a breeze was blowing when I opened the door for the weather cat. ::)
                            Eddie........You better get on the ice while you can, I don't know about down there but the weather guessers are saying we could
                  get up to 2' of snow this weekend. :whistle:
                            Tom..........I use the Pet safe rock salt, my wife's dog has sensitive paws and the regular salt hurts him. :blink:
                            Capt.Jim....Hey they don;t make the Floe shot or Pneumonia shot for nothing, they do help. I get mine. :flex:
                            John..........I think you have a good approach with the things you teach your kids. :thumbsup:
                            Marv..........It seems that bad backs is the thing this year, I have 2 friends complaining about back problems. :o
                            MW has been busey, he was suppose to get 2 loads of dry wood delivered last Saturday but the logger called and said his truck was broke
                   down and couldn't deliver. The header where it's stored is down the road from me, so he and the Mrs. MW go there and cut, split and deliver
                   a cord a day. He has HEAP customers that need wood.
                            I got my surgery date yesterday, it's Feb. 7th, with a appointment with the anesthesiologist on Jan. 23.
                            I hope everyone has a Good Wednesday, Hump day either at work or out ice fishing!


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14555 on: Jan 16, 2019, 04:53 AM »
Good Morning  Mason, Wanderer, ER's 25 ish here and holding till the weekend then diving a bit. FishnJon the big ten network usually replays games etc watch for the big ten wrestling championships sounds a lot like what you and your son already experienced. I agree with Eddie and Jeff keep up the great parenting. WW anything yesterday?

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14556 on: Jan 16, 2019, 05:23 AM »
Good morning Eddie. IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

9 degrees heading to near 20 later today. The temps just keep dropping, we will be close to average by the weekend.

Eddie good luck on the ice today :thumbsup: Unleash the Hammers!

IW glad to hear MW has a solid customer base, he sounds like he has the wood game down :thumbsup:

Thanks for all the well wishes and tips :thumbsup: I'm not sure where things will end, if the weather would settle down it would help a lot. I am getting stir crazy and hate it :%$#!: I have a list of things I need to get done but they will have to wait. I am going to get a walk in today, other then that, hitting the ice pac.

Hope you all have an excellent Hump day :thumbsup: Stay safe


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14557 on: Jan 16, 2019, 06:38 AM »
Good Morning. 20 degrees.
Between being busy, internet issues, I am back.
OG, glad you are on the mend.
WW, hope you got some fish.
Hope everyone is doing well and Thanks for those of you that are helping others. There, I think I am up to date.

I didn't win any door prizes on Sat. One lady won 75$ worth of scratch offs, plus $600 dollars in the 50/50. I didn't bowl very well. Sunday (when it counts) I bowled pretty good.

The trip to NYC on Tuesday wasn't bad. Wife is doing VERY well. The thruway was backed up North of Newburgh due to an accident on way home. Plus we hit evening traffic around Albany.

Hope everyone has a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14558 on: Jan 16, 2019, 07:12 AM »
Another day of the same, ICE. At least the county got some salt put down before it started this time. Probably just dumping down the centerline as usual. The road commission was paying attention to the what the weather guessers said so like the guessers they got it wrong as well. The body shops are full and over flowing after yesterday. An F-250 got rear ended, spun around and one front clip hit then spun again getting the other front clip hit. headed for the deep freeze this weekend.

Eddie NO way would I go to the road commission to get salt. I have no use for them. When they fill pot holes they only fill the big ones, if they are not the size of a wash tub they let them get bigger before they fill them. Next year I will go get some dune sand and dry it so I do not have to use tube sand that is full of pea gravel on the dog ramp.

WS You need to take the pen away from the honey do list so you wife can not add to it when you are laid up. I got a call from my grandson in Owatonna last night. He has been ice fishing with some friends that have all the equipment for ice fishing so he has not had to buy any. He did make his own creepers at work since no store bought ones will fit his big boots, like size 13 mickeys. They have been catching some specks.
He was hauling a big piece of equipment out to Nebraska the other day when he got stopped by an Iowa state cop because of the high load. Some thing about a dot number was screwed up so he sat for two hours getting things straightened out. he was pulling trailer with a pick up so there should have been no problem. His boss finally got it straightened out. The cop gave the higher up in DOT that it was a semi. No problem with him driving one as he is in the Iowa National Guard and drives semis all over the country hauling two Humvees.

IW It is good to here the surgery date is finally set.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14559 on: Jan 16, 2019, 08:18 AM »
Morning all,

IW....glad to hear the date is set, best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy complete rehab/recovery  :flex: :clap: happy to hear MrsH2L is doing well  :thumbsup: :clap:  nothing worse than getting caught up in traffic like that  :%$#!:

WS.....slow and steady my friend  ;)2  don't get too stir crazy and end up setting yourself back by overdoing it  :nono:  ooops, doing that Mom thing again huh  ??? ::) :whistle: :blink:

OG.....the same advice to you sir, slow and steady   ;)   figured I'd get the Mom stuff over with all at once  :roflmao:

TT.....hope you don't need to travel till they get your roads cleaned up, ice is no ones friend on the pavement  :-\

Eddie.....good luck this afternoon, hope you find feeding fish first hole  ;)

CapJ.....hope MrsCap feels better soon    :)   I didn't get a flu shot last year and was sicker than a dog for a good month  :pinch:  guess what I did get this year  ;D

John.....congrats to the kiddos  :thumbsup: :flex:  good advise about losing teaching you more than winning, altho kids don't want to hear it  :-\

Yesterday's fishing trip never happened   :'(   Got everything loaded and MrWW's truck wouldn't start  :%$#!: :%$#!:  It was noon by the time we got a new battery installed and we had to be home by 5 anyway so we just scrapped the whole idea  ::)  MAYBE we'll get a chance tomorrow to get out for awhile. Weatherman says anywhere from 1 - 2 FEET of snow this weekend  :o >:( :-\  that will make for tough going for a bit  :( Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst   :blink: :flex: :whistle:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14560 on: Jan 16, 2019, 02:51 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone, It’s been a warm day today in the 40s.

Marvin hope your back feels better.

Old Goat hope you feel better soon.

I hope everyone had a great day and has a great night.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14561 on: Jan 16, 2019, 06:42 PM »
Good evening gang,

Been kind of busy and haven't had much news to report so I've just been following along for a few days but figured I'd check in real quick...

Sorry to hear about the illnesses, lingering and new injuries, and what not. Hope you all get feeling better ASAP!

OG, hope you get mended up quickly.

IW, glad you finally got a date to get the shoulder fixed up!

WW, sorry to hear about the cancelled trip! That's a real bummer. Hope you and Mr. WW can get out tomorrow or soon.

Eddie, glad you have been able to make it out on the ice after work. Keep up the good work! Don't go out of your way to give the governor what he wants on my account! Keep those jackhammers  pounding!! ::) ;) ;D

John, way to go with the kiddos. It's not always easy being a parent but I've found that it is almost always very rewarding. I have to remind myself sometimes that they are only little once! Glad the wrestling is going pretty good.

45, keep your chin up! Hoping things are starting to shift in your favor soon.

IFF, the bike looks like fun! Enjoy

My girls have Friday off of school for a conference day but my wife has to work (she teaches 1st grade) so my plans to hit the reservoir in Whitney Point before the storm are shot. I would take them with me but we have 4 of my older daughter's friends coming over Friday afternoon for a sleepover for her birthday (on Monday). The little one has an indoor field hockey game in Binghamton Saturday afternoon (weather depending) so it's going to be a busy weekend, especially with the storm thrown in there.

Everyone stay safe, heal up, catch lots, have fun, and good luck! Have a good weekend gang!
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14562 on: Jan 16, 2019, 06:56 PM »
Well first ride is in .3 miles around the block, this thing is more like an electric motor cycle  ;D  Ran it through slush, snow, black ice pavement.  Didn't toss me, will take a little getting used to, on throttle it takes off like a rocket  ::) :thumbsup: :wacko:, will hookup the stroller with a load on and see how it preforms  :unsure: :whistle:  :)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14563 on: Jan 16, 2019, 10:55 PM »
Good evening, Eddie I will have to look for a book i have that contains info, on lake in the southern Adirondacks and PM you with the name and publisher. this book contains maps of Piseco and Lake Pleasant.
Ice Wanderer good to hear date is set for your shoulder surgery. Mealworm and his wife are sure working hard for the money made from selling firewood.
Whopper Stopper try to take the back problems in stride(no pun intended) hopefully problem with the nerve improves soon and you can complet some projects.
Wallyworld once your a parent always will be a parent I say happy to know you are looking out for all of us. guess if the truck was going to have a dead/bad battery better in your driveway then out some place .
Tom Turkey sorry your grandson lost time on his equipment delivery trip part of truck driving I guess always trying to stay on schedule.
Deerefishyfishy have fun with the sleep over happy birthday to your daughter. Best to your youngest daughter and her team if they get to play this Saturday.
IFF good to hear first bike ride was good sounds like the bike has a powerful motor.
Capt. Jim hope your wife is feeling better.
Icefisher-45 ditto everyone's comments may things start improving for you and the wife before months end.
Hunts2long continued good health for your wife. You may already know this but  if you have traffic problems on the thruway again there are bridges across the Hudson river in Newburgh,Highland(New PLatz area and Kingston once across the Hudson and in Dutchess county you can take route 9 north to reach Albany area .

Stay safe chat with all of you tomorrow.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14564 on: Jan 17, 2019, 03:55 AM »

                    Good morning Steve, ER's,
                                It's 1* and clear on my hill, last night I took my wife yo dinner and the temperature when we got home was 30*, boy it dropped
                    like a rock. ::)
                                DFF........I'd try to get some fishing in before the storm, who knows what the snow will do to the ice. ???
                                Wally......It;s always something these days with a vehicle, sorry that you didn't get a trip in. :%$#!: It's better to plan for the worse
                    and not get it. :whistle:
                                Bud........I'm glad your new bike performs for you, don't get hurt going so fast! :woot:
                                My wife is suppose to go to her sons tomorrow, I told her sher should go today to beat the storms.
                                I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or fishing!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14565 on: Jan 17, 2019, 05:07 AM »
Morning all,

Going to give the fishing thing a shot this morning (if all goes well  :woot: )  Hope to have some pics later  :icefish:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14566 on: Jan 17, 2019, 05:36 AM »
Good morning IW, WW! Good morning everyone :bow:

19 getting to mid 20's later today but the cold is coming.

IW glad to hear you have a date locked in for the surgery :thumbsup: Hope your wife has a good trip.

WW Best of luck on the ice today :icefish: :icefish: Don't forget the snacks :thumbsup:

Eddie hope you and the crew have a good day Sir :thumbsup: Is the weekend still doubtful for fishing?

Bud glad you had a good go on the bike :thumbsup:

I have another Chiropractor visit this morning, but first I have a rheumatologist appointment. I am going to my 4th rheumatologist in about 2.5 years. My first one retired, the second one moved away. The one I was seeing just plain turned into a bunch of BS. Evidently he got hurt in Sept and I had my October appointment canceled. It was rescheduled for Nov which was then canceled. It was moved to December then canceled. It was moved to Jan 7 then canceled. The main problem was being I am taking a norco he has to send the prescription either by hard script or thumbprint. For 2.5 months I have been without and no one knows when he will return to work. According to the hospital he lives 2 hours away so he doesn't come in. The nurses can handle most of the prescriptions but not mine. Then I find out his injury was a broken collar bone ??? I broke mine 30 years ago and still climbed trees, this guy can't give a thumb print. Anyway I have heard good things about this  new rheumatologist so I am cutting ties with the old one.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14567 on: Jan 17, 2019, 06:15 AM »
0 and clear.

WW, good luck today if you go out. Stay warm.

Mr.C, drove Rt 9 quite a bit when I was working. We had a lot of clients between Hudson and Newburgh. The problem with the Thruway is they don't tell you there is an issue until you have gone by an exit, then you can't get off. West bound out of Albany was always backed up at rush hour.

IFF, I see a lot of those bikes down in NYC. Most of the deli's use them for deliveries. Some of those guys are pretty good in all the traffic.

WS, it always takes time to "break-in" a new Dr. My local Dr was out for over a year with an ear implant. They brought back the Dr.(who had retired) that he had replaced many years ago.

Looks like some snow and cold weather on the way. Wife wants to return a couple Christmas presents in Saratoga today. Not sure that will happen, I am the house doctor...have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14568 on: Jan 17, 2019, 05:37 PM »
Evening all,

What a great day on the lake today  :clap: :icefish: :thumbsup:  The temps never got out of the teens but the sun was out and there was hardly any wind  @) 

Everything came off tip ups as we never even drilled holes to jig in......we were too busy chasing flags  :tipup: :tipup:

There's a couple very tired people in this house tonight  :roflmao:

Have a good night. Stay safe.

PS.....for the record the northern & bass went right back down the hole  ;)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14569 on: Jan 17, 2019, 06:50 PM »
Way to go WW and Mr WW  :clap: :clap: :clap:


Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14570 on: Jan 17, 2019, 07:37 PM »
Awesome job WW! Glad you guys had a great day  ;D
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14571 on: Jan 17, 2019, 09:03 PM »
Good evening, doing some storm preparations in case i loose Electric power on Sat.-Sun. have cell phone and portable radio with weather band charging did some shopping mostly ready to eat items and have gallon bottles of water for drinking,and bath room use hopefully all of this will result  in little guessers say storm coming in tonight will only leave one inch of snow , Sat./Sun/ storm may leave 8-12 inches of snow. As we get update reports sure grocery stores will get mobbed I don't want to loose food if there is an extended electric power outage do have a cooler and ice packs i can put out on my balcony should last a while with the colder temperature . Just have to watch liquids do not freeze. Also will be would be with out a stove/oven since they are electric powered.
Wallyworld glad you got a fishing trip in before the storm. Congratulations on your catch  :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: did you use your shelter. Thank you for posting photos.
Ice Wanderer hope your wife listened to you and is safely in Vermont. i know you have a snow blower does it have an electric start or only "arm strong like OldSailor's. Assume Mealworm and his spouse are rushing to complete firewood orders before snow starts falling and they have to switch to plowing.
Eddie check your personal Message in-box sent you info. on the book.
Whopper Stopper may things go better with the new rheumatologist. how did things go at the Chiropractor's.
Hunts2long I lived in North Greenbush as a small child have made the trip up/down route 9 a few times to visit family friends. i thought the thruway had a AM band radio station you can listen to for road reports. Also probably have an app for the high tec. phones of today.
Deerefishyfishy may all go well with the sleep over and the girls behave themselves. ;) :whistle:

To all in the path of coming storms may you come through in good shape . Best to all venturing out to fish .

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14572 on: Jan 17, 2019, 09:14 PM »
WW, I can add a stellar day for your catching...... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Work tomorrow till closing, then 2 days off, local ice is holding about 4-5 with about 2-3" of slush, hoping it sets up again with the cold front moving in, hope it doesn't snow on the lake.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14573 on: Jan 17, 2019, 10:34 PM »
Good Evening Everyone,  Cold day out today. Hopefully will make ice.

Wally World looks like a great day and glad everyone had fun.

Iff sounds like the bike is a lot of fun.

Talked to the bank about my truck. They won't take it back till I've missed 2 payments and then I get the notice. Torture every time I see it. Going to the neurologist tomorrow for a follow up appointment. Surgeon says headaches could be lost concussion syndrome.

I hope everyone has a great day and people get out on the ice.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14574 on: Jan 18, 2019, 01:29 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  19* and light snow falling, high of 33 today.
  Lost another post yesterday....running behind this am, 4am start. Will have to play catch up this evening, lol.

  Wally...CONGRATULATION S to you and Mr.WW on an Epic first trip, great job on the catching!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, awesome!! Best of luck with today’s fishing if you’re going back for another round before the snow hits!  :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:

  Cawfee’s on gang....
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing !


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14575 on: Jan 18, 2019, 04:42 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It;s 16* an snowing lightly, the heavier stuff is slated for tomorrow. ::)
                         Wally.........You and Mr.WW had a great first  day out on the ice, How big was that Pike? ???
                         Marv..........I hope your Chiropractor visit you had yesterday did some good. I guess its hard to find a good rheumatologist, it's to bad that the first                                           
                one retired. :%$#!:
                         Steve ........It sounds like you are prepared for Armageddon, I hope the temps stay colder so the snow is a fluffy powder so no power outages
                will occur.  :whistle:
                         I-45...........I hope everything works out for you sir. Stay positive. :flex:
                         My wife didn't take my advice and leave yesterday, she's leaving around 11:30 this morning, the snow should be over by then. Anyway it's
                daytime, the plows should be out and roads should be salted and in good shape. ???
                         I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or out fishing!


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14576 on: Jan 18, 2019, 06:11 AM »
Morning all, travels to MrsIW, hope she finds the roads in good shape  ;)   the pike was 32"  :)

Eddie....sorry you lost your post yesterday, very frustrating especially when you're getting ready for work  >:(   happy Friday  :thumbsup:

MrC....we did get the shanty set up altho we didn't really use it much, but definitely need the practice  :woot:  sounds like you're good to go regardless of what Mother Nature throws at you  :flex: :bow:

WS.....hope your doctor appointments went well yesterday  ;)   are you getting a lot of snow from this system heading east  ???

IFF.....hope the slush on your lakes freezes up so you can get some time out on the ice on your days off   :icefish:

Heading to Niagara Falls later this morning for the big outdoor show out there. The plan is to stay till Sunday afternoon altho we may end up staying till Monday depending on how bad the weather is Sunday. Hoping the weather gurus are over guessing the severity of the storm, time will tell  ;)2

Have a great weekend whatever your plans. Stay safe.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14577 on: Jan 18, 2019, 06:54 AM »
I guess  tis is called the lull before the storm day. I SHOULD be on the north edge with on a few inches guessed. The start of the storm is still out in Iowa. Hopefully you easterners do not get hit too bad. The guesser have to guess high so they do not under guess and get lambasted for their mistake. Hopefully that is  how tis storm ends up.

The sun came out and melted the ice from the last ice event where the sun was able to get. It is still icy where it did not hit. We got a little more snow last night that will get handled with the leaf blower as it is light and fluffy, finally. Headed to the low singles for lows this week end.

ww Nice catch of perch, all comming off of tip ups especially. Really nice pike. There have been a few guys fishing our lake lately. I do not know how they have been doing as i can not walk that far anymore. My grandson called the other night from MN. He had gotten the ice fishing bug. He has been fishing with a guy that have all of the equipment he needs. He made a set of creepers at work as it is hard to find any that will fit his sixe 13 Mickeys. i told him that I am ready to gift him a lot of fishing stuff if he ever drives home instead of flying. He is scheduled for some more schooling in the National Guard that will bring him another promotion. He lives in MN but is in an Iowa Guard Transportation Unit. He got stoppped hauling a high load on a trailer behind a pick up going to deliver a high load NB. Teh state cop was nasty and had him held  up for two hours before his boss got things straightend out about some phony technicality. He has been hauling two humvees with a semi all over the country so he knows what he is doing.

WS It is hard to find a good speciallist some times.  My step daughter went to the rumatoligist that her late father used. That did not last long as the guy had gotten so into how great he was. She moved onand found a good one. I dumped a uroligist and am thinking  of dumping my diabetes man after how he acted in Decembber. For quite a while i had to make a 100 mile round trip to pick up my norco rx in erson. Now my doc can fax it in. I have to have another drug screen before I can get another RX which will be quite awhile before I need it at 1 norco a day.

Time to get some breakfast as the wife has BP clinic today at the Sr. Center and has a bucnh of food ready for the normal pot luck at the center.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14578 on: Jan 18, 2019, 06:57 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

7 degrees, colder by Saturday.

IW hope your wife has good roads when she takes off, enjoy your extra time :thumbsup:

Eddie I had a couple posts disappear this week, it gets frustrating  :%$#!: Have a good wrap to the week Sir :thumbsup:

WW Did you see flags in your sleep?

mr.clean the new rheumatologist wants to reinvent the wheel. She could see all my records so she knew what I was taking.
She decided the norco was far so harsh and suggested something different. I am to the point that I am tired of defending the fact not everyone that uses norco is a junkie. I have been taking the same drug for the last 4 years. The strength hasn't changed and the dose hasn't changed. Her stance is that eventually I will need a stronger dose and that's the problem with it. I said eventually I will die too, I can either do it in pain or pain free. She said the old norco clouds your judgement. I said thank goodness homeowners didn't know that when I was removing trees over their houses and cutting for the crane.

The confusing part is that she put me on Tramadol which is a twin to what I was taking, it's just labeled different so it's acceptable, we will see. I hate change which can be a downfall, I will give this stuff a month and see how it goes.

The Chiropractor says we are making progress, I go in 1x next week. I hope between the stretches I have been doing and the new meds, the spasms go away for good. Enough on me, in the scheme of things I can't complain :thumbsup:

Hope you all have an excellent Friday :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14579 on: Jan 18, 2019, 08:54 AM »

                     Good morning again,
                              Marv........I have am prescription for Tramadol and it seems to help me, I only take it when really in bad pain, my prescription was for
                     50 tablets and i got it last April and I have 10 tablets left!



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