Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649960 times)

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14460 on: Jan 07, 2019, 07:29 AM »
tt thanks for the OCD guys story always good to have a chuckle     never heard of the guns chip wants for his wife love the show though

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14461 on: Jan 07, 2019, 07:33 AM »
6 degrees this morning.
We bowled the team we were tried for second place. They won 3 of 4. They have a bowler that has a 130+ average, he bowled a 210 and a 190 last night. He said he was glad he took his meds before bowling. I want some of his meds. I take an

IW, best to stay off the ice for awhile. You wouldn want to fall.

Eddie, saw a few guys out over the weekend. Normal lake level for this time of year is 753 above sea level. Right now it is 766.5. Early May it is 768. I have never seen it like this.

Wife order some things from Walmat yesterday. They get it ready and I just have to go in pay for it and go. My kind of trip to Walmat, plus she an go for a ride and not have to go into the store. Daughter brought up dinner yesterday, left me some dishes to do up, but it was worth it.

Hope today finds everyone well....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14462 on: Jan 07, 2019, 12:28 PM »
Good Afternoon Everyone,  16° out this morning.

IFF hope your leg feels better and there is nothing seriously wrong.

I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14463 on: Jan 07, 2019, 05:33 PM »
Good evening ER'S!!!!!!!
I use my phone as my computer and I cant go back a page to read posts and have a post open so I cant reply to everyone's posts...
I know many of you asking about wrestling.. soo.. we had a humbling day Saturday.  Super good kids and my boy wasnt feeling well... after his 3rd loss the medics tended to him as his breathing was super bad and he couldnt get air.. after 20 min with the medics he was breathing better.. I could tell he really wanted to wrestle his last match.. He looked at me and said..DAD.. what would you do? So.. I told him.. well, we didnt come here to scratch our matches BUT if you arent feeling good we should think about heading home.. If it were me.. I'd go out there and pin this last kid and end a rough day on a good note.. He smiled at me and said.. ok dad that's what I'm gonna do..
Once he had decided he was going to wrestle his last match he got the attitude he needed.. after First round he was up 3-2 and had decided he had enough wrestling for the day... His opponent shot on him... my boy sprawled.. snapped kid down.. ran the half Nelson FLAWLESSLY and rolled kid to his back.. put all his wieght on his toes and didnt allow him to move.. pinning his last opponent in about 30 sec of the 2nd round..  Biggest smile from him all day long..
After the match he said.. DAD... thanks for your support.. you knew I could pin that kid huh?
I just smiled and told him how proud of him I was for NOT GIVING UP AND LETTING HIS DEFEAT BEAT HIM!!!!
Yesterday he wokeup. Not feeling too good.. this a.m. woke up feeling horrible.. took him to dr and he has the croupe.. doc got us a script for steroids and he should be better in 3-4 days.. JUST IN TIME FOR HIS NEXT TOURNAMENT!!
He made sure I asked the dr if he could wrestle saturday.. doc gave him clearance UNLESS he feels the same as he does now..
So.. hopeful that the meds work as he wants to wrestle this weekend!!!!!
Thanks so much for everyone asking !!!!
Now..  where is the ice????
This NY weather is killing me!!!!!!! I think I might have to succumb to fishing a  trout lake this Sunday just to get some time on the ice.. looks like it's going to get cold for a few nights so hopefully it hardens up shoreline after tomorrow's rain and high 40's weather!!!!!!!
I fished delta a couple times myself a few years back.. no luck but we had a blast..
If we get some ice I'll be headed up to fish onieda or possible delta.. I'd like to have a few options so I can maybe hit a couple different lakes up there!!!
H2l.. glad the wife seems to be doing better!!!! and this shopping  for groceries at Walmart online seems to be getting more and more popular! Hopefully they don't mess up your order!
Well i gotta get dinner for the kiddos
I'll check back in tomorrow of I can!!! Good luck to those on the hardwater! Be safe

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14464 on: Jan 07, 2019, 11:13 PM »
Got a late afternoon appointment with the Dr.  Ordered an ultrasound, which will be tomorrow, he thinks its either a blood clot or an infection, test tomorrow might include an NIVA.  mean while I have it elevated and warm.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14465 on: Jan 08, 2019, 01:20 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Windy and 23* with snow showers this am, high of 39 today with some rain coming. wishes with the ultrasound today.   :thumbsup:
  John...excellent story, congratulations to your son for his win and competing in the last match! Wtg Dad!!   :clap: :thumbsup:   Hope the meds are helping him get better.
  H2...better luck to the team with this Sunday’s games. My wife has been ordering grocery’s for a bit now also, sure does make it easier!   :thumbsup:
  Running short on time this am, we’re starting at 4 again on demo. Will catch up to you all this afternoon!
   Cawfee’s on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14466 on: Jan 08, 2019, 04:54 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone :bow:

37 with dropping temps throughout the day accompanied with 40mph-50mph winds :cookoo:

Hope you have a good day Eddie :thumbsup: Maybe you get off in time for a quick night bite?

Bud good luck today :thumbsup:

John excellent story  :thumbsup: Hope your son is feeling better :thumbsup:

I am off to the bus stop to drop off my wife in a bit, and then a stop at Walmart for a few things.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14467 on: Jan 08, 2019, 05:16 AM »

                   Good morning Bud, Eddie, Marv,
                               It's 20* and it snowed over night, not sure how much but was suppose to get 1 to 3, ::)
                               Bud.......Good luck with the test, I hope it's not a clot! ???
                               Eddie.....Don't you hate it when you want to do something but you're running late! :blink:
                               The town plow just went by!
                               Marv......Have fun at WalMart, if you see one of those WalMart beauties snap a picture and share it with us. :woot:
                               John......Nice story, I'm glad he was able to come through and pin the opponent!
                               H2L.......That's what my Dr. said, It do wear cleats all the time but you never know. It's just not falling, getting my gear in my trck
                    is a chore as well. :whistle:
                               Not much going on today, I;m driving my #2 son down to pick up a couple of cabinets that his wife bought.
                               I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out fishing!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14468 on: Jan 08, 2019, 06:17 AM »
26* with maybe an inch or so of snow. The plow just went by here.
Not much going on around here. Nurse came last night to change bandage on PICC line. Hoping that comes out next week.
Saw two groups of guys on the ice yesterday, but not very far out from shore.
We have gained almost 20 minutes of daylight since the end of hunting season.
Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14469 on: Jan 08, 2019, 06:57 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....good luck with the ultrasound, hope the doc gets you fit as a fiddle again in no time   :flex:   ;)2

John....congrats to your son and you Dad  :clap: :bow:  going to be a bit for Oneida, the winds are keeping her rolling  :(

WS.....hope the back is still improving  :)

Eddie......hope your drive to work this morning wasn't too bad, everything's covered in a sheet of ice here  ::)

H2L.....sorry the bowling didn't go so well  :(   nice MrsH2L can get her shopping done from home & not have to get exposed to all the germs floating around in the stores  :thumbsup:

TT.....hope someone can figure out who's "shopping" at the senior center  ::)

Have a hair appointment and some errands to run later this morning, hoping the temps have warmed enough to melt the ice by then   :-\   plow/sander's been by a couple times so the roads should be ok  :thumbsup:  all the area schools are on a 2 hour delay

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14470 on: Jan 08, 2019, 09:05 PM »
Good Evening, Gang

Temps. are starting to drop off now, snow is supposed to fall late week/weekend, no amounts guesstimated, some wind chills in the single digits

T.T. - All of my scaffolds are some sort of rolling bakers scaffold, the largest can be stacked 3 high, with outriggers

Fshnjhn - Glad to hear jr. got his win, WTG

H2L - Things seem like they are getting back to normal, kinda ?

I.F.F. - Agree with I.W., hope no blood clot, good luck

Mason - Your working inside, right?

W.S. - How's the back feeling?

I.W. - Can't some of the stuff stay in the truck?

Mrs. W.W. - This weather system coming in for the weekend may get us here more than you, the way the guessing is going, wait & see

Raqdac - How are the 'paws' feeling?

Time for some shut eye, more tomorrow

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Happy Birthday-Good Eats & Drink-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14471 on: Jan 08, 2019, 10:55 PM »
Good evening had a dusting of snow this morning and rain this afternoon.Guessing roads were in bad shape this morning lots of school closings or delayed openings.
Eddie I made Winter vacation trips to Speculator back in 2005 and 07 fished on Lake Pleasant and Piseco did catch a few small lake trout at Piseco. I'm not used to fishing lakes with that size surface area mostly stayed in one spot probably would have caught more fish by moving around. Both years only the parking lot for camp ground at eastern end of Piseco was plowed so that limited access also only had my legs for transportation on the ice. Guessing ice boater figure he would be moving fast enough to get over any thin ice before it broke from the weight of his body and boat.
Whopper Stopper how is your back any new treatment ideas from the chiropractor. May your SIL find the photos of buck visiting your property. Any trees or branches come down with those high winds.
Ice wanderer will have to pass your therapist's opinion on to my BIL he also use a C-pap machine.
IFF ditto other's comments on your sore calf may you only have a minor infection that medication will clear up in a short amount of time.
Tom Turkey from my experience many hardware store and lock smiths do not pay attention to do not duplicate stamped on keys. I'm assuming the senior center is town owned  think they would keep a list of persons who have keys to the building. May the theft of items end sad some people would steel from the town.
Hunts2long the shop from home programs are nice for people like your wife. Hope the high lake level does not cause you any problems. Recently picked up the Feb. issue of Adirondack Life magazine if I remember your brother works at the Lapland ski center nice article on the place.
FishinJohn how is your son doing may he be able to wrestle this weekend. Good thing they had medics at the tournament congratulations to your son on toughing it out and getting pin fall in his last match of the day. Think many NY. ice anglers are antsy waiting for ice to thicken so they can fish.
Wallyworld glad no computer problems.
Capt. Jim hope your Ra is in control and not affecting your workday.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14472 on: Jan 09, 2019, 02:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Rain/snow mix falling and 33* at the moment, high of 36 today. Expecting some snow and strong winds throughout the day. Big change in temperatures arriving tomorrow!

  Steve...I honestly don’t know what the ice boater was thinking, but he was ripping across the ice when he got the sail set right. Just glad he didn’t go through!  :thumbsup:
  Capt.Jim...hoping your job is going well. We’re back inside for the winter...terrazzo season!   ;D
  Wally...had some bad ice covered roads on the way in yesterday morning, took it slow and easy. The colder weather coming in should help lock up some of those lakes this week....Oneida is on my list this season..might need some pointers on what to use.   :thumbsup:’s nice seeing longer days again! I fished until 5pm last night without needing a light. Good ice making weather coming, hopefully the winds don’t mess it up.    :thumbsup:
  Jeff...that’s a good idea playing it smart for the time being with your shoulder. Hopefully you can get a trip or two in on LG though....would like to try hitting a few lakers with you this season!   :thumbsup: must have read my mind yesterday, lol, kept counting down the minutes till quitting time.  :thumbsup:

  It turned out to be a pretty decent afternoon weatherwise yesterday, although the fish weren’t into biting much. Managed a few pickerel but the trout and perch weren’t interested in anything. Talked to 4 guys on the way out and they hadn’t had much luck either, one of those slow days this lake is known for I guess.
  Time to get moving....cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14473 on: Jan 09, 2019, 03:14 AM »
Good Morning ER's 15 and I think maybe still dropping a bit. Nice to here you made it out Eddie. Bud hope the leg situation is getting better. Have a good day all.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14474 on: Jan 09, 2019, 04:57 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, OG, ER's,
                       It's 32* and snowing here on my hill, we have about 2" so far. When I turned on my TV I had no signal, so I went out and wiped off
               the satellite dish. ::)
                       Eddie.......It's nice you can get in some ice time on the way home from work. :flex:
                       Capt.Jim....I've left my sled in my truck before the problem I had the next morning, we had a surprise snow fall and everything was
               frozen to each other. My main concern is getting my sled in and out of truck at the lake. :whistle:
                       H2L..........Longer days are nice but it means spring is that much closer. I know February is generally the coldest month, lets hope
               that is the case this year. :flex:
                       Marv..........How is you back after you Chiropractor visits? ???
                       This morning I have a Dr.'s appointment, suppose to be the pre op evaluation to make sure I can have the operation.
                       I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or out on the ice.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14475 on: Jan 09, 2019, 05:10 AM »
Good morning Eddie, OG IW! Good morning everyone :bow:

7 degrees with 30mph wind gusts making a -19 wind chill. For any one streaking locally, other than severe shrinkage, you should have 30 minutes before things turn black and fall off ???

Eddie dang it anyway, hope the next trip goes better :thumbsup:

mr.clean it looks like my "Back Yard" folder got erased or lost, I have no idea how that happened :%$#!: So unfortunately the buck pictures are gone. The back took a step backward yesterday, still an improvement but had a spasm which I had hoped was history. I go in again tomorrow, other than that sitting on an ice pac throughout the day.

WW how did you make out at the beauty parlor?

TT Thanks for the links, I watched them while sitting on my ice. Good stuff :thumbsup:

IW hope the shoulder is holding it's own. Good luck at the Dr. I had one lady in my camera lens yesterday at Walmart but she caught me before I took the picture, she looked mad :whistle:

I am taking my wife to the bus this morning so time to get going.

Hope you all have a good Hump day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14476 on: Jan 09, 2019, 05:22 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, Happy Hump Day🤗. Supposed to be in the 40s today. My wife is home today so it should be a good day. Still waiting to hear from the court. I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14477 on: Jan 09, 2019, 06:45 AM »
Second try at posting. One wrong move of some sort and bye bye post.

Todays is the first time that the temperature will be  normal or below normal in 28 days. Some of those days were way above normal. It is actually 27* and dropping today.

Off to the doc today for both of us. I need to get some changes made with who orders my RX's. My dibetic doc refused to send a new persription to the pharmacy I wanted it to go to. His demeanor with me was not like it has been. I think he wants me gone from his office so that will be getting done. I do not really need to see him and more as I am not that bad of a dibetic any more. My regular doc can take care of any problem I might have.

Marv I am glad to hear that the links gave you some thing to watch while setting with an ice pack. There are lot of picture of freaks that could be taken at Walmart. If they did not dress that way they wold not have to wrooy about thier picture being posted some where for every one to see how stupid they look. I seldom go in a Walmart but I always come out with a smile on my face from the crazy people I see.

Capt jim I have only used one stage of a baker schaffold. They would be awul tippy at three with out out riggers. We painted the wall above the alter of a Catholic church that required 5 or 6 stages of regualr scafold plus an 8 foot step ladder on top leaned against the wall to reach the peak. I never did get on top of it. I just kept the boss supplied with paint.

Steve Our local hardware store knows not to copy the keys as we have talked to them. If it was copied it must have been some where else. The building is owned by this group of seniors. We get little from the county as far as support. They serve meals 4 days a week and thai is some nasty food at times. The gal that serves the meals thinks she owns the building at times. I am trying to figure out how to put a motion sesative camera in that would only be on in the hours taht the center is closed.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14478 on: Jan 09, 2019, 06:55 AM »
Morning all,'s the leg  ???

WS.....sorry to hear about the spasm  :(  they sure do get your attention don't they  :-\   no "beauty" treatments, just a trim  :woot:

Eddie.....glad you made the drive to work safely :clap:  with winds like this Oneida is NEVER going to freeze  >:(  just wish Mother Nature would pick a season and stick with it, wouldn't take much to get the boat ready if it would stop being "winter" every other week  :whistle: 

IW.....good luck at the doc's today, hope you can get scheduled sooner rather than later  ;)

CapJ.....thunder and rain yesterday/last night, now it's snowing  :blink:  hope you aren't hit too hard  :-\

IF45......enjoy the day with Mrs45 :clap:

TT......good luck at the docs  :)  fingers crossed you can find the thief

Weatherman says 4-8" of snow on the way and 30+mph winds  ::)   good day to stay in me thinks  ;)2

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14479 on: Jan 09, 2019, 06:56 AM »
33 and it looks like we got about 2 inches of snow. Going out after wife's med and see if I can get some of it out of the driveway before it freezes. Suppose to get cold the next few days.

They removed the wife's PICC line yesterday. She can take a REAL shower now.

WW, it seems like a 2 hour delay these days is for cloudy weather.

IW, good luck at the Drs. Still lots of Winter left.

Mr. Clean, my brother has worked at Lapland for about 30 years. He loves the 3 mile drive everyday.
Have a good day...h2l

Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14480 on: Jan 09, 2019, 07:12 AM »'s a shot of Oneida's east end this morning  ::)

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14481 on: Jan 09, 2019, 01:37 PM »
WW that doesn’t look good to be out in

Got test results negative on BC, so will be picking up the med to treat an infection

Feel like a kid waiting for Xmas morning, and the bike to arrive


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14482 on: Jan 09, 2019, 01:46 PM »
IFF....glad to hear there was no blood clot  :)  looks pretty sore tho  :( take care

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14483 on: Jan 09, 2019, 03:05 PM »
Good afternoon gang,

Sorry to hear about all the health issues going around. Hope you all get healed up/feeling better! Not much new to report here so far this week. Hope you all have a great rest of the day!  :)
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14484 on: Jan 09, 2019, 05:23 PM »
DFF.. Glad to hear that there is nothing really going on at your homestead.. sometimes it's best if all is quiet!
IFF... Good news with there being no clot! Hopefully you'll be jumping rope soon!!!!😋
WW.. thanks for the onieda pic.. shes looks like shes just a boiling! Hard eater SOOON!!!
H2L..Thats super good news about mrs h2l starting to be able to get closer to back to normal!!! She has to be really happy! When you're sick like that for any amount of time sometimes a simple shower can really lift your spirits!!!
TT... I had an issue similar to yours years back.. I saw a  dr for my epilepsy.. one day he told me I had to have all these tests.. when I questioned him why(I was going to have to pay for tests out of pocket cause insurance had changed) he said because I ordered them that's why..he got mad at me and said I could go see a different dr if I wanted to so after 20 years I said..GOODBYE.. funny thing is.. after that visit I stopped taking meds and have been seizure free for 10 years+.. Guess it really was childhood epilepsy(due to puberty)
My boy is now feeling like a million dollars.. cough all gone and he went to practice tonight with his mother.. we were going to wrestle down in p.a. on Saturday but our club now isnt going at all this weekend so we are going to wrestle a NYWAY tournament in lockport NY on sunday.. Hoping he sees some kids he might face for the regional state qualifier in march!!
I got home from work and went to the shop and made 50lbs of stix for a customer.. time to sit and relax..
Have a good evening all!!! Hope to hit the ice on a small lake Friday after work!!!!

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14485 on: Jan 09, 2019, 08:02 PM »
Good Evening, Everybody

Temps. are dropping steady now, by Friday, we should have some ice-making going on, let's see what Ma Nature lets us have

Mrs. W.W. - Oneida looks like she does NOT want to be frozen over

I.F.F. - Glad no blood clot, even looks stiff & hard to move around

I.W. - I didn't realize that there was no cover in the truck bed to protect gear left overnight from elements

T.T. - The 3 sections get used for 1 customer to paint the front foyer inside the front door, and change light bulbs in the chandelier, that is the limit I set for height, is there any
     way you could set up a trail game camera that uses motion detect, as the hidden sec, camera?

H2L - No PICC line means 1 less thing to worry about, when Melisa was here, her's was always clogged or plugged with some thing, while they serve a purpose, they can be a
     'pain in the neck'

W.S. - What seems to be the prognosis as to the problem?

Fshnjhn - Good call not travelling for a meet, weather is going to be miserable this weekend, staying close to home a better choice

45 - The waiting is the hardest part of it all

Got 3 small tile jobs lined up to do when finished with the painting job, customers are good with the time elements, no one is in a hurry, which is good

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines-Records & Limits-Happy Birthday-Good Eats & Drink-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14486 on: Jan 09, 2019, 08:28 PM »
Good evening high of forty around eight this morning then temperatures started dropping 15 -20 mph winds . Hope the winds stop during the forecasted cold spell so lakes came form ice.
Eddie those ice boats can get to some high speeds with high winds. Guess one benefit of your early start to workday is being able to fish after work for a couple hours.
Ice Wanderer may you not be buried under to much snow. How was the per.op.evaluation did your surgery get scheduled.
Whopper Stopper hope you have not made to many trips out to the wood pile to stock your stove with that low wind chill. Sorry to hear about the back spasm .
Old Goat may the colder weather allow you to fish in coming days.
Icefisher-45 hope you had a nice day with your wife.May you hear from the court before weeks end .
Tom Turkey how were the doctors visits did you get your prescription changed. Given that your senior center serves meals a couple days every week it makes it easier for someone to steal items and folks assume it is someone who came for a meal.
Wallyworld has the snow stopped how high are the drifts for those winds. Think it will be some time before Oneida is frozen over if the windy days are frequent.
Hunts2long good to hear tube is removed forget how much little things matter until your not able to do them may you wife enjoy her first real shower. Lapland Lake looks like a nice place to work your brother is one of their older employees.
IFF glad you only have an infection which hopefully medication can clear up quickly.
Deerefishyfishy seen your words in abother thread thank you for staying dedicated to your job through this government shut down.
FishinJohn good to hear your son is recovered and ready to wrestle this weekend  all the best to him this Saturday. How is your puppy Jake adjusting to your family.
Evening Capt. Jim great news about the new tile jobs.

Have a pleasant evening. May the colder temperatures forecast for NY. allow those of us waiting for thicker ice to get on the lakes in coming week.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14487 on: Jan 10, 2019, 02:32 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Blustery winds with light snow falling , 26* this am, temps will be falling the rest of the day.

  Steve...agree, hopefully the winds will lay down and get some ice forming on some of the open waters. The early starts do have there’s mustering up the energy sometimes to get out and take advantage of the opportunity that can be the struggle.  ;D
  CaptJim...nice having work stacked up and ready to go, excellent!  :thumbsup:
  John...great news on your son getting well, best wishes to him this weekend!   :clap:
  DFF...still hoping each day they can reach an agreement...can’t imagine the problems people are facing right now without a paycheck coming in.
  Bud...ouch, that looks painful, glad there was no blood clot! Hope the meds take care of that quickly. Hope the bike arrived!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...looks like it will be a while for Oneida yet, thanks for the picture. This winter season sure has started off screwy. Is Delta any better?
  Tom/Jeff....hope everything went well at the Dr.’s yesterday!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...hope your back is feeling better today, be careful with the wood duty’s!   :thumbsup:

  Sure am glad we won’t be dealing with this weather outside today, must say, it’s nice being inside again.
  Not much to report today, but the clock is ticking.....will catch up to you all on break....cawfee’s on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14488 on: Jan 10, 2019, 07:29 AM »
Good Morning ER's

Eddie checking the tracking number, it looks like its half way, update says to be delivered by the end of the day Friday  ;D

fishingjohn, probably jumping rope maybe not a good idea for me, I would trip myself  ::)

Heard the gander sign had to be taken down, or get fined by city for not having the store open  :o  :cookoo:

take care all have a good day.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14489 on: Jan 10, 2019, 08:25 AM »
Good Morning ER's 25 and slight warm up the next 5 days. Wow winter sure keeps getting pushed further and further back this year. Everyone have a great day.


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