Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649777 times)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14130 on: Dec 08, 2018, 06:15 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

A little warmer out this morning 12 heading into the 20's later.

Good stuff Eddie :thumbsup: Best wishes for a good hunt this morning Sir :thumbsup:

IW I couldn't resist  :roflmao: Hope you have a good day over there today.

WW enjoy the party :thumbsup: What an awesome job on the baking :clap:

h2l I hear your rant :cookoo: What a racket! I am glad things got worked out for your wife and you without a bunch of extra inconvenience.

TT Yes we need to have a license for spearing which currently is $6. It used to be about $18 but they lowered it so more people would go. The bright side looking ahead is if I live to be 90, I will be able to fish spear for free  :clap: We also need to have a license on the house if left on the lake which is $15.

Capt.Jim You and your family are in our thoughts.

I am going to wait until Monday to hit the spear house. I can only imagine the people that will be on the lake today.

I hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14131 on: Dec 08, 2018, 09:35 AM »
Good morning ER's!! First off let me say that my thoughts are with Capt. Jim and his family this weekend in the celebration of Melisa's life. God Bless!! I hope everyone  is paying a visit to the Holiday Humor page. I'm adding a bit of adult humor now and then, so if you have young 'uns, you may want to screen  the humor!! ::) As far as our kitten search goes, we are waiting until after the holidays and until we get our projects farther along and have the time needed to devote to an energetic young kitten.  ;D I need to put my 'ears' in because my wife will only let me claim 'deafness' for just so long until I  put them in!  :roflmao: :whistle: ;)2 I hope everyone has a great day at whatever they choose. ;D
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14132 on: Dec 08, 2018, 11:50 AM »
Afternoon all,

Thank you for all the compliments and trophies on the cookies  :)  My only hope is that there are enough for everyone. It's always hard not knowing how many people will show up.

Eddie.....hope you had some action in the woods this morning  ;)  Happy Birthday wishes sent to Baby Ryan  :thumbsup:  enjoy the party  :clap:  hope none of your coworkers get "offended"  ::)  kudos for showing your support for our troops  :bow: :thumbsup:

H2L.....can't quite grasp why insurance companies come up with the rules they do  :wacko:  outpatient or inpatient why does that matter, does the scan not cost the same no matter where the person "lives"  ??? ::)

IW.....I don't blame the weather cat for staying inside till it warms up a little  ;)

WS....I need to research spear fishing, can't quite picture the decoy thing in my head  :blink: :unsure:  time to tap google for some info  @)

Quiet day today, not much happening till this evening around 6 when the town tree lighting and carolers get started followed by party time  :clap:

Have a good day whatever you're up to. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14133 on: Dec 08, 2018, 12:22 PM »

WW this will give you a start Lol


Here is what I have been using although I have a box full of decoys some from the 30's. On the decoy, the Mr Twister really peaks their interest. It swims very well and has drawn a lot of pike in. My wife loves it because she is the one that picked it out a few years ago ???

The golf ball was the s-i-l creation. Not sure why but besides northern, bass love to come in and watch it and I saw both walleyes when using it.


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14134 on: Dec 08, 2018, 12:33 PM »
WS......thanks  :bow:  that's interesting, so you use a decoy instead of minnows to attract the fish ???  I assume they're coming in looking for food  then???  Are you ji

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14135 on: Dec 08, 2018, 12:34 PM »
WS......thanks  :bow:  that's interesting, so you use a decoy instead of minnows to attract the fish ???  I assume they're coming in looking for food  then???  Are you jigging the decoy  ???  Sorry for all the questions but I know exactly nothing about spearfishing lol  ;D

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14136 on: Dec 08, 2018, 01:05 PM »
WS......thanks  :bow:  that's interesting, so you use a decoy instead of minnows to attract the fish ???  I assume they're coming in looking for food  then???  Are you jigging the decoy  ???  Sorry for all the questions but I know exactly nothing about spearfishing lol  ;D

Some times I have both a live sucker down the hole and a wooden decoy. The problem with suckers is that often times a northern will strike light lightening and be gone before you can get the spear in the water, taking the sucker with it. Once in awhile they will hit the wood decoy but usually they stop and look at it giving you time to spear it if it happens to be one you want.

When you work the wood decoy you can either give it a light pumping motion or just move it around the hole. Northern sometimes stop outside the hole and just watch it. When you add some movement they come in thinking it will swim off.

The golf ball just seems to be a curiosity lure and they slide in and watch it. Bass sometime swim up to it and suck the ball in their mouth and spit it back out. Kind of crazy.

The old stand by wood decoy is the red and white. For what ever reason I just didn't see many with it on this lake.


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14137 on: Dec 08, 2018, 01:21 PM »
Ok that all makes sense  :) thanks for the lesson, you’re a good teacher  ;D

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14138 on: Dec 08, 2018, 01:57 PM »
Good afternoon, high of fourty today after dropping into the teens last night .I stopped by one of the lakes I ice fish at still some open water along with covering of black ice less then an inch thick. The lake is forty acres with max. depth of 15 feet. Mailed a few more Christmas cards and present for relatives in VA. this morning gift shopping almost completed time to start wrapping.
Capt.JIM will be thinking of your family and you this weekend after the services may family and you be in better spirits for the rest of holiday season.
OldSailor will check out your latest additions to Holiday Humor thread. Think you had made right choice on waiting until work done on doll room before getting a kitten.
Whopper Stopper thank you for the photos of spearing decoys and shack. May you spear a pike or catch a nice walleye next trip out.
Mealworm glad you were able to find more seasoned logs guess  your customers are expecting a long cold Winter. May you be able to do a few more yard clean ups before next snow fall. Best with your hunting plans may you fill remaining tag.
Ice Wanderer surprised the weather cat is not curled up by a wood stove or fire place. Safe travels for your wife on her trip. may you hear something back about the sleep study and MRI this coming week.
Hunts2long think your wife likes her chocolate between the M7M's milk and ice cream. Sorry to hear about insurance issue glad things got worked out for you.
Tom Turkey did you get to clear brush with son today. CWD is getting to be a major problem across the country.
Wallyworld great looking cookies any reason  you choose to do two days of marathon baking instead of spacing out over a week. I have seen spearing decoys for sale in some antique shops guess like everything some people collect them sure some are more valuable then others depending on who made the decoy.
Eddie thank you for the Pearl Harbor info. Birthday wishes sent for little Ryan happy he is healthy and growing. Wonder if management will put a stop to your not in uniform punishment. Best to you hunting this weekend.
Old Goat how soon until your daughter is home. Any change of hitting the ice this week.

May everyone have a safe and good night. Best to all hunting, please exercise caution and remember safety gear if planning to check ice and hopefully fish this weekend.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14139 on: Dec 09, 2018, 04:15 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  22* with some snow flurries this am, high of 32 today.

  Steve...I believe the info I shared concerning the # of Pearl Harbor survivors was inaccurate. I heard that on a local radio station, perhaps it was referring to the living survivors remaining in NYS? Read an article last evening that said there were actually 15 survivors in attendance at the ceremony. 
  Marv...thanks for sharing the pictures and explaining the techniques! I have seen the decoys, but the golfball you had mentioned had me baffled as well, that is pretty neat!   :thumbsup:   On the Hudson River here, they use a herring decoy called a stoolie to attract the herring to net and use for Striped Bass. Just wondering if you are familiar with them or have tried them out?
  Wally...hope your evening went well with the tree lighting and the party! Certain those cookies went fast... :thumbsup: guys are doing a great job on the Holiday Humor page!    :clap:
  H2...understand your rant and frustration with the Ins. Co.'s as well, unbelievable sometimes. Hope all went well for your wife with the scan yesterday.   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...last day for the regular gun season here today in the Southern Zone, but I think today is the last day of muzzle in the Northern Zone. It opens tomorrow here until Dec. 18th...still got some time left.

  Thank You all for Ryan's B'Day wishes! He's doing great, and getting bigger everyday. He's now up to 25lbs., 31" long, and has a 4 word vocabulary....Baba, Dada, Momma, and Go, lol.  Had a nice time and gave him a big hug from everyone.  :thumbsup:
  It was a pretty cold slow morning yesterday on stand, 10* when I went in, just a slight breeze. The snow and leaves were so frigid, every step made a loud crunching noise going in. My time was limited, so I chose a spot not too far in where I could set up and not scare everything into the next county, lol., maybe halfway to my regular spot.
  Sunrise came and the woods were incredibly quiet, nothing seemed to be out and about. Around 8am, a few squirrels
showed up, but other than that, not much of anything else. Only heard 4 shots total in the distance, nothing close before having to call it quits at 9:30. Hopeful this am's hunting will be better....10am curfew.  ;D
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!




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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14140 on: Dec 09, 2018, 04:52 AM »

              Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                              It's 13* and clear here on my hill, no wind this am and the weather cat is out on the prowl. ::)
                              Eddie........I should brush up on the regulations, I forgot that your season starts after ours and ends later. :blink: Good luck this
              morning. :thumbsup: I'm glad to read that Baby Ryan is doing well. :thumbsup:
                              Marv.........I too was wondering about the decoys ??? You explained it perfectly. :clap: Near I'm not sure you can spear fish or not,
              years ago I read that one lake I fish had Walleye in it and it was speared out. They would fish at night during the spawn and I guess it was an
              easy process. ::)
                              Wally.........I'm sure your cookies were a big hit last night. :bow:
                              Steve........I don't have a fireplace and the wood stove is in the basement which I have not fired up since I got the outside wood boiler. :o
              I'm glad to hear that your main ice fishing lake is icing over! :thumbsup:
                              H2L...........Insuranc e companies sure know how to put a twist in everything. I'm glad that it got straightened out! :clap:
                              Today will be a football day, the Giants at 1 pm, Go Giants. The at 4:25 the Cowboys and Eagles play, and at 8:20  the Bear and Rams play.
                              I hope everyone has a good Sunday either at work or at play!


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14141 on: Dec 09, 2018, 05:01 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....watched a couple you tubes videos on spearfishing, pretty cool  :thumbsup:must take some practice being able to judge how big the fish is tho, always seems to me they look bigger in the water than they actually are  :-\

Eddie....good luck this morning  :flex:  so good to hear Ryan is doing well after his rocky start in life  :thumbsup:

IW.....enjoy the games today  ;)

The party was a success yesterday, the firehouse was packed,  think half the town showed up  :clap: :thumbsup:  Santa and Mrs Clause were a big hit riding in on the fire truck  ;)2 

Not much planned for today. MrWW is heading back to camp for the last day of regular season gun today then late season muzzle/archery starting tomorrow  :flex: 

Have a good day whatever's on your agenda. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14142 on: Dec 09, 2018, 05:56 AM »
17 this morning.
Eddie hope this morning is the morning. Good Luck. Glad Baby Ryan is doing well.
Picked up my deer yesterday. Guy said he tried calling me two days ago but I didn't get a call from him. Going to be a pain to vaccum seal it as it is some what frozen.

Wife is doing fine but it may be a few more days as they want to do the scan on Monday. The insurance issue has been on-going from the very start. It has all been because we live "upstate" and the hospital is "downstate" or as they call it, out of market. They must use the same line for insurance as they use for voting.

I too will be watching the Giants this afternoon. Watched the Army/Navy game yesterday. Navy just couldn't get it going and Army has a very good team. Great young Americans. Wife's donor was an Army Cadet and Army has won all three years since his passing. Thank You Thomas.

Going to have to look for a can of spray that smells like cookies baking so that it seems more like the holidays.

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14143 on: Dec 09, 2018, 07:18 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

20 degrees only heading up a couple more clicks.

Eddie hope your time on the stand pays off :thumbsup: Glad you had a good time at yesterdays party, sounded like a good time.

IW and h2l enjoy the football! I am sure I will catch some along the way as not much else going on.

WW glad The party was a success yesterday :clap: I bet the cookies went fast!

Yesterday we were driving around and we stopped at the lake I have the house on to see how much activity there was. There were 3 portables close to the spear house with 1 actually almost touching it. Dang, it would have been worth walking out for a picture, but I didn't :cookoo:

Tomorrow I am heading back to the spear house and am going to try and get that walleye.

Hope you all have an excellent Sunday :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14144 on: Dec 09, 2018, 08:58 AM »
Chilly start this morning. Sunny at least.

Eddie It is good to here that Ryan is doing great. We were all pulling for him when he was having his problems.

WS Thanks for the explanation and picture of the golf ball decoy. The looks of it must have the pike confused. A guy posted some pictures of some decoys he makes on another site. They are realistic looking with they way he painted them. They look more like they should be on the mantel than used. I have a balsa wood decoy that never got the weight put in the bottom of it that goes back at least 50 years. I do not understand why some one would set up so close to your shanty. Additional holes will let water on the ice casuing your sahnty to freeze in.

I heard gun shots this morning that sounded like center fire rifle. Even though it is muzzle loader season you can use a centerfire here with the CWD. You can shoot a doe with a buck licence as well.

ww I am sure those cookies were a great hit. Those pictures do not help me stay away from things I should not be eating as a diabetic. I am still working on gettting more recipies for you.

The clean up went good at my sons yesterday. I did not realize that what came down had actually hit the play house that I built for the boys when they were little, like 40 years ago. Only a couple of small holes in the roof from the one that came down. It took three big loads to get it all hauled to the brush pile. The last load was heavy pieces that could not be put on top of the pile to flatten it out as it is 8 foot tall now. There are so many trees that need to come down that will need a bucket truck to get them down. My canoe needs to be moved as it is stored under one of them.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14145 on: Dec 09, 2018, 09:55 AM »

Wife's view of George Washington Bridge...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14146 on: Dec 09, 2018, 10:17 AM »
Nice picture h2l :thumbsup:

 I do not understand why some one would set up so close to your shanty. Additional holes will let water on the ice causing your shanty to freeze in.

No idea TT but it's always been that way. Before portables people would drill next to the hard house and use it as a wind break. As you stated if there is any amount of snow on the ice drilling a hole next to a house will flood it and can really make you :%$#!: There is a law saying houses can't be placed closer than 10' from each other, but that often falls on deaf ears.

For many spear fisher people it's a time honored tradition sitting in a dark house. For 3 months every winter from early morning until darkness erased the decoy, I would sit with my dad in the spear shack, before I finally had to start going to school. The first date I took my wife on was a day on the ice sitting in that old house.

Many have evolved as I have and enjoy watching a decoyed fish come in as much as spearing it. It may sound odd to some and my dad would have never gone for the idea, but to each their own. I guess part of the thinking of anglers is that maybe a spearer knows something being he placed his house out there. But with a crowd the fish get spooked and I will keep moving until the ice get's too thick.

A bunch of rambling I guess, but come morning I plan to be set up at first light. My lunch will be two cookies and a Spam sandwich, another long time tradition.


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14147 on: Dec 09, 2018, 11:05 AM »
WS.....some great memories right there, thanks for sharing  ;) good luck tomorrow, enjoy the spam sandwich  ;D

H2L....awesome view of the bridge  @)  I know you’re missing MrsH2L, fingers crossed she comes home this week and can start doing some baking  ;)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14148 on: Dec 09, 2018, 10:30 PM »
Good evening I see from post in the SENY thread folks were able to ice fish on two lakes in Sullivan county around a n hour away from me higher elevation probably helped with ice formation.
Eddie happy little Ryan is doing well and starting to talk. Hope you saw more deer activity on today's hunt.
Ice Wanderer sure there are some warm spots in your house where the "Weather Cat" spends part of the day during Winter months. My sister's cats enjoy sitting on top of radiator covers.
Wallyworld sounds like the party was a success assume your cookies were a big hit with the kids. Best to Mr.WW with the late season deer hunting.
Whopper Stopper other see you shelter and figure it must be over fish holding structure so set up on top of you. May you bring the walleye onto ice this week. Enjoy the cookies and spam sandwich
Tom Turkey good to hear weather allowed brush clean up that is one large brush pile. Thankful the play house survived falling limbs.
Hunts2long nice photo of GW bridge. All the best with wife's scan tomorrow. I think you can find candles that are scented to smell like cookies.

A good night to all.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14149 on: Dec 10, 2018, 02:30 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Calm winds and 23* to start this am, high of 32 here today.

  Steve...I stopped by one of my local lakes yesterday afternoon that I've been checking and there were a few guys out as well. The deer hunting was pretty slow again yesterday am, but still some time left!   :thumbsup: of luck with the spearing today, hoping those big walleyes show up again! It's super interesting learning more about the style and traditions, thanks for sharing them with us.   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Tom...glad the clean up went well, hopefully no more problems with those trees for awhile.  :thumbsup: wishes for your wife this am, hoping she won't be there much longer. That's a great view out her window!  :thumbsup:
  Wally...glad the party went well and a big crowd to boot! Best of luck to Mr.WW this week filling tags!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...congrats on the Giants win yesterday, quite a score!!   :thumbsup:  How's the ice coming along up your way?

  Other than the crunchy walk in to my stand yesterday am, the conditions were perfect. It was a beautiful quiet morning, calm winds and comfortable temps....only thing missing was the deer!   ;D.    I stayed on stand until 9:30 before calling it quits, but it was all good. Lots of time looking around the woods I've been fortunate enough to stomp around in for the last 40 years, couldn't help but smile remembering some of the days we had there...both good and bad.
  Still have 8 days left of muzzle loader, so I'm confident yet. Will be switching gears and hunting some private property this week my sister once's always treated me good.
   Time to start a new week....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/spearing/hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14150 on: Dec 10, 2018, 04:03 AM »

                   Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                            It's 26* and cloudy here on my hill with a high of 32* expected. ::)
                            Eddie.........That's the great thing about hunting, when sitting in your stand and things are slow, there is always those memories
                   of hunts past to pass the time. Good luck when you go to your sisters old property! :thumbsup: People are out on some smaller lakes
                   already. Perchslyer a IS member was out this weekend with his boys! :flex:
                            Steve.........My cats favorite spot is upstairs on the guest bed, it's warmer up there and is away from all that goes on downstairs. :o
                            H2L...........That's not a bad view for a hospital room, she also looking north toward home! ;D
                            Marv..........I like hearing of your story of you and you father spending time in the spear house, memories like that are priceless. :bow: :clap:
                            Wally.........I'm glad to read that the party was a big success. :flex:
                            Today I have to return a stone bin for MW, then not much else going on, I can wrap my wife's Christmas gifts I got her and hide them. I have
                   noticed the less I use my arm the better it feels so I will focus on that!
                            I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out fishing or hunting!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14151 on: Dec 10, 2018, 06:25 AM »
23 this morning.
IW, if she could get over the dam, she could paddle While looking out the window I have told her, "just think some of that water is flowing by the house."
She gets the scan done this morning. Can't have anything to eat until dinner.
We bowled pretty good last night. Took 3 of 4, all close games. Won total pins by 6 pins.

Pretty proud of myself. Got everything out of the freezer, got it cleaned, got everything back into it, including all the meat from this years deer. I DID toss a few things, but not really that much. Anything I knew I wouldn't eat and anything I knew the wife couldn't. She worked in food service and was a chef, she would freeze anything she "thought" she might use.

Have a good day....h2l

The NY Giants looked just like a football team yesterday...
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14152 on: Dec 10, 2018, 03:59 PM »
Good afternoon everyone :bow:

28 dipping to 14 tonight.

Eddie, sorry things didn't work out with the deer hunting, I hope you have better luck next time out :thumbsup:

IW hope you picked some good places to hide all the gifts it seems the women have a 6th sense when it comes to finding things ???

h2l Congratulations on the bowling :clap:

I was at the spear house and set up about 15 minutes before it was light enough to make out anything down the hole. As you stare down into the murky water your eyes start playing tricks on you. I was finally just able to make out my VMC spoon with a minnow head, when out of no where a walleye was at my bait. I jigged it very lightly and the fish hit. It made a good run around the spear hole before I could finally grab it and put it in the bag.

There is a 17" minimum at this lake and this one was long enough  :thumbsup:. I got another head pinched off and put it back down, about 1/2 hour later another walleye hit and I was able to get that one fished out. I repeated with the baiting and sent it back down the hole. About 15 minutes later I saw a good sized northern (12lb?) heading in to the bait. Before I could grab the spear the fish gulped my bait down so I set the hook, sure as heck is cut the line and was gone, bait and all :%$#!:

I decided to sink my golf ball and put the rod away, still ticked about losing the jig. About 10 minutes later a 25"+ walleye came into the hole and just stopped. This was the one I saw the other day as it had a white spot on its head, eventually it swam off. I put the golf ball away and went outside and tied on another Tingler and sent it along with the minnow head back down the hole. In the next 2 hours I caught 3 more walleyes (all just short) and 4 northern which I let go. I had 5-6 other rockets try and get the bait but I was able to pull it out of the way so I wouldn't lose it. About 12:30 the s-i-l called to see how I was doing. Of course out of nowhere a 3-4lb northern hit the Tingler and cut the line.

I folded up and called it a day. On the way home I stopped at a sport shop and bought a few more of what I lost. I won't be able to go out tomorrow but Wednesday I will try it again.

Hope you all have a good evening :thumbsup: Stay safe.


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14153 on: Dec 10, 2018, 04:27 PM »
Evening All,

WS...... :icefish: :bow: :flex: :thumbsup:  congrats on a great day on the ice, minus the lost lures  :woot: 

H2L....good job on the alley last night  :clap: :flex:   way to go on the freezer clean up too  ;)2

Eddie.....glad you were able to relive some fond memories while waiting for that elusive critter  :)  hope you get a shot before the season ends  ;)

CapJ.....hope you and yours made it thru the weekend ok and you also had the chance to relive some good memories  :)

IW.....glad you've found a way to ease the discomfort in your shoulder :thumbsup:  no word yet from your mri  ???

Did some Christmas shopping today, just kind of wandered thru the stores looking for ideas and enjoying the decorations/music all around  :thumbsup:  nice to browse when the stores aren't too packed  ;)2

Have a good night. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14154 on: Dec 10, 2018, 10:25 PM »
WTG Marv,  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: :bow: :bow: those are some good eaters.  Looking at my 10 day forecast, still not looking very promising to have any good fishable ice soon on these lower lakes. Need some of Drifters temps.  Thinking I'm in for another roller coaster weather patterns.


Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14155 on: Dec 11, 2018, 01:35 AM »
Good morning gang,

I'm working an overnight tonight because a contractor is changing out some of the wiring and switches that feed power to our air traffic control tower so I thought I'd check in. Glad to hear that everyone seems to be doing well. I've been following along each day, just haven't had much to post.

H2L, hope the Mrs. Is able to get back home soon!

IW, glad our Giants actually had a convincing win (even if it was against the injured Redskins). They were actually fun to watch for a change... and all without OBJ! Maybe that'll help him keep his mouth shut  ;D

WW, glad the party was a success and the cookies were a hit. Here's what would happen if my wife ever asked me to help decorate when she was baking  ;)

WS, great work on the waldos! Sorry you missed the big northern and that the other slime logs got your lures! Good luck again on Wednesday

Not much new on my end. I went out hunting Sunday afternoon (missed the end of the Giants game but already knew that, despite their typical best efforts, even they couldn't blow that much of a lead!). I had a button buck and his little sister come out in the field at about 4:15 and graze. Could have popped either of them but they were both small. They kept looking in the woods behind them like they were waiting for Momma to come out but she never did. They eventually caught wind of me and, after a few minutes of looking around with noses in the air, trotted back into the woods. Muzzleloader is open now but I'm not sure if I will make it out again or not. If I do, it's just to get a deer for my inlaws. They both used to hunt and really enjoy the meat, but they quit hunting a few years ago when their son (my b-i-l) sold his property and moved to Texas. It's just not the same for them anymore since they used to hunt with him.

Hope everyone has a great day. Remember, even if I'm not posting I'm still watching... just like Santa!  ;D Good luck and stay safe in the woods and on the water/ice!
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14156 on: Dec 11, 2018, 02:35 AM »
Good Morning DFF, Morning Everyone,
  14* clear and calm, high of 31 here today. With no snow on the local lakes here, these recent temps have been a plus for maintaining and building some decent ice.   :thumbsup:

  DFF...good luck if you get back out for the deer, it wraps up here soon as well. How do you like that Eskimo hub?
  Bud...hope that weather pattern out in the Mile High changes soon for you. Some good reports on the higher elevation lakes, although ice thickness on some looked a little to thin for my comfort zone.
  Wally...thanks, plan on taking off at noon tomorrow and getting the afternoon in. How's Mr.WW making out?
  Marv...excellent job on the walleyes, some very good eats there!!  :clap: :thumbsup:  How deep is the water you're set up on?
  H2..wtg on the freezer and the bowling, hope your team stays strong on the 2nd half.   :clap:
  Jeff...find a good hiding place for the presents, I think my wife knows all my spots, lol. Glad to hear your arm is feeling a little better.  :thumbsup:

  A lot of talk yesterday about the radio stations banning that old 1940's song ...Baby It's Cold Outside. Guess it goes hand in hand with removing statues, not allowing kids to play dodge ball because some might get hit, not keeping scores, and teachers telling 5yr. olds there's no Santa Claus....where will it end?
  That's my rant for today.....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!





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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14157 on: Dec 11, 2018, 04:16 AM »

                Good morning DFF, Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 11* and clear here on my hill and it's not suppose to hit 30* today. ::)
                             DFF...........Probably it was a good idea to let the little ones go, they'll grow for next year. :thumbsup:
                             Eddie........It's getting crazy out there I read that a teacher banned Candy Canes because if you turn it upside down it looks
                like a "J" which could stand for Jesus! :unsure: And don't get me going on the Animal Cracker box, PETA forced the company to remove
                the bars from the cages on the box, animals are suppose to roam free, they said. :o They're freaken crackers, what next! :unsure: :wacko:
                             Marv.........Good job yesterday, sorry that you missed out on the Pike! :%$#!:
                             Today is Tuesday so it's little Carson's day to come, I think I'll teat him to lunch at McDonalds.
                             I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14158 on: Dec 11, 2018, 06:03 AM »
Good Morning. 9 degrees. "Baby it's cold outside"

The scan went very good yesterday. She was informed last night that they will be operating this morning to remove the spot in her old lung. When they did the tissue samples last week they came back unconclusive. Therefore they want to remove it. With all the rejection meds she takes, she is at higher risk of cancer. Recovery is 1 to 3 days. Not going down today as she will be out of it most of the day. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Will play it by ear the next few days. She is hoping to be out by weekend but I think it will be early next week.

WS, a couple nice walleyes. The pike will be back.

I always thought that PC stood for "PERSONNAL CHOICE".

Northville, NY

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #14159 on: Dec 11, 2018, 06:26 AM »
Good Morning ER's around 15 today then rising a bit. DFF your cookie decoration made me laugh I didn't catch it until looking twice thanks for the chuckle. Bud Jayhawks # 1 you and Mrs. go to any games? Badgers look OK but Iverson needs to put it in another gear. Marv nice report sorry about the lost VMC stuff I just gave a bunch but I'll check to see if I have more. Were you calm when the 25 in eye strolled through and hit the air brakes. H2L glad the scan went well hope the Mrs. can come home soon. IW enjoy your time with little Carson. Mr. C I got to see my daughter dance last weekend up at college she'll be coming home in about 2 weeks. She will have a long break but some of the time she'll be down south on a field trip for school.


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