Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649235 times)

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13860 on: Nov 12, 2018, 08:21 PM »
Good evening 9:45 crew..
Got to get up at 4 a.m. for a meeting with work by 6 so I'm gonna post tonight... today was a tiny look into the next few weeks.. dmDeer are moving good now!!!! Checked in 7 tonight.. rocko came over and finished the one he started last night.. Hes a great kid with alot of heart.. I want to be frustrated with him but I just cannot be!!!!! I do think he'll get faster with time.. unfortunately time isnt on my side right now.. lol
I was only able to get one cut myself.. had to go to a parent meeting for the little mans wrestling program.. and i spent the first hr and a half when i got home from work checking in deer, calling people, checking out orders for a few guys.. so.. i was plenty busy for sure.. i got home from wrestling meeting.. cleaned up the shop and turned off the lights.. i have 3 more that are coming tomorrow that did not come in tonight.. so... its started to get busy now...
My plan is to at least get 4 or 5 cut tomorrow after work(fingers crossed) rocko says he wants to get 2 cut himself and that's his goal.. so.. hoping he gets to his goal!!!! Lol
I got with my welder AGAIN and kinda cracked the whip.. I need another rack built in my walk in cooler because the 14ft of racking I have to hang deer is simply NOT enough!  I told him 2 months ago I needed another one.. he likes to procrastinate ALOT so I'm guessing I'll get it Sunday WHEN I NEED IT SATURDAY.. lol
Well guys.. sorry for not addressing everybody's posts.. but... I'm beat.. gotta get kids lunches packed and get me some dinner before bed!!!!

Offline Hoserman

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13861 on: Nov 12, 2018, 10:09 PM »
Evening all. 10:58, cold and a good chance of more snow. Lakes haven't started to skim over yet, but I think it will not be long if these temps keep dipping below the freezing mark. Right now the snow is not my friend. My Oaks still have a lot of leaves and our yard is a 50-50 mix of snow and leaves. If a thaw doesn't come I will have a mess to clean up next spring. Oh well, one of the pitfalls of living in the woods. May head down to Pinconning tomorrow for some tackle buying at Northwoods. Man I love that place.

Ice gear is all set. Ready to hit the ice as soon as it gets here. I'm ready for a good bluegill feast. Still have to place order for my bulk bait.
Not much else going on here yet, so I wish ya'll a very good night.
Tried ice fishing with Dynamite, UGH... where's my shanty?

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13862 on: Nov 13, 2018, 02:26 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Steady snow falling and 33* high of 35 for the day. Weather guessers calling for 3-4" here in my neck of the woods today. My son is doing two bridge jobs near Lake Placid,NY sent me a text last night stating they're getting 8-12" up there. Looks like winter is back folks.
 Was late to the rise this am, so will have to try and catch up to you all this afternoon. Yesterday's fishing trip wasnt the greatest, but avoided the skunk anyway.Found a few perch willing to bite as soon I got there, but no size to speak of 6-7". Switched gears and trolled around for a few trout, went 2 for 8... a 14" Rainbow and 15" Brown.
  Time to warm up the truck and clear the windshield....cawfee's on!
  Marv...that was one heck of a nice thing to do for that man....wtg!!   :bow: :clap: :thumbsup:
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting.



Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13863 on: Nov 13, 2018, 02:48 AM »
Good Morning ER's it's 21 and skim ice is forming on the small water here. I snapped a pic of a big buck in the backyard with a friends fancy phone I'll see if my daughter can post it when she comes home for Turkey. I didn't know how to work the fancy phone and when I was trying to shut it off I must have hit the wrong thing got a shot of me with a smoke hanging out of my mouth overexposed or something it's all white and really creepy looking. I'll have my daughter post that too.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13864 on: Nov 13, 2018, 04:11 AM »
Good morning. Quick check in. Nephew is home from CO. 2 bull elk and 4 mule deer for the eight guys that went out. I have been hunting but not seeing any deer. Trip to NYC today. Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13865 on: Nov 13, 2018, 04:49 AM »
Good morning everyone :bow:

8 degrees with a -5 windchill, heading into the 20's later today. We have 1 more cold day then the temps will go up. I really wish the cold would stay for awhile and finish locking some lakes up, but by Thursday we could see 45 again ???

Eddie glad you found a few fish even if they were small :thumbsup:  It still had to be a fun day.

h2l Congratulations to your nephew and his group :thumbsup: It sounds like they had a good trip. Safe travels to you today heading to the big city.

Hoserman many here hoping for a thaw this weekend so they can get their leaves sucked up. Hope it works out for you :thumbsup:

I am taking the wife to the bus today so I have to get going.

Good luck to all sitting in the stand :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Online tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13866 on: Nov 13, 2018, 06:00 AM »
Very light snow coming down this morning. 28*

WS You can send those 40's this way. It is great that you shared some wood with the old man. Luckily I have some wood over here to take to the other place as what my son cut at the property did not dry out enough to burn this fall. I told him to only cut trees that did not require splitting. He cut a knarly big red oak and dropped it right in a two track that goes to the back blind.

He saw a couple of new bucks this week end. A spike and a short spike that might not have the 3 inches of horn to be legal as a buck. With the time change he is not getting much evening hunting with his job. I do not know if the big buck has shown up at the back blind again. I am only looking for a legal buck as I only see one every couple of years.

John It is sad that your welder did not get your rack done before it is needed. Your post reminded me that I need to pack my skinning and boning knifes. If it is too nasty out side to be break down a deer, IF I shoot one, I can put it on my hitch haul and take it to my buddy's pole barn. He is an old butcher that still works 3 days a week, at 76, cutting for a store. He needs the cash to keep up with all of his toys. He has the rest of November to deer hunt.

OG I replaced my old flip phone that died with another flip. It is not a smart phone but I guess it is smarter than me. The new one is impossible to get to do what I need it to do. Hopefully one of the kids can figure it out for me on Thanksgiving.

Every one have a good few days. I will be off line until I get back home.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13867 on: Nov 13, 2018, 06:56 AM »
Morning all,

WS....kudos to you sir for giving that gentleman way more than a load of wood  :bow: :thumbsup:  the world would be a much nicer place if there were more people like you in it  :bow: :bow:  your MaMa did an exceptional job  :flex: :clap: I did get most all of my work done, but left the driveway markers for MrWW for when he comes home, don't want him to feel like he isn't needed around here  :whistle: :roflmao:  ;)2

TT.....seems all the "smart" technology is making us anything BUT smarter  :woot:  I always learn new little "tricks of the trade" every time I see the grandkids  :roflmao:

Eddie.....nice couple of trout, way to stick with it  :flex: :clap:  looks like there'll be snow on the ground for opening day  :thumbsup:  how's the trapping going  ??? travels to the city, fingers crossed for a good report on MrsH2L  :)

OS....good job filling in for IW  :clap: :clap:

Horse.....have fun shopping, one can never have too many jigs  ;)2

John....just READING your schedule tires me out  :blink:  hope Rocko's able to meet his goal soon  ;)

Temp was near 50 yesterday, 20* colder this morning with a fresh blanket of snow on the ground  ::)  forecast calling for cold temps and more snow right thru the weekend, guess winter might be here to stay now  @) the snow sure is pretty on the trees  ;)

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13868 on: Nov 13, 2018, 07:15 AM »
Good morning everyone,

Yesterday morning I had a decent buck sneak in behind me and I had no idea he was there until I looked over my shoulder to find him 15 yards away staring up at me. As soon as I saw him he turned and ran out through the woods. Looked like an above average 6 or 8 point. Never saw anything else. Got out of the stand around noon. My wife called me because she found out that she won a ski package in a radio contest from a local station that we had to go sign for and pick up in Ithaca about 45 minutes north of here. It includes a season pass to the local resort we go to, 2 LL Bean jackets, a few hats and pairs of gloves, tickets to a ski movie that is playing tomorrow night, and a 2 day, 2 night ski package at Sugar Bush up in Vermont for 2 people. Going to make a trip up in February. Should be a good time.
Out in the woods again this morning for the last time with the bow. Gun opens on Saturday. We have about an inch of wet, sloppy snow on the ground and the trees are melting off and dripping all over so it's pretty loud and damp out here this morning.
Hope everyone has a great day. Good luck and stay safe!
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13869 on: Nov 13, 2018, 06:54 PM »
Good Evening, Everybody

We had rain here, but it was on the warm side till lunch, then the chill took over, the snow that is predicted for Mr. Clean and north could get to 6 in. or more, watch out & get the
     wood stacked up early close to the house

D.F.F. - At least you know of one buck in the area, Enjoy the trip when taken

Mrs. W.W. - With the snow, raking the rest of the leaves is now out of the ?, your back must be happy about that

T.T. - Smart phones-Iphones-voice activated-'Alexa'- what ever happened to the good ole days of letter writing, 'number,please', and actually visiting someone face to face?

W.S. - Nice gesture with the firewood, I'm sure it will be rememberd for a long time

Mason - At least the trip was not for nothing, you can say that you havn't lost your touch, just keeping sharp for hard water

H2L - Good Luck in the city

O.G. - Instamatic Cameras - see T.T. above

Hman - With all the rain we have been getting, the leaves and pine needles will still be here in the spring here, too

Fshnjohn - The fuse has been lit, I see, don't let it get wet - 14 ft. is a lot of hanging meat

Clean - Melisa was creamated, there will be a memorial service close to Christmas, as that is what she lived for, her husband and sister will decorate the house for the event, it will be a open house sort of thing for the family and friends who did not have the chance to see her

Back to work tomorrow, another painting job, half a house by Sunday shouldn't be a problem, if, colors don't change, customer supplies paint, we will see

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13870 on: Nov 13, 2018, 08:58 PM »
Left before 6am with snow falling. Turned to rain before we got to Albany, then rain all the way into the city. Traffic into and out of the city was as bad as we have seen it. Didn't get there until after 10:30. All went fine but we have to go back next Wed. The day before Turkey Day. That should be fun. They are going to scope out the lung from the inside to make sure the rejection has cleared up. Just got home about a half an hour ago. Don't think I will be hunting in the morning...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13871 on: Nov 14, 2018, 02:30 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Light snow falling and 25* on the Hill this am, high of 28 here today. Winds are calm at the moment, but they're suppose to pick up steady in the teens with 30mph gusts as the day goes on.

  H2...long day for you both, but very good news on your wife! That kind of stinks about Wednesdays appointment, but best wishes to her on on the same results with the scope.   :thumbsup: 
  Capt.Jim...good luck with the painting job today, hope all goes well and no issues.   :thumbsup:
  DFF...Congratulations to your wife on winning the contest, what an awesome package!!   :clap:  Looking forward to your post this am, wondering if that buck came back for a second look.
  Wally...would you mind sending my wife an Email on how things can get done around the house while I'm at work or out hunting/fishing....please?   ;D.  That's admirable!!   :clap: :thumbsup:  :bow:   We still haven't put one mouse on the board, thought for sure we'd have a few over the weekend. We set some new snapper type traps yesterday that have jaws like shark teeth, lol.  Little buggers have been setting off our traps and getting our bait, we're ready for some fur now!!   :roflmao:
  Tom...I'm using an entry level smart phone, and I like many of the features of it, but my flip phone was so simple....and it held a charge for most of the week it seemed. Best of luck with the deer hunting, hope that big buck finds it way to your stand.   :thumbsup: of luck on the venison mission for your sister! Looking forward to another adventure!   :thumbsup:
  OG...I can't post pictures either off this old IPad, hope you better luck than me and we get to see those shots!   :thumbsup:   
  Hoserman...I'm with you on getting on a good bluegill bite soon! Here's to a long ice season!   :thumbsup: :icefish:
  John...that's great Rocko has set a goal like that...ambition goes a long way! Hope he works out well for you with business picking up steam!   :thumbsup:

  We spent most of the morning yesterday getting soaked setting up forms for a concrete pour. Quite a few us left early, no sense in getting sick before the holiday.
  Crossing fingers they have some inside work lined up this am....
  That time again...cawfee's on
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13872 on: Nov 14, 2018, 04:26 AM »
Good morning all,

Capt, good to see you back. Hope you and the family are all holding up well. Hope the painting goes well for you.

H2l, glad your wife got a good report. Hope the traffic is better next week but I wouldn't hold my breath

Eddie, may have to go with some sticky traps that the little squeakers can't run away from!

WS, way to go sharing the wood. It has always amazed me how something that seems so minor or trivial to me can mean the world to someone else... all you have to do is be willing to help. Well done sir!

John, hope the new guy is able to meet his goal. With a little more experience he will probably start exceeding it!

Well folks, the arrows are back in the quiver and the 30.06  is dusted off and ready to go. I never saw a deer yesterday. With the nasty weather I'm sure they were all hunkered down also. It was a wet, sloppy morning to be in the woods. The only excitement I got was when I jumped a big bear that was sleeping under a brush pile as I was walking through the woods to check a few stands for this weekend. I got about 10 feet away from a big pile of brush and heard a huge crash as something boiled out the other side and ran downhill away from me. I never got a good sight of it and initially thought I had jumped a big deer but a little investigating told me otherwise. There were big tracks headed into his bed where he had walked in after the snow stopped and I followed his tracks downhill for a ways just to see where he headed. After my walk I pulled my climber out and headed home to start a fire in the woodstove to get everything dried out. I love bowhunting the most, but this weekend the scale tips in the hunters' favor when gun season opens. I have a buddy from up near Plattsburg that comes down every year for 5 days for opening weekend. He plows snow for his town and may have to delay his trip this weekend due to the forecasted snow. My family and I always enjoy having him down so hopefully he can still make it at some point if he can't come Friday.

Good luck to anyone hunting or fishing. Stay safe and have a great day!
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13873 on: Nov 14, 2018, 04:56 AM »
Morning ER's!! Up early on a day off to get out to the VA to get my hearing aids. Trouble is I'll have one less excuse for not listening to the wife!!!  ::)  Enjoy the jokes and have a good day at whatever you choose!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13874 on: Nov 14, 2018, 05:10 AM »
Good morning Eddie, DFF! ood morning everyone :bow:

They took the 50 out of the forecast and replaced it with 2 days of 40's. Hard to say if the snow we have will melt or not ???

DFF excellent win for your wife, sounds like a great package :clap: Sorry to hear the bow is getting put away. I will be facing the same by this Saturday when the WI gun season gets going.

Eddie sounds like a miserable day yesterday :%$#!: Hope you are gifted today with some indoor work :thumbsup:

Capt. Jim Hope the painting job goes well :thumbsup:

John hope Rocko kicked in all cylinders and the venison is getting hammered out  :thumbsup:

WW yep the snow..............Sure is pretty :roflmao: Our yard is all tracked up from the deer and turkeys looking for something to chew on. I don't think they are ready yet either.

Almost time for the bus stop. Last night I went to get some clothes out of our dryer just to find it is on the blink. I have no idea what's wrong as it was late. First thing this morning I am going to see if I can fix it or not. I hate leaving for the woods with something like that not working.

Good luck to everyone hunting :thumbsup: Hope you all have an excellent day. Stay safe!


Offline deerefishyfishy

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13875 on: Nov 14, 2018, 06:57 AM »
Morning ER's!! Up early on a day off to get out to the VA to get my hearing aids. Trouble is I'll have one less excuse for not listening to the wife!!!  ::)  Enjoy the joke and have a good at whatever you choose!!

Just remember, hearing and listening are two different things! Thanks for all the daily laughs  ;D
The hardest part of ice fishing is casting!

Early to bed, early to rise
fish all day and make up lies!

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13876 on: Nov 14, 2018, 11:36 AM »
Just remember, hearing and listening are two different things! Thanks for all the daily laughs  ;D
I'm working on that!!! HONEST!!  ;)
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13877 on: Nov 14, 2018, 12:05 PM »
Afternoon all,

H2L....glad you made it home safely, you must have been exhausted  :-\  hope Wednesday's trip and report are good  ;)

Deere....congrats to MrsDeere on winning the ski package  :thumbsup:  you're right also about hearing and listening being 2 very different things  :woot: hearing's the easy part, listening....not so much  ::)

OS....just say you haven't figured out how to adjust the sensitivity on them yet   >:D

Eddie.....from the look of the extended forecast it would seem the outside work should be about finished for this year  ;)  I have the same problem with mouse traps being tripped and cleaned off w/o getting the mouse, sometimes putting peanut butter on the bottom of the bait holder seems to work better  ;D

CapJ.....the plans for Melisa's memorial service sound beautiful  :angel  I'm sure it will bring peace and comfort to everyone that attends  :bow:  hope the job is going well today  :)  raking is DEFINITELY off the table now, shoveled about 3" of snow off the decks this morning  :whistle:

WS.....hope the dryer fix was an easy one  ;)  I'm thinking no cookies, maybe an apple and a pumpkin pie (I'd send you a piece if I could lol)  :woot: good luck back in the stand  :flex:  I had a little 4 point wandering around the back yard this morning looking for apples  while I was outside shoveling, guess he didn't see me as much of a threat  ;)2

MrC....hope all your ducks are in a row and the closing is still on schedule  :thumbsup: I got the tractor/snowblower moved out front this morning....figured with the forecast of possibly a foot of snow tomorrow night I'd better do something  :o  it didn't dig in too bad so I guess it's cold enough that the ground is starting to harden  ;)

Enjoy the rest of the day and have a good evening. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13878 on: Nov 14, 2018, 02:56 PM »
All settled in ;D

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13879 on: Nov 14, 2018, 03:07 PM »
Best of luck Marv!   :thumbsup:

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13880 on: Nov 14, 2018, 06:45 PM »
Good evening everyone!

Lots of tracks in the fresh snow but not a whole lot of activity. I saw a doe at about 80 yards and tipped the can call at her. Just as I was finishing the third tip I looked to my right and saw a little buck watching me.

He must have liked what he heard because he walked right to me. He stopped in my 15 yard Lane and kept looking around. Hope tomorrow I see some more.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13881 on: Nov 14, 2018, 06:49 PM »
All settled in ;D

With the snow cover, it should help spotting and tracking deer!!!  :thumbsup: :flex:
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline fishinjohn

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13882 on: Nov 14, 2018, 10:00 PM »
Good evening all ER'S!!!!!
More than likely this will be my last post for a little while...
Tomorrow I head to camp around 7(shop is closed till saturday) I have a couple guys picking up tomorrow after work though that's it..
Rocko is improving A LITTLE BIT.. And I do mean A LITTLE.... however.  Hes got a good heart and I'm happy to have him as an addition.. I am a quite concerned with the work load that's going to be on my plate but.. old farmer friend always told me.. "son, you gotta make hay when its hay season".. so.. I got the tractors gassed up.. lol
Since Monday I think I've checked in 12-15 deer.. as of tonight I have 4 hanging and 2 are quartered up waiting for the block.. came home from work today at 2.. got some jerky taken care of.. made 50lbs of bologna then 65 lbs of snack stix.. cleaned up and got 2 deer cut.. I just came inside at 10:45.. long day since real job started at 6 a.m....
Oh crap.. I forgot I have to run back outside to the shop to let water run a little bit.. dont want pipes to freeze up...
Well guys/gals.. that's it for me.m sorry I didn't take time to address others posts (however I did read them all) just time for some shut eye
Up and at em at 430 tomorrow a.m.
Good luck hunters or fisherman..
Be safe and enjoy what God has given us

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13883 on: Nov 15, 2018, 02:22 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Clear/calm 16* this am, high of 34 with some snow coming in this afternoon. of luck and enjoy your trip! :thumbsup:   
  OS...thank you for all the laughs on the joke thread, great job!!   :clap:   
  Marv...the woods look awesome with a blanket of snow. Best of luck with today's hunting mission!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...believe we have 3 more pours left outside to finish up, then we should be caught up with the outside work for this season....hopefully. There will be some complaints with today's balmy temperatures.   ;D
  Had another white knuckle ride into work yesterday morning, slick mountain roads on top, melted snow turnd to ice in the city. So many accidents on one Interstate, I90, they closed portions of it down as well as a few bridges.
  Weather guessers saying 3-6" of snow between this afternoon and tomorrow, plenty of tracking snow for Saturdays opener. Will have to fire up my snowblower this afternoon and get that ready again.
  Believe it or not, we've got 20yds. of concrete coming at 6:30 this morning...this should be an interesting day.   ;D
  Time to warm up the truck and get ready for the fun.....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe,best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13884 on: Nov 15, 2018, 04:33 AM »
17 and light breeze. Didn't go out yesterday, very windy. Going out this morning and will sit this afternoon before the front comes in.
My brother's son-in-law got an 8pt Monday PM behind my nephew's. Not far from where he got the bear.
Eddie, I saw on the news how bad the morning drive was yesterday. Glad I wasn't going to the city in that. Good luck with the pour today.
WS, looks like a nice spot to hunt. Good luck.
Everyone have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13885 on: Nov 15, 2018, 08:10 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....hoping the "right one" strikes a similar pose for you today  ;)2

John.....enjoy your time at camp, good luck to you  ;)  sounds like you'll be going nonstop once you return  :wacko:

H2L....congrats to your brother's s-i-l on a nice buck  :thumbsup:  good luck in the woods today  :)

Eddie.....always thought temps had to be warmer to do things like concrete/cement  ???  I would think the powers that be would plan to have those projects done earlier in the year  ::)  glad you arrived safely yesterday, tomorrow's roads could be a challenge again  :-\

A cold breezy day, up to a foot of snow by tomorrow morning being forecast along with some freezing rain mixed in  :o  think I'll get some errands done today and plan on staying home tomorrow with shovel in hand  :flex:   :woot:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13886 on: Nov 15, 2018, 10:58 AM »
Afternoon, Gang

Cloudy with the mix on the way, was just starting to sprizte before, it's coming

Fshnjhn - Hang in there, you know it will be over faster than it started

Mrs. W.W. - Don't wrench the back, you have too many cookies to bake for the holidays :)

Mason - Don't cha just love the planning for jobs like that - Careful driving, Please

W.S. - Maybe he will wait for you to come back for him-ya,ok,right

H2L - Good Luck with your outing

The painting job was a bust, the customer was a bigger PITA than having 6 kids running around the job, 'how come this, how come that, why is this like that, I don't like this,
     I don't like that, Don't you know how to paint?', that did it!, packed up , cleaned up, paid the helper for what was done after getting some money for what we did from the
     customer, let someone else have the headache, don't want it or need it - plenty of other work out there

Waiting for the new jigs and plastics to arrive that were ordered, so I can set up the bag with the new stuff, this way , I grab a few items & out the door

For the people in the 'weather zone', extra care driving, stock up and hunker down if chosen, safe is better than sorry

Be Safe-Stay Warm-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13887 on: Nov 15, 2018, 01:01 PM »
It's raining like the gates of Hades opened up here now @ 2:00 E.S.T.

Here it comes, north of Rt. 80, better have the boots on
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13888 on: Nov 15, 2018, 01:21 PM »
Be safe CapJ

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13889 on: Nov 15, 2018, 03:35 PM »
Good afternoon- evening everyone!

I got my doe and my sister is happy. For awhile this morning I was wondering. About 11am I saw a cluster of deer running with a small buck  bringing up the rear. As luck would have it a doe peeled off and came right to me. My 20yard pin settled in and minutes later she crashed.

 By the time my sister showed I was just about done. They loaded the boned me and were on the road in under a half hour.

The first thing my wife asked was if I took pictures. I didn't even think about it. Heck I didn't have time, but I sense I haven't heard the end of it.

I am cleaning up and breaking camp tomorrow. Tonight will be some coals outside and a cold one.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Have a nice evening. Stay safe.



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