Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649551 times)

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13290 on: Sep 04, 2018, 04:52 AM »
Good Morning Eddie, IW! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

71 degrees with dew points in the 70's and lots of rain expected today :%$#!:

Eddie hope you and the crew have as good of week as possible :thumbsup: Hope the heat breaks soon.

IW hope your week goes well, safe travels when you head out on vacation :thumbsup:

Good luck with the fishing trip WW  :thumbsup: Hope you finds some good ones.

The forecast is showing up to 2" of rain by late tonight where the shack is located. Just seems no break with the weather. I am about loaded and just have a couple of coolers to fill. I will take off around noon and then it begins.  Thanks for all the well wishes much appreciated :bow:. I will try to pop in when reception allows. Right now things are looking tough so I am expecting a lot of stand time.

Hope everyone has a good week no matter what's on the planner :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13291 on: Sep 04, 2018, 07:32 AM »
Good Morning everyone, looks like its going to be another hot one. Whopper stopper good luck today. I hope everyone has a great day and stays hydrated today. I hope everyone has tight lines today.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13292 on: Sep 04, 2018, 07:50 AM »
Another storm came through last night. No clue how much rain we got as I pretty much as l slept though it. I do not see an end in sight to the storms or the heat and humidity.

WS  I hope the weather will give you a break so you do not have to contend with storms in your tree hunting. If the weather would cool down the bears should move better and get their sweet tooth back.

IW Getting the flashing around a door right is critical. We live in an older double wide where the slider is at the same level as the deck so I am guessng the I will be facing the same problem as you. I did some work for a consulting civil engineer one time. He had a cantilevered deck that the slider was the same level as the deck. I tried to get him to let me pull the sllider and raise it 1 1/2 iches so it could be flashed right. Nope. He had a hot tar roof on the deck. Then he nailed 1/2 inch plywood over it to put grass carpet on it making the deck higher than the door. He almost lost the canitlever joists as water went through and rotted them. I got to raise the door when I got called to fix his fiasco. This was the last time I ever worked for him as he was a pain with how he wanted things done.

Labor Day is the annual Macinaw Bridge walk. We walked it a few years before the boys got involved with foot ball. It was ejoyable as no one was in a hurry. There was one lane of traffic each way on the bridge. Now they totally shut down traffic on the bridge for a number of hours and walk both ways. I can just imagine what a mess that makes. If you are headed home from the UP you have to get across the bridge before 6 am or you wait until after noon.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13293 on: Sep 04, 2018, 12:11 PM »
Good day everyone, checked local news websites authorities did recover the body of 36  year old male on Monday morning from lake in state park. This park has numerous lakes/ponds some close to roads others you have to hike into the body of water. I'm interested to see if no swimming signs go up on shore lines of more easily accessed lakes. Two of the lakes in park have beaches  man was swimming at a lake with no beach. The group that manages the park for state already drives us ice fishermen crazy with regulation requiring minimum of 6 inches of ice before allowing anyone on lakes they open to ice fishing. There are 3 other state parks in this area believe the same ranger staff patrols all the parks . So limited people to check ice conditions on a daily basis so many winter only one or two smaller lakes/ponds opened for ice fishing.
Eddie hope the long weekend improved attitude among your crew do you have any pre-work meetings where such problems  are addressed . Glad you had the proper tool to remove tractor tire.
Ice wanderer sorry to read water damage is more widespread may you get repairs completed before your vacation.
Wallyworld have a safe trip looking forward to photos of your catch.
Tom Turkey may storms move from your area and you and your neighbors see no further damage from them.
Whopper Stopper have a safe bear hunting trip. May weather cooperate and bears return to your bait station during daylight hours.

A safe and good day to all. best to everyone fishing.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13294 on: Sep 05, 2018, 03:26 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!
   Calm and 68* this am, high of 89 here today. Weather guessers say we might hit a record high down at the workplace today, 93.... Doh! is the day you've been (we've been) waiting for!!  Best of luck Sir, hope Old Swiingset stops by for a cookie!    :clap: :thumbsup:
  Steve...things seemed to be pretty much back to normal yesterday, no problems at all less the heat. :clap:  A local lake I fish here has a State Campground on one end of it and a public launch on the other. At the campground access, similar things happen as far as what they determine to be safe ice conditions, and they will put up danger and keep off signs there as well. You can gain access at the launch however and fish at your own risk.
  Tom...I saw something on the news about the Labor Day walking of the bridge, believe they said around 25,000 people or so participated this year.  That's an amazing bridge... :thumbsup:
  Jeff...sorry to read about the additional water problem, but glad you caught it. Today's weather should help things along drying out.   :thumbsup:   
  Wally...hoping the salmon and trout are cooperating for you and Mr.WW!!  :thumbsup:

  The Governor was in town again yesterday, so we were told no entry to the mansion until 8am. Lost the first hour of cooler weather and no sooner got started and then coffee break came, lol. Slow start, but we got a considerable amount done all things considered.....especia lly with the heat and all day sun, the last 3 hours were pretty nasty.
  With a little luck if he's there today, hoping he has oatmeal or a few PopTarts instead of a sit down breakfast so we can start at 7....cawfee's on!   ;D
  Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13295 on: Sep 05, 2018, 05:22 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good morning everyone!

Rain all day yesterday and through the night. It it still coming down as I write this. I went out yesterday afternoon and replenished the bait. "Old Swingset set" and 1 other smaller boar had tore things up.

The smaller boar had made one appearance during the day. My plan is now to wait out the rain and if it's done by 9am hit the stand until dark. Feels like a handgun day.

Hope you all have an excellent day. Stay safe!



  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13296 on: Sep 05, 2018, 05:45 AM »

               Good morning Eddie, WS, ER's,
                        It's 64* and clear hear on my hill with a high of 87* is forecast. ::)
                        Marv.........Good luck today I hope you get your sights on a shooter. :thumbsup:
                        Eddie........Doesn't the governor put his pants on just like everyone else, so he should get awakened just like us from workers working. :roflmao:
                        Tom..........There are always new materials that come out, I watched a video on proper way to flash and there is a tape out called "Zip Tape"
               it's real sticky and will seal anything. I am going to use it along with vinyl flashing, with the new pressure treated wood you're not suppose to use
               aluminum because it will deteriorate the flashing. Either Copper or vinyl can be used, I'm going with vinyl because of cost! :whistle:
                        Wally........I hope the fish are biting! :flex:
                        I hope everyone has a great Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or fishing!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13297 on: Sep 05, 2018, 05:57 AM »
63 this morning and going to be another hot one.
WW, hope you get into some fish.
The daughters new dog, "Rocky" is doing well.
I will be fishing later in the week, but not in today's heat. The GSLFF has their Fall contest on Sat. but the Sand Island Bash is the same day so no relief  from the boat traffic. Will wait to see what the weather is like. Maybe cool enough to keep some of them home.
Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13298 on: Sep 05, 2018, 04:15 PM »
Good afternoon everyone, I hope everyone managed to stay cool today. They say its supposed to be cool this weekend. Can't wait for the cooler weather. I hope everyone has a good evening.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13299 on: Sep 05, 2018, 08:59 PM »
Good evening seeing signs of Fall's approach in my travels between cooler weather clothes on display at stores and Halloween and Thanksgiving cards out for purchase. Now see posts about snow from Drifter and Lefty 2053. I'm not ready for snow yet but will be nice to see less humidity and cooler temperatures.
Eddie good to hear things returning to normal among crew. Funny how it is alright to do certain work during early morning hours at Empire Plaza and disturb anyone who might live in the area but don't upset the Governor.
Ice Wanderer may you complete home repairs before it is time to leave for Maine trip. Nice that you have the knowledge to do job yourself.
Whopper Stopper hoping you see a couple sunny days before end of week. Glad to read at least one bear has returned to feeding in daylight.
Hunts2long may your daughter have many good years with "Rocky" . Between the two events your local lake might be a zoo on Saturday.
Icefisher-45 have you started filing paperwork to claim disability benefits and looked to see what type of any jobs you might be able to work and still receive some benefits.
Wallyworld are the salmon and trout keeping you and Mr.WW busy out on Lake Ontario.
IFF may the early snow cause no problems for you at home or in your travels for work.

A safe and good night to All.


  • Iceshanty Militia
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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13300 on: Sep 06, 2018, 03:53 AM »
                     Good morning ER's,
                               It's 71* and clear here on my hill, maybe some showers this afternoon. ::)
                               H2L........Crowds is one reason I don't fish, ice fish weekends. It's so much quieter during the week, good luck this weekend. :thumbsup:
                               Marv.......I hope you see something soon. ???
                               Wally......I hope you and Mr. WW are busy catching fish. :thumbsup:
                               Eddie.....If the governor spent more time in Puerto Rico maybe you guys could finish faster. :roflmao:
                               I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or at play.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13301 on: Sep 06, 2018, 03:59 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Some cooler weather finally inching its way here. Calm and 71* this am, high of 82 here today with some showers possible by late morning/afternoon.

  Steve...100% agree with you, have to bite my tongue on several other opinion's associated with our project there as well.    ;D. Steve mentioned about working, it might be worth your while to check into a State job. I know here in NY, and especially where I am currently working, many of the departments have workers with disability's. I'll ask one of the supervisors today how the process works here, and perhaps that may help open a door for you. Are you in Mass?
  H2...looked like some storms blowing through your area last evening. Good luck today if you're heading out!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...I'm thinking he puts his pants on one leg at a time, but I can't honestly confirm that from the garden wall.  :whistle:   Sounds like everything is headed in the right direction with your door and flashing now, excellent!   :thumbsup:
   Marv...hope you got a break with the weather and some visitors at the bait station! That would be awesome taking your first bear with a handgun, liking it!!   :clap: :thumbsup:   Looking forward to your post today!
   Wally...hoping you and Mr.WW have aching arms from reeling in those Kings!  :thumbsup:  Looking forward to your post as well, best of luck today!

   Speaking of flashing Jeff, we've been delayed on the brick laying because the flashing wasn't delivered. Yesterday it finally arrived just before our coffee break. Copper flashing with a drip edge. We use a similar tape like you mentioned over it, almost like snow and ice shield used on roofs.
   Another obstacle we now face is they changed the mortar we were going to use to a spec mix yesterday. Reason being, they wanted a consistent color and worried that the mix we were going to use might have color variations.....another two day wait on the new material.   :cookoo:   Par for the course I guess, too many people over thinking this project again.
  Not sure what's on the agenda today.....but the cawfee's on!    ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13302 on: Sep 06, 2018, 04:02 AM »
Morning Jeff....hoping a Puerto Rico trip is in the cards for many of the people associated with "the great wall " !!  :roflmao:
  Have a great day! 

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13303 on: Sep 06, 2018, 05:35 AM »
Morning all,

Salmon fishing Tuesday was a bust  :(  never had a hit in 7+ hours on the water  :-\  this was our first ever attempt to land a big salmon, so we still have much to learn  ;)  based on the weather forecast for Wednesday being extremely hot again and the off shore wind,  we decided to head back home Tuesday evening and try a local lake (Delta) yesterday. By noon it was too darn hot to fish any longer, but we did ok

ended with 5 eyes & 4 crappie :clap:   

Now to do some more studying on salmon fishing  :woot:  and pray for cooler weather  ;D

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13304 on: Sep 06, 2018, 07:01 AM »
WW, good fishing morning on Delta Lake. I am hoping this is the end of the HOT weather but the weather man last night reminded us of 3 days late last Sept. in the 90's. I guess they don't do anything outdoors.

Going to hit the lake one more time on Friday. Water is getting low and launching can become a real pain. We will see if this will be my last trip of the year.

70 degrees this morning but a cool down is on the way....Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13305 on: Sep 06, 2018, 07:29 AM »
Finally going to cool off, at least for a while any way. We had gone to a different place to buy a couple of steaks yesterday. The  boos told me to go light the grill last night. I told her I would light it but she had to do the grilling as I had just looked at the radar. 5 minutes later the down poor started. I have been watching the hurricane on my wind site. It has finally started moving north after sitting in one spot most of yesterday. That area must have gotten a lot of rain in that time period. It is sounding more like it is going up the Ohio River Valley now instead of heading to Michigan.

I finally got around to changing out a couple of shut offs in the pex lines going to the tub/shower in the one bath room yesterday. It was a simple fix with the new valves that did not require a crimp sleeve on them. Just simple nuts to hand tighten on both side of the valves.

Eddie That wall sure sounds like a government project. What a bunch of screw ups. It sounds like it would have gone better if they had let some handicap people do the planning. How do you get a Hump DAY out of a 4 day work week. A hump midnight maybe. ;) The gobenor probably has his valet help him get his pants on so he does not get them on back wards.

ww I can be of no help on catching salmon.  I have only been trolling for them on Lake Michigan two times. Only one hit each time and I was the one that saw the hit. I missed  boht of them because I picked the rods up with my right hand. I reel left handed.The reels were right hand crank so no setting the hook. I actully am not a fan of salmon as the spawn at the same time as brook trout and have destryed my brook trout fishing. The major king salmon spawning stream is still almost unfishable yet after the big rains and downed trees made it unfloatable.

IW I had not clue that the new treated would react that way with aluminum flashing. I have been out of the loop for a long time since I had to go on disabilty around 15 years ago. Flashing the slider is going to be a chore the way the deck is at the same level. I could use aluminum as it is  the old treated. No way to get under the decking that is at the same level. 16 foot boards running perpendicular to the house. Nailed down with three nails into each joist. That middle nail is a joke as it does nothing to hold down the decking.

I-45 When I had to file for disabillty around 15 years ago I had no problem as I had documentation of all of the Dr's appointmetns and test I had been through. I know that they have tightened things up now. It takes a while before medicare kicks in once you are approved for disablity. You are also permited to make a sum of money before it effects your SS.

Edit 11:30 am I just checed the rain gague. We got over another inch of rain out of the storm at supper time last night. I am sanding down a table top for the wife right now. It is nice and cool out side under the canopy on the deck. 69*

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13306 on: Sep 06, 2018, 07:44 AM »
Good Morning Everyone, looks like its going to be another hot day. Have started the process of disability but apparently I have to be out of work for a year. That date is coming up next month. I hope everyone has a great day and stays cool. Make sure to drink plenty of water. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13307 on: Sep 06, 2018, 01:11 PM »
Good day everyone had meeting at house this morning with town building inspector passed inspection  :clap: :clap: Now have to wait for certificate of occupancy one step closer to listing property. Another hot one outside need to check what weather guessers are saying about tomorrow and the weekend.
Eddie I think Pink Flyod had a hit song about you current masonry  job back in late 1970's "Another Brick in the Wall". Heaven forbid the mortar  used for wall was different color  then other brick on the Mansion. ::) :whistle:
Ice Wanderer remember to take breaks if working on the deck flashing today.
Wallyworld glad you were able to get some fish a local lake. Better luck with the salmon on future trips.
Hunts2long have fun tomorrow may you have no problems launching your boat and loading back onto trailer at end of day.
Tom Turkey good thing you have a canopy on the deck for some protection while grilling the steaks. I will have to check on hurricane reports seems strange most times they move across Gulf of Mexico and then may come up Eastern coast line.
Icefisher-45  good luck wading through disability claim paper work .

A safe and good remainder of the day to all. Whopper Stopper hope you share a photo of successful bear harvest with us later today or tomorrow.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13308 on: Sep 06, 2018, 02:21 PM »
Good afternoon everyone !

We had a setback with the hunting today. A buddy told me to make sure the pit is clean, no moldy fermented material in it. He said if we put apples(which we did) the hot weather would make them turn to alcohol and the beats will not touch it.

The last 2 bears on video did just that, they walked right by. The s-i-l and I went out this morning with the intention of digging it out. I think she puked 3 times before we said enough. I hauled 40 gallons of rotted stuff and we figured even if I hauled 20 more the rain had filled the bottom 1/3 of the pit up and hogs wouldn't go to it.

We scouted out a new spot and moved the stand and I made a crib this time. I will watch the cameras and not hunt until we have a hit. From here on it will be gummies and popcorn with some cookies mixed in.

Hope you all have a good evening. Stay safe!

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13309 on: Sep 06, 2018, 09:36 PM »
FINALLY, got word to expect shipments to start arriving last week of October, with the target date for opening the Store November 23rd....Black Friday ??

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13310 on: Sep 07, 2018, 03:42 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  A comfortable 64* to start the am off, high of 74 today!   :clap: 

  Bud...congratulations on the long awaited news!  :thumbsup:, that was quite a learning curve! Best of luck with the new stand and hopefully the fresh bait will bring them right in!  :thumbsup:   
  Steve..." we don't need no education...we don't need no thought control....."  ;D.  Pretty funny how many times we've heard that song sung while on the walls.   Congratulations on the house, that's great news!!   :clap: :bow:
  I-45...glad you've got things moving in the right direction, awesome! Stay positive, things will work out.... :thumbsup:
  Tom...yes, just like a Govt. job. You have all these higher ups who think they're all smarter than the other and have to get their hands in the game, it's just a frustrating mess. Pretty much re-inventing the wheel everyday it seems.  ;D
  H2...some real nice weather today to be out in the boat, best of luck out there!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...nice job on the Delta trip.. :clap:, sorry to read Ontario didn't produce. Did you try trolling any A-Tom-Mik flies by chance? Better luck next trip!!   :thumbsup:
  Rumor has it the new mortar will be delivered and we'll be laying brick again today.... :roflmao:   
   Some genius plugged his two cents into the project and they now have added that two 8" X 8" X 8' long angle irons be installed over the top of self supporting arch to help carry the load of the brick work over it. Had to really scratch my head on that one...the Romans didn't use them and their stuff is still standing.... :woot:
  I need a shot of Pepto Bismol....cawfee's on!    ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13311 on: Sep 07, 2018, 04:51 AM »

                  Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                           It's 58* and no humidity here on my hill, the heat has finally made it's way out!  ::)
                           Eddie.........Engineer s don't they have anything better to do with their time. ???
                           Tom...........My deck is a step down from the house floor so the flashing should be easier. :flex:
                           Wally..........Sorry to hear that Lake Ontario didn't produce, I hope you can get it figured out. :thumbsup:
                           Steve.........It's been a tough road for you in getting you C.O. good job. :clap:
                           Marv..........I never would have thought that about the apples, I hope the new spot produces for you. :flex:
                           Bud...........I can imagine you and the others are happy to finally get a opening date. :clap:
                           Yesterday I got the new box board in and one layer of flashing under the ledger board and the ledger board in with just 4 screws.
                   I had to call MW's wife to help me hang the ledger board, I just couldn't do it myself. Today I will have everything in place to put the new door in. :thumbsup:
                           I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or at play.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13312 on: Sep 07, 2018, 05:43 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....great news  :thumbsup:  except the part about a Black Friday opening  :o

IW....good luck getting the door hung today  ;)

WS....makes sense about the apples fermenting, but who would ever guess bears are that picky   ???  ::)   hope the new site draws them back in  ;D

Eddie.....used to deal with the same issues at the jail, every supervisor wanted to one up the other bosses leaving us peons like this  :blink: :wacko:
we did have 1 flasher/fly combo out, just don't have the assortment of salmon specific gear needed............yet  :woot:

MrC....congrats on the house getting one step closer  :thumbsup:  hope things continue moving forward now  ;)

IF45.....hope the disability filing goes smoothly for you and Mrs45  :) 

H2L.....good luck on the lake, hope the water level let's you get on and off without problems  @)

Finally a cooler morning  :thumbsup: :clap:  weatherman says it's going to stick around until mid week  :thumbsup:  time to hit the lawns again later today.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13313 on: Sep 07, 2018, 07:46 AM »
Only 18* from making ice this morning. No complaints from me about a cool down finally. Only highs in the 70's guessed for a while.

MrC We had the steaks last night. The canopy is a 10x20 on a 16X20 deck. There is quite a gap between the house and the canopy. No way was I going to try to grill the steaks with having to go through the run off from the house and one side of the canopy the night before. Hopefully the document comes through fast so you can finally get the house on the market.

IW Every thing built on this place was done by idiots. Both of the decks are so far out of square it is ridiculous. When I replaced the front one the side against the house was 3 inches longer than the side toward the street. The steps off the back deck have a two inch step down to the top step. I could go on and on. I hope the installation of the new door goes well today.

WS I hope the bears find the new bait site soon. When I used apples for bait it was cooked down into sauce. We did not use a pit so bait getting flooded out was not a problem. There is a segment on www.michiganoutofdoors of a musky tournament for veterans on last nights program. Only shows one caught by a 92 year old battle of the bulge survivor. There is also a segment of teaching a young guy to fly fish on the famous AuSable river. At the end of that segment it shows a bunch of mergansers. With that many of them it is surprising there are any trout to catch. Just click on episodes to get to the shows.

Eddie Sadly so many buildings in the US have not been built to last like those in Europe. They are finaly taking some of the abandoned factories and converting them to other uses instead of tearing them down. The US has become a throw away society. Sadly I think they always have been to a point.

Todays project is to get the counter top I am making stained followed by two or three coats of varnish.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13314 on: Sep 07, 2018, 11:45 AM »
Greetings cooler weather has arrived along with some rain had a thunder storm last night and another shower earlier today. Windy and cloudy skies currently think I might see more rain drops before the day ends.
Eddie your current work project reminds me of big debate about what size brick to use on exterior of addition to high school in Ocean City,NJ. (My family has made Summer vacation trip to this area for many years) Back in 2002 when addition was being added some folks were upset because addition would use 4x12 inch bricks high school is in older section of Ocean City where most of the building have 2x8 or 2x10 bricks on exterior. After a public hearing school board went with the 4x12 bricks . There was a well written letter to editor in local weekly newspaper stating why is everyone so worked up about building exterior how building is laid out and interior furnishings more important to education children would receive, Also money spent on changing bricks could be better spent on some other part of addition.
Whopper Stopper I'm learning many new things from your bear hunt guessing smell and taste of rotting apples turns off the bears surprising when you consider all the different things they eat. Watching different outdoor/sportmen's  shows over the years appears most outfitters use 55 gallon drums to hold bait. May the new bait and stand location bring good results.
IFF good to hear your store will open my humble opinion is it would be smarter to open store earlier in November instead of on Black Friday.
Ice Wanderer hope the new door is finally installed , did you have to replace all the water damaged areas.
Wallyworld have you ever given thought to hiring a guide and doing salmon fishing trip on Lake Ontario use knowledge learned when fishing from your boat. No idea what such a trip costs probably more the your lodging.
Tom Turkey good thinking on the steaks , I though your canopy might be more of an awning type extending from wall of house. Pesronaly feel that years back many towns were more interested in increased tax revenue form  new home sales  then quality of construction. IS the counter top for your home or being installed at a friends or the senior center.

Stay safe and have a pleasant evening.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13315 on: Sep 07, 2018, 12:15 PM »
Good afternoon everyone!

I have been busy this morning rediscovering the chainsaw. We had a couple of high winds here this past summer so I am using the down time to open up a few trails.

I checked the new bait crib this morning and  no takers. I sure hope they find it soon. The guy that told me about bears not liking alcohol sent me an update from his camp. He runs a guide service in northern WI. As of Thursday night his clients have taken 17 bears and had 1 they couldn't recover.

Trying to dig out the old pit was like shoveling sour dough bread starter. Wish I had went with the crib right away. But like they say " If wishes were horses, beggers would ride"

Barrels would solve a few problems, not sure why the state frowns on them but so be it.

Hope you all have a good afternoon!


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13316 on: Sep 07, 2018, 12:51 PM »
Good Afternoon everyone, I hope everyone is having a good day. My wife and I are going to have to find a lawyer. Disability is not easy in mass. Thank you Mason Eddie going to look at government jobs. I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13317 on: Sep 07, 2018, 02:56 PM »
WS We can use barrels in Michigan on private land but not public lands. Probably because they do not want abandoned barrels littering the  woods left by slob hunters that leaving them in the woods to rust away.

Go to a pharmacy and get some anise oil. It smells like strong licorice.  It might draw some bears into your new site. You might find some in a grocery store in the spices section but what you get out of a pharmacy might be more concentrated. They tore up the small balsam pine trees we put some on the last me time I bear hunted.

IF45 I was lucky I did not have to hire a lawyer when I filed for disability. My former BIL had to hire a lawyer to get disability after having a stroke after being turned down the first time. My BIL's mind was not right so said some things at his first hearing that got him turned down. At the second hearing the judge slammed his file on the desk. He said this is ridiculous, he was eligible the first time around. Sadly it is not as easy for the deserving applicants any more because of those going after disability that do not deserve it.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13318 on: Sep 08, 2018, 06:01 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                            It's 55* and partly cloudy here on my hill with a nice day ahead. ::)
                            Marv.......I'm sure the bears will find the bait soon, good hunting. :thumbsup:
                            Wally......How is the grass doing around the new barn, is Mr. WW mowing that too. ???
                            Tom........I never thought of Anise Oil, we use it here on out fishing lures, Lake Trout like it! :blink:
                            I-45........Isn't there someone at the disability Office there to help you instead of having to get a lawyer.  :unsure:
                            Eddie......How much of the wall did you and the crew get done. ???
                            I got the door hung last night with help from my neighbor and his son, the door weighs 287 lbs, I have a set of those straps
                that is advertised on TV to carry large objects, it made it a piece of cake carrying the door to where it goes. Today I have to trim the
                door out on the inside, the old trim should work, I hope I can use the same extension jams? :blink:
                            I hope everyone has a Good Saturday either at work or out fishing!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13319 on: Sep 08, 2018, 08:18 AM »
Good morning. 61 degrees and cloudy.
Fishing was good yesterday. 18 walleyes and one perch. I have to learn how to stop fishing. Caught most in the morning but stayed out most of the day. The afternoon only produced 3 walleyes. Water temp is still in upper 70's. Getting in and out wasn't bad. Will get at least one more trip in. Kept two 18 inchers for the couple down the road
Not much planned for today...h2l
Northville, NY


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