Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649878 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13230 on: Aug 27, 2018, 09:18 PM »
Good evening everyone higher temperatures and humidity arrived today and will be around for most of this week. I met electrical inspector at house today passed inspection now have to get someone from town building department to look at house  remove some more items from the property and get it on the market.
Eddie agree with your statement also makes you realize what an improvement/game changer some inventions were the smaller Hit-Miss motors with different size belts and mounted on a wheeled cart could be used to run early washing machines and the used to run machine that removed dried corn kernals fron the cob. There was a display of tools used to cut blocks of ice from l frozen lakes remember my parents talking about ice boxes and getting delivery of ice before early refrigerators became affordable for most families.
Ice Wanderer I also watched the Little League Championship game definitely think we saw some future Major league stars happy to see all the respect and good sportsmanship among the players.
Hunts2long how was the bowling last night. Happy your wife is able to get out of house and enjoy herself.
Whopper Stopper hope it is not to warm during the day light hours when you will be hunting high temperature my result in less bear movement. what are your plans if you should harvest a bear.
Tom Turkery glad your area is getting some of the rain it needs hope your bee/yellow jacket problems are behind you.
Wallyworld wish I lived closer to Syracuse would like to experience the State Fair.

Asafe and pleasant evening to all.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13231 on: Aug 28, 2018, 02:28 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  72* with high humidity and dew points this am, high of 91 here today.

  Steve...congrats on the electrical inspection, hope everything goes well with the town now!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Wally...glad you and Mr.WW had a nice time at the fair yesterday, never did go the State Fair either...heard its huge!
  Tom...glad you got some rain out your way! I've always been fond of Little League and especially the World Series. Back in 1973, I played on a LL All Star team, we had a pretty good group. We got beat by an area team that won the State title and actually advanced to the World Series. Unfortunately for them, a better part of their team became ill, and came down with a flu like illness, they were eliminated after their first 2 games. What was really special about the game we lost however,  was one of their coaches actually turned out to be one of my apprentice instructor's  when I joined the Bricklayers Union 13 years later in 1986...what a small world. Had some great talks with him as I helped coach my sons through their years playing hoping to make it to Williamsport.   ;D
  Here's the bracket and schedule from the 1973 games....Colonie Little League from Colonie NY was the team. Jeff mentioned, the nuts and apples are falling off at a good pace here as well, real early this year. Hopefully those sweet treats will bring them in when you're sitting....can't wait till your opener!!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff...hoping the talk is spot on for this season....maybe light on the snow as well.   :thumbsup:

  Yesterday's pour went well, finished up early and went to the Mansion to finish the day off. Another early start this morning and probably be back on 7-3:30 again tomorrow as a few guys will return from their vacations.
  Time to saddle up and get ready for the heat wave...cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13232 on: Aug 28, 2018, 05:06 AM »
Good Morning Eddie! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

64 after storms hammered parts of the state last night. We ended up with some heavy rain and a bunch of leaves and sticks scattered around. Luckily the worst of it hit south of the jungle, but lots of clean up for some this morning.

mr.clean glad to hear things are heading the right direction on the house :thumbsup: I have been planning and re planning until my head hurts Lol The warm weather will make it tougher both on movement of the bears and meat spoilage if I score late in the day. I have a taxidermist in place that will be available no matter what time I bring a bear to him. He said he will skin it for free as it's worth it to him to have it done the way he wants it. The problem is he doesn't have a cooler so I picked up a small freezer and have it in place at the shack so I have a back up plan. The wife is more excited than I am, she has a mount picked out, but I keep telling her "I have to get one first" Lol

Eddie glad the pour went well, best of luck fighting the heat :%$#!: I hope the sweet treats trump nuts too.

WW glad you had a good time at the fair. Ours is heading into day 6 with record attendance just about every day.

TT you ever try to trap a fisher? It took me 9 years to get the bear tag, my understanding is a fisher tag is about impossible for a non resident. I never realized the value of the little bugger that enjoys the frosting.

IW hope all is well on your end. Do you get to drive the new car ;D

Hope you all have an excellent day no matter what's on the planner :thumbsup: Stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13233 on: Aug 28, 2018, 05:25 AM »

                 Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                         It's 70* and clear here on my hill, it's one of the warmest mornings we've had all summer. ::) For all those that work stay hydrated. :flex:
                         Eddie.......Yesterday while I was getting my brakes done there were 4 others in the shop and all the talk was about how early things are
                 dropping and that they all concur that it's going to be an early winter. One of the guys was the local fish taxidermist, he is backed up over a year
                 with mounts to do! :o
                         Steve .......Good news that the house is ready to sell, I hope it sells quickly for you. :thumbsup:
                         Marv..........Keep up with the sweet treats and I think you'll have them in your sights. :flex:
                         Wally.........I've always wanted to go to the state fair, maybe next year. :thumbsup:
                         Tom..........I bet that last clap shook your house. ???
                         I had a dermatology appointment at the VA yesterday, I have a spot on my left cheek and he sprayed liquid nitrogen on the area and
                  now there is a big blister that seems to be oozing. I hope it is heald up before our vacation to Maine in 2 weeks? :whistle:
                         I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out on the water.
                         I see WS posted while I was typing, yes she has me drive when we go out together.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13234 on: Aug 28, 2018, 06:33 AM »
68* and muggy this morning. Just got the wife off for Rochester to visit her sister. It is going to be hot enough here, I don't want to go to a big city.
Went out fishing with my nephew yesterday. It got HOT fast and there was no wind. Started where I left them on Sunday, we got a few but I think we needed some wind to move us. We had his boat (my old boat) and he doesn't have to set up to backtroll. We stopped at a couple other spots so he could get way points in his FF. We ended up with maybe 8/10 walleyes. He kept 2 for dinner last night. DEC stopped and talked to us for about 30 minutes. Saw my cousin trolling, said he had just caught and released a 23 and a half inch walleye. That is a nice walleye for this lake.
Not much planned for the next couple HOT days.
WW, glad you had fun at the Fair. They had a clip on the local news last night, I didn't see you standing in line to get Cotton Candy. They did say that it was hot.

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13235 on: Aug 28, 2018, 06:56 AM »
Looks like another wet day ahead to go along with the heat and high humidity. Wednesday it is supposed to cool down and the humidity drop What lightning we have had has been cloud to cloud so I has not been that sharp. It just keeps rolling on. I had around 2 inches of rain in the gauge yesterday.

I have had a lot of experience with yellow jackets over the years. The only time I get stung is when I stir up some that have a nest that I do not know about, like the ones in the step. The hollow sound you here is me knocking on my wooden head as it is that hardest wood I can find to knock on.

WS I have never attempted to trap a fisher as they can only be trapped in the UP in the winter. I am not sure what the regulations are. I will check the regulations out when I pick up the new rule book. I can now trap bobcats around home but have not trapped anything in years. You have to get a permit to trap a bob cat before you set a trap for one. Not a simple get a cities tag after you trap one. The regulations on every thing in Michigan are so confusing it is pathetic. With CD in places deer regulations require a Philadelphia lawyer to figure them out. I do not think that the DNR has figured out how to handle CWD like most other states DNR's haven't.

I am at like 12 years with out drawing a tag for bear. I could get a tag if I wanted to drive almost to Wisconsin to hunt. I would have to hire some on to do the baiting for me that far from home. Like a 6 hour drive one way.

Eddie When I was helping coach little league it was with the father of one of my son's class mates. Down the road this classmates son was pitching for his a high school team. I went to see him pitch and surprised his dad that I was there. That young man had an arm. I stopped to talk to him for a minute as we left and told him about my history of coaching his dad in little league with his grand father. The guys around him were astounded that I came to see him play.

When his grand father passed away I was at the visitation so I got to talk to him and his dad again. There was a baseball uniform hanging in the front of the funeral home. It was a uniform from a tournament that the young man had played in. It was going into the casket with his grand father. His grand father was a great athlete including boxing when he was in the Army. I was able to reunite him with a local that had not seen him since they were in the Army together in Germany.

MRC Hopefull you can get the house on the market soon. It has been a long haul getting to this point.

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13236 on: Aug 28, 2018, 09:04 AM »
Good morning everyone, looks like it’s going to be another hot day. I hope everyone has a good day and stays cool. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13237 on: Aug 28, 2018, 11:36 AM »
Afternoon all,'ll NEVER find me in the cotton candy line, now the ice cream line.....that's a different story  :whistle:  :roflmao:

MrC.....hope the rest of the prelisting work goes smoothly for you  ;)  it takes about 40 minutes from my house to get to the fair via the thruway

IW....I've had the liquid nitrogen treatment a few different times, heals up pretty quickly  ;)

Eddie....hope you're surviving this brutually hot & humid day ok  :-\   seems there should be an end to it sometime in the near future

WS.....glad you weren't hit too hard by the storm  :thumbsup:  bet you're finding it hard to sleep at night thinking of opening morning  ;D

Can't seem to find any motivation to do much of anything today  :blink:  did get some grocery shopping in earlier but this heat and humidity is too much  >:(

Have a good day at work or play. Take it easy if dealing with the heat. Stay safe.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13238 on: Aug 29, 2018, 02:39 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Hump Day!
  A muggy 75* to start the morning off, high of 91 on the Hill today...going to be another hot, sticky day today.

  Wally...most of our crew looked like wrung out dishrags by by the end of the shift yesterday, lol. They said it 94 down in the Albqny area yesterday, the same today. Hoping it cools down soon....  :thumbsup:
  I-45...hope you're doing well, any word on that job yet?   :thumbsup:
  Tom...send some of that cooler weather this way!   ;D
  H2... glad you found a few more willing to bite with your nephew, nice job!    :thumbsup: wishes with the healing, yikes, that sounds painful!  An old neighbor of mine and his wife both retired this year and moved to Old Orchard Beach area in Maine...said its absolutely beautiful there. Is that anywhere close to where you'll be vacationing? your old crew picked up some more work after that storm hit...might want to screen your calls in case the old boss calls?   ;D

  We have a pretty sizable group heading to the Mansion today....with a little luck, we'll get all the block complete today. ...big brick delivery coming around the coffee hour finally.
  Running behind this am, will see how you all are doing at break!  Stay hydrated everyone...cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13239 on: Aug 29, 2018, 03:26 AM »

                 Good Morning Eddie, ER's,
                           It's 70* here on my hill another warm day ahead. ::) And I thought fall was in the air last week. :P
                           Eddie........That's exactly where we are going, my neighbors found a nice hotel on the beach that they have been going to
                 for 5 or 6 years, we started going two years ago.When we go the off season rates start so with them reduced we can stay longer.
                 And it's not as crowded. :clap:
                           Wally........I know how you feel, this humid weather makes me sluggish not wanting to do anything. :%$#!:
                           Tom.........I saw on the news that your weather has been record breaking, so many thunder storms. ???
                           H2L.........I have a friend that takes his boat to your lake and he can't find the eyes, living on the lake has it's advantages. :flex:
                           Not much going on here with the temperature and humidity the way it is, I feel for those that have to work in this stuff. :cookoo: :%$#!:
                           I hope everyone has a great Wednesday, Hump Day either at work or out fishing.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13240 on: Aug 29, 2018, 06:16 AM »
70 degrees this morning. Hope this is the end of the HOT weather. I bet Eddie is saying the same thing.
IW, Sacandaga can be a very tough lake. It took years to figure it out and it still hands me my butt some days. The main thing is once you figure them out they are pretty easy to catch. I does seem that almost every year it is something a little different from the year before. Most years I have them pretty well located by late June, this year it wasn't until late July, early August. I don't eat any fish but like to fish, so anytime I am out there in May and June (doing my homework), I am getting ready for exams in July, Aug. and Sept.. I fish alone almost all the time, so I can go at my own pace and do what I want. I am fishing so I am happy.

Wife will be coming home this afternoon. She is bringing the "Family Pig" home with her. It is a pink piggy bank that her Grandmother had as a little girl. Linda's cousin told her she could have it when we were at family picnic.

Have a good day.....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13241 on: Aug 29, 2018, 08:03 AM »
The weather has been pretty nasty the last couple of days. There are  over 5000 with out power over in my home county. My hunting buddy had called me earlier before the late afternoon storm hit. After checking the radar a while later I called him back. He said he could not see his garage 100 feet from his house due to the blowing rain. He said it looked like blowing snow it was so heavy. His power went down as we talked.  My son lost his power also west of my buddy. My son went and checked my house in town. No damage but a tree took the power lines down on the street. I have my power shut off when I am not there so no worry about the power being down. It does not look like we got that much rain from the two storms that went through yesterday.

It looks like the predicted High pressure system for later today might be pushing the storms farther south. The lower humidity coming with the high will be welcome. It will be a couple of days before it reaches you to the east. Lots of rain predicted for the labor 
day week end.

Not much planed for today. Maybe I will put the sandwich sign together for the senior center to make the boss woman happy.

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13242 on: Aug 29, 2018, 08:49 AM »
Morning all,

About the only thing I can say today is.....eeeeccccckkkkk😖 My thoughts are with everyone that is working outside or in an unairconditioned building. Weather man says there are storms coming in later today that will bring Less to town 🤞🏻Just hoping the storms don’t do any serious damage when they hit.

Have a good day at work or play. Drink lots of water and find a shady spot now and then if possible. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13243 on: Aug 29, 2018, 07:31 PM »
Good Evening Everyone :bow:

I hope everyone survived another day of heat. We woke up to 52 degrees and did it feel GREAT! Unfortunately it will be short lived as next week it heats up again closing in on another round of mid 80's and yes Mr Muggy returns.

Today I spent at the shack, the closer bear season gets the worse the bear sign seems. I took a walk to the back of my property and everywhere I looked the acorns were piling up. I had to pull 1 card out of a camera just to see what's been happening at the pit. The raccoons have been enjoying all the treats as are the crows. Bear activity has moved to late night early morning, and it seems Mom and the kids have moved on. 

I loaded a couple of videos to share, probably the last ones for awhile. Hope everyone is well. Stay safe!


Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13244 on: Aug 29, 2018, 07:42 PM »
Good evening be glad when this hot and humid weather leaves my area. I was out around mid-day drove past a small apple orchard and noticed apples on trees look ready for picking guess Fall is coming also saw some leaves dropping from trees.
Eddie hope problems with wall are behind the crew and you  must be a brutal day laying brick in this heat and humidity.
Ice Wanderer may area on your face heal quickly . Have you found a reel for the surf fishing rod I know you plan to bring it on your Maine trip.
Hunts2long congratulations on finding the walleyes fishing one lake for many years does help you learn it's structure and fish patterns. Assume your wife has a place of honor already picked out for the "Pig" .
Icefisher-45 hope you have not experienced any more head aches. Any news on the dispatchers job.
Tom Turkey hope your son and friend have their electric power restored. Appears you are getting all the rain your area needs at once. Senior Center is lucky to have your wife and you to help with all the work and projects.
Wallyworld certainly been the weather for a cold bowl of ice cream these past few days. Ditto your words on storms coming from the West.
Whopper Stopper think your covering all the bases with coming bear hunt. If your successful will you do a bear rug, head mount or full body. I know taxidermist charge high fees for their work so can see you only doing a head mount.

A safe and pleasant evening .

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13245 on: Aug 29, 2018, 07:53 PM »
Whopper Stopper may things improve with going back to day time feeding as season gets closer. I think moma bear may have decide to move her family with the other bears in the area. Thanks for the videos.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13246 on: Aug 30, 2018, 03:24 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  A little cooler weather today... :clap:   69* this am, high of 81. They said it hit 96 down at the workplace yesterday, sure fealt like SW Florida weather again!

  Steve...we got the word early yesterday morning that no work would be allowed at the Mansion. Guessing the Governor was preparing for his debate last evening down at Hofstra Univerity. Back at it today...hopefully!   ;D
  Marv...thanks again for the videos! Hope things turn around again with the bear activity....  :thumbsup:  When is the opener? summed up yesterday's weather Extended forecast showing more of the same early next week for this area again....Doh!
  Tom...glad no damage from that storm and you didn't lose power!   :thumbsup:
  H2...hope your wife had safe travels back home with the family heirloom!  :thumbsup:  Any fishing today?
  Jeff...I thought you mentioned Old Orchard Beach before. My old neighbors vacationed there for years and always said they would retire there. It sounds really beautiful.

  Spent a better part of the day in the shop yesterday making saw cuts on block and some marble pieces we need for another project starting soon. No complaints...didn't have to deal with the blazing sun all day!
  Back to a 7am start again with the crew over at the Mansion. It's unfortunate we can't start earlier, but it's in a residential area among other what it is.
  Cawfee's on...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13247 on: Aug 30, 2018, 04:03 AM »

                     Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                               It's 67* here on my hill, very comfortable after the storms moved thru last night. ::)
                               Eddie........I think the governor needed more prep time, I heard that Nixon gave him a pretty good run last night. Maybe they should
                     have let you work the noise might made him study up a little faster. lol :roflmao:
                               Steve.......Yes the pole is all set to go, I can't wait to use it thank you very much. :thumbsup:
                               Marv........Maybe you should start putting out some sweet feed, the bears will get the candy plus the calories they are looking for. ???
                               H2l..........I'm glad your wife had a good trip, nice of cousin to give it to her. :bow:
                               Tom.........I guess some of your storms are moving east, but they are not as severe. :blink:
                               Wally........You came up with the right word to describe the day yesterday. :woot: :clap:
                               Not much going on here, I have another appointment this morning and another one tomorrow. Tomorrow's is an interview with the
                     "VA" compensation Dr., They want to evaluate  my shoulder. ???
                               I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out fishing.


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13248 on: Aug 30, 2018, 05:07 AM »
WS You are not so bad about sharing as usual.  ;) I had to get up early to find a blanket as it is COOL in the house. Might have to dig out the long johns pretty soon. 49* !!!!!!! this morning. I hope it gets to you people to the east. I will enjoy the few days of it until the heat returns. Heat and more rain guessed for the holiday week end.

Here is a link to a local online news source I use to keep up with what is going on over at the other property. The one article has pictures from Silver Lake. You can see the sand dunes in the back ground. How do you turn over a flipped pontoon? Some of the pictures are from Pentwater 10 miles north. Evidently there were a few small tornadoes in the state with this storm including Pentwater. www.oceanacountypress. com

Eddie You guys are not going to get the wall built before the snow flies if you can not work because of the governor being in the mansion. Maybe he does not want to see how the rest of the world makes their money by doing some actual work.

I got the sandwich board put together for the senior center yesterday. The wife did not realize how heavy it was going to be as big as she wanted it built.

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13249 on: Aug 30, 2018, 05:43 AM »
Morning all,

WS.....tick tock, opening day is getting closer by the minute  :thumbsup:   fingers crossed the bears don't give up entirely on daytime desserts  ;)

MrC....seems it's a good year for apples, everywhere you go the apple trees (& ground) are covered in red  :clap:

Eddie.....glad you got a break from the sun yesterday  :clap: the next couple of days should be a little easier on you guys before temps shoot back up next week  ::)

IW....hope your appointments go well  ;)

H2L....nice that MrsH2L now has the pig, I'm sure it brings back some fond memories  :thumbsup:

Got quite a bit of rain last evening and overnight, surprised there weren't any severe storms  :blink:  the temp dropped from 93 to 79 in a matter of minutes when the first shower hit  :bow:  supposed to be in the 50s tonight, can't wait  :clap: :woot:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13250 on: Aug 30, 2018, 06:57 AM »
We got some rain last night. It is cooler this morning.
Well, the Pig stayed in Rochester. The wife thought that her sister, who is the oldest should have it at this time. It made her sister very happy.

Looks like I will be fishing on Friday, before the lake becomes a ZOO for the weekend. Have to pick up some worms and gas up the boat today.

Local news had a piece about a boat that ran up onto a sand bar the other night. No one was hurt but I bet it stopped them in a hurry. The lake is low this year due to lack of rain and it will only drop faster after Labor Day.

Have a good day...h2l
Northville, NY

Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13251 on: Aug 30, 2018, 07:41 AM »
Very thoughtful of MrsH2L    :thumbsup: :bow: :clap:

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13252 on: Aug 30, 2018, 07:43 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

50 degrees and calm. I guess later on today the wind machine will kick in, but no complaints getting away from the heat for a couple of days.

Eddie glad you were able to get out of the hot stuff, I don't miss dealing with the heat a bit. Hope the next couple of days go fast for you. Sept 5 (Wednesday) is the start of bear season 2018.

WW please keep  your fingers crossed full time Ma'am  ;D No matter what happens this has been an experience.

IW hope you and Mrs IW have an excellent trip. That sounds like a beautiful area :thumbsup:

TT hold off on the long handles, more heat is right around the corner :%$#!:

mr.clean I will try to find a picture of what the wife liked for a mount. You are right the prices are  :cookoo: Taxidermy isn't like it used to be that's for sure. What we are looking at comes in at $750. My brothers barber  is still waiting on his from last year. The guy he has quoted $2500 for a rug, $1800 for a head shoulder mount. It must depend on the area to a point as to how much they can charge.

Hope you all have an excellent day no matter what's on the agenda :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13253 on: Aug 30, 2018, 09:11 PM »
Good evening everyone, Looks like a couple of posts didn’t make it. I hope everyone had a good day and stayed cool. I haven’t heard about the dispatch position. I went to a doctor who says i’m Permently disabled. Not sure how to deal with that news. Only 55 and have worked my whole life.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13254 on: Aug 30, 2018, 09:21 PM »
Good evening fellow 9:45ers so far none of the rain those of you who live upstate saw yesterday. Tomorrow will stop by town building dept. and see if electrical inspector delivered his report and I can schedule inspection from town.
Eddie must be challenging having to work around the Governor's schedule to get jobs done at the mansion. Glad you were able to work out of the heat yesterday. Hope the crew and you were able to get up more courses of bricks today.
Ice Wanderer may the rod serve you well on the coming trip. Interesting article in my local newspaper today about invasive clams found in Lake George.
Tom Turkey thank you for the link I don't think the Silver Lake area will see that Labor Day weekend economy it was counting on before storms came through and caused all the damage . Did your friend and son get their electric power restored.
Wallyworld  not to rush this year's passing but looking forward to this years apple cider and other apple products.
Hunts2long all the best on tomorrows fishing trip. I think your SIL is very happy your wife is letting he be guardian/keeper of family heirloom .
Whopper Stopper believe taxidermist charges are based on their reputation if someone has one several awards for his work his rates will be higher . Also if a famous hunting personality has used a certain taxidermist for their mounts charges will be sky high.
Evening Icefisher-45 sorry to read your sad news from doctor. Due some research on how to claim Social Security disability benefits and see if you can preform some type of labor and collect benefits. You and your family will be in my thoughts as all of you enter this new phase of your life.

A safe and good overnight to all. Best to Hunts2long and others fishing.


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13255 on: Aug 31, 2018, 03:38 AM »

                Good morning ER's,
                          It's 54* here on my hill, feels nice for a change. ::)
                          Steve........The clams have been in Lake George for some time now, the LG assoc. has been putting mats down where they find them
                to smother them. It doesn't take long for Asian clams to multiply and take over the lake! :%$#!:
                          Eddie........It should be a nicer work day at the mansion today. :clap: I sent you a PM the other day!
                          I-45.........That's some sad news from your Dr. I hope you can work it out. :thumbsup:
                          Wally........We got some of the same rain that passed by you, it was a pleasant arrival. :blink:
                          Marv.........Those are some hefty prices to have a bear done, I paid $500 for my rug. :whistle:
                          H2l...........I hope you have a banner day on the lake before the weekend rush. :flex:
                          Not much going on today, my wife is headed to Vt. till Tuesday, I have that one more appointment at noon. That will eat up 5 hrs. of my day. ::)
                          I hope everyone has a great Friday and enjoy the last weekend holiday of the summer.


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13256 on: Aug 31, 2018, 05:02 AM »
Good Morning IW! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

45 very sorry to hear of your news. Thought are with you as you try and get everything sorted out.

Good luck with your appointment IW :thumbsup: That has to be a long 5 hours.

Eddie the weekend is almost here, hope your wrap to the week flies by :thumbsup:

WW did the cooler air get to your house? Hope you have an excellent day :thumbsup:

I have a tree to knock down today and then back to more preparing for the bear hunt. I will head back up to the shack tomorrow morning to check bait and cards then nothing until Tuesday when I head up for the hunt. The weather looks to be fairly unsettled  with rain and heat everyday next week.

Hope you all have a great day no matter what's on the agenda :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Online wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13257 on: Aug 31, 2018, 07:05 AM »
Morning all,

IF45.....sorry to hear of the disability news  :(   be sure to look into different assistance programs as well as job training programs available thru local/state/federal agencies  ;)   best of luck to you and Mrs45

IW.....sounds like a hurry up & wait kind of day  ;D   safe travels to MrsIW  :) 

H2L....good luck on the lake  :)  hope you beat the weekend rush  :wacko:

WS....any special treats going into the bait station this trip  ???   how long does the season last  ??? 

Eddie....3 day weekend ahead yay  :thumbsup: :clap:

MrC.....crisp cider, cider donuts, apple & pumpkin pies Yum  :woot:  I'm ready  ;)2  hope the electrician filed his paperwork in a timely fashion for you

What a great night for sleeping last night,   :thumbsup: :clap:  too bad the cool down is only lasting a couple days  :-\   mowing is on the agenda for today before some rain moves thru later this afternoon  ;)

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13258 on: Aug 31, 2018, 07:39 PM »
Well the day off, morning fishing, Didn't go as planned, my fishing partner caught 3 small eyes, I caught 4 small sticks.   :( So does that mean I won  :-\  ::) Pleasant day to be out though.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #13259 on: Aug 31, 2018, 10:06 PM »
Good evening,cooler day here with some rain. I believe weather guessers calling for a chance of rain each day of holiday weekend.
Ice Wanderer safe travel to your wife may all go well on her first long drive with new car. The article I read mentioned the use of mats to smother clam colonies. Hope you had a good doctor visit.
Whopper Stopper hope the tree knock down was problem free today. May the trail camera cards show bears returning to day time feeding all the best on your upcoming hunt.
Wallyworld I'm looking forward to cider doughnuts from one of the local farm markets pricey but so delicious. Did you complete the mowing before rain .
IFF glad you had free time to fish with friend . Assume your still working 40 hours and traveling to different stores around Colorado.
Hunts2long how was the fishing.
Eddie guessing gremlins visited your computer or time crunch  this morning kept you from posting.

A safe and good holiday weekend to all.


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