Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649919 times)

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11700 on: Feb 11, 2018, 05:35 AM »
Morning all, that was funny  :roflmao: Hope you hear some news on your sil soon

WS......I agree with IFF, would like to hear that story  ;D don't forget to leave yourself time for fun too  ;)

Eddie.....just goes to show you, if you have time.....go fish regardless of charts or barometers or whatever  :) 

Grandson has been sick all weekend, hoping he's better today.  Both girls have hockey games this morning then we'll be on our way home.  Rain seems to be the travels word today  ;)

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11701 on: Feb 11, 2018, 07:29 AM »
Thanks for the concern of my not posting recently. I lost another post a while back so I turned into a lurker.

Not much going on to post about. Other than snow blowing which I will have to do again today if it ever quits snowing. The guessed snow fall of a couple inches of turned into 6 the other day. I had to get the snow off of the big back deck yesterday. I debated bringing the snow blower through the house but decided to just push it through the gate and down the steps instead. After that I went and blew the neighbors drive way. He has been hand shoveling it. He said it is for the cardio he needs. I knew that the plow had plugged the mouth of the drive so instead of blowing just that I decided I might as well do it all. He kept saying I did not need to do it but I he has helped me with things a number of times so it was time for a pay back

The guy is a newbe on the block. He is retired Air Force. The gal next door had here former husband move out on her just before Christmas a few years ago. They got divorced. I think her ex was very controlling and did not let her even talk to us if he was around. Them getting divorced was the best thing in her life. She is so happy since she met and married Donnie it is unbelievable.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11702 on: Feb 11, 2018, 08:01 AM »
Good Morning ER's

Was up at 3:00 and see the deck temp was 7*  :cookoo: Now I can't resist getting my Striker's on and go look.  Don't think it would be anything but some new skim ice. :unsure:

Then back home and remove my deck snow.

Eddie WTG with getting after the pannies

Tom, Good for her,  :thumbsup: :clap: nice to have happy neighbors

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11703 on: Feb 11, 2018, 08:59 AM »
Good Sunday morning 9:45ers raining currently most of snow from last Wednesday's storm is gone from ground have to watch for icy walk and roadways at night early mornings. Hectic last couple days was not feeling well Friday night went to work  anyway lasted 6 hors of 8 hour shift came home got a few hours sleep then help my sister with house cleaning. I have a few more bags of clothing to put out for charity pickup later this week. My schedule for work was recently changed missed last night's shift so will be in dog house. For a couple months have had Saturday night into Sunday mornings off now have to be at job 12 AM Sunday mornings between work and house cleaning past few Saturdays my body is all mixed up with sleep patterns.
Capt. Jim glad Z-pack worked and your headed back to work. Keep after your wife to see doctor.
Eddie congrats on the crappies and bluegills good thing you made a second trip in the afternoon. Good to hear people who broke through at Vets beach on Lake George got out of water.
Ice Wanderer hope doctor can give your shoulder some relief during Monday's visit. How was the Festival did you stay to see fireworks over the lake. The village must get crowded on weekends during the event.
Whopper Stopper looks like you will be a busy man this coming week with the side jobs may all go safely. Hopefully SIL and you can get in a fishing trip later this week. IS your FIL still in hospital or at home recovering.
Wallyworld may your grandson get over his sickness soon and not spread it to other family members. May your granddaughter's teams win their hockey games. A safe journey back from MA. for Mr.WW and you.
Hunts2long some serious snow banks glad your quick fix has snow blower working . Sounds like it will be sloppy conditions at the contest this Saturday.
IFF smart idea not risking the trip to Blue Messa. May you hear good news soon on your SIL's health. Good video glad he missed slammimg into the tree trunk.
Tom Turkey good to see you back posting may snow end soon for you. Nice job returning neighbors favors to you. Good to read second marriage is better for your neighbor.
A safe and good Sunday to all. Best to all fishing be careful out on the ice.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11704 on: Feb 11, 2018, 06:16 PM »
Went and checked out my home lake.  At first with the 9* air temp thought the lake had recapped, but with a little more light, could see that it was wide open.

Got the snow off the deck, and now its totally dry.  Got word SIL's MRI didn't show what the Doctor thought it would so more tests and appointment with any lab work Friday.

Steve.  Hope you are getting near the end of your house cleaning.  When you get done, I could use some help with mine.  ;D

Hope everyone's Sunday went well.


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11705 on: Feb 12, 2018, 03:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Woke to the sounds of the wind howling this morning...33* with steady 20mph NW winds, that will be the high temp here today as well. wishes to your SIL with Fridays appointment, hope they can discover the problem and get her back on track. :thumbsup:  Maybe that colder air will stick around long enough to refreeze the local waters?
  Steve...hope you're feeling better and can get sleeping back in rhythm, those are some tough work hours!
  Tom..wtg helping out the neighbor, I'm sure he appreciated it! wishes to your grandson on a quick recovery, hope the girls did well with their games!  :thumbsup:  Any fishing plans this week?
  OG...the DingleDrop jigs tipped with spikes have now iced bluegills, perch, crappies, pickerel, bass, and yesterday rock bass! Hoping to add a trout or two the list before long.... :thumbsup: wishes on returning to work today, hope you're now at 100%!!
  Marv...starting the side job today? Have a safe day with the saws.... :thumbsup: of luck to you and the gang if you're hunting lakers....imagine the same slushy conditions will be faced on LG as they are here.

  Reached the lake yesterday morning to find 4 guys already fishing/setting up in the area we fished Saturday evening, so I gave them some space and set up a good 50yds. away. Drilled 8 holes and began marking fish immediately in 12'-14'.  Started off slow, but after about 10 minutes the bite started...mostly rock bass with a few bluegills, never did hit any crappies though, all C&R.
  About 8am, I figured I'd go out to the deeper water and just check a bunch of holes to see if I could find any perch or trout...must have checked 25-30, couldn't find them anywhere again. Called it quits around 9 as the rain started falling. Hoping to get a few trips in this week after work as the afternoon bite seems to be working.
  Well, time to get ready for another 40....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11706 on: Feb 12, 2018, 04:09 AM »
Good Morning Eddie! Good Morning Everone :bow:

-5 heading to a balmy +10 later today.
Eddie hope you and the crew have a good Week Sir! Hope it works out for you to get some ice time during the week :icefish: How is your Mom doing?

IW good luck at the Dr. today. Hope they find that a few fishing trips is all your shoulder needs :thumbsup:

WW are you back to the ranch? Hope your cough is history and you are ready for some ice time :thumbsup:

mr.clean hope you can get your body adapted to your crazy schedule, and that you are feeling better. You had asked about bass and their winter diet, not sure if anything changes. Winter fish including bass just taste so much better than summer fish. As a matter of fact we don't keep anything in the summer for the table.

No trees today or tomorrow. I am going to work on my side jobs Wed and Thur as the temps are supposed to hit near 30. The big job will be put off until next week. Today I am going to spend in the garage getting all my saws and supplies ready for a few days of cutting. I have 3-4 chains to sharpen and I am going to pick up a case of bar oil for the season. I received a couple of new ropes last week so I have to burn the ends and get them coiled up. It sounds like the boss wants to meet up some time this week to hash a few things out.

Best of luck no matter what's on the agenda :thumbsup: Above all else stay safe.



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11707 on: Feb 12, 2018, 04:21 AM »

              Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                       It's 32* here on my hill and my cat us out chasing mice and birds! :woot:
                       Eddie.......I hope the afternoon bite is on for you if your heading out after work today. :flex:
                       Bud.......Your colder temps hopefully will recap your fishing waters so you can get out. ::) Good luck to your
              SIL at her Dr.'s appointment. :thumbsup:
                       Tom.......A good deed will probably returned from your neighbor, good job helping him out. :clap:
                       Steve.....I hope your feeling better. I don't understand the work hours companies set. Don't they know that with
              strange hours productivity goes down. ::)
                       Wally......I hope you had a nice visit in Mass. and your trip home was good.
                       Marv.......I hope the side job goes well today. :flex:
                       The winter carnival was fun, my wife enjoyed it except for my driving out on the ice. The organizers had a large
              area plowed for parking and a race track for different class of cars. She really got a laugh watching the Polar Bear Club
              go in for a swim. :roflmao: Yes Steve LG is crowded with people, we had to go 3 or 4 streets back from Route 9 to find a
              place to park when we wanted to see what was going on in the village. :whistle:
                       I have a Dr.'s appointment at the VA for my shoulder, it's a lot worse with all the shoveling I've been doing.
                       I hope everyone has a good Monday either at work or out fishing! Stay safe on the ice.
                       I  see WS posted while I was typing, Good morning Marv.


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11708 on: Feb 12, 2018, 06:19 AM »
Another new week. 29 degrees this morning.
Hope everyone's feeling better or at least on the mends.
Eddie glad you got out on the ice got some fish. I think the lake this weekend will be a mess for the Walleye Challenge. Snow levels have dropped but I am sure there will be lots of slush. Plus people are plowing roads to their shanties. The people who ride sleds don't like the banks and with the warm weather and rain coming this week, those roads will fill up with water. We will have to wait and see.

Our bowling team went into last night one point in the lead. There were 4 teams tied for second. We took 4 points from one of them. We stayed in first and put some room between two other teams. Only 6 week left.

Hope everyone has a good week..Be Safe....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11709 on: Feb 12, 2018, 09:15 AM »
9* this morning at 10 am was 5 when I got up. Roller coaster temps with some rain included for the week. Only time will tell how that turns out.

I got a late start on blowing the 6 inches of snow blown yesterday waiting for the snow to move out. By the time I got done I was worn out after getting the cars cleaned off and the blowing done that I did not have enough energy to help the neighbor out. When I went to the store after supper I saw that he had shoveled the drive.

If the neighbor on the other side had that much ambition it would be nice. He bought a bunch of firewood to go along with the cord of fire wood that has been sitting next to his deck in a pile uncovered for a couple of years. Some of the new stuff actually got stacked,  probably by his wife. Now I see there is a pallet of wood pellets on his trailer.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11710 on: Feb 12, 2018, 09:23 AM »
Good Morning ER's

Guess I should have gone over to the other lake, now I get word 10-15 were out and all catching perch.  ::)

Sleep is usually something that doesn't evade me, but finally got 4 hours of it.  All on top of a do nearly nothing day.

today is one of the colder days, then its back to yoyo weather.

For now I seem to be stuck in neutral. :unsure:

Have a good day all.


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11711 on: Feb 12, 2018, 10:35 AM »
Morning all,

MrC....those ever changing hours are sure tough on the body, harder and harder as time passes too  :(  try not to get too run down and become sick

IFF....hope you find some motivation, although sometimes a "do nothing" day is just what the doctor ordered  ;)2

WS...hope the garage tinkering is going well  ;D  be safe working on the side jobs, no hanging upside down from any ropes  :roflmao:

IW....good luck finding some relief for your shoulder today at the VA, safe travels  :)

H2L....congrats on the bowling wins  :clap: :flex:  how's the back doing  ???

Eddie....nice that the days are getting a little longer & you're able to get some fishing in after work  :thumbsup:

Both of the girls had very exciting games yesterday and both ended up winning  :thumbsup: :clap:  My grandson was feeling better so he played in the afternoon, also a great game although they lost  :'(  We ended up not leaving there till after 4. The drive home wasn't too bad once we hit NY, MA was heavy rain & fog but at least the temps stayed above freezing  ;D Not sure yet what the fishing plans might be for this week, might be heading north for a couple days again if things aren't too sloppy after the weekend warm up.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11712 on: Feb 12, 2018, 03:42 PM »
Good afternoon everyone sunny and in the forties snow melted except for piles left by plow. Yesterday had rain for majority of day. Thank you for the get well wishes think it was a 24 hour bug feeling much better. The new work schedule will take some time to get adjusted to Saturday's will be hard get home get a few hours sleep do some things in mid morning to mid afternoon hopefully get some more sleep and then be to work at midnight  effectively like having only one true day off per week on Wednesday.
IFF may further tests find what is causing SIL's problems.
Eddie good luck if you get out fishing after work this week. May you locate the trout and bring a few onto the ice.
Whopper Stopper all the best with side jobs this week .
Ice Wanderer festival must boost local Winter time economy for area . I would be nervous driving /riding out onto ice surface. Guessing Lake George is busy most Winter weekends with folks coming to Outlet malls on south end of village. May VA doctor help your shoulder.
Hunts2long continued success for your teammates and you for rest of this bowling season.
Tom Turkey may you get a break from snow clean up sure your neighbor appreciates any help you give him.
Wallyworld glad trip home was uneventful nice that you could stay for all the grandchildren's games. Good to read your grandson is better. Hope your local lakes held up to the rain and you wont have problems accessing the ice.

A safe and pleasant evening to all.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11713 on: Feb 13, 2018, 03:37 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
 Clear and 17* on the Hill this am, high of 27 here today. Some very mild temps working there way here, imagine most of the snow we have should be gone by the weekend.
  Steve..planning on an after work trip tomorrow...the days are getting longer, should be able to get a few hours in before needing a head lamp...will keep you posted!
  Wally...glad to read you had safe travels back home, congrats to your granddaughters on their wins, best of luck to your grandson on his next game!   :thumbsup:   How did they like those cookies?   ;D
  Bud...heading over to the other lake today to get on those perch? Best of luck...spud, spud, spud!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...hope you're feeling better today after that snow removal, it's a draining PITA! Hope some milder weather is heading your way as well.
  H2...congrats on the bowling and staying in 1st place, awesome!   :clap: :bow:   Hope your back is feeling ok. Talked to a buddy of mine who fished on Sacandaga over the weekend...I think you're spot on with your report from what he told me. Said the drag out was heart attack material and the slush was getting real bad.
  Jeff...hope your Dr.'s visit went well yesterday and you're getting some relief from that shoulder! Sounds like the carnival was a good time, still can't understand the Polar Bear Club, lol. Best of luck if fishing this am!   :thumbsup:
  Marv...thanks for the messages!  :thumbsup:  Hope those chains are ready and the mild weather arrives as scheduled, be safe hope all goes well!

  Pretty routine day again yesterday, not much to report....we were down 3 guys due to illness...not sure if it was colds or brown bottle flu!   ;D. We did end up setting off a fire alarm in an area from the dust...that was our high light for the day along with a reprimand...Doh!
  Clock is ticking, will catch up to you all at break!  cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11714 on: Feb 13, 2018, 04:13 AM »

                   Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                             It's 10* and clear here on my hill, the cat went out and is back in already, too cold for him! ???
                             Eddie........You would think that the people would know that the dust would set off alarms and either
                   shut them off while you're working or cover them up. ::) Yeah I don't understand the Polar Bear Club either. :cookoo:
                   After the PBC did their thing a long guy came out of one of the local watering holes, stripped down to his shorts and
                   went for a swim, he was in longer than the PBC people. He was the most entertaining! :roflmao:
                             Steve.......Yes the winter carnival is a boost for the economy, motels, restaurants and bars! :whistle:
                             Eddie/Steve.....My Dr.'s appointment went well I guess, they gave me a stronger anti-inflammatory and
                   are doing a scope in March or April. They can't do any surgery with in 3 months of cortisone shots.
                             Bud......Safe trip out if your going! :thumbsup:
                             Tom.......I hope you're feeling better.
                             H2L........How is your back I haven't heard much from you about it. Good bowling Sir! :flex:
                             Today.....My #3 son, Jon and I are finally hitting the ice after some Lakers, we are hitting a spot that has
                   been on the sketchy side but yesterday on the way home from Albany I checked it out and we can get out, there
                   were others there.
                             I hope everyone has a good Tuesday either at work or out fishing!


Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11715 on: Feb 13, 2018, 05:00 AM »
Good Morning....I hope

Eddie, Jeff,  not going anywhere, woke up an hour ago feeling like I meet a mack truck head on the Interstate highway.  Guess the bug did a u-turn and suck up on my blind side.

Supposed to be opening the department this morning.  Just not going to happen.

WW yup trying to choke down some fluids now.

Take care all.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11716 on: Feb 13, 2018, 05:31 AM »
Morning all, sorry to hear you met the bug head on  :(   believe me when I say I feel your pain  :pinch:  LOTS of rest, fluids & tylenol oh yeah and don't forget rest  ;)2 hope you feel better soon

Eddie....big surprise on the alarm huh  ;D  can't believe you get a reprimand for that  :wacko: the cookies vanished almost as soon as they hit the counter  :roflmao:  guess they were ok   :)  good luck hitting the ice

IW.....good luck on the lakers  :)  hope you find some real fighters  :woot:

TT......hope you're back to feeling like yourself today  :)   are you going to be getting the warmer weather also this week  ???  should get rid of a lot of snow that's piled up  :thumbsup:

MrC.....those are some tough hours for sure  >:(  doesn't leave much time for anything other than work or sleep  :(  hope you have plenty of vacation time  ;)

WS.....hope those saws are razor sharp and ready to roll  :flex: 

Have a good day whatever your plans. Stay safe.

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11717 on: Feb 13, 2018, 05:58 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

Morning post take 3............

+5 heading into the mid +20's later today.

Bud sorry to hear the "Grip" has a hold of you. Hope a day or two of rest has you feeling better. I am sure if you follow WW's recipe things will get better fast :thumbsup:

IW best of luck Laker hunting.

Eddie hope you watch the noise, dust, and smells today :roflmao: Sometimes it is unbelievable the hoops a person has to go through just to do their dang jobs.

Morning WW. Hope your day brings good things!

Well, I am off to the garage for another day of getting equipment ready. I went into more detail in my first poofed post, or was it my second ???

Best of luck no matter what is on the agenda :thumbsup: Above all stay safe!


Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11718 on: Feb 13, 2018, 06:21 AM »
5 degrees and looks like a clear day ahead. Wife has a Dr.s appointment in Albany this morning.
The back is still giving me some problems. The snow blower makes it worst and the bowling makes it better. I guess I have to join the PBA or move South.

Sold my Nils power auger yesterday. My nephew stopped to pick it up for a friend. He is planning on fishing the same area as in past years. It has been good to us in the past. In the past we set up a tent with stove, heater the works out on the ice. Because of all the snow he is sitting that up on shore and will use his side by side with tracks to get a couple pop-ups set up on the ice. It is always a good time. Some years it has been as many 15 fishermen plus wife's, GF's and kids. We have even won some money and prizes...

WW, glad you had a good time with the kids and a safe trip home; now go catch some fish....

Good Luck and Be Safe...h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11719 on: Feb 13, 2018, 06:34 AM »
ZERO out right now. 40 tomorrow and rain on Thursday.

I just checked gas buddy $2.52 here and $2.13 45 minutes west. I hope I have enough in the tank to get there tomorrow on my monthly drug and bread run to the other place to fill up. I have a podiatrist appointment today that will take  little gas. If I am not sure I will have enough gas to make it I will put a little of the over priced gas here in the thank to make it.

I got the snow off of the decks yesterday with a push shovel but when I started the blower to do a short walk the second stage was froze up. I did not feel like doing any more shovel work. Maybe the warm up and rain will get rid of it.

WS I think it would help with losing posts if the red warning of some one posting could be gotten rid of. If you make the wrong move what you posted disappears. Like I said in the Pm on the other site I can leave a typed posting and come back to it later and what was typed is still there. I can then finish the posting and it goes through.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11720 on: Feb 14, 2018, 03:15 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Valentines Day! Don't forget some sweets for your sweet today fella's!   ;D
  Cloudy and 22 this am with a high of 44 expected here today.

  Tom..gas still sitting at about $2.70/gl for regular here, saw it yesterday at $2.77 at one of those 24hr. no attendant self serve places. Hope your med/bread run today goes smoothly!   :thumbsup: of luck to you all this weekend at the Walleye Challenge, crossing fingers your group gets to cash in on some of the prizes! Sounds like the bowling is good therapy... :thumbsup:
  Marv...those darn gremlins messing around again with you? Pleased to announce that we had an almost problem free day yesterday, there's always something someone has to -itch about. Yesterday it was the noise from a chipping gun.  So we offered the gent ear plugs...he just walked away pissed off.:roflmao:  Hope you have a great day....did you meet up with the boss yet?
  Wally..yes, it was a big surprise hearing the alarm go off, lol. Apparently, someone in that area left a door open in one of the rooms which had a fan on...drawing in the dust. It's off limits to us... ;D...but you know how that goes!
Had no doubt about those cookies disappearing... :roflmao: :bow:
  Bud...sorry to hear about that cold sneaking up on you...hope you're feeling a little better today Sir!  :thumbsup:
  Jeff..hope you and the boys had a good day chasing lakers and had safe ice! Enjoyed that story about the local taking a swim, can picture that happening, good stuff!! :bow: :clap: :roflmao:  Best of luck out there today....who's in the
lead so far with the laker count?

  My youngest son and two of his buddy's made an afternoon trip to Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, NY yesterday and did fairly well on lakers. Managed to ice 15, missed quite a few, the biggest 3 in the 25" range. They all left the ice with their limit, one keeper each over 23", so that made my afternoon enjoyable getting text after text on their success.
  Going to take advantage of the warm afternoon weather and hunt down some panfish after work...of course that will be after offering my wife some flowers and chocolates for permission.... :whistle: ;D
  Cawfee's brewing...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11721 on: Feb 14, 2018, 03:47 AM »
                  Good morning Eddie, ER's,
                            It's 10* and clear here on my hill, the cat is out for a while! :whistle:
                            Eddie......Sounds like your son, is that Mike, and his friends had a good day out there. :clap: How long of a drive
                  is that for them. ???
                            H2L.........Good luck at the Walleye tournament this weekend, I went to it a few years ago and not being a
                  regular on Sacandaga I didn't do well! ::)
                            Bud......Hope you're feeling better :flex:
                            Yesterdays trip for Lakers was pretty good, my #3 son iced 11 Lakers and beat me by 6, I had 4 hook-ups
                  but lost them half way up. My son kept 2 and I kept 1.

                            Jon and I are hitting the lake again today, I think MW is ahead in the Laker count.
                            I hope everyone has a good Wednesday either at work or at play.


Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11722 on: Feb 14, 2018, 04:21 AM »
Good Morning ER's Bud you might not be the only one bit by the bug my cough is acting up. Eddie good outings I see you've had. Nice to get a rock bass and some others on the dingle. IW good reports from you and john on those Lakers oops forgot the leader MW. I'll be trying to track down some gear here for a IS member. I still got some running around to do then back out on the ice again. Hope all have a nice VD day. VD did I just type that. I guess I should have spelled it out Valentines Day.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11723 on: Feb 14, 2018, 05:06 AM »
Morning all,

OG....hope that cough isn't the start of anything serious  :-\  good luck on the hunt

IW.....great job on the lakers  :clap:  thanks for the pics  :)

Eddie.....can't make everyone happy I guess  :woot:  would have liked to see the guy's face when you offered the ear plugs  :roflmao: :bow:  good luck this afternoon & congrats to your son & friends  :icefish: :thumbsup:

WS.....hope the side job goes well today  :flex:

IFF......hope you're feeling better today  ;)

Heading out for Oneida Lake in a few, Decided against going north due to rain and winds forecast for the next couple of days  :%$#!: hoping the weather settles back to some colder temps these predicted 40s to near 50 aren't going to do the ice any good  :(

Have a Happy Valentnes Day !!!! Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11724 on: Feb 14, 2018, 06:20 AM »
Happy Valentines Day.

IW, looks like a good day on the ice. 

WW, hope you have a good day on the ice. Weather doesn't look too bad.

Eddie, good luck this PM. Hope the flowers and the candy work for you.

22* and cloudy this morning....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11725 on: Feb 14, 2018, 06:22 AM »
25* this morning.

Wow the local gas dropped a whole nickel to 2.49 yesterday. It is $2.09 at the station I use where I am going to fill up today. $2.07 at the Walmart station down the road from there. Plenty of gas to make it there for a fill up.

The podiatrist office was full yesterday. He and his wife, his helper in the office, had been to Cabo snorkeling for a week. The wife has had problems with a callous on one of her feet. He pulled the insert out of her shoe and put a pad on the bottom of it. He told her to wear another pair of shoes next time so he could do the same to them. She said it really helped.

I need to get back from the drug/bread run so we can go out for an early dinner so better get on the road. One of the restaurants has a 2 piece walleye dinner for $10.00 this time of year. It is wild caught Canadian walleye. The have it until they run out of stock. We need to beat the Valentines Day rush. After having diner we will go grocery shopping saving a trip.

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11726 on: Feb 14, 2018, 07:09 AM »
TT enjoy the walleye dinner with the Mrs. sounds yummy

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11727 on: Feb 14, 2018, 07:30 AM »
 Good Morning ER's

Jeff, Nice Lakers

I think I know what a wrung out dish rag feels like, With every cough, I'm hoping its the last one.

now for more fluids and shut eye till I need to be ready to leave for the store.

Enjoy your day all.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11728 on: Feb 14, 2018, 09:14 AM »
Good morning fellow 9:45ers ,Happy Valentine's Day to all also got reminder from radio this morning that it is Ash Wednesday. Out early this morning had meeting with friend of I.S. members to sell my surplus 6 inch Lazer auger and Jet Sled . Young fellow just getting started in ice fishing. Freezing rain made the trip a little dicey but got to meeting spot and back problem free.
Eddie those fire alarms are sensitive have had one in porter's room at work set off by steam rising from hot water running for extended period in sink. Congratulations to your son and his friends on successful day at Ostego . May the flowers and chocolates get you some after work fishing time this week.
Ice Wanderer hope the stronger medicine works for you ,learn a lot from this thread never knew having a cortisone shot would delay any surgery. Congrats to son#3 and you on all the lake trout.
IFF may the bug run it's course quickly . Any updates on your SIL.
Old Goat hope you can avoid any major illness.
Whopper Stopper all the best with today's side job try not to play Tarzan with the ropes.
Wallyworld may you connect with the walleye at Oneida.
Hunts2long best to your crew at Saturday's walleye challenge at GSL .
Tom Turkey thought of you after reading article in local newspaper yesterday. a neighboring town is hiring a trapper to reduce population of beavers that have taken over one of it's parks. May you get to restaurant in time for walleye dinner.

A safe and good Wednesday to all. Best to all fishing.

Offline Ryan Tawfiq

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #11729 on: Feb 14, 2018, 01:18 PM »
Mindy- I come from a long line of dog trainers. You have no idea how many people have the same problem with their dog just pulling them around. The dog walking or dragging you. Anyhow i always used a choke collar. Thinner the better. Some prefer a spiked collar. I have given up on them because the amount of time it takes to train. Some dogs are just to dang head strong sometimes. You will have to put in many hours of training. All in 15 min sections to do it. So I have made the switch to electric collars. What used to take, what seemed like forever, Can be done in 15 min with some real head strong dogs. Here is a link to some good ones. Again repetition is key. One other thing that works well with time. With traditional training methods. If your dog is pulling you reverse course. Yes that's right do a 180. As soon as your dog comes your way and passes you 180 again. Keep doing this. You wont get far at first. But with repetition the dog will learn. As always I recommend obedience class. Not so much to train the dog. But to train the owner. A well behaved dog is a joy.

Hi UFCreel, Thanks for the information. Would you please suggest me a good collar for dog traing. I think you are an expert.
Yes, I am a pet owner and Trainer.


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