Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649834 times)

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10800 on: Dec 07, 2017, 02:31 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  28* to start off the payday today, high of 37 expected on the Hill.

  Mark..didn't see any deer off stand yesterday either, did have one red fox come trotting by about 4pm, that was about it. Strange, but I haven't seen a single deer on my drive in to work the last 2 mornings. Best of luck this afternoon...I'll be taking it off and hunting down a Christmas tree with the grandchildren!   ;D
  Marv..hope you can find a new Dr. you feel comfortable with. Glad to hear the plumbing project and car repair are complete...could feel the pains in my hand reading about the Heading to the shack today? Best of luck with the hunting!   :thumbsup:
 Jeff..did you find your tree yesterday? Heard there might be some snow heading your way...hope it's minimal,before the colder ice making weather gets here!
  MW..hope the hogs went well for you yesterday...still crossing fingers that buck shows up again!   ;D
  CaptJim...we have 2 more pours scheduled for today and tomorrow...that will be it for this season outside. Glad the car issue is being taken care of now, hope all goes well with the tile job!   :thumbsup:
  Tom..funny you mentioned a 308. Had one years ago with open sights, semi-auto ...wish I never sold it, could have squeezed a couple shots off with that one, lol. Hope your hands are feeling better today!
  OscodaIce...welcome aboard the 9:45!
  Wally...any word from MR.WW on his luck?
  Mindy..glad to hear Timber is on the mend, hope he continues to improve.
  Bud..what did you make in the kitchen? Thanks for the great picture, hope to see another of that monster as well.   :thumbsup:

  Grey stuff coming at 6am this morning, 22yds....8yds scheduled for tomorrow and that's it for concrete this year!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Running short on time again....cawfee's brewing! Will catch up to you all this afternoon...
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10801 on: Dec 07, 2017, 03:43 AM »
Good morning Eddie! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

12 degrees in the bog heading to 20 by afternoon.

Dang Eddie sorry to hear you didn't see anything last night. I sure hope that luck changes soon. I keep waiting for Ninja and Mr Wally to score also. Maybe today is the day :thumbsup:

I am going to the shack tomorrow night for a couple of days. I had intended going today but the girls want to be with in case I get one so they can help. The more I thought about it the better that idea sounded. I really wonder if I will see any does or not as things get scarce this time of year. With no safe ice it will be fun to spend some time in the stand.

Yesterdays Dr visit was mixed. He actually seemed as sorry to say goodby as I am seeing him go. He came from Duluth to work in our town and now he is going back to be closer to his mother who still lives on her own. He gave me 3 names of Rheumatologists that he thought would be a good fit, unfortunately all are out of our insurance network, makes for an empty feeling.

Off to the bus stop with the wife this morning.

Best of luck to all no matter what's on the agenda :thumbsup: Above all, stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10802 on: Dec 07, 2017, 04:14 AM »

             Good morning Eddie, Marv, ER's,
                      It's 30* and clear here on my hill this morning a nice day is in store for us!
                      Bud.......WOW! That is one heck of a buck you're brother got, it doesn't look as if he's going to mount it unless
             he does a European mount. Raquette could help with that! :flex:
                      Eddie.......Good luck with the tree hunting, my wife and I found a nice tree, it was about 30' tall when I got it
             to the ground we noticed what looked like ice droplets but was sap on some of the branches. We brought it home thinking
             that if we got it in the warm basement they would drop off, but didn't. :%$#!: We have decided that it would be too messy
             to use, so we're headed out again this morning! ::)
                      WS.........I hope you have some luck finding a doctor in your network! :cookoo: I think that all insurance should accept
             all doctors! ::) I hope you have a good trip to "The Shack" this weekend. :flex:
                      DN........Around here the first rut is over, and the last week of muzzle loader is on but west of the Hudson River, not
             many are having any luck! :o
                      Wally......How's Mr. Wally doing? Are you still making cookies? ???
                      OscodaIce........Welco me to the morning addiction! :clap:
                      I hope everyone has a good Thursday either at work or out in the field or on water and ice!


Offline mealworm

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10803 on: Dec 07, 2017, 05:22 AM »
Good morning 945'rs! Last fall clean up went fast and easy....the way I like em!  The pig harvest went well. First pig took 2 hours to dress out I guess we were a little out of practice we had the second pig dressed in less than an hour. Pigs are the biggest iv ever had first 1 dressed out 240lbs. Tried to weigh it before we dressed it but broke my 500 lbs scale. Second pig was the smallest of all 6 Pigs thar 1 dressed out at 230lbs. Only 4 more to harvest.....can't wait tI'll there all gone!  Today wife and I are putting in a new gravel parking lot hope to get it all done today. Wife will be busy hauling 50 tons of material while I spread it out. good thing we are working rite near the quarry. Sorry kinda short but gotta get rolling have a great day all

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10804 on: Dec 07, 2017, 05:31 AM »
Morning all,

H2L.....that's a LOT of cookies  :o  hope she doesn't decorate all of them, makes my back & hands ache just thinking about it  :blink:

IW.....too bad yesterday's tree didn't turn out as hoped  :(  better luck today

YG....hope timber continues to improve  :thumbsup:

WS.....sorry to hear about the insurance network issue  :'(  none of the power of insurance companies to dictate what doctors you can see, what tests or meds you need makes any sense to me  :wacko: :%$#!: 

Eddie....have fun tree hunting with the grandkids this afternoon  :clap: :flex:

Not much going on around here, still no more deer for MrWW, no more baking at the moment, the new pole barn is done except for the doors  :clap:

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe,

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10805 on: Dec 07, 2017, 06:32 AM »
Good Morning. 33 degrees.
Wife and daughter went to see the Nutcracker in Albany last night. They liked it.
Eddie I only saw 3 deer on my trip to the city on Tuesday. They can get pretty smart once the shooting starts. Keep at it and good luck.
WW, Becky goes all out but she did say her back was sore at bowling.
As I type I see some light snow falling....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10806 on: Dec 07, 2017, 07:24 AM »
First off today.
Let us not forget what happened on this day at Pearl Harbor. I was friends with one of the survivors of Pearl. They were able to get under way and escaped having their ship sunk. To the day he passed he was digging shrapnel out of his body. One morning at coffee he was scratching his arm. I asked him what was going on. He let me feel a piece of shrapnel in his arm. He said that this one will stay so I do not forget what happened, like he could ever forget.

We got just a skiff of snow out of this first blast of winter. It sounds like they got a little more along the lake shore.

WS It is ridiculous that your insurance will only cover doctors in their network. Luckily my insurance does not dictate where I can go and get coverage. That is part of the wife's problem getting a solution to her pain. Our primary care doc is tied to a huge hospital system where he can not go out of that system to refer her to a physician out of that system though her insurance will cover any where like mine.

Bud Congratulations to your brother in getting the chance to harvest such an amazing whitetail.

Oscoda it is good to see another Michigander on this thread. Stick around as this is the best thread with a great bunch of people on the net.

Eddie My model 100 in 308 spent a lot of miles on my shoulder still hunting for a lot of years. The stock is pretty beat up from that but I only buy guns to use not to be wall hangers. I have let my son use it since I bought the Model 100 in 284 from my cousins estate.
What is going on with no rolls with the coffee any more, did you go on a diet? :)

IW Was the tree a spruce? My son used to climb our big spruce trees to get at the spruce gum where the sap built up. It is good tasting stuff when chewed.

MW My mother bought a half of a hog when I was growing up thinking we could cut it up. NOT! She ended up taking it to the neighborhood grocery store to have them cut it.

Yoopergirl I hope it is not Spectrum Health that has bought your hospital. They are based in Grand Rapids and have bought out a lot of small hospitals around here. They have gotten to big for their britches, making it hard to find any place to go other than someone they own. They have a lot going for them with some great hospitals and clinics but some times it is hard to get another opinion on some thing.

My son has not heard what his insurance is going to give him for the van he totaled on Sunday. He was going to get rid of the full coverage on it a while back until he realized it was only costing him $50 a year to have it. He went to Raq's old hang out, Holland and bought a 2015 Chevy mini van for his wife. One of the guys he graduated with was the salesman. He said maybe now I will not have to be always working on a car for a while.

Offline Oscoda Ice

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10807 on: Dec 07, 2017, 07:30 AM »
Well said Tom, may we never forget. That is a very cool story of your friend. My lady is a RN and she fairly regularly has WWII vets coming thru the hospital. I love hearing the stories she comes home with. An amazing generation of men & women.

Thank you for welcome. It's great reading thru all the posts.

Have a great day all.

"Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers."    -Herbert Hoover

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10808 on: Dec 07, 2017, 08:50 AM »
Good Morning All, You would think at 13* I would be excited ::), normally I would be, but knowing, tomorrow its right back into the 50's and 60's.  I doubt the home lakes water temp has cooled much.  Soon as I have my coffee and breakfast, I will drive over and take a temp reading.

When returning from a weeks hunting trip, and back to work at the General Motors plant, it was "Did you get a deer" ?, and if answer was No, then we would say. "Ah, you didn't get to sit by a window, at that tavern"  ;D ::) :whistle:  Hope that one was spreading his genes.  Will try and get an answer to the question about what its age might have been.  If I am not mistaken there was an old apple orchard in part of the woods it would have been calling home.

Tom, Right on about December 7th, a date I will never forget. Not having any white stuff on the ground doesn't seem to be winter yet, sure could use some here its getting pretty dry, like in southern California.  Have they knocked down those wild fires yet ?

Eddie bet you are glad the grey stuff is coming to an end.  Oh I made a ground beef casserole dish, topped with mushroom soup, and cheddar cheese.

Well enough burning day light, time to get a move on

Good day to all

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10809 on: Dec 07, 2017, 08:58 AM »
Good morning fellow 9:45 ers  34 when I left work at 7:30 this morning a few frozen puddles in parking lot .  :thumbsup: :clap:
Capt.Jim nice to read things went well with insurance adjuster . May the new diabetes medication lower your A1C number.
IFF congratulations to your brother.  :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: thank you for posting photo.
Mealworm you have raised some good sized pigs . Thanks for posting that parking lot will be gravel I was wondering why someone would wait until this time of year to lay asphalt.
Eddie may that 8 point buck show himself again and present an easier shot. Have fun tree hunting with the grand kids remember to take measurement of spot tree will be placed and a tape measure with you.
Ice Wanderer may you get out soon with your friend John NY. Good luck to you also with the tree hunting.
Whopper Stopper I think the folks who design cars/trucks never have done any repair/maintenance work on a vehicle. Have a safe trip to the shack. Sorry to read about rheumatologist.
Mr.Turkey well worded post about Pearl Harbor . Glad you and the wife are happy with new podiatrist.
Yoopergirl/Mindy good to hear Timber is on the mend may he return to his normal self. Congratulations on your first brown trout. May things improve at the hospital ,you really do not want to work in the Retail field most jobs today are part time with limited benefits .
Hunts2long glad your wife's health continues to improve and she can enjoy outings with your daughter. Bless your bowling team mate that is one heck of an amount of cookies to bake.
Wallyworld good to read new pole barn is nearly complete you will be able to move snow blower.
Oscoda Ice welcome to the thread ditto Tom Turkey's comments.

Best to all still hunting.
Have a safe and pleasant day.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10810 on: Dec 07, 2017, 10:15 AM »
Good Morning Steve, Well found a patch of skim ice at the boat ramp, water temp at 39.8  Will be awhile.  Surprised they haven't pulled the docks out of the water,  Took a rod with and made a few casts, but at 17* lake side didn't take long to ice the eyelets  ;D

Coffee is still on and some cherry strudel bites on the counter.


Offline captain54

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10811 on: Dec 07, 2017, 02:55 PM »
Good day 9:45 ers. If finished boning out my 95 lb doe. I made 4 big vacuum packed bags,that totaled 34 lbs. I froze it for later sausage making day in January. I'll buy 30 lbs plus of pork butt(shoulder) and trim a the heavy fat off but you do need some fat or its to dry. My homemade sausage usually has somewhere between 12 -15 percent fat. Store buy sausage is sometimes 40-50 fat. It's getting colder here and my thoughts are turning to ice fishing. We haven't had much the last two years here after getting spoiled three years ago and fishing from January till mid March. I need to locate some Clam plastic Spiki. I can find the other Clam plastics but not them. Some help would be appreciated. Hope everyone has a good day and good luck hunting.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10812 on: Dec 07, 2017, 11:19 PM »
Good evening, What a difference 21 miles makes, at work streets were dry and dusty and when I got 1.5 miles from the house, the streets, and lawns were white with snow  :woot: :cookoo:


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10813 on: Dec 08, 2017, 02:27 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  TGIF!!  25* with some snow flurries falling this morn, high of 37 expected today.
  Marv..that's great the ladies are going to join you for the trip up to the shack! Best of luck with the hunting and safe travels today Sir, looking forward to your report!    :clap: :thumbsup:
  Jeff..hope yesterday's  Christmas tree hunting went well for you and the wife.  :thumbsup:
  MW...some big hogs this season! Hope the parking lot job went well yesterday...sounds like you'll,be busy butchering for awhile yet, careful with the knives!   :thumbsup:
  Tom...thank you for the reminder of Pearl Harbor yesterday and the story behind it... :bow: :clap:  I came across a WW II Veteran yesterday in a grocery store after we got our Christmas tree.. He was wearing a hat that stated he was WW II Veteran. I approached him and extended my hand and thanked him for his service and protecting our country..he smiled and said thank you. My grandson who was with me asked who's that PopPop? I said he's a man who helped me and you a long time ago buddy.     ;D
 I'm running way behind this am gang....will have to catch up where I left off this evening!
  Cawfee's on...oatmeal now being served on the upper deck, bring a spoon!   ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline mealworm

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10814 on: Dec 08, 2017, 03:11 AM »
Good morning Bud! morning Eddie! Mornin 945'rs. Parking lot job is going well should be done by noon today. Then taking the weekend off to get some  in next week will be tree removal and fire wood. I'm way behind on wood deliveries, but should catch up quikly though! Wife and I got some news looks like the builder we do landscaping for will be giving us plenty more work for next season, we also found out we won the bid for snow removal on a good sized parking lot in glens falls. Looks like we need to buy a sand/salt spreader and hire some employees. I think I'm going to rob a few guys from my old trenchless pipe  crew.
Eddie, hope the day flys by for u. H o e u can connect with a whitetail this weekend. No butchering for me this year my partner going to handle it on his own. He's got it down to about an hour per hog minus the smoking.

IFf, snow bands set up like that here off the lakes all the time could be snowing up to a foot,and 2 miles away it's a Brite sunshiny day.

Capt 54, too bad u don't live closer could hook up up with all the pork and fat u could ever need. My butcher buddy tells me pork back fat is the best fat to mix in with ground venison. I don't know or care can't stand sausage myself.

Mr C, hope this cold snap freezes up more than puddles. Forecast for up here shows some nite time temp below 0.

TT, thanx for the reminder of pearl Harbor. 1 of my customers was also at pearl. He's a cool old guy with some awesome stories. I always wished I had more time to shoot the breeze with him. Still trying to figure out how old he is I've been working for him for 3 years and he's been saying he's 95 for all 3 years lol butchering pigs without the propper tools, bandsaw etc. Is a real PIA

WW, loos like u might get some lake effect this weekend, hope that gets the deer moving a bit or at least some good tracking snow for mr. WW. Hope u can get the doors on the new pole barn without much trouble

WS, good luck at the shack.hope u can keep the girls busy butchering some more fresh venison.

I know i missed a few of u....Sorry! Need to start taking notes to keep up with this thread lol.
 gonna try to get a nap in before kids get up for school. Have a great day all

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10815 on: Dec 08, 2017, 03:52 AM »
Good Morning Eddie, MW! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

Just a quick Hello This AM. I have an oil change on the Buick in a couple of hours then I have to make a run to the jungle.

The new phone I bought a couple of weeks ago turned into a POS and will be going back. The volume on the ear piece is very low so it is almost impossible to hear on it if there is any background noise. Then I found that when talking on it, it likes to turn itself off and restart again ??? That gets pretty old real fast and I found it was a common problem. Anyway, today is the last day it can be returned so that's the plan. Last night I wiped the new one clean and restored the old one back into service. What a bunch of BS the whole thing was :%$#!:

I will hunt tomorrow and depending on the activity will come back sometime on Sunday. I took a ride around a few lakes yesterday and there won't be any fishing for awhile yet locally. Have to see about a ride north if I hear any good reports.

Best of luck to all the hunters on the thread :thumbsup: Hope everyone has a good Friday no matter what is on the agenda! Stay safe!



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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10816 on: Dec 08, 2017, 04:46 AM »

             Good morning Eddie, MW, Marv, ER's,
                       It's 24* here on my hill, I had let the cat out after his morning snack, it didn't take long for him to
             scratch on the window wanting to come in! :woot:
                       Eddie........How did your Christmas tree hunt go yesterday with the grand kids. That was a nice thing
             you did with the WWll vet. :clap:  My mother in laws friend in the war also, he was at the Battle of the Bulge,
             and I've heard a lot of interesting stories from him! My grand kids call me Pop Pop as well!  ;D
                       Marv........That's too bad about the phone, Smart Phones some aren't so smart! :%$#!: :cookoo: I hope
             you are successful at "The Shack". :flex:
                       MW.......Those are some impressive hogs you grew, the biggest I ever raised was 287 lbs. dressed weight! ::)
                       WW.......I hope Mr. WW  connects! :flex:
                       Bud........Like MW said: that's common around here, a few years ago myself and a friend were ice fishing
             Lake George and it was snowing lightly we had about an inch, on the way home I called MW to tell him how well
             we did and he said that they had a foot on the ground, it was just a couple of miles away. ???
                       Steve......Maybe it will be cold enough to get most of your lakes to freeze for you! :blink:
                       DN.........Have you scored yet?
                       Well yesterday my wife and I went and found another tree without all the sap dripping from it, we got it set
             up in the living room and put the lights on it. We were ready to decorate it today but she got a call from her son
             in New Hampshire and he needs her to come out today, so I will be doing by myself, we'll see how that goes. :woot:
                       I hope everyone has a good Friday either at work or getting in some outdoor activity in! :flex:


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10817 on: Dec 08, 2017, 06:09 AM »
mealworm, I raised 6 hogs over a three year period just for my family and relatives,many years ago. lol  I get two little ones every year. They where very interesting but quite a bit of work also. I sent them of to the slaughter house and had bacon,ham,chops,roasts,and sausage made. First year we had them butchered around 230-240 hanging weight. They always seemed to have to much fat for our liking. The next 3 went to much earlier to the slaughter house. And dressed between 190-210 they where great lean hogs. I made a mistake and got attached to one (my two kids did also) it was a big red sow that even had a name,bigger mistake. I gave it to my uncle and cousins,and they did home butchering. I don't know how much big red weighed but she was about 8' long I remember they had about 6 five gallon buckets of fat trimmed off and the meat had so much fat mixed through it was about 50/50. That was my last dealings with   Cheaper and easier to buy pork on

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10818 on: Dec 08, 2017, 06:19 AM »
Good Morning ER's  MW, sounds like your plate is about to run over.  Over the years I have make a couple band saws.  Out of plywood no less, and used 80" Craftsman saw blades  ;D  Sure made processing deer fast.

Good luck getting a good phone Marv, Good Idea on the Girls going with to the shack.  :thumbsup:

Eddie, Will put on some Oats now myself, sounds good.  With a little honey on mine.

Jeff, ours is but about a foot tall, so not much to have to deal with, sits on the counter.  You don't have a cat to help you ?  ;D

waters boiling so will check back later, Morning Capt54


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10819 on: Dec 08, 2017, 06:36 AM »
Good Morning ER's  MW, sounds like your plate is about to run over.  Over the years I have make a couple band saws.  Out of plywood no less, and used 80" Craftsman saw blades  ;D  Sure made processing deer fast.

Jeff, ours is but about a foot tall, so not much to have to deal with, sits on the counter.  You don't have a cat to help you ?  ;D
              We have a cat and he's pretty good with the tree, he actually like to lay under it!


Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10820 on: Dec 08, 2017, 06:54 AM »
I delivered news papers when I was 10. I always remembered that age as I delivered the paper announcing the end of the Korean Conflict a PC name for a war. It is to bad Truman would not let MacArthur do what he wanted to do and wipe out N. Korea. We would not have the problems we are having today if he had. I was always getting in trouble for being late delivering those on the end of my route from talking to some of the older people on my route.

One was in on the passenger pigeon slaughter that had a lot of good stories to tell. Another was an old couple that had three sons that I became good friends with. I ended up having sole permission to hunt, fish and trap one of the sons 1000+ acres of land.

Trouble with smart phones is just the reason I use an old fashioned flip phone. They are way smarter than me. The winds have finally died down a lot so maybe some ice can form.

There was a 33 vehicle crash on the e-way that goes between Chicago and Detroit yesterday with the first little snow. Luckily no one was seriously injured. A few years ago there was a crash involving over 100 vehicles on that e-way that shut it down for days. After the fact the cops wanted to issue a bunch of tickets. Talk about an up roar so that did not happen. I do not get on that road unless there is no way around it. They drive like total idiots on there.

IW You have more guts than me. No way would I decorate our tree. The wife is never satisfied with the way she decorates ours. No way would I take a chance with my life doing ours. :)

Snow, no snow lines can be weird. It will be sunny in the near by town and snowing heavily where my house is 3 miles away. Wind direction and Lake Michigan have a lot to do with that happening here.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10821 on: Dec 08, 2017, 06:57 AM »
Good morning everyone.

A brisk 21 when I fired the truck up this morning. Ice creating conditions is looking promising around here. Busy weekend ahead.... have to get a cord of wood, sink is leaking, dish washer sprayers are not working properly, water line to the fridge is leaking & still have a substantial amount of leaves to burn. Have some family coming up this weekend so that will be nice. Not much else than that, but it should keep me busy.

Have a great weekend all.


"Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers."    -Herbert Hoover

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10822 on: Dec 08, 2017, 07:04 AM »
There was a 33 vehicle crash on the e-way that goes between Chicago and Detroit yesterday with the first little snow. Luckily no one was seriously injured. A few years ago there was a crash involving over 100 vehicles on that e-way that shut it down for days. After the fact the cops wanted to issue a bunch of tickets. Talk about an up roar so that did not happen. I do not get on that road unless there is no way around it. They drive like total idiots on there.

I must have missed hearing about that. That stretch of 94 always seems to have trouble. I remember seeing the footage of that 100 vehicle one, so sad. Winter is here for sure.

"Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers."    -Herbert Hoover

Offline tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10823 on: Dec 08, 2017, 08:50 AM »
Oscoda All we got at Howard City was a short inch. The lake here isskimmed over this moring. No if the wind does not come back up with a bunch of n snowwe might be good in a cpulleof weeks.

My son inland from Little Point Sauble (Silver lake Sand Dunes) 6 miles or so only got an inch. So much for the guessed heavy lake effect snow.

Offline Oscoda Ice

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10824 on: Dec 08, 2017, 08:53 AM »
Tom, yea sounds like Michigan especially on the west side.

"Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers."    -Herbert Hoover

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10825 on: Dec 08, 2017, 10:00 AM »
IS member just dropped off some deer jerky, and summer sausage from an elk he got Thanks Joe.   :bow: :thumbsup:

Oh yeah, TT said what I was thinking about the tree Jeff  ;D  So the cat won't be saying the tree fainted  ;D

Offline Capt.Jim-N.J.

Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10826 on: Dec 08, 2017, 10:59 AM »
Morning, Gang

We are supposed to get a covering of snow by Saturday night, no buildup to speak of, so we are told by the 'guessers', no breeze right now and temps. are just above freezing

Yup, tis the season, butchering hogs and/or deer, the smell of cookies, thoughts of ice fishing, nope, it don't get much better than this

Tile job starts in earnest Monday, will be delivering and setting up wet saws tomorrow-the demo. will be noisy, it's a good thing customer works during the day so the only
     one to deal with will be the family dog, when I went over last night to go over details, I got the add-on list of things to do, so it looks like I will be there for a while, all
     little 'honey-do' things she would like done that bother her, 'Yes, Ma'am, whatever you want'

The dealership called the wife about the damage to the SUV from the accident, might need to do total replacement on the trans-axle, a LOT more damage than can be seen
     from the ground, call the Ins. co., they are handling it

Me thinks it might be 'Hot Toddy Time' this evening, hmmm, what to use?

Stay Warm-Be Safe-Have Fun-Tight Lines or Straight Shots-Records & Limits-Good Eats-Get Well Soon
Now is the time for all good men and women to engage in the sport of ice fishing

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10827 on: Dec 08, 2017, 11:53 AM »
Afternoon all,

Sad to see another school shooting with children dying  :'(  thoughts and prayers to all involved there as well as the people in CA being devastated by the wild fires  :'( not a very happy holiday season for so many  :( :'(

WS.....sorry to hear your new phone didn't work out so well, makes me avoid the needed upgrade even more  ::)  enjoy your time in the woods & good luck  @)  nice you'll have company while you're there  :)

MW.....sounds like you need to have your own "job fair" pretty soon  :clap:  :woot:  having TOO much work is a good thing, congrats to you & MrsMW for taking the initial risky first step  :bow: :thumbsup:

IW.....hope everything is ok in NH, safe travels to Mrs IW  ;)  have fun with the tree  ;D

Eddie.....wtg with the WWII vet  :thumbsup: :clap: :bow:  hope the final pour went well today, looks like winter might actually be here this time  ;)

CapJim.....the customer's always right  :woot: hope the dog has somewhere to go to get away from the noise  :-\ 

So far only a dusting of snow here which is a good thing......give the ground and lakes time to freeze before the snow comes. Seems north and west of us are taking the hit this time around. As long as the winds don't shift too much,  the lake effect snow won't be an issue for us.

Have a good Friday afternoon and evening. Careful on the roads if you'll be going out for dinner or shopping or heading to your hunting grounds. Stay safe.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10828 on: Dec 09, 2017, 04:11 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Calm and 26* on the Hill, high of 29 with some snow coming...possibly 3" last report I heard. That might help things along for the last weekend of the gun deer season here.

  Marv..sorry to hear about the phone problems, hope the deer hunting goes well for you today, best of luck Sir!  :thumbsup:
  Jeff..the Christmas tree hunting went pretty well with the grand kids. We went to a local farm we've gotten them from before, but couldn't seem to find what we were looking for. Ended up buying a Pre cut that everyone was happy about from the Boy win! Some ice making weather coming...hope you don't get too much snow up there today!   :thumbsup:
  Wally..X2 on the school shooting and California wildfires, thoughts and prayers sent. Best of luck to Mr.WW this weekend, a little snow on the ground should help!   :thumbsup:
  Capt.Jim...hope all goes smoothly with the tile job and the auto repair...How were the " toddy's " ?   ;D
  Bud..nice of the friend to drop you off a care package of Elk treats, awesome!!   :clap: :thumbsup:
  Oscoda...good luck with the honey do list! The plumbing is always something I dread putting my hands on, seems to create more problems, lol. Good luck wit the repairs!   :thumbsup:
  Tom..I think newspaper boys are a thing of the past nowadays, but thanks for the memories!!  My old route as a kid had about 40 customers I would deliver to before school in the mornings. The daily paper was 10 cents back then, 35 cents for the Sunday, $0.95/week. I remember some customers giving me a buck and telling me to keep the change as a tip...tight wads!!   ;D
  MW...hope you finished up the parking lot job and get caught up on your wood deliveries soon. Best of luck with the black powder hunting this weekend!   :thumbsup: of luck hunting this weekend to you also...hope the big one shows!   :thumbsup:

  Made it out for the last hour and a half yesterday afternoon to my stand on that private property again, beautiful weather with a slight breeze in my favor...nothing showed up again. Will be going there again this morning and hunting this afternoon with one of my sons at another spot. Hoping to at least fill a Doe permit today...
  The site is picking up big time, lots of new posts everyday and plenty to read...wishing everyone a safe and successful ice fishing season!   :thumbsup: :icefish:
   Cawfee's on...Boston cream doughnuts under the dome this morning, help yourself!   ;D
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing/hunting!

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #10829 on: Dec 09, 2017, 04:39 AM »
Good Morning ER's Ice has arrived should be on by Monday. I might have to adopt carly rose sonenclare audition song to my ice fishing. feeling goooooooooooood damn she belts the last one out


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