Author Topic: 9:45 on a Tuesday..  (Read 1649906 times)

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9810 on: Sep 02, 2017, 06:44 PM »
Good evening everyone hope all of you are having a good Labor Day week end so far. I'm still bouncing between the house and condo hope to be in the condo full time next week. Still a lot of things to clean out at the house. The past nine years my town has held a Community on the last Saturday in August this was the first year I was able to get to the event. A couple that are NY. licensed wildlife rehabilitaters brought there modified big rig truck and trailer . The trailer is set up so the public can see and watch bears they have acquired over the years and are permanent residents at the orphaned wildlife center this couple operates. They have raised some of these bears from cubs and have developed quite a relationship with them was fascinating to watch the two of them interact with the bears. I will post a link to there website at end of my post.
Icefisher-45 good to read the reunion went well and your Mom and daughter will get to have a relationship with each other.
Wallyworld may you not loose to much of your garden to the colder nights we have been experiencing lately here in NY. Also hope the trail cameras at your hunting camp show signs of good deer activity for your husband.
Eddie belated Birthday greetings to your oldest son. Great to read the newlyweds arrived safely back to the United States. Good thing the buried electric cable was spotted before being run into by machinery.
Whopper Stopper have a good week end at your "shack" may your trail cameras also so high activity Also good fishing for the "girls" .
Mr. Turkey smart getting the grocery shopping done early my work place got more hectic as the day went on sure it will be a "mad house' again tomorrow.
Ice Wanderer hope you have arrived safely in Maine and the roof repairs get done without any major problems. All the best with the fishing.

 Have a good and safe Holiday week end folks.  Here is the link to couple who brought the bears to my town's Community Day web site.  Also have videos on You Tube type in Jim-Susan Kowalczik in the search area on You Tube's web site . Think you will find the videos enjoyable.

Online tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9811 on: Sep 02, 2017, 08:46 PM »
I was down blowing off the cement at the Assn rental pavilion this after noon for a memorial service for a friends daughter. I looked behind me and there was woman and a bunch of kids in the play ground. I thought they were all together but two young girls had come on a paddle boat. As I was getting in the van to leave I looked and saw the girls paddle boat was adrift. I went and started my toon and put the girls on it to chase it down. The paddle boat ended up against a dock where they could have walked around the cove to get it. OH well you never know what is going to happen.

I did find out the lake had dropped enough that I had to push the toon off of the mud to get it floating. I dug it out less than a week agoMore digging ahead again. We could use 8 inches of the rain that Texas got to bring the lake level back up

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9812 on: Sep 03, 2017, 04:01 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Sure feels like Fall here this morning, 47* with rain and light winds, high of 54 expected today. See it dipped down to 28* for a low yesterday up in the Saranac Lake region of the Adirondack Mtns.'s coming!!   :icefish:
  Tom...that was a nice thing to do helping out the girls!  :thumbsup:  Hope you get some rain to help out your toon problem and help cool down the water. Looks like we're going to get wet here from Tues-Thursday.
  Steve..thanks for the link, they sound like really great people, looking forward to reading up more on their work and watching the video's!  :thumbsup:  Best wishes getting the rest of the house completed, I'm sure it's been difficult.
  Bud..what pound test do you have on the snagging rod? Couldn't resist... :roflmao:  That's too bad about all the boat and jet ski activity, probably the last ride for some but they can be a real PITA!! Going during the week should be much better...good luck!!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...I checked quite a few reports yesterday, sounds like things are starting to shape up in Pulaski! Weather conditions are ideal for the next week and they were running some water, wouldn't be surprised to hear of a run going on very soon! Set up 2 rods yesterday just in case... ;D.
   Marv...hope that tree stump job goes well for you today if you're working!   :thumbsup:
   Jeff...hoping you and the boys get into some good trout fishing in between the roof repair, good luck to you all..:thumbsup:
   The barbecue went well yesterday, beautiful weather all day after the sun came up! We had a few family members who couldn't make it, so we're having a brunch this morning to boot!   ;D
   Gas prices have jumped 22cents/gallon the last week at one of my local stations, $2.61 now for the low grade with corn syrup.
   The Shanty is starting to pick up steam again, nice seeing lots of new posts and the fishermen/women returning again...Welcome Back everyone!!   :clap: :thumbsup: :icefish:   Cawfee's on...
   Just noticed ...we're closing in on 10,000 replies, 300,000 views, and 500 pages...still haven't had an argument or a lock put on yet... ;D  :clap: :roflmao: :thumbsup:
9:45 on a Tuesday..
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Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9813 on: Sep 03, 2017, 05:03 AM »
Good morning Eddie,early risers. Glad you enjoyed the link believe they have acquired 11 bears over the years majority are Syrian brown bears which are endangered in the wild. The Syrian brown bear looks similar to the Grizzly bear with the hump of muscle behind it's head . The Syrian brown bears in their possession where part of a failed program to help reestablish the species in the wild. They also have a few Kodiak Brown bears including one male named Jimbo who is a massive beast at near 1,500 pounds. Have fun at todays brunch.
Mr.Turkey good job helping retrieve the drifting boat. May your area get the rain fall it needs over the coming months.

Have a good and safe day folks.

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9814 on: Sep 03, 2017, 05:39 AM »
Morning all,

MrC.....thanks for sharing the link  :clap:  amazing work those folks do  :thumbsup:  we used to see them every year at the state fair, but they haven't been there the past couple of years  :(  always enjoyed watching the bears playing

Eddie.....glad you had good weather for the bbq  @)  today is much more suited for the brunch  :thumbsup:  might have to take a ride to Pulaski one day soon just to see what's shaking  ;)2  I'll keep you posted

IFF.....another benefit to the 7 day weekend is not having to fish on Sat & Sun or holidays  :woot:  no need to battle the "weekend warriors"  on the water or the launches :%$#!:

WS.....hope you were able to get all your projects taken care of at "the shack"  :)  any signs of bear around  ??? 

TT.....getting some pretty good rain here right now, leftovers from Harvey  :)  looks like most of the week will be wet, hope some ends up going in your direction too  :thumbsup:

Gas is up to $2.67 in this area as of yesterday, up from $2.35 a couple weeks ago  :'(  saw on the news it might end up at the $3 mark or higher again  :cookoo: :%$#!: 

Have a good day. Stay safe.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9815 on: Sep 03, 2017, 06:09 AM »
Good Morning ER's  A local tells me a near by Hardware store is hiring so may stop in and see what they have in mind.  While picking up some groceries topped off the tank at $2.29  Guess that will be ongoing news for weeks now.  More reason to get the bicycle out  ::)

Waiting to see what Marv has on his mind this morning see he was out in the hall  :unsure:


Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9816 on: Sep 03, 2017, 06:16 AM »
Good Morning Eddie, mr.clean, Wally! Good Morning Everyone :bow:

Enjoy the brunch Eddie :clap: Are you going to be able to throw the boat in before heading back to work?

Excellent link mr.clean, enjoyed looking at that :clap:

Wally hope all is going well with you :thumbsup: I saw some bear scat but it was old. I am guessing it won't take too long in the woods and I will see some.

Busy day yesterday. The girls helped me get my 21 foot ladder stand up in the rain. I had carried everything out just needed a little help standing it up. Things are much wetter than last year and actually the deer trails didn't look as active. I put the stand in the same tree as last year, I almost have to give that spot another try ;D

This is before I brushed it in   

This is after   

When I got home yesterday afternoon I beat it to the jungle to get the stump grinder. When I got home I ground out my biggest stump. I glanced up and saw the neighbor standing next to me watching. Before I knew it he went home and brought his little John Deere with a loader over and helped me clen the stump up. He also has a big black dirt pile and he brought over 2 scoops of dirt to fill it in :clap:

This morning I am heading to the S-I-L's and grinding 5 stumps for her, then heading back to the jungle to drop the grinder off. It would have been nice if I could have kept it until Tuesday because of gas prices, but the boss's brother doesn't like me to use things too long :cookoo: I am just happy I was able to use it for the time I did.

Hope you all have an excellent day :thumbsup: Stay safe!


Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9817 on: Sep 03, 2017, 06:22 AM »
Good Morning everyone, looks like its going to be a rainy day today. Going over to my mothers today and hopefully the rain lets up so i can put a new floor in the goose house. Hope everyone has a great day and tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Online tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9818 on: Sep 03, 2017, 06:41 AM »
Eddie helping people out is what the world is supposed to be about. The wife used to be in charge of the Assn pavilion but they took that away from her. The woman in charge now does not answer her phone and was giving us guff to get into the pavilion to plug in my blower. She does no clean up outside of the building. I finally got the key from another board member. While I was dealing with him I was talking to his neighbor that is a good friend. I said all this guff and we had the key for years. I am waiting to see the leaves there next spring as I spent at least 30 hours every fall blowing the leaves into the woods.

The security guard only had a half dozen boats to deal with so we let her go home early. The guy next door brought her over a radio so she did not get too bored.

Harvey's rain all went up the Ohio River valley. All we saw were some high clouds out of him. Eastern Wisconsin seems to be getting some good rain but it mostly dies coming across Lake Michigan. That is one reason we do not have that many tornados in the western part of the state.

WS I had a stone get in a brake one time in the middle of no where in the UP. Luckily it came out after a little while. I was trying to find an old hunting camp from the 50's that no one had been to in years. I finally found it. It was like stepping back in time with Coleman lanterns and kerosene lights all over. It was unlocked and no one had disturbed anything. The roof had inches of moss on it. The guy that inherited it did go up the next year and reroof it.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9819 on: Sep 03, 2017, 06:55 AM »
Good morning. We had a couple cool morning. Today it's rain and in the mid 40's. Good day to rest up. I fished Friday. It was very windy but I went, didn't do too bad. Got 11/12 with some keepers. Yesterday I went out and did very well in the morning. My daughter wanted to go out in the afternoon so I ran up to the launch and picked her and her BF up.
Went back out and only got ONE walleye. It was like someone had taken them out of the lake. The lake was a zoo with all the boats but we had a good time. She didn't get to fish very much this summer. She took a teaching job to have the summers off but worked most of it and Tuesday it is back to school.

Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend....h2l
Northville, NY

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9820 on: Sep 03, 2017, 09:04 AM »
Marv  Nice tree stand.  Hope you have lots of passers bye.

Eddie 30# braid  ;)  :flex: :whistle:

From the temp forecast, looks like I might have to plan a trip to Wisconsin, or Minnesota for ice.  Hope gas prices stabilize by then.

Offline IFF

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9821 on: Sep 03, 2017, 10:58 PM »
Well now, back to the war with the rats, yesterday morning the nearly half full feeder was near empty  ??? ??? put in another cup full of seed, and after it turned dark, checked on it, thought it looked like 5=6 mice all inside.  picked up pellet gun, 10,000,000 candle power spot, and had 5 small rats jump out, one up the wire holding the feeder, the others jumped for the ground 10 feet below. Waited maybe 20 minutes, uh huh 2 came back and were inside, one made it out the other didn't :flex: took a BB in the noggin.Time to reload  ;D

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9822 on: Sep 04, 2017, 04:41 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Happy Labor Day!!  :bow:
  Windy and 57* on the Hill this am, high of 77 expected today with lots of sunshine.

  Bud...sounds like you're going to be busy on sniper duty/trapping, nasty little critters! Good luck with the vermin eradication again and the hardware job if you peruse it!   :thumbsup:
  H2...nice job on the walleyes! Hope you can get another trip or two in with your daughter before the weather gets too cold.   :thumbsup:    What was the water temp at on Friday? sure sounds like some pretty unpleasant people in that association, that's too bad! One would think a person offering/volunteering to do a service that someone else should be doing wouldnt be treated like that.  :cookoo:
  I-45...hope you had a break in the weather yesterday to get your floor done! 
  Marv...nice looking tree stand, hope the spot produces again for you!  Darn nice of the neighbor to help you out, and you taking care of your SIL, awesome!  They have been rebuilding the boat ramp area at my local lake, so no boating there for awhile yet..might try another lake today if I can coax one of my sons to go.
  Wally..crossing fingers we don't see the $3/gl again, but it seems to be inching its way there again. I saw it was up to $2.67 at another station I buy from yesterday. Good luck if you're fishing today!   :thumbsup:
  Steve..thanks again for that link, watched some video's yesterday...pretty amazing!   :clap: :bow:

  Passed on a trip with a few friends going up to the Salmon River today, they should be there now as I type and kick myself in the arse for not going... ;D.   With tomorrow being a work day and more than likely getting back after dark this evening, it just wasn't in the cards. Maybe next weekend.
  Taking it easy today...will be checking in to see how everyone's doing throughout the day. Found this interesting,
  Cawfee's on...have a great/safe  Labor Day everyone!   :thumbsup:

Offline icefisher-45

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9823 on: Sep 04, 2017, 05:27 AM »
Good morning everyone,  Happy labor day to everyone, that was a great link, thank you for sharing,  it never really stopped raining so wasn't able to put the floor down. Did have a nice time with mom. Took her out to dinner and celebrated her birthday.  My daughter made her some beaurea gifts. Hope everyone has a great day and the sun comes out today. Tight lines to those on the water.
Take a kid ice fishing

Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9824 on: Sep 04, 2017, 06:44 AM »
Morning all,

IFF.....good luck with the possible job at the hardware store  ;)  and with the filthy rat extermination  >:(  we still have one skunk hanging around that so far has avoided the trap  :%$#!:

Eddie.....late nights fishing & early mornings for work usually don't mix too well  :wacko:  hope your buddies get into them  :flex:

IF45.....happy birthday to your Mom, sounds like all is going well with the reunion  :thumbsup: :clap:

WS.....sounds like you've had a busy weekend  :blink:  :flex:  hope you're doing something relaxing today  ;)2  any bbq chicken on the menu today :woot:

Just spent about a half hour watching three bucks sparring out my kitchen window  :)  they're still in velvet & being pretty careful but fun to watch  ;)
Might be a bike ride on tap today as it's supposed to be sunny, dry & 80*  :thumbsup:

Have a good labor day whatever your plans. Thanks to all first responders & military personnel that are working today to keep us safe  :bow:  Stay safe.

Offline hunts2long

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9825 on: Sep 04, 2017, 06:59 AM »
Happy Labor Day!!  Gas around here has jumped from 2.45 to 2.71.
WW, haven't been seeing any bucks yet but haven't been up in the hills much. It's like drinking, don't mix the seasons. When the boat is put away, out comes the gun. I did hear some shooting on Sat while fishing but I think it may have been duck/geese hunters on the islands.

Eddie, water temp at the launch on Sat was 65; it was 69 out in the lake. It only takes a couple cool nights to drop it. After today the lake will start dropping. Fall contest this coming Sat. Not sure if I will get into it or not...

Have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Online tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9826 on: Sep 04, 2017, 08:15 AM »
IF45 I too am glad to here the reunion with your mother is going so great.

I saw this morning that they got that gas line to the east coast from Texas back up and running. Now it is just the wait until they can get the refineries back online.

Eddie The nastiness just never ends. As we came home from shopping for clothes for the wife yesterday the security guard stopped us and said the pontoon getting ready to launch needed a new sticker as the one on it was faded. He mean mouth both of us about putting a new sticker on his toon. I just put the new one over the old one as he kept on running his mouth. He even threatened to back over the wife.

I knew him as he had put his toon right next to mine on a private lot while mine was on an association dock. He was going to leave it without being tied down. I told him if it got pushed into my toon by the wind he better be prepared to pay for any damages. He went on a rampage then too. The wife had a confrontation with him before too.

The wife caught a couple of guys trying to launch a couple of jet skis last night that were not members. She took down boat numbers and vehicle plate numbers. Hopefully this crap slows down after this week end.

We were shopping for clothes that do not fall off of the wife as she is down almost 60 pounds since her surgery. She is off most  of her meds including not being diabetic. Her success has convinced three friends to get it done. They need it far more then she did. I have lost 10 pounds even though I have been cleaning up the extra food we cook.

While shopping I almost ran into a guy at a blind corner. He said are you Tom. It was a guy I went to school with that I had not seen  in around 30 years. We had a good visit. Having this happen is not unusual for me. I almost knocked a guy down on a street in Marion Ohio that I went to school with. That is just a couple of times of many where I have had that happen. I do not do anything I should not do anywhere for fear of getting caught by an old friend.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9827 on: Sep 04, 2017, 05:38 PM »
Good evening/afternoon everyone return to Summer time temperatures here in SENY highs in the mid eighties today with sunny skies. Gas prices by me went from $2.35-$2.45 per gallon 87 octane with 10% ethanol to average of $2.79 I saw one Mobil station at $2.99 . I did pass one gas station on my way home from work and saw their price dropped 10 cents from yesterday guess they used holiday weekend as an excuse to raise prices besides problems caused by Hurricane Harvey. I drove to my sister and BIL's in northen NJ. after work yesterday nice to spend time with them my nephew came home fro college for the holiday week end. He attends Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken,NJ and is able to take NJ. Transit train home college campus is a short walk from train station also a short walk from station where my sister and family live to train station. He seems to be adjusting well to college life.
 Happy so many of you enjoyed the link to Orphaned Wildlife Center the Kowalczik's have a special relationship with their bears.
Icefisher-45 ditto others comments about family reunion and your mother's birthday. Keep an eye out for the geese while replacing the floor they will defend their territory.
Mr. Turkey glad you ran into an old friend and he recognized you,sorry to read about having to deal with Assoc. board and others members who think they are privileged and better then others. Congratulations to your wife on the weight loss.
Hunts2long nice to read about the fishing trips with your daughter may she find some time to get out with you this fall. Hope all is going well for your wife.
Wallyworld it is fun to watch bucks sparring years back I got to watch a spike and small 4 point battle over a doe on my properly. The 4 point was already missing one of his antlers. I hope Mr.WW see as much activity while at your hunting camp later this Fall.
IFF best of luck getting a job at hardware store. Sorry to read your on rat patrol once again besides you bird feeder there must be a lot of favorable habit for the pests.
Eddie may you get up to Pulaski before the Salmon run ends ,there is a member screen name of Fillet and Release who lives in Pulaski area you may want to send him a message and see if he can keep you updated on the conditions. I will have to check your Labor Day link and educate myself.
Whopper Stopper tree stand placement looks great hopefully a nice buck passes by during deer season. It appears you have developed a good relationship with your neighbor I'm assuming this is the gentlemen you helped out with tree work. Ditto Wallyworld's question did you ever get any chicken.
If weather in Maine is like my great day for Ice Wanderer and his buddies to get roof repair completed or pursue some trout.

Stay safe and enjoy what remains of this holiday.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9828 on: Sep 04, 2017, 06:10 PM »
Was watching Rockies baseball game, looked like smog at the ball park, checked the wild fires out west and see the count is 74 in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. 

Steve, Will have to check with a neighbor and see what trap is working for her and get me a couple.  Nice the train transportation being close for the Nephew.  :thumbsup:

Tom, wish I could drop 10 or more pounds,  Small world at times when you run into someone you haven't seen or heard from for so many years.

Hope everyone's Holiday was a good day, and weekend.  And you don't have to go back to work to rest up  ;D


Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9829 on: Sep 05, 2017, 03:00 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Overcast and 60* this am, high of 71 for today with rain coming, looks like it will be here for the next few days., didn't realize there were that many wild fires burning out west! Hope there's some rain in the forecast out that way soon to help get things under control. Fishing today?
  Steve...sounds like you had a nice trip visiting your sister, glad to hear your nephew is doing well with college life, awesome!  :clap: :thumbsup:  Thanks for the heads up on FilletandRelease, follow a lot of his posts here and on MFF.
  Tom...that's great news on your wife with the weight loss and off the meds, fantastic! Sounds like you have the knack for running into old friends, sure makes life interesting when that happens!!   :thumbsup:'ve been dialed on those Walters, hope you consider getting in that contest! Maybe you could have your daughter as your partner? Good luck if you decide to enter!   :thumbsup:
  Wally...sure is entertaining watching the bucks spar, especially the younger ones. That's pretty special having a
window seat though.... :clap:  Hope you and Mr.WW had a nice ride yesterday!
  Marv...have a safe day with the saws today Sir, hope you got some rest in over the weekend!   :thumbsup: travels to you and your group coming back from Maine...hope the trout fishing was good!   :thumbsup:

  Hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend!
  Not certain what's on the planner down at the job site today. With a few days of rain coming, hoping we'll be inside on the terrazzo work again.
  Things are heating up with that nut job from North Korea, crossing fingers some type of solution can be made peacefully, but that doesn't seem to be his style.
  Well, time to get ready for the days events....cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!

Offline Whopper Stopper

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9830 on: Sep 05, 2017, 03:09 AM »
Good Morning Everyone :bow:

50 degrees with a high of 64 today with scattered rain.

I spent the last half hour pecking out a weekend report just to have the gremlins eat it at posting time :%$#!:

Hope you all had a good weekend and for those that got  an extra day I hope you were able to make the most of it.

I spent most of my weekend working either at the shack or around home with the stumps. Unfortunately for those wondering, no BBQ chicken to be had ??? The girls spent some time on the water although things were fairly slow for them. I will be heading back to the shack on Thursday to start rebuild the camp meat pole. The old one it getting to the point of becoming a safety issue so I have a white oak picked out that will work just fine.

Best of luck to those hitting the lake today, above all be safe no matter what is on the agenda :thumbsup:

Morning Eddie! You have a good day as well Sir!


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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9831 on: Sep 05, 2017, 04:23 AM »
Good Morning ER's  Setting sun was being filtered out by the smoke, even the Moon rise caused the Moon to look Orange.  Only spotted one rat raiding the feeder.  Yup fatal mistake.  same procedure, spot light, pop.  Later on see one wondering around on the deck, but didn't stick around long enough for me to slide the screen open.

Gremlin showed up in the form of a voice announcement, "I was infected and to call Mircrosoft right away, (Should have jotted down the official looking number) don't attempt to turn the computer off"  ::)  Sure I will.....NOT.  If you call them, they have your phone number and no doubt put you on the call list, getting around the "National do not call list"

Wonder if they call the White House ?  or the FBI ?  :whistle:

See the Store Manager sent out an invite on FB for the gathering of past employee's gathering Saturday.  Looking forward to that,  No fishing today, still trying to arrange things for yard sale.

All quiet at the feeder, will log some more pillow time

Enjoy the short work week Marv/Eddie


Offline wallyworld

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9832 on: Sep 05, 2017, 06:35 AM »
Morning all,

WS......aawwww too bad about the chicken  :'(  and the lost post    :%$#!:  hope you have an easy day in the jungle  ;D

Eddie.....rode up to Pulaski yesterday, didn't see too much happening  :-\  stopped at the hatchery only 4 or 5 fish up there so far  :( guess it's a little early yet

MrC.....glad you had a nice visit at your sister's  :clap:  that's great the train is so easy for your nephew, bet that makes mom & dad happy  ;)

IFF....had the same message on my laptop a while back  >:(  no I didn't call either  ;D

TT.....sounds like some real idiots you deal with  :cookoo:  don't know how you keep things under control around them  :blink:

IW.....hope you had a good weekend in Maine, safe travels home  :)

Rainy day here, have some errands to take care of & a couple appointments, not much else happening today.

Have a good day at work or play. Stay safe.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9833 on: Sep 05, 2017, 06:44 AM »
Light rain this morning and some rain in the forecast for the next 3/4 days. Took a ride down to the launch yesterday and it was a real zoo. Lots of boats going in for the day and just as many coming out for the season.
The sun was a big red ball in the sky this morning after it came up.
Have to take the dog (Scout) in for a grooming this morning.
Everyone have a good day....h2l
Northville, NY

Online tomturkey

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9834 on: Sep 05, 2017, 07:38 AM »
I woke up to rain on the roof around 4 this morning. I got up to check the radar. The whole lower was covered in rain. When I got back up a little after 7 it was 99% gone. Can not win for losing. It did look like the guy that shares the dock with us was able to get his monster toon off of the sand with the big motor on his toon. Maybe with him weighing around 300 lbs and standing on the back of the toon helped.

Lazy day yesterday seeing no one else worried about the launch neither did we. About all I did was caulk around the trim I put on the new service door I installed a while back. When it sets up good I can put the final coat of paint on and be done with it. I am putting a bunch of ant poison on the bottom of the casing as ants are what destroyed the original door

WS I know all about losing posts. I have lost my share. I have become very careful that I do not go looking for some ones post to reply to it. If it is out side of what shows when I scroll down I open a new window to look for it. If you click off of where your post is being typed and then come back, the post is lost. On another site I have found that even if I think that I made a post and did not that the post will still be there waiting to be posted if I go looking to see what happened.

The fires out west are really getting bad, endangering a lot of homes and communities. It is too bad that Texas can not send them all of the flood waters there in the form of rain. The other day they could smell the smoke from the Canadian fires in southern Michigan.

IFF I wish that some computer geek would come up with a way to blow up the computers that are being used to make all of the robo calls we are getting. Being able to use a local looking call on our caller ID  gets us sucked into them too often.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9835 on: Sep 05, 2017, 08:04 AM »
Tom, we had a cold front come through overnight along with t-storms out of the northwest, and I could smell the smoke down here!!! Everyone have a good day at whatever you're doing! I've got today off as a comp day for working Saturday!!
My two favorite college football teams are Ohio State and whoever's playing Michigan!!!

Don't reel against the drag!!!

Ex Minnesnowta lad! You can take the lad out of Minnesnowta, but you can't take Minnesnowta out of the lad!!

Offline Old Goat

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9836 on: Sep 05, 2017, 08:16 AM »
Good Morning ER's going to be highs in the sixties today. It does feel like fall is near here. The fishing is getting better and in 2 weeks it should get hot. My daughter is off to college and already made some new friends. Someone fell off the cliffs and died where we were camping last weekend. Hope all are doing well have a great short week.

Offline mr.clean

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9837 on: Sep 05, 2017, 06:31 PM »
Greetings rain falling currently tomorrow is forecasted to be similar. It is convenient  that train is close to my nephew's college and that he does not have to go through Penn. Station to get home.
IFF enjoy the gathering of former Gander Mountain employees on Saturday. The Microsoft voice gremlin has visited me a few times  so far I have been able to turn off and restart my computer without any problems. May the wildfires out your way get controlled before to make damage is done and smoke problems get worse.
Eddie thank you for the link about Labor day interesting to read. I agree about North Korea may diplomacy win out over military action.
Whopper Stopper those computer gremlins can be a pain . May all go smoothly with the meat pole replacement do not want to loose any meat to wildlife. Hopefully the BBQ chicken will be on the menu before to long.
Mr. Turkey may the west and your area get rain soon to help put out the wildfires and raise the water level at your lake.
Old Goat nice to read your daughter is having a good adjustment to college life. Sad to read about the death at our camping spot.
Ice Wanderer hope you came home today weather forecast does not look like good driving conditions for most of the North East tomorrow. I will have to check your post to see how things went on your trip.

Have a pleasant evening folks.

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9838 on: Sep 06, 2017, 12:55 AM »
Drats, missed, not enough light.  Will have to wait em out.

Offline masoneddie

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Re: 9:45 on a Tuesday..
« Reply #9839 on: Sep 06, 2017, 03:18 AM »
Good Morning Everyone,
  Overcast and 57* this am, that will be today's high here as well. Rain coming in around 7am...wish we could send it West.

  Bud..hope your next shot connected!  ;D  Think it's time for a 2nd Annual Mouse Harvest down at the shop as well, thanks for the motivation!!   :roflmao: :thumbsup:
  Steve...your welcome about the article, I was just curious how Labor Day originated. Hope things are going well at the store and with your move.   :thumbsup: wishes to your daughter with college, glad to hear things are going well for her so far! Sorry to hear of that fatality where you were hiking.
  Mike..hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday...was it Yuengling time?   ;D
  Wally...thanks for the info on Salmon River, read a report they had a small push of fish on Sunday...won't be long now.
  Marv..hope you and the crew had a good day yesterday, was wondering if the boss was going to coax you into working Thursday for having Monday off. Have a safe day today Sir!   :thumbsup:
  Jeff..I'll have to check in at coffee break to see how your trip was....welcome back!   :thumbsup:

  We spent the day inside doing demo on a large terrazzo floor, it's about a 4,000 sq.ft total area being removed and replaced....believe we'll be on that the rest of this week.
  Rains held off yesterday until early afternoon and then it pounded for the drive home.
  Got to get on the road earlier now to get a parking spot, seems other workers are sick of paying the $10/day parking and have decided to park where a few of us do.    Cawfee's on!
Have a great day all, be safe, best of luck to those fishing!


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