Author Topic: Iowa guy looking for some help with catching northern pike  (Read 1192 times)

Offline Crappyfishrman

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So I know very little about catching anything with a tip up. I tried 6" minnows last year and didn't catch anything with it. I have 50 lb black Dacron line on my tip up and looking for some advice on what to connect to it next to catch some pike.

I read you can use quick strike rigs. Would I tie that to the Dacron or should i use some kind of fishing line between?

Is smelt just really big minnows?

How far do i keep the big minnows off the bottom?

Do you think live minnows or super smelly dead ones are better?

I think thats it. I'm still searching but seems like there is huge debate over using braided steel line and fluorocarbon line and mono. I'd just really like to catch a northern pike this winter. Never have caught one before!!

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Re: Iowa guy looking for some help with catching northern pike
« Reply #1 on: Nov 20, 2013, 06:17 AM »
Best advised I can give you is get on In-fisherman and watch their video's. Also do a You-tube search and see what others are doing. Everyday is diffrent and you have to figure out a system for you and what works for you. Northerns are up feeders. Try and keep your bait   above them where you think they will coming in at. In shallow water that might right under the ice. In deep water in may be two foot off the bottom. There is a ton of stuff on here about quick  strikes. I tie mine right to my braided line. I've been playing with fluorocarbon in open water and might try some this winter. I catch northerns on both live and dead bait. I think in the late winter the fish just eat dead bait because there is so much around. Fist ice, live bait. Al that being said I've caught northerns in 60' of water on a live minnow set for lake trout in late winter. Who knew? Hope this helps.
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Offline spudsaway

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Re: Iowa guy looking for some help with catching northern pike
« Reply #2 on: Nov 29, 2013, 09:17 AM »
I fish Pike on Tip up I tie the Wire leader to the Black tip up line directly.  6 inch leader and a small hook less then 1/2 inch across.  I clip the hook in directly to the leader.  Hang it midway down in the water to start. You get more than 1 tip up here.  one half way one near bottom.  If nothing move one to the point in the water it droops out of sight.  Get down and lower it as soon as it is hard to see is the level.  If the water is real shallow Under 10 feet then cover the hole , hole cover if you have it or kick snow over it if that is what you have to do, and fish one minnow a foot under the bottom of the ice.  Hook minnow behind top fin just under skin .  The quick strike rigs and big Minnows are best for dead bait. Big minnows will pop your flag all day alive and run hard from a pike and not get caught.  I like live 3 to 4 inch shiners and I use a couple of big shot on the line to keep them swimming .  Pike are not Cat fish even dead bait should not be rotting bait, think cat not skunk.  I use cat food in the hole in under 10 feet. I spoon one spoon cheap soft cat food down any new hole i punch. I have a fish cam and the perch in the lake i fish come in for cat food along with the small stuff. The pike come in looking for the small stuff see bait and wham.   I fish perch on a noodle rod to keep occupied waiting for Pike. Good Luck .   Do not Buy cheap leaders i have had pike pull the Clips open on the cheap stuff from the walmart buy good leaders tie good knots always think next fish 20+ ..  And if nothing in half hour move I use 15 min rule . look around are others catching  .. If nothing hits pull bait up and let it droop again.. Keep it moving change out dead stuff chop em up and drop um down the hole..  Fish hard do not sit and wait.. If I stop fishing I pack up and leave if you wanna sit on a couch do it at home..  Fish My man go for it.

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Re: Iowa guy looking for some help with catching northern pike
« Reply #3 on: Nov 29, 2013, 09:22 AM »
You tube is your friend ...use it. The videos are endless.
Genesis 27:3


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