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Author Topic: Strikemaster Lazer Pro has gas spewing out the mouth of the tank  (Read 455 times)

Offline fishinhunt31

  • IceShanty Rookie
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  • Posts: 6
I"ve lerked here for a while and thought I'd ask a question that I'm hoping can get some answers.  My 3 hp Strikemaster Cobra bought in '95 for $125 bit the dust. I figure I got more than my money's worth. Bought a new Lazer Pro with the 10" auger, but after reading everything and looking everything over, I find out that not only were the blades made in China (replacement ones from Fleet say they're from Sweden these don't have anything stamped on 'em) but I get gas spewing out the mouth of the tank. Looked at the cap, thought something was wrong, dropped $14 on another one and it does the same thing. Look at the mouth again and find that it's not level/square...there will be a gap between it and the gasket no matter how tight I turn the cap. Anyone have any suggestions? Other than I've emailed Strikemaster with my issue(s) and haven't heard back yet. Should I expect to take it to a Solo dealer to get ready to swap out a tank? Would it be easier to try to make the mouth square and solve the problem my self? Are all the blades now from China? Need some advice and help me calm down. I've got a trip planned in a week and a half and don't want to sit here worrying about the auger. Thanks for the help.
Since thinking about this, as it's bothering me I was able to get the cap on the tank so that it wouldn't spill out or spit when running, but I had to screw the cap on TIGHT.  The motor actually didn't want to turn at the max rpms for a short time which confused seemed like it needed to be vented but without a vent you should be able to tighten it down and you're good to go, yeah?  Anyone else with this issue?


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