Author Topic: possesion limits  (Read 6197 times)

Offline oldccm

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #30 on: Jan 09, 2013, 10:44 AM »
when I go fishing I usually bring my dad a fish fry. Because he does not have a license his possesion limit is 0 according to the logic here. Is he illegally in possesion of fish? If you gave it to him to consume it would most likely still be considered your limit until its gone and count towards you. I know we are nickel and diming the issue, but these laws must be broad scoped to stop people from overfishing and just keeping their 'stash' at their buddies house while they go out and fish for more.

Offline johnny-walleye

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #31 on: Jan 09, 2013, 10:51 AM »
So what have we all learnt from this topic...keep your mouth shut.

If it be illegal for me to give fish to my father-in-law or mother-in-law who watch my kids sometimes when I go fishing, to hell with that law.  I caught the fish legally and I will do with it as I see fit.   I am not selling them.  Lock me up, fine me because I am one guy who does things by the book, reads the regs if I am going to a different lake because we all know, the regulations are so involved in Manitoba.  I care about the polution in the Red, I clean up after myself, leave no trace behind, put back the fish that are over certain sizes or under certain sizes.  Yes, the law is such so that we do not deplete the stock but most guys probably have over their possesion limit in their freezer (whatever animal is may be) and for these guys, it is the only crime they have ever commited.  Go bag the guys that have 5 rods stuck in the bank and they are around the bend with more rods.  Go get the guys who keep the fry and say they will put in their aquarium or the under sized fish that they say are for the aquarium.  No there are no laws against under sized fish for all species on all waterways, which makes no sense to me.  With all of our laws, this one is a no brainer.

Offline Mistabray

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #32 on: Jan 09, 2013, 11:26 AM »
Look if I wanna give a fish or two to my friends/family members who don't fish, but love to eat it, I'm gonna do it, and no one is gonna stop me. I'm not trying to sell it, barter with it or trade it for anything, it's a gift nothing more.
I can understand however, why they would make a law regarding "gifting fish" because some
a-holes would catch a limit, go home, fillet them, give them all to a "friend", and go out and catch another limit the same day, and the next day, and the next, and the next etc.
So I can sympathize with NR to an extent.
It's the poaching pricks these laws were/are created for, not honest fishermen/women, so I'm not offended when laws like this are instituted, because I know they ain't about me.
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Offline gatorhunter

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #33 on: Jan 09, 2013, 11:34 AM »
Slow down when you read my posts and the angling guide.

Every non-aboriginal person is allowed "one conservation" limit of any specie of fish that has a limit.  Therefore, whether a person has a license or not, that person can have 4 walleyes in their possession at any time.  If one has 6 walleyes, one must have a regular license or a receipt from the store or commercial fisher who sold them the fish.  Otherwise one can't have more than 4 walleyes in possession.

It is PERFECTLY LEGAL TO GIFT 1, 2, 3 or all 4 OF YOUR WALLEYES OR 1, 2, 3, or all 4 of YOUR WALLEYES TO ANYONE!  If you're on the water or ice and you give 4 walleyes to someone, (and you have a conservation license or fishing a body of water that is limited to 4 walleyes), you can't keep anymore walleyes that day!  You have caught and kept your limit when you've kept 4 walleyes that day.

If you bring your 4 walleyes home and "gift" them to another person in the house, you are no longer in possession of those walleyes.  You are now at 0 possession.

You can go back out the next day and start at 0 again as all your walleyes were given away.

We have very simple regulations in MB.  If you think they are confusing read ON, AB or BC.  You won't have trouble falling asleep reading those.

Offline flat liner

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #34 on: Jan 09, 2013, 02:46 PM »
Tueshay Andre,read the regs people or do you not understand possesion.If I leave my house to go fishing it is still in my possesion,you cannot move in unless I give it to you,simple.

The way I see it,there are alot of people out there that are much much smarter them me and they know what it takes to keep me and my children fishing for a long time and they put these limits in place.I'm sure you all have noticed that since the bucket people have started to line the banks all summer long that now instead of catching 30 or 40 fish,making it a fun day,now we are lucky to catch 10.

No need to go out and cheat,just bring your limit home and eat it. Why fill your freezer. This way you can tell the wife you ate it and have to go get more.

Offline Mistabray

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #35 on: Jan 09, 2013, 03:41 PM »
Slow down when you read my posts and the angling guide.

It dosen't say anything in the 2012 Angling guide about gifting fish.
But I'll take a CO's word on it. :)
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Offline r.mazur

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #36 on: Jan 09, 2013, 05:27 PM »
Johnny-Walleye said it best , "keep your mouth shut "  I don't see the problem of helping my fishing partner fill his limit if I already have mine , Just have to be smarter than the average bear and not post it on a fishing forum or tell People about it that I do not know

Offline gatorhunter

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #37 on: Jan 09, 2013, 06:06 PM »
Johnny-Walleye said it best , "keep your mouth shut "  I don't see the problem of helping my fishing partner fill his limit if I already have mine , Just have to be smarter than the average bear and not post it on a fishing forum or tell People about it that I do not know
Be sure to tell the judge that if you ever get charged for catching more fish of a specie than permitted!  Justice Chambers in Selkirk has convicted a few people who felt the same as you did!  Then he told them what he thought of their belief of contributing to another person's limit by exceeding theirs!

Offline oldccm

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #38 on: Jan 09, 2013, 07:01 PM »
I know this is off topic but I'm headed to the Great Lakes for some Blue Walleye if anyone wants to join me. Oh wait they're extinct, hmm maybe I'll head to the Grand Banks for some Atlantic Cod. What I can't fish there either? Well at least I can head off to Chalet for my "daily limit", while I'm there I might as well grab a couple limits for my neighbor.....

Offline whip

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #39 on: Jan 09, 2013, 07:23 PM »
What if i go to gimli fish market and buy 5lbs, freeze in 1lbs bags. Would this be over my limit if i go fishing ?

Offline oldccm

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #40 on: Jan 09, 2013, 07:47 PM »
You can purchase as much 'retail' fish as you want. All of those walleye caught pertain to the commercial operators limit. He would have had 'x' amount of lbs he could catch and sell. Andre if I'm wrong please correct me. Thx

Offline r.mazur

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #41 on: Jan 09, 2013, 08:20 PM »
Be sure to tell the judge that if you ever get charged for catching more fish of a specie than permitted!  Justice Chambers in Selkirk has convicted a few people who felt the same as you did!  Then he told them what he thought of their belief of contributing to another person's limit by exceeding theirs!

Unless your in the pop up with me to see what's going on, or a fish whisperer , good luck my friend, good luck.  ;)

Offline gatorhunter

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #42 on: Jan 09, 2013, 08:46 PM »
What if i go to gimli fish market and buy 5lbs, freeze in 1lbs bags. Would this be over my limit if i go fishing ?
GFM and every reputable fish dealer will give a receipt or a Commercial Fishing Trade Record to the purchaser.  Show that receipt if you're ever checked and you're off to the races!

Old are CORRECT!


Offline Mistabray

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #43 on: Jan 10, 2013, 08:06 AM »

Everybody has to believe in something.
      ... I believe I'll go fishing.

Offline graw15

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #44 on: Jan 10, 2013, 12:02 PM »
Instead of trying to come up with ways to beat the system or what to say if asked so you don't get's a novel idea, fish within the guidlines!!! They are there to ensure that we have stocks moving forward for ourselves and maybe even our kids and their kids. Be a shame to go fishing and not be able to catch anything! I've been out on whitemouth a couple of times and I hope a bunch more people get nailed b/c at the rate they are poaching these fish at, there won't be anything left sooner than later!!! It's not a difficult concept to fish within the guidelines especially since most claim to be sportsman! Not very sporting when you fill your limit twice a day and leave all of the remains and garbage on the ice to pollute and decay!! Just my 2 cents!

Offline perch-man

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #45 on: Jan 10, 2013, 03:50 PM »
If you went out and colected 4 -6 fish each day per lic .and everybody did this futher fishing for next generation would be very Grim.Let it go Let Grow

Offline Whitemouth Lake Girl

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #46 on: Jan 10, 2013, 04:19 PM »
Limits always include possession.  :)
Any truth to this guys story?   ???
Honesty is always a good thing!  :)
Taking advantage of our fisheries?  >:(

Offline ryan johnson

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #47 on: Jan 10, 2013, 05:22 PM »
i got one for yeah..are you allowed to give fish away? take some over to grandpa's house? does he have to have a valid lisence? would you have to phone him to see if he's consumed allof his fish before you go out again?? :P

Offline oldccm

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #48 on: Jan 10, 2013, 05:54 PM »
The regulation could not be any clearer.  Possession is possession.  You only have to know or remember 1 or 2 numbers that apply to which license you have (6 or 4).

If you have 6 walleyes in your freezer for 6 months, those walleyes are NOT getting eaten by you.  They're getting tossed in the garbage or bush for critters to eat.  In essence those fish are now wasted.

As others have stated, if you bring 6 walleyes home and there are other people in the house, you can gift those fish to someone in the home.  They are no longer your fish so tomorrow you can go back out and catch and keep another 6 walleyes.  If you didn't gift any of the fish, but ate all or any of them, you can go back out tomorrow and top up that limit.

Saskatoon guy.  Almost guarantee that SK fishery regs are applied in the same manner.  If not, SK would be the only jurisdiction in North American that does not apply limits in that fashion.

Fishing is a recreational activity that permits us to take some fish home to eat if we so desire.  It's not a means for filling up freezers with fish to be eaten later.

As for the events related to the alleged infraction at Whitemouth Lake, unless one was the person charged or the officer involved, we don't know what the exact circumstances were.  And if I was the person charged, how honest would I be with my story when posting on the world wide web for all to ridicule me!

As per Johnson's Q:

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #49 on: Jan 10, 2013, 05:55 PM »
Unless your in the pop up with me to see what's going on, or a fish whisperer , good luck my friend, good luck.  ;)
Perhaps we should lobby the government to allow us to "sign on" with fishing buddy's to "party fish" so as limits could be filled whitetail deer hunting :-\? Seriously ... guys filling each others limits goes on all the time. Is this practice technically or ethically right, I personally feel yes. Legally, certainly not. But when the fish are hammering or ducks flying, I usually don't "segregate" mine from my partners all too well, BUT there comes a point where both of ya better start counting!

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Offline r.mazur

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #50 on: Jan 10, 2013, 06:24 PM »
If you went out and colected 4 -6 fish each day per lic .and everybody did this futher fishing for next generation would be very Grim.Let it go Let Grow

so the two dozen fish I keep throughout the year is going to ruin fishing for future generations, but the 12 million dollars of fish that commercial fishing takes out every year isnt ??? :-\

Offline blue igloo

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #51 on: Jan 10, 2013, 07:44 PM »
Bs doesn't exist on internet fishing forums does it!   ::) lmao
Don't get me started  ::)  ;) (see MFF)
Blue Igloo  :tipup:

Offline 30-30

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #52 on: Jan 10, 2013, 08:19 PM »
Do what I do. Suck as a fisherman and you never have to worry about limits.
Good Luck and Good Fishing to You!!!

Offline Hunter51

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #53 on: Jan 10, 2013, 09:41 PM »
My 2cents. As sportspersons, we are responsible to know the rules/regs. A daily/possession limit is laid out in the  regulations, telling us what,where, how many,how big, and when. if we need to find an excuse for our actions  maybe we aren't sportspersons. Do we need to catch or keep our limit every time we go afield, is that how we judge the success of our time outdoors? Personally, I enjoy my time outdoors with friends, old and new. Enjoy my surroundings, the opportunity to be able to do the things we take for granted. Having the opportunity to harvest e few ducks,partridge,fish or whatever comes my way. It seem's in this day and age, we live by the motto - why worry about you, when there's me to consider-. We need to slow down and help each other enjoy what's available to us all. Let those small and big fish go so they can be caught another day. Don't shoot that last duck just to fill your limit. ENJOY LIFE AND ALL IT HAS TO OFFER. Take a kid fishing, or your neighbour who doesn't have the opportunity, but share it.  We need to conduct ourselves ethically in every thing we do.  IMO.

Offline ryan johnson

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #54 on: Jan 11, 2013, 08:05 AM »
that seems a bit crazy that you can't gift fish to anyone outside your home?? ???

Offline r.mazur

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #55 on: Jan 11, 2013, 08:54 AM »
My 2cents. As sportspersons, we are responsible to know the rules/regs. A daily/possession limit is laid out in the  regulations, telling us what,where, how many,how big, and when. if we need to find an excuse for our actions  maybe we aren't sportspersons. Do we need to catch or keep our limit every time we go afield, is that how we judge the success of our time outdoors? Personally, I enjoy my time outdoors with friends, old and new. Enjoy my surroundings, the opportunity to be able to do the things we take for granted. Having the opportunity to harvest e few ducks,partridge,fish or whatever comes my way. It seem's in this day and age, we live by the motto - why worry about you, when there's me to consider-. We need to slow down and help each other enjoy what's available to us all. Let those small and big fish go so they can be caught another day. Don't shoot that last duck just to fill your limit. ENJOY LIFE AND ALL IT HAS TO OFFER. Take a kid fishing, or your neighbour who doesn't have the opportunity, but share it.  We need to conduct ourselves ethically in every thing we do.  IMO.

Sooo true !!! nicely said !!! :)

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #56 on: Jan 11, 2013, 03:00 PM »
My 2cents. As sportspersons, we are responsible to know the rules/regs. A daily/possession limit is laid out in the  regulations, telling us what,where, how many,how big, and when. if we need to find an excuse for our actions  maybe we aren't sportspersons. Do we need to catch or keep our limit every time we go afield, is that how we judge the success of our time outdoors? Personally, I enjoy my time outdoors with friends, old and new. Enjoy my surroundings, the opportunity to be able to do the things we take for granted. Having the opportunity to harvest e few ducks,partridge,fish or whatever comes my way. It seem's in this day and age, we live by the motto - why worry about you, when there's me to consider-. We need to slow down and help each other enjoy what's available to us all. Let those small and big fish go so they can be caught another day. Don't shoot that last duck just to fill your limit. ENJOY LIFE AND ALL IT HAS TO OFFER. Take a kid fishing, or your neighbour who doesn't have the opportunity, but share it.  We need to conduct ourselves ethically in every thing we do.  IMO.

I couldn't agree more :). Further, I believe the way game and fish limits are set allows one to harvest a good bag once in a while when the planets line up. If every licensed angler/hunter go his/her limit each and every time afield, then game populations would certainly suffer.

But... back to the issue of people filling each others limits. Very tough and would be fruitless IMO to prove that one guy got more than he should of that particular day despite the fact that the whole group were well within the legal limit.  Rule is mainly there IMO to prevent one person from catching/shooting more than his legal daily limit for others who are drinking beers back at the cabin...or too hung over to get up ;)

He who hesitates is lost...

Offline r.mazur

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #57 on: Jan 11, 2013, 03:53 PM »
I couldn't agree more :). Further, I believe the way game and fish limits are set allows one to harvest a good bag once in a while when the planets line up. If every licensed angler/hunter go his/her limit each and every time afield, then game populations would certainly suffer.

But... back to the issue of people filling each others limits. Very tough and would be fruitless IMO to prove that one guy got more than he should of that particular day despite the fact that the whole group were well within the legal limit.  Rule is mainly there IMO to prevent one person from catching/shooting more than his legal daily limit for others who are drinking beers back at the cabin...or too hung over to get up ;)


I'm not to sure about that,this past hunting season most area's was only one deer, in the RM I was hunting , NRO were giving out free tags,and once you filled it you could go back for another, as long as you provided a sample. If they were worried about population , would they have offered that ? Don't believe there was a limit on how many tags you could come back for. Don't quote me on that.

Offline gatorhunter

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #58 on: Jan 11, 2013, 06:00 PM »
i got one for yeah..are you allowed to give fish away? take some over to grandpa's house? does he have to have a valid lisence? would you have to phone him to see if he's consumed allof his fish before you go out again?? :P
If Grandpa already has fish why would he need more?  I've explained the part about refilling partial limits and license requirement, etc. ad nauseum.

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Re: possesion limits
« Reply #59 on: Jan 12, 2013, 09:04 AM »
If Grandpa already has fish why would he need more?  I've explained the part about refilling partial limits and license requirement, etc. ad nauseum.

One only needs to stop by Selkirk Park on any weekend in the summer to see exactly WHAT IS ILLEGAL.  It is demonstrated ad nauseum every time I happen to be there.  The trick is that you cook them as fast as you catch them - then you can skirt the possession limit.  Make sure to take anything that is at least two inches larger than the bait you used to catch them......and for those casual observers who are horrified when they see this, CALL THE TIP line!!  This has been going on at that park for years.
Good Luck and Good Fishing to You!!!


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