Author Topic: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!  (Read 2974 times)

Offline icehogger84

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Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« on: Mar 08, 2012, 06:05 PM »
Hey Guys,

Wanted to start some good conversation about a warm water species stocking program. I understand that Idaho  is a huge trout, salmon and steelhead destination. And it should be. We are a world class fishery for those species.

However, as is witnessed by the activity on statewide waterways, there is substantial evidence to support the idea of a warm water species stocking program (i.e. bass, crappie, bluegill, perch and catfish.) I believe there would be a noticeable boost to local economies, more excitement about fishing with more 'Family Friendly Waters' holding these species.

 It has been my experience that crappie and perch are huge target fish. Just visit CJ Strike res. on a summer day when word of a crappie run gets around. You'll see upwards of a hundred boats anchored and trolling and that's just in the narrows! Brownlee res. is the same way. So one might ask..."if those bodies of water are available, why should F&G even consider a stocking program for those species?"

I have my own thoughts, however, I'd like to hear from you guys. I am not familiar with the central, northern or eastern parts of the state. Need you guys to weigh in as well. I understand that you have larger bodies of water holding warm water species (w.w.s.). But are they as accessible as state stocked trout ponds? or do you have to drive some distance to get to them? I'll tell you straight up...I love fishing CJ, but it's 66 miles from my house. Brownlee? 85 miles to the closest boat ramp. Makes for a long day if I want to be there at sunup.

I don't know that F&G will read or even take our comments into consideration. But they won't ever know if we don't start voicing our thoughts. How many of you have time to make a meeting in your regional office? How many of you are on here or other fishing forums several times a week? Convient? Yes. So help out.

Now, please understand this...all thoughts and opinions pertaining to fishing are welcome on this post. I will be in touch with Hoosier, our moderator, and invite him to remove any comments that are off-color, derogatory or insulting. This is to be a gentlemen's discussion.

I know we have a ton of "Lurkers" out there too. Now would be a great time for you to come forth and help out your own cause! You don't have to be an "Ice Shanty Addict" like some of us on here...but your input will add weight and credit to our efforts. You are cordially invited to join us on this topic.

Thanks Guys and Gals! Now let's hear from you....


Offline unforgiven

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #1 on: Mar 08, 2012, 06:33 PM »
Could not  be any more Spot on. We need more areas to fish for more then trout. Do not get me wrong i love fishing for trout but would be really nice to find a few holes will something else.
Ice Fishing is NOT a hobby, It is a way of LIFE....

Offline Hamstn

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #2 on: Mar 08, 2012, 06:39 PM »
You got me wondering just how many small lakes/ponds are in the treasure valley within all the city limits? I know it has to be a bunch, even Kuna has one now. it's nice we have the F&G stocking a lot of these ponds but for most of us we don't care for the the trout all that much or would like other opportunities.

Next question would be what would it cost to produce pan fish like they do the trout? There are always start-up costs but could it be done the same or less? Trout are stocked with the intent to have all caught where pan fish would or could go on to reproduce on their own and may only need to be supplemented to make up for heavy pressure.

I admit I have been a dead beat in regards to attending meetings. Last time I was active was when bear hunting was being attacked. My wife and I became an instructor before archery education become mandatory so I guess it is easy to become uninvolved.

Offline Duck-Slayer

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #3 on: Mar 08, 2012, 09:26 PM »
well said hogger..... i'm not an ice shanty addict yet..... but I will voice that perch, especially big perch will bring in money for local economies.....
Duck-Slayers new nickname is "DUD-switch".  Just for the record......  BITE ME

2012 Ice Shanty winner - Perch
2012 Cascade Ice Cup Derby winner - Perch
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Offline ID fisher

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #4 on: Mar 08, 2012, 09:57 PM »
Matt ,365 post makes you an addict!!! :P Hogger, was looking at the Idaho fish and game stocking report,seems they do alot of warmwater stocking. It seems they stock everything from bluegills to catfish.Were you thinking of stocking more little ponds locally?My bass club the last few yrs have been taking crappie from cj and planting them in lake lowell,fish and game shocking reports are telling us that the crappie numbers are doing really well.Fish and game has been doing alot of little stocking like this all over the southern part of the state last few yrs and have seen good results.We really do have some great fishing in this state!Blessed to be here! :tipup:

Offline bowhunter68

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #5 on: Mar 08, 2012, 10:18 PM »
I think the stocking programs are vital to the sport...some fisheries are self sufficient and some fisheries need support to become sustainable at some point if at all? Look at Cascade Lake several years back the perch fishing from what ive been told was pretty poor and the State replanted with perch and today its probably one of the best perch fisheries anywhere in the country for quality and quantity perch.

Offline icehogger84

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #6 on: Mar 08, 2012, 10:19 PM »
Hey IDfisher,
I am familiar with the "transferring" of crappie from CJ to LLowell. They had a bunch that didn't make it a couple years ago, from what I had heard. Second, the lake is irrigation fed. And wasn't always a lake. Used to be farm land. I won't say any more than that except for those two facts may have something to do with the "consumption of fish" warnings posted all over the lake.

If they are doing a stocking program of bluegill and cats around here....they sure aren't letting the public, who is paying the bill, know about it.

I think the the transferring program may have some good results, and I was wondering if someone was gonna tap into that topic. Kudo's to you, Buddy :thumbsup:

Sorry, was gettin long winded...this topic is for you guys...


Offline bowhunter68

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #7 on: Mar 08, 2012, 10:26 PM »
I was told at one point in time the crappie and perch were thick in Paddock Reservoir and im pretty sure me and a buddy fished it in January early ice and didnt mark a fish or ice one all day long.....perhaps theres water temperature issues or quality issues during the summer i dont know but its fairly close for most people and would be a great place to icefish if it had critters....that would be a great F&G restoration project???

Offline icehogger84

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #8 on: Mar 08, 2012, 10:33 PM »
I just browsed through the stocking report ID fisher posted, great resource by the way, thanks ID!

If some of you would please do the same thing and then give us some feedback on what you found out there. That's what this discussion is about....what you guys are reading, finding and thinking....


p.s. I'll share my thoughts on it later

Offline solesoaker

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #9 on: Mar 08, 2012, 10:39 PM »
I sometimes wonder what fish and game dose, in south east Idaho most or our rivers and streams have yellowstone cutts in them as well as the Bonneville cutts, I do feel that we do need to conserve those fish to the best of our ability's, but when you look into things like stocking records from fish and game, this one flusters me to no end and do not understand it, but anyways all the steams around bear lake including bear lake have size limits and very strict limits on cutts, fine with me but why would they stock some 2,000ish lake trout, such abundant aggressive predator in an area that they are doing so much work to preserve the cutts.... I know it's a little off the warm water fish subject  but this one I do not understand. I would love to see more perch and crappie in south east Idaho, but when you look at most of our warmer water lakes and reservoirs around here they are small, most of them around preston area, forgive me if I am wrong but most of these small ponds/lakes are more or less over populated with blue gill, stunning growth and limiting food. I do think that places like American falls would be a great place to dump several hundred perch, I know it has perch in it already, but they are not very abundant, I guess that would have to do with the amount and size of the trout and bass that are in there, which is awesome and love the fact that in the same day you can catch a 5+lb trout and a 5+lb bass in the same day in the same body of water any day of the week and for that I will say a job well done on that body of water for those species
what did the fish say when he ran into a brick wall?

Offline IDbasser

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #10 on: Mar 08, 2012, 11:43 PM »
I too love to fish CJ Strike, but it is over a 120 miles from me.  It is the closest place I know of to catch the crappie and bluegill.  I would love somewhere closer to take my kids.  It makes for a long day on the kids to drive there, fish and drive home.  Over 4 hours of drive time there and back.  Drives me crazy to not be able to go somewhere close and catch some bluegill.


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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #11 on: Mar 09, 2012, 02:59 AM »
I am so glad this discussion is coming to light.  I'm up here in the clearwater region and after talking to our F&G biologist yesterday it sounds like they are discussing this more seriously as well.  It's interesting to me that when we talk about warm water fisheries, many guys talk about stocking programs for these species.  I understand; here in Idaho for years the S.O.P. has been put-&-take, so it's easy to get in that frame of mind.  One of the best things about warm water fisheries is that they are not dependent on perpetual stocking.  One of the things I would like to see discussed is establishing baitfish in these reservoirs to promote crappie, perch, etc.  A lack of food is an issue in many of our reservoirs that we have warm water species because it is compromised by put-&-take programs.  For example, Mann lake is very small (only 100 acres when full) but last year over 40,000 catchables were stocked.  It's no wonder why the crappies won't grow over 8".

Hogger,I believe you're right to say that quality warm water fisheries would be very popular, and this would bring a lot of money into our communities.  We only have one reservoir with a mediocre warm water fishery and it gets hands down more fishing pressure than the other reservoirs.  Our biologists seem to really like the idea of creating more interest until I ask them to bring walleye!  You'd think I just recommended we give everybody cancer.  I'll keep dreaming about walleye but for now I'll be happy if I can catch 12" crappie close to home.

It's great to hear you guys are motivated to get this going.  This should be an easy sell to the F&G.  Crappie, bluegill, and perch:  They're popular, easy, and CHEAP!  I have and will continue to work on my biologists regarding this issue.  They are coming around and I hope all of you guys are successful in other parts of our great state.

Offline hoops32j

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #12 on: Mar 09, 2012, 08:54 PM »
Just wanted to put my two cents in :-)  I had a conversation with the F&G about three weeks ago on Roberts gravel pond.  He asked me my thoughts on managing it as a warm water fishery.  They currently plant trout.  It has a ton of perch, but they are stunted and about four inches long.  He said they had planted some browns last year in hopes that they would thin some of the perch and help the growth and would look this year at what the results would be.  An option that they had been discussing internally (he asked me my thoughts because I had called inquiring about places to catch perch) is to quit managing it as a trout pond and that they could plant some bass or other predatory fish to thin the perch.  As of now, they don't because they would thin out the trout they plant as well.  The southeast Idaho office seems to be open to input.  I highly support getting some warm water fisheries over here.  I urge anyone to call and voice their opinion in favor of it.  I just have to sit in Idaho Falls and drool every time that I read a post about perch in Cascade.  We used to have Mud Lake that had perch like that, but has not been good for years.  Side note, any of you Cascade fisherman that wants a buddy for the day next winter, I would love to come over and catch perch that are even 8 inches long!  ;D

Offline bowhunter68

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #13 on: Mar 09, 2012, 09:04 PM »
Hoops32 there is still 2 1/2 feet of ice on cascade ...why wait.

Offline icehogger84

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #14 on: Mar 09, 2012, 10:02 PM »
You guys are doing awesome! F&G really needs to hear from each of us. I am taking the time to post each regional office and ph. numbers. When you call, and you definitely should, ask to speak to someone directly dealing with the stocking program. Might not be as effective if you just voice your thoughts to the first person that answers the phone.

IDFG Headquarters (208) 334-3700

Panhandle region (208) 769-1414

McCall region (208) 634-8137

Upper Snake River Region (208) 525-7290

Clearwater Region (208) 799-5010

Magic Valley Region (208) 324-4359

Southwest Region (208) 465-8465

Southeast Region (208) 232-4703

Salmon Region (208) 756-2271

I hope centralizing these numbers inspires each of us to pick up the phone/cell phone and express our thoughts and concerns. Realizing, that we will learn and help our efforts if we listen to the F&G personnel as well.

Anyone get a chance to breeze through those stocking reports? I only went back 5 yrs. but I looked up a lot of bodies of water that I am familiar with as being "local" to me....let us know if you get a chance to look at them....


Offline troutfool

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #15 on: Mar 21, 2012, 08:55 PM »
there are already far too many lakes infested with warm water species in northern idaho.  Without them devouring the prey base just think how many more and larger trout we could have.  I can't stand it that in the same rivers where fishing for trout is highly restricted and Fish and Game moans and groans about the low trout numbers that the same river supports smallmouth bass that compete with the trout for food.
How can we continue to say that we want to restore the native environment and still support the invasive warm water trash fish.

Offline Duck-Slayer

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #16 on: Mar 21, 2012, 10:43 PM »
trout is the trash fish..... taste nasty.... try a jumbo perch.....
Duck-Slayers new nickname is "DUD-switch".  Just for the record......  BITE ME

2012 Ice Shanty winner - Perch
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Offline icehogger84

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #17 on: Mar 23, 2012, 10:58 AM »

Thanks for your input. To have an intelligent dialogue here we need to address both sides of the issue. I will say that neither side has the right to slander the other. I understand that we are all very passionate about our choices in fishing.


Just to clarify troutfool, what we are discussing here is the "put and take" stocking program that F&G currently operates under for trout in more localized waters. I'm sure your familiar with the planting and catching of hatchery trout to provide recreation for Idaho anglers young and old. What we are interested in seeing is viable, sustainable warm water species planted for recreation as well. We would like to see some a few localized bodies of water in each region be stocked with what you call "trash fish". Just to provide variety and sensibility to anglers who enjoy catching and eating these fish, like me.

No one appreciates your love of your selected species and type of angling any more than I do. But because I am very passionate about something....doesn't mean I have to demean, condemn or object to others whose tastes and passions may vary from mine. Like I said in my intial post here, Idaho is a world-class trout, salmon and steelhead fishery and needs to be protected as such. That being said, when it comes to stocking programs, I honestly believe concessions can be made to accommodate a warm water species stocking program seperate and distinct from the wonderful trout angling opportunities that Idaho offers...

Respectfully, Hogger

Offline croghmag

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #18 on: Mar 23, 2012, 06:49 PM »
Lost valley res.  has had perch in it for the last five years at least. They just never get big because the trout get planted every year. The F&G has attempted too drain and poison the lake 2 or 3 times over the years with no luck.
Why not plant trout in that lake for a few years and see if you can grow some catchable perch and if the perch over take the lake transfer some to other lakes in Idaho. 

Offline bullpine

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #19 on: Dec 15, 2012, 08:19 AM »
Sometimes you just need to move on to the next fish.  I personally am "warming up" to Carp fishing.  They are suppose to be killer on a fly rod.  Can't wait.  I sometimes wonder though - if they can't recover the salmon and steelhead on the shorter pristine rivers along the coast with no dams, how can they expect a better result along the Columbia with all those dams?  Must be something on the high seas if those small streams aren't recovering.

Offline panfishman13

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Re: Thoughts on Idaho F&G stocking warm water species!
« Reply #20 on: Dec 16, 2012, 01:00 AM »
i haven't caught a carp on a fly rod yet, but they are a BLAST on any light equipment. when i catch carp it's usually when i'm going for smallmouth bass, so i'm using 4 or 6 pound line, and it's a challenge.
as for other warmwater species, there are plenty of places around pocatello and preston that have bluegill, bass, perch, and crappie, but if you want any good size to them you have to hit Twin Lakes or American Falls, and then you still have to find them.
i love going to McTucker's ponds because there's just SO MANY different species of fish to catch there, i caounted at leasted a dozen species last time i went there, and even though there are trout in there, i haven't managed to catch one yet. it seems like every other time i go there, i catch a species of fish that i didn't know existed in those ponds, and it's a fantastic amount of fun.


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