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Author Topic: Glen Lake  (Read 20890 times)

Offline jebra

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #30 on: Feb 12, 2012, 10:31 AM »
Yeah.....  Exactly what this guy is saying.  F*** everyone who puts a shanty in a spot and thinks it's there spot.  NO IT ISN'T!  If I set up in a spot and somone comes over and gives me a hard time and harrasses me I WILL call the game wardens and have them come out and explain to you that it is illegal to harrass a hunter or fisherman.  And yes that meens fisherman to fisherman harrassment. 

Can't we all just leave one another alone, and get along?
Amen one owns even a square foot of the lake. We should all try to be respectful of where someone's tip-ups are... without pretending the property is ours!
When someone acts that way, no matter who they are, shanty or no shanty, they need to be reminded of what's right. :tipup:

Offline VTSkeeter

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #31 on: Feb 12, 2012, 12:09 PM »
You can watch the Joe Bruno piece here:

Offline FondoFishin

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #32 on: Feb 12, 2012, 12:40 PM »
Good fish can be had in plenty of spots around the lake. I can relate to him wanting his space, as I can be the same way, but I dont agree with spreading traps so far that it essentially takes up 2 or 3 viable spots that other people could fish. Either way, I usually dont set up anywhere near his cove.

Offline 1Badboy

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #33 on: Feb 12, 2012, 01:03 PM »

Offline ssinvt

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #34 on: Feb 12, 2012, 01:31 PM »
Good fish can be had in plenty of spots around the lake. I can relate to him wanting his space, as I can be the same way, but I dont agree with spreading traps so far that it essentially takes up 2 or 3 viable spots that other people could fish. Either way, I usually dont set up anywhere near his cove.

"his cove".  Set up near "his cove"?  I guess some people don't get it.  If he is there first I guess you could call it "his cove" but either way it is not.  And I meen first as in first for the day, not first ever.   All of a sudden I am getting this urge to go fish this pond I have never fished before and try to find said cove.   Hey Jebra let me know if you want to try to find this cove. 

Offline vtfisher49

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #35 on: Feb 12, 2012, 02:10 PM »
post the day and time cause i'd like to watch :o

Offline ssinvt

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #36 on: Feb 12, 2012, 02:58 PM »
post the day and time cause i'd like to watch :o


Offline vtfisher49

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #37 on: Feb 12, 2012, 03:20 PM »
Rumor has it the made his "The Boss" shanty out of metal because of shanty burning wars :cookoo: I stay away just because....always wanted to go there after the state dumps those hatchery rainbows in...catch a few and drag them behind the there is a NEW CAN~O WORMS...

Offline FondoFishin

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #38 on: Feb 12, 2012, 04:13 PM »
"his cove".  Set up near "his cove"?  I guess some people don't get it.  If he is there first I guess you could call it "his cove" but either way it is not.  And I meen first as in first for the day, not first ever.   All of a sudden I am getting this urge to go fish this pond I have never fished before and try to find said cove.   Hey Jebra let me know if you want to try to find this cove.

Pardon me, I suppose I should have said "the cove that he fishes". Obviously he doesn't own the cove.  I agree with you that if you are there first on a given day, then you have priority on where to fish, shanty or not. I'd just as soon set up somewhere else though.

Offline NUSDADDY22

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #39 on: Feb 12, 2012, 05:54 PM »
......not picking sides.......but when someone gets out on the ice early, and is serious about ice fishing, it kind of sucks when you get all set up, keeping the noise to a minimum so things have a chance to settle down just before prime time....then boom....when that "other guy" shows up and fires up that auger right next to you at 8am it stinks....then when they're done setting up they start blowing donuts on the wheeler.....for someone who tries their hardest to keep quite and be there early it's frustrating.... :P. That is just my opinion (i'm guilty on occasion of being that "other guy"minus blowing donuts) On Glen if i'm going to be there later than 7am i'll usually wait to go out for the afternoon rush. ;D

Offline fishnmachine

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #40 on: Feb 12, 2012, 07:41 PM »
His that the whole back side of the lake? He acts like he thinks he owns it!  Last spring I went to Glen Lake "flat lining" steamers while I PADDLED my canoe on the lake. HE and a couple of his buddies, trolling 6 lines behind their power boat literally cut me off not once, not twice, but three times when I tried to "enter" the back side of the lake. And I mean cut me off to the point that I had to stop!!! It was quite obvious that neither I nor the other guy in a kayak were welcome. A couple days later I was telling somebody about it and he said,"Oh, that's JB. He's been doin' that to everybody." B***S+++!!! HE needs to learn the rules of right-of-way for marine vessels, and that Glen Lake is public water.  :tipup:
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Offline VTPikeman

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #41 on: Feb 12, 2012, 09:18 PM »
Please come on out and meet the man first hand. Experience it for yourself and then give your two cents. We fish hard, we have been on glen for over 30yrs. Joe has been on glen for 50+yrs. You can write all and everything you want but understand this, we just don't care what you say. We catch big pike,we release big pike, we don't toot our horns , we just plain fish just like we were taught many many years ago. You may think we are unfriendly, you may think we are mean but I promise you all we are just plain hardcore. How many of you are serious about catching the next state record pike ? I'm sure quite a few of you are shaking your head yes right now. I am right there with you and I'm here to tell you that the next state record can come from anywhere pike exist not just that acre bay that Joe fishes. So do ourselves all a huge favor and next time you go pike fishing, try some place new and see what happens. Make that new spot famous,fish it hard and don't give up, big pike are tough to catch, keep at it and don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. I promise you this, find that good spot for pike, you will never have to worry about Joe or anyone of us showing up to fish that hot spot... Just to clear things up, Joe does not fish glen with a boat. Please feel free to message me if I have created any confusion

Offline tracker one

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #42 on: Feb 13, 2012, 05:57 AM »
 Like Walter Cronkite used to say"AND THAT'S THE WAY IT IS"

Offline woodab17

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #43 on: Feb 14, 2012, 09:36 AM »
I feel strongly about two things in this post

1.  I fished Glen this weekend.  I do have a problem with all the fake jacks set up to "guard" a spot.  If I was there first I would set up right next to those jacks and shanty's and not think twice about it.  No one owns a lake and if I am the first one on the water I have the right to ANY SPOT I CHOOSE!!!!!!!

2.  Last year when I fished Glen from dark to dark JB/crew were the only Trucks in the parking lot when I pulled in and they were the only ones left when I pulled out.  I know that crew fishes harder than probably anyone else in the state, so chances are they are gonna beat me to Glen 9/10 times.  If they do then I will never set up near them.  This weekend I went to the far side of the lake to a small weed bed I knew of.  But if I do beat them I am gonna set in that cove and we will have a talk.  I know some mutual friends and hopefully that will save me from seeing the 357.

Offline coldsteel

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #44 on: Feb 14, 2012, 09:44 AM »
what are these guys the resident BA's of pike fishing on Glenn lake? I agree with what you say woodab you make many good points.
I Chase Toothy Critters!!!!

Offline TRT

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #45 on: Feb 14, 2012, 11:04 AM »
Some of the posts are unreal, its pretty clear this gent fishes hard and for 50 years. I truly respect that
the older i get.  He has a shanty an works hard always in the same "acre"  bay.  I am a regular on Willoughby 5-10 trips a year.
Once while setting up in a blizzard at 4 am, my life was threathened by an a$$hole as I cut a hole
near one of his holes. I apologized and did not set that hole. Willoughby its common to set up type
a 100 yards apart. I have never fished glen, have no intention and surely would not set up in an area
that someone fishes religously for years. 

Offline CJiceaddict

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #46 on: Feb 14, 2012, 01:30 PM »
I feel strongly about two things in this post

1.  I fished Glen this weekend.  I do have a problem with all the fake jacks set up to "guard" a spot.  If I was there first I would set up right next to those jacks and shanty's and not think twice about it.  No one owns a lake and if I am the first one on the water I have the right to ANY SPOT I CHOOSE!!!!!!!

2.  Last year when I fished Glen from dark to dark JB/crew were the only Trucks in the parking lot when I pulled in and they were the only ones left when I pulled out.  I know that crew fishes harder than probably anyone else in the state, so chances are they are gonna beat me to Glen 9/10 times.  If they do then I will never set up near them.  This weekend I went to the far side of the lake to a small weed bed I knew of.  But if I do beat them I am gonna set in that cove and we will have a talk.  I know some mutual friends and hopefully that will save me from seeing the 357.

First let me say I have not fished Glen and probably won't more than once or twice in the future. However, I agree 100% with what is said in this post if what is going on is true. I understand that crew may be hardcore, but if I get there first, Tough S&*t, you weren't hardcore enough and if someone else gets there first, I wasn't hardcore enough and won't fish even close to them. You can't mark out spots on the lake and chase people from them when you get there. You've got to earn a record fish, and that means dealing with SAME set of rules given to every other angler, not ones you make up to gain an advantage or bully other anglers away. I routinely have spots I fish and part of the game is how early am I willing to get up to ensure I get the spot I want- It's part of the game!!! Nuff said, my .02

Offline coldsteel

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #47 on: Feb 14, 2012, 02:27 PM »
First let me say I have not fished Glen and probably won't more than once or twice in the future. However, I agree 100% with what is said in this post if what is going on is true. I understand that crew may be hardcore, but if I get there first, Tough S&*t, you weren't hardcore enough and if someone else gets there first, I wasn't hardcore enough and won't fish even close to them. You can't mark out spots on the lake and chase people from them when you get there. You've got to earn a record fish, and that means dealing with SAME set of rules given to every other angler, not ones you make up to gain an advantage or bully other anglers away. I routinely have spots I fish and part of the game is how early am I willing to get up to ensure I get the spot I want- It's part of the game!!! Nuff said, my .02

well said brotha!
I Chase Toothy Critters!!!!

Offline drfhaha123

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #48 on: Feb 14, 2012, 02:37 PM »
Like the old saying- the early bird catches the worm-,Everyone have fun be safe it's to short of a season.

Offline oldcatamount

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #49 on: Feb 14, 2012, 02:40 PM »
Squabbles like this, give all of us a bad name. I like ice fishing and I'd like to think everyone out on the ice is as good a Sportsman as I am. Being a good Sportsman means respecting the other guys ice.

Offline ifslob28

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #50 on: Feb 14, 2012, 02:45 PM »
boy you pike fishermen are a fiesty bunch!!

just kidding please dont yell at me!

I fish Harveys all the time and there is a guy there that has caught a few lakers over 15 pounds and its the same deal, stay out of his area or else.  So I go there in my boat and yank up lakers in the same area over 10 lbs and it only takes me 1/10 of the time.

Offline coldsteel

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #51 on: Feb 14, 2012, 02:49 PM »
stick it to em!!! haha

On a serious note most of you guys seem like you are on the same page you give respect to get respect and I agree with you. If you get to a spot first it is yours for the time you are there, if someone is there before you heck maybe ask if they dont mind if you fish on the outside of there spread giving them some room they may say yes... No one can own the ice that they do not inhabit first it just aint right and that is what gives us a bad name is people thinking they can bully others... On thing to always keep in mind there is always some one tougher out there  ;)
I Chase Toothy Critters!!!!

Offline Bailbuster

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #52 on: Feb 14, 2012, 04:27 PM »
Just go fish it ,after 2 or 3 days (flagless days ),maybe if your lucky you mite get a wind flag, you will be ready to let the guys have that cove ,plain and simple ,Glen lake will spit out the next record pike , Joe probably won't catch it ,maybe someone in the "crew"I doubt I will ,it will be somebody who just got lucky.I have not fished as much this year as I am just now getting started 2 days with one wind flag so far and one day with a few small pike.Just go fish it... :-\BB

O ya I don't think anyone has been shot with the 357

Catching big fish is like winning the door prize!
Have to be there to win!!!!

Offline KAJ

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #53 on: Feb 14, 2012, 06:44 PM »
I get the whole hardcore thing, I really do. Glenn or Emerald WILL  pump out the next record.
My problem is, that the traps are 150 yards apart to begin with.
He has to tend to them with a quad. I don't know how legal that is ? So between the 2 of them, They take the whole bay.
Not crying, just stating fact.
I have heard of punches being thrown. No one should have to pack heat to go ice fishing......... :tipup: :tipup:
See ya there this weekend.....

Offline mrch33

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #54 on: Feb 14, 2012, 08:22 PM »
Ill state for the record that I have never fished Glen Lake but I dont think the lake is the discussion here, its who is doing the bullying.  I dont know thee guy who everyone is referring to but I know the type of person you are talking about.  It makes me so angry that  people think because they have a shanty in an area or becuase they fish there often that they own the spot.  If I went out on the ice and there were tippups set up as fake, I would just send the game wardens over to remove them and then just fish the holes out of spite.  I like to fish certain areas and and as long as people keep 30 yards im ok with that cause I understand that some spots are better than others.  If I headed to my spot in the morning and someone was set up where I wanted to go, I would be bummed out but I would move on and fish another spot.  This has happened and I get pissed at myself for not getting earlier or I go and chat with the guys and see if I can work something out to fish as well.  I will say that if anyone ever showed up and tried to intimidate me saying I was in their spot I would set up a tiippup right in their  :o.  No one owns a lake, period!  The lakes are for everyone so if you wanna fish a spot everyday or week or whatever get up and be the first there.
Tight Lines Boys!

Offline ssinvt

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #55 on: Feb 15, 2012, 06:57 AM »
Ill state for the record that I have never fished Glen Lake but I dont think the lake is the discussion here, its who is doing the bullying.  I dont know thee guy who everyone is referring to but I know the type of person you are talking about.  It makes me so angry that  people think because they have a shanty in an area or becuase they fish there often that they own the spot.  If I went out on the ice and there were tippups set up as fake, I would just send the game wardens over to remove them and then just fish the holes out of spite.  I like to fish certain areas and and as long as people keep 30 yards im ok with that cause I understand that some spots are better than others.  If I headed to my spot in the morning and someone was set up where I wanted to go, I would be bummed out but I would move on and fish another spot.  This has happened and I get pissed at myself for not getting earlier or I go and chat with the guys and see if I can work something out to fish as well.  I will say that if anyone ever showed up and tried to intimidate me saying I was in their spot I would set up a tiippup right in their  :o.  No one owns a lake, period!  The lakes are for everyone so if you wanna fish a spot everyday or week or whatever get up and be the first there.

Yea.  What this guy said. 

Offline woodab17

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #56 on: Feb 15, 2012, 07:45 AM »
I get the whole hardcore thing, I really do. Glenn or Emerald WILL  pump out the next record.
My problem is, that the traps are 150 yards apart to begin with.
He has to tend to them with a quad. I don't know how legal that is ? So between the 2 of them, They take the whole bay.
Not crying, just stating fact.
I have heard of punches being thrown. No one should have to pack heat to go ice fishing......... :tipup: :tipup:
See ya there this weekend.....

It is completely legal to tend your traps with a quad.

Offline MHC94

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #57 on: Feb 15, 2012, 10:03 AM »
This whole post reminds me of grade school.  I can totally see the group of thugs in their own corner of the playground hitting their fists into their palms while all the people that want to be their friends tell all the new people they better watch out or else.  How ridiculous!  I'm all for respecting people and their space while fishing but c'mon.....really??  I do know there are those guys out there that will crowd you, which sucks but like many have said, you don't own the lake.  Threatening people is just going to get somebody hurt someday and it just might not be the one being threatened!

Offline masspike

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #58 on: Feb 15, 2012, 11:34 AM »
if you guys want your own pike ponds to fish on,,,do this....grab a 5gal bucket,fill it with pike,dump them into a small pond and dont tell anyone....just kidding dont do this...
a bad day of better than a good day @ work

Offline tbrunotess

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Re: Glen Lake
« Reply #59 on: Feb 15, 2012, 11:38 AM »
...nephew calls him BOSS, placed the sign on the shanty, you don't have your facts about the shanty's being burned. therefore your statement is a falicy... just like the old cliche about the fisherman big tales, all these inflammatory remarks regarding my brother are just that. He doesn't have a Crew, often just he and my dad, or nephew, mostly alone at 4am. He loves the ice fishing and it gives him pleasure and excitement... he doesn't fish glen by boat, he doesn't fish with a 357, you all need to re-read the agreement you agreed to when posting on this site. many of the remarks are inflammatory deflamation of character and character assasination of an honest dependable, hard working and reliable guy who likes fishing Glen Lake on ice and has been doing so for most if not all his life having been exposed to ice fishing by previous generations of honest, dependable, hard working and reliable men who instilled in him the love of the sport. He doesn't go around bad mouthing folks and he doesn't use the internet to insult or assault, but you better believe he has heard all about what's being written here. It's just wrong and unfair, so many foolish wrongful, statements. If you're not catching fish maybe you aught to spend more time investing in learning how to do it, work at it, and get what enjoyment you may from it. Don't spend so much time whittling away at a person who catches fish and in fact has held state records as his reward! if you're jealous too bad for you. I personally take great offense to the outrageous untruths about my brother and suggest you use this site for the communication it was designed for... talk about fishin' tell about the one that got away, talk about yourselves and your doings and for goodness sakes quiet down the foolish, deflammation of the character of someone you've never even seen let alone know anything about


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