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Author Topic: STOLEN:  (Read 9021 times)

Offline andercee

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« Reply #30 on: Jan 09, 2011, 09:00 PM »

   Not sure I agree, we shouldn't have to mind our fish because of someone else's pet.  Although I love my dog, I rarely take him ice fishing for this reason. I won't take him unless I know there won't be anyone around, he likes to play with fish too much.  It is very frustrating for me when I leave my dog at home, and then someone else lets theirs run wild.  I don't get that many days to fish, and don't want to waste my fishing time worrying about my dog, or anyone else's.  Dogs are built for hunting season, not ice fishing season. Its simply a matter of courtesy to control your dog, or leave it home.  None of us should be in the situation wondering what we should have done because of a someone else's pet. This is very unfair in my mind, especially when its a nice perch that is lost!!
like I said tie your dog up when others show up

Offline icefishdave

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« Reply #31 on: Jan 09, 2011, 09:25 PM »
One of the funniest things I've ever had happen was on a nice day on the Bozeman Oak Ponds last year. It was such a nice day and quite a few people were out. A friend and I were eating some smoked salmon and these two dogs come running up, scarf up all the bones before we knew whats going on, and pee on our bucket and take off. We both laughed so hard that we were speechless and the owner was oblivious to what was going on. Best entertainment I've had.    ;D ;D

Offline Zoo Angler

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« Reply #32 on: Jan 09, 2011, 09:58 PM »
I agree with keep them on a leash if ppl are around. This weekend we had a dog come to our shack and wouldn't leave. Now usually I am tolerant of this bc the owner may have just turned their back and the dog went on an adventure but in this instance the owner was wasted, looked like a bum and had no clue what was going on. We took a pic of him with my gf and her first pike ever bc it was hilarious. Might have to post that one.

Offline Waksupi

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« Reply #33 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:23 AM »
My problem with a dog pee'ing on a shanty, from that time forward, every other dog that comes around, will also pee on the same place. I won't put up with it. I'm sure the same people who let their dogs run like that, are also the slob fishermen. Some fishermen I know wouldn't go back to Smith Lake because of the way people trashed it this year. I never saw so much trash left on the ice. What a bunch of slobs! Slob fishermen are most likely also slob hunters. We don't need either.
Ric Carter
Somers, Mt.

Offline Zoo Angler

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« Reply #34 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:44 AM »
My problem with a dog pee'ing on a shanty, from that time forward, every other dog that comes around, will also pee on the same place. I won't put up with it. I'm sure the same people who let their dogs run like that, are also the slob fishermen. Some fishermen I know wouldn't go back to Smith Lake because of the way people trashed it this year. I never saw so much trash left on the ice. What a bunch of slobs! Slob fishermen are most likely also slob hunters. We don't need either.
You should go pee on the dog owners shack and call it even

Offline fishinwithbrittanies

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« Reply #35 on: Jan 10, 2011, 05:43 AM »
My problem with a dog pee'ing on a shanty, from that time forward, every other dog that comes around, will also pee on the same place. I won't put up with it. I'm sure the same people who let their dogs run like that, are also the slob fishermen. Some fishermen I know wouldn't go back to Smith Lake because of the way people trashed it this year. I never saw so much trash left on the ice. What a bunch of slobs! Slob fishermen are most likely also slob hunters. We don't need either.

Yep you nailed it on the head.  I'm a slob.  Slob hunter and slop fisherman  My dog peed on a couple ice houses and I'm a slob.  I #$^& on the ice, leave my beer cans and old smokes.  Yep thats me.  Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds.  Because I take my dog fishing I am a slob???  Dogs are great companions, but they don't have reason.  I could tell him a million times not to piss on things and he will.  Sure I could beat him and fit nicely into your stereotype, but I doubt that will help.  Maybe you can all get together and outlaw dogs on lakes as well.  We can't take dogs to parks around here anymore so go head lets get some more rules.  

And speaking of all the garbage thanks for accusing the dog owners.  Twice on Hyalite last year my dog got into some garbage.  One 85 dollar visit to the vets office for a bait hook someone left on the ice and another time she split her pad wide open diggin in snow for smells and someone left a tin can lid in there.  When she was diggin it spit her pad wide open.  Some dog owner must have left it.

I can think of a couple lakes in the town of Bozo I CAN'T take my dogs.  At least your friends on Smith have an option.
Its better to have hooked and lost than to have never hooked at all - J.B.

*WARNING*  This man fishes with dogs off leash

Offline lundin-loading

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« Reply #36 on: Jan 10, 2011, 07:49 AM »
its called common courtesy. bring your dogs all you want, but put it on a leash as soon as it becomes a nuisance to others who didnt bring their dogs stricly because of the inconvenience factor. fwb, i dont think he was calling dog owners in general slobs, its easy to get angry when the subject of conversation is YOUR 300-500$ shanty getting pissed on.

Offline Neptune

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« Reply #37 on: Jan 10, 2011, 10:18 AM »

   Not sure I agree, we shouldn't have to mind our fish because of someone else's pet.  Although I love my dog, I rarely take him ice fishing for this reason. I won't take him unless I know there won't be anyone around, he likes to play with fish too much.  It is very frustrating for me when I leave my dog at home, and then someone else lets theirs run wild.  I don't get that many days to fish, and don't want to waste my fishing time worrying about my dog, or anyone else's.  Dogs are built for hunting season, not ice fishing season. Its simply a matter of courtesy to control your dog, or leave it home.  None of us should be in the situation wondering what we should have done because of a someone else's pet. This is very unfair in my mind, especially when its a nice perch that is lost!!

I couldn't have said it better myself!  I own a dog, she loves to play on the ice and snow, she is fairly well behaved, but I believe it is unfair to the other anglers when I bring her.  I can't watch her the entire time...I mean I'm there to catch fish not to watch the dog...So she stays home.

And in reference to those that believe that we should just laugh it off and let dogs be dogs...I totally agree until they start interfering with those that don't agree or don't like  dogs....  It just being considerate for your fellow fisherman/woman.

Offline MT204

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« Reply #38 on: Jan 10, 2011, 10:55 AM »
Sad part about dogs is yes "dogs will be dogs"....but it's the dog owners that are responsible for themselves and the dog.
I can't count how may times I have heard "but I have voice control" or "he's never done that before".
I have been bitten countless times (and have the scars to prove it) by dogs and always hear "you must have done something to provoke him". Never once was the dog on a leash.
I NEVER walk my dog without it being on a leash period.
On a recent walk I had my 12 year old arthritic dog bitten not once but twice by dogs that were not on leash's. The first dog was running beside a bike rider and stopped to take a nip at my dog. Farther on, another dog walked past it's owners (as I was asking them to stop their dog) and grabbed my dog by it's neck. Both times I had a hold of my dogs collar. I bruised my foot kicking  the dog to get it to let loose of my dog. The people that owned the dog (which wasn't on a leash) stood by and watched clueless and with out control and then yelled at me for kicking their dog. Never once asked how my dog was or me. But they just kept saying over and over "he's never done that before". It wasn't the dogs fault it wasn't on a leash it was the owners fault  and  I should have kicked them!
When ever I walk past people I reel in the lease and hold my dogs collar because a lot of people are very afraid of dogs.
By the way my dog is not small. She's a 125 lb Akita. In her day she would have eaten either of above mentioned dogs had I let her loose.
Some dogs really are being friendly but may jump up and knock down an elderly person or young child. Just read the other day where older person was knocked down by passing dog and suffered broken hip. I had one mother while on a walk tell me that she has had unleashed and leashed dogs run up and knock her small kids down. Now the kids are scared of dogs. That's not the dogs fault it's the owners. The dog owners have told her every time "they were just being friendly".
But it seems like everything else these days  "no one want's to take responsibility"!
What if one of the unleashed dogs runs over and steps on my $100 pole and gets a hook stuck in it foot?
I'm kind of curious though regarding the above post how a dog could eat garbage with a fish hook in it while being on a leash? But then again I guess it was "someone Else's fault".
Bottom line responsible for your dog!

Offline fishinwithbrittanies

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« Reply #39 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:16 PM »
okay so I see where this is going.  I am a rebel.  I don't leash my dog. 
Its better to have hooked and lost than to have never hooked at all - J.B.

*WARNING*  This man fishes with dogs off leash

Offline cjflorence88

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« Reply #40 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:32 PM »
I take my dogs everywhere and by my own admission they are not the best trained dogs.  They are meant for running around and checking things out.  For my dogs to be out on a lake where they can't really do any harm is perfect.  They don't steal fish with exception to kokanee.  They won't touch perch or trout or anything else but kokanee must be irresistible to them.  My male has caused some trouble on the ice but he doesn't really harm anything.  He begs for food and has peed on a house or two.  He has also cut his pads right open on the auger.  Dogs will be dogs.  If you don't want them around scare them off or tell them to get away.  I have had other dogs come around and pee on my stuff or get tangled in my lines.  One even broke the transducer arm on my marcum.  I've also had eagles steal my fish so what can you do.
I try to keep my dogs out of other peoples business as best I can.  I just can't leave them at the house if I'm going to be out and about

the hell you cant if you cant control you dog on the ice keep the dam thing on a leash. nothing pisses me off more than that a stray dog messing with my gear. control you animals on the ice it is your responsibility. if you cant control them you have no business owning a dog let alone bringing them on the ice.

"Ketchup and grease instead of catch and release"
"Hey, ya gotta flag, oh, wait, it went back down."
God grant me the Serenity to accept the size of the fish I catch,
the Courage not to fib about it,
and the Wisdom to know that no one would belie


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« Reply #41 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:35 PM »
If I see an unleashed dog in the bush, I shoot it! No questions asked.   :P

I can't stand dogs running around when I am ice fishing, BECAUSE if they are running around free they are going to get into trouble. Like others say dogs will be dogs and they don't know better. Two weeks ago a dog cr@pped right beside the hole that I was I picked up his cr@p with my shovel and brought it over to the owners hut and left it there for him. The owner apologised and tied his dog up!

Offline Krakkon

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« Reply #42 on: Jan 10, 2011, 12:52 PM »
If they are little ones I coax em into the shanty with hotdogs and shove em down the hole... Its almost like fishing in itself...JK! JK! ;D

Offline ND-PikeSlayer

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« Reply #43 on: Jan 10, 2011, 01:26 PM »
"Dogs are for hunting season...not for ice season."
I would have to say that it depends on the dog. Nice picture Rezeye ;)!!! I bring my siberian husky ice fishing every time I go out. She would be very distraught if she wasn't allowed to come along. The only thing she's ever brought back to me while ice fishing are rotting deer carcasses and once she brought back a freshly deceased coyote.
That's pretty crappy losing a nice perch to some darn dog. Bet that won't happen to you again! Good Fishin!!!

Offline Ketchnrelease

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« Reply #44 on: Jan 10, 2011, 03:58 PM »
"Dogs are for hunting season...not for ice season."
I would have to say that it depends on the dog. Nice picture Rezeye ;)!!! I bring my siberian husky ice fishing every time I go out. She would be very distraught if she wasn't allowed to come along. The only thing she's ever brought back to me while ice fishing are rotting deer carcasses and once she brought back a freshly deceased coyote.
That's pretty crappy losing a nice perch to some darn dog. Bet that won't happen to you again! Good Fishin!!!

Fair enough guys, What I should have said is my dog is not built for ice fishing, unless I am the only one out there.  He is a good dog and I have spent countless hours working with him for hunting season, but ice fishing just doesn't work.  As much as I would like to bring him along, it wouldn't be fair to him to be tied up to my sled, or to the other fishermen if he wasn't. 

Offline bquick

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« Reply #45 on: Jan 10, 2011, 07:10 PM »
okay so I see where this is going.  I am a rebel.  I don't leash my dog. 

It's not about "seeing where it is going"... don't present yourself as a victim here.  The "truth" has already been stated numerous times and the "fact" remains that dogs are an extension of the owner.  If your dog can not behave itself, then you are to do what is necessary to enforce better behavior.  Leashes, muzzles, kennels, classes (for both the owner and dog), or maybe even leaving them home is what MUST be done.  In the end, the reason a dog isn't allowed somewhere isn't because of the dog, but because of the owner.  If you doubt that, then just look at all the case law that restricts pets and you will see that every judge had to inform the "unwilling" owner of the responsibility of being an owner.

Finally, the problem is that we as humans don't want to accept responsibility for our actions or for the actions of that which we are responsible for; our dog's being one of those.  This is the same unfortunate lesson that future generations are learning from us all to well and it is the ultimate demise of our souls and the moral fabric of this nation:  Lack of Responsibility.

To answer to question that was posted... I would have grace where grace is needed.  Consult the owner if you know who it is and work it out peaceably with them.  If there is no resolve, then you need to understand that not all people are responsible nor care about others.  If it continues to be a problem, then report it to those who need to know and when dog's are no longer allowed in these areas, then we can all start a post about why this is such an injustice as well.  The few bad eggs ruin it for the rest of us... this too is a "fact of life".

I hope you all have a wonderful time on the ice.

P.S.  I am a dog owner of numerous dogs including Brittanies that love to get their mouths around anything living or dead, but I always bring a leash or leave them home, just in case.  I have been in both positions stated on this forum and either way, it ALWAYS comes back to the owner being responsible or the lack thereof.

Offline albo

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« Reply #46 on: Jan 10, 2011, 07:38 PM »
what a hot topic...I take my dog fishing once in a while, but I ask that you don't treat all dog owners equally as some of us are more responsible than others. Besides I would rather have a dog steal my fish than find where some pig fisherperson crapped on the ice and wiped his butt with a t-shirt and left it allon the ice, or find my favorite hole defiled with a pile of empty beer cans and bottles and cig butts. A mischevious dog is better that a pig on ice.
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Offline missoulafish

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« Reply #47 on: Jan 10, 2011, 08:20 PM »
Good  post  bquick:)

Offline fishinwithbrittanies

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« Reply #48 on: Jan 10, 2011, 08:23 PM »

Is there anything else you guys would like to call me before this is over.  So far we have a slob, irresponsible, lazy...
It's all fine by me.  This irresponsible pet owner and his terrible dogs will continue to roam the ice ruining all the fun for everyone else....(thats sarcasm by the way)
Funny thing is I would guess my dogs have probably spent more time fishing hard or soft than more than a few people on here.  Have they done things I'm not proud off yes.  Do I purposely unleash my dogs so that they can torment everyone fishing around me, Hardly.  In the three to four years since I've gotten back into ice fishing, getting out on the ice two to three days a week, I have had ONE bad encounter and that was the before mentioned act of my dog peeing on the house.  Did I feel bad?  Of course I did.  My dogs have stolen one kokanee on Gtown last year again I felt bad.

I can assure you that I am not trying to be a victim.  I am not so self absorbed to think that my actions or the actions of my K9 friends does not consequently become my responsibility.  

Listen...If you see me out there allowing my dogs to walk all over your gear and ruin your entire fishing experience and I don't come over and get my dogs out your hair immediately and put my dogs in the truck then I will agree to disagree on this.  
Its better to have hooked and lost than to have never hooked at all - J.B.

*WARNING*  This man fishes with dogs off leash

Offline bquick

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« Reply #49 on: Jan 10, 2011, 09:35 PM »

Is there anything else you guys would like to call me before this is over.  So far we have a slob, irresponsible, lazy...


I reread every post just to make sure I didn't misquote something.  I see that you have posted to this subject 5 times and 3 of those times you have imparted what was said contrary to your feelings as a personal attack on you.  Although a generalized statement was made regarding owners of unleashed dogs that pee on shanties as being slobs and related them to those who are trashy and don't care; this was in no sense of the course of discussion an attack on you personally, but rather a generalized thought on the subject.  I personally don't care for generalizations as this is what prejudice "tends" to be built upon. :)  Henceforth my dislike of generalizations.  lol.

I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that what I said was not an attack on you.  I used your quote as an opportunity to express that many of us become instantaniously introverted at the realization that others do not share our beliefs.  Instead of opening up a line of understanding communication we become too defensive and use sarcasm to tell others off.  You are not the only one that has done this in these forums.  Too often we forget our responsabilities of being a genuine human being to others and in effect ruin the experience for all.  Regretably, I have wronged too many people in my life and I hope that I don't do it again.  James 3:2 states, "For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body."

But, the facts remain what they are:  1.  I have fished where you fish and when you have your dogs out.  2.  I currently have no problems with you or your dogs and don't expect to in the future.  3.  I appreciate your remorse when your dogs do wrong, and further ask that you consider leashing your dogs when there are others nearby. (I have raised a few brittanies and currently own one.  I know how these dogs like to run and become half brainless with new smells around.)  4.  I have also fished with others and their dogs and have rather enjoyed the company and character that a four legged companion brings to ice fishing.  5.  It is best not to take generalized statements as personal attacks.

So, back to the point of this thread... What would you do?  I think this is a great opportunity to help each other out so that if it happens to us or our dogs do it to another person, we can be a little bit more understanding and prepared to deal with the situation.  Good thread IceDipper.


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« Reply #50 on: Jan 10, 2011, 10:32 PM »
WOW WOW WOW. DRAMA!!!!!! Are most of your wives or girlfriends posting for you!? My God men it was a simple "what would you do" not fighting words.

and by the a way bquit good grammar.

Offline IceDipper

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« Reply #51 on: Jan 10, 2011, 10:51 PM »

I reread every post just to make sure I didn't misquote something.  I see that you have posted to this subject 5 times and 3 of those times you have imparted what was said contrary to your feelings as a personal attack on you.  Although a generalized statement was made regarding owners of unleashed dogs that pee on shanties as being slobs and related them to those who are trashy and don't care; this was in no sense of the course of discussion an attack on you personally, but rather a generalized thought on the subject.  I personally don't care for generalizations as this is what prejudice "tends" to be built upon. :)  Henceforth my dislike of generalizations.  lol.

I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that what I said was not an attack on you.  I used your quote as an opportunity to express that many of us become instantaniously introverted at the realization that others do not share our beliefs.  Instead of opening up a line of understanding communication we become too defensive and use sarcasm to tell others off.  You are not the only one that has done this in these forums.  Too often we forget our responsabilities of being a genuine human being to others and in effect ruin the experience for all.  Regretably, I have wronged too many people in my life and I hope that I don't do it again.  James 3:2 states, "For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body."

But, the facts remain what they are:  1.  I have fished where you fish and when you have your dogs out.  2.  I currently have no problems with you or your dogs and don't expect to in the future.  3.  I appreciate your remorse when your dogs do wrong, and further ask that you consider leashing your dogs when there are others nearby. (I have raised a few brittanies and currently own one.  I know how these dogs like to run and become half brainless with new smells around.)  4.  I have also fished with others and their dogs and have rather enjoyed the company and character that a four legged companion brings to ice fishing.  5.  It is best not to take generalized statements as personal attacks.

So, back to the point of this thread... What would you do?  I think this is a great opportunity to help each other out so that if it happens to us or our dogs do it to another person, we can be a little bit more understanding and prepared to deal with the situation.  Good thread IceDipper.

Thanks bquick, It has been a rather interesting topic. This post wasn't put up to offend or to target anyone. Just a simple question, "What would you do".

Offline rooster740

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« Reply #52 on: Jan 11, 2011, 04:12 AM »
If they are little ones I coax em into the shanty with hotdogs and shove em down the hole... Its almost like fishing in itself...JK! JK! ;D

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Offline PyroZuki

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« Reply #53 on: Jan 11, 2011, 10:49 AM »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This has been a GREAT read, from slander to biblical quotes!

On to the topic, I would take my fish back!

I live in MT, so when I ain't huntin, I'm fishin!
Boy the way Glenn Miller played
Songs that made the hit parade.
Guys like us we had it made,
Those were the days.

And you knew who you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man
Like Herbert Hoover again.

Didn't need no welfare state,
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days

Offline carpsnager

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« Reply #54 on: Jan 11, 2011, 04:18 PM »
you people might catch more fish if you would pay more attention to your poles instead of worrying about what other people and there dogs are doing.


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« Reply #55 on: Jan 11, 2011, 04:34 PM »
a dog is a mans best friend if you dont believe me lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of a car for about 4 hours or so and open the trunk wich one do you think would be happy to see you

Offline DeepcreekIcer

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« Reply #56 on: Jan 11, 2011, 04:49 PM »
a dog is a mans best friend if you dont believe me lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of a car for about 4 hours or so and open the trunk wich one do you think would be happy to see you

Good point Old School.   ;D  I love breaking up the day with a visit from a dog on the ice.  If I have some jerky on me, I share with them.  When I see them coming, I hurry to cover the auger blades with the cover.  As far as stealing fish...never had one stolen but I wouldn't care. 

Offline pioneer MT

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« Reply #57 on: Jan 11, 2011, 05:17 PM »
The fishin must have been pretty slow to be worried about one lowsy perch. I love my dogs like my own children and if anyone was to harm them on the ice they wouldn't be leaving the ice!! That being said I am little behind the times and I think that dogs have just as much right to be on the ice as we do. We are all fortunate to live in a country that provides us the means and equipment to enjoy such activities as ice fishing. I for one leave my dogs at home because I have met way to many wannabe "ice fishing masters" who get in a huff over dog pee on the tire of there overgrown phallic extension they call a four wheeler. So if by chance I'm on the ice and my dog steals your fish come and grab me and will give you one of mine. After all, by the looks of me and most of the other ice fisherman I see on the lake, none of us are starving to death.

Offline hntrboy

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« Reply #58 on: Jan 11, 2011, 07:53 PM »
Hey they're checkin their P-mail... :)

Offline pioneer MT

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« Reply #59 on: Jan 11, 2011, 09:15 PM »


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