Author Topic: Scammers or not  (Read 875 times)

Offline fishingsurveyor

  • Team IceShanty Maniac
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  • Posts: 3,251 Scammers or not
« on: Nov 19, 2010, 05:34 PM »
Gentleman- just wanted to pass this along ordered 500 wax worms from these guys and paid with a credit card. Have not heard a thing from them in over a week. Tried to call, email with no response. They got paid it cleared my acct 3 days ago. I did a little research  :o on these guys and it appears that I am not alone. Has anyone else used thes guys. Its not my intentions to just slam these guys but 100 complaints in 36 months and only 5 resolved thier track record stands alone

   In the state of New Jersey
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BBB Reliability Report for

Worm Man's Worm FarmBBB Rating F

Ratings Explanation BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report.
Find out more about this business:
 BBB Accreditation
 BBB Rating
 Business Contact and Profile
 Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
 Customer Complaint History
  Government Actions
 Advertising Review
 Industry Tips
 BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy

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BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.

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BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F on a scale from A+ to F.
Reasons for this rating include:
•100 complaints filed against business
•Failure to respond to 2 complaints filed against business.
•2 complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
•BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
•BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings

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Business Contact and Profile
Name: Worm Man's Worm Farm
Phone: (732) 656-0369
Address: 116 Pergola Ave
 Monroe Twp, NJ 08831
File Open Date: July 2006
Type of Business: Earthworms, Mail Order & Catalog Shopping
BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: Wormman

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Additional Locations and Phone Numbers
Additional Addresses
Monroe Twp
Trenton, NJ  08831

Additional Phone Numbers
Tel: (732) 521-8241


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Customer Complaint History
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB processed a total of 100 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 100 complaints closed in 36 months, 5 were closed in the last year.
These complaints concerned :
+ 2  regarding Billing or Collection Issues  
 1 - None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue

+ 9  regarding Contract Issues  
 9 - None of the Above - Contract Complaint Issue

+ 49  regarding Delivery Issues  
 1 - Late delivery of products
11 - Non-delivery of products
37 - None of the Above - Delivery Complaint Issue

+ 2  regarding Product Issues  
 2 - None of the Above - Product Quality Complaint Issue

+ 29  regarding Refund or Exchange Issues  
 1 - Failure to honor promised refunds, exchanges, or credit
1 - Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies
27 - None of the Above - Refund or Exchange Complaint Issue

+ 5  regarding Sales Practice Issues  
 5 - None of the Above - Sales Complaint Issue

+ 4  regarding Service Issues  
 4 - None of the Above - Service Complaint Issue

These complaints were closed as:  
+ 15  Resolved  
  13 -  Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to BBB.
 1 -  Company resolved the complaint issues, but not within BBB's timeframe.
 1 -  Company addressed the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.

+ 2  Unresolved  
  2 -  Company failed to resolve the complaint issues through BBB voluntary and self-regulatory process.

+ 81  Unpursuable  
  78 -  Company is out of business.
 3 -  Company cannot be located.

+ 2  No Response  
  2 -  Company failed to respond to BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.

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Government Actions
BBB has no information regarding government actions at this time.

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Advertising Review
BBB has no information regarding advertising review at this time.

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Industry Tips
Holiday Shopping Tips: Buying by Mail
Job Applicants Beware of Reshipping and Forwarding Scams


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BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.

BBB Reliability Reports are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information in this BBB Reliability Report is believed reliable, but not guaranteed as to accuracy.

BBB Reliability Reports generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Reliability Reports are subject to change at any time.
If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Reliability Report.
ID: 26002854
Report as of November 19, 2010 15:34
Copyright© 2010 Better Business Bureau

  BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
  BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
  BBB Definition:

scale -
BBB Rating Scale
  BBB Definition:

scale -
BBB Rating Scale
  BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Billing  or  Collection  Issues - Claim alleging billing errors, unauthorized charges, or questionable collection practices.
  BBB Definition:

Contract  Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract.
  BBB Definition:

Delivery  Issues - Claims alleging delayed delivery of ordered merchandise.
  BBB Definition:

Product  Issues - Claim alleging a product does not meet the expectations of the complainant, including defective merchandise.
  BBB Definition:

Refund  or  Exchange  Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor company policy or verbal commitment to provide refunds, exchanges, or credit for products or services.
  BBB Definition:

Sales  Practice  Issues - Claims of alleged sales presentations made in person or by telephone that contain misrepresentations of the product or service, high pressure sales practices, failure to disclose key conditions of the offer, and verbal representations not consistent with written contractual terms or agreements.
  BBB Definition:

Service  Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damaged merchandise as a result of delivery service.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unresolved - The company failed to resolve the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

No  Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unresolved - The company failed to resolve the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

No  Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

Resolved - The company resolved the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unresolved - The company failed to resolve the complaint issues.
  BBB Definition:

Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business.
  BBB Definition:

No  Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.
  BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
  BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
  BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
  BBB Definition:

Report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB Accreditation information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by BBB.
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© 2010 Council of Better Business Bureaus

Offline SPADED

  • Team IceShanty Maniac
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Re: Scammers or not
« Reply #1 on: Nov 24, 2010, 06:44 PM »
how much money they get outta ya? bummer man, but the 20/20 just did a story on bbb saying you could buy an A, i mean they gave wolfgang puck a F and has never ever had a complaint, becaus ehe wouldnt pay the 500 dollar reveiw

Offline jopes

  • Team IceShanty Maniac
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  • Posts: 2,144
Re: Scammers or not
« Reply #2 on: Nov 24, 2010, 10:39 PM »
paid by credit card?  Call the bank which holds the card, tell them the vendor is not responding and you have not received anything, they can charge back your money from them and you can use a different vendor.


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