Author Topic: Ice Fishing Pranks  (Read 33190 times)

Offline fishaddict

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Re: Ice Fishing Pranks
« Reply #90 on: Jan 09, 2011, 09:49 PM »
Every Feb. some guys put on a little derby at a local reservoir. The target species is planter rainbows. This is also when the steel-head are running in our Idaho rivers. This guy shows up one year with his two young sons and started fishing nearby our group. They fished for a while and had caught a few small trout. After a bit both the boys walked off the lake to use the outhouse. Their dad looked around to make sure they were really gone, giggled a little, and pulled a steel-head out of his cooler that he had caught earlier that day. This was like a 15-20lb fish. He set it on the ice next to their planters. When the kids were almost back to the hole, Dad jumped up and started yelling about this huge trout he had caught. The boys lost their minds! They were screaming, jumping up and down, and running in circles. They scooped up this huge "planter rainbow" and ran, screaming and high five-ing over to the booth to check in their catch. The guys running the show were in on the prank and posted the fish. How they did it with a straight face I will never know. The boys spent about an hour strutting around, thinking they had won the day before Dad told them it was joke and we all had a great laugh. Even the kids laughed after they got over being mad at dad.
It was priceless!
I fish therefore I lie

Offline jbscowboy99

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Re: Ice Fishing Pranks
« Reply #91 on: Jan 24, 2011, 12:02 AM »
2 years ago me and my cousin and 4 other guys set out 4  an over the night ice fishing trip for walleyes. well i get my shanty set up and my cousin sets his up. all the guys tippups are out in holes and by this time so are the beers. well my cuz calls me over to his shanty and pulls out this rifle bb gun. so he peeks around the shanty and pops one off at my friends tipp up. lol the flag goes up we yell flag and my friend runs over all happy. its his third tipup out. he sets his beer down and finds out theres no fish on the line so he starts 2 re set it and his last tippup out goes off! couldn't been more of a perfect timing. he left his beer at the third tippup lol so my y cuz and me are still standing by the shanty the whole time so my cuz shots his beer next lol. my friend didn't have anything on his last tippup either so he set both tippups back up picks up his beer  comes over to us and says i thought i felt a fish on that first flag goes to take a sip of his beer and dribbles all over the best part is he says oooops must have a whole in my lip lol awesome times on the ice! oh and i got my payback that night. a couple of racin snowmobiles at night went by our base and one of them crushed one of my brand new heritage tippups
And God said " let there be ice" and all was at peace.

Offline Stivvy83

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Re: Ice Fishing Pranks
« Reply #92 on: Jan 25, 2011, 07:51 PM »
Pulled the ole Ice Scoop on the tip up line on my uncle the other day. We laughed like hell. He had pretty much no reaction at all. All he muttered was "D***heads" as he walked away. We brought it up on the way home and asked him if he thought it was a fish. He very quickly said NO! Made it even funnier. I said " man, your not even crackin a smile about it or nuthin." HE said "thats because it's not funny. Its just stupid!" Just made it even more funny cause he was pissed.

Offline mjbmxz

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Re: Ice Fishing Pranks
« Reply #93 on: Jan 26, 2011, 09:39 PM »

(Caution, it's a long one.)
This one happened after ice fishing.  We had a guy follow us up ice fishing in Minocqua which is a 2 1/2 hour drive north from where we live.  We didn't want him to come with us, but he invited himself.  He repeated to use our ice drills cause he didn't have his.  Then invited himself to stay in our motel rooms we booked, he paid, but it was tight then.  Then he proceeds to tell us on the way to Big St. Germain about how we should fish and what to do.  Anyhow he hardly catches a thing while the rest of us get some perch, northern, and I picked up my biggest walleye to date.  After him b***hing all night, I told the guys he's gonna have a surprise in the morning.  He goes to get some breakfast (doesn't even ask us, just goes cause he didn't wanna wait he tells us later), so I had my chance.  He always takes a dump before we leave to fish.  So I took a warm snickers I had in my pocked, smeared it on my hands, then grabbed a bunch of TP and wadded it up and pulled it apart so it looks like doody on it, and hung it all over the toilet seat.  So he gets back from breakfast, runs to the bathroom cause he has to go, and sees the "doody TP" and freaks out and starts gagging.  We bust out laughing and enjoyed out Revence.
Just Jiggle it, Jiggle It  :D

Offline quantumreel

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Re: Ice Fishing Pranks
« Reply #94 on: Feb 28, 2011, 06:02 PM »
 theyre is this weird guy that lives on the lake that lives near nhis parents and fishes in there back yard. my always immagine that he wouuld have a pet dead cat. we thought one day that  he would go in the ice through a open hole near the floom and put the dead cat on out line. this is my trick. when your buddy isnt looking u put up half of his tipups that he isnt facing. then when he runs over you put another one up. Also find a huge saltwater weight at the bait shop. a 16-20 ounce. when they are not loking u reel up therye jigging pole that they have a minnow on and put the weight on. put it dowwn five feet adn loosen his drag. lmfao when he checks it.


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